When you can walk on the lawn. How long do self-leveling floors (screed) dry? Lawn care - Necessary lawn care work

  • 15.06.2019

During the repair, you want to do everything as quickly and efficiently as possible.

As soon as the tile is laid, you want to stand on it with your feet and go, because there is still plumbing installation and finishing ahead!

Not so fast.

The tile, if you stand on it, may fall off.

When asked how long the tile on the floor dries, they rarely specify what is meant by the word “dries”.

Some believe that this is when you can just gently walk along it and carry out grouting, others - this is when it gains brand strength.

Usually, the parameter when walking is allowed can be seen on the bag of adhesive on which the tile is laid.

For most, this is about a day - 24 hours.

When walking on freshly laid tiles, you should use slippers with soft soles, avoid walking on heels, falling heavy objects and placing loads on its surface. Especially it is necessary to avoid efforts tearing away from the base. Such efforts are often applied when grouting, during the removal of tile crosses.

Crosses must be removed with a small hook that allows you to pull out the cross without touching the tile itself. If you do this with a spatula, knife or other tool, you can pick it up and then have to lay it again. In many cases, the curing time will depend not only on the label on the glue bag, but also on other factors.

What affects the process

It is worth distinguishing between the setting time of tile adhesive and the time of gaining brand strength, which is considered a reference. Hardening depends on several factors:

  • From the thickness of the adhesive layer. Usually it ranges from 3 to 10 mm. The thicker the layer, the slower the hardening.
  • From air temperature and . At high drying will be faster, at low - more slowly. It is strongly not recommended to lay tiles on a heated underfloor heating. The solution will dry too quickly and will not have time to gain strength, since in an hour there will be no water in it, and the hardening reaction time will end.
  • From air humidity. The more humid the air, the faster the hardening.
  • From the absorbency of tiles and bases. When laid on plaster walls who drink water the most, hardening will come quickly. On the other hand, if the laying is carried out on a wet floor made of high-quality concrete, which is more than ten years old, hardening will occur as slowly as possible. The same can be said about laying on waterproofing. Porcelain stoneware drinks less water than ceramics, and under it the mortar also dries a little more slowly.
  • From the thickness of the seams between the tiles. If they are wide, the glue will dry faster. This is because moisture from the adhesive evaporates through the seams and it hardens.
  • From the brand of glue. For example, "Plitonit A" hardens for about a day, and "Plitonit Wb" in two hours, this is a special quick-drying one.

Be that as it may, the curing time of the adhesive may vary from case to case.

Signs of curing

The tile is laid, I want to know how long it takes to grout and clean the seams, put the toilet in, start walking.

But first you need to make sure that he grabbed.

The easiest way to check this is by clearing the seams on the tiles from the edge where the laying was done.

The crosses are removed and when clearing the seams, they look to see if it is solid everywhere, or there are areas of an earthy type to the touch. If the glue is dry from the edge, go slowly further, cleaning the seams, and so on until the end.

As a rule, tile adhesive becomes lighter after hardening, and if the glue taken out from under the seam is dark, it means that it has not yet hardened, and it is worth waiting another half a day. But you shouldn't wait too long with a clearing.

When the glue gains strength, it will become problematic not only to clear the seam from its sagging, but also simply remove the crosses and wash the tile from dirt.

A little more about the plate and glue. Popular questions

So, the glue hardened too quickly - to be happy about it or not? This usually indicates poor foundation preparation, drinking water, insufficient primer and poor conditions for curing the mortar. Ultimately, the tile on it will hold worse than on the one that has grown stronger exactly at the appointed time.

Although laying on the mortar is now a rarity.

What are the mechanisms of adhesive curing? Typically, the adhesive consists of a cement-polymer composition. When mixed with water, it begins to polymerize, forming an intermediate crystal lattice. After that, it quickly hardens, but it will gain strength only when the cement is well connected with water. This will happen after 28 days - then a strength of at least 50 kg / cm will be achieved?

What is the best way to walk on fresh tiles? It is best to walk in soft shoes. A little worse - in hard shoes or heels. If the tile is very fresh, it is better to wait a while to put on it scaffolding and stepladders.

When to Install Plumbing

It is possible to carry out a normal installation only after the tile adhesive has gained brand strength. The fact is that the toilet is placed on the tile with its solid base, the gasket is just a small layer of the substrate. Fastening is carried out using powerful bolts. During use, the pressure is transmitted through the ribs, can be concentrated on small plot. All this can lead to lagging and chipping tiles.

However, I want to put the toilet already when you can walk on the tiles on the floor.

After all, you can not live without a toilet. There is a way out here.

You can put the toilet through the gaskets without fixing it and, if possible, removing the tank.

They put it and bring the corrugation to the sewer. If you can’t remove the tank, you can simply not connect it and fill it with water.

If the toilet accidentally tips over on its side, there is more chance that the water will not overflow and flood the neighbors. Wash off simply from a bucket.

The toilet bowl is installed through a massive and thick soft gasket. It is best to use a thick sheet of building foam, with an area of ​​\u200b\u200bat least one meter, about the same width and length. The toilet bowl will stand on it quite steadily, because it will push it a little with its weight and the weight of a person, and a large support will not allow it to roll over.

Thus, you can live up to the hardening of the tiles and use it, and then put the toilet as it should be.

End of process

The time of complete hardening of the tile adhesive is considered to be the time of gaining its branded strength - at least 50 kgf per centimeter. In this case, the peel strength will be much less, but the longer the glue hardens, the greater this indicator. Usually, the time of complete solidification depends little on external conditions and is the same period - 28 days from the moment of mixing.

Laying tiles on an uneven floor - on the video:

When carrying out repairs, you want to finish all the work as quickly as possible. But in some cases, this possibility is completely absent, since time is on the side of quality, and is decisive. In particular, this happens when facing with ceramics. And in this case, it is important to know how long the tile dries after laying and when you can walk on it.

The main factors that affect the drying rate

To begin with, you should study all the factors that can affect the drying rate of the coating. The first of these is the adhesive used.

Next an important factor is an . You can reduce it by using a smaller spatula tooth and preliminarily.

Most tile adhesive manufacturers indicate the drying rate on the packaging. But we note that such an indicator is extremely conditional, and therefore a clear answer to the question of how long it takes to walk on a tile will depend not only on the glue itself, but also on environmental factors.

Since the packaging indicates the drying time under ideal conditions, then you can practically ignore it, since in life it is almost impossible to achieve such, or at least extremely difficult. For the most part, they mean:

  • stable temperature of 20-24 degrees without the slightest drop;
  • air humidity up to 40%.

And in such conditions, it will be possible to walk on the tiles after laying in a day, but this is only in theory, in practice everything is somewhat more dramatic.

Note that it is simply necessary to wait until the tile is completely dry, because under heavy loads until the glue hardens, it can deform, and you can also completely ruin the coating.

But let's take a closer look at the factors that most affect how long the tiles dry on the floor after laying, and there are only three of them.

Temperature regime

The main factor is at what temperature the tiles are laid, as well as maintaining the regime in the future. Accordingly, the higher the temperature, the faster the drying process will take place.

But despite this, it is highly undesirable to carry out artificial heating of the room, since this can adversely affect the quality of the coating. The conditions under which the tiles must dry must be natural, otherwise the coating may deform or even crack.

It can be noted that in summer drying will be faster than in summer. winter time. In addition, if we consider the winter season, we must not forget that the glue may not dry, but simply freeze. Therefore, it is important to know at what temperature it is possible to lay tiles, and what conditions to maintain after laying.

In particular, laying is carried out at a temperature of 20-25 degrees, and this should be when drying, with slight deviations. In the warm season, the tile will dry in 24-36 hours, in the cold season this period increases by another 12-16 hours.

Base temperature

The second factor, also related to temperature, is the condition of the base. As you can see, in summer time the room can be heated by the sun, while the floors still remain cold. Therefore, they should also pay attention.

Thus, the minimum laying temperature is 5 degrees, but you can also turn on the floors after laying the tiles so that this figure reaches 20 degrees, which is considered optimal. It is also important that the temperature difference between the room and the base is not too great.

Therefore, it can be noted that the colder the floor, the longer the coating will dry.


And the last factor is the humidity of the room. Here, in contrast to the question at what temperature the tiles are laid, it works Feedback. That is, in this case, the higher the humidity, the slower the glue will dry.

That is why you can notice that in the kitchen or corridor, laying will take less time, while this difference can reach 20-30 hours. It should be noted that with high humidity, complete drying of the floor can occur within a week.

Determination of glue drying

Since we are waiting for the coating to dry and it will be possible to walk on it, as well as to fully exploit the premises, then we need to know how to check this factor. Dryness testing can be done in two ways. Moreover, both methods are simple and do not require additional devices.

  1. The first is tapping. That is, you can lightly tap the corners of the tile with a rubber mallet, and if it is completely motionless, then the glue has dried up.
  2. The second is an attempt to tear off the tile from the base. It is desirable to carry out such a procedure in the corner, because if you manage to tear the tile off the floor, then putting it in place and eliminating the unevenness will be much easier than in the case of the procedure in the middle of the room.

As you can see, the methods are quite simple and primitive.

If you still need to walk on the tile, but you are in doubt, then lay a bridge of boards or lay a sheet of plywood to reduce the load area.

Why wait for the glue to dry?

There are opinions that the room can be used, or at least just walk on the tile before it dries completely, and you can even hold it. Note that even many "specialists" do this.

But let's open the truth, this is categorically impossible to do, and there are at least two good reasons for this:

  1. First of all, there is a big risk of moving the tile. Note that even if the solution had time to seize tightly, it did not dry out, and therefore did not gain strength. Accordingly, under the pressure of human weight, it can move.
  2. And the second factor is the risk of damaging the tiles. Especially if the work was not carried out by a professional, and small voids formed somewhere due to a lack of adhesive mixture.

Thus, even for grouting, it is necessary to wait for the complete drying of the adhesive mixture.

Drying depending on the type of glue

We dare to repeat ourselves a little and note that the most common drying time for glue is 24 hours (under ideal conditions). But nevertheless, depending on what kind of glue is used, this period may vary up or down.

Consider the drying time of each type of tile adhesive:

  1. The first option is universal. Adhesive mixtures for light tiles from the category of universal dry in a period of 7-8 hours, while complete drying can last 12-14.
  2. Considering mixtures for laying heavy tiles (porcelain stoneware, for example), their period can be from 12 to 24 hours, with high humidity time will be slightly longer.

Speaking of frost-resistant compounds that are used for laying tiles on the street, they dry out in a period of up to 36 hours.

Moisture-resistant glue, which is often used in baths and pools, dries for at least 24 hours, but it is better to wait two to three days.

Compounds for glass tiles (white adhesive) are located at a time interval of 24 to 36 hours.

When there is no time to wait for the solution to dry

There are options for the mixture that quickly harden and allow you to walk on the tile - this is a quick-drying tile adhesive. Due to its unique composition, it is able to fully harden within three hours, after which you can immediately start grouting.

Fast drying adhesive tile adhesive

It is often used in combination with a branded self-leveling floor, thanks to which IVSIL EXPRESS + quick-hardening tile adhesive allows for a full-fledged laying, including all floor leveling work in just a day.

Approximately such minimum terms must be observed. But we repeat that these are only indicators of manufacturers, that is, the period for comfortable conditions, average temperature and humidity. Accordingly, with a deviation from the norm, drying may increase.

A little about the stages of drying glue

And finally, it is necessary to note the stages of solidification of the solution, and the nature of these periods:

  1. The first period refers to the time of the composition. This segment includes the process of laying and adjusting. For different types The glue stage can last from 30 to 60 minutes. Depending on personal laying conditions, the time may increase up to 2 hours.
  2. The second is the stage of primary solidification. Considering this period, it can be noted that the adhesive mixture is already in the phase of active solidification, the tile practically does not move, and theoretically, it is already possible to grout the joints. But in no case should you load the surface, put furniture and so on. Comes after 1-2 days.
  3. And the last step is the complete solidification of the solution. Now it is already possible to fully exploit the premises, fully load it, and so on. An indicator of this period is a period of 5-7 days.

Now you know at what temperature you can lay the tiles and how long it will dry out, depending on a number of external factors. And in conclusion, we propose to consolidate the material by watching several videos on the topic.

To find out how long it will take vseproplitku.ru after it is laid, the first thing to do is to read the information indicated on the packaging of the tile adhesive. As a rule, the manufacturer in the instructions always indicates how long the adhesive composition dries. The drying rate depends on chemical composition, ambient temperature, room humidity level and adhesive type.

There are basic parameters of the features of the adhesive mixture, which is used under normal conditions. Normal conditions mean a temperature of 20-22 degrees and an air humidity of no more than 60 percent.

Adhesive use under standard conditions

Usually the glue dries up during the day, and the next day it is already allowed to walk freely on the tile. However, it is important to consider that there should be no drafts, high humidity, direct sunlight, or sudden temperature changes in the room.

There are several types of tile adhesive, depending on the chemical composition of the solution:

  • Universal adhesives are very popular among builders. This look is perfect for styling ceramic tiles in domestic conditions. Middle period hardening of the glue is 6-7 hours.

  • Reinforced adhesives are used when laying large slabs. This type can withstand heavy loads. This glue hardens in 12-24 hours.

  • Frost-resistant adhesives are required during outdoor tiling. This type does not lose its strength even with repeated freezing or thawing. The minimum curing time for the adhesive is approximately 24 hours, depending on the weather.

  • Waterproof adhesives are used for arranging swimming pools, saunas, shower rooms. The composition of such a solution includes a special antifungal substance. Which protects against the formation of mold. The curing period of the glue is more than a day.

  • In order for tile adhesive to retain its strength, it is allowed to use it at a temperature of 5-30 degrees and a humidity of 50-70 percent. Each manufacturer may specify a different drying period, after which the tile can be used. This is due to the fact that the adhesive may have a different chemical composition.

    So, some compositions can dry out already six to seven hours after laying the tiles. Meanwhile, it is recommended not to take risks and let the glue harden thoroughly, only after that you can start grouting and cleaning the surface.

    When I first laid the tiles, I was wondering: how long does it take for tile adhesive to dry? After all, it depends on how much mixture to knead at one time, after what time it will be possible to walk on the floor, remove excess or start grouting.

    In order not to get confused, it is worth understanding that there are 3 stages of glue hardening:

    1. The life and work time of the solution, during which you can apply it to the wall and adjust the position of the tile. This includes several specifications: use time after mixing, working time after application to the surface, adjustment time. In a bucket, the solution can be viscous for 3-5 hours, but after being applied to the surface, it loses its properties after 15-30 minutes. Additionally, there is 10-20 minutes to adjust the tiles after gluing.
    2. Primary freezing. The tile can no longer be moved, but the glue has not yet gained full strength. You can walk or grout the seams, but the glue will not withstand a strong load. Usually this is 24-48 hours, but in practice, many begin to walk after 12 hours (at their own peril and risk).
    3. Final freezing. The glue has gained full strength, you can safely walk, put heavy objects. This step will take about 7 days.

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    Adhesive drying time table

    I will give the drying time of tile adhesive using the example of popular cement-based compounds: from Ceresit and Unis.

    Glue name Solution use time (in a bucket), hours Working time (after application to the surface), minutes Tile adjustment time, minutes Grouting, hours
    Ceresit SM 9 2 10 15 48
    Ceresit SM 11 Plus 2 15 20 24
    Ceresit SM 12 2 20 30 24
    Ceresit SM 14 Extra 2 20 20 24
    Ceresit SM 16 Flex 2 25 25 24
    Ceresit SM 17 2 30 30 24
    Ceresit CM 115 2 20 25 24
    Ceresit SM 117 2 20 15 24
    UNIS XXI 3 10 10 24
    UNIS Hi Tech 5 25 15 24
    UNIS Belfix 3 15 15 24
    Eunice Pool 3 10 10 24
    UNIS Plus 3 20 10 24
    UNIS Granite 3 15 10 24
    UNIS 2000 3 10 10 24

    Adding elasticizers (eg Ceresit CC 83) reduces the time of use of the mortar by about 25%, but increases the open time and the time for adjusting the tile. In this case, before grouting, it is better to wait twice the time recommended by the manufacturer.

    During curing, the adhesive shrinks noticeably. Therefore, the base must be even, the adhesive layer is uniform and not thick. If you decide to fix large wall irregularities with a layer of glue, problems may arise: different ends of the tile will freeze into different time, and it may move away or crack from internal stress.

    Want to see in practice how the glue will shrink? Make a small hole in the wall and fill it with glue. Use a spatula to level the adhesive with the plane of the wall, and after drying, look at the depression formed.

    Fast drying adhesive

    There is a quick-drying tile adhesive that has a reduced setting and curing time:

    When working with such a mixture, it is important to knead the adhesive in small portions and apply the full load to the coating after at least 24 hours.

    What determines the drying time

    In fact, the drying and hardening time of the glue depends on many conditions:

    • Room temperature (at low temperatures, it may take 3-4 days for the initial solidification),
    • Air humidity,
    • layer thickness,
    • Type of glue (high-strength types usually harden faster),
    • The composition of the mixture and additives,
    • Base water absorption.

    Manufacturers indicate the time on the packages with a margin, and room temperature (20 degrees) and humidity 60% are taken there for calculation. At the same time, cement glue is suitable for use at a base temperature of +5 to +30 degrees.

    Summing up

    Even if you ask a dozen masters how long the tile dries after laying, each of them will give a different answer. Each manufacturer has its own composition, and each facility has different conditions. Most the right way find out - read the instructions on the package and estimate how much the indicated time will differ depending on the installation conditions. In any case, you need to start walking and grouting tiles at least a day later.

    Glue for tiles. How long does it dry?

    How many days can I walk after laying tiles on the floor?

    This period can be from 24 hours to 7 days or more. It depends on various circumstances. Which will be discussed below. But it is necessary to proceed in such a matter from the source - adhesive mixtures. Every word is weighed and thought out.

    Reading. " IN normal conditions stitching can be done after 24 hours. Works should be carried out at a temperature of the base from +5 to +30. All of the above recommendations are effective at a temperature of +20 degrees and a relative humidity of 60%. Under other conditions, setting, debarking and hardening times mortar mix may change».

    Similar information from the European manufacturer of Quick-mix adhesive:

    In other words, in the summer, at a temperature of more than 20 degrees, filling the joints between the tiles can be started in a day. This is the most early term! But it is better to do this 36 hours after laying. But ideal conditions don't always happen. Therefore, it is necessary to make amendments during this period. Especially at low temperatures, high humidity and a thick layer.

    And, there may still be such a situation, the consequences of which are difficult to foresee:

    Large format porcelain stoneware on old tiles.

    How long does ceramic tile dry at low temperatures?

    Extreme low temperature grounds for laying tiles +5 degrees. Glue in such conditions dries much longer than 24 hours. Especially when you consider that the styling is done in daytime, at positive temperature, and at night it can drop to 0 degrees.
    There is nothing terrible in this. The main thing is that the glue does not completely freeze. But in such conditions, the glue may not gain strength even after 7 days. It is impossible to fill the joints and walk on such tiles. It is necessary to organize additional heating of the base. It is best to install a fan heater at night. A jet of warm air will raise the temperature at the base and reduce the humidity in the room.

    One more important point in the instructions. No wonder it is said about the temperature of the base, and not the temperature of the room. The temperature in the room can be positive, and the floor (if it was previously frozen) will not heat up. Glue under the tiles in such conditions is gaining strength for a long time.

    In such cases, you can check the strength of the fastening in only one way - to tear off the tile. If the glue is dry on the torn off tile, the tile came off with difficulty, then it is possible to fill the joints. Walking on a weak tile leads, first, to the separation of one corner, and then, over time, the entire tile. This period can extend up to a year.

    How long does the tile dry with significant humidity?

    The drying time of the glue at high humidity also increases. As in the case of a decrease in temperature. This condition was not taken into account in this particular case.

    Removal of adhesive at the base of the removed tiles - a good filling of adhesive, but the mixture has not gained strength.

    The laying of ceramic tiles was carried out outdoors, in summer, at a temperature of 25-30 degrees. The conditions are ideal. But after 4 hours, after laying, it started to rain. The tiles were filled with water. This did not affect the strength of the glue in any way (it turned out later when the glue was removed under the torn off tiles). After 20 hours, on the tiles, in some areas, walking began.

    Usually, under normal conditions, this passes without consequences. But in our case, the glue did not gain strength. The size of the tile is significant (400 x 400 mm). If you step on it, the adhesive will come off in a separate section of the tile. This can be detected when filling the seams. The tile makes a suspicious, hollow sound. It is better to undermine such tiles immediately, before filling the joints with grout.

    Questions from letters and consultations on Skype.

    1. How many days after laying tiles on the floor, can a toilet be installed?

    Here you can focus on the answer of the representative of the company "Ceresit" to a similar question asked to him on the site.

    The answer of the representative of the technical department "Сeresit"

    And yet, one similar answer from a representative of the technical department:

    Drying time of CM11 glue plus.

    Walking on tiles (for grouting) is possible even 2 hours after laying. But this requires special, fast-hardening adhesive mixtures. In the catalog of manufactured products of almost all manufacturers of building mixtures, there is an accelerated fastening tile adhesive.

    Fast drying adhesive from various manufacturers.

    Such mixtures are indispensable for shortened construction periods. Especially in small spaces, where it is necessary to produce the entire complex finishing works fast. The necessary technological breaks between individual types of work are reduced. So, a few hours after laying the floor, the tiles can be covered with a film and the repair of this room can be continued.

    Especially indispensable quick-hardening adhesive in the production of works with low temperatures. A temperature of 0 degrees has almost no effect on the setting speed (except for CM 14).

    All quick-drying types of glue have high plasticity. They can be used for outdoor porcelain tiles, as well as on warm floors, on gypsum board and gypsum substrate (some limitations apply to “CM14 CERESITE”).

    Most quick-hardening mixtures are one-component. Of the two-component - GRANIRAPID. This adhesive is mixed with a latex additive.

    "CM14 CERESITE" is a one-component mixture. But with the introduction of the CC83 elasticizer, the possibilities of using glue expand:

    • on deformable bases (chipboard, drywall, OSB);
    • on gypsum and anhydrite bases;
    • “tile on tile”;
    • on the heated floor;
    • on durable paint surfaces.