Care for Kalanchoe flowers at home. Lighting and temperature conditions

  • 12.06.2019

Delighting the eye with delightful flowering, home flowers create a cozy, warm atmosphere, wrapped in an aura of love and harmony. Exotic or familiar, they decorate our home, treat diseases, give a wonderful mood. Handsome Kalanchoe: home care for which does not require much effort and financial costs- unpretentious, exquisite plant that lives on the windowsills of apartments and balconies. What conditions does it need for growth and flowering?

Features of growing Kalanchoe of different varieties

There is a conditional classification of Kalanchoe associated with the peculiarities of home care conditions:

  1. Decorative varieties:
    1. Blossfeld. A type of Kalanchoe with serrated leaves of small green color, which, when proper care allows you to get beautiful bush up to half a meter wide.
    2. Kalandiva. The terry inflorescences shown in the photo attract the well-deserved attention of numerous admirers. According to Doctor of Sciences, English Botanist Professor David Hession, every second visitor to Dutch flower auctions purchases Kalandiva.
  2. Decorative leafy varieties of Kalanchoe. Home care conditions require special attention when watering:
    1. Felt. Narrow, oblong leaves with distinct veins are decorated with gray villi.
    2. Bekhar. Olive-colored leaves, up to 10 cm in size, pubescent with brown hairs. Valued for medicinal properties, does not require close attention and home care.
  3. Viviparous varieties, or bryophyllums. Inspired and amazed by the great Goethe, this species of Kalanchoe reproduces by budding:
    1. Degremont. The leaves of Kalanchoe are oblong, smooth, have the shape of a triangle with serrated edges.
    2. Cirrus. A common species that has been “living” on the windowsills of our mothers and grandmothers for many years. Effective in the treatment of rhinitis, sinusitis, wounds and burns, inflammation.

How to properly care for Kalanchoe at home

Kalanchoe: attentive home care that will delight you and your loved ones with exquisite flowering - a tropical plant native to the island of Madagascar. Belonging to the genus of succulents, it feels great in the tropics of Asia and South America, the temperate climate zone of Europe and ... on the window of the apartment. Reaching two meters in height under natural conditions of a tropical climate, this genus of the Crassulaceae family (Crassulaceae) has up to 200 varieties.

Temperature and lighting

For a plant, a temperature of 12-25C will be comfortable. These indoor flowers feel great in the summer on the balcony in pots or open ground. In order for Kalanchoe to develop well and bloom, it needs sunlight. Direct rays are detrimental to the flower, so if the window sills of the windows - permanent places of "residence" - face the south side, create diffused lighting. In winter, a feature of home care will be the creation additional source Sveta.

Humidity and watering

The root system of the plant does not tolerate excess moisture, reacting with decay processes. Use settled water at room temperature. When leaving, do not forget that moist air provokes the development of diseases. For the duration of the home heating season, “house” the flower away from radiators. Choose the mode of watering the earth:

  • in the off-season - no more than once in a few days;
  • hot summer requires daily watering;
  • in winter, the frequency is reduced to one watering in two weeks.

Fertilizer and top dressing

When choosing how to transplant Kalanchoe after purchase, do not forget that the plant needs comfortable home conditions to adapt. Decorative varieties Experienced flower growers recommend “feeding” plants with complex fertilizers using half the dose. This contributes to abundant, long flowering. Avoid supplements in winter and also during the season when Kalanchoe blooms.

Soil selection and flower transplant

A transplant of Kalanchoe at home is necessary if the roots of the plant have filled the space of the flowerpot in which the flower lives, preferring slightly acidic soil with a pH level of 5.5-6.5. Kalanchoe should be transplanted at the end of April-May:

  1. When choosing a ready-made soil for succulents, add a fifth fine sand.
  2. When self-study soil at home, sterilize all components by making a mix of:
    • humus;
    • turf;
    • charcoal;
    • sand.
  3. Lay expanded clay or finely crushed pieces of brick on the bottom to improve drainage.

Plant propagation

With more than 12 hours of daylight, you can plant the plant. For this use the following ways:

  1. Propagation of Kalanchoe by cuttings. Only healthy stem cuttings are suitable. Carefully separate from common bush base with two leaves, planting them in prepared slightly acidic soil.
  2. Do you want to conduct leaf propagation for Kalanchoe at home? Carefully detach an intact, healthy leaf from the common bush, plant it in a new pot with prepared soil.
  3. Seeds. Place the seeds on the surface of moistened soil (1 part of sand and peat) without sprinkling with earth. Cover for 10-12 days with glass or polyethylene. When you see sprouted sprouts, remove the "shelter".

Flowering and pruning Kalanchoe

Most varieties ornamental varieties begin to produce the first buds in late winter - early spring. The flowering period is short - from February to April. How to make Kalanchoe bloom:

  • creation of a light regime using lamps;
  • "light" top dressing;
  • observance of the rules of "short daylight hours".

The crown formed by pruning and pinching will help to give the plant a beautiful silhouette. The implementation of the recommendations will contribute to the creation of "refined forms" of the flower:

  1. Kalanchoe, how to cut? After flowering, try to remove the pedicels as low as possible to restore the strength of a weakened plant. If you notice that the flower looks "tired" and unhealthy, be sure to cut off any damaged leaves.
  2. How to pinch Kalanchoe? To stop the growth of the plant, to rid the flower of underdeveloped thin shoots, the removal of the latter will help. Using scissors, get rid of unnecessary upper leaves and the top of the stem. Cover wounds on pinched shoots with charcoal/ash.

Diseases and pests

Kalanchoe: what care at home will protect the plant from pests and destructive diseases:

  1. Leaf diseases:
    1. Phytophthora - dark, sometimes black spots at the base of the leaf. The reasons are excess water during irrigation, heat, excess fertilizer.
    2. Powdery mildew. Its appearance is caused by non-compliance with the temperature regime, low air humidity when caring for Kalanchoe at home.
  2. Pests:
    1. The most "famous" insect attacking the leaves of a plant is the aphid. Green midges interfere with the flowering and growth of Kalanchoe. At the same time, the leaves of the flower turn yellow, gradually falling off.
    2. Shchitovka. An insect that provokes the development of fungal processes on the leaves and stem of Kalanchoe.

Removing infected parts of the plant, treating the remaining healthy plant with special soap (potassium) or alcohol solutions will help to cope with pests at home. Full recovery will require long time, compliance with the rules for caring for a flower and watering the soil with fungicides - chemicals whose action is aimed at combating various diseases.

Why Kalanchoe does not bloom - reasons

When buying a beautiful, flowering Kalanchoe, get ready for the fact that the adaptation process after the first flowering will take some time. Asking the question: “Kalanchoe does not bloom, what should I do?”, Follow these recommendations of botanists and flower growers:

  1. Reduce the amount of fertilizer applied and the frequency of feeding. This should be done in stages, gradually reducing the dosage.
  2. Follow the home care guidelines above. An excess of moisture or its lack, the presence of diseases, pests that live on the plant, interfere with the flowering process.

Video about the beneficial properties and care of flowering Kalanchoe

The outlandish name "Kalanchoe" with Chinese translated as "thick stalk", Africans and South Americans call it "the grass of fate", and the Portuguese - "the plant of life". There is a beautiful legend that the house in which this plant blooms wildly is kept and protected by the saints, and its inhabitants are always lucky. Such beliefs are not unfounded, because some types of Kalanchoe can be called a "home doctor in a flowerpot." Watch the video below to learn how to take proper care of your skin at home. flowering plant.

During flowering, this amazing culture can be used not only to decorate the room (you can learn how to care for Kalanchoe so that it blooms). Fleshy leaves of small size are characterized by strength and reliability, and large caps of flowers give Kalanchoe a festive look. The maximum feeling of a holiday is created during the flowering of Kalanchoe in winter. But for this you have to know the features behind the plant, because during this period it needs the most attention.

Kalanchoe blooms only once a year(how to achieve abundant flowering after buying at home is described in detail). Although methods are known for obtaining a repeated flowering period, if an artificial play of light is used. The beginning of flowering is the end of winter, and it ends in March.

If Kalanchoe does not produce flowers until the end of February, then this is not a cause for concern, as some varieties bloom in March. What to do if Kalanchoe does not bloom and what kind of care the plant will need, we wrote in, and how to make it bloom is described.

In the photo below, you can see Kalanchoe blooming.

How to care during flowering - detailed step by step instructions


During flowering, the culture does not impose special requirements for watering. At home, this plant prefers more drought than waterlogging. Naturally, during the summer heat, moisturizing should be carried out more often, and in winter, the frequency of watering will be 1 time in 2 weeks. In addition, stagnant water will lead to the development of rot, and it has a detrimental effect on Kalanchoe.

In a container with a flower ball, in addition to the earth, drainage should be provided. Thanks to him, you can maintain the necessary condition of the soil for the plant. Then watering will take place not only from above, but also into the pan.

Illumination and temperature

Compared to other indoor crops, flowering Kalanchoe can grow under the influence of direct sunlight, especially in summer. With the onset of winter, peace is required, so move the container with the flower from a sunny place to a shaded one.

Features of the care of culture is that with the beginning of flowering, the daylight hours should be reduced. With natural climatic conditions it comes with the coming of winter. So on cold days, Kalanchoe will delight with its bright shades of flowers.

Attention! When it is necessary for the plant to acquire buds at other times of the year, then extend the daylight hours to 10 hours.

For these purposes, put on a container with Kalanchoe a bag of thick paper. You can simply put the pot in the closet at a certain time in the evening, and in the morning take it out and put it on the windowsill again.

Temperature indicators, as well as illumination, in winter and summer time different:

  • when it is warm outside, the temperature regime will be 18-28 degrees Celsius;
  • with the onset of cold weather, keep Kalanchoe at a temperature of 10-16 degrees Celsius.

The flower will respond positively if it is taken out to the loggia or balcony. This is called a dormant period - an important requirement in the care of Kalanchoe during the flowering period, especially when it began to bloom actively.

Regular top dressing has a positive effect on growth and flowering. Nutrient compositions for flowering Kalanchoe will saturate the roots with all the necessary minerals and trace elements. In the summer, fertilize once every 7 days.

If possible, take Kalanchoe to the balcony or summer veranda. Due fresh air culture immunity will become stronger, immunity to various diseases will increase. But, when the time comes to bring it into the house, you should carefully examine the flower and do not put it together with other representatives of the flower collection for 2-3 days.


The plant does not like high humidity both in the ground and indoors. The liquid will accumulate in the stem of the flower, and this is fraught with the formation of spores and mold. Compared to standard care for ornamental crops, keep Kalanchoe in autumn and winter in a heated room near radiators. It is important that the temperature indicators do not rise above the permissible.


Is there a need for pruning when Kalanchoe blooms? These activities need to be carried out only when pests or diseases are affected (you can read about how to treat Kalanchoe, as well as the proper care of a flower). This is done simply - cut off the affected areas at the junction with healthy ones. About the basic rules for pruning a flower, we wrote in.

Since the plant becomes weak during flowering, it is important to organize dormant periods for it.. This will require the following activities:

  • pruning of all peduncles;
  • setting the pot in a cool shade;
  • suspension of watering for 1.5 months.

At the end of the dormant period, the flower can be installed in its usual place and fertilized.

Next is a visual video on how to properly cut Kalanchoe after flowering:

Reference! Kalanchoe refers to those crops in which flowering is observed only with a short daylight hours. If you guarantee the plant a daylight hours lasting no more than 8 hours, then it will bloom at the right time.

Flower care at this time remains the same: watering, maintaining the temperature regime, removing dust from the leaves, moistening the air around the flower.

But the duration of daylight hours is reduced: keep Kalanchoe in the light for no more than 8 hours, and then put it in a dark place or just cover it with a dark cap. He must close not only the plant, but also the pot. With the onset of morning, remove the cap from the pot and provide light to the plant.

Kalanchoe, like any culture during flowering, has its own care requirements. The task of the grower is to strictly implement them. Only in this way the plant will not get sick, it will not be affected by pests and other problems. And most importantly, it will bloom at the set time and will delight with its colorful flowers.

Useful video

Further informative video about home care for Kalanchoe:

Kalanchoe is a genus of herbaceous succulent plants with a large number of species. In the wild, they grow in the tropics and the southern part of the African continent, in the south and southeast of Asia and in the tropical zone of South America. These plants are well known to Europeans for their medicinal qualities, but they have been used for decorative purposes relatively recently. We will talk about the most popular decorative types Kalanchoe and care for them.

What does a flower look like

Each type of decorative Kalanchoe looks different, but there is something that unites them. First of all, it is juicy and fleshy leaves and stem. In most species, the stems are erect, the leaves are petiolate or sessile, different in shape, with a smooth or serrated edge. Reproduction occurs by cuttings, seeds and brood buds.

Here's more detailed description several popular types:

  • . Compact plant no more than 30 cm in height. It has rounded leaves with wavy edges. It has a rather long flowering period: from winter to late spring.

  • . This species is popular for its lush flowering. Inflorescences form a dense cap. The flowers are small, with many petals. Flowering time - up to six months. The leaves are large, rounded with wavy edges, rich green.

  • . The flower has a long stem with oblong leaves that have pronounced teeth along the edges. At the end of the stem is an inflorescence panicle with tubular flowers. Blooms in all shades from red to purple. The color of the foliage is light green or green and may have a purple tint.

  • . main feature of this species - the ability to grow "babies" along the edges of the foliage. Like pinnate Kalanchoe, it has a long stem with arrow-shaped leaves of deep green color. Young leaves bend inward, forming a groove in the center. Over time, the sheet bends in the opposite direction and twists the sharp edge under itself. The flower grows very intensively.

Did you know?Representatives of the species Kalanchoe laciniata, with bright golden flowers, received the name "gemasagara" in India, that is, "the sea of ​​​​gold".

Some types of Kalanchoe (for example, tubular) are poisonous to animals.

Competent care

The plant is unpretentious, but since it was brought from tropical latitudes, it requires similar climatic conditions in its habitat.

Lighting Requirements

Kalanchoe is a photophilous flower, but does not tolerate direct sunlight. Therefore, it is best to place it in the summer on the western or eastern windows, and in the winter - on the south.

Some sources claim that the plant can be kept in the light only in the morning, and after dinner it must be moved to the shade or covered with something. Others, on the contrary, argue that for abundant flowering it must be in the light for 12 hours.

The right solution is to keep the flower in a well-lit place, but at the same time protecting it from direct sunlight.

Optimum temperature

The flower tolerates high temperatures, up to 35 ° C. But if the thermometer shows below 10 ° C, growth will slow down and the flowering period will shift.

How to water Kalanchoe

Does not tolerate heavy watering. If the roots get stuck, the plant will begin to rot. To prevent this from happening, you need to water the flower once every three days and not very plentifully. If excess water runs into the tray, it must be poured out immediately. It is desirable to water with settled water.

It must be borne in mind that Kalanchoe does not like moist air.

Important! When watering, try not to get water on the leaves and stem, otherwise a fungal disease will develop.

Proper pruning

The plant is characterized by intensive upward growth. Therefore, in order for it to look attractive, it is necessary to regularly carry out shaping pruning. Don't be afraid to experiment. The flower easily tolerates pruning and quickly recovers.

In order for a young flower to grow better, it is not only cut, but also pinched. This helps to quickly take a beautiful shape. Carry out this procedure at the beginning of summer.

How to feed Kalanchoe

Feed and fertilize only with special fertilizers for succulents. The procedure should be carried out in late spring or mid-summer. On the package of fertilizers, the amount of top dressing required for the flower is prescribed, as well as how often to feed the plant. You need to use half of the indicated dose of fertilizer.

Important! Before applying top dressing, it should be diluted in warm water and wait until it cools down. This is necessary for better absorption of fertilizers by the roots.

Transplant Features

It needs to be transplanted only when the pot becomes too small for growing roots, or when the soil turns sour due to an abundance of moisture. Transplantation takes place in late spring.

The plant is carefully removed from the old pot and, together with a small amount of soil, is placed in a new one. In order for the plant to take root faster, the new soil should be similar in composition to the old one. It also needs nourishment. The adaptation period takes about a week.

Kalanchoe transplant: video

The main care mistakes: why Kalanchoe does not bloom

Usually flower growers prefer Kalanchoe because of its abundant flowering. Having chosen the plant they like in the store, many note that the next flowering period is less intense or absent altogether. Do not think that you were sold the wrong flower. We need to revise the rules for caring for him.

Why is it not blooming

As a rule, Kalanchoe stops blooming due to a large number fertilizers applied to the soil. Start gradually reducing the amount of feeding until you reduce it to zero.

Another reason for the lack of flowering is excess moisture and improper watering. Try watering the plant less. Drought is less terrible for him than high humidity. And you need to water only with settled water at room temperature.
Sometimes the reason for the lack of flowering can be a long stay in the light. Reduce artificial daylight hours. Make sure that the night lasts for Kalanchoe 12-14 hours.

What to do: how to make Kalanchoe bloom

If you have properly cared for Kalanchoe, and it does not bloom, try the following:

  1. Cut off old flower stalks.
  2. When the shoots begin to grow, pinch off the top two leaves on them. If the top is too long, cut it off.
  3. When new shoots with three pairs of petals appear in the pinching places, cut them off. This pruning will form a dense plant bush. We do the last pinching in November.
  4. Now the flower needs a short and bright daylight hours. The plant is artificially sent to sleep, covering it with a cloth.
  5. After a while, flower-bearing shoots should appear. If they are not there before March, we pinch the plant again.

Did you know? Among the people, Kalanchoe is often called the "tree of life" or "room doctor".

As you can see, Kalanchoe - unpretentious plant. But if you do not follow the basic rules for caring for it, it will not please you. abundant flowering. Take care of it, and Kalanchoe will thank you with scatterings of bright colors.

Kalanchoe is a plant that is known to many. It is called the tree of life, room doctor, room ginseng. This flower is not only decorative, but also healing. That is why it grows in almost every home. There are about two hundred varieties of the flower, but they all have medicinal properties. Often in room conditions grow several species: Mix, Kalanchoe Blossfeld and Kalandiva.

Kalanchoe variety Pink Butterfly

Whatever look you get, caring for Kalanchoe at home is almost the same for all representatives of the plant. The flower is not picky and undemanding. And if you follow all the basic rules regarding caring for him, he will delight you with his beauty and incredible flowering.

This flower has a soft energy. It helps in increasing vitality, mood and performance. In addition, the plant has unique ability clean the air of germs. The juice of the plant is also useful for the skin. Women use it to nourish the dermis, increase its tone, improve blood circulation and lymph flow.

Due to its rich composition. Kalanchoe contains a considerable amount of useful substances: organic acids, vitamins, minerals, polysaccharides, flavonoids and tannins.

Due to its rich composition, the flower has a wound-healing, anti-inflammatory, immunostimulating, analgesic effect and promotes: rapid healing of wounds; elimination pain syndrome, stop bleeding, minimize inflammation.

Description and photo of the flower

Kalanchoe is a perennial evergreen, which belongs to the Tolstyankovye family. South Africa, America, Asia - the habitat of the flower. Depending on the variety, the height, structure and color of the flower may vary slightly. Some species can reach a height of five meters, others 50 and fifty centimeters.

The plant is endowed with a straight thick stem, branching roots, green, dark green, gray or bluish leaves. different sizes, four-membered large blue, pinkish, lilac, dark purple flowers. Flowering Kalanchoe falls during the winter.

There are many varieties of the plant. They differ in size, color, shape of leaves and flowers. Whatever look you want to acquire, know that any plant needs care. Otherwise, it will either not bloom, or even die.

A bright representative of the plant is Kalanchoe Blossfeld (see photo). This flower is different small size. Height reaches thirty centimeters. The plant is endowed with rounded leaves with jagged edges and sometimes with a border around the perimeter, small bright red flowers. The plant blooms for a long time, so many flower growers love it.

The next no less attractive representative is Kalanchoe Kalandiva. The plant is endowed with small white, pink or red flowers, saturated with green glossy fleshy leaves. Kalandiva can bloom up to six months.

Kalanchoe Mix - beautiful flower with red, yellow, white, orange or pink flowers.

To achieve lush, beautiful and long flowering it is necessary to properly care for the flower. This applies to lighting, transplantation, moisture and temperature. If you are buying a plant for the first time, be sure to inspect it. If you purchase diseased plant, you are unlikely to be able to revive it.

  1. Leaves should not be lethargic or even worse with the presence white plaque. Their color should be uniform.
  2. Inspect the back side for the presence of malicious Kalanchoe pests - aphids and scale insects.
  3. The flower should have a compact size.
  4. There should be no gaps on the stem.
  5. It is preferable to purchase a plant at the beginning winter period, since it is at this time that its flowering begins. In addition, Kalanchoe should not have already dried flowers.
  6. The plant is unpretentious in care, but there are a number of recommendations that should be followed without fail. Do not forget that Kalanchoe comes from the tropics, and therefore is afraid of the cold.

How to water. Watering the flower is recommended to be carried out twice a week and only after the top layer of the soil has dried. The plant is afraid of waterlogging. Excessive watering of the plant is fraught with decay of the root system and the development of fungal diseases. When watering, be guided by the rule - it is better to underfill than overfill. Excess water must be drained. In addition, avoid getting water on the leaves and flowers.

Should the plant be sprayed? The flower does not need this procedure. Kalanchoe does not tolerate high humidity, this is unacceptable for tropical plants. The only thing you can do is wipe the sheets from dirt and dust.

Transfer. The plant needs to be repotted at least once every two years. The growth of the flower in height is active, its roots also need an increase in space. Transplantation is carried out by the method of transshipment. The earth mixture should be identical.

temperature and lighting. The optimum temperature for comfortable growth and development of the plant is 20-35 degrees. The plant is able to survive at a temperature of 10 degrees, but when it drops to five, it dies.

Do not place a flowerpot on a sunny windowsill. Direct sunlight on the leaves and flowers of the plant is fraught with burns. It is preferable to place the flower in the east or southeast.

Pruning. Almost all varieties of plants tolerate this procedure painlessly. It is important that the scissors you use are sharp enough. So you once again do not injure Kalanchoe. The top after pruning will sprout and the bush will turn out to be very lush.


There are several ways breeding kalanchoe. Many grow the plant from seeds. To do this, spread the seeds in a pre-prepared and moistened substrate. It is not necessary to sprinkle them with earth. Cover the container with plastic.

Do not forget to regularly ventilate the "house" for seeds. Wait about a month for the first shoots to appear. Young flowers should be transplanted only after the appearance of several leaves.

Another problem-free breeding option for Kalanchoe is the separation of the kidneys. Once the "babies" are separated, place them in a separate container. They take root well. Root-shoots are formed on the mother plant.

The third popular method of reproduction is the division of leaves. Not all leaves fit. Only cuttings are suitable for propagation. A separate leaf is separated from the stem and placed in a glass of water. Roots will begin to appear in about a week and a half to two weeks. After that, the stalk is rooted in a suitable soil. You can also propagate the plant through a shoot. The algorithm remains the same.

A young flower does not require any special care. The main thing is to water it moderately, keep it at comfortable temperature and avoid direct sunlight on Kalanchoe.

How to care for a plant in summer

Caring for a plant in the summer has a number of features. Remember, if you neglect the needs of Kalanchoe, you will simply destroy it. The plant should grow in good light conditions. With a lack of light, the stem will stretch out a lot, and the flower will lose its decorative properties.

Watering the plant in summer should be plentiful, but rarely, once a week will be enough. Do not let water stand in the flowerpot. As for the soil, Kalanchoe can grow in both light and heavy substrates. But it is still better that sand is included in the composition of the soil.

Drainage is necessarily poured at the bottom of the container. This will prevent stagnant water and rotting of the root system. In the summer, it is better to take the plants out onto the balcony.

Home doctor care in winter

It is very easy to care for a flowering plant. To get a lush bush with many buds, the flower must be fed throughout the autumn period. It is also not worth it to abuse top dressing. Excessive intake of nutrients contributes exclusively to the growth of green mass. You will not achieve flowering plants.

A flowerpot with a flower should be away from heating appliances, but close to a light source. The optimum temperature for the plant in winter is 15 degrees.

Why doesn't Kalanchoe bloom?

Lack of flowering is a fairly common problem. If you want to know how to make Kalanchoe bloom, you are at the right place. Often, the flowering of the plant does not begin due to diseases and pests. In addition, the reason for this may be watering the flower with running water. Remember, for irrigation you need to use only settled water. This is the only way you can prevent the loss of peduncles and achieve lush flowering.

Correcting all provoking factors and providing homemade ginseng necessary care- this is all that is needed for your plant to bloom.

Diseases and pests

Yellowing of the leaves and drying of their tips may be due to lack of lighting. To fix this, move the pot to a brighter area or provide additional lighting. Falling leaves are provoked by stagnant air in the room. If you encounter such a problem, just air it regularly in the future.

The appearance of spots on the leaves is due either to severe crowding or sunburn. Place flowerpots at a considerable distance from each other and shade.

Lack of nutrients can lead to leaf fall and cessation of flower growth. Transplant it into nutrient soil or feed it. The twisting of the leaves is provoked by the abundance of peat and nitrogen in the soil. Transplant the plant to the correct substrate.

The yellowing of the flower is completely due to the excessive amount of sun rays hitting the plant. If you notice that the Kalanchoe has begun to dry or its leaves have begun to wither, water it.

The most common diseases of this flower include gray rot, late blight, powdery mildew, ring spot and stem rot.

A fungal disease characterized by the appearance of brown spots on the branches of the shoots, as well as inhibition in growth, is called late blight rot. Excessive watering, high temperature, lack of ventilation, as well as sudden changes in temperature are the main causes of the disease. For the treatment of the disease, it is recommended to use fungicides.

The appearance of gray plaque and weeping spots on the flower, and further rotting of the plant, signals gray rot. Excessive humidity of the air and soil, lack of ventilation, insufficient lighting are the main causes of the disease. For the treatment of pathology, fungicides are used.

A fairly common ailment, accompanied by the appearance of a powdery coating on the foliage, and later their death, is called powdery mildew. The disease develops due to dryness and high temperature.

The appearance of spots in the form of rings on the foliage, as well as inhibition in growth, indicates an infection with ring spot. The disease has no cure. The affected areas are destroyed.

A disease characterized by the formation of watery blackish spots on the stems is called stem rot. As a rule, insecticides are used to treat the disease. If they did not help, the flower is destroyed.

Insects infecting the plant

Often, Kalanchoe is affected by multi-claw mites, aphids, mealybugs and scale insects. Appearance on petioles and leaves of scab Brown color, as well as hardening and curvature of tissues provokes such a pest as a multi-claw mite - a small glassy mite. To eliminate insects, it is recommended to use a soap solution and insecticides.

When settling, yellowing and deformation of the leaves are noted, as well as drying and falling off of unopened buds. These pests draw all the juices from the plant, and in return inject their poison. For the treatment of plants, a solution of laundry soap with insecticides is used.

Covering the veins of the leaves with a whitish wax coating indicates the defeat of the plant by mealybugs. To overcome the attack, the affected areas are removed, and then the plant is treated with mineral oils or insecticides.

Shchitovka outwardly similar to aphids. She also sucks all the juices out of the flower. When yellowing and falling leaves appear, as well as when the growth of the plant is inhibited, wipe it with a cotton swab dipped in alcohol. Then you can apply any insecticide.

Kalanchoe is beautiful and useful plant. If you follow all the recommendations for caring for it, it will thank you with lush and long flowering.