Frame house against timber. Which house is better - from a bar or frame? Which house is warmer? Construction technology

  • 03.03.2020

One of the most FAQ, coming to our address, sounds like this: "Which house is better: frame or profiled timber?". The question itself is not very correct. Why? The answer is further down the line.

Let's start with the fact that both options have a lot in common:

  • these are undoubtedly houses, not temporary huts;
  • the house will outlive you, your children and will remain for your grandchildren;
  • these are not houses for the poor: frame houses were designed for the US middle class, and log houses for the Scandinavian middle class.

In the same way, the Volkswagen car was created. The literal translation is “people's car”, while there are few complaints about the quality of Volkswagen.

You can compare the prices of houses directly, but there are other more important criteria:

  • the value of the land;
  • expenses for the supply of communications;
  • finishing works and "stuffing" of the house.

These three points, given the low (compared to other technologies) cost of a house, can pull up to 80 percent of the costs.

Frame or profiled timber?

Even if there is money, it is unlikely that it will be possible to build a Winter Palace on 20 acres. After all, any choice of technology implies a compromise: each has both advantages and disadvantages.

Advantages of both options:

  • low weight of the structure;
  • a high degree of work performed in the factory;
  • low labor and construction equipment costs;
  • high assembly speed of the house;
  • building a house does not depend on seasonal conditions.

Frame houses: pros and cons

Advantages of frame houses

To the virtues frame houses relate:

  • if everything is done correctly, then - the ideal thermal insulation of the house;
  • communications hidden inside the walls;
  • light interior decoration, which has a positive effect on its value;
  • seismic resistance (this dignity may seem surprising; although, if we remember that the reason for the decline of the Smolensk principality was an earthquake, the desire to discount this dignity may disappear).

Disadvantages of frame houses

There are no perfect technologies. The disadvantages of frame housing construction include the following:

  • the house will require care: flame retardants and antiseptics lose their qualities over time;
  • high requirements for ventilation system, which is a consequence of good thermal insulation (an open window is indispensable - it can be a complex system in which the outgoing air heats the incoming air);
  • the need for careful adherence to technology in the process of assembling a house: just as there is no surgical operation for 50%, a similar approach should be applied to assessing housing construction.

Profiled timber houses

Advantages of profiled timber houses

The advantages of houses made of profiled timber, of course, include:

  • environmental friendliness, although there is one “but”: the timber is always processed (there are fire-fighting and bioprotective impregnations, without which it is impossible to do);
  • small heat losses; there is nothing new here: 20 centimeters of wood are comparable to brickwork of 70 centimeters (the technology of profiled timber is made to minimize heating costs: protrusions and grooves, of course, help in the accuracy of installation, but they also have another task - in construction this is called removing " bridges of cold");
  • oddly enough, but there is a frequent and worthy argument: “Grandma had a wooden house” - here is trust in the experience of ancestors, and support for traditions, and nostalgia.
  • building a house from a profiled beam will cost less than building a frame house.

Disadvantages of profiled timber houses

Wood is a natural material that has been tested for centuries. However, it has not only advantages, but also some disadvantages:

  • combustibility;
  • the tree can get sick: fungus, mold, woodworms (you will need preventive measures, not very frequent - once every 10 years it will do);
  • installation of a house from profiled timber does not immediately involve finishing work: it will take time to shrink the house;
  • the appearance of cracks in the array of timber is inevitable - this is a property of wood, the same as the presence of knots;
  • you cannot hide communications in walls made of timber: it is impossible to violate the supporting structures.

So what to choose?

The assessment of the advantages of the first or second technology is very conditional. It is not the choice of technology that is important, but its observance. It's like a joke: the name of the bank does not matter, but the bank must be in Switzerland.

For example, houses in Japan, just like half-timbered houses in Western Europe This is a frame building. Some of them are 600 years old.

But the museum complex in Kizhi was built 300 years ago. Moreover, it is built of timber, and this is not a low-rise building.

From the above, the following conclusion can be drawn. The recipe for the customer is very simple: choose a project that you like and look at the technology with which it can be implemented.

And before ordering construction from any company, find out the addresses of previously built facilities. Go to the place, look, talk to already established clients of the construction company. The option is reliable, like a Kalashnikov assault rifle. Of course, the Internet and a search engine as an addition.

Let's divide the note into the following introductory blocks for ease of reading and drawing conclusions:

Price and delivery of the house kit

What is more profitable to build - timber or frame? This question is asked by many. To begin with, consider what the cost of the final project depends on:

  • The cost, first of all, depends on the size of the project and your appetites and budget - the larger the house, the more expensive it is, the higher the ceilings, the more floors, etc.
  • The price of a house also depends on the purpose of using the house. You must decide what you need a house for - for summer residence, seasonal or permanent, of course, permanent residence is a priori ideal for all seasons, such a house can be comfortably used both in summer and winter. I also ask you not to forget that with greater insulation of the project (whether it be ceilings, rafters of the timber and its thickness or insulation of the frame house as a whole), your heating bill also depends.
  • Delivery - remoteness from the manufacturer can also play a big role in the final cost of the house, of course, delivery is more than relevant for remote regions - Murmansk, Crimea, Tatarstan - for example, delivery to Murmansk of a 9x9 house for permanent residence can vary from 240,000 to up to 300,000 rubles - on this topic not so long ago, who have not read it, check it out.

The total cost of the house with the assembly of the project at the customer's site for permanent residence from a profiled beam, or in a frame version at the customer's site, is often equal. The price of a house from prof. timber 150x150mm is comparable to the price of a frame project with walls under 250-300mm ...

Construction time:

Cottage or country house from a profiled beam with a frame attic, it is assembled slightly faster than a frame project, which can be a small plus in bad weather conditions.

Construction Form Factors

Profiled timber can be ordered in three possible configurations:

  • Under shrinkage from materials of chamber drying, or natural humidity
  • Turnkey from materials of chamber drying, or natural humidity (under your responsibility, you must understand the possible consequences of such a purchase: from fungal foci to uneven shrinkage). It is important to pay attention to the fact that turnkey houses are placed in combined version- the first floor is always prof. beam, attic is always frame.
  • House with partial finishing calculated according to your budget

Frame projects are also available in three trim levels:

  • Frame frame, with possible cross-insulation, as in the catalog of Finnish houses, with exterior finish and roof, or without finish at all
  • The frame is medium - the house is completely ready from the outside, windows and external doors are present, while inside the project is insulated, closed with vapor barrier, without any finishing. This option is optimal for people who want to finish the house on their own.
  • Complete frame - completely finished frame house turnkey, excluding communications, but with possible mortgages for water and electricity

As you can see, any technology can be adjusted to your budget and stretch the construction and spending on the house.

Operation of the house, the pros and cons of timber and frame:

Several advantages of a frame house in terms of operation:

  • A frame house is a priori warmer than a house made of profiled timber with the minimum allowable insulation for the region and competent work on the ground (whether it be design or assembly)
  • Frame house easily repaired
  • In any frame project from materials of chamber drying, you can immediately live, heat, do not wait for shrinkage of the house, which in fact is absent in the frame house
  • The ideal geometry of the walls when choosing a planed material, again, the geometry of the walls does not change, unlike a timber wall, which can crack, burst, regardless of drying and shrinkage
  • At any time, you can change the design of walls, cladding, etc., without "dancing with tambourines" around the timber walls, without any floating beacons, etc.
  • Easy possibility of mortgages for hidden electrics
  • Almost monolithic walls without joints, all joints of insulation and wood in our configurations are additionally insulated
  • With good house insulation from 200/250mm in central Russia and the North-West of our country, you will receive ridiculous bills when heating your house with an electric boiler, not to mention gas heating, or combined heating with stove or fireplace. I heat my house with an 18 kV boiler from the Polish company Kospel and live in the house all year round. kettle, which we use all the time - so we pay about 5000-7000 rubles a month in winter for everything, with gas heating the volume would be 3 times less! If you chose and insulated it by 250mm, the bills will be 2 times less (my family lives in a larger house).

Cons of frame houses:

  • Personally, I cannot single out large and capacious minuses in frame houses, the only minus that can be easily blocked in advance is the drying out of the finish, and if you paint the walls after installation, then after the first winter (for indoors) and summer (for outdoors) You will see unpainted lumber imitation locks - the issue is easily solved by painting the lumber imitation “on the ground”, or painting the grooves and locks in advance. In my house, I painted everything on the walls, all the walls in my house are either whitish or white, after the finish dried out, we repainted only 1 room, in other rooms the grooves fit into the style. Why does drying out, you ask - after all, the finish is chamber drying? Yes, chamber drying finish, but after the first winter, the humidity interior decoration will fall to 8-9 percent, which will correspond to furniture humidity, with all the consequences.
  • Any new holes in the walls and penetrations should be made as correctly as possible, if in a timber house you can easily cut a penetration under the coaxial pipe of the boiler or under the supply ventilation, then it is advisable to foresee everything in the frame in advance so that we make all the holes ourselves - we did everything beautifully with competent penetrations, glued vapor barrier and other points. If you do it yourself, then simply “drilling” the walls will not be enough, you will need to remove a local imitation of a beam (with our groove it is as simple as possible, on any crown), and make the correct penetration with sizing, otherwise the insulation around the penetration will come in worthlessness.
  • The house does not breathe - any frame house should not breathe, inside the walls are sewn up with vapor barrier, so that steam from the room and saturated air do not enter the insulation. This minus is easily solved by supply ventilation and natural ventilation- a penny question.
  • Some customers talk about the harmfulness of insulation in frame houses - please do not pay any attention to the insulation at all, any insulation is closed on both sides with films (wind protection and vapor barrier) and you will never come into contact with it, just do not forget that in the same house from a bar you will find the same insulation in ceilings and roofing.
  • A frame house requires more attention to the assembly of nodes than a timber one, but unlike a timber one, it is more maintainable. Again, we have total control over all remote facilities - new technologies allow, and we do not recruit temporary workers, each foreman is responsible for his house with work, just like we answer to the customer with almost unlimited warranty obligations.

Advantages of operation and life in profiled timber:

  • Profiled timber - an array with all the consequences (walls breathe, excellent indoor climate)
  • No finishing of profiled timber walls is required
  • Tribute to traditions

Cons of operating a house from a profiled beam:

  • An array of walls - noted above that this is a plus? But this is also a minus, including, a profiled beam can burst and crack, live its own life separate from you with all the consequences - alas, this is true, but the correct assembly, the presence of the required number of dowels minimize these consequences, but do not exclude them by 100%
  • Profiled timber 150x150 is a tear-off point for permanent residence, the thicker the timber, the better and warmer, but the rise in price by 200-250th timber compared to the frame insulation will be significant, because not only cubic capacity will be added to the material, but also delivery
  • Number of joints in the outer walls. Any joint with uneven shrinkage can become a bridge of cold, this is one of the biggest disadvantages of any wooden house, unlike a frame house, where the insulation is almost monolithic.
  • A house made of timber requires attention and periodic maintenance many times more often than a frame house

Conclusions, and what would I end up building again?

If we consider it for year-round living with an attic, I would again opt for a frame house made of chamber drying and gouging materials, with 250/300mm insulation. With regards to the house made of profiled timber - I still attribute these houses to country or seasonal, but many will not agree with me, for example, our leading manager from St. heating like me, having a house area 2 times smaller, this year he insulated the house and is more than happy. Of course, it's up to you to decide and we do not insist on any solution, we build houses from profiled timber and frame houses with love, but what I will always insist on is chamber drying and gouging materials, do not save on complete sets!

If earlier getting an apartment in a high-rise building was the ultimate dream of many Russians living in the private sector, today there is exactly the opposite trend. Accordingly, the overall scale of the construction of their own homes is growing rapidly. This is facilitated by the fact that in the construction industry they have become publicly available and have begun to be widely used technologies that have been successfully used for decades in other countries. Any future owner of a house, choosing its design, drawing up a project and calculating the amount of necessary materials, tries to reduce costs as much as possible, but at the same time trying to get a high-quality, warm and durable building.

It would seem that the spread of frame construction technologies, which previously could not be attributed to the traditional for our country, removed the acuteness of many problems. However, the practice of building operation has shown that the result, alas, does not always meet expectations. And frame structures failed to displace the technology of building houses from timber. So the question of what is better a frame house or from a bar still remains relevant, since both designs have their advantages and disadvantages. When choosing one of these options, one should take into account many nuances regarding the climatic conditions of the region of residence, the technology of building a house, and the comparative cost of projects.

What timber is used to build houses

It is necessary to immediately say that in both cases the main material of construction is. But the assembly of the walls of the house is carried out using different technologies. In one case, the beam performs only load-bearing functions, in the other, it becomes the only wall material.

Wooden houses have always been distinguished by their warmth, durability and strength. Subject to choice quality material, compliance with the construction technology and the rules for subsequent operation, they can serve for many decades without needing major repairs.

The beam has the same basic characteristics as a log, while it compares favorably with a much simpler installation technology. This is due to the very shape of the material.

Today, two types of timber are presented on the construction market - it is solid and glued.

  • A solid beam is made from a log, from which rounded parts are cut off during the manufacturing process to obtain the required square or rectangular section. This option is the most affordable material.

  • Glued laminated timber is assembled from well-dried and carefully processed and fitted lamella boards. Their number and thickness may vary.

If the requirements of the technology were observed in the manufacture of this material, then it is of high quality and aesthetic appearance. Glued laminated timber, unlike ordinary sawn timber, is more durable, practically does not give deformation even in not the most favorable operating conditions. The advantages of glued beams also include the absence of shrinkage of the material. Therefore, using it to build a house, finishing work can be done immediately after construction is completed. According to these parameters, it is much more suitable for

However, glued laminated timber has a rather high cost, since selected wood is usually used for its manufacture. And the manufacturing technology itself is also quite expensive.

Glued laminated timber made from different types of wood is considered to be of the highest quality. So, the outer layers of the timber are often assembled from larch resistant to external influences, and the inner ones from pine, which has a lower thermal conductivity.

Both solid and glued beams can have flat surfaces or profiled.

The profiled beam on its two opposite faces is attached quite complex relief, which can vary in its depth and shape. But in any case, it is designed for strong joining of parts according to the “thorn-comb” principle, which increases the overall strength of the walls, and simplifies installation, and eliminates cold bridges, especially when correct use high-quality interventional insulation.

Several popular profile types are shown in the illustration below. In fact, their diversity is much wider.

The walls of cobbled houses are erected from profiled timber. And for the construction of frame structures, lumber with the usual rectangular or square section is used.

Design features of block and frame houses

To decide on the choice of design, you need to know what each of them represents. Therefore, in this section, their features will be considered.

Bar prices

block log house

Some general construction details

A house made of timber is built approximately according to the same technology as a log house. And, in fact, is modernized design of traditional chopped hut. For its construction, glued profiled or ordinary timber can be used.

If the house is being built for, then the size of the beam section should be at least 200 × 200 mm. This means that, most likely, you will have to purchase glued material, since it is rather difficult to acquire a high-quality batch of solid timber of such parameters.

For suburban summer buildings, a lumber size of 100 × 100 or 150 × 150 mm in cross section is suitable. If a beam of this size is chosen for a permanent structure, the walls will need to be insulated. For this purpose, mineral wool is most often used.

A feature of a block log house built from ordinary sawn material is its very considerable and prolonged shrinkage, which can last up to a year. Therefore, the installation of windows and doors in openings, as well as wall insulation and exterior finishes, will have to be postponed until the walls take their final stable position.

Many craftsmen, when building a block log house, do not make window and door openings at all until the walls are completely shrunk, in order to avoid their deformation. In this case, a small door is cut out, just to allow access into the building. Well, after shrinkage, the opening is cut to the required size. The remaining openings for installing windows are only marked out and also cut out after the house is ready for finishing.

In another variant, an example of which is shown in the illustration, all openings are fastened until the time with a solid beam, which will not allow them to deform. After shrinkage of the structure, the jumper beams are cut to the width of the openings.

Connecting parts when building a cobbled house

When choosing one of the types of timber for building a house, you need to know how it is docked at the corners of the house and, if necessary, its lengthening, that is, decide on the choice of connections.

Information about this should be obtained in advance so that the complexity of the work can be estimated. The joining of the beam may differ from the connection used in the construction of a log cabin, since, unlike the latter, more mounting options have been developed.

There are two types of main types of compounds - these are "in a cup" (with a remainder) and "in a paw" (without a remainder). But, in turn, each of them is divided into several varieties:

  • Docking at the corners “into a cup” can be done in several ways, but the most popular of them are “in okryap”, “in fat tail” and a simple connection “in half a tree”:

- Most often, a simple “half-tree” connection is used, when a cutout on a beam is made on one side. This docking method is the most popular due to its maximum ease of implementation.

- “In the fat tail” is a rather complicated connection, since a kind of spike is formed in the main cutout, and a groove is cut out for it on the other side of the beam. This method of docking ensures the effectiveness of thermal insulation in the corners. But it will require good carpentry skills.

- Connection " in ohryap" guarantees a rigid and durable docking of elements wooden structure. It is used quite often in both cobbled and log cabins.

  • When connecting in a non-residue way, that is, without protrusions of the beam beyond the main surface of the wall, there are more options for joining wooden elements. The most commonly used ones are shown in the diagram below:

- “On the root spike” - this method involves cutting on one joined beam from the end of the protrusion-spike, and on the other, on its inner side, a groove corresponding in size to the spike. Additionally docked elements are fixed with wooden dowels driven into the corner part, as well as along the entire length of the beam in increments of 350÷400 mm.

- "On the plug-in spike." In this case, in one beam from the end, and in the other on the side, grooves are cut out so that when joining the holes coincide with each other. After that, a spike is cut out, corresponding in size to two combined grooves. After laying the mating parts, this spike is driven into the formed channel. Additionally, the beam is fastened with the dowels laid earlier along the entire length.

- “In half a tree with a plug-in spike” - this docking option involves cuts from the ends of each of the bars at the same distance from the edge and at half their thickness. Additionally, grooves are cut from the edges of the joined part of the beam, which must also be aligned. After laying the wall parts in place, a spike is driven into the grooves. Wooden dowels are also driven in along the entire length of the beam.

- "In the paw" - this connection has the simplest cutout on the end side of the timber. It is somewhat reminiscent of the cutout that is made when forming the “half-tree” docking, but differs in that it is performed under a slope. On the lower beam, the slope is formed from the edge of its end, and on the upper beam, from the inner side to the outer. That is, when they are connected in the corner, the sections should be tightly pressed against each other, and the direction of the resulting force vector ensures the strength of the created corner node.

Whichever option for cutting the timber is chosen, the surfaces of the cutouts, as well as the spikes and grooves, must be perfectly even and smooth. Otherwise, high-quality joining of parts may not work, or gaps will form that will reduce the thermal insulation qualities of a wooden wall.

Glued laminated timber prices

glued laminated timber

Advantages and disadvantages of cobbled construction

If you choose a paving construction of a house, you need to know not only about its merits. Information about the shortcomings is also very important, since they also exist and may well come as a surprise to the owners of the building during the construction of the house and its subsequent operation.

TO benefits cobbled house can be attributed to the following characteristic features:

  • The beam is a natural material, and if the optimal thickness for local conditions is chosen for the construction of the house, additional insulation in the form of mineral wool will not be required. Therefore, the house will be an environmentally friendly building. In addition, it is important to choose a quality seal for interventional sealing, for example, based on natural felt or linen fibers, which interact well with wood and are also environmentally friendly materials.

What materials are used for interventional insulation?

The disadvantages of building a cobbled house include the following points:

  • The large massiveness of each part does not allow you to install the walls of a cobbled house on your own. For construction works assistants will definitely be required, and sometimes you can’t do without special lifting equipment.
  • A rather long period of shrinkage does not allow you to start finishing and operating the house immediately after its construction.
  • Walls made of timber with a small thickness will require additional insulation, and hence the subsequent decorative lining with clapboard or block house. Therefore, if you plan to save on timber, you will have to pay for additional materials.
  • If glued laminated timber is chosen for construction, then you should know that it will cost several times more than usual. But its advantage is that the material practically does not shrink, so finishing work can be started immediately after the construction of the house.

  • Even glued timber can be of poor quality, which will manifest itself after a certain time. This can manifest itself on its end sides in the form of sticking of lamella boards and their cracking under the influence of external natural influence.
  • If the installation technology of a conventional timber is violated, as well as due to the neglect of the need to treat its surfaces and ends with special compounds, deformation or cracking of the wood along the fibers may occur.

Frame houses

Frame construction in last years became an alternative to the construction of houses from timber. Frame buildings have a considerable number positive qualities However, they also have some very serious shortcomings. In order to understand the features of such structures, it is necessary to consider them in more detail.

There are several types of frame buildings, which differ from each other in the principles of assembly and the use of various materials. You need to know that if you make the right choice in favor of a particular frame, you can significantly save money, reduce the construction time of the building and save your own strength.

There are four main types of frame structures - these are frame, continuous, frame-panel or panel and half-timbered or rack-and-beam. In some cases, when building a frame house, several of the above options are used simultaneously. However, the construction of any of the varieties of the frame is carried out from an ordinary beam, which can have a different cross-sectional size. This parameter of the material depends, as a rule, on the massiveness of the structure being created - after all, it is on the beam that the load-bearing functions are assigned.

Frame frame construction

The frame structure is otherwise called pallet or platform, "American" or installation work.

The pallet construction method is based on the principle of building walls on a platform or on a pallet. And, it does not really matter what material and how the base is formed.

On the formed base, for example, on one of the types of foundation, frame wall structures are mounted. They are lifted, leveled, fastened and tied together with boards. After that, the upper strapping is made and the installation of the floor platform is carried out.

The advantage of this method of construction is the ability to build independently, without the involvement of assistants. This factor is especially important if it is decided to build the house alone, saving on the construction team.

Further, the installed frame of the walls is filled with insulating material. Most often, a mineral is chosen for this purpose. stone wool, which is closed from the outside with a windproof waterproofing membrane, and then sheathed with wooden clapboard, siding, ventilated facades are equipped, or another material is chosen.

From the inside, for wall cladding, moisture- and heat-resistant drywall can be used, marked GKLVO, on which it is mounted decorative trim. Drywall, as well as timber, is an environmentally friendly material. It is a good basis for any type of finish and creates a certain protection of the premises from the emission of binders (formaldehyde resins) that are part of the mineral wool.

It should be noted that today insulating materials have appeared on the market, consisting of environmentally friendly raw materials. For example, these are linen fiber mats, which perfectly resist external influences, are "breathable" and have a low coefficient of thermal conductivity. However, in terms of cost, such material is significantly superior to mineral wool.

Siding prices

Solid frame construction

This design is called continuous because to create the frame of the walls, a solid beam is used, going from the base of the house up to its ridge and forming the pediment of the building.

This type of frame is well suited in cases where it is required not only to save on building material, but also to speed up the construction of the house. In addition, the continuous frame is perfect for building two-story house, or having an attic room, the total height of which corresponds lumber standards,which are 6000 and 4500 mm. If a house with an attic is being built, where the ceiling height of the first floor is 2500 mm, the attic is 1800 mm and the ceiling thickness is 200 mm, a beam with a length of 4500 mm is ideal.

If this type of frame is chosen, then it is necessary to ensure a very reliable fastening of the floor beams, since they will be not only lags for arranging the floors of the second floor, but also a strapping that fastens all the elements into a single structure. In addition, they will take on the load, preventing possible deformation of the racks that form the frame of the walls.

When choosing a beam for a continuous frame, you need to pay special attention to its quality, or use only glued beams from a trusted manufacturer for its construction. Naturally, special attention is paid to the verticality of the racks of the frame and the horizontality of the beams, strict adherence to all dimensions in accordance with the project.

Building a house on the principle of a continuous frame alone will not work. The work will require at least two assistants, and it is desirable that they have experience in the construction of frame structures.

The frame is sheathed in the same way as in the frame structure described above.

Panel or frame-panel house

This type of construction allows you to build a house in a very short time and is perhaps the most technologically advanced of all types of frame structures.

The frame-shield method of assembling houses is not at all new for Russia. Back in Soviet times, it was used for the rapid construction so-called "Finnish houses". However, those prefabricated buildings often did not meet the requirements for effective thermal insulation, so many owners made the decision to clad them with brickwork. This method of additional insulation significantly increased the level of living comfort in such buildings.

Today, frame-panel houses are assembled from SIP panels, which, having standard thickness from 124 to 224 mm, have higher thermal insulation capabilities than Brick wall half a meter thick.

What is a SIP panel? For the manufacture of such large mounting parts, OSB sheets of various thicknesses are used, between which there is an insulating material - it can be polystyrene foam or polyurethane foam, as well as mineral stone wool.

SIP panels are often made to order according to a pre-designed house project. That is, according to this technology, ready-made parts of the walls of the building are made, which are assembled on a prepared foundation base, into a single structure.

There are also separate panels from which the walls of the house are built. Such plates are connected through a beam installed between them, self-tapping screws serve as fasteners, and mounting foam serves as an additional seal. Individual panels are most often mounted in a finished frame built from timber. That is, builders get rid of several stages of work, such as external cladding of the frame with OSB sheets, laying insulation and internal cladding, since all these materials are combined in SIP panels and installed at the same time.

When using separate plates, their installation can be carried out by two or three people. If the elements of the house from this material are made according to the project to order, and are ready-made walls with window and doorways, then its assembly will require not only assistants, but also specialized lifting equipment.

If the rooms in the house have a small area, that is, the spans between the walls are small, then ready-made SIP panels can also be used as a ceiling. In addition, slabs are also used to form a floor platform, subject to the arrangement of a reliable monolithic foundation.

The advantages of this type of frame construction include the short construction time of the building. The disadvantage can be considered the high cost of panels manufactured in the factory.

Prices for polyurethane foam

polyurethane foam

How to deal with facade decoration houses from SIP panels?

It is quite clear what to leave "boring" appearance OSB-plates on the facade - no one wants to. Therefore, homeowners are trying to finish the walls, additionally giving them protection from external natural influences. One of the options is, and one of the regular readers of our portal shares the relevant experience.

The rack-and-beam method of assembling the frame is often called "German", since in Germany quite a few private houses are built using this technology. Its other name is half-timbered. This method of erecting frame houses can be considered the most traditional, as it has been used in construction for more than a dozen years.

The frame of the walls in this case is assembled from massive beams with a cross section of 150 × 150 or 200 × 200 mm, and powerful floor beams. Sometimes boards with a section of 150 ÷ ​​100 or 200 × 100 mm are used to form the frame, where a larger indicator will determine the thickness of the walls.

The main vertical and horizontal elements of the frame are additionally reinforced with jibs. Traditionally, all structural parts are fastened together by tie-in, which results in a strong and reliable frame.

However, in recent years, metal corners and plates are used more and more often to fix structural elements together, so assembling the frame is much more expensive. The advantage of this approach in ensuring the connection of parts is the faster construction of the structure.

For insulation of half-timbered houses in its traditional version, clay-straw blocks that fill the space between the timber. True, these days, not many homeowners use this material as a heater, since its manufacture must be done independently, but this is enoughlabor intensive a procedure that is quite time consuming. But on the other hand, blocks made of clay mixed with chopped straw have a very low thermal conductivity, and a house insulated in this way is very comfortable.

The wall thickness of 200 mm is suitable for the construction of houses being built in the southern and central regions of the country. If construction is carried out in areas with very low winter temperatures, the cost of insulation will have to be increased. Therefore, for this purpose, a special frame design was developed, which is called the "Russian half-timbered house".

Construction details are shown in the diagram with digital designations:

1 - Carrying the main beam - man.

2 - Racks of the outer front contour of the frame.

3 - Bottom strapping.

4 - Top harness.

5 - Crossbar or board.

6 - jib, increasing the rigidity of the structure.

7 - Vertical post of the internal contour.

8 - Crossbar connecting the outer and inner contours.

9 - Strapping beam of the internal contour.

To insulate this structure, special material- rufalite, which is used to fill the inner space of the frame in layers.

Rufalit is a gypsum-based mixture enriched with silicon modifiers and organic fillers, which are most often chopped straw. Thanks to this composition, a “breathable”, environmentally friendly material is obtained, which has antiseptic and high thermal insulation properties.

Before pouring a solution prepared from a dry mix, the frame is sheathed with a temporary removable formwork, which is covered with a waterproofing material. After the poured mixture hardens, the formwork is removed. The result of the work done will be a smooth warm wall. It can be sewn decorative material or plaster. When choosing lining or siding as cladding, the wooden frame of the wall will serve as a crate to secure this material. However, so that the wood does not become a kind of cold bridges, all wooden elements located on the outside, it will be necessary to additionally insulate.

Buildings, in contrast to the block construction, gives more opportunities for the use of various materials. You can choose the most suitable methods for carrying out installation work, depending on the budget of the future owner of the house.

We make comparisons

Now, having understood in general terms what the frame and block structures of buildings are, and already having an idea of ​​how much work to be done in this or that case, we can summarize by highlighting and comparing their characteristics.

The complexity of the work

cobbled house , especially if it is being built from profiled material, it is easier to build. And, this process does not require any special skills, it is enough to act according to the developed project. The difficulty lies only in big weight beam, so you won’t be able to do without an assistant - you won’t be able to raise the beam to a height on your own.

True, all this is true if the purchased construction kit has the necessary cuts for parts for corner joints. Otherwise, without good skills in carpentry, you can’t do without.

frame structure . In this case, the level of complexity will depend on the choice of frame type. The simplest of them is a panel version of the design, but specialized equipment will be required for installation work. Other types of frames, in comparison with the construction of a block house, are more difficult to install, require accurate calculations, as they consist of numerous parts that must be correctly connected and interact with each other.

However, most frames can be assembled alone, but this process will take a lot of time.

The strength of the structure being created and the duration of its operation

The durability and strength of both one and the other design directly depend on several factors:

  • The quality of the selected material.
  • Correct calculations.
  • Scrupulous observance of the construction installation technology.

If all these conditions are met, then you can rely on documents regulating the duration of the operation of buildings. So, according to STO 00044807 - 001-2006 p. 6, table No. 2, the service life of chopped buildings from their erection to overhaul, is 50 years, and panel-panel and frame walls- 20 years. That is a clear win for a cobbled house!

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  • cobbled house more durable and resistant to wind loads due to its massiveness. Fully wooden walls when properly processed, they will be more resistant to external influences.
  • frame structure . The strength of the frame house depends on the thickness of the beam and its quality, as well as on the installation work. To ensure the maximum possible durability of frame structures, it is necessary to protect their external surfaces from the effects of aggressive natural factors. That is, without fail, external decoration is required.

Environmental qualities of buildings

Completely "environmentally friendly" can be called a building erected from an ordinary bar. However, during construction, both in one and the other structure, materials that do not fully meet environmental requirements can be used. To get the desired result, it is necessary to choose only natural materials for building a house.

  • cobbled house . If the house is being built from glued laminated timber, then it must be remembered that in its manufacture, chemical compounds are used for antiseptic treatment, and glues of various origins are used for gluing boards. So this question should be clarified even when purchasing the material - how “clean” it is, but whether dangerous emissions, for example, formaldehyde, are foreseen.

If the construction is made from ordinary timber, then it is recommended that the insulation and wall cladding be made exclusively with natural materials. Only in this case it is possible to achieve an ideal result, having received an environmentally friendly house.

  • Frame construction. In this case, it is more difficult to achieve “complete purity” of the structure, since the frame is usually sheathed with one of the types of plywood or OSB sheets, in the production of which formaldehyde-based compounds are most often used. Instead of plywood, you can use moisture-resistant drywall or other modern sheet material on a natural basis, closing it from the outside with a waterproofing windproof membrane. And as a heater, use not mineral wool, which still contains the same formaldehyde resins, but linen, woolen, cork heaters, or cellulose ecowoolcompressed into mats.

From the above, we can conclude that both one and the other design can be environmentally friendly when used. natural materials, the choice of which depends on the desire and capabilities of the future owner of the house.

Maintenance costs

Maintenance costs depend on the frequency and complexity of preventive and ongoing repairs. One of the most important factors, on which the need for regular intervention depends, is the protection of the external surfaces of the structure from both negative atmospheric effects and biological damage.

  • House built from timber with a section of 200 × 200 mm, as a rule, is not lined both outside and inside. Therefore, if there is no initial high-quality wood processing antiseptics, then the risk of damage to it by a fungus or wood-boring insects is quite large. And in order to protect the structure from insects, one treatment is often not enough. It is necessary to seal all the interventional joints between the timber with a special sealant.
  • frame structure subject to construction technologies and subsequent finishing, it is protected from external influences of moisture, ultraviolet radiation, wind and dust, as well as from water vapor concentrated inside the premises. However, a frame structure closed on both sides is much more difficult to control for damage and damage, unlike always open walls built from timber.

Due to the fact that for the internal and exterior finish frame structure are used modern materials less subject to biological influences, the cost of its maintenance will be much lower. Again, when answering this question, one should take into account the quality of installation and facing work.

From these characteristics, we can conclude that a high-quality frame structure will require less preventive and repair work than a brick house. But at the same time, we do not forget that its theoretical age is almost half as long.

Thermal insulation qualities of walls

Another issue that affects the comfort of living in a house, as well as the cost of its full heating, is how warm it turns out.

As you know, wood is rather low thermal conductivity, and this quality is given as the main argument in favor of a block structure. You can estimate how warm a house will be by knowing the characteristics of a particular material.

Thus, the coefficient of thermal conductivity of pine, which is most often chosen for the construction of houses, is 0.1 W / m × ˚С, and mineral wool is 0.04 W / m × ˚С. That is, the thermal insulation characteristics of the insulation are almost two times higher than those of wood.

Simple calculations show that the wall of a frame house, sheathed with OSB and insulated with mineral wool, retains heat in paving much more efficiently than a wall made of timber. And this means that a frame house built in compliance with the technology will be more than twice as warm as a cobbled uninsulated house with an equal wall thickness, say, 200 mm.

In addition, the frame structure allows you to equip the wall with a heater of any thickness, which is difficult to do in a block structure.

Fire safety

Both in the frame and in the block construction, the main material is wood, which belongs to the highest combustibility group - G 4. Based on this, it becomes clear that both options are potentially fire hazardous.

Unlike a block structure, it is easier to protect a frame structure from rapid fire by choosing a non-combustible insulation and sheathing the walls with a material with low flammability and the ability to prevent the spread of fire.

Walls built from timber can be protected, only by impregnating them with flame retardant solutions. And, this process is recommended to be carried out every 2-3 years, depending on the means used for this purpose, since the coating loses its protective qualities under the influence of wind, sun and moisture. But it does not guarantee full protection against fire from an open flame.

Construction cost

When determining which design is better and more profitable, the issue of construction cost cannot be bypassed. And this is quite understandable - the financial factor can dramatically affect the choice of one or the other option.

Of course, it is impossible to determine the exact cost of a house being built, since it consists of its design features. However, you can try to make an estimate by the number of items of required materials. Due to the fact that the frame and block houses have the same roof structure, its cost will also not differ, but the walls will require different materials and their quantity.

The list of materials needed to build a cobbled house includes:

  • A beam with a cross section of 200 × 200 mm, the amount of which will depend on the area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe walls of the house.
  • Mezhventsovy insulation, laid between the timber of the walls.
  • wood preservative solution.
  • Varnish on wood for external use.

To build a frame frame house, the list of necessary materials is somewhat larger, and consists of the following items:

  • Timber for the construction of the frame - it will require 12 ÷ 15% of the total area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe walls.
  • Insulation material - 85÷88% of the wall area.
  • External cladding, which is most often used as OSB sheets with a thickness of 10 ÷ 12 mm.
  • Inner lining - it can be wooden lining, drywall, etc. .
  • Facing facade material is chosen to the taste of the owner of the house - ventilated facade, brickwork, ceramic facade tiles, etc.
  • Vapor barrier and waterproofing membrane.
  • For interior decoration you will need putty, plaster, paint, wallpaper, ceramic tiles, etc.

Having studied the lists of basic materials presented, without taking into account fasteners, you can see that a cobbled house will require more wood and less finishing materials. For the frame structure, much less natural wooden parts will be required, but a lot of other materials will need to be prepared. And, additional materials in the total volume will most likely cost no less than a wooden bar.

According to the list of necessary materials for the construction of walls, it is easy to imagine the number of diverse stages of work that will need to be done, bringing the walls to full readiness. From which it can be seen that the construction of a frame house is a more time-consuming and lengthy process.

Now, having received information about the design features, about their advantages and disadvantages, it will be easier to make the right choice. You can find out the cost of materials in the region of residence and proceed to the calculations, focusing on the proposed plan of your future possessions. Then the picture will become even clearer.

At the end of the publication - an interesting video in which the author shares his vision of the advantages and disadvantages of frame and block houses.

Video: Comparison of timber and frame houses in terms of wall thickness and their thermal insulation qualities

Modern country houses are built from different materials. If recently they were built mainly of brick, cauldron or logs, now the place of these materials was taken by modern analogues. In particular, quick panel houses or structures made of wooden beams, which are produced according to the project and assembled on site like a large designer.

Quite a lot of consumers ask the question, which house is better from a bar or frame, there is no unequivocal answer to it, because you have to take into account lots of individual factors , as the site on which the house will be built, the climate of the regions, and the individual needs of the customer.

In order to decide on the choice of the type of construction, it is necessary to understand their fundamental differences, both in the material itself and in the processes of construction and subsequent care of the house.

Construction of houses from a bar

It is necessary to start building a house from a bar by determining the material, since timber is available in several types, each with different characteristics. The most popular type is glued laminated timber, which has good thermodynamic properties. Houses made of glued beams retain heat in winter time year and perfectly keep cool, indoors in the summer.

The log house has excellent properties in terms of ecology. As a rule, an array is used to produce this building material. coniferous trees, which continues to exude aroma and natural antiseptic substances for a long time, after the construction of buildings. The atmosphere in such houses is literally saturated with the smell of fresh wood and pine needles.

Glued laminated timber is made perfectly flat, it practically does not change its shape during the operational period, especially if the tree undergoes chamber drying, during which natural moisture is removed from it. This allows you to get buildings that do not need finishing, both internally and externally. Only in some climatic zones, where the temperature drops too low, houses made of timber are additionally sheathed with a heat-insulating layer.

Another feature of glued laminated timber, which increases its strength, is the fact that in the production of material using wooden slats, which are glued in special workshops under certain conditions, high pressure using environmentally friendly glue. When gluing the lamellas, they are positioned so that the wood fibers are directed in opposite directions, this improves the resistance to mechanical and physical influences. Of course, a lot depends on what types of wood are used in the production of lamellas, since different wood has different densities and correspondingly different indicators resistance and flexibility.

In conditions of low temperatures for the construction of environmentally friendly housing, not so long ago they began to use "warm" bar. This material is a profiled beam of large cross section, inside which a shaft is sawn out and filled with heat-insulating material. Unlike houses built from other materials, houses made of warm timber are much warmer, although their cost is somewhat higher, since timber is not a cheap material.

frame houses

Houses based on a finished frame are built from various materials, the choice of which depends on the goals pursued by the consumer. If future housing is not calculated as permanent, but as a small summer house, which will be visited a couple of times a month for weekends during the warm season, then they are quite suitable as cladding prefabricated panels. They can be made from waste wood products and treated to withstand environmental aggressors such as moisture and constant ultraviolet light.

More permanent structures based on the frame sheathed with a multilayer structure in which heat-insulating and moisture-repellent materials are used. For exterior decoration, siding or natural stone is used, which provides long service life.

Houses on this basis are lightweight, and therefore do not require a serious foundation. As a rule, they are erected on the basis of a strip or even a pile foundation. At the same time, the construction time of the entire building can be minimized. A proper approach and sufficiently qualified craftsmen are able to build small house and fully put it into operation within a few months.

The construction industry is one of the most receptive to new technologies. This is due to the high cost of working operations, the complexity of erecting structures, logistics processes for the delivery of materials, and many other nuances. The emergence of new construction concepts facilitates the work at some stages, but their result does not always live up to expectations. This happened with frame houses, which could completely replace the traditional timber due to the mass of advantages. However, this did not happen, and the question of which is better - timber or frame is still relevant. will help to answer this question, but first it is worth considering both technologies in more detail separately.

Overview of frame house construction technology

The main feature of such houses is that their construction is assembled from pre-prepared parts of the frame. There are several approaches to the construction of such buildings, but they all fall into two categories: assembly in the factory and building from scratch on the construction site. In the first case, we can talk about a finished house, which remains only to be installed at the place of operation. In practice, it is not easy to implement such a technique, so the construction of a frame base right at the site of use has become more widespread.

You can draw some conclusions about which house is better, from a bar or frame, already at this stage. The factory origin of the prefabricated kit eliminates the risk of marriage, so there are great chances to get the design of exactly the quality that was planned. Nevertheless, one should not exclude the possibility of errors in the construction process. At this stage, the assembly of frame panels, thermal insulation, waterproofing, facing works and other activities are carried out.

An overview of the technique of building a house from a bar

The structure of the house is formed by walls made of timber. The elements are stacked in a horizontal position one on top of the other. As a basis, a columnar foundation can be used, on which a wood covering with waterproofing is arranged. To ensure even distribution of loads and increase the rigidity of the structure, the bars can be connected with auxiliary pegs. To determine which house is better, frame or timber, in terms of sealing, it is worth noting that in the first case, continuous protection against the penetration of cold streams is provided. For a log house, special sealing is performed less often, but this approach is practiced in the corners. In particular, polyurethane foam is used to seal joints. From the outside, the material is usually treated with protective impregnations that protect the structure from exposure to precipitation and ultraviolet rays.

Environmental Comparison

By and large, both houses are made of wood. However, the degree of environmental cleanliness of materials is different. For instance, timber houses made from natural spruce or pine. The wood is dried in special chambers, which makes it possible to obtain high-strength glued beams. Further, if necessary, the material is treated with antiseptics, which, however, do not reduce its harmlessness. Now you can answer the question: "glulam or frame - which is better in terms of environmental friendliness?" Definitely timber, since the material for a frame house, although it is a derivative of wood raw materials, contains a certain percentage of chemical impurities. Mostly these are plywood sheets and chipboard, which, depending on the characteristics, may pose some danger to residents, but, of course, within acceptable limits.

Comparison of thermal conductivity qualities

At the frame house, the walls are formed with almost perfect accuracy, providing good tightness. But at the same time they are thinner than that of a bar. Thus, the accumulative properties and the ability to retain heat in frame structures are lower. Based on this, we can answer the following question: "Beam or frame - which house is warmer?" The timber house wins again. Especially if the gaps and joints in its walls were properly sealed with felt or special sealants.

But there is one point that can benefit. The fact is that the thermal insulation qualities wooden houses largely determined by insulating materials. Therefore, the final conclusion about which house is better - from a bar or a frame one, can only be made when comparing the thermal insulation of specific projects. Usually, identical materials are used - mineral wool, polyurethane, foil and other insulators.

Strength and durability of houses

Again, you should refer to the structures are a complex of several layers of pressed wood panels. Of course, such a design cannot boast of high reliability. In fairness, it should be noted that the manufacturers of prefabricated kits themselves indicate the operational life of such houses with a duration of no more than 20 years. But in order to answer the question as to which house is better, made of timber or frame, the quality of the competing object should also be assessed. Glued laminated timber, in particular, allows you to get a very strong structure. A simple assembly technique, the use of solid wood elements and protective impregnations make it possible to obtain a durable and damage-resistant building.

Which house is cheaper?

Sometimes the durability and performance of houses fade into the background, as financial opportunities do not allow meeting these requests in full. In this regard, it will not be superfluous to consider what is better - a frame house or a house made of timber - from the point of view of economy. The very concept of prefabricated houses implies a reduction in construction costs, but in reality this is not entirely true. A frame house requires large investments in finishing and insulating materials. In addition, when ordering such a project, you should be prepared for a one-time payment for the entire construction. Of course, log houses are not cheap either. Especially quality wood with the right blank without defects today is worth its weight in gold. One way or another, frame buildings will have one indisputable advantage - they are built quickly and generally bring less hassle during work processes.

How to choose the best option?

If we compare all the pros and cons of both technologies, then at first glance the obvious leader will be a house made of timber. However, in reality, there are many aspects that radically change the ratio. In addition, the frame houses themselves, depending on the variety, may have different characteristics. After all, there is another kind of panel structures, which also belong to the prefabricated. One way or another, if there is a need for arranging your own housing, then you need to unequivocally decide which house is better - a panel house or a bar. Good advice The following tips will help you make the right choice:

  • If you plan to build in a region with a warm climate, then it makes sense to prefer a frame house. Reducing the cost of thermal insulation and additional wall decoration will also save money.
  • If the house is calculated for life for several generations to come, then it is better to choose a strong timber.
  • For temporary or non-permanent residence, a frame house is suitable, which is also quickly erected.


If we consider the issue of the most acceptable technology for building a house more broadly, then, of course, two options will not be enough. But even based on the information provided, one can get an idea of ​​what characteristics of private housing can provide modern building. When determining which house is better, from a bar or a frame, you should first of all proceed from your own requirements. These technologies offer two different concepts. The frame house is aimed at the budget sector, offering a quick result, albeit with rather average performance. Timber is a solid classic that is not cheap, but it serves for decades and pleases with its natural look.