Why dream of water? Dream interpretation water. Complete dream book of the New Era

  • 22.09.2019

Why dream of dirty water? The purpose of water is to cleanse and fill the cells with moisture. Without water, life on earth is impossible; death will come from dehydration sooner than from a lack of food. Esoteric symbol water - emotions and feelings. How to interpret a dream with dirty water what does it mean?

General interpretation

Unfortunately, dirty water or a natural source does not bode well: the dreamer should prepare for trouble. What? It depends on the development of the dream storyline.

A cloudy liquid seen in a dream warns of imminent danger. The interpretation of what was seen depends on what character the water was:

  • calm deep waters portend unpleasant events from which you can "swim out";
  • stormy streams dirty water promise uncontrollable life situation, from which it will not be possible to "swim out" without loss;
  • drown in dirty streams - to get into an intractable situation, the only way out of which is to go with the flow;
  • fall into a puddle with dirty water - make a fatal mistake in life, which will lead to unforeseen consequences.

Drink cloudy liquid- to a serious illness. Consult a doctor, carefully eat unfamiliar food, exclude foods that are not the first freshness - this will prevent indigestion.

Water flowing from a faucet promises deliverance from painful experiences or circumstances that weighed heavily on the shoulders. However, deliverance will not be easy - you will have to go through many difficult moments, go through suffering.

Pouring contaminated liquid can also have a direct interpretation: you are being poured with mud behind your back. This action will have serious consequences, and it will not be possible to restore the former authority.

See dirty slurry in the well- to troubles in the labor field and personal life. Scoop a bucket of dirty water from a well - get ready for an unpleasant scandal, gossip and gossip.

Interpretation of dream books

Dream Interpretation of the Wanderer interprets the plot of what he saw to losses, troubles and losses. To see the quiet flow of polluted water - to bad news, fall into dirty water- to commit an irreparable mistake. The dream interpretation advises to refrain from making final decisions on any occasion in the near future: wait out the unfavorable time.

Modern dream book interprets dirty water in a glass as a symbol of trouble. However, problems will bypass and will not bring significant damage to the dreamer - both morally and materially. Also, a dream can portend a betrayal of a spouse.

Women's dream book warns: they strive to circle you around your finger. To see a lake of muddy water - troubles can be avoided, a dirty turbulent flow of the river - the occurrence of obstacles in the work begun, step foot into a puddle - beware of careless actions.

Miller's dream book interprets the dream as a portent of negative events due to the dreamer's own fault. Also, a cloudy liquid prophesies unpleasant unexpected changes in life. Wet your feet in the water? Beware of colds.

Wangi's Dream Interpretation warns: the dreamer expects problems in relationships with people, illness and financial troubles. To avoid serious consequences, try to be more tolerant and kinder with others. It is better to forgive a person's mistakes than to enter into a protracted war with him.

Dream interpretation of Tsvetkov confirms the meaning of other interpreters: sleep is not good. Swim in a muddy stream - to disappointment in life, drink muddy water - to illness.

Dream Interpretation Hasse prophesies troubles and obstacles that will suppress the dreamer's will and will not allow him to complete his plan. Also, dreams with muddy waters portend a deterioration in the dreamer's well-being and health.

Dream Interpretation of a Psychologist Minegetti explains: the feeling of fear and discomfort during the contemplation of a dirty liquid indicates the dreamer's internal complexes that provoke isolation and loneliness. You should work on yourself, correct a difficult character.

Modern dream book sees in this dream a warning about the onset of a black streak in life. Drinking a cloudy liquid - to illness, falling into the slush - to a rash act, seeing a flood in the house - to danger. However, if in the dream plot the water begins to recede, this portends a victory over circumstances without major losses.

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Your body. Seeing your body healthy, beautiful, smooth is a good sign. For a sick person, such a dream promises recovery, for a healthy one - vivacity and an increase in strength. If a girl or a young man dreams of his own body, on which something characteristic of the opposite sex has appeared (for example, a girl may have hairy legs, like a man, and a young man may have female breasts), such a dream may portend an imminent marriage. If similar dream dream of someone who has already married, the dream is not very favorable. It means an affair on the side, which is a danger to marriage.

If you are not interested in fulfilling such a dream, imagine that you saw not your own body, but someone else's.

Seeing your naked wet body is a disease. If the body was wet and dirty, you are in danger.

Imagine that you are taking a bath or shower and drying yourself off.

If in a dream you saw your naked body that other people washed, this is very bad dream. He portends a quick death.

You need to imagine that you "returned" to the body and came to life. The people who were going to wash your corpse get scared and run away.

If you look at yourself in the mirror and see that your body is changing before your eyes - losing weight, gaining weight, stretching or shortening your arms and legs - you will have a very difficult period of instability and anxiety.

Imagine that you are in a room of laughter, in front of you is a crooked mirror. Your body remains unchanged, the image disfigures it. You break the mirror.

If the body in your dream has lost weight and you feel that you can take off, this means a quick career takeoff. However, the dream cannot be called favorable: quick success can turn your head, you will become carried away and lose the favor of friends.

After such a dream, imagine that you are tying a load to your feet and calmly walking on the ground.

On the contrary, a dream is favorable in which you see that your body has gained weight and you are walking heavily and heavily on the ground - to well-being and stability in business.

Alien body. Seeing someone's naked dead body is a disease. If a girl dreams of a naked male body, this means that someone will want to enter into an intimate relationship with her without binding themselves with any obligations. If such a dream occurs married woman, she may have a lover.

If you are not interested in performing a dream, imagine that this is not a living person, but a mannequin.

For a man to see the body of a naked woman in a dream is a danger.

Imagine that you are turning away, and the woman is getting dressed at this time.

Interpretation of dreams from the Dream Interpretation of Simeon Prozorov

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Pure water in a dream symbolizes rebirth, purification and inner harmony. In order to understand what a clear liquid means in a dream and correctly decipher it, one should remember where the dreamer was and what emotions he experienced, what he did and who was next to him. See the sea from clean water means to feel satisfied, enjoy life and be calm about your future. Drinking from a source in a dream means being healthy and hardy in reality.

Interpretation of sleep in popular dream books

Importance of pure water in various dream books:

  1. 1. Interpreter Vanga. If you dream of clean water that flows on your head from the ceiling, soon a person will discover a new ability or gift in himself. Seeing in a dream how liquid pours from a tap and spreads across the floor, flooding the dwelling, means unexpected news that will change the dreamer's attitude to the world around him. Drowning in a lake or in a river in a dream - you have to fight with life's difficulties and steadfastly overcome adversity in real life. Watching the calm water surface in the pond - be confident in your own abilities and control your emotions in any situation.
  2. 2. Modern predictor. Such a dream promises relaxation and tranquility, love for yourself and for loved ones. Pour liquid from a bucket - you will have to do low-paid and very hard work. Scoop - to trouble in the family and at work.
  3. 3. Dream Interpretation Meneghetti. Feeling comfortable in clear water in a dream means being a proud and self-centered person. To experience discomfort, plunging into it, means to feel awkward in an unfamiliar environment and when communicating with strangers, to be a suspicious and indecisive person.
  4. 4. Autumn predictor. Standing on the coast of the sea or ocean and watching the calm sea surface - to great luck and good luck. To draw water - to material difficulties, up to complete ruin and bankruptcy.
  5. 5. Spring. Drowning in a dream is hard to get sick. If a sick person dreams of drinking a cool liquid, then the disease will soon recede. Getting caught in the rain in a dream - to unforeseen circumstances, an unexpected turn of events. To scoop - to gain financial stability and a constant source of income.
  6. 6. Summer. To draw water in a dream - to betrayal and hypocrisy. If you dream of a flood in an apartment, then the person will soon have to sort things out with his neighbors.
  7. 7. Women's dream book. Crystal clear water in a dream portends fun in the circle of close friends and a lot of joyful emotions. I had a chance to drink it in a dream - luck will accompany the sleeping woman in all endeavors. If the water flooded the apartment and the liquid level in the rooms continues to rise, then the dreamer successfully resists the negative impact and struggles with difficulties. If it decreases, the person goes with the flow and does not want to change anything in his life.
  8. 8. Small Velesov dream book. Clean water in a dream is a symbol of happiness and good health. Bathe in the bath or wash - to great success and general acceptance. Drowning an ill-wisher means hurting others, causing physical and mental suffering with your words and actions to loved ones. Looking at the waterfall - to a meeting with the enemy, an unpleasant conversation. Pure water in a glass - to family troubles, strong scandals and assault on the spouse. Watering something in a dream - to the loss of a valuable thing in reality. To collect liquid in a bucket and accidentally spill it - to a big trouble. Flushing the toilet - to an unexpected incident, unforeseen circumstances that will take the dreamer by surprise. Jumping into the water from a cliff - you will have to make reckless actions and make hasty decisions in real life.
  9. 9. Russian interpreter. To get into a clean river - to soon happiness. If the dreamer is knocked down by a powerful stream of water, then in reality an event will occur that will knock the ground out from under the person’s feet.
  10. 10. Dream Interpretation of Medea. Such a dream promises great and mutual feeling. Pure water symbolizes strong love and overflowing joy.
  11. 11. Family predictor. Enter clean water means to have an intimate relationship. Dive into a river or other body of water - find yourself in a difficult situation.
  12. 12. Dream Interpretation of Tsvetkov. To wash - to self-knowledge and enlightenment, spiritual growth and purification of consciousness. Drinking is a happy event. Look at the waterfall - for the visit of the enemy. For a woman, a dream in which she happened to see a clear lake with fish or catch it in clear water means an early pregnancy.
  13. 13. Ukrainian interpreter. Spilling water in a dream is a big problem in your personal life and professional activities. Watering someone is a big loss. Diving in a clean pond - to participate in a dubious event, a health risk. Stand in the water - to an imminent death. Falling into the sea is a great misfortune.
  14. 14. Chinese. Walking along the sea or river is a great joy. Standing on the water surface is a serious problem. Drinking water non-stop - to gain fabulous wealth. If a woman sees liquid arriving in her house, then this is a signal of the possible death of the closest relative in the dreamer's family.
  15. 15. Muslim. wash your face cold water- to joy and longevity. Washing with warm liquid - to poor health and financial problems. To drink water from a sacred well (zemzem) means to know the meaning of human existence.
  16. 16. Persian. Drinking a clear liquid from a river or lake - to abundance and family happiness. If a person was doused in a dream, then troubles and changes are coming that will negatively affect the dreamer's personal relationships. Suddenly falling into a river or other body of water is a troublesome event. Watering plants in a dream - to wealth and family well-being. Scalded with boiling water - to big problems related to money or other material goods.