Gypsum mix dry plaster: how to use it correctly. Gypsum plaster: perfectly smooth walls with your own hands Finishing aligned walls

  • 29.08.2019

Plaster mixtures in construction are used very widely. Such compositions can be used for interior walls, ceilings, facades, columns, etc. There are several types of such mixtures on the modern market. And one of the most popular varieties is plaster based on gypsum. Many companies produce such compositions. However, some brands gypsum mixtures are, of course, the most popular among consumers.

What criteria are used to evaluate

When choosing gypsum plaster, first of all, you should pay attention to its characteristics such as:

    maximum allowable layer thickness;

    drying time;

    base type;

Gypsum plasters are usually used only for finishing indoor surfaces. For facades, such compositions are not used. In most cases, manufacturers also recommend using such products only in dry rooms.

The best plasters

Most of the products of this type sold on the market today are of good quality. But still, the most popular gypsum plasters among consumers are:


  • "Gipswell".



    "Eunice Teplon".

Plasters "Rotband"

Dry mixes on this brand belong to the group universal means. The composition of Rotband plasters, among other things, includes special additives designed to increase their adhesive properties. Also gypsum mixtures "Rotband" contain all sorts of natural impurities that determine their color. Depending on the manufacturer, such compositions can be:

  • pink.

In this case, the pink Rotband plaster is considered the highest quality. Such mixtures are produced by the Knauf Gips Chelyabinsk and Knauf Gips Kolpino enterprises. White and gray gypsum plasters of this brand are produced in Krasnogorsk, the Krasnodar Territory and the Astrakhan Region. Such funds can also be considered of sufficient quality. However, when using them, you should still be a little more careful. White and gray plasters "Rotband" flow down the wall a little, as a result of which horizontal waves can form on the surfaces.

Consumer reviews

The advantages of Rotband plasters are primarily attributed by consumers to their plasticity, strength and the ability to achieve the smoothest possible surfaces. Working with such compositions, judging by the reviews, is very easy, and on the walls in the future, such a finish lasts as long as possible. Also, consumers consider the advantages of Rotband plasters, of course, their excellent adhesive qualities, as well as minimal shrinkage.

Some disadvantage of such gypsum mixtures, consumers consider not too long "survivability" of the solution. It is necessary to work with such plaster as quickly as possible or not to knead a very large amount of it at the same time. Also, consumers attribute a rather high cost to the disadvantages of Rotband.

Mixtures "Volma"

A feature of the plaster of this brand is considered primarily plasticity and the ability to "breathe". This mixture is produced by the domestic company Volma, founded back in the 40s. There are several types of this plaster on the market today, slightly different in composition:

    "Volma-Sloy", designed for use in rooms with temperature fluctuations.

    "Layer Titanium" and "Ultra", the most resistant to cracking.

    "Canvas" with mineral additives that maximize adhesion.

    "Plast" - universal, very plastic.

    "Lux" - designed for work on foam concrete.

Also, this manufacturer produces gypsum dry building mixes intended for machine application: Gypsum-Active with additives that provide increased moisture resistance, and crack-resistant Gypsum-Active Extra.

Reviews about mixtures "Volma"

The most popular type of plaster of this brand among consumers is Volma Canvas. It is about this gypsum binder mixture that the Web has the best reviews. The advantages of Volma Holost formulations are primarily attributed by consumers to ease of application and versatility. This mixture, as noted by some craftsmen, can be used to level walls, texturing under decorative plaster, and even, for example, sculpting bricks.

The masters consider the main disadvantages of Volma Canvas to be too fast setting and the need for puttying after drying for a fine finish.

Dry building mixes with gypsum binder "Gipswell"

The compositions of this brand are a cheap analogue of "Rotband". Several varieties of such plasters are supplied to the market today. The most popular among the consumer is the Gipswell Osnovit mixture. Such plaster also comes in several series. For example, the mixture "Gipswell Found T25" can be applied to the walls with a layer of up to 8 cm. Also, this plaster is plastic.

In addition to the gypsum itself, the composition of "Gipswell Osnovit T25" includes additives that increase the "pot life" of the solution and plasticity. Like "Rotband", this plaster gives a very smooth surface and does not need additional puttying.

Consumer opinion about Gipswell

Good reviews about this plaster on the Web are available in the first place, due to the ease of application. The compositions of this brand, as noted by consumers, give a very high-quality finishing layer and at the same time are inexpensive. Low consumption is also considered an advantage of Gipswell building gypsum mixtures.

If the plaster on the surface needs to be applied in a thick layer, many consumers are advised to purchase this particular brand of T25. The finished finish in this case is guaranteed not to crack. Also, judging by the feedback from consumers, "Gipswell Found T 25" practically does not shrink. The advantages of this tool, many masters include the fact that the solution prepared with its use is able not to dry out for 1.5 hours.

Plaster "Bergauf": composition, description

The composition of gypsum-based mixtures from this manufacturer may include, in addition to the binder itself, the following components:

  • quartz sand;

    mineral supplements;


The solution prepared from the Bergauf mixture hardens in about an hour. Additives make it plastic and easy to apply. Also, mixtures from this manufacturer have excellent adhesive properties.

Reviews of Bergauf blends

The main advantage of plasters of this brand, consumers consider their low cost. The price of Bergauf dry gypsum mixes, with their high quality, is often lower than for some similar compositions, even from domestic manufacturers.

Despite the fact that these plasters contain sand, which is noticeable, judging by consumer reviews, even with the naked eye, they give a finishing layer that is quite even and smooth.

Plaster "Prospectors"

The mixture of this brand is great for finishing all kinds of surfaces. The same quality layer when using them is obtained both on brick and on foam concrete. A special light component is added to the composition of the Starateli plaster, which can significantly reduce its consumption. Also, mixtures of this brand contain mineral components that provide rapid hardening.

It is believed that the Prospectors plaster is just great for applying on surfaces like under ceramic tiles, and just for wallpaper or painting. It is possible to apply dry mixes on a gypsum basis of this brand on the walls with a layer of up to 5 cm. The “life” of a solution prepared using the composition of this brand is 45 minutes.

What consumers think about Starateli plaster

Consumers consider the main advantage of the mixture of this brand to be a very low cost with good quality. Also, the advantages of plaster "Prospectors" masters include:

    smoothness of the finished surface;

    ease of application;

    optimum setting time.

The craftsmen consider some of the drawbacks of this brand to be that large grains of sand sometimes come across in its composition. Therefore, when working with Prospectors plaster, you should be a little more careful. Sand grains can leave grooves on the surface. If they are not sealed immediately, the wall may subsequently have to be puttied.

Gypsum mixture "Eunice Teplon"

Plasters of this brand contain perlite, which reduces their setting time. Distinctive feature means of "Eunice Teplon" are light weight and maximum strength of the finished layer. Also, the plaster of this brand is able to additionally protect the premises in the house from the street cold.

The duration of the "life" solutions "Eunice" is approximately 50 minutes. You can apply them on the walls with a layer of up to 5 cm.

Consumer opinion

The main advantage of Eunice plasters is ease of application. Many consumers, judging by the reviews available on the Web, consider dry gypsum mixes of this brand to be just perfect for beginners. The Eunice Teplon solution is applied to the walls very easily. In addition, the finished finishing layer when using it does not require additional puttying.

Some disadvantage of Eunice mixtures, consumers consider the difficulty in preparing the solution. It is necessary to knead this plaster for a long time and carefully until all lumps are removed.

Instructions for use

For the most part, gypsum plasters are thus plastic. That is, working with them is quite easy. But of course, in order to get a beautiful durable finished finishing layer, when working with such compositions, all the required technologies should be observed.

Before starting plastering work, the surface must be cleaned of dirt, dust off it and primed in two layers. Next, you can start preparing the solution. At the same time, the amount of dry gypsum plaster mixture should be taken such that the finished composition could be fully used while it retains its "viability". This is necessary in order to avoid overspending the product, as well as damage to the container in which the solution was prepared.

Like any other mixtures, it is desirable to apply gypsum to the walls using the “beacons” technology. That is, first put the guide rails on the walls, and then level the solution using the rule.

Approximately 20 min. after application, it is desirable to level the gypsum plaster layer with a special paint float. To make the finished surface as neat as possible, after a few more hours it needs to be moistened with water and walked over it with a trowel.

Other mixtures: types and manufacturers

Of course, the most popular type of such compositions are plasters. But on the basis of gypsum, of course, other gypsum mixtures are also produced. For example, when decorating premises, the following types of compositions of this variety can be used:

  • putties;
  • assembly mixes;
  • adhesives.

There are many brands of such products on the market. But the best manufacturers are those who produce the highest quality plaster. That is, it is primarily "Rotband", "Volma", "Eunice", etc.


This type of gypsum mixture is used for finishing the plaster layer. The advantages of such putties include, first of all, the smoothness of the finished surface, white color, setting speed. In addition to finishing, gypsum products of this variety can also be used for correction different kind surface defects before plastering.

Mounting mixes and glue

Compositions of this type have the same advantages as plasters or putties. That is, they set very quickly and give a white surface that can be easily stained. Such mixtures are used when cladding walls with gypsum boards or gypsum boards.

It must meet very different requirements, sometimes almost opposite: high vapor permeability and insensitivity to water, for example. No less controversial is the desire to obtain material with low consumption and very high hiding power. However, gypsum plasters can also fulfill this condition.

- a typical sedimentary mineral based on calcium sulfate. From the point of view of finishing, the material on its base is attractive in that it creates a surface of perfect white color. No additional putty or painting under light wallpaper, for example, is required. However, these are not all the distinguishing features of the material.

The fundamental difference between decorative and leveling plasters is in the setting speed, or, more precisely, in the time until the layer remains plastic. For leveling plaster, it is desirable to reduce this period to a minimum, but for the decorative version, the opposite is true: as long as the layer retains plasticity, it can be processed with special tools to achieve a decorative effect.

Gypsum is quite suitable for both purposes, but only in the presence of polymer additives, which regulate the period of plasticity and setting time. In this case, the filler can be different, but only fine textured.


Material advantages:

  • Gypsum plaster it is very plastic, even the usual one for leveling walls can be smoothed down to a glossy sheen. Gypsum-based modulating - best material to create not just complex reliefs, but relief images.
  • Gypsum plaster can be applied both manually and by machine: the modifiers added to the mixture regulate the mobility of the solution over a very wide range.
  • The superb white color is the ideal base for any kind of decoration: painting, shaping.
  • Do-it-yourself gypsum plaster can include many additional components that noticeably change properties. So, the additive allows you to apply the mortar on concrete walls with the same ease as conventional lime mixtures. And the addition of perlite significantly enhances the thermal insulation properties of the plaster: this composition is recommended for finishing concrete walls, since the thermal conductivity of the latter is unpleasantly high and the walls feel cold to the touch.
  • Vapor permeability makes it possible to classify gypsum-based finishes as the most environmentally friendly and safe coatings.
  • Increased hygroscopicity can be not only a disadvantage: when poured from above, for example, a water stain, provided that the latter was clean, will disappear on its own in 2-3 days. The material not only absorbs, but also releases moisture when it is in excess.
  • The consumption of the solution is 1.5 times less than that of the most economical.


Disadvantages of gypsum plaster:

  • An obvious important disadvantage is its high hygroscopicity. The material absorbs moisture, and therefore is not used either for external work or for decorating rooms where high humidity is provided - for bathrooms and kitchens, for example.
  • However, the Rotband website has information about the types of gypsum plaster that can withstand dampness, but in the absence of direct contact with water. That is, for the bathroom, this option is still not good.
  • For the same reason decorative plasters on the basis of gypsum are not washed. Maximum - dry cleaning and the use of a barely damp cloth when severe contamination appears.
  • Gypsum finish does not differ in mechanical strength: you should not use sharp tools to check its integrity.
  • The hardening time for gypsum plaster is too short - 50 minutes in a container before hardening. Considering that during this time it is necessary not only to apply a layer, but also to create a decorative surface, it is necessary to prepare the solution in small portions, which somewhat complicates the work.

Scope of use

The area of ​​use of HS is determined by its properties and composition.

  • Living quarters - due to the high vapor permeability and environmental friendliness, it is this finish that is recommended for the nursery. On the other hand, she does not wash, so the decision of this issue depends on the owner of the apartment. In the living room or bedroom, the material is used without restrictions.
  • Even the most "water-resistant" option does not tolerate direct contact with water. And if certain varieties can be used for the kitchen, then not for the bathroom.
  • Gypsum leveling compounds are an excellent base for other finishes. And they are still in demand when it is necessary to create a truly snow-white surface of a wall or ceiling. The thickness of the layer can vary from 5 to 50 mm, with reinforcement - up to 70 mm. The material sets within 80–150 minutes, and dries completely in 5–7 days.
  • GSh is applied to, brick wall, and even a metal surface if it is protected by an anti-corrosion agent. When finishing surfaces with high porosity - gypsum fiber, you should use a special primer. On the wooden surfaces GSh is not applied: adhesion is low.
  • Modeling plasters based on gypsum are used to decorate only residential premises. Images and ornaments are created in the usual way for this kind of plaster - with a stamp, a roller with a relief surface or the movement of a trowel.

Solution and its preparation

Despite the simple composition, it is recommended to work with a ready-made gypsum mixture, since polymer additives added under production conditions significantly improve the properties of the finish. At home, such a uniform distribution of the substance cannot be achieved.

Composition and structure

The usual composition of the mixture:

  • gypsum;
  • fine fraction filler - with grain up to 1.5 mm;
  • additional additives.

This restriction is a fine fraction, reduces the amount decorative options. In fact, only modeling plasters are obtained on the basis of gypsum. Leveling compounds are much more popular.

The solution, as already mentioned, is prepared in small portions. After 50 minutes, the mixture completely solidifies. 25-30 minutes - the period of sufficient plasticity of the material.

And now we will analyze the composition, proportions and recipe of gypsum plaster.

From this video you will learn about the technology of applying gypsum plaster on lighthouses:


With sawdust

There are quite a few recipes for preparing the mixture - we mean leveling types:

  • 1 volume fraction of a mixture of Rotband or Ecogypsum;
  • 1 share crushed sawdust;
  • 3-4 shares.

The dry ingredients are mixed, and then added in small portions to the water.

The composition has good sound and heat insulation qualities.


Gypsum-chalk plaster is more suitable for finishing, it is prepared as follows:

  • crushed chalk - 3 kg;
  • gypsum - 1 kg;
  • 5% wood glue solution.

Gypsum and chalk are mixed, and then wood glue is added to the container with the ingredients until a pasty mass is obtained. Since the solution sets quickly - there are no modifiers here, then it should be prepared from a dry mixture little by little.


Lime-gypsum plasters for interior decoration are even more popular: they seize more slowly and better tolerate mechanical stress.

The composition is:

  • water is added to 1 part of gypsum with stirring until a gypsum dough is obtained;
  • 3 shares of lime are dissolved in water;
  • then the solutions are thoroughly mixed.

From ready mix

  • A dry mixture of gypsum plaster is poured into a container with water at the rate of 0.5–0.7 liters per 1 kg of the mixture, mixed until smooth. You can mix both manually and with the mixer attachment on a drill.
  • The solution should stand for 3-5 minutes, then it is mixed again and used.

It is impossible to dilute the composition with water again. Next, the technology of applying gypsum plaster is considered.

Application technology

So, how to properly plaster walls with gypsum plaster? The solution should be applied within 30 minutes. For this, a trowel or a falcon is used - a square platform on the handle. The latter is often used when working with the ceiling.

  1. The resulting solution can be applied in a layer of 10 to 50 mm, on the ceiling - 30 mm. If a thicker layer is required, then the second one should be applied only after 24 hours.
  2. Align the layer with the rule.
  3. After 45–60 minutes, the GSH layer is smoothed with a metal spatula or processed with a decorative tool.
  4. If the surface is prepared for wallpaper or paint, then after 20 minutes, when the layer is no longer pressed through with a finger, the coating is moistened with water, and when it becomes dull, rubbed with a sponge. The movements are circular. Then the wall is smoothed with a spatula. A day later, this procedure is repeated. So get a smooth surface that does not need putty.
  5. Drafts should be avoided on the first day. The coating dries completely within 5-7 days, after which you can proceed to further finishing.

About the consumption of gypsum plaster per 1 m2, read below.

The video below will tell you about applying gypsum plaster without beacons:

GS consumption

Gypsum plaster is one of the most economical coatings - this means leveling plaster. When forming a layer of 10 mm, the consumption is 10 kg per 1 sq. m.

For comparison, lime leveling plaster needs at least 14-15 kg.

Requirements for the quality of materials

The quality of dry building mixtures based on gypsum binder is regulated by GOST 31376-2008. Mixtures, ready-made mortars and the actual plaster layer are subject to verification.

Dry formulations must meet the following requirements:

  • grains with a diameter of 5 mm are not included in the mixture. Granules with a diameter of 1.25 mm can be no more than 1.0% by weight, with a diameter of 0.2 mm - no more than 12% and with a diameter of 0.125 mm - no more than 15%;
  • humidity of the mixture - no more than 0.3% by weight;
  • the activity of natural radionuclides must comply with the requirements of GOST 30108.

Ready-to-use mixtures must fulfill the following conditions:

  • setting time with a manual method - 45 minutes;
  • setting time in machine production - 90 minutes;
  • the ability to retain water is at least 90%;
  • the mobility of the mixture must comply with GOST 31376: the diameter of the spread is 165 mm with an error of 5 mm. This indicator can be changed at the request of the customer.

The finished coating must meet the following requirements:

  • ultimate strength in bending - not less than 1 MPa;
  • compressive strength - not less than 2 MPa;
  • adhesion strength - not less than 0.3 MPa.

If necessary, the average density of the plaster layer is also found.

Popular brands and prices

Numerous companies producing materials for building decoration did not ignore gypsum mixtures.

  • The most famous in our market are gypsum plasters "Rotband" from Knauf (Knauf). It is these compositions that can be used in relatively wet rooms. It can be used for both manual and machine application. The weight of the package is 30 kg, the price of gypsum plaster is from 290 to 355 rubles.
  • No less popular is the manufacturer of gypsum plaster "Volma". It is a leveling plaster with excellent adhesion for any type of surface except wood. Package weight - 30 kg. Price - from 270 to 355 rubles.
  • They compete with dry gypsum mixes from Osnovit. Both white and gray gypsum plasters are produced. Package weight - 30 kg, cost - from 260 rubles.
  • Under the brand name "Prospectors" a variety of building materials are produced, including gypsum plasters, designed for leveling and finishing concrete, brick, and other surfaces. Package price - from 270 to 305 rubles.
  • Gypsum plaster from Vetonit is designed for both manual and machine application, the cost of a package weighing 20 kg is from 394 rubles.

Gypsum plaster in the vast majority of cases belongs to the category of leveling mixtures. It is ideal for living rooms with low humidity and a stable microclimate.

This video will tell you about the use of Rotband gypsum plaster from Knauf:

Dry plaster gypsum mix has recently entered the sales market. But she has many fans, because it is not difficult to cook, and installation is not difficult.

Today, dry gypsum plaster mixture will be considered. You will learn its composition and properties. After that, cook it with your own hands and reduce finishing costs. Instructions for manufacturing will be offered and in the video in this article you can clearly see the process of this work.

Basically, a mixture of dry gypsum plaster is used for interior finishing work. Gypsum plaster is used for preliminary leveling of vertical and horizontal surfaces, immediately before applying a decorative finish.

Attention: At the same time, it is very important that gypsum leveling mixtures can be used only in those rooms in which the moisture level is not more than sixty percent. If this is a large room, and there is a lot of moisture in it, then it is better to use hydrophobic finishes in this case.


  • Before starting work, you need to take a fishing line and pull it diagonally across the application plane. So you can immediately see the deviations and calculate how much dry powder you need.
  • If the layer is large, then it is best to use a construction mesh that is attached to the wall. In this case, the grip will be better.
  • Gypsum mixtures can be settled in a thick layer. This will not harm the durability of the finish. Therefore, with the help of such mixtures, both significant irregularities and small defects can be leveled.
  • In addition, such plaster is often used not only in cases where it is necessary to eliminate the relief on certain surfaces. It is also often used to level walls with a littered level.

What is attractive

Gypsum mix dry plaster has a lot of advantages:

  • The price is quite attractive, anyone can afford it;
  • You can easily cook with your own hands, and it does not take much time;
  • You can give almost any form of decoration;
  • Finishing is well attached to any plane, in this matter it is universal;
  • Allergens and toxins are completely excluded from this material., so it is absolutely safe;
  • Not required finishing, it does not need to be spent;
  • It is quite light and therefore the weight of the wall will not increase much.. This is good for load-bearing walls.
  • With the help of a mixture, you can mask and close up a variety of surface defects. In addition, it is also possible to form slopes or corners.

Attention: The disadvantages of this material include low level hydrophobicity, and, consequently, the impossibility of using plaster when finishing the facade.

The composition of the gypsum mixture

The dry gypsum plaster mixture has quite simple components:

Attention: Gypsum plaster dry mix is ​​commercially available, but if you have a large amount of work, then it is better to do it yourself. In this case, you will win 50% of the cost of the finished material.

  • The main components of standard dry mixes are gypsum and light fillers. Also in their composition they contain modifying additives. The quality of the material, the level of its adhesion and many other characteristics depend on them.
  • All manufacturers use different formulations components, but finished mixtures, in general, have similar properties that meet certain standards and norms.
  • To make dry mixes convenient to store and use, they are supplied in special packages. Usually, gypsum finishing materials are packaged in specially designed kraft bags. One such bag weighs an average of fifteen or thirty kilograms. Most builders prefer this kind of packaging.
  • Keep the mixture in a dry place. It is very important that it is well ventilated. In order for the packaging to retain its properties, microperfraction is done.
  • In case the humidity warehouse exceeds the norm, the mixture becomes unusable, hardens. That is why, before buying factory plaster, check the quality of the purchased material.

Attention: It is very important that the mixture can be stored for six to twelve months. After this is lost important properties material. In this case, a high quality finish is not guaranteed.

If you do not have a lot of funds, but you need to finish a large room, then you can not spend money on purchasing it, since you can cook it yourself.

Rules for the preparation of gypsum composition

Dry mix gypsum plaster is made according to certain rules:

Attention: If you are buying components in the winter, then you should not do it on open trays. The composition freezes and loses its astringent properties. Also give preference to well-known manufacturers and refrain from buying unknown mixtures.

  • To begin with, gypsum should be passed through a sieve and the fraction should be made homogeneous. So you get rid of lumps and debris.
  • After that, the powder must be placed in a container and add water in small portions. Mix well until you get a plaster dough.
  • In the composition that will turn out, it is necessary to add lime mortar. And mix everything thoroughly again.
  • For kneading, you can use a drill with a nozzle, it will allow you to do everything quickly and the mass will turn out to be as homogeneous as possible.

Attention: I would like to note that you need to mix thoroughly, just do not mix for longer than one minute. Otherwise, the solution will lose strength. You can use the prepared solution immediately after preparation.

cooking options

A mixture of gypsum dry plaster can do in different options. There is a slightly different composition here and you need to choose the most acceptable one. Everything can be seen in the photo.

First option

To prepare a high-quality and inexpensive mixture, adhere to the following proportions:

  • Building plaster - 3 - 4 bags;
  • Plaster mixture, type ABS (Ecogypsum or Rotband) - 1 bag;
  • Small wood sawdust - 1 bag.

There is nothing difficult in preparing the mixture:

  • Those components that have been listed must be mixed in a dry state until a homogeneous mass is obtained. Then the mixture must be poured into polyethylene bags, it can be in other containers, and stored here.
  • Before using the mixture, it must be diluted with a small amount of water. Mix well using a special mixer.
  • Factory plaster mixtures contain special additives in their composition that help regulate the rate of drying of the solution. Thanks to this, work with plaster becomes easier and more convenient.
  • Sometimes it happens that a self-prepared solution sets too quickly. To prevent this from happening, add wallpaper paste to its composition.

Attention: It is very important that not every wallpaper glue can be combined with gypsum. I would like to recommend CMC glue - one of the proven options.

  • Hydrated lime can be added to the composition of the plaster. Thereby. The material will become more plastic. Also, lime, which is used to create the solution, has bactericidal properties. Thanks to this, mold will never appear on the walls.

Second option

To prepare a high quality gypsum-chalk putty, you will need components such as wood glue solution (5%), determine the amount by the consistency of the glue; one kilogram of gypsum and three kilograms of chalk.

  • The manufacturing process of the mixture consists of three stages. The first stage is the grinding and mixing of each component until a homogeneous mass is obtained. To do this, you can use the container. A volume of ten liters is quite suitable. And you will also need a puncher and nozzles.
  • First of all, you should mix crushed gypsum and chalk. When you get a powder of a homogeneous mass, you need to add glue and mix again. You should get a mass, without pronounced seals, lumps, light gray.

Attention: I would like to note: putty prepared exactly according to the recipe will dry quickly. Therefore, glue must be added to the dry mix as a binding agent. It is better to do this before applying to the surface.

  • If the mixture is prepared according to this recipe, then it should be used for finishing alignment, and not for roughing. Putty will be applied conveniently and simply (see How to putty walls with your own hands, following all the rules), if it is prepared correctly.

Third option

Thanks to this recipe, you can prepare a mixture that can be used to finish the painted surface:

  • To do this, you will need: one hundred grams of NF-1 desiccant, two kilograms of gypsum and one kilogram of drying oil.
  • You can use this putty when finishing oriented strand board. To speed up the drying process, in this case, you can apply a desiccant.
  • In the process of preparing the mixture, chalk powder can be used instead of gypsum. The proportions are the same. Thus, the mixture will dry more slowly, moreover, it will be able to retain its original properties.

Attention: I would like to give one piece of advice. When making a plaster mortar, do not forget about personal safety equipment. Use gloves, goggles and a respirator.

Fourth option

The consistency of lime plaster is similar to ordinary plaster. The only difference is that it dries meleno. Because of this, such a solution must be applied in a thin layer. In this case, it should be taken into account that each of the subsequent layers must be applied only after the previous layer has completely dried.

  • To apply the solution was convenient and simple, you need to add gypsum to lime plaster. Get a lime-gypsum composition. Its layer dries on average in five minutes. In addition, its distinguishing feature is optimal adhesion.
  • To get a lime-gypsum mortar, you need to use three parts of lime mortar and one part of gypsum powder.

The purchase of finishing materials has a significant impact on the cost of repair work. You can save a lot of money if you prepare the plaster yourself. A mixture of dry gypsum plaster is not difficult to do and this will help reduce costs.

Gypsum plasters are the name of a group of finishing materials that are used to decorate finishing coatings. Gypsum is hydrophilic, as a result of which it is destroyed under the influence of water, therefore such materials are only suitable for internal surfaces in dry rooms.

The main element of this material, which binds all the others, is gypsum powder. It is made from a natural mineral that is subjected to long-term heat treatment and grinding. For the manufacture of plasters, gypsum of various fractions is used, the smaller the grain size of the miner, the higher the quality of the treated surface.

In addition, the composition of gypsum plaster includes a light fine-grained filler of natural or synthetic origin, as well as various polymer additives. The shape and size of filler grains affect appearance future surface. Also, fillers significantly reduce the consumption of plaster and make the surface more durable. Polymer components increase the elasticity of the material, as well as its adhesion to various bases.

Gypsum powder - the main component of plaster

Gypsum plaster is supplied as a powder mixture in paper bags of various weights. Water is required for its preparation. By adjusting the amount of liquid, it is possible to change the fat content of the plaster, depending on the goals pursued. For finishing alignment on a pre-prepared surface or decorating the finished coating, a liquid solution is prepared that will be well smeared on the wall. To seal cracks, potholes or rough leveling, a denser mixture is prepared.

Gypsum plaster is supplied dry

General information

Below are the average technical characteristics of gypsum plaster, which may vary, depending on the manufacturer and the materials used:

  1. Working temperature range – +5…+30 °С.
  2. The maximum layer thickness without reinforcing mesh is 5 cm.
  3. Dilution proportions: dry gypsum plaster - 1 part, water - 0.5 parts.
  4. The consumption of this material for square meter- 8 kg.
  5. The setting time of the material is 1 hour.
  6. Complete drying of the surface - 3 hours.
  7. Strengthening time - 7 days.
  8. The thermal conductivity of gypsum mixtures is 0.23 W / m * C.

Advantages and disadvantages of plaster

This material is widely used due to its positive properties:

  • Gypsum plaster mix consists of 95-97% materials of natural origin, which do not emit toxic substances when heated, wet.
  • After drying, a perfectly even coating of a pleasant shade is obtained, so further finishing with wallpaper, tiles or paint is optional.
  • High adhesion to almost all surfaces, thanks to which the material does not lag behind the wall.
  • A relatively small mass makes it convenient to work with the material, and also allows you to finish the ceilings.
  • The plasticity of the solution makes it easy to stretch it over the surface, which greatly speeds up and facilitates the work.
  • Gypsum-based plaster does not shrink, so it does not crack.
  • Vapor permeability provides high-quality ventilation walls, thanks to this, water will not accumulate under the layer of material.
  • Gypsum does not support combustion and does not burn, therefore it is an absolutely fireproof substance.

Gypsum plaster allows you to create a perfectly even coating

There are also some disadvantages:

  • Low moisture resistance, due to which the scope of the material is limited to dry rooms.
  • Do not cover surfaces with metal parts with gypsum plaster, as the material will constantly absorb moisture, which will lead to corrosion.
  • High price compared to other types of plaster.
  • Low mechanical strength.

What does consumption depend on?

The consumption of gypsum plaster per 1 square meter is affected by 2 main factors - the thickness of the layer and the evenness of the walls. With a pre-prepared or simply not very curved surface (blockage no more than 5 mm), the consumption of gypsum plaster is approximately 300 grams with a layer thickness of 1 mm.

Material consumption depends on the evenness of the surface and the thickness of the applied layer.

You can use the following example. Let's say there is a section of a wall with an area of ​​1 square meter with a blockage of 3 cm. First of all, you need to weigh the surface at three points. In the first blockage 0, in the second - 1.5 cm, in the last - 3 cm. We summarize the obtained values, we get 4.5 cm, divide by the number of values ​​3, we get 1.5 cm - the average blockage. This is the thickness of the minimum layer for leveling. After that, we multiply the 15 mm layer by 300 grams of the solution required for the 1 mm layer, we get 4.5 kg per square meter. Next, you need to take into account that there will be a decorative layer about 3 mm thick, for it you need another 0.9 kg. The result is 5.4 kg, add 10% for the stock and round up. As a result, for this wall, 6 kg of facade gypsum plaster or a universal mixture will be required.

Preliminary calculation of plaster consumption allows you not to overpay for excess material

Self-preparation of the solution

There are three main types of material that can be made at home:

  1. With sawdust. 4 parts plaster, 1 part sawdust, 1 tile adhesive.
  2. Gypsum-chalk mortar. 1 part gypsum, 3 parts crushed ground chalk, 5% wood glue of the total mass of the mixture.
  3. Lime-gypsum mortar. 1 part gypsum, 1 part lime paste.

The cooking rules are as follows:

  • Measure portions of the components with special containers.
  • Mix dry ingredients.
  • Add a little water and mix with a construction mixer or a drill with a nozzle.
  • Leave to infuse for 3 minutes, then mix again.

To prepare the solution, you should have a construction mixer or a drill with a special nozzle at hand.

On a note! This instruction is suitable for purchased mixtures and hand-made from dry ingredients. For a lime-gypsum mortar, gypsum is first soaked with water, mixed, and then added to the lime dough.

Preparing walls for plastering

Before roughing the walls with gypsum compositions, the following steps must be carried out:

  1. Remove the old coating and clean the surface from greasy spots, dust, wallpaper and paint residues.
  2. Tap the surface with a hammer to reveal weak fragments of the wall and remove them.
  3. Repair cracks, dents and chips mounting foam or cement mortar.
  4. Prime the walls 2 times with an interval of 4 hours.

Stages of preparing the surface for applying gypsum plaster

Important! With a large thickness of the applied gypsum mixture, it tends to fall off quickly, so the installation of a reinforcing mesh is required.

Mesh installation:

  • First of all, markings are applied to the wall - dots every 40 cm.
  • Drill holes in the marked places and install dowels.
  • Scissors for metal cut the mesh into fragments of the required area and shape.
  • Attach the product to the wall and fix it with self-tapping screws.

Installation of a reinforcing mesh is necessary when applying a large layer of plaster

If the mesh is not installed tightly or vibrates when touched, it is necessary to additionally strengthen it with wire by passing it through the cells in the shape of the letter Z.

The procedure for applying gypsum plaster

The prepared solution should be applied in one layer with a thickness of no more than 5 cm without a grid, no more than 8 cm with a grid. A solution is collected on a trowel or spatula and transferred to the surface, after which it is stretched with a trowel or spatula. Then you need to take the rule and level the material. To do this, the tool is applied to the bottom of the wall and held up, while making zigzag movements.

Should know! The application of gypsum plaster that has remained on the blade of the rule is not possible, as it dries very quickly.

1 hour after applying the solution to the entire wall, it is necessary to treat the surface with a trapezoidal rule. Then all the irregularities are puttied and smoothed out with a wide spatula. Traces of the rule can also be smoothed out with a spatula. The next procedure should be started in about half an hour. But if the surface is pressed through with a finger, then you need to wait a little more time.

The procedure is as follows:

  • The surface is abundantly moistened with water.
  • Wait until the wall becomes matte.
  • They take a sponge grater, press it against the wall and carry out circular movements.
  • Smooth the entire coating with a wide spatula.
  • Wait 5-7 hours and repeat the procedure.

Surfaces plastered in this way do not require subsequent filling.

This can be considered the application of plaster completed. Additional procedures are no longer required, but there is a need to ensure comfortable conditions to dry the solution. There should be no drafts and working heaters in the room. In addition, the coating should be protected from direct sunlight. After 3 days, it is necessary to ventilate the room to remove excess moisture. Temperature regime - + 5 ... + 25 degrees.

How to apply plaster with a machine

In the modern construction market, you can find equipment such as plastering machines. It should be noted right away that it is quite expensive, so for one-time or short-term use it is better to rent it. The device consists of a container into which the finished solution or components for it are loaded, a supply hose, a nozzle to control the intensity of the material supply. There is also a power cable, a compressor and a tuning panel.

Machine method for applying gypsum plaster

The procedure for applying plaster:

  1. Load the prepared mixture into a container.
  2. Connect the equipment to the network and pick up the supply hose.
  3. Direct it to the wall, while holding it 30 cm from the surface to be treated.
  4. Turn on the supply of plaster and move from the bottom up.
  5. The layers of material must overlap each other.
  6. At the end, the material is leveled and overwritten in the same way as in the case of the usual application option.

How long does gypsum plaster dry

In a well-ventilated area, subject to temperature regime complete drying and curing of the material occurs in 7-14 days. After complete drying, the coating acquires an even light color. At this stage, you can proceed to further finishing. If a tile has been chosen, then you can simply apply glue and mount it. If painting is planned, then the humidity of the wall can be no more than 1%.

Complete drying of the plastered surface occurs in 7-14 days

Important! Accelerating the drying of coatings with the help of heating devices is prohibited.

Basic requirements for the quality of gypsum plaster

The main requirement is a perfectly flat surface without cracks, chips, dents and potholes. This is quite simple to achieve - it is enough to make the mortar correctly and dry the walls. If the color of the wall after drying became uneven, it means that slightly different solutions were prepared. To correct this mistake, you will have to apply a thin decorative layer again, which will smooth out the color.

The formation of cracks in the plaster indicates an improperly prepared mortar or forced drying of the finished surface.

The surface should contain hardly noticeable pores, if there are none, then the vapor permeability will be lower than required by the technology. If the pores are too large, then the solution was poorly mixed. You can fix this with a layer of decorative plaster.

On a note! It is impossible to evaluate the quality of coverage in poor lighting.

It is very easy to prepare and apply this material. It is enough just to observe the composition of gypsum plasters, as well as carefully read the description of the material and its technical characteristics, which are indicated by the manufacturer.

One of the most important problems of the building materials industry is the development of domestic production of efficient building materials based on harmonious and balanced activities in relation to environment, saving material and fuel and energy resources, maximizing the use of local and technogenic raw materials.

In this aspect, building materials and products based on gypsum binders (GB) are promising. Gypsum binders and materials based on them have a number of valuable qualities. The production of gypsum binders is non-toxic, characterized by low specific fuel and energy consumption (approximately 4-5 times less compared to cement production). Gypsum materials have good heat and sound insulation properties, fire and fire safety, relatively low density, decorative effect.

In addition, the use of gypsum materials for interior decoration provides favorable climate indoors due to the ability of the material to “breathe”, easily absorb and release moisture. Research on the development of waterproof gypsum binders has expanded the areas of their possible application. Binders of a new generation based on gypsum binders, characterized by reduced water demand and high performance properties, have been developed.

Despite the undoubted advantages of gypsum materials and products over materials based on other binders, the scale of their use in Russia is currently significantly inferior to cement-based products.

The range of gypsum binders produced in the country for construction works limited to building gypsum produced in accordance with GOST 1 25-79 with a strength range of 3 to 7 MPa.

Anhydrite binder, which is very promising due to the low cost of raw materials and low investment in processing, has not yet found sufficient distribution. Such a binder has the same positive properties as other gypsum binders, and even surpasses it in final strength. It can be used for the same purposes as gypsum binder, including for the production of dry building mixes.

Building mixes made on the basis of gypsum or anhydrite binders are called dry gypsum mixes (SGS).

A distinctive feature of mortars based on gypsum dry mixes, in comparison with cement mortars a similar purpose is the increased yield per unit mass of the dry mixture. The use of gypsum dry mixes for finishing provides a reduction in labor costs by more than 2 times, and the consumption of the mixture is almost 2 times lower than the cement mixture for the same area of ​​processing.

SGS are homogeneous bulk materials of optimal composition, consisting of carefully dosed and mixed dry components - gypsum binders, fractionated aggregates (fillers), pigments and modifying additives for various purposes.

In accordance with the existing classification, the GHS can be divided into the following main types:

plastering (including decorative and protective);
floor (leveling for flooring).

Mixtures based on non-water-resistant gypsum binders are used for interior decoration of buildings and structures with dry and normal indoor conditions, and GHS based on waterproof gypsum binders for finishing work in rooms with normal, wet and wet conditions, as well as when finishing building facades in accordance with applicable regulations. regulatory documents SNiP 3.04.01-87, SNiP 2.03.13 - 88, SNiP P -3 - 79*.

Plaster gypsum mixes

Plaster mixtures are mortar mixtures from non-waterproof gypsum binders of B- or a-modifications, anhydrite or mixtures thereof, coarse-grained aggregate with a fraction of not more than 2.5 mm and special chemical additives for various purposes. Such mixtures are intended for rough leveling of surfaces by single-layer plastering of walls and ceilings with different kind surfaces (concrete, brickwork, cellular concrete, other rough and corrugated surfaces).

To the most known species gypsum plaster mixes include: ROTHBAND, GOLDBAND, GIPSPUTS HP 100, MASHI-NENPUTS MP 75, ACOUSTICPUTS, TEPLON, SILIN, FARVEST-Gypsum, GYPSUM white, GYPSUM gray, CONSOLIT 500, etc.

Gypsum plaster mixtures and solutions from them should be characterized by the following indicators:

  • bulk density of the mixture, kg/m3 -700...1100;
  • water-to-solid ratio (the amount of mixing water required to obtain a given mobility of the solution) -0.5 ... 0.b;
  • solution processing time, min. -50...100;
  • hardened mortar density, kg/m3 -800...1100;
  • compressive strength, MPa - 2.5 ... 7.0;
  • tensile strength in bending, MPa - 1.5 - 3.0;
  • adhesion strength with the base (surface to be treated), MPa - 0.4 ... 0.7;
  • storage period, months - 3...6

The indicators of these properties depend on the scope of the solution and its composition.

Putty gypsum mixes

Putty mixtures are dispersed mixtures of non-water-resistant gypsum binders of B- or a-modifications, anhydrite or waterproof gypsum binders (gypsum-cement-pozzolanic or composite gypsum binders), fine and finely dispersed fillers and targeted chemical additives.

Such mixtures are intended for fine and finishing leveling of the surfaces of walls and ceilings; for the final preparation of concrete and plastered surfaces for painting or wallpapering; for facing and restoration works. They are used for sealing longitudinal and transverse joints between GKL and GVL during interior finishing work, as well as seams during the installation of gypsum tongue-and-groove boards. They have good adhesion to various materials and practically do not shrink. The advantage of gypsum putties is their rapid hardening, which allows further Finishing work after several hours of curing.

The most famous types of gypsum putty mixtures include: UNIFLOT; FUGENFULLER; FUGENFULLER Hydro; FUGENFULLER GW; FUGENFIT; FINISHING; UNIS GSH; GSH Slide; UNICE Bleek; R-16 MONOLITH; R-1 7 MONOLITH; GLIMS-Gypsum; PETRO-MIX SHG; ShGL; ShGS; SHGU; KREPS GKL and others.

Gypsum putty mixtures are characterized by the following properties:

  • compressive strength, MPa - 4...1 0;
  • tensile strength in bending, MPa - 2.5 ... 5;
  • storage period, months - 3...6

Dry gypsum mixes (mounting)

Mounting mixtures are mortar mixtures of non-waterproof gypsum binders of p- and a-modifications or waterproof gypsum binders (gypsum-cement-pozzolanic or composite gypsum binders) with a specially selected complex of chemical additives.

Such mixtures are used in the installation of internal partitions from gypsum tongue-and-groove slabs; when facing internal surfaces with gypsum plasterboard and gypsum fiber sheets, as well as when arranging floor bases from gypsum fiber boards.

The most famous types of gypsum assembly mixtures include: PERLFIX, ("KNAUF"), GIPSOKONTAKT ("Bolars"), VOLMA installation (JSC GIPS, Volgograd), etc.

The main physical and technical characteristics of some types of gypsum assembly mixtures are as follows:

  • bulk density, kg/m3 - 800...950;
  • water-solid ratio - 0.4...0.6;
  • solution processing time, min. - 60...120;
  • hardened mortar density, kg/m3 - 1300...1350;
  • compressive strength, MPa - 4...7.5;
  • tensile strength in bending, MPa - 1.5...5;
  • adhesion strength, MPa - 0.3 ... 0.7;
  • storage period, months – 6

Dry gypsum floor mixes (levelling)

Dry mixes for floor installation are mortar mixes of non-waterproof gypsum binders a-modification, anhydrite, estrich gypsum or waterproof gypsum binders (gypsum-cement-pozzolanic or composite gypsum binders) and a special set of chemical additives to increase the plasticity of the mortar while reducing the water content.

The most well-known types of gypsum mixtures intended for the installation of floor bases include ATLAS SAM 200 mixtures, self-leveling composition Alfa-Pol C, Quick-hardening floor (“Prospectors”), SV-210 floor mixture (Bolars), etc.

As self-levelling compounds known dry mixes for self-leveling floors: Flissestrich FE 80, Flissestrich FE 50, Flissestrich FE 25, which are produced by Knauf enterprises. The hardened solutions from these mixtures have high strength and practically do not shrink.

The main physical and technical characteristics of some types of gypsum leveling mixtures for flooring are as follows:

  • bulk density, kg/m3 - 600...700;
  • water-solid ratio - 0.48...0.6;
  • solution processing time, min. – 60...120;
  • hardened solution density, kg/m3 - 1100...1800;
  • compressive strength, MPa - 4...10;
  • tensile strength in bending, MPa-2.5,.,5;
  • adhesion strength, MPa - 0.3 ... 0.5;
  • storage period, months - 3...6

Raw materials

For the manufacture of SGS, the following basic materials and additives are used: gypsum binders grades G4-G7 according to GOST 125-79 (for plaster and putty mixtures in the production of finishing works):

high-strength gypsum grade not lower than I 3 according to GOST 125-79 (for high-strength putties and compositions for installation work, as well as in compositions for self-leveling floor screeds); waterproof gypsum binders according to TU 21 -0284757-1-90 (for dry gypsum mixes used in rooms with wet and wet operating conditions, as well as for floor mixes); anhydrite binders (from natural raw materials and industrial waste) according to TU21-0284747-1-90 (for plaster mixes and leveling mixes for flooring);
hydrated lime according to GOST 9179-77 (residue on sieve 02 up to 0.2% by weight). Humidity up to 0.5% by weight (in plaster compositions and in compositions of self-leveling mixtures for flooring).

Aggregates and fillers have a great influence on the properties of GHS. The choice of aggregate grain size is determined by the type of gypsum mixture: quartz and limestone sand are used with a fineness of up to 0.8 - 1.0 mm. When selecting aggregates, special attention is paid to the granulometric composition: there should be approximately the same ratio of aggregate fractions.

The GHS uses the following aggregates and fillers:

  • expanded perlite sand according to GOST 10832-91; residue on a sieve with a mesh size of 1.25 mm - less than 10% by weight. Bulk density - from 70 to 125 kg/m3; used in compositions of heat-insulating or lightweight plaster mixtures;
  • expanded vermiculite sand according to the current NTD;
  • quartz sands according to GOST 21 38-91, the residue on sieve No. 05 is less than 10% by weight. Moisture less than 0.5% by weight; used in the composition of plaster mixtures and in the composition of leveling mixtures for flooring;
  • mineral powder for asphalt mixes according to GOST 16557-78, the residue on the sieve No. 0315 is less than 10% by weight. Humidity is not more than 0.5% by weight; used in the composition of plaster and putty mixtures.>

Chemical additives for gypsum mixtures must meet the requirements of GOST 24211-91. These include the following additives:

  • Water-retaining based on cellulose ethers (methylcellulose brand MTs-100 (Russia); ethyl hydroxyethyl cellulose, EOEC (Sweden); sodium carboxymethyl cellulose, (CMC), (Russia).
  • Based on cellulose esters (methylhydroxyethylcellulose, (MHEC), (Germany, USA); methylhydroxypropylcellulose (MHPC), (South Korea);
  • Air-entraining anionic surfactants (Russia, Germany); olefin sulfonate (Germany);
  • Thickening agents based on starch ether (Russia, Germany); based on hectorite clays (Italy);
  • Plasticizing naphthalene-formaldehyde, for example C-3 (Russia); melamine-formaldehyde (Germany); polycarboxylate (Germany);
  • redispersion polymer powders: based on vinyl acetate copolymers (Germany, Switzerland, USA, France); based on styrene-butadiene latex (Germany); based on acrylate (Germany);
  • defoamers - additives, which are hydrocarbons and polyglycols on an inert carrier (amorphous silica).

In the manufacture of GHS, it is of great importance right choice additives that regulate the beginning and end of setting, especially intended for the production of plaster work. In this case, it is necessary to take into account not only the type of gypsum binder, but also the pH environment of the prepared gypsum mortar.

For a neutral environment of a gypsum mortar, citric acid, sodium citrate, polyphosphates, protein hydrolysates, gelatins - CMC (sodium salt of carboxymethylcellulose), adhesives of animal origin, a mixture of lignosulfonates can be effective setting retarders. However, it should be taken into account, for example, that retardane, being an active gypsum setting retarder, is very well suited for putty compositions. At the same time, for plaster compositions, it is not effective enough, because. gives a short period between the beginning and the end of setting, which is undesirable in the production of plaster work.

For gypsum mortars with an alkaline environment, tartaric acid, as well as a retarder based on tartaric acid and plastretard, are effective retarders.

For slightly acidic environments, e.g. plaster solutions on the basis of a gypsum binder from phosphogypsum, hydrated lime and sodium tripolyphosphate are used as a retarder.

To achieve the required delay in the setting of the gypsum mortar, it is advisable to use a complex additive. A typical example is pla-stretard - a mixture citric acid with polyphosphates and gelatin.

To reduce cracking and shrinkage deformations, cellulose fibers are introduced.

Putty, grout mixtures and gypsum adhesives differ from plaster compositions, both in their component composition and in its dispersion. A feature of these compositions is that building gypsum with a particle size of less than 0.1 mm is used as a binder, the filler is limestone, dolomite flour, chalk with a grain size of less than 0.1 mm. In this regard, the number of water-retaining additives increases to 0.5-0.8%, while in plaster compositions - 0.16-0.3%.

Of great importance in SSS, including SGS, are water-retaining additives based on cellulose ethers. Studies have shown that due to the weak intermolecular interaction with water molecules, these polymers have excellent water-holding capacity. Each polymer molecule can hold up to 20,000 water molecules. The energy of this interaction is comparable to the energy of evaporation and capillary diffusion into the substrate, which is an obstacle to the escape of water. In turn, this energy is somewhat less than the diffusion energy of water during cement hydration, which allows it to take this water.

In fact, the water in the solution is replaced by a homogeneous jelly-like solution of methylcellulose, in which particles of cement and aggregate are suspended. The high water-retaining capacity of such a system contributes to the complete hydration of the cement and allows the mortar to gain the required strength even with thin-layer application. After leaving the water, the polymer in the form of the thinnest film remains on the surfaces between the cement stone and the filler, without affecting the mechanical characteristics of the hardened mortar. Thus, the addition of a small amount (0.02-0.07%) of water-soluble cellulose ethers to cement-sand mixtures leads to a significant increase in open time and allows the solution to hydrate evenly throughout the volume, and also provides a significant increase in adhesion to the base and improvement surface quality. Similarly, the action of methylcellulose in gypsum mixtures.

Dispersion powders, which, unlike water-soluble cellulose derivatives, do not form solutions when mixed with water, but two-phase systems consisting of polymer particles (based on copolymers of vinyl acetate and ethylene, vinyl chloride, styrene acrylate, etc.) dispersed in water . The addition of these compositions to construction chemicals allows you to actively influence the characteristics of the final material and provides results that are unattainable using only traditional mineral binders. The first attempts to modify cement mixtures with polymers consisted of adding a vinyl acetate dispersion, known as PVA glue, to the mixing water. In gypsum mortars, this application turned out to be very effective, while in cement mortars (due to increased shrinkage from the use of PVA) they were quickly abandoned. The next step was the use of two-component compositions consisting of a cement-sand mixture prepared at the factory and a polymer dispersion supplied in liquid form, which are mixed at the construction site. Two-component solutions are still used, but the aqueous dispersion loses its properties when it freezes, therefore, in the cold season, its transportation and preparation of the working solution cause certain difficulties. The beginning of the production of one-component dry building mixtures dates back to 1953, when the specialists of the Wacker company (Germany) managed to obtain a dry redispersible powder, which, after mixing with water, forms a two-phase system that has the properties of the original polymer dispersion.

Dispersions differ from methylcellulose in their mechanism of action. As water is consumed, it concentrates in the pores cement stone and dispersion is concentrated there, forming "elastic bridges" that work in tension and bending incomparably better than cement. The combination of mineral and polymeric binders makes it possible to produce building chemistry products that have not only increased strength properties and improved adhesion (including to such “problematic” substrates as metal, wood, plastic, glazed tiles, etc.), but and controlled rheological (thixotropy, plasticity) and special (hydrophobicity, fluidity) characteristics. For example, leveling mortars for floors contain a combination of special dispersion additives with organic and synthetic plasticizers, the presence of which determines such specific properties of these materials as the ability to spread and the smoothness of the resulting surface. Dispersion modifiers, which are part of adhesive compositions for tile work, improve working conditions, prolong the “lifetime” of the closed solution and increase the thixotropy (the ability to thicken at rest and liquefy when mixed) of the material. They help increase adhesion to complex substrates.

The development of dry mix formulations is a complex and lengthy process that requires the participation of qualified personnel and the obligatory availability of a modern laboratory for research and testing samples of solutions from dry mixes, equipped with modern equipment.