What is included in the ultrasound of the abdominal cavity: how to prepare, how to do it, what you can eat the day before. How is an ultrasound done? Why is ultrasound prescribed?

  • 07.01.2021

Ultrasound of the uterus and appendages is a mandatory preventive method for detecting pathologies and inflammatory processes. It is recommended to carry out at least once every six months. This study is considered informative, effective, painless, safe and non-invasive. Ultrasound of the uterus and appendages has no contraindications and age restrictions. The study is based on sound waves that penetrate deep into tissues. After the results of the examination, the doctor can make a correct diagnosis and prescribe an effective treatment. You should not engage in self-treatment and diagnosis, because the health and condition of the woman's reproductive system depends on it.

Ultrasound of the uterus and appendages is prescribed at the first alarming symptoms that the patient has discovered. A gynecological examination is preliminarily carried out, after which a doctor prescribes a study, tests for flora and cytology are taken. Thanks to ultrasound, the doctor can make a correct diagnosis, since ultrasound is a universal diagnostic technique. It is assigned in the following cases:

  1. Irregular menstruation.
  2. Delayed menses.
  3. Constant or variable pain that occurs for no reason.
  4. Prolonged menstruation.
  5. The woman had previously been diagnosed with infertility.

Also, the study is prescribed to confirm or suspect the following diseases:

  1. Myoma of the uterus.
  2. Adenomyosis.
  3. polyps of the uterus.
  4. Ectopic pregnancy.
  5. Polycystic, cystic, or ovarian torsion.
  6. Inflammatory processes in the uterus and appendages.
  7. Inflammatory process observed in the endometrium.

Transvaginal and transabdominal ultrasound of the uterus and appendages

A woman may be given either a transvaginal or transabdominal examination. It is imperative to specify the type of study in order to know exactly how to prepare before the procedure. Each of the proposed types is informative and effective. They help to identify pathology and inflammatory processes in the initial stages. Absolutely safe and painless.

  1. Trasabdominal method. This study of the uterus and appendages is carried out through the abdominal wall. The examination uses a sensor that emits sound waves. Once they reach the organ tissue, they are displayed from the surface and transmitted back through the sensor. The real-time image appears on the machine's monitor. All read information is recorded in the study protocol. Decryption is carried out exclusively by a specialist, which takes no more than 15 minutes. Transabdominal examination requires careful preparation from the patient. Has no contraindications.
  2. Trasvaginal method. This study is also compared with a gynecological examination. It is carried out through the vagina, where the vaginal probe is inserted. Beforehand, a condom is put on it and lubricated with gel. Helps to determine the condition of the endometrium and ectopic pregnancy. Has some contraindications. A transvaginal examination helps to examine the appendages from different angles, as well as the structure and functionality of the ovaries. As for preparation, it is not required and is carried out at any time, except for the period of menstruation. Provides a clearer picture.

The choice of research lies with the gynecologist. It is recommended, in most cases, to conduct a transvaginal examination, which is more informative. If necessary, appointed:

  • Dopplerography. Helps in the study of blood vessels, blood flow of the pelvic organs. Conducted in conjunction with ultrasound. Helps to identify neoplasms during pregnancy at a later date. Recommended for suspected tumor.
  • Hysterography. Helps in the study of the organs of the genitourinary system. During the procedure, a contrast agent is used, which is injected into the vagina. It is prescribed for suspected oncology, myoma, tumors. Preliminary preparation is required. This type of research is absolutely safe.

Ultrasound of the uterus appendages

The process of conducting the study will depend on the type of ultrasound assigned.

  • The patient's upper body and pubis.
  • Takes a supine position on a special couch.
  • A special gel is applied to the skin, which improves the glide of the sensor and prevents air from entering under the sensor. If air has entered under the sensor, this may adversely affect the results of the study.
  • The sensor is guided along the abdomen for a thorough examination of the area under study.

  • The patient exposes the lower body.
  • Takes a supine position on a special couch, legs should be bent at the knees.
  • A condom is put on the vaginal sensor and a special gel is applied.
  • The sensor is inserted into the vagina and examined.

After the procedure, the patient is given a study protocol, which indicates all the data obtained and deviations from the norm. Be sure to make a preliminary diagnosis. Ultrasound of the uterus and appendages should be performed by a qualified specialist. The procedure lasts no more than half an hour.


To obtain reliable information, experts recommend ultrasound of the uterus and appendages 3-5 days after the next menstruation. Other days of the menstrual cycle may also be allowed, everything will depend on the patient's condition, symptoms and other factors. But it is best to conduct an ultrasound no later than the 10th day of the cycle.

Ultrasound can be performed three times during the entire menstrual cycle at different times. It can also be prescribed if there are suspicions of cystic formations with certain symptoms.

All these terms are justified, since during this period of the cycle the endometrium has the thinnest layer, which makes it possible to identify many pathologies. If you conduct surveys in the second half of the cycle, the results of the study will be distorted. Also, during the period of ovulation, due to the presence of a follicle, it is difficult to assess what kind of cyst it is. Also, ultrasound can be performed in the second half of the cycle to determine for what reasons pregnancy does not occur. During pregnancy, three planned studies are carried out.

Ultrasound of the uterus and appendages must be carried out without fail, so as not to miss the moment of the initial stage of the disease.

Ultrasound examination (ultrasound) is one of the modern diagnostic methods in medicine that allows visualization of organs using ultrasonic waves. To visualize the interior of the human body, high-frequency acoustic waves are used that are inaudible to the human ear. They painlessly penetrate the body without damaging the cells.

Ultrasonic waves are safe, unlike x-rays. In addition, the introduction of fluid into the body in order to create a contrast is not required.

What organs can be examined with ultrasound?

In pediatrics, ultrasound is used to examine the brain in newborns and infants. With the help of ultrasound, you can examine the genitals of a woman, as well as control the course of pregnancy.

Also, ultrasound is widely used in the study of the thyroid gland, adrenal glands, kidneys, ovaries, testicles, liver, gallbladder, pancreas, bladder and prostate and other internal organs. Each organ reflects ultrasound differently, so you can determine its structure.

How to prepare for an ultrasound?

An hour or an hour and a half before the start of the procedure, it is advisable to drink a liter of mineral water without gas or unsweetened tea so that the bladder is filled during the examination. Immediately before the study - do not smoke, because the smoke distorts the image.

To conduct a high-quality ultrasound of the abdominal organs, a few days before the deadline for the procedure, dishes that provoke gas formation in the intestines should be excluded from the diet. In the morning, an ultrasound of the abdominal organs is done on an empty stomach, and if the procedure is scheduled for the afternoon, you can eat an easily digestible breakfast.

Ultrasound of other soft tissues (muscles, lungs, central nervous system and neck organs), as a rule, does not require special preparation.

Ultrasound procedure

An important part of the ultrasound machine is the head, which houses the ultrasound transducer. An image of an organ or selected tissue appears on the monitor due to the fact that the acoustic impulse is replaced by an electric one.

Before the study, it is necessary to open the corresponding part of the body. Then the doctor applies a special gel to the patient's skin, which, by suppressing air bubbles, ensures good contact of the head with the organ under study. By moving the head over a certain area of ​​the body, the doctor receives an image of the organ under study on the monitor screen. The study can be repeated many times, even after short periods of time.

The main feature of ultrasound is that it does not use harmful ionizing radiation, as is the case with x-rays. In addition, ultrasound does not show a static picture, but an image, so to speak, online. This allows specialists to assess the movement of organs and blood flow in the vessels.

Indications for pelvic ultrasound

So, the doctor may prescribe a pelvic ultrasound in one of the following cases:

    With the help of ultrasound, you can determine pregnancy literally in the first days after conception.

    The doctor prescribes ultrasound for women with any failures and irregularities of the menstrual cycle, whether it is a delay in the onset of menstruation or too early menstruation, bleeding in the middle of the cycle, and so on. Ultrasound is also prescribed for excessively strong or weak menstruation, with incomprehensible vaginal discharge, with discharge after menopause and, of course, if menstruation is completely absent.

    Ultrasound of the uterus is prescribed for suspected difficult-to-treat disease - uterine myoma.

    Ultrasound also allows you to identify all the formations on the uterus and ovary (both malignant and benign).

    Various inflammations of the pelvic organs are also indications for ultrasound diagnostics.

    A gynecologist may prescribe a study to monitor the intrauterine contraceptive (spiral), as well as in case of complaints of side effects from such a contraceptive.

    Pelvic ultrasound is performed for both sexes in the presence of any problems with the genitourinary system.

    Obstetricians prescribe ultrasound for the early detection of all pathological disorders of the fetus, checking the condition and tone of the uterus during pregnancy, and simply to control its development of the child.

    Also, ultrasound is a mandatory procedure when searching for the cause of infertility in men and women.

    Ultrasound is always prescribed for possible obstruction of the fallopian tubes in women.

    It is important to note that ultrasound is prescribed for men, in case of suspicion of any pathology of the prostate gland (prostate) and seminal vesicles.

    Children are also sometimes prescribed a pelvic ultrasound for severe pain in the pelvic area.

What can a pelvic ultrasound reveal?

In addition to monitoring pregnancy and the process of fetal development, pelvic ultrasound in women can detect a number of serious diseases in time. First of all, of course, these are neoplasms, such as cysts, polyps and fibroids. Ultrasound can also show whether a woman has ovarian or uterine cancer. Ultrasound is able to detect almost all anomalies of the uterus, including scars on the uterus.

In both men and women, ultrasound of the pelvic organs reveals diseases of the bladder, including a tumor (cancer) of the bladder, as well as the presence of stones and sand in the kidneys. As for children, their ultrasound reveals various neoplasms and anomalies in the pelvic area, heterogeneity of the genital organs. At little girls Ultrasound can show too early or too late puberty.

A special type of ultrasound - Doppler ultrasound, shows such nuances as congenital vascular malformation, blockages and blood clots in the bloodstream, narrowing in the vessels, the appearance of blockages in the vessels.

Preventive ultrasound of the pelvic organs

Ultrasound is not always sent only in the presence of any diseases. The purpose of ultrasound is early diagnosis of the disease, after all, in the earliest stages, any disease is much better treated. So it is very necessary to undergo ultrasound for prevention purposes, this is especially important for women.

How often should this be done? Healthy young women need to undergo such an ultrasound for prevention purposes at least once every two years. Women after forty need to do such an ultrasound more often - once a year.

For the most reliable result, it is important to undergo preventive ultrasound at the beginning of the menstrual cycle - on the fifth to seventh day after the onset of menstruation.

Recently, ultrasound has been increasingly used for diagnostics - the study of the state of organs and tissues using ultrasonic waves. It is also recommended for women planning a pregnancy to undergo such an examination.

Ultrasound is called sound waves with a frequency of more than 20,000 vibrations per second (or 20 kHz). There are no qualitative differences between ordinary sound and ultrasound, however, ultrasonic vibrations are not perceived by our auditory analyzer - the ear, that is, they are not audible.

Different tissues conduct ultrasound differently and have different reflection characteristics. This makes it possible to obtain an ultrasound image. When the reflected echo returns to the transducer, a two-dimensional image reconstruction of all tissues through which the ultrasonic warriors have passed becomes possible. And the transducer is a high-tech device capable of both generating and receiving ultrasonic waves. With the help of ultrasound, the organs of the abdominal cavity and small pelvis, kidneys, heart, blood vessels, brain, paranasal sinuses and some joints are examined.

This method is painless, informative and allows you to evaluate the structure of organs and tissues. Of all the studies used to obtain an image of the internal organs, ultrasound is one of the most sensitive methods and at the same time the safest.

If you are concerned about pain in the upper abdomen or a feeling of heaviness in the right hypochondrium, bitterness in the mouth, increased flatulence in the intestines, then you need to consult a gastroenterologist, who, in turn, will refer you to an ultrasound of the abdominal cavity. It is advisable to do an ultrasound examination every year in terms of clinical examination.

Before a planned pregnancy, along with a consultation with a therapist, it is especially important to visit an ultrasound diagnostic room: during the study, "accidental findings" are possible, which must be eliminated before pregnancy. Firstly, during pregnancy, increased demands are placed on the mother's body, which can lead to the manifestation and exacerbation of various diseases. Secondly, the possibilities of drug treatment during the period of bearing a baby are limited due to the likelihood of a negative effect of drugs on the fetus.

The protocol for ultrasound examination of the abdominal organs includes the study of the gallbladder, pancreas, liver, spleen, stomach and duodenum. An ultrasound doctor evaluates the size and location of organs, their internal structure, as well as the presence of masses and free fluid in the abdominal cavity. According to these characteristics, the specialist makes a conclusion about the presence or absence of changes. In other words, having received an ultrasound "picture", it becomes possible to "see" the structure of these organs, and sometimes suspect violations of their function.

The gallbladder stores bile and releases it into the duodenum after meals. The study evaluates the size, shape of the gallbladder, the thickness and condition of its walls, the contents. Often there are deformations of this organ in the form of kinks and partitions. They refer to anomalies in the development of the gallbladder, inherited. By themselves, such deformations are not a pathology, but they predispose to the development of various diseases of the gallbladder: dyskinesia - a violation of the contractile (motor) function of the gallbladder of the biliary tract, cholecystitis (acute or chronic inflammation of the gallbladder), cholelithiasis (formation of calculi - stones in the gallbladder and bile ducts). Note that calculi can be a random find, i.e. be detected even if the subject has no complaints.

The pancreas produces enzymes that, when entering the intestines, ensure the digestion of food. The pancreas also produces the hormone insulin, which is necessary for the absorption of glucose.

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Where they will do an ultrasound of the abdominal organs, a biochemical blood test ALT, AST, Bilirubin, Alkaline phosphate, GGTP, Amylase, Lipase, glucose and cholesterol. The stomach hurts at night, gastroscopy showed catarrhal astrum-gastritis.

Ultrasound of the abdominal cavity: we reveal "malfunctions". Medical examination under the MHI policy: what you need to know? Moreover, it turned out that ultrasound is not able to determine appendicitis. If you find errors, malfunctions, inaccuracies on the page, please let us know about it.

Yes, an ultrasound of the abdominal cavity should be done. The spleen and liver are enlarged, and the lymph nodes in the abdomen may be enlarged. Ultrasound is generally always done with mononucleosis, and then, for control. They also look at blood biochemistry 3 times a year.

Work experience - 22 years. Ultrasound of the abdominal cavity: we reveal "malfunctions". Of all the studies used to obtain an image of the internal organs, ultrasound is one of the most RUDN - I liked it (I did this study 5 times last year ...

Poor abdominal ultrasound. I do not know what to do. Abdominal ultrasound. Doctors, clinics. A child from 3 to 7. Education, nutrition, daily routine, attending a kindergarten and relationships with caregivers, illnesses and physical development of a child from 3 to 7 years old ...

Interestingness: Comment on the article "Ultrasound of the abdominal cavity: identifying "malfunctions"". Medical examination under the MHI policy: what you need to know? With the first children, I did not know what it was. Give her an ultrasound of the abdominal organs, it is harmless and quite informative.

Ultrasound of the abdominal cavity: we reveal "malfunctions". Studies are being carried out (ultrasound, CTG, doppler) That's exactly what I see at the registration in the North-Eastern Administrative District, but I live in the South-Western Administrative District, well ... If you find errors, malfunctions, inaccuracies on the page, please let us know about it.

Abdominal ultrasound. Doctors, clinics. A child from 3 to 7. Education, nutrition, daily routine, attending a kindergarten and relationships with any clinic by appointment. In the Gazprom clinic, for example (we did an ultrasound of the abdominal cavity for the child there).

The doctor prescribed a procedure when they look at the large intestine with a special optical device, such as FGDS, only from the other side. He told me everything about preparation and so on. Here I am interested in the painful aspect of this procedure and the moral and ethical one (will they even cover me with a sheet? The doctor is a man, I am a woman, you understand ....) What is the duration of this procedure?

When we had an ultrasound of the abdominal organs + ultrasound of the kidneys, we came on an empty stomach. Abdominal ultrasound. Doctors, clinics. Child from 3 to 7. Education, nutrition, daily routine, attending kindergarten and relationships with caregivers, illness and physical ...

Abdominal ultrasound. Age norms. Children's medicine. Child health, diseases and treatment, clinic, hospital, doctor, vaccinations. When does it make sense to do an ultrasound, i.e. when will the gastrointestinal tract return to normal?) Ultrasound of the abdominal cavity.

Analyzes, research. where to do an ultrasound of the abdominal cavity in Moscow? Abdominal ultrasound. Doctors, clinics. Child from 3 to 7. Education, nutrition, daily routine, attending a kindergarten and relationships with caregivers, illnesses and physical development of a child from ...

where to do an ultrasound of the abdominal cavity in Moscow? My child does not like doctors and everything connected with it. Doppler and ultrasound - where to do it? Girls, the doctor sends me to do Doppler and ultrasound. The child needs to do an ultrasound of the abdominal cavity. And it turned out that to determine ...

Abdominal ultrasound. Doctor.. Gastrointestinal tract. Children's medicine. Ultrasound of the abdominal cavity: we reveal "malfunctions". Examination of the abdominal cavity is carried out in the morning, strictly on an empty stomach. Do I need to drink water before an ultrasound, because blood is taken on an empty stomach, and ultrasound ...

Examination of the organs of the abdominal cavity and retroperitoneal space includes ultrasound of the liver, kidneys, adrenal glands, spleen, pancreas, stomach and Examinations. Tell me, pliz, what kind of ultrasound can be done for a one-month-old baby, except for an ultrasound of the heart.

They did an ultrasound of the abdomen. showed re

Also on the ultrasound of the abdominal cavity showed the same. And plus constriction on some organs. They said to do ultrasound every six months, nothing. My daughter is also allergic and the pancreas is also enlarged on ultrasound. They said that for allergy sufferers, especially during any exacerbation, this is ...

Ultrasound of the abdominal cavity: we reveal "malfunctions". The protocol for an ultrasound examination of the abdominal organs includes an examination of the gallbladder, pancreas, liver, spleen, stomach and duodenal ultrasound for a child where ...

Ultrasound of the ear provides reliable information about the internal state of the hearing organ. Comparison of the results of the study with the normal readings of a healthy organ reveals pathologies and helps to make the correct diagnosis.

The ultrasonic wave method is safe and has no side effects. It can be applied several times, controlling the effect of the treatment and, if necessary, correcting it.

Ultrasound diagnostics is carried out for the outer, middle and inner ear. The doctor examines the external auditory organ without special devices, visually. It contains the auricle and ear canal.

The middle ear is located inside, behind the temporal bone. It includes the auditory ossicles and the tympanic cavity. Deepest of all is the internal auditory organ, which has a complex structure of many channels.

Diagnosis of the middle and inner ear is rarely carried out by ultrasound, because. these organs are located deep behind the temporal bone and it is difficult to obtain a reliable result.

Ultrasound of the ear is done to confirm or exclude the suspicion of the following diseases and damage to the organ of hearing:

  • benign and malignant neoplasms;
  • polyps;
  • regional lymphadenitis;
  • severe hyperemia;
  • change in diameter in the ear canal;
  • mechanical injury and damage;
  • the presence of a foreign body;
  • inflammatory process;
  • the presence of an infectious focus;
  • vascular loop syndrome;
  • Meniere's disease;
  • otosclerosis;
  • sensorineural hearing loss.

In addition, ultrasound is done to detect the presence of pus and other substances inside the hearing organ. The technique allows you to find out the nature of the swelling, to measure the thickness of the mucous membrane. The study is also carried out in the presence of tinnitus and hearing loss.

Contraindications for the use of ultrasound are:

  • inflammatory process;
  • dimensions of the ear canal that do not allow for research;
  • polyps and tumors that interfere with ultrasound;
  • first trimester of pregnancy;
  • the presence of scars, bandages;
  • acute mental illness.

Symptoms of an ear disease

In case of acute pain, fever and sudden hearing loss, it is recommended to immediately consult a doctor.

In addition, the symptoms of diseases of the outer ear and the reason for a visit to the ENT doctor are the following indications:

  • redness and discharge;
  • "congestion" of the organ of hearing;
  • hearing loss;
  • dull pain, swelling in the auditory organ.


Ultrasound of the ear does not require special preparation, but there are some recommendations. The sink and ear canal must be clean. Before the study, all foreign objects should be removed from the diagnosed organ (jewelry, jewelry, hearing aid).

If pus and mucus have accumulated in the ear canal, the ear should be cleaned. To do this, a few drops of 3% hydrogen peroxide are injected into the auditory organ. After a few minutes, with gentle movements with a cotton swab, the ear canal is cleaned.

How to diagnose

During the ultrasound, the patient lies on the couch on his side. A contact solution is applied to the area to be examined.

Ultrasonic waves, acting on the examined organ, are partially absorbed, partially scattered, thereby displaying a clear picture on the computer monitor.

The specialist conducts a study, measures the necessary parameters. The ear is then cleaned of the contact solution. After the procedure, the patient does not require rehabilitation. A person can immediately go to work or home.

What does an ear ultrasound show?

The results of the study of the ears show all the changes that occur in the structure of the tissues. Diagnosis helps to establish the exact localization of the inflammatory focus, determines the presence of polyps or neoplasms and their size.

The echogenicity of the ear and its anatomical structure are analyzed. In addition, this method defines:

  • the presence of air in the ear;
  • cholesteatoma;
  • angioma;
  • neuroma;
  • the presence of an abscess;
  • compaction of tissues of inflammatory etiology;
  • polyps and other neoplasms.

Deciphering the results

When deciphering the results, an ultrasound scan of the area under study is checked with indicators that are considered normal. Increased echogenicity indicates a chronic, and reduced echogenicity indicates an acute inflammatory process.

The clarity of the contours and the dimensions of the organ being checked are examined. The homogeneity of the tissue structure is considered. The decoding of ultrasound is carried out only by a doctor of a narrow specialization and, on its basis, establishes a preliminary diagnosis.

The value of diagnostic results

Ultrasound examination helps to detect foci of inflammation. With its help, you can identify a malignant tumor, its size and understand whether it has grown into neighboring tissues.

The method allows you to determine the size of the ear canal and its characteristics, to detect the displacement of internal organs, if any.

Advantages and disadvantages

Ultrasound diagnostics does not have radiation. The use of this technique does not have a negative impact on the body and has no side effects. The advantages of the study can also be attributed to its non-invasive nature.

Ultrasound can be done as many times as necessary during the diagnosis and subsequent treatment. There are few contraindications for the use of this diagnostic. The procedure is painless and does not require special preparation.

The disadvantages of the study include the impossibility of examining some organs due to their inaccessibility to ultrasonic waves. In addition, it is difficult to make an accurate diagnosis based on this study.

Additional tests and studies, such as cytology, histology, bacteriology and microbiology, are required to determine the nature and severity of the disease.

In addition, the literacy of the doctor and the quality of the ultrasound machine are of great importance.