We adjust the door closer ourselves. Do-it-yourself door closer adjustment process step by step Door closer adjustment screws

  • 27.06.2020

The door has a number of elements that require care. One of them is a closer that allows you to gently, without extra effort and noise to close the door. Do-it-yourself door closer adjustment can be carried out both as a preventive measure and as needed. It is important to follow all stages of this process and then the result will be of high quality.

What is a closer?

This is a mechanism for regulating the smoothness of the door when closing. It is installed both in residential premises: houses, cottages, as well as in shops, in office buildings, in public places. So, one of the conditions for an access intercom is the presence of a metal door with an automatic lock.

Before the invention of the device, there was a spring, which was fixed at one end to the door, and at the other - to the wall, to the jamb. They are inconvenient to use, stretch, tear. Despite the fact that the main purpose is to slam the door, not all springs could cope with the task. Over time, they had to be replaced with new ones, since they were practically not subject to repair. With their help, the door slammed very loudly, which led to the destruction of the jambs and the door leaf.

door closer

Modern closers have the opposite characteristics. Their main task is to gently, gently, close the door in the room. They have a simple working principle. If it is necessary to open it, then some effort is applied to this. It is impulsively transmitted to the door closer by mechanics, then accumulated through the spring. The spring device itself is located inside the case. When closing, the spring mechanism itself returns to its place, which allows you to adjust the features of the door operation process.

Modern door closers and their mechanisms

Thanks to the design solutions, the devices are distinguished according to the installation sites - according to the type of mechanical regulation, according to the methods of action. Each of them is different from each other. Knowing the features, you can easily carry out repairs yourself.

Overhead closers. They are installed at the top of the door. Hidden mechanisms built into the door leaf are also possible. So, the upper appliances are the most common. They are equipped with a sliding rail and consist of the following components:

  • mechanism in a special case;
  • mounting template for marking;
  • a bar with fasteners-shoe, a variant with a river is possible;
  • lever arm;
  • screws for adjusting and setting the closing speed, the applied force according to the specified parameters.

door closer

Door closers at the bottom of the doors are installed in institutions, mainly on the glass door panels and are located on the support below, calculated from the central point.

Concerning internal parts, then they mainly consist of such parts as: a spring mechanism for compression when opening; gears equipped with a rack or cam mechanism. All work is provided by engine oil.

If it is installed on metal door with an intercom, then overhead mechanisms are more often used. They are distinguished by a significant amplification that occurs at the moment when it closes. This action is necessary for a comfortable snap-in force. If it is a rack and pinion mechanism, then the cam principle of the device is applied, but they are less commonly used.

If you put it outside, then it is more reliable in terms of operation, not subject to the effects of conditions environment lasts much longer.

When is adjustment needed?

Experts believe that preventive work to regulate the door closer should be carried out at least twice a year. If there were significant seasonal fluctuations, then such work should be done more often. This is due to the fact that the oily liquid inside the mechanism changes depending on the temperature in the street and in the room. If it is low, then the density of the oil increases. Temperature fluctuations lead to wear of parts, which directly depend on the state of liquid media inside the door closer.

It is important that few tools are needed to regulate the mechanism of the argument, they are always at hand. An external examination will allow you to determine possible violations of the integrity and geometry of the door leaf, opening, door closer. In many ways, the quality of the device also depends on the internal parts, which are easy to fix with your own hands. The exception is violations of the tightness of the structure, since it cannot be disassembled and reassembled. It's easier to install a new mechanism.

Causes of failure include:

Adjustment steps

If you adjust the closer, then this involves the implementation of successive, interdependent stages. The instruction assumes the following actions:

  • First, it is necessary to regulate the closing and opening of the door. To do this, use the control valve. If it is necessary to increase, then it is turned counterclockwise, and in order to increase, vice versa.
  • Secondly, the delay in opening the door mechanism and the slamming speed are corrected. Not every device has additional valves. This can be easily detected, as there are a couple of screws on the end part. With the help of the first, the adjustment process of the closing speed of the door leaf takes place. The range is quite wide: 15-180°. The second bolt is used to adjust the backlash within 1-15 °. By twisting / unscrewing, you can debug the required speed.
  • Thirdly, the closer force is regulated. It consists in adjusting the application of the spring force by means of a special nut. When checking the tension, it can be turned counterclockwise, then it will open easily. If you do the opposite, it will close tighter. This is how the force of the door closer is adjusted.

Door closer adjustment

The hold-open function makes things easier. With its help, you can securely fix the canvas in the open position. The latch itself is installed under the condition of 90 °, or 180 °, which directly depends on installation works and their features. Then the latch is tightened, and gently pulled towards itself, closing it.

Features of the adjustment process in a plastic door

When installing and further operating a plastic door, one should pay attention not only to the mechanism itself, but also to the features of its functioning, to the profile from which the door block is made. consists of the same stages as on metal or wood. To enhance the effect of quality, it is better to use the wiring diagram, which will show the guides in the adjustment, especially if such work is carried out for the first time. All attachment points are checked, the lever and the closer mechanism are visually inspected, regardless of how and where it is installed.

It is necessary to open the door leaf to the maximum width and inspect the lever. If there are no flaws, distortions in it, it walks freely, then everything is in order. The lever foot must also be free-swinging. If the integrity of the device is broken, then it is easier to buy and install it again. Sometimes serious breakdowns can disrupt not only the process of soft closing and opening the door, but also affect the entire structure as a whole, giving distortions. Over time, they begin to intensify, and then you will have to change it completely, and not the closing / opening mechanism.

Preventive work

In order to avoid frequent repairs closer, you should follow a few simple rules that will help extend the life and maintain high-quality work under any conditions. So, when the door closer does not need to make additional efforts, the door will close itself. If you speed up or slow down the process, then the lever mechanism or spring may fail. In cases of forced locking of the door, the lever is disconnected from the door closer. Often they do not know about this and install spacers, barriers in the form of bricks, stones, and the like.

If the closer is installed outside, then it is necessary to take care of the design of an additional protective cover that protects against frost, heat, and precipitation. Compliance with elementary methods of protection against breakage will increase the life of the door. Do-it-yourself door closer adjustment - simple and reliable remedy savings material costs and time. It is not always possible to call a door service specialist. Doing it yourself, following all the steps, is not difficult.

Installation on the door leaf of a simple device that fully closes the sash autonomously and smoothly is completed. So for the high-quality operation of the device, you need to know how to adjust the door closer.

Features of using the design

Floor cloth closer

In fact, all modern door blocks are equipped with such simple devices as a door closer. Typical special designs allow visitors to get rid of unnecessary anxiety of tightly covering the door leaf behind them, as well as to preserve a comfortable atmosphere behind the autonomously closed door to the premises from the street. When using closers, the sash will not abruptly slam behind the guest, but will smoothly cover itself without unnecessary harsh sounds.

Closers cannot be considered as an excess of luxury, because thanks to its activity, the operational life of quality work is extended. door hinges, accessories. The closer allows the component elements of the door block to wear out less.

Before purchasing a device that covers the door leaf, the system is selected for certain parameters of the door leaf. When buying, some basic nuances are taken into account:

Beyond the condition correct installation closing mechanism, for the normal functioning of the system, it is worth knowing the intricacies of regulating this very mechanism, so as not to subsequently repair the door closer. The process of adjusting the device for automatic mechanical closing of the sash is not a difficult task. It is permissible to make adjustments on your own without adhering to outside help and calling experts.

The need to use door closers is dictated by functional and rather practical reasons:

  • Mechanisms ensure smooth closing of any door leaf, regardless of its weight;
  • Devices set the speed of opening and closing the sash in different areas;
  • Closers in a certain way regulate the efforts made by a person to open the door leaf;
  • The system covering the sash is able to protect the coolness or heat stored in the room;
  • Locking devices with a built-in hold open function make it possible to fix the door in the open state without placing locking objects under the sash (videos of a typical system are presented on many manufacturers' websites);
  • Mechanisms with the delay action function make it possible to leave the canvases open for a certain period of time (videos of the operation of closers with a given function are presented on many websites of system manufacturers). After the time has elapsed, the canvas closes on its own in the usual specified mode. A typical function is convenient when using systems on doors in utility rooms, storerooms and other utility rooms, which allows, for example, to take out the load or bring it into the room.

Related article: Making walls with butterflies with your own hands using various techniques

Classification according to the method of installation

Closers can be mounted on weighted entrance door blocks, as well as on lightweight interior structures. This takes into account the width of the canvas and its weight, not forgetting to correctly configure the door closer before starting operation. The larger the door leaf in relation to the weight, the more powerful the cover device, endowed with reliable qualities, is needed. Most simple option to cover the sash is a spring, the activity of which is not adjustable, while it is quite noisy and sharp. A typical variant is quite primitive and in modern times there is little where it is used.

In fact, the entire list of closers presented on the retail consumer market can be classified according to the installation method in place:

  • Top mounted models. Installation of typical devices is carried out exclusively on the wall surface, door frame, door leaf and only the upper part of the location. Installation of typical systems is not at all difficult to do with one's own hands (videos of installation of covering mechanisms are presented on many repair sites and manufacturers' portals).
  • Models concealed installation: installed inside doors;
  • Floor Mounting Models: Units are designed exclusively for installation on floors or recessed into the floor.

Instructions for adjusting different types

System adjustment

The ideal, simplest option is a system based on a spring, enclosed in a sealed, plastic or metal case with an oil composition. The principle of operation of a typical device is quite simple:

  • When opening the canvas, a person makes certain efforts;
  • The applied forces are transferred to the door closer in a simple mechanical way;
  • When transferring forces, located in the body of the device, a spring is accumulated by compression;
  • The process of closing the sash is regulated by the return of the spring to its original position.

The principle of regulating a typical system is available for doing the process with your own hands:

  • The tension force of the main working mechanism - the spring, can be adjusted with your own hands by turning the adjustment valve:

A door closer is one of those devices that needs careful and regular maintenance, since constant loads, daily cycles of opening and closing doors lead to an imbalance in the mechanisms of this device. Such troubles are corrected by a rather simple adjustment process. This is exactly what we will talk about in this article, in which, together with the site, we will talk about how the door closer is adjusted with our own hands.

Do-it-yourself door closer adjustment photo

Do-it-yourself door closer adjustment: what is regulated and what is not

Almost all modern ones have two or three points that can be adjusted at your discretion - with their help, you can not only adjust the operation of this mechanism, but make it so that it is convenient for you to use the doors. That is why the question of how to adjust the door closer is solved not only during operation, but also immediately after this device on the door. So what can be adjusted in this device? As a rule, this is the speed of closing the doors, the so-called latching (pressing the door leaf against the frame) and in some expensive models the speed of the door is in the range from 80 ° -90 ° to latching. Let's talk about the purpose of such a division in a little more detail.

In principle, this is all that can be adjusted in a device such as a door closer. Agree, you don’t need more, because the most important thing is the comfortable closing of doors without human intervention.

How to adjust a door closer: fixture setup features

Let's start right away with the fact that we will decide what cannot be categorically done. There are few such contraindications, or rather, prohibitions - only one, but its violation will lead to a complete breakdown of the closer.

The adjusting screws must not be completely unscrewed!
Hydraulics usually manages the entire adjustment process - after unscrewing the adjusting screw by more than two turns, oil pumped there under pressure flows out of the hole. Filling everything back at home will not work.

For a better understanding of the essence of the issue, you can watch a video on adjusting the closers.

We figured out the prohibitions, watched the video, now let's deal with the theoretical adjustment, but we will additionally clarify one more point related to some extent to the above prohibitions. The adjusting screws in the process of setting the mechanism must be turned a little - half a turn of the screw leads to a serious change in the speed of the door. And one more thing - by turning the screw counterclockwise, we achieve an increase in the speed of closing the doors, and by turning the screw counterclockwise, we slow down, respectively. Now that the basic rules are clear, let's proceed to the direct solution of the question, how to adjust the closer? We will solve it point by point, although, according to by and large, all the most basic has already been said above.

And finally, a little note about correct use door closer - these are four golden rules that allow you to adjust the door closer with your own hands as little as possible. First, do not turn the screw more than two turns; secondly, do not force the door, trying to close it with your hands; thirdly, do not prop up the doors to keep them open and, fourthly, do not ignore the instructions for use. Only if these rules are followed, the door closer can serve for a long time.

Doors are a necessary attribute of any premises - residential, industrial, cultural and entertainment or auxiliary. When it works smoothly, does not creak, does not clap, they do not notice it. But when the closing mechanism is faulty, it can cause a lot of inconvenience and trouble. Closer - convenient device, freeing a person from many troubles. The sash closes itself, controlled by a simple adjustable design. Adjusting and installing a door closer is not difficult technological processes which are available to almost everyone.

How to adjust the door closer after installation

The function of the modern closing device is no different from the work of the previous "antediluvian" springs, which were previously installed at the entrance to the front doors. residential buildings, organizations, shops. Their big minus was the sharp slamming of the sash with a loud thud. Such a fast closing front door was uncomfortable and quite dangerous, especially for children, who could easily pinch their hands. A modern door closer, its installation, adjustment, solve the problem of noise in the entrance, forcing door structure work in set mode.

The main working mechanism of any door closer is a spring-loaded hydraulic shock absorber. Oil circulates from one chamber to another thanks to a system of valves that set the movement of the leaf in different directions. The viscosity of the oil composition ensures smooth closing and opening of the door.

The closing device is mounted indoors so that it cannot be removed from the outside. This protects the mechanism from dirt, dust, and also creates additional safety for residents. For installation, instructions and tools are needed:

  • screwdriver;
  • ruler;
  • drill;
  • marking pencil.

Fasteners are included in the kit, which manufacturers supplement with installation templates, which show all the components of the mechanism in full size and the location of the mounting holes. Installation begins with fixing the housing, which is then connected to the thrust lever. All actions are detailed in the instructions, following which, the installation is carried out quickly and without problems.

Device parameters, as well as adjustment methods, depend on the type of closing mechanism. There are two of them.

Depending on the place and method of installation, closers are classified into one of three types.

Selecting the speed of the door

After the installation is completed, it is necessary to adjust the door closer so that the speed of the door movement is the most convenient during operation. Each device is equipped with special screws for adjusting the web travel. If it moves too fast, it will be enough to turn the screw clockwise ½ turn. If the movement is too slow, the screw is turned counterclockwise by the same half turn.

Adjustment is carried out by trial until the speed is optimal. The fast closing speed is good for restricting intruders, insects and cold air from entering. But for interior doors or kitchen cabinet doors are usually set to slow motion. This adjustment technique applies to all types of closers. The essence of the process is that the more the screws are screwed, the slower the oil flows from one cavity to another, the slower the system works.

We install a catch

When setting up the closer, special attention should be paid to adjusting the catch. This is the speed of the door passing through the final path. When a high-speed close is selected, it can slam shut with a strong rumble, which destroys the box. Therefore, it is necessary to adjust the door closer so that the closing speed is low.

The re-slam setting is similar to the general speed adjustment, with the difference that the re-slam speed is provided only on the last 15-25 cm of the trajectory of the outer edge of the door. The higher the speed is set, the stronger the impact force of the sash on the jamb will be. When choosing the pass speed at the end of the movement path, it is optimal to set the average value, when the closing is relatively fast, but without hitting the door frame. The catch is set by turning screw No. 2, which will adjust the movement of the web in such a way that the movement will slow down first, and then it will completely adjoin the jamb.

Calibrating the open position

In some cases, it is required that the doors be kept open, for example, when furniture is being transported, or the parents called the doctor to the child, but there is no intercom. Adjustment in the system of door closers of the "open door" mode is provided and is carried out simply.

Many models of top-mounted systems have a "hold open" option. To set the mode, you need to set the door at 90 ° and fix a special latch that will keep the door open for as long as necessary. If you open the sash to a different degree, the system will work without holding. When the need for open doors disappears, you need to pull the sash towards you, and the setting will be removed automatically.

Adjustment of the door closer during operation

The device, mounted and adjusted correctly, guarantees perfect operation for a long time. However, the oil inside the mechanism reacts differently to changing weather conditions, which means that the spring will compress in different ways. The characteristics of the system change after cold weather and appear differently in the heat of summer. These are standard indicators, and adjusting the door closer is possible with your own hands without calling a specialist. The main thing is to do it on time and take into account some of the nuances:

  • study the instructions for the closer in detail, following each step described exactly;
  • turn screw No. 1 counterclockwise by ½ turn to adjust the reach;
  • screw number 2, turned ¼ turn clockwise, determines the opening speed;
  • screw No. 3 (side) determines the force of movement of the sash.

Reasons for adjustment

Any mechanism as a result of long-term operation loses its original characteristics. So the closer, deviating from the settings, can close the sash very slowly or with a roar. Repair of the door closer, carried out on time, and adjustment of its mechanism will avoid more serious problems in the future. The following events may be the reasons for correcting the operation of the device.

  1. A preventive check of the operation of the entire system must be carried out 1-2 times a year.
  2. In anticipation of low winter or high summer temperatures, prevention is required. When temperatures rise or fall, the oil filler changes its properties, and the movement of the canvas slows down in winter. In the summer heat, the composition of the filler, on the contrary, liquefies and causes acceleration and impacts of the sash on the box. Problems can be avoided by adjusting the mechanism in a timely manner.
  3. In the event of failures, the adjustment of the operation of the mechanism is especially necessary. If malfunctions are noticed, an inspection should be carried out and the damage repaired.

When the set settings are not liked by users, the operation of the device is adjusted additionally. You can adjust the closer with screws. If the door is tight and a lot of effort is required, the screws should be loosened and the door leaf will work easily and smoothly. Loosening the screw completely allows you to keep the blade open when needed.

Limitations in adjusting the closer

In order for the device to work stably and easily adjusted, certain restrictions must be observed during its operation.

  1. When adjusting the mechanism, the screws must not be turned more than 2 turns from their original position. If the rule is not followed, oil will leak out, which will adversely affect the functionality of the structure, and repairing the door closer house is quite difficult.
  2. During installation, care must be taken to ensure that the structure does not warp, otherwise breakdowns are inevitable.
  3. It is unacceptable to prop up an open door with various objects. There is a special option for this.
  4. Loading the canvas with heavy objects is prohibited, since the diagonal will be skewed from additional gravity.

If these simple limitations are taken into account and the device is adjusted in a timely manner, it will be possible to use all the conveniences of the closer for a long time.

How to repair a door closer

In order to eliminate the breakdown of the closer with your own hands, you must first of all deal with its cause. The most common causes of malfunctions are:

  • weather conditions - rains, constant humidity, temperature changes (dangerous for metal outer parts and plastic boxes);
  • quick closing of the canvas manually at a speed that does not correspond to the set settings;
  • blocking a door that does not have the function " open doors", any objects;
  • wrong choice of closer, the power of which is not enough for a heavy door. There will be an overload of the mechanism, which can also occur if you hang and ride on the canvas, as children like.

Frequent breakdowns.

  1. Oil leakage may occur due to a crack in the housing. Without oil, the closer will turn into an ordinary spring and will slam the door with a deafening roar. The malfunction must be eliminated very quickly, otherwise the entire mechanism will have to be changed. If you find a small leak, you can use a sealant. With a significant gap and a large loss of oil, repairing the closer will not help, the device will have to be changed.

Sometimes in the manufacture of a product, manufacturers allow underfilling, then it must be topped up with conventional synthetic motor oil or shock absorber fluid through the screw holes.

  1. Rod deformation. It is necessary to pay attention to this element in the first place. The bar can be made of ordinary steel and rust. Rusty spots should be cleaned and treated with anti-corrosion grease.

The fracture is eliminated by welding with a thorough cleaning of the seams. Curvature and bends are leveled with a hammer, but there is a risk that the part will not withstand the load and burst. If the breakage of the part is too serious, it is better to replace the damaged fragment with a new one.

Is it possible to manage Everyday life without door closers?

Of course you can. It's not hard at all to open and close behind you.

True, if the hands are busy, then it already delivers some inconvenience. And if there is a spring, then it’s quite a disaster.

Sometimes, a passing push in the back is comparable to the acceleration of free fall.

Therefore, setting up a door closer, even a spring one, is a rather relevant thing.

Of course, setting up this very closer will not be difficult.

The task of these devices is to close behind incoming and outgoing people.

Moreover, to do this according to a certain algorithm:

  • Do not interfere with easy and free opening
  • Do not close, at a certain opening angle
  • Close at an adjusted, comfortable speed
  • At the end of your movement - slowly, without knocking, clap, with a certain effort

A similar algorithm should be performed for doors of any design and purpose. There are a lot of designs and operating conditions of doors:

  • Outdoor
  • Internal
  • Interroom
  • Swing
  • Metallic
  • Rights
  • Left

Each door has its own weight

When choosing a specific model of the closing mechanism, all of the above options must be considered. This is especially true for the weight of the door leaf and temperature conditions.

In addition, the closers themselves are available in several modifications:

  • With slide cam type mechanism.
  • It has a smooth glide, but is used only for light canvases.
  • With gear-lever mechanism. In this case, the movement of the door leaf is transmitted by a system of levers and a rack and pinion mechanism. The gear rack, performing reciprocating movements, plays the role of a rod distilling oil through adjustable jets.
  • Outdoor execution. A similar mechanism is built into the floor when it is laid. Not widely used.
  • Concealed installation. The working mechanism is built into the body of the door leaf.
  • Overhead type. The most widely used type of door closer. It is used for canvases of various weights. When temperature conditions change, it needs to be adjusted.

When choosing a door closer for a particular door, it is necessary to strictly compare its weight and performance with the technical capabilities of the device.

Why is adjustment needed?

It is easy to imagine the work of a poorly adjusted closing mechanism.

If we take 2 extreme cases of poor adjustment, we get the following.

In the first of them, the closer will work like a strongly tightened spring.

People will have a hard time getting past it.

To top it off, the door leaf will knock with force on its box.

In order to correct the situation without adjusting the device, it will be necessary to hold it.

In the second case, it simply will not close or close only partially.

This is how the Diplomat door closer is configured. Its adjusting screws are located on the end surface of the device. Adjusting this screw changes the speed of the web in the range of 15 0 - 180 0 .

Such adjustments must be made with extreme caution. A fully turned out adjusting screw will inevitably cause system depressurization and oil leakage. The closer will be completely disabled.

Dohlop installation

Adjusting the door closing speed must be carried out regularly - at least 2 times a year. This is also necessary for purely preventive purposes, as well as in connection with a possible change in the physico-chemical oils.

At low temperatures, it becomes viscous. At high values, it becomes excessively liquid. In the first case, the door does not close well. The second is too fast.

The same arguments are relevant for such a function of closers as a close. This is especially important for doors with soft seals, magnetic or combination locks.

For such doors, the last moment of closing is very important. This range is in the range from 0 0 to 15 0 . In this range, the leaf must close slowly and securely.

Situations with increased dynamics or incomplete closure are unacceptable.

To adjust the door closer "Bulat" or close to it in design - "Diplomat", for these purposes a screw for adjusting the catch is provided.

Due to its rotation, the characteristics of movement will change in the range from 15 0 .

The screws for adjusting the speed and rebound are located side by side on the end panel of the device.

This butt is directed towards the door hinges.

As in the case of the speed adjustment screw, the rebound screw requires the same care when manipulating it.

Adjustment of the catch-up should be carried out only after the debugging of the speed characteristics is completed. Turning the adjusting screw clockwise decreases the speed.

Turning against it - makes the speed more. To avoid technical problems, do not make more than 2 turns in this direction.

Operating rules

These rules are simple and very clear. Devices designed to close doors are of low cost and are not equipped with various anti-vandal devices.

In this regard, they must be handled with care and rather delicately. Having chosen a closer, you need to make sure that its characteristics correspond to the conditions where they want to put it:

  • Since closers are divided into classes from small - EN1 to large - EN7, then it is worth choosing them in accordance with them. It should be noted that these classes are associated not simply with mass, but with inertial mass. In other words, not only weight matters, but also the dimensions (shoulder) of the canvas. An appliance rated at 40 kg (EN1) cannot close a metal door weighing 120 kg (EN7).
  • Don't help him with his work.
  • It is not necessary to keep the sash open if the mechanism does not have such a function.
  • There is no need to thoughtlessly turn the valve adjusting screws.
  • Coordinate with the seller of the equipment the issue of setting it up with the left or right opening.

A beautiful door, a functional door closer, a bit of luck in adjusting it, and a bit of luck in life. Here is the formula for a happy person. This article is one of the components of this formula. And luck is always there.

The video shows the installation of a door closer: