Do-it-yourself pipe bender - simple drawings, diagrams, projects and the best home-made models of pipe benders (100 photos). Machine for bending a profile pipe scheme of home-made pipe benders Do-it-yourself pipe bending device

  • 27.06.2020

The construction of greenhouses and sheds, the laying of utilities - all this requires a bent metal profile. But buying pipes bent to order is expensive, purchasing a finished pipe bender is also not a cheap pleasure. So modern craftsmen use devices and mechanisms of their own manufacture to create metal arcs of the required radius of the device.

In this article, we will consider the following questions:

  • Varieties of homemade pipe benders and their features.
  • The design of the simplest device for bending square pipes.
  • The design of a three-roll machine for bending pipes of round and square section.
  • Pipe bending technology on a three-roll homemade pipe bender.

Varieties of pipe bending devices and mechanisms

Nowadays, you can find examples of pipe bending equipment with different design: from relatively simple devices for manual bending to home-made machines with manual or electric drive.

According to their purpose, pipe benders are divided into two types.

The first type is angular (they allow you to give the desired radius to a certain section of the workpiece).

The second type - three-roll pipe benders - machines and fixtures that allow you to form a given bending radius along the entire length of the workpiece.

According to the method of adjusting the radius, pipe benders are mechanical.

And hydraulic.

The drive of the support shafts can be both manual and electric.

Simple fixture for bending metal pipes

The design of a homemade pipe bender depends on the volume and complexity of the work that is planned to be performed with it. If the device is needed for a single use (for example, for the construction of a home greenhouse), then there is no need to create a complex three-roll mechanism with hydraulic adjustment of the bend radius.

belor44 FORUMHOUSE user

It is urgent to put a greenhouse. I want an arched one, but neither metal-based nor my friends have a pipe bender. Building a pipe bender on shafts and rollers? There is neither time nor need for this. I think that a device for manual bending is suitable for one construction.

Yes, indeed, the simpler the pipe bender, the less trouble with its manufacture. The main thing is to correctly determine the dimensions of the fixture, which will directly depend on the bend radius.

Introducing a user-made device monitoring. It is designed to work exclusively with thin-walled pipes, because manual bending of pipes is hard physical labor.

Moning FORUMHOUSE user

I made this thing for a square pipe 30 * 30. The radius that we managed to get was about 1 meter. On the sides of the device, you can weld something like spacers or legs so that it does not throw from side to side when you press on the pipe. Regarding the jumpers at the bottom of the pipe bender: first, the pipe is placed under the upper jumper (for the initial bend), then the pipe is shifted under the next jumper (for further advancement).

Consistent bending is needed so that with a sharp bend the pipe does not break.

Calculating the dimensions of the fixture is very simple: it is enough to know the bending radius that you want to get on the finished part. The strip (40 mm wide), which serves as a mandrel for the workpiece to be bent, initially has a curvature that provides a given bending radius (R).

Given the presence of elastic deformations, the radius of the mandrel should be slightly less than the required bending radius of the workpiece.

Knowing how to use welding, a grinder and auxiliary tools, this device can be made in less than 1 day.

Each metal pipe has its own elastic limit, therefore, the bending radius cannot be reduced below certain values. Permissible minimum radii can be taken from the respective tables.

We present an example of a table of permissible radii for round pipes.

Minimum pipe bending radii in cold condition
Outside diameter pipes, mm Bending radius, min
45 35 20 10
R bend, min
18 74 62 56 43
24 95 79 65 55
32 115 96 79 67
38 156 131 107 91
50 197 165 136 115
60 238 199 165 139
75 280 260 194 173
80 324 270 224 190
90 362 302 250 213

Production of an electromechanical pipe bender

In the design of an electromechanical pipe bender, three main working bodies can be distinguished: one pressure and two support (drive) shafts. Hence the name of the machine - a three-roll rolling pipe bender.

Such a device has quite complex structure, therefore, if you were unable to get the drawings of a home-made pipe bender, we recommend that you first draw each of its elements on paper (at least in the form of a sketch). And we will sequentially tell you about the dimensions and characteristics of the main components of the future product.

So, the main function of a pipe bender is to bend parts to a given bend radius. The bending radius depends on the distance between the support rollers (shafts) and is adjusted by the pressure roller. The distance between the support rollers is a constant value. This is what should be taken into account when designing a machine.

Alli58ru FORUMHOUSE user

The distance between the lower rollers depends on the minimum bending radius. When determining it, keep in mind that the smaller the distance between the rollers, the harder it is to lower the pressure roller and the harder it is to pass the workpiece between the shafts. And vice versa: the greater the distance, the easier it is to twist. If my memory serves me, the distance is about 35-40 cm. The shafts scroll quite easily: I bent the minimum radius of about 50 cm, but it can be less.

The bend radius (arc radius) is calculated using a simple geometric formula.

Guided by it in relation to your equipment, you can quickly adjust the machine to the specified parameters.

Roll manufacturing

For the manufacture of rollers, you should look for reliable materials that have already passed the strength test. Someone uses rotors from old electric motors washing machines or pins from a KamAZ car, someone - circles from carbon steel. In fact, there are many options, the main thing is not to forget that the selected material must be strong enough. User Dva11, for example, used wheel hubs from an old irrigation system.


The hub diameter is 75 mm, the length is 110 mm, the bearings were selected according to the hub (205 fit). I had to buy 5 bearings and 1 pulley, the rest of the parts I made from scrap metal.

Smooth cylindrical shafts - a universal option. With their help, pipes of various sections are bent. If the profile of the shafts is brought into line with the profile of the pipes to be bent, the quality of the bend will improve markedly.

You can also use blanks designed for different profiles of bent blanks.

Ideally, removable nozzles or ring clamps (limiters) are installed on the shafts, with the help of which the profile of the rollers is adjusted to the width of the pipe.

rusi45 FORUMHOUSE user

I made some improvements to the design of the rollers: on the outer shafts, where the limiters are, I made nozzles for the pipe. The tests were carried out on a 1 inch pipe. Nozzles are easy to replace. To do this, I made one side of the bearings sliding. The nozzle is made of steel 65G (plus hardening). There is virtually no wear, and the file does not take hardness.

The inner radius of the roller or nozzle for a round pipe should be made with a margin: the radius of the pipe plus 1-2 mm. For example, if the pipe diameter is 24 mm, then the inner radius of the roller will be 13-14 mm. Only in this case the pipe will not jam during rolling.

It's about this size.

If the pressure roller, designed for bending rectangular pipes, will have a slight bulge in the middle, this will help maintain the geometry of the bent profile. The roller will press the top wall of the pipe inward, preventing the workpiece from being distributed to the sides.

frame design

Having decided on the center distance and the design of the rollers, you can mark the blank parts for the frame. Based on the experience of FORUMHOUSE users, it should be concluded that the most durable frames are made from a steel channel (at least 80 mm wide). This material is easy to get, so you can safely take note of it.

In the photo - the machine at the manufacturing stage. And here is the drawing, which is taken as a basis.

Person FORUMHOUSE user

During the execution of the work, some changes were made to the original drawings.

The presented drawing is not a mandatory guide to action, but gives an objective understanding of how a rolling pipe bending machine works.

Clamping mechanism

Many craftsmen make a clamp from a conventional car jack (mechanical or hydraulic). The efforts that he is able to create are quite enough to give the metal blank the desired configuration.

Profile bending design

The simplest option available to most novice craftsmen is to bend pipes according to a pre-made template. A similar method is used when necessary to obtain a large number of similar preparations.

Bending a pipe on a wooden template is the easiest way to solve the problem

As a template, you can use a design made of wooden planks. The thickness of the wood is chosen based on the diameter of the pipes to be bent - the board should have a margin of 2–3 cm. So that the metal profile does not slip off the template during operation, the ends are treated with a slight slope.

The structure is fixed to the floor or other surface in any way, mounting a stop for the pipe nearby. Having inserted the profile into the gap between the template and the thrust element, gently and gently press on its other end, pressing the pipe against the template. In order to lighten the pressing force, you can use a suitable size lever or adjust the winch.

The winch can facilitate the process of bending pipes using a template

In a similar way, you can bend the metal profile without large diameter. If it is required to change the configuration of the pipe by more than 1 inch, then the template is equipped with pieces of powerful reinforcement. To do this, holes are made in the concrete slab along the required trajectory, into which guides are inserted in the form of pins from pipe sections, fittings, etc. Bending is performed by fixing the edge of the metal profile by welding.

The advantage of this method is its cheapness and simplicity, however, the accuracy of the obtained blanks and the quality of their processing leave much to be desired. In addition, the template will have to be made every time you need to get a bend of a different radius.

Factory-made snail pipe bender

For the manufacture of a large number of the same type of workpieces with a small radius of curvature, you can use a snail pipe bender. This unit consists of two pulleys (wheels) of different diameters, mounted on shafts. Having fixed the end of the pipe on the impeller, a smaller-diameter roller (driving wheel) is pressed against the workpiece, while rolling it along the workpiece.

The most versatile and practical are home-made rolling pipe benders (bending machines), in which you can set any angle of deformation of rolled metal. The simplest design of a rolling unit is a base with drive shafts fixed at a certain distance from each other.

The pressure on the pipe is carried out by a movable roller, and its broach is carried out due to the rotation of the drive shafts. As a power drive of such devices, screw devices, jacks, winches and electric motors are used. The rolling machine is the most difficult to replicate at home, as it requires turning and welding.

However, there are many variations of its design made by amateurs, which indicates the high popularity of this solution. With the help of such a device, a bend of any configuration is obtained, and the process itself is often automated. The only thing such a device cannot cope with is obtaining the minimum radius of curvature of the metal profile in a small segment.

bending machine profile pipe structurally different from the usual. This is due, firstly, to the greater resistance of the profile to bending loads, and secondly, to the fact that the bending radius is usually required to be large. Therefore, there are three rollers in the design. Two of them are installed permanently, one remains mobile.

Two extreme rollers are fixed on the body. They are raised above the base plane. For the middle roller, a special U-shaped frame is brewed. In the middle of its jumper, a long clamping screw of large diameter is installed. A third roller is attached to the lower end of this screw (can be welded). By turning this screw, the roller lowers and rises, changing the bending radius of the profile pipe.

A cloud is welded to one of the fixed rollers, with the help of which the pipe is rolled through the machine. In order to be able to apply less effort for rolling, two fixed rollers are connected by a chain. For efficient transmission of torque, sprockets are welded to the rollers (possible from a bicycle), a chain is selected for them. Such a simple mechanism makes bending a profile pipe much easier.

In this design, the right or left roller is made movable. It moves along with part of the base. This part is connected to the rest of the frame with powerful metal loops.

Drawing of a bending machine for a profile pipe with a lifting platform

You can change the height using a jack, as shown in the drawing. The height of the platform in this case is selected depending on the height of the jack. The bending radius is changed by lifting the movable part of the table.

Unlike the previous design, this pipe bender for a profile pipe is driven from a central roller - a handle is welded to it. To reduce the force required, it is also possible to weld the sprocket to two fixed rollers and transmit the torque using a chain.

The base of the pipe bender is made from a channel or two welded corners. The thickness of the shelves is at least 3 mm, select the width of the shelves and the back of the channel according to the available parts. One rule - the base must be massive and reliable.

Several holes can be made along the edges of the platform. Through them, you can fix the machine to some kind of heavy base using large-diameter self-tapping screws. Fixation is necessary, since when bending pipes with a thick wall, significant efforts have to be made and it is more convenient to work if the machine is firmly fixed.

A few words about rollers. They should be made of good quality, preferably hardened steel. It is the rollers and the axles that hold them that account for most of the load.

It is necessary to say about the form of rollers. They should not be smooth - there should be rollers along the edges that will not allow the pipe to “walk” during rolling. Only under such conditions will the arc from the profile pipe be even, and not twisted. Ideally, each pipe size needs its own rollers. But then the design becomes more complicated - they must be made removable, thought through reliable way mounts. The second option is to make rollers of complex shape, such as in the photo. Carve a few steps under different sizes pipes.

The same photo shows that the upper part of the bed is uneven, but notched. With the help of such teeth, it is possible to rearrange the rollers at different distances and thus also adjust the bending radius.

In general, they assemble home-made bending machines for shaped pipes from what is at hand or what they find / buy inexpensive. Who has the opportunity - grinds rollers, inserts bearings. Those who do not have such an opportunity use what they have - up to the bushings from bicycle wheels. In general, it is necessary to understand the design and

Explanations and photos are good, but seeing the assembly process or the work of the finished unit is much more useful. The first video shows the process of assembling (welding) a manual pipe bender for a profile pipe. The option with a movable middle roller was chosen. The second video is about the operation of a simple pipe bender with a movable platform.

Profile benders are various designs, in industrial conditions apply enough big machines with electric or hydraulic drive; for bending a small number of products of small diameters - more compact manual or electric devices.

Universal production bending machine

The purpose of the roll forming machine is indicated by its name. This is the bending of metal profile pipes in order to obtain a certain radius of curvature in the required area or along the entire length of the workpiece. Using a profile bender, or in other words a pipe bender, you can perform several technological operations with rolled metal of various types:

  • bending metal bars or fittings, including spring steel blanks;
  • bending of profile metal-roll of square or rectangular type;
  • getting knees out round pipes or bending them at the right angle;
  • rounding of parts of any length from long products (corners, I-beams, channels).

There are several models of bending machines. Some allow you to apply effort only on a certain section of the workpiece. Others roll the pipe between rollers, applying pressure along the entire length. For some reason, it was the latter that received the name "profile benders" from specialists, although both of them directly relate to equipment of the same type.

Roll type profile bender

Depending on the type of drive, which, in turn, directly affects the power and productivity of the machine, profile benders are divided into several types.

Profile bending machine with hydraulic drive. Powerful and very expensive

Hydraulic pipe benders are industrial equipment, therefore have high power and are designed for stationary installation. Such units are used mainly in small-scale and mass production, when it is required to obtain a large number of the same type of workpieces. The hydraulic drive completely removes the load from the operator, giving him the ability to control the machine by pressing buttons.

What is a pipe bender used for?

Profile pipe - a hollow profile of square, rectangular, oval section with a thin wall. Profile pipes are very widely used in construction, industry, mining complex, agriculture. Square and rectangular products are also used in everyday life: during the installation of metal structures, for the manufacture of furniture, garden buildings, sheds, greenhouses, fences, arbors, sheds, pavilions, pergolas.

At the same time, steel has a certain plasticity - thin-walled pipes can be bent. But when bent, the pipe can bend, form creases and folds - these defects reduce the strength of the pipes and do not look too aesthetically pleasing. Therefore, special devices are used for bending - pipe benders.

When laying pipelines and manufacturing bent structures, bending allows you to minimize the number of welds and connecting fittings, which saves a lot of money.

Making a rolling structure with your own hands

The use of a special tool that allows you to easily and simply bend pipes, including profile pipes, can already be considered a plumbing tradition. Meanwhile, for all the time of plumbing practice was invented whole line the simplest ways to obtain folds without using a special tool.

Device drawings

Profile bending classification

Pipe benders are classified according to the bending method and type of drive. In addition, pipe benders are universal and specialized: for round or shaped pipes.

The bending process itself is hot and cold, with or without filling the inside of the pipe with filler (sand or salt).

Bending devices are manual, hydraulic, electric, hybrid - combining molding elements with hydraulic and electric drive. There are industrial units for bending thick-walled pipes, in which the bending point is heated by induction.

Hydraulic devices are manual and stationary, on which workpieces with a diameter of up to 75 mm can be bent. Electrically driven (electromechanical) machines can bend pipes of various diameters. Electromechanical units can also bend thin-walled tubes with good quality bending, without folds and creases (see photo - this should not be so).

Hybrid units are stationary, they have a hydraulic drive on part of the shafts, and an electric drive on the other part of the shafts.

Manual devices are used either as portable (they are used near the place of assembly of metal structures), or for bending small diameters or soft workpieces (copper, stainless steel, plastic). In home gardens or when working in an apartment, pipes of small diameters and in limited quantities are used, so at home it is enough to get a manual pipe bender.

According to the method of bending pipes, the profile bender happens:

  • Roller - the workpiece is formed when passing between three rollers.
  • Crossbow - the workpiece is bent when laid in a special shape, in appearance the design resembles a crossbow - hence the name. A set of molds for workpieces of various sizes and for various angles and bending diameters is usually attached to one device.
  • Segment - the workpiece is bent by a special segment, while stretching around the segment.
  • Lever - designed for manual bending of thin-walled pipes.
  • Spring - used for copper or plastic pipes, a spring conductor made of thick wire is inserted into the workpiece (sometimes put on top) and manual bending.
  • Mandrel - with a filler (sand, salt) or a mandrel installed inside the workpiece. The pipe is wound on a winding roller, the mandrel or filler protects the bend from the formation of wrinkles.
  • Mandrelless - the workpiece is wound on a bending roller.

How to make a pipe bender for a professional pipe yourself

1st way

To make and use a bending machine for a profile pipe, it is necessary to prepare two pieces of a channel, two trimming fingers that are part of the tractor tracks, and four corners.

To bend the workpiece, you will need a jack capable of developing a force of 5 tons or more. At the same time, it will need to be modernized by installing a steel platform on the retractable rod, for the manufacture of which it is possible to use a worn-out pulley with a “stream” width comparable to the pipe profile.

The bed of the future machine is assembled from corners fixed on steel plate through welding. In total, four corners are used, having a shelf from 60 to 80 mm, at the upper ends of which two channels are fixed by welding. To adjust the bending angle, it is necessary to have symmetrical holes in the walls of the channels that need to be drilled.

To bring the finished machine to its original position for work, it is enough:

  • insert the axles (fingers) into the holes obtained in the channels and fix the rollers on them as stops for the workpiece;
  • raise the jack platform to such a level that the workpiece can pass into the gap formed;
  • install the workpiece in the machine for the profile pipe and create the required bend using the jack, using its functionality.

2nd way

A home-made pipe bender for a profile pipe based on rolled products implies that the workpiece will be laid on the side rollers, and pressed on top by the third. After fixing the pipe in this position, it remains only to set the shafts in motion by means of a chain drive to achieve the desired bend.

To make a machine for rolling a profile pipe, you will need:

Attention! It is problematic to manufacture a functional rolling pipe bender without appropriate calculations and drawings. At the same time, not everyone has the knowledge necessary for this, so it is best to use ready-made documentation.

Independent production of a pipe bender for a profile is a completely feasible task that must be correlated with certain goals. If you plan to carry out such work only as a one-time event, then you can collect wooden structure, which is quite capable of withstanding a short service life.

To assemble a stationary device required for bending pipes, you must do the following:

  • mount a metal frame by connecting its elements with bolts and welding;
  • install the axles and shafts on them in accordance with the existing drawing, observing the placement levels: two are higher than the third;
  • assemble a chain drive used to power the machine, which will require not only a chain that can be borrowed, for example, from an old motorcycle, but also three gears;
  • attach a handle to one of the shafts.

You can make the simplest profile bending machine yourself. This work is quite on the shoulder of the home master. The quality of homemade products is practically not inferior to industrial designs. Performance, of course, differs from models with an electric drive, but after all, the house and estate do not require a huge amount of bent products.

Drawings and diagrams

Regardless of how you decide to make a pipe bender, you should first consider the scope of its application - decide what size and shape products you will bend, with what bending radius. For garden structures and furniture, the bending radius can be 2.5 sides of the section (for round blanks - 5 radii), and can be 10-15-20 sides (for gazebos, greenhouses and other large structures). Then draw a drawing or diagram with exact dimensions. Without a drawing, it is impossible to assemble a high-quality pipe bender.

The simplest pipe bender is a template cut out of boards, stuffed on a base - thick plywood or OSB. Bent rolled manually. The thickness of the boards should be greater than the diameter or size of the side of the workpiece - then the bending is better. You can make a template from steel pegs or hooks driven into a solid base (preferably concrete).

Easy enough to assemble manual machine Volnov for profile blanks. On a solid metal plate, a roller with a radius equal to the bending radius is fixed, and two metal plates with a second roller fixed. The end of the pipe is clamped with a clamp, the roller on the plates turns and bends the workpiece.

There is another version of the profile bending machine, which you can make yourself - with three rollers.

For the manufacture of pipe bending rolls, or a rolling pipe bender, you will need:

  • Metal frame (frame) from a rectangular channel.
  • A sturdy stand welded from square profiles, channels, angles, or a stable steel workbench.
  • Three rollers with shafts; the rollers must be turned in such a way that a groove with dimensions equal to the dimensions of the bent profile is formed in them; shafts and rollers are ordered from a turner.
  • Shaft bearings.
  • Chain.
  • Winch.
  • Clamp.
  • Corners for guides.


  • Bulgarian with cutting discs.
  • Welding machine, electrodes.
  • Dye.
  • Electric drill.
  • Shaft mounts.

A frame is fixed on a stand or workbench - they are welded to the stand, fastened to the workbench with clamps. Weld guides. Bearings are fixed on the frame, two lower shafts are in the bearings, rollers are on the shafts. Shafts and rollers are ordered from a turner.

A double-row chain is put on the shafts, a winch is fixed in the middle, and the chain is fixed. Fix the pressure movable shaft. The upper pinch roller and shaft are moved along the guide by means of a screw.

Purpose and types

The pipe bender is an indispensable device when you need to delicately and accurately bend a round or shaped metal pipe.

The bending of metal profile pipes is directly related to their diameter, wall thickness and material of manufacture, therefore, metal-roll manufacturers always indicate the minimum radius of deformation in special tables.

Table for calculating the bending radii of steel pipes depending on the diameter and wall thickness

To obtain a bend of the required curvature and not damage the part, special devices - pipe benders - allow. Depending on the length of the fragment to be bent, two types of devices are used:

  • lever pipe benders;
  • rental units.

The most common products are lever-type pipe benders. In such devices, the force is applied in the right place, and the bend itself repeats the shape of the segment (template), which in some devices can be removable. As a rule, the package of such units includes several segments for pipes of various diameters.

In addition to segment devices, the industry produces mandrel and crossbow pipe benders, the bending shape in which is set by two guide rollers and a pressure template (mandrel). This design allows cold working of round steel pipes in short sections. By the way, compact crossbow pipe benders are the most popular tool among utility installers.

Simple, fast and high quality - these are the advantages of crossbow pipe benders that attract professional installers

Depending on the design of the lever bending device, it can have any type of drive:

  • hydraulic;
  • pneumatic;
  • electric.

Pipes having a square, rectangular or oval section are called profile pipes. To assemble a pipe bender with your own hands, you need to find out which pipe you are going to work with and, starting from the pipe profile, assemble the pipe bender.

In the construction of sheds, small architectural forms, greenhouses - such material is used no less than a traditional pipe. Builders prefer this section because of the flat surfaces on which it is convenient to mount roofing material. And the appearance of such a pipe is much more respectable.

In processing a professional pipe is no more difficult than a round one, however, when bending it, some features must be taken into account.

How to bend a profile pipe - the simplest pipe bender

It is not necessary to make a complex device from rolls, levers and a bed. For bending profile pipes of a small section, it is enough easy way For example:

Sand filling

Sand, preferably fine river sand, is poured into the internal cavity of the workpiece. The sand is pre-sifted and dried. The holes at the ends are plugged with plugs. Further, the profile pipe is bent around the template of the required shape.

Sand instead of mandrel

If necessary, the bending point can be preheated with a blowtorch or gas burner.

IMPORTANT!With this method, it is necessary to control the side walls of the workpiece. If the critical radius is exceeded, the pipe will collapse like a house of cards.

Filling with water

In fact, bending a profile with water is pointless. So you have to freeze it first. To do this, the pipe is plugged on one side with a cork (you can use ordinary plasticine), filled with water and exposed to frost.

Important! The other end of the workpiece is left open so as not to "break" the pipe when the ice expands.

A frozen professional pipe is bent on a template. Of course, you can’t use a burner or a blowtorch, otherwise the whole point of filling with ice will disappear. In this way, it is good to bend thin-walled copper or aluminum pipes.

Spring (homemade mandrel)

Preliminarily, a spring is twisted from a steel wire, the dimensions of which are 3-5% less than the internal section of the profile. The finished tooling is placed inside, and the corrugated pipe can be bent in the traditional way around the template. After completion of work, the spring is removed, aligned and can be reused.

Cutting and welding

Next method applicable in the case when the bending radius is small, and the profile is thick-walled and durable. From the inside of the proposed bend, the grinder cuts out segments, the geometry of which is calculated before starting work.

The pipe is bent to the required radius, and the closed edges of the cutouts are welded in any way. For aesthetics, the welding spots are polished with a grinder.

Important! The listed methods “work” on muscular strength, therefore they are used only for a thin-walled profile of low strength.

To work with more serious dimensions and profile characteristics, a special tool is required.

On an industrial scale, profiled moldings are bent using special machines, many of which are equipped with. This does not mean that the process cannot be repeated at home.

A lot, whether it be a greenhouse or a canopy, are equipped on the basis of a frame made of bent profile pipes sheathed facing material- corrugated board or polycarbonate.

Profile pipe bending is performed using special device-, the manufacturing technology of which you will learn from this article. We will tell you how to make a pipe bender for a profile pipe with your own hands, we will give diagrams, drawings and a list of necessary tools for doing work at home.

Article content

The need for and cost of industrial pipe benders

When deciding on a profile pipe, inexperienced craftsmen often resort to manual mechanical bending, for which primitive structures are used in the form of support pins hammered into concrete slab, along the pattern of which the pipe is bent.

but this way has a number of significant drawbacks, the main of which is labor intensity: the profile has increased strength due to the presence of stiffeners - it is extremely difficult to perform a bend relying only on physical strength. Note that the strength of the profile decreases due to manual bending, since it is accompanied by the application of uneven forces, which leads to an increase in internal stress in the material.

A large number of devices for profile bending are presented on the construction market, but they are exorbitantly expensive, which does not allow purchasing such units for use at home. As an example, we give the average price for machine models from the leading company on the market - TV:

  • manual pipe bender TV-2 -12 thousand rubles;
  • roller profile bender TV-4 - 30 thousand;
  • pipe bender electric roller profile bender TV-10 (double-sided) - 76 thousand rubles

To make a manual machine at home, you will need to spend about 3-5 thousand on component materials, while in terms of efficiency it will not be inferior to products industrial production.

We make a simple pipe bender with our own hands

We bring to your attention the instructions, following which you can make a manual pipe bender of a profile pipe with your own hands. The manufactured machine allows bending the profile with a cross section from 10 * 10 to 25 * 25 mm at an angle of 0-180 degrees.

This is the simplest design, for the manufacture of which you will need the following materials:

  • mounting plate with a hole 30 mm in diameter and 4 mounting sockets for M6 studs;
  • a handle for rotation, which can be used as a reinforced thick-walled square profile;
  • large roller with a diameter of 173 mm;
  • small roller with a diameter of 65 mm;
  • axis for the rotation of rollers with a diameter of 30 mm and a height of 61 mm, with an M14 thread on the end part;
  • washer C16 and nut M16.

The mounting plate for the machine for bending a profile pipe is made of sheet metal with a thickness of not less than 7 mm. It is necessary to drill holes in it for installing the axis of rotation of the roller and installing M6 studs (the diameter of the sockets is 8 mm), holes for fixing bolts are also drilled on the bar.

The handle (lever) for applying bending force is made of square profile section 36 * 36 mm (wall thickness 4 mm, to the inner end of which two plates with 30 mm holes are welded for the bolts of fixing the rollers. Keep in mind that the efficiency of work directly depends on the length of the handle. Subsequently, it can be lengthened using the scrap profile inserted inside.

For a profile pipe, it is made according to the following algorithm:

  1. On the locksmith workbench with the help of M8 bolts, the mounting plate is fixed. The workbench or table on which the device is installed must be well fixed to the floor in order to avoid shifts in the process of bending the profile.
  2. A large roller is placed between the plates of the handle, which is mounted on the axis of rotation threaded into the mounting plate and clamped with a nut.
  3. The axis of the small roller is installed and fixed.
  4. M6 studs are attached to the seating sockets of the plate, which will fix the extreme part of the profile during the bending process. Mounting plates are installed on the studs, selected in accordance with the size of the profile.

How to bend a profile pipe with a manufactured fixture? The handle of the pipe bender is retracted to the extreme left position so that a straight axis is observed between the mounting plates and the hole between the rollers. A profile pipe is inserted into the seat and the machine arm is turned until the bend reaches the required angle.

Homemade pipe bender for profile (video)

High Precision Profile Bending Machine

Bending a profile pipe along a radius is performed using a more complex device, which can also be done at home. Scheme and design features fixtures are shown in the image.

This bending machine for a profile pipe is fixed on a frame table (without tabletop), the size of which depends on the size of the supporting frame. This scheme uses channel frame 10 cm high and 77 cm long.

To make a pipe bender, follow the instructions:

  1. From a strip of metal 5 mm thick, 4 support posts are cut out for small shafts along which the profile will move. On the upper end part of the racks, a hole is cut out for the axis of rotation of the rollers. The dimensions of the racks are 5 * 10 cm.
  2. Racks are welded to the channel at a distance of 30 cm from each other. Rollers for shafts can be purchased on the hardware market, such products are used when mounting retractable ones. After welding, lay the profile on the rollers and check if the structure has moved during the welding process. In case of deformation, you will need to do all the work again.
  3. Next, a plate is cut out of sheet metal with a thickness of 8 mm under the supporting part of the machine, the dimensions of the plate are 25 * 25 cm. We need to install a central roller on the plate, by means of which the bending profile will move.
  4. At the edges of the plate, wooden spacers 10 mm thick are installed, which are glued to the metal with superglue. Stands are needed so that during rotation the roller does not touch the carrier plate.
  5. To install the roller, you will need two bearings, inside which the shaft axis will rotate. Well fit #203 series bearings from CRAFT. The bearings are fixed with bolts in pre-drilled holes inside the stands.
  6. Next, you need to make four racks 40 cm long from the 50th corner and, using welding, fix them at the corners of the plate with the central shaft, fixing it on the machine's carrier station (channel). The plate is installed in the central part of the racks so that the distance between the axes of the rollers is equal to the size of the profile with which you plan to work.
  7. From 8 mm sheet metal, plugs are cut out, which are welded to the top of the racks. Next, you need to make a plate under the cover of the machine, on which the adjusting screw will be installed. A hole is drilled inside the plate to fit the diameter of the screw used (you can use grape crusher screw).
  8. Holes for bolts (diameter 10 mm) are drilled in the plugs of the racks and the cover plate is fixed on the racks.
  9. A thread is cut in the hole on the cover and a heel is screwed in, inside which the clamping screw will rotate.
  10. A 15 mm corner is welded to the plate, which acts as an external limiter for the screw, under which a hole is drilled in the corner parallel to the axis of the heel. The hole is threaded to the appropriate size.
  11. It remains to make a handle for the central shaft and fix it on the axis of rotation of the roller. As a handle, you can use a bolt from the shutters or a piece of reinforcement of the appropriate length.
  12. It also does not hurt to paint the machine so that it acquires a more presentable appearance. The paint coating will also protect the metal from corrosion.

How to bend using a made machine? The profile is laid on the shafts, after which the central roller is lowered by means of a clamping screw so that it rests against the pipe. Next, the rotary handle is rotated and the shafts move the profile, which is bent under the pressure of the central roller.

Having stretched the profile along the entire length, we lower the clamping screw even lower and repeat the operation, moving the profile to reverse side. The process is carried out until a bend of the required radius is obtained.

This device, which was made at home, can bend the profile no less efficiently than an industrial-made electric roller profile bender.

Do-it-yourself pipe bender for a profile pipe, advanced craftsmen make it very often, despite the fact that the construction market offers factory bending machines in large quantities.

But, why spend money on expensive equipment if you need to do a small amount of work? For this reason, home craftsmen try to make this simple home tool with their own hands.

This work at home is not something super complicated. Almost anyone can handle it. home master having essential tool and some experience.

The pipe is one of the most demanded building materials which have been successfully used in home life and in industry. But, for the construction of various structures, pipes have to be bent, and here you can not do without a pipe bender. It is this tool that makes it possible to easily change the configuration of the product from any material.

Profile bending design

To independently build a pipe bending machine, they use different drawings. The priority of one or another option, as a rule, is dictated by the availability of available materials.

The frontal version of the bending machine consists of the following elements:

  • metal shafts or rollers (in a set of three pieces);
  • drive chain mechanism;
  • metal profiles used for the manufacture of a frame base.

A machine for bending a profile pipe is often equipped with wooden rollers. Polyurethane is also often used for this. When choosing these parts for profile bending, it is necessary to take into account the strength index of the tubular product. If this requirement is not taken into account, then a do-it-yourself bending machine will simply not withstand the load and will become unusable.

Classification of devices by drive type

Industrial enterprises offer devices for bending square pipes of various designs. For processing assortment with a small diameter, devices are used that operate on a manual drive.

And for tubular products with large sizes, they use equipment for processing profile pipes, which has a hydraulic drive. These devices are intended for volumetric events with square pipes. The most convenient of these mechanisms are bending tools that are connected to the electrical network.

Types of devices by bending method

Pipe benders are also divided according to the type of bend, consider them.

  1. Crossbow mechanisms.
  2. Manual spring devices.
  3. segment options.
  4. Dorn devices.

What materials and design nuances are needed

To build a simple profile bender with your own hands, you will need:

  • simple jack;
  • shelf and metal profile;
  • high strength springs and 3 shafts;
  • drive chain.

In order for the simplest form of construction to serve reliably, it is important to design a strong frame. It is fastened with welding or bolts. Then, in accordance with the developed drawing, shafts and torsion axes are installed. From the distance at which the axes of the simplest bending device are located, the radius of the bend of the professional pipe will depend.

The simplest machine for bending square pipe materials is driven by a chain drive. To complete the transmission of this profile bender, three gears are used. It is recommended to take the chain directly to the machine, made by hand, from an unnecessary car or motorcycle.

The mechanism for bending the corrugated pipe sets the handle in motion. To bend the profile, it is connected to one of the shafts. It also creates the necessary torsional force of the mechanism on the profile bender.

The process of making a profile bending machine at home

The simplest options for homemade miter bending tools are designed to process a range of small diameters. But, this technology is acceptable for operations not only with aluminum profiles. With such tools for bending a profile at an angle, steel products can also be processed.

A feature of each device for bending pipes is the distribution of the load on the profile. It is distributed gradually and evenly over the bend area. It is the same at all points of the profile. Due to this, the fixture does not crush the walls of the pipe assortment during bending.

The manufacturing process in each case begins with the development of a drawing. Depending on what devices are used for bending pipes, it is manufactured. The plan must indicate all structural elements: frames, pipe stops, shafts, etc.

It is also necessary to take into account the fact that the profile does not need to be supported by the side walls during processing. Therefore, in machines for bending it, shafts wider than the profile itself can be used. .

The drawings of the machine for bending the profile pipe are very different. Masters willingly share them. After reviewing many options, you can choose the most suitable type for your goal.

IMPORTANT! Particular attention should be paid to the fact that the drawing must contain accurate measurements of each part. Otherwise, the device will fail.

After the drawing is selected and studied in all details, you can proceed to the most important stage - manufacturing.

How to start the process and where to find the details

Naturally, it is easier to bend the usual round pipe assortment with your own hands, but the appearance of the profile looks much more interesting when erecting arbors, greenhouses, and fences.

Bend it with your own hands at home, so that during deformation the walls do not flatten, and cracks or waves are not formed on the fold line, which are somewhat heavier.

To save money, you can not buy a pipe bender in the store, but make a home-made one with your own hands at home, practically without spending any of your savings.

The design of the device for bending medium complexity

The functionality of this profile bender is based on the principle of the rolling machine. To start creating, you will need to prepare in advance: a welding machine, a clamp (or its equivalent), rollers and a channel. Before starting construction, it is advisable to familiarize yourself with the process of the machine.

A homemade pipe bender for a profile pipe operates on the principle of rolling a sample through a pressure zone.

The movement is carried out using a pair of horizontally mounted rollers on the channel, which is the base, and the third roller, which is installed at the bottom of the clamp, plays the role of a deforming unit.

The assembly of such a machine is carried out according to the following scheme. The first step is to prepare the base, which can be a wide channel or by connecting a pair of narrow ones together.

After the base is ready, it is installed on top of it metal structure U-shaped. A hole is made in its upper beam, suitable in diameter for the clamp coupling.

At an equal distance from the mechanism, rotating rollers are installed on the sides, on which chain sprockets are mounted. They are manually operated.

A pin is screwed into the coupling, on the edge of which a third roller is attached, and a handle is welded to its upper part. Such a bending machine functions as follows:

  1. the sample to be bent is placed on the feed rollers;
  2. by rotating the clamp handle, the pipe assortment is pressed by the third roller and moved to the deformation zone by rotating the chain drive handle connected to the feed rollers.

The first pressure will be relatively small, but by pulling the product through this zone several times, any degree of bend can be achieved.

It should be noted that bending the product at a right angle by this method will not work.

Homemade profile bending machine of the simplest design at home

The mechanism of the machine guarantees an even distribution of pressure, which eliminates the possibility of flattening or other deformation.