How to remove carbon deposits from a gas stove grate. How to wash the gas stove grate with high quality: cast iron, steel, enameled

  • 13.06.2019

The grate on the stove becomes dirty very quickly during the cooking process. Soot, splashes, pieces of food stick and create a disgusting and foul-smelling crust. And it needs to be cleared as soon as possible. For example, clean the grate gas stove ammonia or in some other way. But first you need to know how it's done.

What kind of grids are there?

To begin with, in order to learn how to clean the grate on a gas stove, it is worth finding out which grates are on the stove. It will depend on how you clean them. In total, there are three such materials for gratings:

  • steel;
  • enamel;
  • cast iron.

For each of them, you will have to choose your own cleaning method.

How to clean a grate on a gas stove: cast iron grates

This alloy is washed in dishwasher not recommended: it can rust because it is afraid of water. And if you scrape it with a knife, sandpaper or a metal sponge, there is a chance to finally scratch it.

However, there is a way to clean cast iron grates on a gas stove.

  • To do this, they will have to be calcined - so all the dirt will fall off.
  • We heat the grate directly above the stove. But if you have a blowtorch and a garage, it's still easier and faster.
  • It is necessary to heat until the dirt and grease fall off on their own.

Another way: attach a brush with metal rods to a drill or screwdriver and just polish until clean.

Steel gratings

To remove dirt and grease from steel, you have to find some kind of caustic detergent which will not harm this metal. It will have to be applied evenly over the entire surface of the grate, without missing a millimeter. Then leave for a while. It is best to do this in the evening, so that in the morning just rinse the grate thoroughly and start using it. During the night, the tool will corrode everything that is possible.

Enamelled gratings

Enamel is a very fragile material that can be easily damaged. Therefore, you need to treat it carefully and carefully. That is, brushes with hard metal rods, not to mention emery or a knife, cannot be used. Will remain deep, almost to the metal, scratches.

The kitchen is the face of every housewife. She spends enough time there: cooking, washing dishes, cleaning.

Even the most stubborn housewife has her shortcomings, embarrassment and blunders. When cleaning the cooking space, the housewife first of all monitors the cleanliness of the stove - thoroughly washes the snow-white surface and rubs everything to a shine.

With the grate for the stove, things are not so rosy. The thing is that it was originally made of dark metal. They do it for aesthetic purposes. After all, it quickly gets dirty.

Therefore, the housewives do not immediately pay attention to all kinds of dirt on the grate and take up cleaning it when the problem is already clearly expressed.

How to clean the gas stove grate? Let's talk about some effective secrets. They will help you achieve the desired result.

Before you start cleaning a dirty gas grill, you need to establish what material it is made of. Each of them has its own characteristics and requires special care methods.

There are three types of gas grill material - cast iron, steel and enameled.. Consider methods for solving the problem for each of them.

From the list of the above, the most capricious enamel grate for a gas stove. It requires careful and delicate care. Enamel is a very delicate material and can be easily scratched and scraped off.

Therefore, rubbing and scratching such a grate is prohibited. Brushes, hard sponges and washcloths will harm the material and you will ruin the device forever. Solve the problem with a dirty enamel grate will help.

A dirty object is placed in it and a special washing powder is poured. Miracle technology will do everything for you. But not everyone has a dishwasher. You should not be upset, the problem can be solved without it.

Arm yourself with a soft sponge (melamine will do) and a special enamel cleaner. You can do without specialized sponges and powders. A soft cloth and mustard powder will come to the rescue.

The grate is moistened with water and then rubbed with dry mustard powder. In this form, everything is left for a couple of hours. Then rinse off under running water and pat dry.

Instead of mustard, you can take a mixture of vinegar and soda. Their effervescent effect will also corrode pieces of burning and fat.

The steel grate for the gas stove is easier to clean, it is not so picky. You can also wash in the dishwasher. special means this is not required.

It is enough to take a powerful chemical (preferably more) and it will do its job. The steel grating can be pre-soaked. They take chemical detergents, dilute with water and immerse dirty parts there.

After some time, the grate is thoroughly washed. If necessary, problem areas are scrubbed with a brush or a hard sponge. The clean appliance is wiped dry and is ready for use.

The metal coating of the grate will help to clean the sand or soda with a brush. The surface is rubbed with one of the indicated powders and thoroughly scraped with a stiff brush. After everything is washed off.

There is one little secret for the care of a metal grate for a gas stove. A specially prepared mixture is applied to a clean, dry surface of the rods. It will help to maintain cleanliness for a long time and greatly simplify the next wash.

Preparing the mixture is easy. It is necessary to combine washing powder, soda ash and transparent stationery glue. This mixture is applied to the bars of the grate and allowed to dry well.

This is such a protective shell that will take on all the dirt, fumes and fat. During the next washing of the grate, it will be enough to rinse it with warm water and all dirt will be easily removed. This procedure must be carried out regularly.

Several universal recipes preparation of active mixtures that are suitable for steel and enamel gratings. You can mix baking soda with hydrogen peroxide. The fizz is applied immediately and the rods are well rubbed.

Mustard powder, vinegar, hot water and a couple of drops of detergent can easily fix a messy problem. The effect of a cleansing mask has a slurry of hot water, washing powder and ammonia.

How to clean a cast iron grate

Cast iron grating bars for the stove are no less finicky than enamelled ones. They are afraid of blows, they can easily split. It is strictly forbidden to wash them in the dishwasher. For this type, there are effective methods.

Cast iron is well cleaned with hot shock therapy. An open fire works well. Make a fire in the country and hold the grate over the flame. After hot procedures, fat and fumes can be easily removed with a rag or simply fall off in pieces.

Not everyone has a dacha or the opportunity to use an open fire. In this case, the burner of the stove itself will save. You just need to turn on the hood and open the windows in the room. The flow of hot air will also help.

Few people have special devices that distribute it. Therefore, you can come up with steam cleaning yourself. Turn on the oven to maximum. At the bottom put a container with water. It will boil and release hot air.

Cast iron bars are placed on top. An automotive engine cleaner will help you effectively clean the cast-iron grate of a gas stove. It is powerful and efficient. With it, the grate is washed and wiped dry.

Universal rules for cleaning the gas stove grate

When cleaning the grate for a gas stove, it is important to follow a few universal rules:

1. It is necessary to clean and wash the rods with gloves to protect the skin of the hands from damage and exposure to chemicals.

2. For maximum effect, the grate must first be soaked in a soap, powder or other chemical agent.

3. After the procedure, the rods are thoroughly wiped dry. Moisture residues instantly attract dirt and soot.

It is easy to avoid heavy pollution and sticking of fat. It is enough to regularly and often wash not only the surface of the gas stove, but also the grate. Do not wait for the pieces of burning to fall off on their own.

Over time, burnt and stubborn plaque accumulates on the grate. It is not easy to return the cleanliness of the rods, but there are many methods of dealing with pollution. To wash the gas stove grate without damaging the surface, determine what material it is made of. And for efficient and fast cleaning, choose suitable remedy depending on the degree of pollution.

Types of gas stove grates

The material has importance when choosing a grate, since it is subjected to a double load, from below the effect of high temperatures, from above - the weight of the dishes.

The choice of cleaning method directly depends on the material of this part of the plate.

from cast iron

Cast iron products are considered the most reliable and durable, as it is a metal that withstands prolonged heating, heavy loads better than others, does not deform or burn out.

Cast iron rods can be identified by their impressive weight.

enamelled metal

Enamelled metal is suitable when the stove is used rarely and not systematically. Despite its attractive appearance, enamel has two significant drawbacks - it burns out quickly and is prone to chipping and damage.

Parts made of enamelled steel are characterized by a glossy sheen of the coating.

stainless steel

Stainless steel rods are cheaper, lighter and more diverse in shape than cast iron rods, but they are inferior to them in strength and service life. The main disadvantage of stainless steel is the gradual deformation under the influence of high temperatures. After a while, such products lose their appearance.

Stainless steel differs from cast iron and enamel in a light color.

Causes of pollution

Before you understand how to remove pollution, you need to know how it is formed. During cooking, the remnants of food and fat fall on the surface of the rods, stick to them and eventually eat into the coating. The next time you use it, a new portion of fat gets on the formed plaque. Layer after layer, the soot builds up and thickens, the fire evaporates all the moisture from the inside, forming a solid scale. Such ingrained greasy plaque is difficult to remove.

Preparing to clean the grate

Before cleaning, prepare the grate and ensure workplace necessary accessories.

Step 1: Make sure you have:

  • capacious capacity (basin, bathtub, sink, etc.);
  • hard (metal) brush;
  • foam sponge;
  • dry cloth.

Step 2. If the grill is removable, remove it from the stove. If there are plastic or rubber elements, they should be removed.

Step 3 Cover the work surface with newspapers or foil so as not to spoil it with crumbling soot particles.

Step 4: Wear strong rubber gloves.

Soaking before cleaning

Initial soaking greatly facilitates the removal of old plaque. in the pelvis with hot water dilute a sufficient amount of dishwashing liquid and soak the product for several hours. Instead of detergent, baking soda is suitable, alkali will break down plaque well.

Soaking is not suitable for cast iron, as prolonged contact with water of this metal leads to rust. But enameled rods or stainless steel can be left in the water overnight.

After the fat gets wet, the main stage follows - cleaning from dirt with a brush using folk or specialized means.

Universal folk remedies

Folk methods have several advantages. They are always available in a store or pharmacy, much cheaper than specialized ones, in addition, they are not toxic to the body.

Below are effective, proven folk methods.


Wipe the cover with a damp sponge. Mix baking soda with water in a bowl until a paste forms. Thickly cover the surface of the product with the mixture and leave for 2-3 hours. After the soda dissolves the carbon deposits, brush off the remaining dirt with a stiff brush and rinse with warm water. Repeat if necessary.

For greater efficiency, it is advised to add crushed laundry soap or hydrogen peroxide to the mixture.


Having treated the coating with a steam cleaner, you can clean the rods without the use of aggressive substances. Hot steam softens the layer of soot with fat, which is then easily removed with a brush. The method is especially convenient for non-removable products.

If there is no steam generator, put on the bottom of a heated oven pan, fill it with water and boil. Place the plate parts on top, leave for an hour. The vapor of the boiling liquid will also act as a steamer.

Boiling water

To get rid of fat deposits with boiling water, you should put the parts of the stove in a deep baking sheet, pour water so as to completely cover them, and put in a preheated oven. The water must boil for a while so that the soot layer moves away from the metal.


For splitting soot, it is not recommended to use ready-made dressing. Dilute dry mustard powder with hot water to a paste consistency. Coat the coating with the resulting mixture, leave for 2-3 hours, then clean off the remnants of plaque with a brush with stiff bristles. Mustard, without damaging the metal, will dissolve fat deposits, which are then easily removed.


Dilute vinegar essence with water 1:3. Put a wire rack in a baking sheet, pour over the resulting solution and leave for 3 hours. If the layer of greasy coating is too thick, it is recommended to soak the product overnight, be sure to take it out onto the balcony or outside.

Please note that when using vinegar, it is necessary to constantly ventilate the room, otherwise caustic fumes can affect the respiratory tract.

soap solution

The most common, simple and affordable way, but not entirely effective against chronic plaque, is with a soapy solution. It is recommended to combine with other folk methods for successful cleaning of the coating.

Stir in hot water a piece of crushed laundry soap or a strong detergent. The solution should be strong. Place a grate in the resulting liquid and leave to soak overnight, clean with a stiff brush in the morning.

Melamine sponge

Melamine sponge differs in price compared to others folk remedies, but not inferior in efficiency and ease of use. Great for fixed gratings.

Dampen the sponge, gently wring it out, and, pressing it against the surface, rub area by area. If the sponge becomes clogged with grease, rinse and continue cleaning. Finally, wipe the cleaned parts with a damp cloth.

Melamine is used without the use of additional detergents, as it will react with them.


One of the most effective folk ways- cleansing with ammonia. Place all parts in tight plastic bags, fill with ammonia and tie securely. Leave for a few hours, then outside, sliding on the surface of the cellophane, wipe the bars. Nagar will easily come off.

Laundry soap and stationery glue

The following method is not quite ordinary, but it is not inferior to others in efficiency. folk methods. Stationery glue contains a lot of soda, hence its useful qualities in the fight against soot and grease.

In an iron basin, combine crushed laundry soap, stationery glue (150 ml), mix thoroughly and put on fire. After boiling, lower the rods into the solution and boil for an hour. After the time has elapsed, quickly transfer the product to clean warm water, wash off the remaining plaque.

silicate glue and washing powder

In a glass of warm water, dissolve 50 ml of silicate glue, 3 tbsp. soda and 1 tsp. washing powder, mix to a smooth paste and apply to the coating. Wrap in a plastic trash bag and leave for an hour. Silicate glue reacts with soda, corroding soot, and with the help of powder it is easier to remove residual dirt.


This method is ideal for enameled steel. Load the grate into the machine, add double the amount of detergent and turn on the dishwasher in the normal mode. It is advisable to use soda tablets. After the end of the program, dry the hob parts.

Specialized funds

Specialized products are distinguished by an aggressive chemical composition that quickly breaks down pollution, but at the same time is toxic to the human body. Therefore, do not work without gloves and keep the kitchen always ventilated.

Special means to combat burnt fat deposits are divided into 3 groups.

  1. Gel (cream). Such grease removers quickly fight carbon deposits, while taking care of the coating. Suitable for all kinds of surfaces.
  2. Spray. The most convenient form of cleaner to use. May contain substances hazardous to cast iron or enamel, so you should read the instructions before buying.
  3. Powder. Like home methods, specialized powders are diluted with water to a slurry state and applied in a thick layer to the coating.

mechanical cleaning

Stubborn plaque can be removed by mechanical cleaning. This method is only suitable for stainless steel, when trying to scrape cast iron or enamel with a metal brush, the coating may break off along with soot.

Wet the rods, scrape off the soot with a stiff brush, periodically washing the brush from accumulated fat.

There is one proven folk trick. Buy a medium-hard metal brush head for a drill from the store, insert it into the tool and walk along the bars. It will be much faster and more efficient to clean them in this way.


This simple and economical method is ideal for cast iron as it does not damage upper layer coatings. The disadvantage of the method lies in the difficulty of carrying it out in an apartment.

Ignite the grate over an open fire, periodically turning it over, until it falls off and burns out the entire plaque. Then rinse and leave to cool naturally.

The subtleties of cleaning depending on the material of the grate

All methods are effective in the fight against stubborn fat and soot, but not all are universal for different surfaces.

Cast iron

Cast iron product is undesirable to expose rough handling and cannot be washed in the dishwasher. Hard mechanical action will damage the coating, and when washing in PMM, under the action of hot steam, the upper layer of the metal is destroyed, which will soon lead to corrosion.

Not suitable for cast iron and soaking method. The best way to cleanse is calcination.

enamelled steel

Enamel does not tolerate rough scraping with metal brushes, a knife and other hard objects. Such methods damage the surface, form chips and scratches. All other methods can be safely used, but the most suitable is washing in a dishwasher.

Stainless steel

Stainless steel products are the most unpretentious, they can be safely cleaned with caustic detergents, scraped with a metal brush, soaked. Even if scratches remain after cleaning, they will not affect the further operation and service life of the product.

How to prevent pollution

To prevent the appearance of ingrained greasy deposits, it is enough to wipe the rods with a sponge and detergent after each use of the stove. Periodically wash the product under the tap with soapy water.

In addition, there is one secret. On a clean surface, apply a special protective compound. Mix baking soda and stationery glue into a thick paste, add a handful of laundry detergent and apply to the coating. After drying, the mixture will become transparent, and during the next wash, sliding over the surface, it will be easily washed off with water, easily removing dirt.

  • a sharp temperature drop is destructive for the metal, therefore it is impossible to soak the uncooled part in cold water;
  • when using folk methods, mix substances with liquid until a thick paste is formed;
  • choose specialized store products with the inscription "Anti-fat";
  • a car engine cleaner reduces the life of the rods, destroying the coating;
  • if a pungent smell comes from the cleaning agent, be sure to ventilate the room;
  • dry the cleaned grate and only then use it.

And always keep it hygienic and presentable. Since we cook every day, the very next day after a thorough cleaning, the stove does not look perfect and it needs to be washed again.

How to learn how to effectively, quickly and easily clean the surface and grate of a gas stove? Are there ways to prolong their cleanliness and increase the time between cleanings? And how safe are modern detergents for various types gratings?

We will answer these and other questions below.

First you need to determine what material your gas stove grate is made of. There are only three types of them.

  • Enamelled metal grills: have a more aesthetic appearance due to glossy enamel coating, are lighter, are not afraid of water, brushes with soft and medium bristles and caustic solutions household chemicals. Advice! Do not get carried away with abrasive and potent agents, such as a liquid for washing a car engine. They effectively clean, but significantly reduce the life of any type of gas stove grates, as they destroy the enamel and the top layer of metal. It is better to use more gentle products and increase the time of their exposure to the metal surface.
  • Cast iron grates are sufficiently strong and durable subject to several important conditions - no contact with water, metal brushes and strong abrasives.
  • Steel gratings are well cleaned with caustic detergents and abrasive compounds with fine grains.

1. Great for cast iron and steel products method of calcination over fire.

A dry grate is placed over the fire until pieces of soot and frozen fat crumble. Then you can clean the residue with a brush or sponge and wipe it with a slightly damp cloth. Do not wash the cast iron grate!

At home, you can ignite the grates over the stove, after taking care of good ventilation in the kitchen (you should turn on the hood on maximum power, close the door from the kitchen and open all windows).

2. Suitable for heavily soiled grates cleaning method with ammonia.

Ammonium chloride is a volatile chemical compound, so it is important to work on outdoors, use gloves, a respirator and soak the grate in a closed container.

You can take a large bag with a zip fastener or a tight trash bag, place a wire rack in it and spray ammonia generously right inside the bag.

Then close the fastener or tightly wrap the open edge of the bag and turn the bag over in your hands, evenly distributing the liquid. Leave for 3-8 hours in the bathroom or on the balcony.

Then rinse under running water and wipe dry. Fat, soot and other contaminants will dissolve overnight, and a dark brown thick slurry will remain inside the bag, and the grate will acquire perfect cleanliness and shine.

3. Healthy and safe environment are soda, mustard powder, salt and vinegar, which also cope well with any pollution. V equal parts By mixing these ingredients, you will get an excellent dishwashing detergent and cleaning of kitchen surfaces. Just apply this product with a damp sponge on the grill and leave for a few hours. Then you can rinse or wipe dry with a cloth.

4. also effectively removes grease and carbon deposits, so you can rub a third of the bar on kitchen grater, add some soda and soak in warm water not only the grates of the stove, but also its burners, as well as other removable elements.

And on the surface of the plate itself, apply a gruel of laundry soap and soda. Fat is well soaked and removed.

5. Subject to availability steam generator any cleaning becomes fast and efficient. It is enough to choose the right nozzle and carefully treat the surfaces to be cleaned. This is the most environmentally friendly way to not only clean, but also disinfect your home.

6. Put in a heated oven container with water, over which to place a steel grate. Leave for half an hour to an hour. Fat soaked from steam can be easily removed with a sponge or brush.

7. Place a wire rack, a pack of baking soda in a trash bag and pour everything warm water . Tie up the bag and leave to soak for a few hours. Then remove dirt with a wet sponge or brush.

You can also wash the grates (except for cast iron ones) in the dishwasher with soda tablets for washing dishes. In case of significant pollution, you can use professional products for cleaning ovens.

How NOT to clean gas stove grates

Above we have described the most effective and available ways cleaning, but there are those that are categorically not suitable, although some housewives continue to use them.

So, what not to do when cleaning the grates of the stove:

  • soak cast iron grates in water, soap solution or other liquid means: cast iron loses its strength under the influence of water and may become cracked;
  • rub too hard with metal brushes any grate, as this leads to the appearance of pores on the surface of the metal and to its damage;
  • soak hot grates immediately after cooking: the temperature difference makes the metal brittle;
  • sanding modern cast iron grates: Chinese-made grates, which are the majority on the market today, are made from white cast iron, which is the least durable of all types of cast iron. Yes, and the sand is simply teeming with microorganisms and bacteria, as well as the remains of animal and insect excrement. It is better to choose a safer abrasive (soda or mustard) or professional products.

With regular maintenance, the stove will always be clean, and minor dirt on the sieves will be removed in a matter of minutes, so it is important not to start the condition of the stove.

Perhaps the most difficult thing in all homework- wash the gas stove. And if the surface itself is easy to deal with, washing the grate, as a rule, is constantly postponed until later.

As a result, it becomes more and more difficult to wash it, and the layer of dirt accumulated on the rods only spoils the whole picture.

As a result, every housewife sooner or later wonders how to wash the gas stove grate at home.

We determine the material

Immediately before washing, it is necessary to remember what material this part of the gas furnace was made of. You will have few answers:

  • steel bars;
  • enamelled metal;
  • cast iron.

The fact is that each of these materials requires its own care.

Cast iron

Cast iron is a very finicky material and therefore quite difficult to clean. He is afraid of water, so washing him in the dishwasher will not work.

Just scraping off the fat with a knife is also not an option: along with the fat, you can also scrape off particles of the material itself. The only way- glowing.

This can be done directly above the stove itself, above the fire in the country or in the garage. blowtorch. Ignite the fat until all of it burns out and dry residues fall off it.

It’s also a good idea to entrust this responsible task to men who will remove dirt with metal brushes and an electric drill.


As a rule, these are gratings with very smooth surface. But the range of your influences is quite large.

The easiest way to clean the gas stove grate is to use this miracle household appliances like a dishwasher.

Remove all rubber elements from the grate and put it in the dirty dish compartment, after pouring more detergent there. The incandescent method is also suitable here, you can also scrape off the dirt with a sharp object.


How to clean the steel grate of a gas stove from grease? In this case, a strong caustic agent will do.

Place the contaminated element in the bathroom or cover the place where the cleaning will take place with oilcloth. Apply detergent evenly to the rods and leave overnight. In the morning, just rinse with water.

How else to clean the grate of a gas stove from soot? To do this, you can use one of the following tools:

  • Soak the grate in a basin or tub filled with very hot water. Add any detergent there. If you are against household chemicals, use soda or vinegar. Leave everything for a few hours and then rinse in the usual way.
  • Some advise using a car engine cleaner. Washes away any dirt, while harmlessly and easily washed off with water.
  • When cleaning, you can use a stainless steel washcloth. It is better than a regular sponge to cope with pollution.
  • Dry mustard also helps. Apply evenly with a damp cloth and let sit. Then wash in the usual way.
  • Perfectly cleans and warm sand. True, it will take a long time to rub.


On the Internet you can find a video guide on how to clean the grate of a gas stove. In any case, a few tips in the end will not hurt:

1. Carry out any work only with gloves, especially if you work with aggressive substances.

2. After the grate has been washed, it must be wiped dry. The fact is that fat will easily stick to places where droplets of water remain.

3. Wash the stove and all elements on it as soon as they become dirty.