How to cook meat for jelly. Pork leg jelly

  • 19.10.2019

Delicious, beautiful, resilient, festive, folk - all this is it, a classic jellied meat. The dish is really popular in almost every family. And this is despite the fact that any recipe for homemade jelly takes as much as 2 days. The cooking itself will take at least 5 hours, and the cold will do the rest for us.

Kholodets is essentially a frozen broth, in which proteins, collagens, fats and aromatic substances released from meat are maximally concentrated. And that is why both adults and children love this cold appetizer so much. It seems that it is difficult to cook it, but in fact there is nothing easier. Moreover, even the recipe will not take much time, because no one will stand at the stove for 5 hours.

Kholodets is such an interesting appetizer that is best cooked slowly. Moreover, it cannot be done in a hurry. Stock up on two days before holidays or weekends and start cooking with good mood. You can cook jelly from any type of meat:

  • mutton;
  • rabbit;
  • Turkey.

It is also possible from fish, but it will already be aspic. And by the way, jelly is one and the same. But aspic and brawn are dishes, although related, but differ in their characteristics.

Since jelly is a strong, properly frozen broth, the cooking technology will always be the same. Here is what the steps look like in general:

  1. Preparation of products (wash, peel, cut).
  2. Cook the meat until it boils.
  3. Cook the meat after boiling over low heat for at least 4 hours.
  4. Add vegetables and spices.
  5. Add garlic.
  6. Turn off after 5-6 hours after boiling and pour into molds. We take it out to the cold.
  7. Decorate, serve and serve.

Five Universal Cooking Principles

Regardless of which recipe you choose, some rules will still be common. These tips can be attributed to the heading “note to the hostess”, because they will be useful both for making jelly and for cooking any meat broth:

  1. First of all, jelly is a broth. Therefore, any jelly recipe with a photo gives detailed ideas on how to cook a rich soup step by step. There is nothing complicated here. First, the meat is placed in cold water, then quickly brought to a boil, and then boiled over low heat.
  2. During cooking after boiling, we must constantly monitor that the water does not boil. Only a slight, barely noticeable swaying is allowed. Actually this is the principle of cooking any meat broth.
  3. Keep the lid on the pot carefully while cooking, otherwise the water will boil away.
  4. In continuation of the previous rule: never top up with cold water, it can spoil the taste. In extreme cases, it is allowed to add only in small quantities - so as not to knock down a weak boil.
  5. And one more principle - add salt, spices 30-60 minutes before the end. After all, it is in this case that we accurately see the real volume of the resulting broth and definitely do not risk oversalting or overpepping.

That's all - these basic principles are sure to help when cooking any broth. And all other advice, recommendations can be considered only details. For example, what vegetables to take, whether to add ginger, how to decorate with carrots, eggs, etc. The following is a recipe for making classic pork jelly without gelatin - with photos and descriptions step by step of each step.

Classic jellied recipe

Well, now we come to the actual recipe. Let's take the classic jelly as a basis. We will need the following ingredients:

  • pork legs - 2 (you can take an additional 2 pork ears);
  • pork (or beef) fillet - 800 g (can also be taken on the bone);
  • onions and carrots - 2 each;
  • garlic - 1 head;
  • salt, pepper, spices - at your discretion.

Here is a simple recipe for cooking jellied pork legs without gelatin, in which you can find step by step and with a photo detailed description each stage:

  1. Soak the pork legs overnight in plain cool water. So we will remove excess dirt, and most importantly - the meat will become softer.
  2. Then we take it out, pour it over with boiling water, carefully clean it with a brush, wash off all the dirt. We cut off the hooves. It is advisable to chop into 2 halves (longitudinally) so that collagen and other substances pass into the broth as much as possible.
  3. We lay the legs, ears and meat (fillet) in a pan. It is advisable to take a thick-walled pan that stores heat well. Fill with water so that it completely covers the meat. The layer above it should be 2-3 fingers thick.
  4. Bring to a boil, and then immediately reduce the heat. Now the meat will cook for a very long time with a slight, barely noticeable boil. In fact, we should not even see bubbling bubbles - the water will walk weakly on the surface, as if the soup is just boiling. And this will continue for at least 4 hours (but not more than 6). Our task is to remove the foam immediately after boiling, and then periodically remove it as needed.
  5. Now peel the carrots. And you don’t have to peel the onion, just wash it, because it’s all the same to throw it away later. And the husk will give a pleasant golden color to the broth. Add vegetables along with all the spices exactly one hour before the end of cooking.
  6. Well, that's all, 5-6 hours have passed since the moment of boiling, and the aromas of the holiday have long filled the entire kitchen. Now we turn it off. And just 5 minutes before that, add finely chopped garlic. You don’t need to do this before - all flavors will be lost.
  7. Remove vegetables from broth. We take out the meat, grind it in a meat grinder or with a knife.
  8. We spread the meat on the bottom of another pan or molds. We lay out the carrots (optional) for beauty. Fill everything with broth, take it out to the cold. You will have to wait all night, but the expectation of a holiday is sometimes better than the holiday itself!

As you can see, there is no gelatin here. Yes, he is not needed. Let's remember history. There is such a beautiful and at the same time believable culinary legend about the origin of jelly. In ancient times, the servants cleaned the master's table, kept all the good unused meat and cooked strong broth from it. Once a bowl of soup was left in the cold. And of course, it is clear what happened. Attention to the question - where did they get the gelatin? It didn't exist then, and it didn't matter. Everything that was needed was "taken" by itself - from the bones of pork and beef legs, as well as from the village chicken (after all, there were no others then).

With or without gelatin

This is one of the most common questions about jelly on the culinary web. Indeed, how to ensure that the broth hardens and takes on the consistency of jelly, and not meat "ice cream"? And besides, what if you want to cook a light, dietary dish without pork legs? These questions have very simple answers.

Jelly variant with gelatin

This is the simplest option, which gives us complete freedom of action. After all, absolutely any meat can be used for jelly with gelatin. In any gelatin jelly recipe there are comments (step by step and with a photo), but the technology in any case will be exactly the same as described above. The most important thing is to know exactly how much gelatin to take:

  1. If we want to get a trembling jelly, like pudding, we dilute 20 g of gelatin per liter of finished jelly. Let's say we cook in a 5-liter saucepan. And then we take 100 g of gelatin, no more. After all, you need to take into account that 400-500 ml of water will certainly boil away.
  2. And if we want to get a firmer consistency, feel free to take at least 2 times more - 40 g per liter of finished broth.

And an equally important question is how to dilute the gelatin when it is added to the broth. Here, too, everything is simple. Firstly, there is always an instruction on the bag. But even if she is lost, we act like this:

  1. First of all, the ratio of gelatin and water should be 1:10. We measure the required amount with a spoon and fall asleep in a glass.
  2. Pour cold boiled water there (10 times more in volume).
  3. Leave for 30-60 minutes, the water should swell.
  4. Now put the glass on water bath for a few minutes. You can simply immerse the glass in a pot of water and put on low heat. Once hot, stir thoroughly until completely dissolved.
  5. OK it's all over Now. Gelatin is ready. It is added to hot but not boiling broth when it is ready (or 10-15 minutes before the end). Just keep in mind that gelatin is not boiled. That is why it is added to the cooked broth. We continue to act as usual - pour into molds and take out in the cold.


There is gelatin in powders and plates. For novice cooks, it is easier to work with the powder - it is simply poured into the broth and evenly dissolved. And to work with records you need some experience.

Jelly without gelatin

The recipe for pork jelly without gelatin with a description of the actions step by step and a photo was discussed above. We were able to safely do without this nutritional supplement, since all the necessary substances to give the jelly the desired consistency were already in the meat itself. Or rather - in pork legs (and there are enough of them in the ears too).

But is it really necessary to always take pork? Not at all. Here are some more natural sources of collagen:

  1. Beef legs.
  2. Bull or cow tails.
  3. Lamb legs.
  4. Village chicken.

That is, it is quite possible to cook jelly without gelatin - for this you need to take these types of meat. By the way, note that the usual store-bought chicken will not work. This is easy to verify and personal experience: after all chicken soup put in the refrigerator will never turn into jelly. Another thing is a village rooster or chicken. They provide the necessary amounts of collagen, which results in the desired consistency.

Original ways to decorate aspic: 10 ideas for inspiration

So, we figured out how to cook jelly at home - the above step by step recipe With a photo helped to understand what's what. All other recommendations can only be called details. For example, we can:

  • choose additional vegetables ( bell peppers, canned peas, etc.);
  • take additional spices (ginger, cloves, basil, thyme);
  • add halved boiled egg(It will be appropriate to look at the chicken jelly).

Well, how to decorate aspic is already a creative matter. And very funny! Especially if you bring small children to help. Here are just some options for jelly with a photo - for inspiration.

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Winter ahead. This means that jelly will appear on the tables - one of the best winter meat snacks. Delicious amber-clear with the taste of strong broth - jelly is considered a national Russian dish. And every family, every housewife has her own secret recipes for jelly: someone prefers thick meat, someone likes transparent with bright accents of carrots and greens, while the main thing in jelly is fresh sugar bone or shank! Cooking jellied meat will require patience from the cook, but the result is worth it. We will learn how to cook jelly correctly, how much to cook jelly, what meat to choose for it and how to cook a transparent fragrant jelly.

How to cook jelly

The golden rule is that jelly should harden without the addition of gelatin and agar-agar. If you stick simple rules: choose the right meat and bones and fill them with the right amount of water and cook for the required time, then your jelly will harden by itself. And, if, moreover, the jelly is cooked correctly, the broth will remain transparent and appetizing!

How to choose meat for jelly

In the old days, jelly was cooked from those parts of beef or pork carcasses for which there was no other use: legs, heads, tails. However, now we have the opportunity to put any meat in the jelly, but do not forget that it is the bony-cartilaginous component that is responsible for the freezing of the jelly. So, in order to properly cook jelly, follow the rules:

  • for the taste of jelly:
    • choose the meat that you like best: pork (pork knuckle), beef (beef edge), rabbit, turkey, chicken (old roosters are especially good), and the meat of wild animals will give the jelly a unique taste;
    • meat and legs must be fresh, in which case you will get a fragrant broth, which means delicious aspic;
    • before pouring, you can add finely chopped garlic to the boiled meat, pepper, mix well and only then lay it out in the forms.
  • to freeze cold:
    • there should not be a lot of meat in the jelly recipe - keep the proportions: for one part of the legs, take about two parts of the rest of the meat;
    • in order for the broth to solidify without gelatin, it is imperative to use legs, drumsticks or tails; veins, cartilage, skin, and skin also contribute to the solidification of the broth;
    • water should cover the products by about two centimeters;
    • cook jellied meat for at least 6 hours.
  • for the beauty of jelly:
    • jelly from beef or lamb legs will be more transparent than jelly from pork shank;
    • drain the first water;
    • do not let it boil intensively;
    • remove foam;
    • before pouring into molds, strain the broth through 4 - 6 layers of gauze.

How to cook transparent jelly

Before cooking jellied meat, legs, tails and so on should be soaked, this will allow you to cook a more transparent broth, because soaking will remove blood clots and other small particles that can turn into tatters. So, rinse the meat, scrape the legs, singe if necessary, and rinse too. Prepared products should be poured with cold water and left. Drain the water periodically. Usually it is enough to change 2-3 times to stop blushing. Before preparing the jelly, the water in which the meat and legs were soaked must be drained.

For greater transparency, some housewives recommend draining the first water, which means: bring the food to a boil and drain the water, rinse the legs and meat again, pour cold water again, bring to a boil, remove the foam and cook over low heat.

Be sure to skim off the foam during the entire cooking time. To keep the jellied meat transparent, do not allow the contents of the pan to boil intensively. If you do not follow these rules, you will get cloudy jelly.

How much water to pour into jelly

An important rule that often does not fall into the jelly recipe is that meat and shanks are poured only with cold water and it should not be too much or too little! This is very important point in the preparation of cold. During the cooking process, water is no longer added, so initially pour the right amount of water into the pan. Different mistresses bring various ways determining the amount of water for jelly, remember the simplest: the water should be about two centimeters above the level of the meat.

How much to cook jelly

Aspic recipes clearly say: aspic is cooked for a long time! Meat and bones should languish over low heat, gradually giving the broth taste and aroma. Only in this way will you be able to properly prepare a delicious jelly - fragrant, rich and perfectly solidified. So, pouring clean products with cold water, bring everything to a boil, remove the foam and reduce the heat to such an extent that your broth gurgles quietly. Don't forget to skim off any foam and grease if you like. It is also recommended to cook jellied meat without a lid.

Important! Jellied meat cooking time - at least 6-8 hours!

What to put in jelly

  • an onion peeled from the first layer of husk - two hours before the end of cooking aspic;
  • carrots - an hour before the end of cooking jellied meat;
  • peppercorns - half an hour before the end of cooking jellied meat;
  • Bay leaf- half an hour before the end of cooking jellied meat.
Greens, which will give the dish not only taste, but also pleasant appearance, it is also better to put 5-10 minutes before the end of cooking. If you want the taste of fresh herbs to be felt in the dish, then add the herbs when you pour the jelly into molds.

How much salt to put in jelly

How to salt aspic - depends on your taste. V general recommendations it is advised to salt the jelly no earlier than an hour before readiness. Many salt jelly after it is cooked. And you need to add more salt than you are used to. The broth should become quite salty, it may even seem salty to some. This is what will allow him, when solidified, to become a dish perfectly balanced in salt. Undersalted jellied meat will be tasteless and insipid.

How to check if the jelly is ready

After the cooking time has elapsed, the housewives recommend checking whether the jelly has solidified, in this way: scoop up a little broth, cool slightly and moisten your fingers with it, if the fingers stick together when squeezed, then the broth is strong enough and the jelly can be considered ready for pouring.

How to disassemble and pour jelly

When the jellied meat is cooked, let it stand for about 20 minutes and proceed to the analysis: to separate the meat from the bones and cartilage. The meat is removed from the broth with a slotted spoon. It is removed from the bones and separated from the cartilage, skin. The meat is cut or disassembled with fingers into small pieces. It is often recommended to add finely chopped cartilage to the meat, so the jelly will be more dense. By the way, some housewives recommend adding finely chopped garlic to the meat, pepper, mix well and only then lay it out in forms. To decorate the jelly, you can cut out circles or stars from carrots that were boiled in jelly, you can lay out leaves of fresh herbs and olives, cut in half. Prepared meat and vegetables should be poured with strained broth. You can mix, or you can leave the meat and jelly in layers.

Aspic freezing

First, the jelly is cooled at room temperature. After that, it can be put in the refrigerator. It is impossible to freeze jellied meat, it will lose its tenderness and softness, and it will lose its taste.

What to serve with jelly

Kholodets is usually served at the festive table with vodka with horseradish, mustard, mayonnaise, vinegar or beets with horseradish.

Simple jelly recipes

Now that you know how to cook jellied meat correctly, how much to cook jellied meat, how to cook a transparent tasty jellied meat, it's time to try to do it in practice. Chosen for you simple recipes aspic.

Recipe Triple aspic or Aspic from three types of meat

1 beef knuckle
2 pork knuckles
1 whole chicken
2 carrots
2 onions
2 parsley roots
1 tsp allspice
1 tsp black pepper
3-4 bay leaves
3 garlic cloves

Wash meat in cold water and soak overnight. Drain the water. Pour the meat with clean cold water and put on medium heat. Before boiling, remove the foam and remove it regularly as it appears. After boiling, reduce the fire and cook over low heat with a barely noticeable boil for 8 hours. Do not close the jellied lid. If the meat is fatty, remove the fat every hour. After 2-3 hours of cooking, throw peeled carrots, parsley root, onions into a saucepan with aspic. An hour before the end of cooking aspic, throw peppercorns into the broth - black and fragrant, bay leaf. After 8 hours of cooking, remove the meat for parsing, and remove and discard the vegetables, salt the broth. Cut the meat into small pieces and place in a bowl. Pour in strained broth and let cool to room temperature. To harden, remove the jellied meat in the refrigerator.

Beef leg jelly recipe

2.2 kg beef leg
3 tablespoons of salt
black peppercorns
Bay leaf

Rinse the lower part of the beef leg, pour boiling water over it and let it boil. Drain the water and rinse again. Pour the meat on the bones again with cold water. The water should completely cover the meat. Bring to a boil over high heat. As soon as the broth boils, remove the foam, reduce the heat and cook for about 6 hours. Until the meat separates easily from the bone. 20 minutes before the end of cooking, add salt, peppercorns, bay leaf. Remove the cooked meat from the broth, separate from the bones. Strain the broth through a sieve, as small bones can be caught. Meat, and if available, cartilage and skins that have boiled to a soft state, finely chop. Divide the chopped meat evenly into trays or bowls. On top of the meat, you can add 2-3 circles of boiled carrots to each tray for beauty, as well as a little finely chopped garlic for flavor. Pour strained broth, distributing it evenly over all trays. Put trays with jellied meat in the refrigerator to harden.

Recipe Pork leg jelly

1 kg pork legs
2 carrots
2 onions
Black peppercorns
2-3 bay leaves

Wash and scrape pork legs, singe, remove hooves. Soak 3-4 hours. Pour the legs with water so that it covers them by 5 cm and put on a strong fire, bring to a boil. Drain and pour new water, bring to a boil again, remove the foam, put to cook on a slow fire. Boil for about 8 hours. An hour and a half before the end of cooking, put the peeled carrots and onions in the peel. After another 40 minutes, add pepper and bay leaf. Remove meat and vegetables with a slotted spoon. Vegetables - throw away. And the meat is separated from the bones and cartilage, finely chopped. Arrange in forms. Strain the broth and pour the meat into molds. Cool to room temperature, then refrigerate for a few hours until set.

Recipe Kholodets in a slow cooker

2 pork legs
2 chicken legs
2.5 liters of water
1 bulb
½ head of garlic

Rinse the legs, peel and soak for 2-3 hours. Chop the chicken into pieces (the leg can be cut into three parts). Peel the onion, put meat and onions, spices and salt in the bowl of the multicooker, pour water to the maximum. Put it on the stew mode, the longer the better, it is convenient to leave the multicooker overnight. When the aspic is cooked, remove the meat, remove it from the bones and cut into small pieces. Add crushed garlic cloves to the broth. They insist while we are engaged in meat. Taste and salt if needed. Put the meat in molds, filling them half or two-thirds. Pour in strained broth. Cool at room temperature and then place in the refrigerator to chill.

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Almost no festive Russian feast is complete without which dish, especially on a cold day? winter period? That's right, no cold. This amazingly tasty and rich dish has been known to us since antiquity and is still loved by many. A descendant of a strong meat broth, jelly has always been a welcome guest both on the table of common people and on the festive tables of aristocrats. Only the set of products and methods of preparing and clarifying the broth for jelly differed. If in houses ordinary people jelly was cooked from meat leftovers and was valued, first of all, for ease of preparation and satiety, then in rich houses jelly and jelly were cooked from best products with the addition of vegetables, seasonings and spices, and the broth was clarified and filtered. Such jellies modified by French culinary specialists were called galantines, from the French word galantine (jelly, jelly). And still well-cooked jelly is appreciated by gourmets all over the world.

How to cook jelly? The canonical jelly was prepared only from beef. For such a jellied meat, a beef head, brains and legs were used. However, over time, the set of products for jelly has undergone significant changes. Today, jelly is prepared from a variety of product sets. The recipes are countless. For the meat part of jelly beef, veal, pork, meat of domestic and wild poultry are used. Various vegetables are used as flavoring additives (carrots, onions, garlic, celery), spices and spices. However, the most important component of meat jelly was and remains pork or beef legs, ears, heads. It is these ingredients that make it possible to prepare a real strong jellied meat without the addition of gelatin. After all, jelly prepared with the addition of gelatin turns into aspic, and this is a completely different dish!

In itself, the preparation of jelly is an activity, although quite time-consuming, but not at all difficult. However, even here there are little secrets that allow you to cook not just a satisfying, but incredibly tasty and fragrant dish. Today "Culinary Eden" has collected and prepared for you the most important tips how to cook jelly.

1. In order for your jelly to turn out strong and harden well without adding gelatin, you will definitely need pork or beef heads or legs. It should be borne in mind here that pork jelly is somewhat more cloudy and fatty than beef jelly. When buying legs or heads for jelly, pay close attention to their freshness. Stale, not too fresh legs or meat from old animals can irreparably spoil the taste of your dish. If you buy frozen legs, then pay attention to their color. The legs should be even, light in color, without stains and traces of defrosting. When choosing chilled legs and heads, be sure to smell them. Fresh meat has a pleasant sweet smell. From buying meat that has bad smell ammonia or chronic fat, it’s better to refuse, you can’t cook delicious jellied meat from such meat. Before cooking, the legs must be thawed and soaked in cool water for about an hour. After that, scrape the legs with a sharp knife and rinse thoroughly in running water.

2. As mentioned above, any type of meat or poultry can be used for the meat component of the jelly. The most delicious are jelly, in which are combined different kinds meat. For example, if you use pork legs for a gelling effect, then for the meat part, take beef tenderloin and a little chicken meat or turkey meat. The meat of wild animals or birds can give a special piquancy to your jelly. If you have such an opportunity, try adding some venison or wild duck meat to your jelly, and you will be surprised how much more interesting and aromatic the taste of a familiar dish becomes. Whatever type of meat or poultry you decide to use in your jelly, it should not be too fatty, because the legs, heads, cheeks already contain a sufficient amount of fat. A thick layer of fat formed on the surface of the frozen aspic will not give your dish appetizing. Tenderloin or white meat is best for the meat part.

3. For the vegetable part of the jelly, onions, carrots, herbs and celery or parsley stalks are used. Vegetables are cooked with meat. There are two ways to bookmark vegetables. In the first method, vegetables are laid at the very beginning of cooking and removed after 1 - 1.5 hours. Otherwise, vegetables are laid 1.5 hours before the end of cooking. Thanks to different ways bookmarking vegetables taste of the finished dish gets a little difference. Usually vegetables are laid whole and already peeled, but if you want to give your jelly a pleasant golden hue, then the head onion can be put without peeling, but only by cutting off the roots and getting rid of the topmost layer of the husk. When cooking vegetables, make sure that they do not boil and do not turn into gruel! You can use any spices for jelly, depending on your taste and desire. Most often, bay leaves, black, white and allspice peas, cloves, dill seeds are used to prepare jellied meat. It is best to lay all the spices at the very beginning of cooking aspic, along with the meat.

4. The duration of cooking jellied meat is usually from 6 to 12 hours. The longer your jelly is cooked, the more saturated its taste and aroma will turn out, and the better and stronger its consistency will turn out. After the meat is cooked, take it out on a separate dish and let it cool slightly, and strain the remaining broth through cheesecloth or a fine sieve into a separate bowl. Now comes the most important moment in the preparation of jelly, to which you can involve the whole family. Disassembly of meat. It is best to disassemble the meat with your hands, gently rubbing the fibers between your fingers and tearing them. Thus, you can always be sure that even the smallest fragments of bones cannot get into your jelly, and the dish itself will turn out soft and tender. In case of lack of time, you can skip the boned meat through a meat grinder or grind it into food processor, but agree - this is not the same! The most delicious is jelly, in the preparation of which all family members participated. Arrange the disassembled meat in pre-prepared shallow forms, decorate it with circles of boiled carrots, green peas, pieces boiled eggs, herbs, then pour strained broth, cover the molds with lids and take out in the cold until completely solidified.

5. Serve aspic to the table on a large dish, decorated with fresh herbs and boiled vegetables. Take a wide shallow dish and cover it with fresh lettuce leaves. Lower the form with ready-made jelly for a couple of seconds in hot water and then invert onto the prepared dish. With a very sharp knife, carefully cut your jelly into portions, being careful not to damage general form. Along the edges of the dish, beautifully arrange circles of boiled carrots, sprigs of fresh herbs and thin slices of lemon. Serve with freshly prepared horseradish and good, spicy Russian mustard.

6. Let's try to cook aspic according to the recipe that V. Pokhlebkin offers us. one pig's head and 4 veal legs, rinse, clean and cut into equal parts. Put everything in a large saucepan, fill with water at the rate of 1 liter per 1 kg. meat, bring to a boil, reduce heat and cook for 6 - 8 hours on the lowest heat, without boiling, so that the volume of water is halved. An hour before the end of cooking, add 2 onions, 1 carrot, 1 parsley root. 20 minutes before cooking, add 5 bay leaves, 10 black peppercorns, 5 allspice peas, salt to taste. Remove the prepared meat from the broth, separate from the bones, chop finely and mix with 1 head of finely chopped garlic and a small amount of ground black pepper. Place the remaining bones back into the broth and cook for another 1 - 1.5 hours. Strain the finished broth thoroughly, and fill it with the meat prepared and laid out in forms. Cover the molds with a lid and refrigerate for 3-5 hours. Serve with mustard, horseradish and crushed garlic with sour cream.

7. Delicate and tender is jelly made from pork legs and chicken meat. In a deep saucepan, place two prepared pork legs and 400 gr. white chicken meat without skin, pour 2 liters of cold water, bring to a boil, remove the foam and cook at the lowest boil for 6 hours. An hour before the end of cooking, add 1 onion, 1 carrot, 2 bay leaves, 6 black peppercorns and salt to taste. Remove the meat and vegetables from the prepared broth. Separate the meat from the bones and finely crumble, strain the broth. Put the meat in a jellied dish, sprinkle with finely chopped fresh parsley and garlic on top, pour in the broth and take it out in the cold until completely solidified.

8. Russian jelly made from beef shank, chicken and pig ears is very tasty. Soak one kilogram of beef shank in cold water overnight, then carefully clean with a sharp knife and rinse. Place the shank in a saucepan, add 500 gr. chicken meat and two pork ears. Pour everything hot water so that it covers the meat by 7 - 8 centimeters. Bring to a boil, remove foam and reduce heat to low. Add two onions with peel, one carrot, one parsley root, 2-3 bay leaves, 5 black peppercorns, salt to taste. Boil everything together for 1.5 hours, then remove the vegetables and cook for another 6 - 8 hours on the lowest heat. Remove the cooked meat from the broth, cool, separate from the bones and chop. Strain the broth thoroughly, add a head of finely chopped garlic to it. Arrange the meat in forms, sprinkle with ground black pepper and pour over the broth. Cover the forms with lids and take out in the cold until the jelly is completely solidified. Before serving, dip the mold in hot water and invert onto a serving platter. Garnish the jelly with slices of boiled carrots and slices of boiled eggs.

9. Unusually transparent and appetizing meat galantir is obtained according to an old recipe. Rinse one veal head thoroughly, cut it into equal parts, remove the brains and tongue, and put the pieces of the head in a saucepan. Add 400 gr. lean beef and 400 gr. any other meat (and preferably game). Add one carrot, one each parsley and celery root, one onion, your favorite spices, a little saffron or turmeric, and salt. Pour in water so that it covers the meat by 5 - 7 cm, bring to a boil, remove the foam, reduce the heat and cook at the lowest boil for 6 - 8 hours. An hour after the start of cooking, remove vegetables and roots from the broth. When the meat is well boiled, remove it from the broth to a separate dish, free from the bones and cut into small pieces. Strain the broth through a thick napkin or towel, add two raw eggs, boil again and strain. To the resulting completely clean and transparent broth, add a few drops of lemon juice to clarify. Arrange the pieces of meat in deep dishes, garnish with circles of boiled carrots and boiled eggs, and then fill with galantir. Refrigerate until completely cold.

10. But jelly is prepared not only in Russia! Unusual, fragrant and very tasty jelly prepared according to the original Georgian recipe. Soak six pork legs overnight in cold water, carefully scrape with a sharp knife, separate the hoof. Put the legs in a deep saucepan, add the onion, parsley root and three bay leaves. Pour in water, bring to a boil, remove the foam and cook at a low boil for 4 hours. Remove the finished legs from the broth, cut along and carefully remove the bones so that the skin with meat forms a tube. Strain the broth thoroughly, mix with the juice of two lemons and a bunch of finely chopped cilantro. Arrange the prepared pork tubes in trays, fill with broth and leave to harden in the cold. Serve on a platter, garnished with cilantro and lemon slices. Do not forget to offer your guests real Georgian chacha!

Almost every family and every home has its own special recipe for this delicious and hearty winter dish - jellied meat. And our today's story could not contain even a hundredth of these recipes on how to cook jelly. However, we sincerely hope that our advice today will help you to please your loved ones with new and interesting options this tasty and satisfying meal. You can always find even more recipes on how to cook jelly and jelly on the pages of Culinary Eden.

The jelly appeared quite by accident. Once people noticed that if you cook meat broth for a very long time, it freezes in the cold. The new appetizer was immediately appreciated by the French, and gradually the dish took root in other countries. At first, jelly and jelly were different dishes. Kholodets was prepared from pork or pork-beef broth with pieces of meat and poultry, and jelly was cooked exclusively from beef. Now it is practically the same dish, which is called jelly in the north and north-west of Russia and aspic in the southern and south-eastern regions. Aspic is a separate dish, as it is prepared differently from jelly and jelly. Let's talk about how to properly cook jelly and aspic so that they turn out tasty, beautiful and appetizing.

How to cook jelly: choose meat and cook delicious broth

All housewives know how to properly cook beef and pork jelly so that it freezes well without gelatin - you need to take pork and beef legs, brain bones, heads, tails, pig ears and parts of the carcass that are not suitable for other dishes. Suitable tendons, cartilage, bones, skin, mosses, chicken feet, wings, necks and heads, which, due to their high collagen content, make the meat broth sticky, viscous and jelly-like.

If chicken jelly is prepared, it should not be store-bought, but homemade - not very meaty and bony. Excellent gelling of rooster broth and game. In addition, pork knuckle, beef tenderloin, turkey and chicken can be put in the dish as a meat base. The meat should not be too fatty, as the fat prevents the jelly from solidifying.

Naturally, meat products are of high quality and fresh. Legs, drumsticks, paws are thoroughly washed, cleaned and soaked for at least one hour. After that, the legs are poured with cold water, brought to a boil, then drained and refilled with water in the pot with meat. This is done to make the broth clear and less greasy.

The ideal ratio of water and meat is 2:1, and the water should be cold - so the broth will be even tastier and more appetizing. As soon as the broth boils, the fire is reduced to a minimum and boiled for 5–7 hours, in some cases up to 12 hours. The cooking time depends on the meat used, the required amount of jelly and the recipe. How much to cook is a significant question, because the longer it is cooked, the more saturated, thick and rich the jelly will be. If the jelly does not solidify well, then there was too much liquid or you added it to the pan during cooking. In this case, the jelly will have to be boiled or gelatin added.

How to cook beef, pork and chicken jelly: the following steps

2 hours before readiness, put onions, carrots, celery root and parsley in the broth, and 40 minutes before the end of cooking - bay leaf, cloves, peppercorns, dill umbrellas and other spices. And you can lay the spices along with the meat to make the jelly more fragrant. When peeling onions, sometimes the middle and bottom layers of the husks are left so that the broth is beautiful and golden.

Aspic is salted after the broth is ready, otherwise there is a high probability of oversalting the dish - the water constantly boils away. In addition, salt inhibits the gelling process. You need to salt the hot broth so that it seems slightly oversalted, otherwise it will turn out to be too bland when frozen. Chopped garlic is placed in the finished broth and the dish is allowed to brew for about 20 minutes. After that, the meat is carefully separated from bones and cartilage, vegetables are removed from the broth, and the liquid is filtered. Some housewives add chopped cartilage to the meat to make the jelly more dense and satisfying.

Pieces of meat are laid out in a large form, poured with broth and left for a while at room temperature. You can pour liquid into small portion molds - they look very impressive on festive table. Slices of carrots, slices of pickles, green leaves or half an egg are placed at the bottom of the molds - the decoration will end up at the top and look very impressive.

It is better to cool and bring the dish to readiness on the middle shelf of the refrigerator, and the jelly usually freezes as much as it was cooked. It is best to remove the frozen fat from the finished jelly if you have not removed it before. Before serving the dish, the molds with jelly are dipped in hot water for a few seconds and turned over onto a plate, and this savory appetizer is served with grated horseradish and spicy mustard.

How to cook jelly with gelatin

Sometimes there is no time to cook according to all the rules, and beef and chicken jelly do not always release enough gelling substances, so many people want to know how to act so that the dish still freezes. Gelatin comes to the rescue, which is made from the bones, tendons and hooves of cattle, so with the help of this unique product you can get a delicious jellied meat in less time.

Per liter of liquid, 30 g of gelatin is usually taken, which is pre-soaked and then dissolved in a small amount of warm or cold broth after straining. Pour the liquid into a saucepan in a thin stream and heat slightly, not bringing to a boil. In all other respects, the technology for preparing jellied meat does not differ from the classic recipe.

Clear broth - easy!

Never boil broth from frozen meat - it will turn out too cloudy, no amount of egg white will help. First, the meat and bones are thawed, washed well, and then boiled. The first water is drained for the same reason - so that the jelly turns out to be light and without impurities.

To obtain a clear broth, it is not allowed to boil strongly, it is not stirred during the cooking process, and the foam must be removed. The broth should be well filtered, as it often turns out to be cloudy due to the fact that it has not been sufficiently cleaned of all kinds of impurities. There is another secret of transparent jelly - throw a pinch into the broth citric acid until boiling.

If preventive measures did not help, the strained broth is clarified with lemon juice (½ tsp) or egg white. For a liter of finished broth, one whipped protein is enough, which is added to the broth, after which the liquid is thoroughly cleaned through cheesecloth folded in several layers.

How to cook aspic from meat and fish

Aspic is a light version of jelly and jelly, as it is prepared from lean meats (beef, veal, tongue, chicken, turkey) and fish. Aspic cooking is simple and easy, and gelatin is used to solidify the broth.

Meat or poultry is boiled according to all the rules for preparing meat broth. Next, the dish is cooled, the meat is separated from the bones, it is disassembled into fibers or cut into pieces. The broth is filtered, and the gelatin is poured with water to swell - while the proportions of the broth and gelatin depend on the amount of meat. It is recommended to adhere to the ratio indicated in the recipe. Gelatin is poured into the broth and heated, but not boiled, otherwise the aspic will not thicken.

For fish aspic, any kind of fish is used, the most important thing is to carefully remove the bones so that there are no unpleasant surprises during the tasting process. And of course, aspic is unlikely to please the eye if, instead of beautiful pieces, it contains minced fish. Therefore, they usually use denser fish that does not fall apart when cooked - pollock, mackerel, pike, pink salmon and representatives of the salmon family. Fish heads, tails and fins are placed in the broth, it is they who make it thick and rich, but it is better to remove the gills due to bitterness. Boil fish broth with the addition of vegetables and spices, remove the bones, filter and introduce gelatin. Pieces of bright vegetables are laid out in a jellied container and poured with liquid.

Recipe: jelly in a slow cooker

Rinse two pork legs and soak for 3 hours. Chop two chicken legs into pieces, put the meat in a slow cooker along with one peeled onion, half a head of garlic and peppercorns. Pour water up to the maximum level and leave overnight in the "extinguishing" mode. In the morning, cool the broth and, separating the meat from the bones, cut it into pieces, mash the garlic, return it to the broth and salt. Fill the molds with meat, pour the broth, let it brew and put in the refrigerator.

It is not difficult to understand how to cook jelly from beef or pork legs, aspic from chicken, tongue and fish. These delicious food very beneficial for health due to the high content of collagen. Take care of the health of your family and cook jelly not only for the holidays!