Glue water-soluble for production of a bracket. Fabric glue: varieties, home recipes, characteristics

  • 03.03.2020

Legion Company LLC produces water-soluble adhesives for gluing all types of paper labels, excise stamps on glass bottle, cans, PET containers, tin containers on labeling machines of imported and domestic production

Detailed description:

Legion Company LLC produces water-soluble adhesives for gluing all types of paper labels, excise stamps on a glass bottle, jar, PET container, tin container on labeling machines of foreign and domestic production.

Qualitative advantages of KLM adhesives:

the dried layer of glue is transparent, which allows you to keep clear inscriptions on the reverse side of the label;

the adhesive has a neutral environment, which ensures corrosion resistance when using glued equipment, there is no reaction with printing inks and metallized coatings;

adhesive retains high bonding strength over a wide range of temperatures and humidity during storage finished products, as well as resistant to icy cold water, to condensate on containers at temperature differences;

is environmentally friendly and can be used in the manufacture of packaging for food products.

Technological advantages:

short time of fixing the label on the bottle;

glue is intended for use in high-performance labeling machines, as well as for sticking excise stamps on different types of surfaces;

short drying time, which allows you to keep the fixation of the label during conveyor transport and packaging of finished products;

does not require additional heating during application;

possibility of application to wet glass containers.

Labeling adhesive KLM-002 is a water-soluble colloidal adhesive based on casein, natural resin and dispersion. For gluing excise stamps. For sticking labels: application or overlap both on dry warm and wet cold glass containers; applied or overlapped both on dry warm and wet cold PET containers; overlapping on tin containers (canned food, paints). Glue, can be used both for manual application and on labeling equipment of various types.

Labeling adhesive KLM-004 is a water-soluble colloidal adhesive based on natural and synthetic polymers.

Labeling adhesive KLM-003 is a water-soluble colloidal adhesive based on modified starches. For sticking labels: on glass hot dry, cold wet containers (canned food, wine, vodka, etc.); application and overlap (more than 8 mm) on PET containers (water, household chemicals, sunflower oil, the drinks); overlapping on tin containers (canned food, paints); for paper and cardboard containers; metallized label. Glue can be used both for manual application and on labeling equipment of various types at a speed of up to 20,000 bottles / hour.

In production textile products it is far from always possible to get by with only a thread and a needle. In some cases, it may be necessary to connect rather small parts. To solve the problem, it is necessary to use a special glue that can withstand the consequences of washing, ironing and other external influences.

Careful selection of the chemical composition of the adhesive makes it possible to make the substance sufficiently resistant so that the adhesive joints of the fabric do not lose their strength during operation.

Although the well-known PVA or instant glue is often used in fabric work, it is better to use a professional product from the chemical industry. Such glue has several advantages:

  • it does not spread;
  • it is completely transparent, acts without traces and smells, and also without stains;
  • A good textile adhesive can survive many washes with aggressive detergents.

These qualities are especially important in needlework: when creating decoupage, appliqués or other kinds of crafts. In addition to being water resistant, textile adhesives are desirable to have heat resistance in their characteristics, as hot ironing will often be required.

Textile adhesive, when applied, forms an elastic film on the fabric, capable of providing high-quality fastening even when the fabric is stretched. This allows the glued parts to stick firmly to the base.

Another positive property is a long solidification time, due to which it is possible to correct the necessary details during the connection process to make the work more accurate.

Colorless glue is quite versatile - it can easily cope with gluing woolen, cotton fabrics, synthetic and artificial products.

Varieties and scope

In working with textiles and other types of materials, several types of adhesive are popular:

  • Contact glue, is made on the basis of water and solvents of various types. Used as furniture adhesive, when laying floor coverings, while ensuring the connection of textiles with materials such as plastic, wood, glass, etc.
  • Polyurethane synthetic adhesive. Suitable for bonding PVC, plastic, wood, tiles, glass, etc.
  • Neoprene adhesive compound. It is used when working with textiles, leather, wood, rubber. Differs in the increased heat resistance and durability.
  • Nitrocellulose adhesive solution. It has found the greatest application in shoe factories, as it successfully copes with bonding textiles to leather, etc.
  • Rubber based adhesive. Quite elastic, used when working with leather, glass, textiles, rubber, wood. One of the varieties is latex glue.

Acrylic glue can also be used for textiles. It has gained a reputation for being versatile by providing a good bond between different materials.

Additionally, you can classify according to the method of applying glue to the fabric surface. According to this category, an aerosol adhesive composition, sold in a spray can, sprayed textile adhesive in the form of a spray, is distinguished.

Create your own fabric glue

It is far from always possible to purchase professional textile glue. Therefore, if you have the necessary components of the mixture at hand, and you need to glue something as quickly as possible, you can make the adhesive solution yourself. Here are a couple of recipes:

Dextrin glue

To prepare the composition, you will need water and starch. The latter should be placed in an enamel bowl, then placed in a drying cabinet. It should be there at a temperature of 160ºС for at least 2 hours.

The next step is to boil water and add the resulting dextrin to it in a 1: 1 ratio. Stir the mixture until the dry friable substance is completely dissolved in water. The adhesive composition must be applied as soon as possible, as it quickly hardens.

Casein glue mix

As in the previous recipe, only 2 ingredients are required - casein and water in a 2: 1 ratio. The liquid is added to the container with dry casein in a thin stream.

The mixture should be constantly stirred to achieve uniformity. This mass also quickly hardens and becomes unusable.

How to remove glue from fabric

Sometimes it is required not to glue the fabric, but rather to clean it from the adhesive. For example, if the adhesive gets on clothes during operation. Depending on the type of adhesive solution that has fallen on the textile, the stain removal method is selected.

Various substances can play the role of a cleaner:

  • vodka
  • acetone
  • warm water
  • cold water
  • talc
  • vinegar
  • solvent
  • special paint removers
  • gasoline, etc.

Here are a few working ways to remove glue:

  • glue moment quite easily soluble with handy substances - it is removed from the fabric with a rag soaked in gasoline. In the case of a dried stain, you will need to use solvents or paint strippers. But this is only when the fabric is sufficiently resistant to such substances.
  • rubber glue removed with a swab dipped in gasoline. The spot is also treated with gasoline, after which it must be blotted with a sponge and sprinkled with talc.
  • Wood glue removed by simply soaking things for 5 hours in cold water and then washing.
  • Removing Super Glue done with acetone. Before use, it is advisable to test its effect on a small piece of tissue. If the textile does not react well to the substance, it is better to use acidified water. For 1 glass of water, add 1 tbsp. l. vinegar.

Textile glue is often referred to as liquid thread because it is able to hold fabric parts together much more strongly than a conventional needle and thread.

Handicraft stores, construction or other specialized stores offer their customers a wide selection of products. Examples are the types textile adhesive, like "Second", Alleskleber or Econ.

Water (water-soluble.— Ed.) paint binders are colloidal substances that are highly tacky, so most of them are also known as adhesives. By composition, they are divided into carbohydrates of plant origin, which include gum arabic, starch, tragacanth and cherry glue, and protein substances of animal origin - casein, protein, albumin and skin, bone and fish glue. In addition, they include water-soluble cellulose derivatives as well as water-soluble artificial resins.

Persistence. All of the listed substances are very stable, especially from the optical side, because they do not turn yellow or darken at all (except for egg white); in this highly valuable property they are superior to both drying oils and resins. Their disadvantage is that they swell in a humid environment and then easily decompose by microorganisms, mold and rot. In this regard, cellulose ethers, such as tylose, which do not decompose when exposed to water, are the most stable. They dry out as a result of simple evaporation of water, that is, a definitely physical process, and after drying, they no longer undergo any oxidation or polymerization. Therefore, they are perfectly resistant in a dry environment.

Light refraction. Dissolved aqueous binders, as a rule, contain from five to eight times the amount of water, which, upon evaporation, leaves air-filled cavities between the pigment grains. Since air has a very low refractive index, it is quite natural that gouache and tempera paints, after drying, turn out to be more opaque even when they contain

glaze pigments in oil technique. Their optical character is manifested only with a very strong binder when there is no significant evaporation of water: gum arabic, cherry glue, dextrin, which have a high refractive index of light ( n==1.45) and giving darker and more saturated colors than other aqueous binders. Blue paints retain their excellent tone even in a thicker opaque layer only with low refractive index binders - glue, gelatin and protein.

Rice. 14. Change of paint when dry

A - wet water-based paint: pigment grains are surrounded by a liquid water-based binder; B - the same paint after drying: binders are concentrated between the contacting surfaces of the pigment particles. The remaining space is filled with air. When dry, tempera paint is lighter; C - dried oil paint: pigment particles are completely surrounded by solid linoxin. Oil paint does not change during the drying process.

Solubility. Most of these substances dissolve directly in water and can be re-dissolved when dry. According to this property, they are reversible colloids. However, some of these binders only swell in water, dissolve in it only at elevated temperatures or after the addition of other substances, such as alkaline. Since, after drying, they no longer dissolve in water, they are irreversible colloids.

Some soluble binders can be made insoluble by appropriate additives, such as glue by adding formalin, or by certain processes, such as albumin, by heating to 80°C. Waxes and resins that repel water can either be emulsified or partially saponified by exposure to basic compounds, and thus water-based paint binders that do not dissolve after drying can be obtained. All irreversible binders are very well known in painting, since they allow you to continue working on the picture immediately after the paints have dried, and the painter does not have to fear that the underlying layer will dissolve or be damaged. In the attached table, water binders are divided into two groups depending on whether they are soluble in water after drying or not.

Water binders

Soluble (after drying.— Ed.)

Insoluble (after drying.— Ed.)

a) herbal

gum arabic

cherry glue

Saponified resins


b) Animal origin

Glue, gelatin, protein, albumin

Wax emulsion

Shellac, water soluble

Glue with the addition of alum

Albumin with the addition of formalin or calcium hydroxide 49

c) Artificial polyvinyl alcohol Aqueous dispersions of polybutyl methacrylate, polymethyl methacrylate and polyvinyl acetate

Elasticity. Aqueous binders contain a greater or lesser percentage of moisture, which to some extent determines the degree of their elasticity. The water content of binders is not constant; it fluctuates with changes in atmospheric humidity. This can manifest itself in a dry environment by such a significant decrease in elasticity that the whole picture is threatened. For these reasons, humectants are added to aqueous binders, whose elasticity is usually not high enough, which retain a little moisture in them even in very dry weather and prevent cracking and peeling of the painting. These include honey, sugar, molasses, glycerin, glycol, glucose, and vegetable juices.

Chemists and technologists speak of these plasticizers, as a rule, very disapprovingly. Nevertheless, the latter have proven themselves well in the tempera of the old masters and in modern watercolors. Obviously, everything depends on the correct ratio between the plasticizer and the binder. For example, by adding a small amount of honey, the glue becomes more elastic, but a large percentage of honey makes it sticky, especially in a humid environment; if added to paints, it will ruin them in a relatively short time.

The elasticity of the binder can be tested by the following simple method: a thin layer of binder or associated paint is applied to cardboard and allowed to dry. When the cardboard is bent, the dried binder should neither crack nor lag behind; if this happens, then the binder, therefore, is not elastic enough. In the same way, the dried coatings on the glass should not lag behind after being cut with a sharp knife, and the edges of the cut should be free of burrs 1*. If the binder films remain sticky in humid air, this means that they contain too many hygroscopic substances, and this deficiency can also damage the painting.

Gelatin and all varieties of skin glue are distinguished by great elasticity, bone and fish glue 50 are somewhat less elastic; starch is the least elastic. Brittle are dextrin, casein and gum arabic.

Surfactants. In addition to plasticizers, water-based paints are also supplemented with substances that have the ability to reduce the surface tension of water, which makes it possible to more easily wet the soil with paint, as well as a stronger adhesion of the paint to the soil. Substances with this property include ox bile, borax, alum (when painting on gold) and surface active preparations, which are produced in large quantities by modern industry. These are soaps of the most diverse composition (and resinous ones), sulfonated oils (the so-called Turkish red oils), sulfonic fatty alcohols and various saponates. For pictorial purposes, so far we use only ordinary (traditional) means, such as, for example, ox bile, which we know that it does not act harmfully. New substances should be tested and the necessary experience gained. good soil for miniatures executed with watercolors, is ivory coated with ox bile, on which the paints adhere firmly and do not peel off after drying. Another example is an aqueous fixative (a 2% solution of gelatin or casein in water), which, due to the high surface tension of water, is difficult to wet pastels and charcoal drawings. If we add about 30% ethyl alcohol to such a solution, which reduces the surface tension of water, then the fixative wets the pastel or coal dust more easily, and the fixing result is more favorable.

For the conservation of aqueous binders, camphor can be recommended first of all, which perfectly preserves and protects aqueous solutions from decomposition and molding. It is enough to introduce a few small pieces of camphor into a bottle with a solution to protect it for several weeks. Camphor floating on the surface disinfects the air space above the liquid, it dissolves very slightly in water (a fraction of a percent) and completely evaporates when the paint dries. We can also add a small amount of a saturated solution of camphor in turpentine or ethyl alcohol to aqueous solutions. Since in practice the preservation with camphor has fully justified itself, it is unnecessary to use other often recommended agents, such as acetic, carbolic and boric acids, since these acids can adversely affect both pigments and binders.

Glue. The main raw materials for the production of glue are bones, cartilage and skin, which contain a protein substance called collagen. As a result of heating to 80-90 ° C, collagen turns into gelatin, which is not pure, since it contains other proteins (keratin, elastin, mucin, chondrin) and, in addition, various inorganic salts and up to 15% water. Adhesives are extracted from bones and skin by boiling. The color and transparency of the adhesive are not indicative of its quality, which depends both on the purity and on the type of raw material from which it was obtained.

Skin glue is commercially available in the form of gelatin or rabbit glue in varying degrees of purity. We distinguish it from bone glue by the fact that its aqueous solution does not become cloudy when alum is added.

Gelatin is sold in the form of thin, transparent and completely colorless tiles. The purest is gelatin for bacteriological purposes. Edible gelatin is also very pure. Its distinctive property is elasticity. Gelatine tiles can be bent and twisted, they are not brittle at normal air humidity. In connection with such elasticity, gelatin is indispensable in the manufacture of chalk soils, the elasticity of which is the main condition for the strength of the picture. Commercial gelatin, sold in thin yellowish bars or as a granular powder, does not have the elasticity of edible gelatin.

Rabbit glue is imported from France. It is brown-gray in color, opaque, and is sold in tiles (more often square than oblong) with strongly raised edges. Goldsmiths and joiners (frame makers) who have extensive experience with chalky gold primers (very similar to painting primers) find this type of glue to be the best.

Bone glue, a common grade of wood glue, has a slightly lower adhesive power and elasticity 51 than skin glue. Sold either in the form of thick tiles, or in the form of brown grains. The tiles have very jagged edges; they are hard to grind. Their fracture is conchoidal, vitreous shiny. Bone glue is acidic and must therefore be neutralized. The degree of acidity of the adhesive is determined by moist blue litmus paper applied to the adhesive tile. White glue is bone glue containing some kind of white pigment, such as chalk, lithopone, barite, or zinc white.

Fish glue is obtained from fish bones and scales 52 . It is hygroscopic and dissolves easily in water. Astrakhan is considered the best grade of fish glue. With the addition of 30% acetic acid, it gives the well-known technical adhesive, which remains liquid in the cold, called syndeticone.

Sturgeon glue 53 goes on sale in the form of transparent, fibrous and flat pieces that swell slightly in cold water and slowly dissolve in hot water. This type of fish glue is one of the strongest adhesives in general.

Glue solubility. As a typical colloidal substance, glue does not dissolve in cold water, but swells strongly; it absorbs as little water as it weighs. If we heat the swollen glue to 35-50°C, it melts into a syrupy liquid, which becomes cold again upon cooling. And only as a result of strong dilution with water in a ratio of 1:50 (that is, 20 G glue dissolved in 1 l water) the adhesive remains liquid even at normal temperatures. We do not dissolve the adhesive by directly boiling it in water, as boiling it would lose its adhesive power. We put the glue tiles in cold water for 12 hours and, after they swell, dissolve them in a water bath. Glue has the special property that at a temperature close to the boiling point of water, it becomes partially insoluble in water and settles on the walls of the vessel, where it burns. To dissolve the glue, the most suitable is a copper pot with a jacket, which is filled with water. The adhesive then does not lose its elasticity even upon repeated heating 54 .

By its nature, glue refers to reversible colloids. After drying, it can again be dissolved in water. Some substances, such as alum 55 , formalin and tawnine, give it the properties of an irreversible colloid. We add alum to the adhesive solution in an amount from 1/5 to 1/3 of the dry adhesive weight. Chromium alum is even more effective, which, however, turns the adhesive yellow. Under the action of formalin, the glue turns into a waterproof substance - formogelatin. It can only be destroyed by prolonged boiling in water or 15% hydrochloric acid. Adhesive painting or adhesive coating is fixed by spraying a 4% solution of formalin in water or its mixture with ethyl alcohol. The same effect can be achieved if the coating is treated with formalin vapor. From the experience with the gelatin coating of formalin-cured photographic plates, the suspicion arises that the formalin spoils the adhesive, which turns to powder on the surface after several decades. The safest addition is alum, which, however, acts as a weak acid and adversely affects acid-sensitive pigments.

Purity. In factories, the adhesive is bleached with bleach or sulfuric acid, and therefore often contains residues of these substances. If the water in which the tile adhesive is placed to swell turns brown or greenish, the adhesive contains soluble salts. In such cases, the water must be changed several times until it is clear. The presence of acid in the adhesive solution is determined using blue litmus paper. If the paper turns red, then the glue is neutralized with ammonia, which is added drop by drop until the litmus paper turns blue again.

Elasticity. The most valuable property of the adhesive is its elasticity. The elasticity of the adhesive with respect to other adhesives used for the manufacture of painting primer was determined experimentally as follows: gelatin, casein and gum arabic were applied to glass in layers of equal thickness. When they dried and were removed from the glass as thin transparent films, the gelatinous film could be bent and rolled without cracking; casein - it was impossible to bend at all, since it cracked with a slight bend; similarly, the film of gum arabic turned out to be brittle. Since the strength of the picture depends on the elasticity of the soil, which must overcome the stress that occurs when the base is bent, casein is a completely unsuitable binder for soils. Care should be taken to select the best grades of skin adhesive and not to use less elastic grades 56 .

The elasticity of adhesives is greatly influenced by the relative humidity of the air. At normal atmospheric humidity and temperature, gelatin contains 14-18% water, which acts as a plasticizer. With significant dryness of the air, gelatin loses most of the water, as a result of which its elasticity decreases. If you heat a gelatin tile for a certain time to 60-80 °, it becomes so brittle that it can be easily broken. The same thing happens if you dry the adhesive soils in direct sunlight or near the oven; they crack even though they were cooked only a few hours before. Microscopic cracks, invisible to the naked eye, can form in the ground, which are the focus of further destruction of the picture. Glue that has dried up in the sun or at elevated temperature is the factor that can accelerate the destruction of the picture by several decades. To reduce this danger, hygroscopic substances are added to the adhesive, which increase its elasticity. These are honey, glycerin, molasses and candy sugar (candis). However, excessive addition of these agents should be avoided, since if a significant amount is added, the adhesive becomes sticky in wet weather.

Strength. In a dry environment, the adhesive is very strong. Its adhesive power, grip, strength and elasticity do not decrease over time. wooden boards and parts of the statues, glued together with glue, remain stronger for centuries than the wood itself. As a result of aging, the adhesive swells less in water and becomes insoluble. It belongs to the most durable organic substances. With chalk or unfired gypsum, it provides painting substrates that have been perfectly preserved for several millennia, from the time of the most ancient Egyptian dynasties. However, the adhesive is not strong in a humid environment where it decomposes under the action of microorganisms. Its strength in a humid environment can be increased by the addition of alum, carbolic or boric acid 57 .

The reasons due to which the adhesive, which is superior in elasticity to other water-soluble binders, is relatively little used as a binder of paints, should be sought primarily in two of its properties that are unfavorable for painting: 1) it causes a strong surface tension, 2) its solution gelatinizes under normal temperature.

1. In professional language, we talk about glue that it “pulls”. In enameled or porcelain vessels in which glue was stored and on the walls of which it dried, enamel or glaze quickly rebounds, and often pieces of porcelain. This phenomenon, indicative of the high tension that the adhesive exerts on the surface of the material to which it has been applied, gives an indication of possible damage to the painting if too much adhesive has been added to the paint or primer. If the pigments are rubbed on an aqueous solution of glue, the concentration of which exceeds the ratio of 1:10, the paint will peel off easily. Adhesive binders of a lower concentration from 1:15 to 1:20, although they do not have this drawback, however, after drying, the paints become lighter, since as a result of the evaporation of such a large amount of water, air penetrates between the pigment particles. Although such an adhesive binder does not contribute to the destruction of paint layers, however, it is not enough for the paint to retain its saturation even after drying. Therefore, the use of glue as a paint binder is limited only to gouache technique 58 and decorative painting.

2. The gelatinous state of the adhesive solution at normal temperature is also a significant obstacle when painting with adhesive paints. Clay mugs with paints have to be heated, and in colder weather the paint freezes right on the brush so that it becomes impossible to write. Only very weak solutions remain liquid in the cold. Therefore, painters have long sought to produce a more concentrated adhesive solution that would remain liquid even at normal temperatures. The adhesive solution acquires such properties both as a result of prolonged boiling and putrefactive processes, in which its colloidal gelatinous structure is destroyed. In the past, indeed, they wrote with such glue. At present, glue is being made that does not gelatinize in the cold: they either add to the glue a large number of acids (acetic, oxalic or hydrochloric), or glue is boiled with alkaline substances, that is, with caustic soda, lime 2*, and finally, various salts are added - thiocyanates, salicylates, nitrates and chlorides 59. The liquid glue produced in this way serves as a technical glue. For painting, it is possible to obtain glue with such properties and without harmful effects on it - only by adding chloral. Chloral hydrate has the form of transparent colorless crystals that spontaneously volatilize in air without residue. It is added in an amount corresponding to half the weight of the dry adhesive contained in the adhesive solution. After twenty-four hours of exposure, the jelly turns into a liquid, which is suitable for use as a paint binder or as an integral part of tempera.

An alkaline, non-cold gelling adhesive is prepared as follows:

100 parts of glue are left to swell and then dissolved

heating. Then they add:

20 parts slaked lime or caustic soda

20 parts of water.

All this is heated in a water bath until the glue, after cooling, stops gelling. However, such glue is much more fragile than ordinary glue.

Glue is also used to make artificial materials, casting masses, adhesive solutions and fixatives for pastels. When gluing plywood, hexamethylenetetramine is added to the glue, which releases formaldehyde when heated, which cures the glue.

Adhesive solutions:

100 parts gelatin

35 parts water

100 parts of glycerin,

60 pieces of sugar

1.5 parts of boric acid.

As a binder for paints and chalk or gypsum primers, glue has been used already in antiquity from the time of the early Egyptian dynasties. In the dry climate of Egypt, it proved to be absolutely durable. Pliny lists glue in the list of binders in Egyptian painting, along with vegetable glues, milk, eggs, and wax. In medieval painting, glue was of great importance in the countries located north of the Alps. He was also the main binder of colors in oriental painting - Indian and Chinese.

The glue from which chalk and gypsum primers for paintings on boards were made in the Middle Ages was skin glue. Heraclius (XII century) writes in chapter 26 3 * about glue: "Take parchment or scraps of it, put it in a pot of water and boil it." According to Theophilus (XII century), chapter 18 4 * , glue was cooked from horse, donkey and cattle skins, cut into small pieces.

Cennino Cennini also made glue from leather for gypsum primers. He writes about this in chapter 110: “This is a glue that is made from goat or ram parchment and from scraps of such skins. Scraps are thoroughly washed and soaked the day before. In clean water, boil for so long until the glue mass boils by 1/3. And if you do not have tile adhesive, use this adhesive to prepare gypsum board primer, and not another. There can't be a better glue" 5*. According to Herminaeus, Mt. Athos Manuscripts, chapter 4, glue was made from a skin that was soaked in lime water for a week, thereby removing hair and dirt from it. Then it was boiled until it was boiled soft; after cooling, the resulting adhesive was divided into tiles and dried.

When ground glue is mentioned in later Renaissance and Baroque technical literature, it always refers to parchment glue obtained from the skins of lambs and goats. (Vasari, Filarete, Palomino, de Mayerne, and other recipe writers all cite this type of goat glue.) Blue pigments were bonded with glue back in the days when oil painting already completely dominated. In the 18th century, gouache paint, loosely bound with glue, replaced the old tempera, which was almost completely forgotten. In his dictionary of painting (DictionnaireportatifdePeinture) Perneti (A. J. Pernety) described several different types of glue in the middle of the 18th century.

1. Glove glue from scraps of leather from which gloves were made. These scraps were soaked for several hours in hot water and then boiled on a low flame. This type of glue was also cooked from waste parchment.

2. English glue (colle-forte), made from big fish, cartilage, hooves and skins of cattle.

3. Flemish glue, which differed from English only in that it was cleaner and better made. Served for painting with watercolors.

4. Colleabouche (corresponding to the glue used in Italy under the name "colladolce", and in Germany "muudleim"), made from Flemish glue, to one pound of which was added a little water and 8 lots of candy sugar.

5. Orleans glue was obtained from pure colorless fish glue, which was soaked for 24 hours in weak milk of lime, and then boiled in water.

6. Gilding glue (colleadorear) was a mixture of eel skin glue and egg white.

It can be seen from this review that, along with skin glue, in the 18th century other types of glues began to be used, especially bone and fish glues, which, as early as the 17th century, Van Dyck considered unsuitable for soils 60 .

For the first time, the industrial production of glue was organized in Holland at the end of the 17th century. With modern industrial production Glue skins are first processed in lime water, then they are dried, cut and boiled in closed boilers, where steam is supplied under pressure. Boiled glue falls on a colder bottom and does not burn. The adhesive solution is then concentrated in a vacuum, cleaned and poured onto water-cooled tables. After hardening, it is divided into tiles and dried on sieves.

Casein refers to phosphoroproteins contained in milk in the form of a calcium salt 61 . It is obtained (from skimmed milk.— Ed.) precipitation of casein with milk or of hydrochloric acid in the form of cottage cheese, which is washed with water, dried and ground into a light yellow granular acidic powder. Casein powder does not dissolve in water, it only slightly swells in it. Swollen casein can be easily dissolved by moderate heating with the addition of alkalis - soda, caustic potassium or sodium, borax, ammonia or lime. To obtain a water-soluble neutral salt, add 100 G casein 2.8 G caustic sodium. For pictorial purposes, casein is dissolved with ammonia, or ammonia salts, the excess of which is completely volatilized, or lime (for wall painting).

Ammonia casein is obtained as follows: 40 G casein is left to swell in 1/4 l cold water for 2 hours, then heated to 50-60 ° C, slowly add 10 Gammonia and stirred for several minutes. From the milky-turbid casein solution, impurities and undissolved constituents quickly stand out and settle to the bottom, which are separated by decantation. Old casein, which has been stored for more than a year, does not completely dissolve, some grains only swell; they should be removed by straining or filtering. Casein, intended for the production of gallalite, is sometimes commercially available. This variety is obtained from milk by precipitation with enzymes, not acids. With alkalis, it dissolves only slightly, and therefore it cannot be used in painting. When purchasing a large amount of casein, it is recommended to test it for solubility: 150 G casein soak for 2 hours at 60 cm 3 cold water; to the swollen casein add 2.3 g of borax dissolved in 15 cm 3 water, and stir for 10 minutes in a water bath at 50°C. The casein should be completely dissolved and there should be no swollen grains in it 6*.

Casein has a high adhesive power; 5-10% solutions are usually strong enough. It remains liquid at 15-20% concentration; more concentrated solutions freeze like glue. Since casein quickly undergoes putrefactive destruction, it should be prepared just before use. However, if we add camphor to it, it will keep for several weeks.

Casein is a typical irreversible colloid because once dried it does not dissolve in water. It reaches its maximum insolubility in 7-14 days. After drying, it gives a transparent shiny coating, which is characterized by an unusual fragility, much greater than that of animal glue. This property must be kept in mind when determining its suitability as a binder for primers or paints with which we wish to paint on movable substrates, in particular on canvas. Glycerin, of which the so-called casein soil of Viber contains a significant amount, will not help much in this case, since glycerin evaporates over time.

Casein has an affinity for lime. It forms insoluble salts with it, due to which it is directly intended for wall painting. Its inherent lack of elasticity poses no danger in a fixed wall. It is best to prepare casein directly from fresh cottage cheese, which is first finely pounded and then mixed with either 1 / 2 - 1 / 3 parts of powdered calcium hydroxide or 1-2 parts of slaked lime. This thick, well-dissolved glue is diluted with water and left to settle so that the pure dissolved casein separates from the excess lime that settles to the bottom. Lime casein dries and hardens unusually quickly; it absorbs carbonic acid from the air, which converts calcium hydroxide into insoluble carbonate. If casein contains an excess of lime, it is not decomposed by bacteria and molds as easily as casein with a small amount of lime or like casein obtained with ammonia, borax, soda.

Lime casein is added to paints when painting on fresh plaster and to insoluble paint coatings that must withstand the effects of atmospheric agents.

Casein emulsifies with waxes, balms and oils into insoluble temoers. A solution of casein with borax or ammonium carbonate is prepared as follows:

A. 100 parts of casein,

250 parts of water;

B. 18 parts of borax (or 12-20 parts of ammonium carbonate) dissolved in

30 parts of water.

Dissolved casein is diluted before use with another 250 parts of water.

Very weak 1-2% solutions of casein with 1 / 3 ethyl alcohol serve as fixatives for pastels and charcoal drawings.

Casein was already known in antiquity as a very strong wood lei. In the Middle Ages, Theophilus and Cennino Cennini mention him in this sense. Casein, however, was not used for the manufacture of soils, and experiments in this direction began to be made only in the 20th century. As a paint binder, casein began to be used in the Baroque era, and only for wall painting. In that era, the Renaissance fresco technique had just been replaced by casein painting (both on dry and fresh plaster). Currently, a large amount of casein is spent on the production of artificial horny mass (galalit.— Ed.), which is formalin treated casein or plywood bonding. Insoluble putties are also made from casein using resin soaps or water glass.

Starch is obtained from potatoes, rye, corn and rice. It is obtained by washing in the form of a white, shiny, like silk, powder. In cold water, it does not dissolve, in hot water it swells strongly and forms the so-called starch paste. The properties of starch depend on the type of plant from which it was obtained. Potato starch gelatinizes at 72°C, wheat starch at 62°C, and rye starch at 68°C. Individual varieties of starch can be distinguished using a microscope by the structure of the grains.

Starch paste is not resistant; after 2-3 days, starch grains are released, and it loses its stickiness. By reheating, you can again get a paste, but since it is very easily decomposed, it must always be prepared just before use. Rapid decomposition of the starch paste can be prevented by adding a small amount of formalin 62 . Starch sticks together paper and other substances, but not wood. It is a much weaker adhesive than animal glue and does not cause as much tension. Its adhesive power can be enhanced by adding an aqueous solution of animal glue. In painting, it serves as a binder of paints, and during restoration, it is used to glue a new canvas onto the canvas of old paintings 63 . For this purpose, starch paste is emulsified with balms. From the point of view of pictorial technology, its significance lies mainly in the fact that, upon drying, it does not dissolve in water, and only as a result of cooking does it again go into solution. Therefore, the starch-bound colorful adhesive can be re-registered without fear of dissolution of the underlying layer.

The most common type of starch is potato starch. It is used to make starch paste. in a simple way: stir 15 G starch in a little cold water and then add 1/3 l of boiling water Paste with less than fifteen times the amount of water is so thick that it cannot be applied with a brush. Starch paste, mixed with powdered pigments, gives gouache paints that dry like pastels, so they can be used to underpaint pastels. Starch binds paints weakly; when twenty parts of water have evaporated, only a small amount of solid adhesive remains, and therefore starch-bound paints can only be used in a narrowly limited scope, although they are optically perfectly stable, durable and insoluble in water. Like cherry glue, the starch binder gives the paint a pasty character, the paint does not flow and is more suitable for covering large surfaces than for miniature painting, for which it lacks fluidity and flow from the brush. Starch paste, made from fine rye flour, is more suitable for painting and conservation purposes than potato starch, since it gives less viscous solutions. It bonds well with tempera balms and can be added to other water soluble substances such as casein, with which it forms a good glue.

Starch paste turns into a liquid solution when heated to 120 ° C, and the starch grains separated from it with ethyl alcohol directly dissolve then in cold water. The action of alkalis, oxidizing agents (hydrogen peroxide, permanganate), then acids, enzymes or ultraviolet rays also destroys the structure of starch gel: although starch powder looks like ordinary starch, it does not gelatinize, but directly dissolves in cold water; in doing so, it loses its irreversibility in proportion to this solubility. Soluble starch, marketed under various names, usually contains alkaline substances and must be neutralized with hydrochloric acid before use.

Starch coatings lose their elasticity over time, become brittle (either due to a decrease in the hygroscopicity of starch as a result of aging, or as a result of the activity of microorganisms), so it is useful to add small amounts of plasticizers to them - sugar 64 , glycerol.

1. Starch paste from rye flour:

100 parts finely ground rye flour

100 parts of cold water; after mixing add

500 parts of boiling water and 5 parts of formalin.

Then dilute with water as needed.

2. Starch paste from potato starch:

150 G potato starch,

100 G cold water; after mixing add 1/4 l boiling water.

3. Basic starch (liquid):

100 parts potato starch

200 parts cold water

10 parts of caustic potassium dissolved in

400 parts of water.

The solution is neutralized and the medium is checked with litmus paper.

4. Starch Emulsion with Venetian Turpentine:

40 parts of Venetian turpentine are added to the finished starch paste No. 1 and No. 3.

5. Starch Glue:

100 parts rye flour starch paste

90 parts yellow dextrin

10 parts molasses

30 parts Venetian turpentine

The preparation of starch paste from starch in grains has been an investment since ancient times. In China, documents glued with starch dating back to the beginning of the 4th century AD have survived. Cennino Cennini describes in chapter 105 the preparation of a starch paste made from sifted flour and water. In the time of Vasari, the canvas for painting was covered with a primer, which also contained starch or flour. This type of soil did not disappear even later, because kaolin soils bound by starch are described in the manuals of the 19th century, for example, by Bouvier.

When ordinary starch [containing 10-20% water] is rapidly heated, dextrin is obtained 65 . Dextrin can also be obtained by the action of acids on starch.

Yellow dextrin is completely soluble in hot water, and its 25% solution remains liquid even in the cold. When borax is added to the solution, it turns brown and becomes even more liquid. Its properties (mainly that it dries to a glossy film 66 and again dissolves very easily in water) somewhat resembles gum arabic. However, it is more brittle, and its adhesive power and stickiness are much less. In any case, hygroscopic plasticizers should be added to dextrin: glycerin, sugar or honey. Dextrin has a high refractive index, and therefore, when mixed with pigments, it gives rich, deep tones. Together with glycerin, dextrin is used to produce cheap watercolor and water-soluble paints in tubes.

Dextrin solution:

100 parts yellow dextrin

200 parts hot water

30 parts glycerin

a grain of camphor.

Dextrin paper glue:

10 parts of borax are dissolved in 200 parts of water and 200 parts of yellow dextrin are added. Heat to a boil and add such an amount of hydrogen peroxide that the liquid becomes light. Canned with two parts of carbolic acid.

White dextrin dissolves worse than yellow. With hot water, it forms a white paste, which, on cooling, becomes so hard that it is not suitable as a paint binder. Stationery glue is made from it and gum arabic is faked with it.

Egg white contains 85-88% water, 12-14% mixture of different proteins, mainly egg albumin, a small amount of mineral salts and fatty substances. In a thin layer, egg white, after drying, gives a transparent, shiny, but brittle film, while in a thicker layer, after drying, it cracks and hairline cracks form in it. Fresh, somewhat condensed and gelatinous protein becomes liquid when beaten and allowed to settle. When heated to 65 ° C, it collapses. It forms insoluble salts with lime, and after drying with tannin, it is no longer soluble in water. Unlike other aqueous binders, egg white either turns yellow or turns orange-brown as a result of aging.

Dry protein is a transparent substance similar to gum arabic, which first swells in lukewarm water and then dissolves. By heating to 75°C, it turns into a water-insoluble substance.

In the painting technique, protein is added to tempera or used as a binder for paints intended for miniatures. Since it is fragile, candy sugar is added to it, which increases its elasticity and eliminates its tendency to crack. Some painters use mixtures of proteins with sugar for temporary varnishing of insufficiently dried oil paintings, from which they wash off this varnish after about a year, replacing it with a permanent resin varnish. Since the protein is stabilized by light and is not easily washed off, it is more correct to refuse temporary varnishing In the polyment gilding technique, the protein gives with polyment a quality primer for gold foil, which can be given a high sheen by grinding and polishing with agate.

Egg white was the main color binder in medieval miniature painting. Already in the old treatises of the 11th-14th centuries, where manuscripts with miniatures are reported, we find instructions on how to make protein liquid so that the paint flows more easily from a brush or pen. Then the protein was whipped or pressed through a cloth or sponge, and sugar, honey, and in some cases a small amount of yolk were added to it. However, protein was not used as a binder for all pigments without exception. Blue pigments, for example, were triturated with gum arabic, which gave them greater transparency and depth.

Albumin is a dry serum of animal blood 68 . Unlike glue, it dissolves in cold water, but when the solution is heated to 80 ° C, it precipitates. With the addition of ammonium salts or lime, it becomes insoluble in water, and since it is cheap, it is mainly used for insoluble decorative wall painting and for coating.

Albumin solution is prepared as follows: Water 90 parts,

albumin 50 parts,

ammonia (sp. weight 0.9) 2 parts,

slaked lime 1 part.

The specified ratio should be exactly observed 7*.

Gums are air-cured colloidal substances derived from the cut bark of trees. For painters, gums that dissolve in water are important - gum arabic and gum of fruit trees.

Gum arabic stems from African acacia. It consists of potassium and calcium salts of arabic acid (C 5 H 3 O 4) n. Sold in the form of colorless or yellowish lumps with a highly shiny, conchoidal fracture. The most valuable is the variety hashab (hashab), originating from the province of Kordofan. The Senegalese variety of African gum differs from Kordofan in having a rougher surface, less luster, and also in that it is slightly hygroscopic and gives thicker solutions. The Indian gum called ghatti and the Australian gum called wattle are less valuable varieties. Crushed gum arabic also goes on sale, but it is adulterated with dextrin, which is more brittle and glues worse.

In cold water, gum arabic dissolves slowly and gives a thick, highly adhesive solution in a ratio of 1:2. A thin layer of dissolved gum arabic dries to a colorless, glass-shiny, and hard film that can be easily re-dissolved in water.

In a dry environment, the film is very resistant, does not turn yellow, is it cloudy? and does not weather, but it is very fragile, and therefore it is necessary to add hygroscopic substances such as glycerol, glucose or sugar to it. Gum arabic reacts slightly sour, and its solutions quickly turn sour and moldy. To prevent this, a grain of camphor, borax, or a microscopic amount of formalin is added to the solutions. Solutions of bik gum have a low viscosity, they are liquid even at a significant concentration, and by this property they surpass all water-soluble binders. Therefore, miniatures are very suitable for the technique, because they allow precise execution of even the smallest details. The refractive index of gum arabic ( P= 1.45) and the colors grated on it differ in saturation and depth. Gum arabic easily emulsifies with oils, balms and tempera lacquers, which are shiny when dry. Gum arabic solution:

100 parts Kordofan gum arabic

150 parts of water

leave to swell for a day, after which it is dissolved by heating, then a piece of camphor is added for preservation.

Solution for forming an elastic film of gum arabic:

100 parts Kordofan gum arabic

200 parts of water

10-50 parts of glycerin,

These solutions can be neutralized with lime or borax (three parts borax to 100 parts gum arabic). However, some varieties of gum arabic thicken strongly with alkalis and only after the addition of sugar become liquid again.

Already in the Middle Ages, gum arabic, along with egg white, served as a paint binder for miniatures. We find references to this in the oldest medieval prescription books. A Neapolitan codex from the 12th century lists a mixture of gum arabic with egg white and honey as a colorless primer for gold foils. Boltz von Rufach, in his Illuminierbuch published in 1526, lists gum arabic as one of the main binding colors for miniatures.

Cherry gum (cherry glue.— Red.). From the wounded bark of fruit trees, gums flow out, which, depending on the origin, are called cherry, plum, etc. glue. Outwardly, these gums are similar to gum arabic, differing from it only in that they do not dissolve in water, but only swell. They absorb twenty to thirty times the amount of water, and only if the swollen gum is heated and pressed through a sieve, can one obtain from it a slime that can be used for painting. Since the solubility of gums of fruit trees drops sharply with longer storage, it is better to dissolve freshly harvested gum, because it gives a more liquid and, moreover, a more concentrated solution. The paint containing cherry gum is, even with a very weak binder, pasty, plastic and does not spread. At present, cherry gum is used only as an additive in tempera of a special nature. Under the action of hydrochloric acid, cherry gum dissolves directly in water; however, this solution should then be neutralized. Cherry gum is a soluble colloid; therefore, after drying, it is soluble in water.

According to Theophilus' tract Diversarumartium Schedula, one can judge that in Northern Europe in the 12th century they wrote only with this gum. According to the description, the paints were applied successively three times, and then varnished with thick oil varnish, which was dried in the sun. Since Theophilus writes in his treatise that the gum must be cut (but never crushed), it can be assumed that then the gum was not as hard as the varieties currently sold. Freshly harvested gum was soft, ductile and gave concentrated solutions, like gum arabic.

Traganthus is the dried juice that flows from the cracked or incised bark of some shrubby Astragalus species native to Greece and Central Asia. In water, it swells strongly and turns into a jelly, which should be heated and forced through the canvas so that it becomes at least a little liquid. In exceptional cases, tragacanth is added to tempera, and pastels are tied with a 2% solution.

Water-soluble cellulose ethers. Various grades of methyl-, dimethyl-8* and hydroxymethyl cellulose are commercially available as water-based paint binders and as adhesives. Dissolved in ten times the amount of water, they form more or less viscous solutions that serve as a basis for tempera or direct binders for the preparation of paints suitable, for example, for decorative painting on walls. They are completely neutral and do not degrade as easily as vegetable and animal adhesives. They are alkali-resistant, easily form emulsions with tempera oil, and paints grated on them are easy to work with. A variety of derivatives with various properties called tylose, glutolin or glutofix go on sale. For painting, only those varieties that are specifically intended for this purpose should be used.

Synthetic water-soluble binders. Some artificial resins also have the ability to dissolve in water, such solutions are used both as adhesives and as binders for paints and primers. Such water-soluble artificial resins include:

polyvinyl alcohol (polyviol),

polyvinyl acetal (movital),

polyvinylmethylether (igevin),

phenolic (phenol-formaldehyde.Ed.), water-soluble resins (resinol).

In the field of artistic painting, these new materials have not been sufficiently tested, but they have proven themselves well in the production of technical emulsion varnishes. Polyvinyl alcohol has shown good properties in the preservation of fabrics and in fixing loose layers of paint on wall paintings.

1* E. Stock. TaschenbuchfurdieFarben- undLackindustrie (Handbook of the paint industry), 1943.

2* D. I. Kiplik (“Painting Technique”, p. 117) advises adding 4% slaked lime to a 20% adhesive solution.

3* Negaslius. De coloribus et artibus Romanorum. 1873,

4*Theopbilus. Schedula diversarum artium. 1874

5* TranslationF. Topinki.

6* E. Stock, part I.

7* N. Heaton. Outlines of Paint Technology (Fundamentals of painting technology). London, 1947.

8* Apparently, carboxymethylcellulose and methoxycellulose are supposed (ed.).

The adhesive composition is intended for bonding cardboard boxes with lacquered surface when packaging quick-frozen products. To prepare the glue, a mixture of a casein solution with active additives with a mass concentration in the range of 28-31.4%, with an alkaline solution of oxidized starch with a mass concentration in the range of 23-24.8% is used. The mass ratio of the components is 5:1. The adhesive composition has increased frost resistance and withstands at least four cycles of freezing and thawing.

The invention relates to compositions of water-soluble adhesive compositions for Food Industry , in particular to adhesive compositions intended for gluing cardboard boxes with a lacquered surface in the packaging of quick-frozen products. Known adhesive composition, including water-soluble cellulose ether, polyethylene oxide, disodium salt of ethylenediaminetetraacetic acid, glycerin, kaolin and water (SU 1175960 30.08.85). The disadvantage of this adhesive is its relatively low viability and poor adhesion to varnished surfaces of boxes at low temperatures. Synthetic glue made in accordance with GOST 18992-80 is used as a base glue for gluing cardboard boxes when packaging quick-frozen products on automatic lines. The specified adhesive does not provide the requirements for highly efficient gluing of cardboard boxes with a varnished surface without the introduction of an additional plasticizer that is unacceptable for use in the food industry. Closest to the proposed invention is the composition of the adhesive, including a mixture of acid casein, low-viscosity hydrolyzed starch with a viscosity of 7% solution at 20 o C from 300 to 1500 mPas, alkali, sodium phosphate, urea and water in the ratio of mass parts: 0.8-1 0:0.1-0.3:0.02-0.05: 0.3-0.5:0.1-0.2:3.0-5.0. The composition of the adhesive is used for labeling metallized and fatty containers in automatic mode, but the adhesive properties of the adhesive are insufficient when gluing paper boxes at temperatures in the range of 10-20 o C (CZ 268047A, 31.07.90). The technical result consists in maintaining the adhesive properties of the adhesive when gluing paper boxes with a lacquered surface during the packaging and storage of quick-frozen food products. This technical result is achieved due to the fact that in a water-soluble adhesive for the food industry, including a mixture of casein solution containing active additives and a starch-containing product, a casein solution with active additives has a mass concentration in the range of 28-31.4%, as a starch-containing product alkaline solution of oxidized starch with mass concentration in the range of 23-24.8%, while the ratio of mass parts of casein solution with active additives and alkaline solution of oxidized starch is 5:1. As active additives, for example, urea, sodium phosphate, ethylenediaminetetraacetic acid are used, and as a starch-containing product, an alkaline solution of oxidized potato starch with a viscosity of 2% solution at 20 o C equal to 10-13 s (according to GOST 9070-75). The advantage of the adhesive according to the invention lies in the fact that a mixture of casein solution with a solution of oxidized starch in the presence of active additives gives the adhesive greater initial and final adhesion to the varnished surface of paper boxes cooled to minus 10-20 o C by the frozen product in them, and at sharp temperature fluctuations during the storage of frozen foods. The initial adhesion of the glue line when gluing boxes at 10 o C is 30-40 s, the glue line is quite elastic and withstands low temperatures from minus 5 o C to minus 32 o C. The adhesive composition is characterized by increased frost resistance. Adhesive tests for frost resistance at minus 40 o C showed that the composition can withstand at least 4 cycles of freezing and thawing.


Water-soluble glue for the food industry, comprising a mixture of a casein solution containing active additives and a starch-containing product, characterized in that the casein solution with active additives has a mass concentration in the range of 28 - 31.4%, an alkaline solution of oxidized starch by mass is used as a starch-containing product. concentrations in the range of 23 - 24.8%, while the mass ratio of the casein solution with active additives and the alkaline solution of oxidized starch is 5: 1.

Similar patents:

The invention relates to the field of adhesive materials used in the printing industry, in particular for stitching and binding in the process of mechanized production of binding covers on high-speed cover making machines

The invention relates to the dairy industry, in particular to the isolation of biologically active milk proteins, including pancreatic ribonuclease A, angiogenin and lysozyme

The invention relates to a method for preparing a meat replacement product, in which the protein material, a hydrocolloid that is precipitated by metal cations, and water are mixed at an elevated temperature until a homogeneous mixture is formed.

The invention relates to the food industry. Casein is subjected to enzymatic hydrolysis at a temperature of 50±1°C for 24 hours, the ratio of the enzyme concentration to the concentration of the protein substrate is 1:25. pH-stating is carried out with periodic stirring of 1M sodium hydroxide solution or 1M hydrochloric acid at pH optimal for the enzymatic system consisting of chymotrypsin, activity 40 units, carboxypeptidase, activity 1980 units. and leucine aminopeptidase, activity 24 units. After hydrolysis, the enzymes are inactivated with live steam for 3-5 minutes. Pasteurized at a temperature of 85±3°C with an exposure of 2-3 minutes and dried by freeze-drying. The invention consists in increasing the nutritional value of the product with a relatively fast manufacturing process. 3 tab., 2 pr.

The invention relates to compositions of water-soluble adhesive compositions for the food industry, in particular to adhesive compositions intended for gluing cardboard boxes with a varnished surface in the packaging of quick-frozen products

By the nature of the base, adhesives are divided into inorganic, organic and organoelement. The classification of adhesives is shown in fig.

Rice. Classification of adhesives

Adhesives based on inorganic can be divided into silicate, aluminophosphate, ceramic and metal.

Organic adhesives include compositions based on natural and synthetic polymers, oligomers and monomers, and artificial ones. Moreover, during curing, monomers and oligomers are converted into polymers. In the production of adhesives based on natural polymers, substances of animal (collagen, albumin, casein) and vegetable (starch, dextrin) origin are used. For the manufacture of adhesives based on synthetic polymers, synthetic rubbers and resins are used.

The basis of the classification according to the thermal properties of the basis of adhesives is their thermoplastic or thermosetting nature, which in most cases determines the scope of adhesives and sealants.

Thermosetting compounds are usually the basis of structural adhesives. Thermoplastics and rubber-based compounds are generally used for bonding non-metallic materials. Adhesives based on thermosetting resins are often referred to as compounds (English compound - composite, mixed). Compounds (epoxy, polyester, polyurethane, silicone, acrylate) harden as a result of spontaneous cross-linking of the base with the introduction of a hardener or under external influence, for example, moisture from the air.

According to the gluing conditions, adhesives are divided into contact (gluing occurs without pressure) and sticky (gluing occurs instantly under pressure).

Contact adhesives are, as a rule, all adhesives containing volatile solvents. As solvents, the least toxic volatile substances are usually used: light hydrocarbons, cyclohexane, methyl ethyl ketone, acetone, xylene, ethers, chlorinated hydrocarbons. After applying glue

on one or both surfaces and a short drying, gluing occurs.

According to the nature of bonding, adhesives and adhesive joints are divided into reversible and irreversible in relation to the adhesive seam to heat, water or organic solvents.

Some of the irreversible synthetic adhesives do not require heat to cure, and are therefore classified into cold-cured and hot-cured adhesives.

From a practical point of view, it is useful to classify adhesive materials according to the water resistance of the adhesive joint into highly waterproof (the adhesive seam can withstand boiling in water), water-resistant (the glue seam can withstand being in water at room temperature) and non-waterproof (the glue seam collapses under the influence of water).

By consistency, adhesive materials are divided into solid (in the form of tiles, flakes, powders, films, etc.), solution, dispersion, encapsulated and melts.

Solution adhesives are a solution of a polymer in water (water-soluble) or an organic solvent. Water-based solvent adhesives are based on animal (bone glue), artificial (methyl, CMC glue), synthetic (polyvinyl alcohol, melamine aldehyde glue) or inorganic (silicate glue) origin. Such adhesives are the most environmentally friendly. Adhesives based on an organic solvent have a synthetic base (solution of synthetic rubber in cyanoacrylate). Their setting time is an order of magnitude less than that of water-soluble adhesives, but solvent evaporation worsens their environmental properties.

Dispersion (PVA) adhesives are a dispersion of a polymer in water, in which water-soluble polymers with high adhesion - polyvinyl alcohol, cellulose derivatives - can be added to enhance the bonding strength. Water makes it possible to successfully use such adhesives for bonding porous hygroscopic surfaces. Their disadvantages include a long setting time and low microbiological resistance of the adhesive joint (can be increased by the introduction of fungicides).

Encapsulated adhesives are in capsules to prevent premature curing.

Hot melts are thermoplastic adhesives that become fluid at elevated temperature and remain solid at room temperature. Hot melt adhesives are solid granules of polymers, usually in the form of balls or sticks. A special device is charged with a polymer pencil - a thermal gun, which is connected to the mains. The molten polymer is applied to the surface to be bonded using a dot method. If the glue is made in the form of balls, then they are placed between the surfaces to be glued, and one of them is heated until the balls melt.

Solution and dispersion adhesives can be thick, medium, liquid. Thick adhesives are available in tubes and have a longer drying time. Medium adhesives are available in bottles equipped with an applicator - a brush fixed in a cork. Liquid adhesives are available in polymer bottles with an applicator - a thin steel needle.

According to the degree of readiness, adhesives are single-component and multi-component. In the first case, they are produced and sold ready-made. Multi-component adhesives (usually two-component, for example epoxy) are prepared at the point of consumption from the components.

By purpose, household adhesives are divided into household, special, stationery and universal (semi-universal).

In practice, classifications are used according to the area of ​​application of adhesives (for example, shoe, furniture, construction, label), according to specific features (for example, according to the types of load experienced by adhesive joints during operation (Appendix 2), classifications according to OKP and TN VED (adhesives are included in 35th group).