The choice of pipe material for water supply. Expert advice: which pipes to choose for plumbing in an apartment

  • 03.03.2020

If you are thinking about the question of how to make plumbing in the bathroom with your own hands, then it's time to study the question of what it can be made of, as well as choose the most suitable material for this business. Or do you think that the choice of water pipes is small and limited to one, maximum two types? In fact, everything is more confusing - modern industry produces only 5 main types of pipes for apartment plumbing, which in turn can be divided into subspecies, not to mention their quality and manufacturers. In this article, together with the site site, we will study in detail the main systems of water pipes, deal with their features and technical characteristics, and based on the information received, you yourself will be able to answer the question, which pipes to choose for the water supply of your apartment?

What are the best pipes for plumbing

Which pipes to choose for plumbing: three main varieties and their features

Let's not go back to the past and deal with obsolete iron or stainless steel - although these materials are still used for laying water pipes, they are gradually becoming a thing of the past and their age is short. Let's focus on such modern plumbing systems as metal-plastic, polypropylene and copper pipes– these materials are the future, and we will try to make friends with them.

So, we already know what types of water pipes are, now we will deal with them in more detail and study their advantages and disadvantages.

Which pipes to choose for plumbing

Metal-plastic plumbing: advantages and disadvantages

If you deal with the advantages and disadvantages of a water supply system from metal-plastic pipes, then the latter will be many times more. Let's make a reservation right away - for comparison, we take into account materials of approximately the same price category and the same quality - so to speak, the golden mean. Let's start with what is more - with the disadvantages.

These two main shortcomings drag along with them all the other troubles, which are expressed in the impossibility of laying such a pipe in a hidden way and similar problems. In principle, the shortcomings of this pipe can be listed further, but I don’t see the point in this - two main ones are quite enough to refuse to use this plumbing system in residential premises.

Of the advantages, one can note a simple assembly, available for self-implementation, as well as a low cost of material.

Characteristics of water pipes

Polypropylene plumbing: the golden mean

This plumbing system can be called not cheap and not expensive - it costs not much more than metal-plastic pipes, but in terms of its qualities it approaches copper pipes, which stand apart in this construction industry and are out of competition. This pipe has only one significant drawback, and it is easily compensated for - this is a high thermal deformation coefficient.

A polypropylene pipe, even stabilized with aluminum or nylon thread, increases in size when heated, which leads to its deformation. The way out of this situation lies in the use of insulation (merilon) in the manufacture of expansion joints for open installation.

Polypropylene pipes for water supply photo

All other qualities polypropylene pipes can be attributed solely to the advantages - this is a 50-year manufacturer's guarantee, and the reliability of soldered joints, and all the same ease of connecting pipe elements, and, of course, their cost. For relatively little money, you can assemble a reliable one.

When asked which pipes are better to choose for plumbing, the answer will be unequivocal - polypropylene. They are the most used today.

For information on how to choose the right polypropylene pipes for plumbing, see the video.

Please note that they are not the best - polypropylene is the best option. If we're talking about best pipes, then, undoubtedly, these will be copper pipes - even their cost, which is many times higher than that of polypropylene, speaks of this. Perhaps this is their only drawback, if you do not take into account the impossibility of self-assembly.

Copper pipes for water supply photo

Well, in conclusion, a few words about the size of water pipes. We will not go deep into the jungle of plumbing affairs, but will focus exclusively on apartment and home plumbing. They use minimum diameters pipes - starting from ½ "and ending with 1". It should be noted that for different water pipes, the diameter is described different systems. For example, a ½” bore diameter corresponds to a metal-plastic pipe 16mm, and a polypropylene pipe 20mm.

This is how the question is solved, which pipes to choose for the water supply? Maybe someone, of course, has a different point of view on this problem, but this is unlikely. Any more or less competent plumber who has managed to work with all types of water pipes and find out the consequences of using low-quality material will adhere to just such an opinion.

We continue step by step lessons bathroom renovation. In the previous lessons, we figured out the risers for hot and cold water, and now it's time to deal with the laying of water pipes. The lining can be both external and hidden. Today we will analyze which pipes are best for plumbing in an apartment. Indeed, today the market has plenty to choose from.

Before you buy something, you should pay attention to a number of important points. This is the product material operating parameters, material cost. It is necessary to take into account the level of professionalism of the performer. If the installation does not cause any problems for a specialist, then the one who took up the matter for the first time will have questions.

Which pipes are best for plumbing

To determine which pipes are best for plumbing, you need to consider the types of pipes from which water supply systems are mounted:

  • metal;
  • plastic;
  • metal-plastic.

The category of metal products, in turn, is divided into steel and copper. The former have the longest history, are known for their wide application and are still used for both plumbing and heating systems. However, with the advent of new, more efficient and durable materials, scope of application steel pipes constantly decreasing. The situation with copper products is somewhat different. The excellent performance has not led to widespread adoption of this product. The reason is quite understandable - the high cost that is far from accessible to everyone.

The group of plastic pipes combines products made of polyethylene, PVC and polypropylene. These are modern, the most “advanced” materials in every sense, which, by the combination of their qualities, have won a steady, constantly growing demand. Each of the subspecies has its own characteristics, both positive and negative sides. More on this will be discussed below.

A material such as metal-plastic, which has absorbed the strength of metal and the efficiency of plastic, has received fairly wide recognition. Despite the prospects of using metal-plastic pipes, there were some nuances here.

Metal-plastic pipes

The main feature of such products is the combination of the properties of two different materials, due to which the tendency of plastic to temperature deformations, diffusion of oxygen is significantly reduced. In addition, metal-plastic pipes are much more resistant to high pressure, and this makes it easy to withstand water hammer. The main advantages of such pipes are as follows:

  • lightness of the material, which is infinitely convenient during installation and economically during transportation;
  • resistance to deformation, pressure drops;
  • sufficiently long service life - 35 years;
  • ability to work at 95 degrees temperature regime, which allows the use of pipes in hot and cold water supply systems;
  • good flexibility and shape stability of the material;
  • suitability for concealed laying;
  • resistance to corrosion;
  • accessibility for non-professional installation.

Installation of such pipes can be carried out in several ways: by means of compression and pressure fittings. In the first case, fastening is performed by tightening the nut with a wrench, in the second case, a special press is used. Compression fittings tend to leak over time, which requires periodic inspection and tightening, which means that the hidden (without access) laying method is completely excluded. The use of a press makes it possible to guarantee the absence of such problems, therefore such connections are more reliable and durable.

Disadvantages of metal-plastic:

  • the presence of the effect of aging, that is, the loss of strength characteristics over time, the main role in which is played by the intensity of use and exposure to direct sunlight;
  • the ability to accumulate static voltage, which completely excludes their participation in the device of the grounding system;
  • relatively low bond strength.

The best option for the use of such pipes would be a place with small periodic loads, for example, a summer house or an apartment.

plastic pipes

Today, plastic pipes can be called leaders in application and uniqueness of properties, which have absorbed many of the advantages of their competitors:

  • low cost;
  • durability, more than a hundred years;
  • neutrality to corrosion processes;
  • high strength;
  • lack of internal overgrowth due to the high smoothness of the pipes;
  • aesthetics;
  • ease of material and accessibility of installation for non-professionals;
  • high reliability and tightness.

Among the main varieties of plastic pipes are:

The main features of polyethylene pipes are their elasticity, resistance to low temperatures even with frozen water, tightness of the connection (by soldering). The operating temperature of low pressure pipes is from 0°С to plus 40°С. Another more advanced option is cross-linked polyethylene, the use of which is allowed in low-temperature systems, for example, for underfloor heating systems.

The installation of such pipes is carried out with special press fittings and a press, which ensures high reliability of the connection and allows hidden gasket systems. Since a polyethylene pipe does not retain its shape at bending points, the following are used during installation: corner fittings, special fixing devices, a method of preheating the bend.

The most economical and practical materials include PVC pipes, which belong to the most rigid option in the group of plastic products. The network is laid by means of fittings and a special adhesive composition. Suitable for both hot and cold water.

Polypropylene pipes have found their application not only as plumbing, but also for sewerage and heating systems. By their properties, they are similar to metal-plastic products, but have a significantly lower cost. They can be simple and reinforced (aluminum or fiberglass). The former are used for cold water supply systems, the latter for hot ones.

Installation of polypropylene pipes is carried out by soldering fittings with a special soldering iron. The connection is highly reliable, which allows the gasket to be hidden. The inability to bend necessitates the use of fittings on turns or detours.

Disadvantages of plastic pipes:

  • diffusion of oxygen into the pipes;
  • susceptibility to change in size;
  • connection inseparability.

The use of plastic pipes from all sides is optimal: cheap, fast, reliable, simple and durable.

Copper pipes

If steel plumbing does not need comments, then the use of copper for the installation of plumbing systems cannot be called familiar. The performance of this material surpasses all previous options and is expressed in a working pressure of 200 bar and an allowable temperature of about 250°C. Such systems are frost-resistant, bend perfectly, and are easy to install. When laying, two types of fittings are used: collet and soldered. The latter are distinguished by reliability and durability, so they can be laid in the floor or wall structure.

Disadvantages of copper pipes:

  • susceptibility to the action of stray currents (electrocorrosion);
  • high price;
  • laborious installation;
  • mandatory presence of a water purification system.

If financial question is not a priority, and I would like to add some originality to the interior, then copper pipes are the right choice.

I hope this excursion will help you decide which pipes are best for plumbing. And in our further lessons we will consider the layout of pipes made of metal-plastic.

Bathroom and toilet renovation tutorials

Lesson 8

One of the first engineering systems that was proud of the civilizations of Ancient Rome and Greece, the Maya and Babylon, as well as ancient egypt, there was a water supply system. Providing the population of countries with high-quality water has always been of great importance. After all, the health of those who consume it depends on the quality of water. So it was when the first aqueducts appeared, so it is now, in the age of advanced engineering technologies. And so that the quality of water in our plumbing systems does not create unnecessary problems for us, we must worry about the quality of the pipes from which the system will be made, bringing life-giving moisture to our home.

For a person who is just starting to organize the water supply of his own home, however, as well as for someone who decided to renew pipes in own apartment, it is very important to understand " ". The author of the topic asks the participants to justify their preferences, which may help you make the right choice.

Another type of pipe used to create an economical heating system is pipes made of chlorinated polyvinyl chloride. You can discuss the quality, performance and installation of these pipes in the topic ""

The most popular recently, due to ease of installation and cost-effectiveness, has become a water supply and heating system made of polypropylene. The main thing is to master "". The theme of the same name and the theme "" will help you with this.

Now let's move on to the video recommendations of our Internet channel about the House and the DachaForumHouse.TV. In the video "Working with steel pipes" Vladimir Romanov will give a master class on preparing steel pipes, tell you how and what is better to cut pipes, chamfer, make a thread, how to measure the diameter of a pipe, etc.

We will send the material to you by e-mail

Metal pipelines for water are gradually being squeezed out of the market. They are replaced by polypropylene pipes for cold and hot water supply, the service life of which is much higher, as the manufacturers themselves assure. The editors of the site dealt with the issue of choosing products for water supply in detail and determined by what parameters it is best to choose them and how to professionally connect them.

There is a wide range of polypropylene products on the market.

Polypropylene pipes for cold and hot water supply: scope

Today, polypropylene pipes are very common in various areas:

The opinion that any polypropylene pipe is suitable for water supply is erroneous. Manufacturers produce several types of products, each of them has its own role. Polypropylene products are designated by the letters "PP".

When you can immediately give preference this product rather than choose between polypropylene and metal. Also, the products are widely used if it is necessary to replace an outdated water supply system. The most common application for intra-house and intra-apartment networks.

Advantages and disadvantages of polypropylene pipes

It should be noted that this type of product has a lot of advantages. That is why she gained popularity so quickly. Main advantages:

  • resistance to corrosion;
  • resistance to acids and biologically active substances;
  • lack of reaction allows you to get the output clean water without impurities, iron content, retained its color and taste;
  • the water pressure is stable, since the hydraulic resistance inside the product is small;
  • installation is very simple, in addition, you can easily create a system of any complexity;
  • the material is not afraid of high and low temperatures;
  • low cost;
  • the reduced level of thermal conductivity avoids heat loss.

Speaking about the material, it is impossible not to note its shortcomings. These include:

  • the need to carefully select products for a particular pipeline, otherwise the material will become unusable very quickly, and gaps are not excluded;
  • the presence on the market of a large number of cheap low-quality products;
  • the need to have a special device for processing joints and be able to work with it.

There are practically no drawbacks to this type of product. Serious ones are not associated with the pipes themselves, but with defects in their production.

Types of polypropylene pipes

When laying the pipeline, it is important to understand that one type of product must be selected for hot water, and another for cold water. The choice of products of the same type is a common mistake, which often causes a system break.

Distinguish products:

  • according to the material of manufacture;
  • type of reinforcement.

In order to choose the right material, let's get acquainted with the nuances of its production.

According to the material of manufacture

When purchasing pipes for your own needs, you will definitely pay attention to the marking. These signs and letters speak volumes. First of all - about the material of manufacture. There are several types of products:

  • Random copolymer, labeled as PP-R. Made of polypropylene copolymer and designed for hot water supply.
  • Homopolypropylene, labeled as PP-H. Withstand high operating pressure, so they are widely used in industry. Suitable for cold water supply.
  • Block copolymer, marking PP-B. Used for floor heating systems and cold water pipes.
Important! If the pipeline is external, it is better to pay attention to the presence of an ultraviolet-resistant sheath, which will allow the pipes to last an order of magnitude longer.

The table below shows the safety factor for products different type:

As you can see, PP-H type pipes are highly dependent on the water heating temperature.

Related article:

Plastic pipes for plumbing. In the publication, we will consider the sizes and prices, types, advantages and disadvantages of plastic pipes, selection criteria, as well as the nuances of self-assembly and recommendations from specialists.

By type of reinforcement

Reinforcement is an indicator that affects the coefficient of thermal expansion, lowering it. It is done in one of several ways:

  • using fiberglass (marked with the letters FB);
  • aluminum foil when placed closer to the inner edge of the pipe (marking AL);
  • aluminum foil when placing the layer closer to the outer edge (marking AL);
  • using a composite (GF marking).

If the aluminum layer is located closer to the top edge, you will need to clean the edges before work. The highest quality elements are reinforced with fiberglass or composite.

Main technical characteristics of polypropylene water pipes

Let's talk about the main characteristics of pipes, according to which the buyer makes a choice in the store:

  • diameter of polypropylene pipes. Products with a diameter of 15 to 1200 mm are produced, which are designed to provide water to both a private and an apartment building;
  • PN marking will allow you to choose a product for both cold and hot water, as well as for a certain water pressure (the table is shown below);
  • inner diameter or wall thickness. The thicker the wall, the more water pressure it can withstand;
  • length. This parameter does not have a qualitative value, however, we clarify that all factory products have a length of 6 meters.

Technical requirements for polypropylene pipes for water supply in accordance with GOST

Expert point of view

Kirill Mikhailov

Head of the group "Water supply and sanitation" LLC "GRAST"

Ask a Question

“In our country, polypropylene pipes for water supply are subject to GOST R 52134-2003, which defines the quality standard.”

This quality standard is the only one to characterize the quality of both pipes and fittings and connecting elements. General requirements for water polypropylene pipes are as follows:

  • they must have a circular cross section;
  • must be forceful;
  • be used in residential and non-residential houses, as well as in industries;
  • to serve both for technical, and for drinking water.

Marking of polypropylene pipes for water supply

Marking polymer pipes for water supply allows the buyer to quickly determine whether this product is suitable for him or not:

  • PN-10 designed for cold water and underfloor heating (up to +45°C);
  • PN-16 suitable for installation of "warm floor" or hot water, the brand is unpopular with craftsmen;
  • PN-20 designed for hot water supply maximum temperature up to +80°C;
  • PN-25 the most durable, they withstand water temperatures of +95°C.
Important! Hot water products must withstand high temperatures.

The table below includes the main characteristics of the pipes. Marking is present directly on the product.

Table of the main characteristics of pipes

MarkingPermissible pressure, MPaOutside diameter, mmWall thickness, mmPermissible water temperature, °C
PN-101 20-110 1,9-10 45
PN-161,6 16-110 2,3-15,1 60
PN-202 16-110 1,6-18,4 80
PN-252,5 21,2-77,9 4-13,3 95

Table of standard sizes of polypropylene pipes

Let's take a look at the table standard sizes PP products. It is presented as a variant with a reinforced product, and with an unreinforced one.

Table of standard sizes

sawn pipe
Diameter, mmQuantity in a package, mPolypropylene pipe reinforced with aluminum foilDiameter, mmQuantity in a package, m
20 100 20 100
25 80 25 80
32 40 32 40
40 32 40 32
50 20 50 20
63 16 63 16
75 12 75 12
90 8 90 8
110 4 110 4

How to choose the diameter of polypropylene pipes for water supply

In everyday life, the most used are water pipes from 20 to 32 mm. The diameter depends on the length of the water pipe as follows:

  • more than 30 meters - Ø32 mm;
  • from 10 to 30 meters − Ø25 mm;
  • up to 10 meters - Ø20 mm.

The selection of the diameter of PP pipes is also carried out on the basis of the following conditions:

  • pressure values;
  • the length of the water supply system;
  • number of connections and turns;
  • the number of users.

If the design is complex, it will be necessary to increase the diameter of the pipe. The same law works with a significant increase in consumers.

Which polypropylene pipes are best for plumbing

The plumbing system is divided into two types:

  • cold water supply;
  • hot water supply.

Very often in private houses only cold water is supplied, which is also supplied to the boiler, and then a separate branch hot water extends to and baths. The use is unjustified, since their service life is not so long. In addition, water reacts with the material, rust is formed, reduced.

Polypropylene pipes for hot water

plastic pipes for hot water must withstand high pressure and not be deformed when heated.

Important! Polypropylene softens at a temperature of +140°C.

The manufacturer always indicates that the maximum allowable water temperature inside the system can reach +95°C.

For hot water supply, it is better to use a reinforced pipe, because it is protected from expansion and has a longer service life. The highest quality reinforcement occurs using fiberglass or composite. The most acceptable product for hot water is marked PN-20 or PN-25.

Polypropylene pipes for cold water

High-quality polypropylene products can effectively serve up to 50 years as an element for cold water supply. She has performed admirably.

For these purposes, you can use products with any marking, it is important that they are of high quality. It is enough to choose the right diameter.

Features of the use of polypropylene pipes in the heating system

When standard, products of the following external diameters are used:

  • for the "warm floor" system - Ø16−18 mm;
  • for water supply pipes − Ø20 mm;
  • for risers − Ø25 mm.

The master should pay special attention to the linear expansion of the product, because only hot water will be pumped through it. The higher its temperature, the shorter the service life of propylene pipes for water supply and heating. Choose products with a low coefficient of thermal expansion.

Installation and wiring of polypropylene pipes: what are the nuances

To work with PP pipes, you need to have two important tools: a pipe cutter and a special soldering iron. Using the example of pipeline installation, we will show the nuances of work.

IllustrationDescription of actions
Cutting is done on the floor or table. To ensure that the size is correct, consider the height of the clips and bends, as well as other elements.
You can draw a map of the system directly on the wall with a pencil or pen, and also pre-fix the clips that hold the plastic pipes.
After the part is warmed up, there is only 4 seconds to solder it with the pipe. The soldering iron must only be used with gloves.
Quickly connect the two parts and fix them. You can pre-treat the soldered edges with a solvent.

The main problem is not to create hard-to-reach places for weight work. The full video is available at the link:

What determines the service life of polypropylene pipes for water supply

There are several main reasons for the decrease in the service life of products:

  • constant exposure to sunlight;
  • high operating temperature of polypropylene pipes;
  • increased pressure in the system;
  • low quality material.

To avoid problems, give preference to well-known manufacturers.

The main manufacturers of polypropylene products for water supply

In the Russian PP pipe market, you can most often find domestic manufacturers, as well as products from China, Turkey and the EU. The highest prices are from European manufacturers, and Russian ones are considered the most budgetary.

Good quality and best price can be offered by such famous brands, how:

  • blue ocean (China);
  • FIRAT (Turkey);
  • Kalde (Turkey);
  • Jakko (Turkey);
  • PROAQUA (Russia);
  • PBK (Russia);
  • Aquatherm (Germany).

The same companies also produce connectors.


The system for supplying cold water to a dwelling is a complex of engineering structures and mechanisms installed for the purpose of extracting and conducting water from natural sources into the building. Without a quality pipeline, the implementation of all these procedures is considered impossible. The water supply system must be durable, serve for a long time, and have a high coefficient of utility. Suitable quality characteristics are endowed with steel, reinforced concrete, cast iron, plastic products, as well as pipes made of asbestos cement. This article provides a description of the main quality characteristics of pipes suitable for installing a cold water supply system.

  • The materials must be homogeneous, not contain any inclusions;
  • The pipes must be marked and indicate the GOST, in accordance with which they were manufactured;
  • Unpleasant smell in such pipes should be completely absent;
  • The wall thickness must be the same along the entire length of the product;
  • The surface of the pipe must be smooth.

With the full compliance of the selected pipe with all the above points, the product can be called of sufficient quality. Such a pipe is great for installing a line in a cold water supply system. Low-quality products can only be used to meet the simplest technical needs.

A pipe that can be installed in a cold water supply system is marked with a blue strip along the entire length of the product, painted in black. Pipes used for such purposes are also painted blue.

HDPE pipes for cold water supply systems are often marked by embossing or imprinted, the following information is indicated on the products:

  • Purpose and GOST;
  • Overall dimensions, or the ratio of wall thickness and diameter;
  • Product strength factor. PE100 high quality manifolds. PE80 pipes of a lower class;
  • Manufacturer's name;
  • The footage is not indicated by all manufacturers.

The cost of products also requires attention in the process of choosing the right product. If the price per meter of pipe is lower than the market average, then the buyer is faced with a fake, or a product designed for simple household needs.

Polyethylene pipes

Polyethylene pipes are marked according to their purpose, similarly to products of their other possible materials. Products can be wound into coils and bays if they have a small diameter. A high rate of pipe elasticity can be maintained even in frosty winters. Therefore, the polyethylene plumbing system is sufficiently resistant to freezing. The walls of the pipe will only be slightly stretched by the ice. The pipes will be back to their original size after the ice has melted.

Consider the scope of polyethylene pipes:

  • Underground water pipelines;
  • Water supply inlets;
  • Systems installed in dachas and temporary removable summer water pipes.

The service life of such devices is at least 50 years. The allowable indicator of working pressure is 6-16 kgf / sq. cm.


Polypropylene cold water pipes attract many homeowners with their affordable price. The cost of products can reach 20-25 rubles per running meter at standard diameter pipes 20 mm. To connect such pipes, special fittings are used, which are also affordable.

Other quality characteristics can also please users:

  • Duration operational period products, the temperature of the working environment in which does not exceed 20 degrees, can be 50 years or more.
  • The operating pressure indicator can be from 10 to 20 kg / sq. cm;
  • Welded joints are durable and tight.

Polypropylene pipes can be hidden in strobes or cement screed without any leaks in the near future.


These are composite products consisting of aluminum cores and several polyethylene shells, which are connected with glue using a core.

For the shell, the following material can be used:

  • Low density polyethylene PE;
  • The stitched PEX material is different high rate mechanical strength and sufficiently high thermal stability
  • PERT is a material with high level heat resistance, able to withstand operating temperature up to 110 degrees.

The operating period is over 50 years. The working pressure indicator is 10-16 atmospheres.

Several types of fittings can be used for installation:

  1. Compression, in which a pipe is put on a herringbone fitting, after which it is crimped using a special split ring. The main advantage of such devices is the absence of the need for complex tools during installation.
  2. Press fittings in which a special stainless sleeve is used instead of a ring. Installation requires electric tongs or similar mechanical devices. This type of connection cannot be disassembled and further serviced.

The second type of connections is highly reliable.

HDPE pipes

Homeowners solving the problem of plumbing in private house, I have heard about materials such as HDPE. For beginners in this matter, it is advisable to deal with the types of HDPE pipes that can be used for installation.

The abbreviations indicated on the products (HDPE, PVC, etc.) help to identify the material from which the pipe is made. HDPE is low pressure polyethylene. This is the original raw material used for the manufacture of PE products, in particular for pipes.

The quality of HDPE products may vary. The main properties of the used source material affect the characteristics of the manufactured pipes. Performance characteristics and the possible duration of use are also due to these basic properties of the materials.

Some developers are installing a HDPE product line that can be used for 45-50 years. Some products become unusable after 1.5-2 years of operation. The quality characteristics of the feedstock are decisive in this matter. Therefore, you need to understand how to choose the right polyethylene pipes.

Galvanized steel

The service life of steel pipes can be extended by zinc coating on the inside and outside of the surface. Galvanization allows you to get absolutely new material resistant to corrosion and blockages in pipes. Previously, in the so-called stalinkas, galvanized products were installed without welding using cast-iron corners or special tees. Even after several decades of successful operation, galvanized steel pipes remained in good condition.

The comparative complexity of installation is one of the main disadvantages of such products. Synthetic materials are highly undesirable to use for sealing joints. Traditionally used substances like linen impregnated with drying oil or paint have proven themselves the best way.

Choosing the Right Diameter

To select a pipe of a suitable diameter, you need to use specially compiled hydrodynamic tables.

The tables contain the following information:

  • Optimum water consumption;
  • The material from which the pipes are made and the indicator of its roughness;
  • The length of the plumbing structure;
  • The number of turns provided in the pipeline;
  • Decreased inner diameter due to overgrowing with deposits.

Metal-plastic, copper or galvanized treby are made in such a way that over time their inner diameter will not decrease.

For installation in a private house, you can use a galvanized steel pipe with an inner diameter of ¾; products made of polypropylene or polyethylene with an outer diameter of 25 mm are also suitable.

It must be understood that polyethylene can only be used for cold water systems. It is better to install copper and galvanized products with an internal section of ½ in the building. The outer diameter of metal-plastic products can be 16 mm. The outer diameter of polypropylene should be 20 mm.

When choosing suitable materials it is desirable to give preference to products with an integral connection. Compensation loops or U-shaped bends can be installed on sufficiently long sections.

After the installation is completed, access to each established connection, excluding soldered and welded seams. First of all, such requirements apply specifically to metal-plastic products. Duration of use household appliances or individual elements of home plumbing will be extended in a situation where a filtering device is installed in the water pipe at the entrance to the building. Homeowners have a choice a large number of all kinds of communications, fittings, fixing elements, fittings, etc.

Advantages of polymer pipes and technical products

Consider the main advantages of technical pipes:

  • Light weight makes the installation process much easier;
  • Pipes are resistant to corrosion;
  • The connection of pipe structures is carried out both by welding a seam and using special PVC fittings. This will greatly reduce the installation time;
  • Long operating period;
  • Due to the elasticity of the pipes will not burst when iced;
  • Any homeowner can install a plumbing system from such pipes on their own without prior professional training;
  • Absolute material safety. No toxic harmful substances are emitted;
  • Relatively low cost of pipe structures made of HDPE.

Advantages of polymer products:

  • High duration of the operational period;
  • Relatively light weight;
  • Corrosion resistance;
  • Low thermal conductivity;
  • On the smooth surface plaque is not formed;
  • High throughput of products;
  • Assembly and installation can be done without any difficulty.

Polymer pipes can be used for about 30 years. Propylene pipes are characterized by high throughput. Metal constructions after a while they can get stuck.