In what dishes to cook jelly. Jellied meat from any meat - a universal step-by-step recipe

  • 19.10.2019

In order to prepare a transparent jelly, you must remember
several simple rules, adhering to which it will be possible to easily create this culinary masterpiece.

Rule 1

The choice of the main ingredient is meat.
You can cook jelly from any meat (chicken, pork,
beef, pork legs, etc.), the most important thing is to choose the right
main product.

Buying such an important component in aspic as meat is best on
market, because there it is guaranteed not to be frozen.
Pork legs, which are the key to solidifying the dish, must be well cleaned of bristles, and, if necessary, burn on fire, then rinse. You can add any meat of your choice.

Will it be chicken, beef or all the same pork jelly - the hostess decides, but pork legs (to be more specific - the part that ends with hooves) is a must, then no gelatin is needed.

If the meat is with a skin, then this will also play a good role in
freezing of jelly. The size of the pieces of meat for jelly does not play a big role.

The brisket and drumstick can be cut into several parts, and large and
leave the central bone intact. To avoid small
bones, pork legs need to be cut in half lengthwise, and then again
in half along the joint.

But, oddly enough, you can not overdo it with meat. Necessary
observe certain proportions, otherwise there is a risk that
the dish still does not freeze: for several pork legs weighing
approximately 700 grams can be taken no more than one and a half kilos
other meat components.

Rule 2

Meat must be soaked before cooking. This procedure is necessary for
in order to remove the remains of clotted blood from the meat. Besides
the skin after soaking will be much softer and more tender.

Taking a pan and placing meat ingredients in it, you need to completely soak them in cold water, and leave for several hours (or better all night). In the morning, the meat can be washed again, carefully scrape the pork legs to remove the smoked places.

Just peel the skin on the rest of the meat components. A small "vegetable" knife is suitable for this task like nothing else. Then you can put the meat in a cauldron and start cooking.

Rule 3

The first water must be drained! The belief of some housewives that
that descaling with a slotted spoon will completely solve all problems - not entirely correct.

It is better to drain the first water after cooking meat, because with it
all excess fat and other unwanted components will be removed.
Moreover, the appearance of such a jelly will be much more attractive, its calorie content will noticeably decrease, and the smell will become much more pleasant.

Ideally, you can also drain the second water, then the jelly will be clean and transparent, like a baby's tear.

After draining the broth, it is necessary to rinse the contents of the cauldron under running water, which will remove small adherent remnants of coagulated protein. After that, you can put the meat back for the final cooking.

The amount of water should be above the level of the meat by about 2 centimeters. If the amount of water is more, then it will not boil away as expected. Therefore, the jelly may not freeze. If there is less water, then during the cooking process it will be necessary to add it from the kettle, which will also not have a very favorable effect on the final result.

It should also be taken into account that in order for the jelly to turn out transparent, the contents of the cauldron should not be allowed to boil. You need to cook the jelly over low heat, for about 6 hours, and then the result will exceed all expectations.

Rule 4

Spices and seasonings also have their turn.
After 5 hours have passed since the start of cooking, a whole onion and carrot can be added to the broth. If you do this earlier, then all the "charms" from adding these ingredients will evaporate along with the boiled water.

Salt in aspic also needs to be added after 4-5 hours, because in the process
boiling water, the broth becomes more concentrated, and there is
the likelihood of simply oversalting the dish.

It is better to add allspice, lavrushka and other spices to taste thirty minutes before the end of cooking, then the bouquet of aromas will win the hearts of even the most scrupulous critics.

Rule 5

How long does it take to cook jelly.

Pork jelly (pork legs, knuckles) 5-6 hours;

Jellied chicken 3-4 hours;

Beef jelly 7-8 hours.

But the best thing is to cook jelly from assorted meat, then it will turn out
more tasty and rich.

Rule 6

Bones are removed by hand, not a meat grinder.

After the jelly has finished cooking, it is necessary to remove the meat from
pots. It is most convenient to do this with a slotted spoon. The broth must be filtered through a colander, and preferably through a clean cloth, removing the onion, carrot, peppercorns and Bay leaf.

Slightly cooled meat must be carefully sorted out with your hands, separating it from the bones (you can help yourself with a small knife).

It is better to cut meat by hand, and not with a meat grinder, as this will be a guarantee that even the smallest bones, which are very easy to break teeth, will not fall into the plate of any of the guests.

It is better not to throw away skins and cartilage, because they will give the jelly a fortress.

At the bottom of the plate, in which the aspic will solidify, you can put greens or cut out various figures from carrots - this will be a wonderful decoration for such an interesting dish. After that, having decomposed the meat mass into the prepared container, you can fill it with broth.

Rule 7

The right temperature is the key to success. The best place for
solidification of jelly is not a window sill and not even a cold balcony.
The most “correct” temperature for jelly is on the middle shelf

After all, if the jelly is not cold enough, then it will not freeze, and if,
on the contrary, it will freeze, then it will lose all its wonderful taste
quality. This culinary masterpiece will harden within 5-6 hours.

Rule 8

If the jelly is not frozen (jelly with gelatin).

If the jelly has not frozen, you should not worry. The dish can be easily salvaged by pouring it back into a clean pot and simmering for a few minutes. Next, you need to dilute the gelatin in a separate bowl according to the instructions on the package (the dosage should be seen there).

Pour the gelatin into the jellied meat and mix well, pour into plates. After such a procedure, the jelly will harden for sure, there is no doubt.

jelly recipe

To prepare a delicious jelly, you will need the following products:

Pork knuckle weighing about a kilogram;

0.5 kg of pork;

One bulb;

2-3 bay leaves;

5-6 peas of allspice;

2-4 cloves of garlic;

2.5 liters of water;

Cold preparation:

1. Prepare the meat: rinse and pour water, soak for a couple of hours.
After that, clean the shank well and cut it into two parts.

2. Pour cold water into a saucepan and place all the meat in it.

3. After boiling, drain the first broth and add 2.5 liters to the meat
cold water.

4. Bring to a boil and reduce the heat as much as possible (so that the broth barely
boiled). Cook jellied meat for 5 hours.

6. Remove the meat from the pan, and put garlic crushed with a knife blade into the broth.

7. Divide the meat into small pieces. Strain the broth through a fine sieve or clean cloth.

8. Put the meat into the jellied molds and pour in the broth. Allow to harden (preferably in the refrigerator on the middle shelf).

9. Serve jelly, pre-garnished with herbs, with mustard or

Blitz tips for cooking jelly

Based on the foregoing, we can formulate some basic tips that will help you properly, and most importantly, tasty, cook jelly.
1. Meat must be fresh.

2. In order for the jelly to freeze better, it is better to take pork knuckle or animal legs for cooking.

3. To make the jelly taste good, the meat must first
soak in cold water.

4. It is better to drain the first broth.

5. Spices and seasonings should be put shortly before the end of cooking
jelly to keep their flavor.

6. Meat bones must be carefully selected by hand.

7. The jelly should solidify at the right temperature - at medium
refrigerator shelf.

8. If the jelly is not frozen, you can simply add gelatin, after boiling the jelly.

9. Do not add too much water, as the jelly may not
freeze. Too little water is also not the best option.

10. You need to salt the jelly at the end of cooking, so as not to oversalt the dish.

That's all, the jelly is ready, and there is nothing super complicated. All you need is
carefully choose the meat, and carefully consider its cooking, and then
jelly is doomed to success!

We wish you bon appetit!

As a child, on the New Year's table of my parents, as well as grandparents, there was always a transparent jellied meat, in which parsley leaves frozen in the thickness of the jelly, olives cut into rings and stars from boiled carrots were clearly visible. Since then, what is the festive table without jelly? Moreover, this is not only a delicious nostalgic snack in the evening, but also the best anti-hangover dish in the morning! If it is melted, warmed up and slightly peppered on the afternoon of January 1, it will turn into the world's best thick and rich hash, concentrated and moderately fat!

Kholodets is a dish that is prepared slowly. But it can be prepared in advance, another December 29 or 30. It still needs time to dry though.

The subtleties of cooking the right jelly

To make the jelly taste like a grandmother’s, and not like in a cheap canteen, you don’t need to put gelatin in it. A strong and rich broth will already harden if it is prepared from offal containing a lot of gelling substances.

Secret one. Where does the jelly come from

For good gelling, it is necessary to take those parts of the carcass in the store or on the market that have a high content of collagen: pork and beef legs (young, clean, better front, namely the lower part), beef tails, pig ears. All this makes the meat broth sticky, viscous and jelly-like. The meat of the rooster also gels perfectly. But just do not take any heads and chicken paws! Although they gel the broth well, they often give the dish unnecessary flavors.

For the meat component, you will also need a pork knuckle, beef ham, turkey or chicken.

Second secret. preliminary stage

Wash the meat thoroughly. And then fill it with cold water and soak for three hours (you can do it all night). The less blood, the less foam, which means that the broth will be transparent. Drain the first water, wash the meat again, pour cold water at the rate of 1.2 parts of water to 2 parts of offal and put on fire.

Secret third. How do we cook

As soon as the broth boils, make the fire smaller. Carefully and patiently remove the foam until it stops forming. The broth should be cooked on the smallest fire under the lid for 5-7 hours, depending on what kind of meat you took (poultry cooks faster, beef lasts longer). He should not so much boil as languish. Then it will not boil away so much and it will turn out concentrated. Of course, in no case should you add water to the broth during the cooking process.

Secret four. What when we add

2 hours before cooking, you need to put the whole onion and carrot in the broth, you can also add celery root or parsley root. Half an hour before the end of cooking, put the bay leaf, peppercorns and other spices as desired. We salt the broth at the very end, otherwise you can make a mistake with the amount of salt - the broth boils away all the time.

You need to salt so that the hot broth seems a little salty. After all, when it hardens, the salt will not be felt so clearly. At the very end, you can also add garlic, cut into small cubes. Or do this: put it directly into the molds in which the jelly will solidify, then it will be evenly distributed throughout the volume.

Secret five. And where is the jelly?

Take the meat out of the broth and let it cool down. We separate it from the bones (it should fall off by itself) and cut it very finely. Many like to even divide it into fibers.

We lay out the meat in wide low forms for jelly so that it evenly fills them with a layer of one and a half to two centimeters. Do not get carried away with cartilage, ligaments and skin! Of course, these ingredients improve the gelling of the jelly, but you don’t need to put too much of them. In addition, they should be crushed very carefully and put in each container quite a bit.

Sprinkle the decomposed meat with finely chopped garlic and pour hot strained broth so as not to disturb the layer of meat too much. Nothing if the broth is not too clear at this stage. Give it time! Cool the future jelly to room temperature. At this stage, you can immerse a decoration of lingonberries, green leaves (for example, watercress is suitable for this) and olives into the broth that has not yet solidified. When the jelly hardens, they will look pretty through the thickness of the jelly. We remove the dish in the cold. The solidification time of jelly without gelatin is 5-6 hours.

Jellied meat from three types of meat

Such jelly is served at the Grand Cafe Dr. Zhivago. The pieces of meat in it are tender and pink, the jelly is transparent, and it is exactly the same as the meat. The chefs of the restaurant prepare the gelling broth separately, and cook the meat separately. It turns out very tasty!


For the broth:

  • Onion - 20 g
  • Peeled carrots - 20 g
  • Beef hooves - 1 kg
  • Beef cheeks - 800g
  • Meat knuckle - 900g
  • Beef shank - 1kg

For the meat part:

  • Onion - 150g
  • Carrot - 150g
  • Beef ham - 1.5 kg
  • Garlic - 70g
  • Salt - 20g
  • Pepper - 3g

For submission:

  • Greens - 7g
  • Mushrooms assorted salted – 30g
  • Radishes - 5g


Wash the hooves thoroughly, soak in water for 6 hours. Then clean up. Put the hooves into the pan, add the cheeks, meat shank and drumstick. Pour water at the rate of 1 part of water to 2 parts of meat products. Boil 5 hours. Fry the onions and carrots separately 2 hours before cooking and add to the pan. This will give the broth a golden color and a pleasant taste. When the offal is cooked, take it out and separate the meat from the bones. Strain the broth.

Separately, cook 1.5 kg of beef until tender, adding onions and carrots to the water after boiling. Then separate the meat from the bones and chop finely. Strain the broth, then mix the two broths in a 2:1 ratio. (two parts of the first broth, with offal for one part of the second). Add garlic, salt and pepper separately to the meat and separately to the strained broth. Put the meat in a mold. Carefully pour in the broth. Put in the refrigerator for 4-5 hours.

Before serving, take out the jelly, cut it into portions, garnish with herbs, thin slices of radish and salted mushrooms. Serve with horseradish and mustard.

Tatyana Rubleva

The jelly appeared quite by accident. Once people noticed that if you cook meat broth for a very long time, it freezes in the cold. The new appetizer was immediately appreciated by the French, and gradually the dish took root in other countries. At first, jelly and jelly were different dishes. Kholodets was prepared from pork or pork-beef broth with pieces of meat and poultry, and jelly was cooked exclusively from beef. Now it is practically the same dish, which is called jelly in the north and north-west of Russia and aspic in the southern and south-eastern regions. Aspic is a separate dish, as it is prepared differently from jelly and jelly. Let's talk about how to properly cook jelly and aspic so that they turn out tasty, beautiful and appetizing.

How to cook jelly: choose meat and cook delicious broth

All housewives know how to properly cook beef and pork jelly so that it freezes well without gelatin - you need to take pork and beef legs, brain bones, heads, tails, pig ears and parts of the carcass that are not suitable for other dishes. Suitable tendons, cartilage, bones, skin, mosses, chicken feet, wings, necks and heads, which, thanks to their high collagen content, make the meat broth sticky, viscous and jelly-like.

If chicken jelly is prepared, it should not be store-bought, but homemade - not very meaty and bony. Excellent gelling of rooster broth and game. In addition, pork knuckle, beef tenderloin, turkey and chicken can be put in the dish as a meat base. The meat should not be too fatty, as the fat prevents the jelly from solidifying.

Naturally, meat products are of high quality and fresh. Legs, drumsticks, paws are thoroughly washed, cleaned and soaked for at least one hour. After that, the legs are poured with cold water, brought to a boil, then drained and refilled with water in the pot with meat. This is done to make the broth clear and less greasy.

The ideal ratio of water and meat is 2:1, and the water should be cold - so the broth will be even tastier and more appetizing. As soon as the broth boils, the fire is reduced to a minimum and boiled for 5–7 hours, in some cases up to 12 hours. The cooking time depends on the meat used, the required amount of jelly and the recipe. How much to cook is a significant question, because the longer it is cooked, the more saturated, thick and rich the jelly will be. If the jelly does not solidify well, then there was too much liquid or you added it to the pan during cooking. In this case, the jelly will have to be boiled or gelatin added.

How to cook beef, pork and chicken jelly: the following steps

2 hours before readiness, put onions, carrots, celery root and parsley in the broth, and 40 minutes before the end of cooking - bay leaf, cloves, peppercorns, dill umbrellas and other spices. And you can lay the spices along with the meat to make the jelly more fragrant. When peeling onions, sometimes the middle and bottom layers of the husks are left so that the broth is beautiful and golden.

Aspic is salted after the broth is ready, otherwise there is a high probability of oversalting the dish - the water constantly boils away. In addition, salt inhibits the gelling process. You need to salt the hot broth so that it seems slightly oversalted, otherwise it will turn out to be too bland when frozen. Chopped garlic is placed in the finished broth and the dish is allowed to brew for about 20 minutes. After that, the meat is carefully separated from bones and cartilage, vegetables are removed from the broth, and the liquid is filtered. Some housewives add chopped cartilage to the meat to make the jelly more dense and satisfying.

Pieces of meat are laid out in a large form, poured with broth and left for a while at room temperature. You can pour liquid into small portion molds - they look very impressive on holiday table. Slices of carrots, slices of pickles, green leaves or half an egg are placed at the bottom of the molds - the decoration will end up at the top and look very impressive.

It is better to cool and bring the dish to readiness on the middle shelf of the refrigerator, and the jelly usually freezes as much as it was cooked. It is best to remove the frozen fat from the finished jelly if you have not removed it before. Before serving the dish, the molds with jelly are lowered for a few seconds in hot water and turn over on a plate, and serve this savory appetizer with grated horseradish and spicy mustard.

How to cook jelly with gelatin

Sometimes there is no time to cook according to all the rules, and beef and chicken jelly do not always release enough gelling substances, so many people want to know how to act so that the dish still freezes. Gelatin comes to the rescue, which is made from the bones, tendons and hooves of cattle, so with this unique product you can get delicious aspic with less time investment.

Per liter of liquid, 30 g of gelatin is usually taken, which is pre-soaked and then dissolved in a small amount of warm or cold broth after straining. Pour the liquid into a saucepan in a thin stream and heat slightly, not bringing to a boil. In all other respects, the technology for preparing jellied meat does not differ from the classic recipe.

Clear broth - easy!

Never boil broth from frozen meat - it will turn out too cloudy, no amount of egg white will help. First, the meat and bones are thawed, washed well, and then boiled. The first water is drained for the same reason - so that the jelly turns out to be light and without impurities.

To obtain a clear broth, it is not allowed to boil strongly, it is not stirred during the cooking process, and the foam must be removed. The broth should be well filtered, as it often turns out to be cloudy due to the fact that it has not been sufficiently cleaned of all kinds of impurities. There is another secret of transparent jelly - throw a pinch into the broth citric acid until boiling.

If preventive measures did not help, the strained broth is clarified with lemon juice (½ tsp) or egg white. For a liter of finished broth, one whipped protein is enough, which is added to the broth, after which the liquid is thoroughly cleaned through cheesecloth folded in several layers.

How to cook aspic from meat and fish

Aspic is a light version of jelly and jelly, as it is prepared from lean meats (beef, veal, tongue, chicken, turkey) and fish. Aspic cooking is simple and easy, and gelatin is used to solidify the broth.

Meat or poultry is boiled according to all the rules for preparing meat broth. Next, the dish is cooled, the meat is separated from the bones, it is disassembled into fibers or cut into pieces. The broth is filtered, and the gelatin is poured with water to swell - while the proportions of the broth and gelatin depend on the amount of meat. It is recommended to adhere to the ratio indicated in the recipe. Gelatin is poured into the broth and heated, but not boiled, otherwise the aspic will not thicken.

For fish aspic, any kind of fish is used, the most important thing is to carefully remove the bones so that there are no unpleasant surprises during the tasting process. And of course, aspic is unlikely to please the eye if, instead of beautiful pieces, it contains minced fish. Therefore, they usually use denser fish that does not fall apart when cooked - pollock, mackerel, pike, pink salmon and representatives of the salmon family. Fish heads, tails and fins are placed in the broth, it is they who make it thick and rich, but it is better to remove the gills due to bitterness. Boil fish broth with the addition of vegetables and spices, remove the bones, filter and introduce gelatin. Pieces of bright vegetables are laid out in a jellied container and poured with liquid.

Recipe: jelly in a slow cooker

Rinse two pork legs and soak for 3 hours. Chop two chicken legs into pieces, put the meat in a slow cooker along with one peeled onion, half a head of garlic and peppercorns. Pour water up to the maximum level and leave overnight in the "extinguishing" mode. In the morning, cool the broth and, separating the meat from the bones, cut it into pieces, mash the garlic, return it to the broth and salt. Fill the molds with meat, pour the broth, let it brew and put in the refrigerator.

It is not difficult to understand how to cook jelly from beef or pork legs, aspic from chicken, tongue and fish. These delicious food very beneficial for health due to the high content of collagen. Take care of the health of your family and cook jelly not only for the holidays!

How to cook jelly, what you can make this dish from and how to serve it beautifully, read right now. For those who want to try to cook meat jelly from pork shank or beef, but do not know how - this article.

Pork leg jelly is a dish without which it is difficult to imagine the traditional native Russian feast, Christ's and. With all this, it can act not only as a festive treat, but also as a hearty nutritious meal for every day.

So, we will cook transparent jelly - best recipes Russian cuisine.

Classic pork with meat pieces

Classic jelly recipe. It is cooked from pork shank / knuckle, it turns out to be very satisfying, rich, fragrant, appetizing, retains its density for a long time, does not melt.

To cook jellied meat you will need:

  • A kilogram of shank / shank (you can take a little less).
  • 0.4 kg. pork legs (2 pcs.).
  • One fruit of a carrot (we take a medium-sized one) and an onion.
  • 10-12 black peppercorns
  • Dill, celery root (a little).
  • Salt - 1 teaspoon (adjust to your preference)

How to cook clear pork leg jelly - step by step recipe

1. Wash the pork thoroughly under warm water, dry, put in a large saucepan.

2. Pour enough water so that the legs / knuckle are covered with it a few centimeters from above (about 3-3.5 liters of liquid is needed for a given amount of meat), set to cook, making the smallest fire. It will take 4-4.5 hours.

3. Peel the carrot, cut into beautiful patterns, or simply on mugs, stripes.

4. An hour before the end of cooking, throw the onion into the pan along with the husk (do not forget to wash it first, you don’t need to cut it into pieces), chopped carrots, celery root, peppercorns.

5. Prepare molds for pouring jelly, put boiled carrot circles on the bottoms (remove from the pan).

6. Cool the meat, disassemble into fibers, cut into pieces without throwing away the skins and cartilage.

7. Put the product into molds, sprinkle with finely chopped dill on top, put parsley leaves, pour everything with the strained broth in which the pork was cooked.

8. We send the dish to the refrigerator to freeze, after which you can serve it for the festive or dining table. If desired, the forms with treats can be turned upside down on a saucer before serving or served directly in those forms into which you poured your treat.

Delicate in taste, the most useful, as it contains few calories compared to other recipes, an option that, I am sure, will appeal not only to adults, but also to children.

List of ingredients:

  • Chicken about 1.5 kg. (use with skin and bones).
  • Classic legs from a pig - 4-5 pcs.
  • Onion - 2 heads.
  • Garlic - 6-7 cloves.
  • Bay leaf - 5 pieces.
  • Celery - 1 root.
  • Pepper, salt to your taste.

How to cook homemade aspic with chicken - an algorithm of actions

- Wash the chicken, cut into small pieces, as for frying, place in a saucepan, send the washed legs there.

- Add water so that all the meat is covered, salt a little, boil the food.

- Remove the foam from the boiling broth, set the fire to the lowest level, and cook for about three and a half hours.

- After 2 hours, add spices to the pan, a little more salt, onion peeled and cut in half, it will later need to be removed from the jelly, as well as celery, continue cooking further.

- Remove the onion from the broth, discard, get the chicken and shank, chop, arrange in deep bowls or forms, if you wish, you can add a little any greens to the plates.

- Strain the broth, pour the meat over it, let the dish cool to room temperature, and then put it in the refrigerator overnight. Cooking time (hardening) will be about 4 hours. It can be served in portions or directly in the bowl where it froze.

This version of the dish, which adherents will surely appreciate healthy eating. It turns out the jelly is transparent, it freezes perfectly very quickly. It takes about a day to cook all the treats.

We are preparing:

  • Beef shank with bone - about 2 kg.
  • Peas fragrant pepper - 12-14 peas.
  • Dried parsnip root and celery, a little parsley for decoration.
  • 4 onions (you don’t need to cut into pieces, you don’t even need to peel, just wash).
  • One pickle.
  • 2 carrots.
  • Head of garlic with 6-7 cloves.
  • Lavrusha - 4-5 sheets.
  • A little salt.

How to cook jelly with beef - step by step cooking process

Wash the beef shank, then chop it into fairly large pieces, put it in a five-liter or large saucepan, pour about three and a half liters of water, set to cook. Boil beef meat over low heat for at least 4.5 hours. When boiling, it is necessary to remove the foam from the broth, if it is not removed, then the jelly will not acquire proper transparency, it will be cloudy.

We disassemble the peeled garlic into slices, we also clean the carrots and onions.

After 2 hours of cooking the beef, pour salt into the pan, put all the vegetables, onions and carrots while not cutting them, lay them out as a whole. Add pepper and continue cooking.

How to test the broth useful advice! If, after dropping a yushka on your fingers, after hardening it does not spread, but sticks your fingers together, then the beef broth is rich enough and you can pour prepared foods on it.

We take out the beef, it should cool down so as not to burn, cut into pieces or break it neatly into fibers.

We cut the carrots into circles or, as you like, put them on the bottom of the bowls, where the slurry will be poured, put a parsley leaf and chopped pickles next to it.

We throw out the onion and garlic from the pan, filter the yushka through cheesecloth. Now it remains to pour the beef with broth, put in the refrigerator until completely solidified.

Before serving, turn the forms with aspic over into small bowls, decorate with parsley sprigs, serve with horseradish, mustard or any other favorite sauce, you're done.

Extraordinarily delicious cooking festive Russian aspic. A great option for a festive table for the New Year or Christmas.

  • Large turkey drumstick.
  • The knuckle is also one (pork).
  • Onion head and salt.
  • Three bay leaves.
  • Two carrots.
  • Classic and allspice pepper - five or six peas each.
  • Coriander beans - 1⁄2 teaspoon.
  • Two tablespoons of canned corn (you can use both sweet and unsweetened).
  • Three or more own will garlic cloves.
  • A few green onions for garnish.

Step by step:

1. Soak the shins, soak overnight in cold water, then scrape, rinse, put on a slow fire, fill with water, cook until tender.

Water should be taken at the rate of 1.5 liters per 1 kilogram of meat on the bone. During the cooking process, you should not add water to the pan, as the yushka may lose its gelling properties. When foam and fat appear on the surface, remove periodically with a spoon or slotted spoon.

2. Half an hour before the end of cooking, and the meat should be on the stove for at least 3 hours, pour in a set of spices, put the unpeeled head onion, carrots and salt.

3. Shortly before turning off the stove, pour in the peeled garlic cloves, you can chop or rub the product.

4. We disassemble the cooled legs, separating them from the bone, then cut them into small pieces.

5. Open the corn, decant, put the product beautifully on the bottom of the bowl.

6. We chop the green onion, send it to the corn along with chopped, diced carrots.

7. Next, lay out a layer of turkey with pork and fill everything with broth. Gelatin does not need to be added, it will solidify perfectly on its own in a cold place, where it will need to be put after cooling to room temperature.

8. Turn the finished molds onto beautiful plates so that their bottom is on top, serve with horseradish.

Assorted pork and beef tenderloin

Hearty, tasty jelly with a transparent dense jelly, an excellent dish for all occasions. As a rule, this version of jelly is very popular with men.

What products are needed:

  • About five feet of piggy (the number of products can be reduced).
  • 700 gr. beef.
  • 2.5 liters of water.
  • Bulb.
  • Carrot.
  • Dried cloves - 2-3 buds.
  • It tastes of garlic, peppercorns, bay leaves and salt.
  • For decoration, cranberries, lingonberries or red currants - a handful.

How to make homemade jelly from pork legs and beef meat

You already know how and how long to cook homemade transparent jelly from ordinary pork knuckle. Now we will make a dish with the addition of beef. To do this, the first thing you will need to do is to wash all the prepared foods - wash the meat / vegetables, and then put the meat products into a saucepan and pour cold water, leaving for a couple of hours. What will we do next.

  1. Scrape the legs. If there are any impurities on them, put them in a saucepan with beef, pour water, bring to a boil, drain, pour again with a new one.
  2. Send a whole onion to the meat, salt, cook as much as the classic version is cooked.
  3. Season the broth with spices, garlic, take out the onion, dip the carrots into the pan, continue cooking the dish for at least another hour, but 1.5-2 is better.
  4. Remove the pork with beef, cool, separate the flesh from the bone, chop or separate into fibers with your hands, put them in bowls.

Chop the carrots into circles, this will be the decoration of our delicacy, lay on top of the beef fibers. Pour everything with jelly, put it to harden in a cold place, in winter you can go to the balcony, in the summer in the refrigerator.

Freezing time 5-6 hours, depending on the amount of food in the bowls/forms. It is best to remove the jelly in the cold for the whole night, and in the morning you can safely eat.

A rather interesting and simple cooking method, in which, in addition to the meat part and spices, we will also use green peas.

Grocery list:

  • Legs - 2 pieces.
  • Pork tenderloin - 0.5 kg.
  • Onion - 2 small.
  • Canned peas - 1 can (200-250 gr).
  • Carrots, if desired, serve as a decoration.
  • Garlic cloves - 6 pcs.
  • Greens to taste.
  • Allspice (several peas), salt, laurel.

How to cook jelly from legs in a slow cooker

- Soak your feet overnight in cold water, then wash with the pulp, put in a bowl of a household appliance.

- Send peeled, but not cut, bulbs, laurel, allspice to the products, pour water so that it covers the ingredient, set the “Stew” mode and select the cooking time 4.5 hours.

- Salt the finished broth, add chopped garlic and dill to it. If you boiled carrots (prepared separately), you will need to cut them nicely and also add to the broth.

- Distribute the meat fibers according to the forms, pour the yushka filtered through double gauze, leave to cool, then transfer to the refrigerator until completely solidified.

Video recipe on how to properly cook jelly from a pig's head

Yes, and this part of the pig is used to make rich meat jelly.

1. Many people are concerned about how much to cook jellied meat, it directly depends on the type of meat used in the recipe and its quantity. On average, pork jelly is cooked for four or five hours, chicken - 3 and a half hours, beef - at least four and a half hours.

2. When choosing products, carefully check their freshness, a stale main ingredient can not only spoil the taste and aroma of the dish, but also lead to undesirable consequences - indigestion, nausea, etc.

3. The celery root added to the broth gives a special flavor to the jelly. In addition to it, you can add any other greens to the yushka - parsley, dill, parsnip, they go well with boiled chicken, turkey, beef, pork.

4. The most acceptable combination of spices is a set of pepper, bay leaf, cloves, marjoram. In addition to them, nutmeg, ground red pepper will help to add their zest.

5. In order to get a transparent jelly, you should remove the resulting foam from the surface of the water during cooking, plus filter the broth several times at the end.

6. Be sure to cook the meat on the bone, it is the bone that has the properties that allow the product to quickly harden.

7. You can serve yummy with boiled potatoes, bread, as well as with adjika, ketchup, horseradish, mustard.

8. You can prepare a treat in portions in small molds (you can present it either in this dish or turned it upside down on a saucer) or in one large plate.

9. After solidification, a layer of fat always forms on top of the surface, it is best to remove it before serving.

So, all this may seem like a very troublesome task, and the question of how to cook jelly can suddenly disappear. But still it is worth getting together and cooking this culinary masterpiece of Russian cuisine.

Good luck and all the best!

Europeans do not understand how you can adore jelly, but we know that nothing will warm you better than jelly with horseradish under a glass of vodka if you have just walked in the cold.

Kholodets is a rather simple dish, although it requires some patience. The convenience of jelly is that it will cook for a long, long time on its own. Nevertheless, he still requires, albeit minimal, but supervision, so it is better not to leave the house. Most important point- jelly should solidify without adding gelatin and agar-agar. He will do it, no problem, but only if you follow a few simple rules, choose the right meat and fill it with the right amount of water. That's actually all.

What meat to take for jelly

In the old days, jelly was cooked from beef legs and head. It was a method of disposing of those parts of a cow/veal carcass that are completely unsuitable for other dishes. Now we have the opportunity to put anything in the jelly. But in order for the broth to solidify without gelatin, you still need to use legs, drumsticks, tails - they impart viscosity and stickiness to the liquid. The veins, cartilage, skin, and skin contribute to the solidification of the broth.

In addition to the legs, you can use almost any meat that is not a pity to cook for a long time. Pork knuckle, chicken, beef edge are good. They make jelly and completely from poultry, but then it is necessary that there must be legs, chicken legs, and also that the chicken is not store-bought young and white (the broth will not freeze with it), but homemade, nondescript, bony. Old roosters are good for chicken aspic.

There shouldn't be too much meat.

If there is a lot of meat, then this will not contribute to the solidification of the broth. You need to keep the proportions. For one part of the legs, about two parts of the rest of the meat.

Soaking is a must

Before cooking jelly, meat, and especially legs and tails, must be soaked. That is, they must first be washed, the legs scraped, if necessary, singe, and then pour cold water and leave for several hours. This procedure will remove blood clots from the meat.

How much water to pour

After soaking, drain the water and pour cold water over the meat again. But it shouldn't be too much. Water should be above the level of the meat by about the width of the palm. And the fact that it is cold is also important. This will make the broth taste better.

Drain the first water

Bring everything to a boil and drain the water. With this procedure, the broth will become transparent. Then rinse the legs and everything else again. Pour cold water again and bring to a boil over medium heat. Remove the foam, turn the fire to a minimum.

The slower the better

No wonder jelly used to be cooked in the oven. At a temperature of about 90 degrees, the meat slowly languished and gave everything to the water, so the jelly turned out to be fragrant, rich, and perfectly solidified. Now we cook jelly on the stove (you can cook jelly in a slow cooker, where it languishes like in an oven), but on the smallest fire. So that he only gurgles quietly. And all the time we remove the foam. Fat can also be removed if you do not like a thin white fatty layer on the surface of the finished jelly. By the way, it can also be removed from a ready-made frozen jelly.

Important! Jellied meat is cooked for at least 6 hours, and better - 8 hours.

What else to put

Onion, peeled from the first layer of husk, a couple of carrots. Of course, peppercorns and bay leaf. All those products that make meat broths tastier. But we do not put them immediately, but towards the end of cooking. Carrots and onions - two hours, and pepper and other spices - about half an hour.

When to salt

Not earlier than an hour before the jelly is ready, because the water is slowly boiling away and there is a danger of oversalting the jelly. Many salt jelly after it is cooked. In this case, you need to put a little more salt, taking into account the fact that the meat will absorb it.

After cooking

When the jellied meat is turned off, you can salt it, add crushed garlic to the broth and let it stand and rest for about 20 minutes. And then start parsing the jellied meat: separate the meat from bones and cartilage.

Analysis of jellied meat and bottling in forms

When the jelly is cooked, the meat is removed from the broth with a slotted spoon. It is removed from the bones, separated from the cartilage, and the skin is selected. All meat is cut into small pieces. It is often recommended to add finely chopped cartilage to the meat, so the jelly will be more dense.

Try to choose peppercorns and bay leaves from the meat.

Arrange the meat in forms and trays, and strain the broth and pour over the meat. You can mix, or you can leave the meat below so that there is a layer of jelly above it.


Aspic looks great on the festive table, served in portions - for each guest. Meat and broth for such a jelly is poured and laid out in small portion molds, and it’s nice to put decorations on the bottom of the mold: sprigs of greens, circles of carrots, half an egg, etc. When you take out the jelly on a plate, the decorations will be on top.

Looks great jelly, frozen in a bottle, it can be cut big circles like a roll. To get such a round jelly, you need to pour the meat and broth into a plastic bottle with a cut off top and let the dish harden. Then pour over the bottle hot water and take out the jellied meat.

You can also use molds for cakes and pastries with ribbed walls for jelly - it will turn out beautifully and in an original way.

If you want to decorate the jelly, then you can separately boil carrots and other vegetables, those that were cooked with meat, most likely lost their marketable appearance.

The last step is freezing

First, the jelly is cooled at room temperature. And then he needs a very low positive - about 1-2 degrees. It is impossible to freeze jellied meat, it will lose its tenderness and softness, and it will lose its taste. So to solidify the jelly is sent to the refrigerator, approximately in the middle.


The classic sauce for serving jelly is grated horseradish. You can buy it in the store, or you can make it yourself if you have horseradish root on hand (grate, add a little sugar, salt and vinegar, quite often this sauce is also diluted with water). table horseradish maybe with the addition of beets, very fragrant horseradish is obtained with sour grated apples, and if you add pureed tomatoes to horseradish, you get Siberian horseradish.

Also, an indispensable companion of jellied meat is mustard. Of course, Russian, strong, not sweetish French.

Pork leg jelly

1 kg pork legs
2 carrots
2 onions
Black peppercorns
2-3 bay leaves

Step 1. Wash and scrape pork legs, singe, remove hooves. Soak 3-4 hours.
Step 2. Pour the legs with water so that it covers them by 5 cm and put on a strong fire, bring to a boil.
Step 3. Drain and pour new water, bring to a boil again, remove the foam, put on a slow fire. Boil for about 8 hours.
Step 4. An hour and a half before the end of cooking, put peeled carrots and onions in their skins. After another 40 minutes, add pepper and bay leaf.
Step 5. Remove meat and vegetables with a slotted spoon. Vegetables - throw away. And the meat is separated from the bones and cartilage, finely chopped. Arrange in forms.
Step 6. Strain the broth and pour the meat into the molds. Cool to room temperature, then refrigerate for a few hours until set.

Jellied meat in a multicooker

2 pork legs
2 chicken legs
2.5 liters of water
1 bulb
½ head of garlic

Step 1. Rinse, clean and soak the legs for 2-3 hours.
Step 2. Cut the chicken into pieces (the leg can be cut into three parts).
Step 3. Peel the onion, put meat and onions, spices and salt into the multicooker bowl, pour water to the maximum.
Step 4. Put on the extinguishing mode, the longer the better, it is convenient to leave the multicooker for the night.
Step 5. When the jelly is cooked, take out the meat, remove it from the bones and cut into small pieces.
Step 6. Add garlic cloves crushed with a knife to the broth. They insist while we are engaged in meat. Taste and salt if needed.
Step 7. Put the meat into molds, filling them in half or two thirds. Pour in strained broth. Cool at room temperature and then place in the refrigerator to chill.