How to open a Metacom intercom without a key using a special code? How to open the intercom without a key? Ways and codes to open the door of any entrance with an intercom without a key The code from the entrance is metacom.

  • 27.06.2020

Metacom digital intercom is used in multi-apartment residential buildings. It consists of a digital panel and a processor equipped with a power supply. Among users, the question often arises, how. There are two options: using an identifier or a special code. Due to its configuration, the device has a good degree of protection against unauthorized entry.

The controller built into the processor allows you to open the Metakom intercom using two types of keys: Touch Memory and Touch Cyfral. The device memory can hold up to 508 identifiers. The door can be opened using a special four-digit code. Users have the ability to change program settings according to their preferences.

Distinctive Features of Metacom Identifiers

To understand how to open an intercom, you need to know the configuration and principle of operation of the key mechanism. The keys are developed by Metacom and are designed to work exclusively in this system. The master key is simple in design, has an affordable price, the possibility of repair, and is equipped with a durable case. The keys of this system are electronic and individual.

Intercom key Metacom has high consumer qualities and is very reliable in operation.

Magnetic lock picks are resistant to vibration processes and shocks, and are also resistant to external influences. electromagnetic field. They withstand temperature differences from -40º to +75º. The best for manufacturing are RW 1990.

Photo of the call panel without a monitor

The use of a contact key is based on data exchange. Each is equipped with a microchip and memory. It contains code information. Today there are about 260 million possible binary codes. During the entire period of operation, the code cannot be changed.

The intercom key can also be contactless. Its manufacture is carried out according to the generally accepted Em-marine standard. Contactless master keys are used in the Proximity system. They are made in the form of key rings or plastic cards.

Method 1: codes on the screen

You can open the device using special combinations. Variants of such cipher schemes are varied depending on the model of equipment. For keyless access, you can try to apply the following algorithm of actions:

  • Press the call button;
  • The number of the first apartment in the entrance;
  • Call;
  • Wait for the inscription "Cod" to appear on the display panel;
  • Enter digital key 5702.

If the above actions did not lead to access permission, you can open the Metacom intercom of other models using the following codes:

  • Code 65535;
  • Call button;
  • Digital key 1234;
  • Call;
  • Number 8.

Another option for keyless access is the following combination:

  • Enter the combination 1234;
  • Call;
  • Number 6;
  • Call;
  • Dial the digital key combination 4568.

How to open the intercom if the above combinations did not bring success? First of all, you need to understand the device model. For example, for the Metacom MK-20 M / T model, you can try to apply the following keyless access scheme:

  • call button;
  • Combination 27;
  • Call;
  • Code 5702.

Another working scheme:

  • Press Call;
  • Dial the number 1;
  • Press Call;
  • Dial code 4526;
  • Bring an empty identifier to the reader and enter it into the device's memory.

The video shows how to open a Metakom intercom without a key using the codes:

Method 2: Change software settings

It is not always possible to unlock the Metakom intercom without a key. If the identifier has been lost or damaged, a new one must be programmed into the device's memory. To do this, you can use the following scheme:

  • Code 65535, Call, 1234, Call, apartment number, Call, number 7. This combination will allow you to write the apartment number into the device's memory;
  • Code 65535, Call, 1234, Call, Call, apartment number, call, then the numbers 70111. This combination will delete all programmed master keys to a particular apartment;
  • Code 65535, Call, 1234, Call, then numbers 97111. This set will allow you to delete all Master keys;
  • Code information 65535, Call, 1234, Call, numbers 99. Entering information will record a new identifier;
  • The password is 65535, Call, 1234, Call, digits 990111. With the password, the saved ID will be deleted.

The settings menu in Metacom intercoms is divided into three types:

  • Service;
  • Systemic;
  • Custom.

To enter the system settings menu, just dial the combination: 65535, call, 1234, call, 9. To display the service settings menu on the call panel, you need to dial the following information: 65535, call, 1234, call. To access the user menu, you need to dial the following code: 65535, call, 1234, press the call key twice.

You can open some models of such intercoms using a magnetic master key, the so-called tablet.

Contact picks can fit several mechanisms. You can use such an identifier after entering the code from the universal identifier into the device's memory. Subsequently, this master key will be used as a suitable (initial).

Another solution for opening a Metakom intercom without an initial master key is to use a manufactured universal identifier. You do not need to select code configurations. A chip with code information is built into the master key. In their manufacture, factory firmware versions are used, therefore, in most cases, the programmed and provided information are the same.

The video shows how to open the door of the intercom Metacom MK 20:

This type of protection against strangers is installed in high-rise buildings. Sooner or later, apartment residents ask themselves the question: “How to open a Metacom intercom without a key?”. But since this view is well protected from breaking, it will be difficult to open the doors. But probably.

Metacom Features

To open any intercom, you need to understand the principle of its operation. Call panel includes:

  • controller;
  • key reading system;
  • subscriber intercom;
  • and a panel with numbers.

Metacom keys are distinguished by their reliability. It is simply impossible to open the lock of this company with another device. Each key includes a chip with a code that does not change.

The price of Metacom does not bite, and the intercom itself is easy to use.

The shockproof housing protects the device from hacking. The impact of weather conditions, as well as temperature changes, will not damage the Metacom intercom.


Now many are looking for an answer to the question of how to open an intercom without a key. Fortunately, there is such a way. And there are several of them, since their combinations are suitable for a certain model. Although there are such algorithms that can fit all Metacom intercoms.

There are three types of menus:

  1. User: "65535" - HF - "1234" - HF - HF.
  2. Service: "65535" - KV - "1234" - KV.
  3. System: "65535" - KV - "1234" - KV - "9".

Method 1

What to do:

  1. Call button (KV).
  2. No. of the first apartment in the entrance.
  3. The word "code" will appear.
  4. "5702".

Method 2

What to do:

  1. "65535"
  2. "1234".
  3. "eight".

Method 3

What to do:

  1. "1234".
  2. "6".
  3. "4568".

Method 4

(for Metakom MK-20 M/T)

What to do:

  1. "27".
  2. "5702".

Method 5

What to do:

  1. "one".
  2. "4526".
  3. Bring a new key and register it.


Signing in with a universal code is not always possible. So the only solution is programming and registering new code.

What to do:

  1. For memorization new apartment: "65536" - C - sq. no. - "7".
  2. To remove the old code from this apartment: "65535" - C - "1234" - C - C - sq. - KV - "70111".
  3. Deleting Master keys: "65535" - C - "1234" - C - "97111".
  4. Identifier entry: "65535" - C - "1234" - C - "99".
  5. Removing the old identifier: "65535" - C - "1234" - C - "990111".

Important! Now the most popular solution to situations with closed doors is the universal key. All possible firmwares that are used to open intercoms are immediately entered into it.


The video below shows several ways at once how to open a Metacom intercom.

Quite often there is a problem when the keys to the intercom are lost or forgotten, however, there is a way out, this is the input of a special code that was set by the manufacturer of this intercom device. All details below.

An intercom kit is necessary in order to ensure security in the entrance of an apartment building, since criminals usually wait for the victim in open, unprotected entrances to get into the apartment. Also, the intercom ensures order and cleanliness in the entrance, as it scares away lumpen and outcasts.

You need to know that entering a special pin code with mercenary intentions is punishable by law.

Modern intercoms have not only the ability to communicate, record a conversation, but also video surveillance, which gives 100% security. Many intercoms are equipped with a special code so that you can open (if you forgot or lost the key) in emergency situations (unlock), as well as a loud emergency notification system when people are evacuated from the building in case of fire, earthquake and other situations.

When using the intercom, the following instructions should be followed:

  1. When leaving the entrance, you must press the button under the screen and wait for the sound signal, only then exit.
  2. When entering the entrance, it is necessary to lean the key-chip against the reading panel of the intercom device, when the sound signal (impulse) sounds, you can unlock the front door.
  3. After exiting or entering the entrance, you can not help the door close, it will close itself with the help of a hydraulic closer.
  4. If you push and help the door close, this can lead to damage to the door closer.

The main components of the intercom are: a company name plate, a call block, a primary power source, an independent switching unit, an independent electromagnetic lock that magnetizes a magnet to the door plate, door closer, call button, apartment blocks, keyboard.

Intercoms are divided into multi-subscriber and low-subscriber, according to technical device, multi-wire and two-wire. In the age of new technologies, there are intercoms that receive and send a signal using Wi-Fi, based on optical fiber.

Do not panic if you do not have the keys to the intercom with you, or it has become demagnetized, the encoding has flown off (recoding and programming is required). You can deceive any intercom using a universal key-chip, which is available to ambulance doctors, police, post office workers (postmen), house management workers, Internet communications (Rostelecom). These keys are made in the form of a special tablet, radio key fobs, two-pin key and are legally issued to employees of special services.

Method description: how to open a Metakom intercom

Domestic intercom Metacom is used for apartment buildings for protection from unwanted guests. What to do to open the intercom, is it possible at all?

The main thing is not to break the screen, but to make (restore) the lock by entering a combination.

To open a Metacom intercom without a screen, you need to dial a special combination consisting of several numbers and letters. Firstly, press the button responsible for the apartment number - B. Secondly, dial the code 5702.

If the intercom does not open, then you can try to enter the codes:

  • 64434;
  • 1256;
  • 1256;
  • 4978.

If the intercom Metacon of the MK-20M / T series, forward or Pro, then you must enter similar combinations or a pin code (B + 27, B + 5702). It takes a very long time to go through all the codes and you can either wait for someone to enter or leave the entrance, or call the neighboring apartment and say that you are a neighbor and forgot the keys. And remember that the use of all fraud with mercenary or robbery intentions is punishable by law.

Example: how to open an intercom Visit

Intercom Visit is one of the most reliable devices and is adapted to such harsh conditions as low and high temperatures, wind, rain. The body of the intercom has an anti-corrosion coating, which ensures reliability.

The intercom of this model works in a humid climate. The average service life is about 10 years.

Intercom Visit in case of emergency can be opened with a special code, you should log in to its menu and dial #999. After 2 beeps, enter 1234. You need to wait a bit and after a short beep, dial 2#3535.

If, after entering the combination 1234, there was no short signal, but a signal similar to two-tone or others was heard, then other combinations can be entered:

  • 6767;
  • 3535;
  • 12345;
  • 11639.

After the dialed combination, you must enter 2#3535. Actual for the following models: Vizit N-100, Vizit SM-100, Vizit BVD-341, Vizit BVD -313 and others.

How to open a Cyfral intercom

Digital has many models: Digital INTEL, Digital CCD-20.40, Digital CCD-40TS, Digital CCD-2087.2TV, Digital CCD-2087.2T, Digital CCD-2087.2T R, Digital M-10MR, Digital M-10MT, Digital M-20MTV, Digital M-20MZV.

For a Cyfral intercom of a regular model, for opening without a key, you must enter the following numbering:

  • Call + 100 + 2323;
  • Call + 200 + 2323;
  • Call + 300 + 2323;
  • Call + 400 + 2323;
  • Call + 500 + 2323;
  • Call + 600 + 2323;
  • Call + 700 + 2323;
  • Call + 800 + 2323;
  • Call + 900 + 2323;
  • Or choose the following combination Call + number + 2323 or 7272, 7273.

To pick up the code, it takes time, it is better to call a neighbor in the apartment. For the Cyfral M intercom, it is easy to open using the combination Call + 37 or Call + 3792. The Cyfral intercom of the CCD-2094.1M series is opened by the code Call + 0000, after which ON will appear on the display, you must enter 2.

If these operations do not work, then the factory access code was changed by the housing and communal services employees.

If you are with a tenant of this house, then you can find out the access code from them if the key has been lost. The intercom of the Cyfral CCD-2094M model can be opened by dialing the combination 0000 + call, after the entered cod will appear on the display. 123456 + call, if it does not work, enter 456999 + call, or 123400 + call, after that f0 appears on the intercom display, then enter 601.

Hacking the intercom model Rainmann (Rainmann) 2000 is possible by entering the combination - key + 987654, after a double intercom signal, enter 123456, after which P appears on the display. The letter P on the display monitor indicates that you have entered the service menu, in which you can carry out control with numbers and program the code with your own hands.

Enter a single number:

  • 4 - block and disable the Rainmann intercom;
  • 6 - turn off Rainmann;
  • 8 - open (the door is demagnetized).

The intercom of any DomoGuard model can be opened by entering the combination C + 669900 + call + enter a number 1 more than the number of the last apartment in the entrance. After typing combinations, F will appear on the intercom display, which will mean access to the service menu. After that, we dial the code 080 to enter a new key 2, 2, 2 into the intercom memory. To disable the door lock - 071.

Instructions: how to open the Eltis intercom

All Eltis intercom models open after entering a special combination, however, if the entered combination does not open the door, then the factory settings have been changed. Intercom Eltis (Eltis) can be opened by entering a universal code that can fool the security device.

  • Call + 973;
  • Call + 7456;
  • Call + 2323.

With the same combinations, in which the call button is pressed at the beginning, you can open the following types (access intercoms) - Tekhkom, Stroymaster, Marshal, Belsplat (Belsplat), Kamsan, Condor, Lock, Poly, Filman, Polylock, Smartel, Laskomex, Modus, Polis and others.

Intercom code

Intercom brand Factorial different models can be opened without a key by entering a special access code to software– 000000 + 123456, 5 + 3453475 + call + 7 + call.

The Keyman intercom can be opened by entering - K + 100 + 789, after the signal has sounded, enter 123456. After displaying the Keyman R on the display, which allows you to enter the menu, enter 8. If the intercom has a touch screen, then in winter it can be opened by application of a snowball to the screen, hypothermia can ruin the intercom.

It is also possible to open the device using the piezoelectric element of the lighter, which is applied to the place for the key, but this does not always work and is weak.

Intercom Barrier II, 2M and 4 can be opened by pressing 2 + 4 or 2 + 7. You can also magnetize the place where the key is applied and magnetized with a magnet. In the same way, you can open the Arkades intercom with an empty plastic key.

The intercom Raikmann and Rainmann and Smartel can be opened like this:

  • Key + 321654;
  • After the beep, enter the numbers 123456;
  • When P appears on the display, enter 8 or recode with a shocker or electric shocker, which, with its impulse, can turn off the intercom device.

The Blink intercom is the only audio intercom installed in Belarus, Ukraine, Kazakhstan and you can open it with a D9-0.1, 6F22 battery, which we put in a turnkey place. And the intercom Cron, Pirrs and Safe can be opened using the factory combination 951. The intercom pier 1000 Micro can be opened using the factory access code - 12345678 + K + 1234 or 8310649 + entrance number.

You should know: how to find out the code from the intercom

Intercom is the most reliable device to protect multi-storey buildings, garages and private houses. Residents of the building or the owner of the garage must know the password and secret codes for emergency opening of the intercom. This password is used if the intercom key has been lost or forgotten.

If the key to the intercom is lost and the password has been forgotten, it is not possible to open the door, then you need to call the housing and communal services, service or company, a single service center that installed this intercom device, so that the master can unlock combination locks. Remember that unauthorized entry and hacking of the intercom at the entrance of the house in foreign territory is responsible for their actions.

Why is it not worth entering codes and physically trying to open the intercom without a key? There is an instruction where it is written that it is strictly forbidden during the operation of the intercom to cause any mechanical damage to the call unit, handset, electronics unit, electromagnetic lock, opening button and intercom body with various objects that can lead to breakage of the device or its individual elements.

TO mechanical damage also includes wiping with snow, dousing with water, heating with fire, dousing with paint and other solutions, using a magnetic key with an electromagnet, tearing out buttons, repairing the device yourself or coding it.

It is forbidden to independently perform recoding, unlocking or other actions by a person who is not a service worker for the intercom device. Do not pull the door behind you, which can lead to breakage of the hydraulic closer. The closing speed of the entrance door is set by the master, depending on the structural features of the door and the adjusting screws.

How to open an intercom without a key (video)

In conclusion, it is worth noting that it is forbidden to put foreign objects under the door from the inside and outside that prevent the door from closing independently and lead to unauthorized entry of strangers into the territory.

02/24/2016 11/19/2019 by Why

Everyone knows that utility workers open the intercoms of a huge number of houses without carrying around a huge bag with the keys to all these devices. They use the entrance to the programming mode, in which opening the door is far from the most difficult function.

Manufacturers do not pay due attention to the complexity of access to the program mode, resulting in ordinary person who does not have special professional skills in the field of programming electronic devices, it becomes possible to carry out keyless access to the entrances residential buildings equipped with intercoms.

This article is intended for using the information in an emergency situation, when it is impossible to open the door with the key (accident, accident, etc.).

Intercom Opening Visit

Intercom systems trademark Vizit are installed most often at the entrances of apartment buildings. The question of how to open an intercom without a key is relevant for people who cannot get into their own home. For keyless access to the entrance, you must enter a special code on the call panel that will allow you to gain access. When entering the code, you should take into account the version of the installed model.

Provided that the installers did not make any changes to the initial settings, we sort through the following codes:

If the intercom does not respond to these codes, you need to go to the service menu. To do this, the combination # 999 is dialed on the call panel and after 2 short signals - the code. Again, there are many variants of this code: 1234 (standard), 0000, 9999, 3535, 12345, 6767. If the code is entered correctly, the device will respond to it with 1 beep, and in case of an error, it will give 2 beeps.

Once in the service menu, you can perform the following operations:

Open the door. To do this, enter: 2 - (pause) - # - (pause) - 3535.
Add your own key: enter 3 - attach the key to the place of reading - # - wait for the beep.
Completely remove all keys from internal memory: press 4.
To confirm the changes, you need to press #, and to exit the service menu - *.

Opening of the intercom METAKOM

Three ways to open METAKOM intercoms:

  1. Press the call button - enter the number of the initial (first) apartment in the entrance - press the call button again - the word COD will appear on the display - enter 5702.
  2. Enter 65535 - press the call button - enter 1234 - press the call button again - enter 8.
  3. Lead 1234 - press the call button - enter 6 - press the call button again - enter 4568.

Opening of the intercom METAKOM MK - 20 M / T

The intercom of the same company opens somewhat differently - METAKOM MK - 20 M / T

You can disable it in 2 ways:

  1. Press the call button - enter 27 - press the call button again - enter 5702.
  2. Press the call button - enter 1 - press the call button - enter 4526.

Opening the intercom Cyfral

Two opening options:

1) If there is a mark "M" on the intercom.
Press: 07054, or - call - 41, or - call - 1410.

2) If there are three-digit apartment numbers.
Call - apartment number (100, 200) - call - 2323; 7272; 7273 (one of 3 numbers).

Opening of intercom Eltis (ELTIS)

There are only 2 similar ways to open intercoms of this company:

Press the call button - enter 2323.

Press the call button - enter 7273.

There are no other ways, if you didn’t succeed, then either you are doing something wrong, or Eltis has modified its devices and protection schemes.

Opening the intercom Keyman

The most problematic in access.
1) K - 100 - 789 - short sound - 123456 - 8;
2) K - 170862 - short sound - 0.

Opening Barrier II, 2M and 4

These are very old models of intercoms. And that is why they are often still found in the old nine-story buildings and five-story "Stalinka". In new buildings you will not find such a 100%.

In the models "Barrier 2" and "Barrier 2M" to enter the entrance, you must press the buttons "1" and "3" or "1" and "0". Sometimes you can open the door simply by moving the magnet around the place where the keys are applied. For the Barrier 4 model, there are no universal keys or codes at all.

Rainmann and Raikmann intercom codes

Despite some similarity in names, Rainmann and Raikmann intercoms are completely different devices. Raikmann devices are resistant to burglary and opening without a key using the code on them is impossible. But the Rainmann CD-2000 and AO-3000 models are found.

In order to open the 2000th model, you must click on the "key", then enter the code "987654". After that, the intercom will beep and you must enter the numbers "123456". If the engineering menu is available, the “P” icon will appear on the screen. Now, to unlock and open the door, you must press the number 8.
It’s better not to reap anything else - you can cut down everything and rake “by the hat” from the residents.

Another life hack that users have noticed is the reaction of the touch keyboard to hypothermia. If you roll a snowball, attach and hold for 15-20 minutes, then there is a chance to open the door.

Opening intercom Factorial

The setup of intercoms of this brand is very, very similar to the already familiar Tsifral, with the only exception that when installing the device, it necessarily requires changing the master password and therefore it is considered that it will not be possible to open it. Although it may turn out to be a hacking option through the engineering menu. To do this, you need to dial the intercom code Factorial. In most cases, these are used:


Another option is to press the "5" button and hold it for 5-6 seconds, then type this:

180180 + "Call" + 4 + "Call" key.

Opening of intercom Laskomex (Laskomex)

To open the door on Laskomex AO-3000 VTM, try entering the keys:

1 + "Key" + 8976
66 + "Key" + 1989

Didn't fit? it means the code was changed during installation.

To enter the service menu, press the key 5 times, after which a password entry field will appear. By default, this is used: 1234. Most often, it is changed during installation, but there is still a chance. The code P8 is responsible for opening the Laskomex AO-3000VTM door.

Opening the DomoGuard intercom

A rare guest in our high-rise buildings. It is extremely rare.

To open the door of the Domogard intercom, make one long press on "C". After it makes a sound, quickly enter the code:

669900 + "Call" + number of the last apartment in the entrance plus 1

After that, the screen will display the inscription: "F-". We are inside the service menu! You can then use one of the following options:

080 - Open the door
333 - Remember new key
071 - Disable door lock

Opening the intercom Blink

This is not access intercoms, but individual, used most often in private homes or where there is a concierge. There are no universal codes for it.

Opening the intercom T-Guard

Another rare model. There is only one single hack option:

"Call" + 00000 + "Call"+"Call"

The last two calls must be pressed quickly and the access intercom will open.

Opening of the intercom Forward (Forward)

There is very little useful information on Forward intercoms on the network. There are only three well-known universal keys that have been unearthed:


In order to program your key for the door under "Forward", you can try to enter "77395201"+"*"+0+"*". After that, we apply the key tablet and press the "#" twice. If the code "77395201" did not work, try this one: "5755660".

Opening the intercom KS-intercom

There is very little information on how to open the KS-intercom. The only code I could find:

"K" + "377" + pause + "698" + "K"

There is also information that sometimes the code works:



"K" + 0000 + pause + 98
"K" + 0903 + pause + 98 + pause + "K"

Unfortunately, they don't always work either.

Opening of intercom Techcom

There is information on the network that it is not so easy to open the door of Techcom. In some cases, the following may work. Be sure to need a key to such an intercom. We hold down the three buttons "1", "6" and "0". After that, we release one by one. We start with "0", then "6" and "1". A signal will sound. Here we enter the default pass - "4321". If the password is right, click on "Challenge", then on "3" and again "Challenge". We bring the key and the door will open. I myself have not tested this method, I cannot vouch for it.

Opening the intercom Impulse-DS

There is very little information on Impuls-DS intercom models. Possible options:

"1234" + "C"

The first option almost never works, because. the code will definitely be changed when the device is installed.

Opening intercom Berkut

Access intercom Berkut LS 2001 is the only model of this manufacturer on the market so far. From itself, it is a simple device based on an oscillatory circuit, which is assembled on a resistor and a capacitor. Universal codes

"key" + 123456 + "key" + 5150C
"key" + 123456 + "key" + 206C
"key" + 123456 + "key" + 6140C
"key" + 123456 + "key" + 2589С Opening of the intercom Pirrs (Piers)

In the entrances there are models "Pirrs 1000 Micro", "Modern" and "Lux". Factory master code for all three types:


For the Pirs 1000 Micro model, the key may also work:

"8310649" + "entrance number"

There is evidence that these models of audio intercoms allow you to put your own code. It is done like this:

Enter the master code "12345678". If it has not been changed, an audible signal will sound. Press the door opening button, and without releasing it, press the number "5" on the keyboard. The confirmation tone for entering the settings should sound again. Release the door open button. Now you need to enter your code - 987, for example. The main thing is that there should be no more than 8 digits. Moreover, the sequence of the first two digits should not coincide with the master code or apartment number in the entrance. After finishing entering the code, first click on the "asterisk" and twice on the "grid". After that, the intercom can be opened with the code: "987" + "*".

Attention! If you tried to apply the code indicated in the article for your intercom and it did not work, you do not need to write angry comments. I make no guarantees. What works in one entrance is not at all the fact that it will work in another. In addition, installers have become smarter lately and, having eaten enough problems from juvenile hackers, they began to change passwords and master codes.

At the entrances to apartment buildings intercom Metakom is often used. The system consists of two working modules: a processor connected to a power supply and a digital panel. More than two hundred and fifty subscriber handsets can be connected to the intercom. The controller allows you to open the TOUCH MEMORY door with keys (more than five hundred keys fit in the memory).

It is also possible to open with a four-digit digital code, individual for each apartment.

User manual

Emergency commands

E - faulty work of one infrared beam.

Err - more than one beam. Disable the keyboard.

E0 - failure in random access memory. The failure is unrecoverable, the device needs to be replaced.

E2 - malfunction of the connection with the subscriber handset.

Acoustic adjustments of the intercom Metacom

1. Linear balance.

2. Loudspeaker amplification.

3. Microphone amplification.

Individual code programming

Important: the procedure is carried out with the subscriber handset off.

To put an individual code from the Metakom intercom, you must:

1. Dial the apartment number on the keyboard.

2. When the connection is established, press the "key" and hold, so that the owner of the apartment presses the open button on the indoor unit.

3. Enter a new four-digit code for the Metakom intercom.

Custom Key Programming

1. Attach the master key to the reader. This should be followed by three beeps.

2. Dial the apartment number and attach the user key.

How to hack a Metacom intercom

Hacking a Metakom intercom may be required, for example, if you have forgotten your digital code and lost your key. The houses are empty. There are few options: either wait for one of the neighbors to appear, or try to enter on your own.

This scheme is only possible if the intercom installers did not change the factory codes.

1. Press call. Enter the first apartment number in the entrance. Press call again. "Code" will appear. Enter 5702.

2. In case this code did not work, you can try the following option: 65535, call button, 1234, call again, 8.
3. Another possible combination: 1234, call, 6, call button again, 4568.

4. Sometimes Metakom intercom can be opened with a magnetic key without firmware.