High quality jigsaw cut. How to cut with an electric jigsaw. An electric jigsaw, in fact, is an electrically powered saw.

  • 16.06.2019

With a saw, the tool must be placed to the cut line. The guide is squeezed with the platform side. After that, start cutting.

The tool moves forward smoothly, the platform is carefully controlled. The platform and guide should move towards each other so that nothing moves. The sawn off part must be carefully held with a few centimeters left to the end. Then the part will not break off.

What to do if you have problems with accuracy

  • The main requirement is the reliable fixation of the material for which processing is required. In addition, the cutting should be convenient for the person himself.
  • It is better to use guides if there is great doubt that a person will cope with the work. For example, a wooden block will be an excellent guide for straight cuts. It is simply fixed along the markup. It is much more difficult when the shape of the future product is quite complex. Then the use of patterns is recommended. Otherwise, the speed of work will have to be reduced so that the result is more accurate.
  • Saw problems are one of the most common problems when cutting. There is a possibility of chipping, blunting. It is better to inspect if it is noticeable that the tool is strongly retracted to the side.
  • In the presence of jerks, there is a possibility that the cut will go to the side. Other failures in the tool also lead to a drop in accuracy. It is recommended to start troubleshooting such problems immediately, on the spot.
  • The skill of the performer himself also affects the accuracy of the final work.

Professional secrets

It is necessary to check how firmly the canvas is fixed.

This mechanism may have its own characteristics depending on the manufacturer.

To work with any cutting tools, it is really important to fasten the blade, its general position.

A useful device will be responsible for the removal of sawdust. Its working principle is very simple. There is a flow of air from the fan that cools the motor.

It is also used to remove debris. The removal system makes the cut line more visible to the eyes of the master.

The drill can be easily replaced when cutting holes using a technique called "pocketing". To do this, it is enough to tilt the jigsaw forward, then the tips with a rounded shape will rest on the surface being cut.

Above the line of the future cut, the blade should be positioned with maximum accuracy. You need to lower the support saw horizontally, and then continue to practice.

For such work, first marks are made inside the material, and then, already on them, the tool itself is found. With a square or rectangle shape, the blade is pulled back a little before the master leads the tool to the next side. And so all four are processed.

The use of plunge sawing is permissible if it is impossible to create holes of the required dimensions. The jigsaw for this leans forward until the file reaches the workpiece. Gradually during this process appears through hole.

What else you need to know about working with a jigsaw

At its core, this device is an ordinary saw, only equipped with an electric motor. It is recommended to take for carpentry, if necessary, in cutting surfaces with wide, even sides.

In this case, the tool itself remains in place. The movement is organized only by the material that needs processing.

The cut is performed from the back, then its characteristics will please.

  • Machine oil for lubrication is needed if work is being done with metal, tiles.
  • Cold water should cool the cut line when cutting metal.
  • Personal protection cannot be ensured without goggles and gloves.
  • Plastic is processed with an electric jigsaw only from the rear, otherwise it is impossible to obtain an even cut.

A special plate is attached to the base of the jigsaw, it allows you to achieve greater accuracy. This makes the movement of the saw blades across the surface smoother. Any will be cut exactly.

About the types of tools

First of all, they are professional or household. Professional means that the fixture will have more power. It is usually 580-720 watts. But for household ones it is less, only from 320 watts. But this is quite enough for a small amount of work at home.

The higher the power of the tool, the thicker the material it copes with without problems.

Any kind of tool will cope with the creation of holes up to 15 mm. But we must take into account that electric jigsaws, in which 1000 rpm is equal to the lowest speed, will not even cope with plastic.

Jigsaws are sometimes divided into groups depending on how they have a fixed saw. For example, for a shank with a hole, smooth or cruciform. The last two types have become the most common, as they are best suited to home tools.

Design and features

Each jigsaw has a so-called support sole. It always rests on the part to be cut. As a result, the accuracy of the work is noticeably improved.

The soleplate is easy to turn to make bevel cuts. Some manufacturers produce in which the main tool is fixed only at a certain angle.

The file acts as the main cutting tool. Breeding teeth, method of sharpening, size, shape, materials - they literally have their own for each model. 75, 85 and 100 millimeters are the most suitable lengths if you need to cut materials of low density. The step size of the saw also becomes quite an important parameter.

  • Metal requires a step equal to 12 millimeters.
  • At wooden products it is from 2.5 to 4.

About accessories

No special efforts are required to obtain the maximum result. The tool can work as a separate fixture, without any additions. But there are details that can increase the efficiency of a conventional jigsaw.

You can learn how to cut with an electric jigsaw without chips from the video:

However, I will give them in case you are more lucky:

  • File T101BR for laminate
  • If possible, use guides for straight cuts.
  • Secure chipboard blanks with clamps.
  • When cutting, consider the side of the workpiece - most likely one side of the saw will be cleaner than the other. Accordingly, this tactic can be used to determine the visible and invisible side of the details.
  • Choose the optimal speed. When it does not burn yet, but still does not shred
  • I didn’t use it (alas, I was too lazy : (), but according to messages on the forums, masking tape is used for better cutting and eliminating chips.

I will certainly name the main advantage of working with a jigsaw: a correctly placed hand.

Rai, Retrieved: 2015-12-27 00:15:19
No matter how you worry about electric jigsaws, a normal hand saw is much better (although slower, and it takes a hell of a lot of effort). But it doesn't take anything anywhere.

In general, a circular saw to help. A jigsaw is for a rough cut, what the hell they are trying to saw off perfectly - I don’t understand.

Alexei , Retrieved: 2015-01-06 12:37:49
I envy your perseverance, I got sick of sawing with a jigsaw and bought circular saw(EPDU 750110) sawing was a pleasure, fast and even cut, the laminate does not break.

Dmitry , Retrieved: 2013-02-12 17:24:23
Somehow I came to the market for jigsaw files. I always sawed with Bosch files (the teeth are directed upwards). Advised to try files under the laminate. I took it. I will say that I was very happy. The saw cut turned out to be even without any chips, and the saw cut itself seemed to be burnished, without sawdust sticking out.
- cutting speed is not high
- with a large pressure, the teeth become dull faster, plus deformation from high temperature.
One file was enough to cut three shields (chipboard)
1800 x 500 mm, it was pointless to cut further.
I cut Skil with a jigsaw at 5-6 speeds (6 in total), at lower speeds it was ineffective.

Maria, Retrieved: 2012-05-02 03:06:31
We cut with a jigsaw like this: first we make the necessary markup on the chipboard, then, putting the level (it acts as a regular ruler) on the chipboard, with a knife for cutting the gypsum we make a cut as deep as possible with pressure. Stepping back 2mm from this line, we draw the second same slot. In this way upper layer laminate (or veneer) is cut with a sharp knife without chipping. The saw blade cuts chipboard along a "groove" of 2 mm - either in the middle or along the second slot. The allowance is removed by sanding and the cut is always perfect (I'm talking about the absence of chips).

Alexander , Retrieved: 2012-04-15 12:58:44
For some reason, no one mentioned that for a neat saw "without chips" it is better to use a file with a SMALL tooth - sawing longer, but cleaner. And about the tilt of the file to the side - yes, it depends on the speed of movement, and the hand, and the tool itself.

ruslan, Retrieved: 2012-02-23 15:20:01
how did you not try to cut chipboard with a jigsaw all the time it turns out an oblique cut, first it goes straight, then the oblique cut goes why

sdelal-sam answers:

I do not say, but I assume that you are trying very hard / quickly to make a cut. Too much pressure will push you to the side. If slowly and with breaths, then you can visually control sawing without turning off the jigsaw. If the withdrawal is in the same direction - in my case, then the problem is the hand. Make adjustments for this case - take (press) to the left / right

yuri, Retrieved: 2011-12-13 19:43:01
Good evening everyone! Can someone tell me the exact marking of the file for a clean cut of chipboard! Does the length of the file affect the deviation from the vertical? Has anyone used a Diold jigsaw?

status, Retrieved: 2011-07-12 07:53:19
You yourself must not wag the jigsaw. it is possible to cut evenly without a guide, or it is possible to cut it crookedly obliquely with a guide.

Lyokha, Retrieved: 2011-01-22 17:05:45
Bimetal is more expensive, but it also lives longer, which is even more profitable for the money. But I still make responsible cuts with a margin and process with a milling cutter, the quality is an order of magnitude higher. wood is much "warmer" and more solid.

sam, Retrieved: 2011-01-21 00:18:36
I have been putting up furniture for many years, I agree with your advice. For a more even saw cut, I usually use small Bosch files with a tooth forward. I file the part with a small margin and finish it with sandpaper fixed on a flat bar. (http://www.samouchkamebel.ru)

Vitaly , Retrieved: 2010-10-04 21:17:50
It is best to scratch the surface of the chipboard with a hard, sharp object, such as an awl. It is enough once with an effort to draw an awl over the expected place of the cut. But this option is optimal only for the upper part of the cut. But with the right canvas (for the bottom cut), you can achieve a good result.

Michael , Retrieved: 2010-07-23 17:04:18
Masking tape is bullshit. Rip off veneer along with adhesive tape

Anton , Retrieved: 2010-07-14 14:58:20
It is better to use saw blades marked BIM (bimetal) and the resource is longer and the blades break less often. It is better to use Bosch T101B BIM saws. Checked work without problems under the condition described by Alexey.2

Alexei , Retrieved: 2009-07-02 14:43:15
For a clean cut, I use ordinary files (the tooth is directed upwards), it is better to take more expensive ones (they cut longer and cleaner) on the jigsaw, the swing angle is 0 (zero), I set the speed to max, I use "guides for even sawing" (author's words), laminate in place drank, from the upper side of the part, I pre-cut it with a breadboard knife. Thus, there are no chips on the underside. the direction of the tooth is up, and the laminate is already cut through on top of the part.

The electric jigsaw is an electric saw that is an indispensable thing in every home. With this tool, you can cut metal constructions, wooden objects, plastic and tiles. Unlike a standard saw, a jigsaw can cut the most intricate figures- circles, triangles, stars, in general, almost everything that you can imagine. However, with such extensive possibilities, there is often a problem in the smooth walking of the jigsaw so that the resulting lines correspond to the planned ones. How to cut straight with a jigsaw? Let's help figure this out.

In order to get started, it is necessary to carry out preliminary activities and prepare:

  • gloves;
  • protective glasses;
  • machine oil;
  • material to be processed;
  • clamps that guide the tape measure;
  • construction pencil;
  • jigsaw itself.

The sawing process is carried out as follows:

Some features of the process

You must first select the right file for a jigsaw. A variety of files allows you to choose the option that will match both the material of the original workpiece and the final desired result.

In general, a jigsaw can be with a pendulum and with a normal stroke. In the second option, for an even cut, the blade must be moved clearly vertically, cutting the material upwards. Due to the high speed generated, the blade wears out more slowly.

When working with a pendulum tool, the principle is essentially the same, only the preferred material for processing is soft wood or plastic, difficulties can arise with steel.

In order to make a straight cut, it is necessary to choose a wide blade, it is better if the jigsaw has the function “ Smooth start”, which will avoid sudden movements precisely at the initial stage. If it is necessary to cut a round hole, you first need to drill the original version, into which the necessary file is inserted. The cutting itself is carried out according to the markup. If the original version cannot be cut out, then it is required mortise cutting method. To do this, the jigsaw tilts at an angle until it comes into contact with the material, this allows you to make a through hole, after which, according to the marking, make what is already necessary.

If you need frequent circular sawing, it is advisable to purchase an additional device called a circle cutter.

It is allowed to cut along the edge of the workpiece, but you must make sure that it is initially even, without this the jigsaw cuts crookedly. If the edge is uneven, then only the correct markup can fix it.

When working with wooden sheets of small thickness, there is a risk of chipping. To prevent this, the sheet should be positioned face down.

For even panel sawing, there are special devices, the so-called machine tools. They can be vertical or horizontal.

The names speak for themselves. In the first case, the panels are installed vertically, the beam mounted on the rails acts as a bracket. Possibility of turning it right angle allows you to saw off the material in any plane. Horizontal option involves the presence of a table for sawing, the mechanism itself and a carriage that ensures the movement of the file along.

Straight cut rules

Thus, in order to make a cut correctly and evenly, it is necessary to adhere to the following rules:

  1. Carefully choose a file that is suitable for your source material.
  2. Prepare all the necessary auxiliary items.
  3. Carefully fix the workpiece.
  4. Take into account the correct location of the workpiece so that you do not have to correct flaws - in some cases, the canvas is located face down.
  5. Work out the technique of controlling the device with the help of professionals or through a training video.
  6. Carefully observe safety precautions.

In fact, processing products with a jigsaw is not such a difficult task that any novice carpenter can do. Even if an even and neat saw cut does not work right away, do not despair: you need to soberly assess what nuances, perhaps you did not pay attention to. And do not ignore the advice of professionals who can speed up the process of mastering the art, how to saw with a jigsaw, and discover some secrets. Try and improve!

The electric jigsaw is the most convenient and versatile tool for complex work on wood. It can be used to produce artistic carving, preparation of various parts for joinery and solve other problems.

Operating procedure

To get the best result of work, you need to know how to cut with a jigsaw correctly.

  • The material being processed must be securely fastened. Poor workpiece clamping is one of the main causes of sawing errors. The jigsaw can jump off, go off the markup, or even go in an arc. By the way, if the jigsaw cuts crookedly, check if the direction of the cut does not coincide with the direction of the fibers. If this is the case, then it is better to make a cut with a circular saw.
  • When it becomes necessary to make a cut on the inside of the workpiece, you should pre-drill a hole at the start of work.
  • When working with the tool, do not make great efforts. An electric tool cuts wood quite well and without undue pressure. If you make a serious effort to advance the jigsaw, the saw and motor get very hot, and the risk of breakage increases. In addition, excess pressure main reason chips.
  • When sawing hardwoods, it is advisable to add a little machine oil to the blade.
  • Sometimes you have to work at low speeds. In this case, it is necessary to take frequent breaks in work, as the saw gets very hot.

Problems with accuracy

Consider how to cut with a jigsaw exactly:

  1. The object of processing must be securely fixed. Moreover, in such a way that it was convenient to make a cut.
  2. In case of particular uncertainty or for a greater guarantee of accuracy, it makes sense to use guides. When cutting straight, a wooden block fixed along the marking can be used as a guide. If the shape of the cut is complex, then the situation becomes more complicated. In this case, you can use patterns, if any, or you will have to reduce the speed of work due to more accurate jigsaw guidance.
  3. One of the reasons why a jigsaw cuts crooked is problems with the saw. Perhaps it is dull or has chipped teeth. Noticing that the jigsaw literally turns itself where it likes, inspect the saw.
  4. Breakage of a jigsaw. For example, if the motor runs jerkily, the likelihood of a crooked cut increases dramatically. Likewise, other failures of the mechanism can lead to a drop in accuracy. Such problems are difficult to fix on the spot, as diagnostics are required, and possibly repairs.
  5. Finally, the skill of the performer greatly affects the accuracy of the work. If you are a novice carpenter, do not get upset because of periodic failures: accuracy comes with experience.


Another serious question is how to cut with an electric jigsaw without chipping? These usually form:

  • with excessive pressure on the tool;
  • when working on thin material near the edges without reinforcing stops;
  • when using unsuitable (worn out) saw blades.

Avoid these actions, and you will reduce the likelihood of chipping to a minimum. Also, some models allow the use of special anti-splinter inserts for a jigsaw.

In most cases, the process of direct and figured cutting of materials requires the utmost precision of the tool. This statement is most true for an electric jigsaw. The thin saw blades used in this machine can easily change the cutting angle, which can adversely affect line accuracy. The clarity of the edges of the product and the evenness of the cutting line depends on the skills of the operator, the serviceability of the device and the saw. Next, we will tell you how to get the planned contour with perfectly clear edges and what to do if the jigsaw leads to the side.

Why does the jigsaw cut crooked

The departure of the saw blade from a predetermined line can be due to several reasons. The operator may not have enough experience in handling the tool, the saw blade may be defective, and the stem and guide roller for the jigsaw may seriously play. In order not to guess on the coffee grounds, it is worth starting the elimination of factors that determine the accuracy and evenness of the cut line in your individual case.

As usual, it is better to start with yourself and your approach to sawing. Often, novice craftsmen rush things and wanting to speed up the cut, they put a lot of pressure on the jigsaw. The tool does not have time to evenly bite into the material and create a clear groove for the file, which begins to follow the path of least resistance and makes unpredictable movements. This problem is especially common when working with thick timber (from 40 mm) and Soviet-era varnished plywood.

This is one of the reasons why the jigsaw leads away. What to do about it? The answer is obvious. Apply as little pressure as possible to guide the tool along the line and set the maximum RPM (when working with wood). Pendulum mode usually does not affect the evenness of the cut, if its design is good.

Build quality and wear on tool parts can be a big reason for the formation of beveled lines when sawing. For devices from the budget segment (up to 2500 rubles), there are basically no complaints, as well as hopes for their conscientious assembly. Another thing is when such tricks begin to perform original, branded instruments. Often, the cause of a crooked cut is a guide roller, a jigsaw rod or its sole.

You can check the reliability of fixing the element by simply pulling it with your hand. Loosening of the rod or roller by more than 1 mm determines that this device is not capable of producing a perfectly even cut. The greater the backlash of the parts, the less accurate the cutting line they form. Correct this problem, should be based on the circumstances. If the part itself is worn out, it can be replaced with a similar one. It is difficult to fix the breakdown if the attachment to the mechanism is worn out. Not every modern Kulibin undertakes such repairs, and usually this problem is solved by purchasing a new tool.

The products of many trusted brands, unfortunately, are often faked, and jigsaw files are very popular in this regard. It so happened that low-quality and counterfeit products have a rather short service life, which brings a lot of problems to the owner. One of these problems is the crooked cut. An initially even blade can bend due to poor-quality metal, which can deform the set of teeth, if it was present at all. In this regard, if your jigsaw cuts crookedly, replacing the saw blade can correct the situation. The process of choosing a high-quality saw blade for a jigsaw was described in detail by us in a separate topic.

To get an absolutely even cut, it is not necessary to be a master or have a professional tool with original consumables. For such purposes, there is a very simple and useful device, which we will discuss below.

Guide rail for jigsaw

Not every master with straight arms will be able to make a perfectly even cut with an electric jigsaw without the use of auxiliary devices. Only the most seasoned experts who masterfully use the instrument will be able to get a smooth line “by eye”, and even then, provided that it is in good condition and that suitable saw blades are available. Of course, not everyone has the time and desire to become a dock for straight-line sawing with a jigsaw, and acquiring a circular or plunge-cut saw for such a task is quite expensive. If you only have a jigsaw with files at your disposal, then a special guide rail will help you get the desired even line.

The jigsaw guide is an elementary, at first glance, device that looks like a large metal ruler or rule. The main difference between the tire and the above devices is a special groove along which, like on rails, the sole moves with a jigsaw installed on it. Most guides have rubberized strips that prevent slipping on the surface of the material, and as an additional fixation, they are attached with small clamps. The average length of such devices is from 1.5 to 3 meters, and can be increased by another, similar ruler, using an adapter.

Many modern manufacturers electric jigsaws, produce special guide rails oriented to their products. Such devices have a rather low versatility, limited to working with tools of this brand only. Fortunately for owners of non-branded devices, there is an advanced, universal Line Master guide, with an adjustable sole and many useful features. The average cost of such a line with an adapter will be about 3000 rubles. The price is higher than some models of jigsaws, but a high-quality, universal guide is well worth it. Detailed analysis The device is shown in the video below.

DIY jigsaw guide

If the jigsaw cuts crookedly, and it is not advisable to buy an expensive guide, you can completely get by with improvised means. Any flat edge with a thickness of 5 mm or more can become an improvised stop: a straight rail, as a rule, a piece of plywood and other straight surfaces suitable sizes. A pair of conventional clamps can serve as fasteners for the guide to the material. If the surface condition of the opposite part of the sawn material is not of great importance, the guide can be screwed onto a pair of self-tapping screws.

Before installing a homemade stop, you should mark in advance the line of the required cut and retreat from it a certain distance equal to that between the saw blade and the edge of the tool sole. While sawing, you should guide the tool strictly along the edge of the guide so that it is parallel to the sole of the jigsaw. Working vibration can distort the movement of the file in the material, so the device must be held firmly and pressed against the stop, which must be firmly fixed.

To make the line as accurate and even as possible, use the optimal file suitable for the material being processed. More visual processes for making and using a homemade guide are shown in the following videos.

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