What needs to be done to make the petunia lush. Pinching ampelous petunia is the key to long and lush flowering

  • 24.05.2019

Strong healthy seedlings immediately quickly adapts to a new place of growth during transplantation. The frail and weak need additional nutrition and time for the sockets to become "adult" and pick up buds.

Sufficient area food for "accommodation". One plant needs about 4.5 ... 5 liters of nutritious loosened soil. When growing petunias in pots and pots (boxes), this factor must be taken into account. Small rosettes densely planted in containers will not give full flowering, but will fight each other for survival and stretch out.

dense the soil does not allow roots to develop, therefore, for good flowering, loosening materials (peat, vermiculite, etc.) are introduced into heavy soils.

- Regular feeding- an important condition for abundant flowering. Petunias are plants with a good appetite. Their diet should include both mineral and organic supplements, which alternate between waterings. Petunias are fed every 7-10 days. When growing flowers in closed containers, strong fertilizer concentrates should not be given, such top dressing will lead to poisoning and salinization of the soil.

If petunias are a little behind in growth, then they can be supported with humate solutions. But it is necessary to apply such humic dressings only a couple of times per season, and then at the beginning of growth.

Micronutrients also matter. A mixture of soluble fertilizers with trace elements for flowering plants, (their assortment is large on sale), applied on the leaves with a fine sprayer, will always benefit. Especially after prolonged rains, breakage of branches from the wind, pruning. When chlorosis appears on the leaves of petunias, they are sprayed with an iron chelate solution.

Qualitative watering. Petunias require regular watering in the absence of precipitation. Although they put up with small flaws of the owners. "Swamping" of plants, which leads to rotting of the roots, is unacceptable.

Planted in planters and pots and grown in very sunny places, petunias always need careful watering. Water them after each drying of the topsoil. With frequent watering, the soil is washed out and the roots are exposed. They should always be mulched, sprinkled with fresh soil.

- Lighting a necessary flowering factor. But in places where the sun is half a day and the shade is half a day - the best place for pouring bright colors in flowers. Being in the sun, the flowers fade and their color will not be so saturated.

- Cleaning and pruning of faded buds gives impetus to further flowering. All types of petunias need regular sanitary inspections.

Petunia - incredible beautiful plant, which usually blooms very profusely. However, some gardeners have more than once encountered such a problem as the "unwillingness" of this representative of the flora to bloom. There can be several reasons for the lack of flowers in a petunia.

Flowering problems are observed mainly in potted representatives, that is, those grown at home or on a balcony. If you look closely at those plants that grow in open ground, then almost all of them bloom profusely and beautifully. Flowers in pots have color only if the containers in which they are planted are wide and deep.

It is worth remembering that petunias feel good only in in large numbers land, so if you want to see profusely flowering plants on your balcony, then plant one cutting in a container of at least five liters.

If the petunias are already planted in small pots, and the number of buds themselves is very small, then there is a way out. First of all, wait until the plant blooms. Next, when the number of flowers is more than the buds, cut their stems by a third, remove the flower from the pot and cut the roots in half. Take a pot twice the size of the previous one and plant the petunia in fresh soil. Put the pot in a shaded place for a week, after feeding the plant (you can use, for example, "Monophosphate" or "Aquarin" for feeding), and after a while, move it to the sun.

Quite a lot on the growth and formation of new buds is affected by care. In order for the plant to bloom for a long time and abundantly, it is necessary to regularly perform the following hygiene procedures:

If the flower is stretched and has few side stems, then you need to pinch off the top of the longest shoots;

It is necessary to remove fading flowers daily, and together with peduncles (if this is not done, the plant will devote all its strength to setting seed pods);

Be sure to remove withered leaves, especially at the bottom;

Water in time and feed in time. Petunias love abundant watering and do not tolerate a lack of moisture.

In general, these flowers are very fond of heat and light, the optimum temperature for their cultivation is 25 degrees, however, they tolerate 30 degree heat well. If the petunia does not bloom, then review exactly these conditions, if necessary, insulate the balcony and install artificial lighting.

Those who have grown petunia seedlings on their own at least once, and did not buy them in specialized stores, know that growing strong and healthy plants is not so easy. Very often, seedlings die or turn pale and stretch out, in general, become unsuitable for planting in open ground. To prevent the latter, you need to know the causes of what is happening.

Every gardener has met with the problem of pulling seedlings at least once, because, as mentioned above, it is quite demanding. However, if you follow all the rules for its cultivation, such incidents can be avoided. So, the main reasons for stretching plants:

  • lack of light;

  • excessive heat.

Therefore, the elimination of these factors will help not only prevent the seedlings from stretching, but also have a beneficial effect on the growth of side shoots, especially with the simultaneous pinching of the tops of the petunia.

It is undesirable to plant a petunia in February, since at this time the daylight hours are short, and the heating in the apartments is turned on in full. That is, the lack of light, heat and dryness of the air do their job, the petunia is drawn out, and in most cases it loses the brightness of its leaves. If you still want to plant a petunia in February, then purchase special lamps for growing seedlings, install containers with seedlings away from the batteries and use an air humidifier in the apartment.

If you are already faced with the problem of pulling seedlings, then do not give up. Just pinch the top of each plant, deepen the stems into the ground to the cotyledon and set the proper care (described above). Only after following the above rules, your little petunias will bounce back and grow into a strong and healthy seedlings.

Petunia is a finicky flower only at the seedling stage, while an adult plant does not require any special care, even the culture endures the lack of timely watering quite steadfastly.

Why do many flower growers choose petunia as the main "inhabitant" of flower beds? Well, of course, because of the beauty of the culture, its abundant flowering. To date, three main varieties of petunias have been bred with a great variety of subspecies, thanks to which everyone who decides to make a flower bed or rabatka on their site, decorate a garden or terrace hanging planters with flowers, can easily pick up petunias of the desired family, ideally suited for the intended purpose. All types of petunias: both ampelous, and bush, and cascading bloom profusely at same conditions. For this, each plant needs a sufficient amount of nutrients, timely watering, long daylight hours, warmth and an abundance of direct sunlight.

With a lack or absence of several of the above factors, the plants stop or do not start budding, or bloom, but with single flowers. From this follows the conclusion that only maintaining all the demands of culture at the proper level allows it to bloom chic all summer.

  • In order for the petunia to be beautiful and lush in color, do not forget about top dressing. During the budding period, it is ideal to feed the plant with potash fertilizer, for example, spray it with Planfotol, and it is better to apply calcium-containing top dressing under the root - Epin or Zircon.
  • Timely watering is also important - petunia is a rather moisture-loving crop, in warm, dry weather it needs daily watering in small portions, in cool weather - three times a week.
  • Weather conditions are a factor that cannot be adjusted in any way, and without heat and sun it is impossible to make a petunia bloom. Of course, you can create a greenhouse and install fluorescent lamps in it, but if there are several flower beds, extensive discounts, it is quite expensive to do this, and not everyone has time to mess around with such work. If all of the above factors are met, and the petunia does not bloom precisely because of the weather conditions, then one can only advise to cover the flowers with a film at night and remove it in the morning. In most cases, this helps to slightly improve the condition of the plants - increases the appearance of flower stalks.

Growing petunias has become a very popular pastime. Many factors contribute to this. Firstly, varieties and hybrids of exceptional beauty and variety of shapes, shades and types appeared on the market. Secondly, growing this flower is quite simple, for this you do not need to be an inveterate flower grower: with regular care, it pleases the eye with bright colors until frost. And, thirdly, if an annual is brought into a warm room, it can easily become a perennial and give cuttings in the spring for vegetative propagation. This is how all the features of hybrid forms are transmitted when it is impossible to find the seeds of the variety you like.

A little about the amazing transformation

The familiar petunia is no longer the same modest with monotonous small flowers that we were familiar with a couple of decades ago. During this time, breeders have bred a huge number of varieties and hybrids of the most fantastic colors, moreover, exuding an amazing aroma. An ampelous variety of petunias, previously unknown to us, appeared, varieties with huge double flowers.

In his homeland, in Montevideo, this decorative perennial grows and blooms all year round. In our conditions, this riot of colors is interrupted by the first frosts. Petunia does not always survive until autumn in such a well-groomed condition, as in illustrations in publications on landscape design, where it looks like a ball, consisting, it seems, of the same colors. However, to form it in this way is within the power of every amateur grower.

Why do we need to form a bush

In order for the flowering of petunias to begin as early as possible, her. Before flowering, seedlings will have to live indoors for 2-3 months. Conditions do not always allow creating the right microclimate for tender sprouts, finding enough space and light sources. Seedlings are stretched, become fragile, lean to one side, their decorative qualities suffer from this.

Pinching, or pinching, is one of the most common techniques in floriculture. It is used to give impetus to the growth of side shoots and make the bush more leafy and compact. Tweezing is used not only by flower growers, but also by gardeners and gardeners. For example, if you pinch the central shoot on cucumbers, then the most productive lateral lashes will grow. And pinching stepchildren on a tomato will help him not to waste energy in vain, but to use it to form fruits.

How and when to pinch?

Pinching petunias should be done twice - at the seedling stage and after planting in open ground. If the second tweezing with a lack of time can be neglected, then pinching at the seedling stage is carried out without fail. It is carried out when a young seedling has 5-6 leaves, a little less, but not more than this amount.

The algorithm is quite simple.

  1. With a miniature pruner, scissors or just your fingers, you need to pinch the stem young plant above the 5-6th leaf.
  2. In order for the seedling to recover faster after this procedure, you can water or spray it with a growth stimulator such as "Epin" or "Zircon".
  3. A month later, when new side shoots begin to grow, you need to tweeze again. Now it is carried out not only on the central stem, but also on the side shoots, which, after this procedure, will sprout the third order.
  4. After repeated tweezing, foliar and root top dressing is carried out with complete mineral fertilizer and a growth stimulator.
  5. Ampelous varieties are preferably tweezed every 3-4 weeks.

All instruments for this operation must be, if not sterile, then at least sharp and clean. When growing an annual in greenhouse conditions, the formation of a bush is carried out after the pickled seedlings take root completely.

What to do with cuttings?

If the size of the branches separated from the mother plant is large enough, they should be used to propagate the plant you like. To do this, the cuttings must have at least 5-6 leaves and a fairly strong stem. It is advisable to use planting material for propagation after repeated cuttings, when the bush becomes stronger and its stems are larger. They will quickly sprout roots in a container of water, in which, for greater success, you need to dissolve a little root growth stimulator.

Remember to cut off the bottom leaves that come into contact with water so that the plant does not rot. Only a few top leaves remain on the cutting.

When young roots are formed, you can carefully plant the petunia in a container with a light fertile soil. If you have cut seedlings of a hybrid, a new specimen grown from a cutting will fully retain its characteristics and appearance initial, which is impossible when propagating from self-collected seeds.

To form a plant that is highly decorative, one tweezing is not enough. If you do not take care of an adult annual, then, no matter what opportunities the breeders put into it, it will not show what it is capable of.

It is worth remembering the main points of qualified care.

  1. Regular root and foliar top dressing with microelements and minerals to increase the vegetative mass.
  2. Careful selection of nutrient soil for pots and balcony boxes- it should be light and fertile.
  3. The introduction of iron into the fertilizer mixture for the prevention of chlorosis.
  4. Regular plentiful watering (up to 6 liters of water per balcony box).
  5. Removal of faded buds for stimulation lush flowering.
  6. Treatment of aphids with a strong stream of water or pesticides, although pests do not settle on healthy, well-groomed plants.
  7. Treatment with sulfur preparations in rainy weather to prevent powdery mildew.

With proper tweezing and following the rules of care, you will admire the long flowering of an amazingly beautiful plant for a long time.

Volumetric multi-colored bushes of terry, ampelous, two-color and plain petunias have won the hearts of experienced gardeners and beginners. From mid-spring to the first frosts, flowers, amazing in their diversity and decorativeness, adorn not only summer cottages, but also balconies of high-rise buildings, verandas of cottages, city flower beds, cafe and restaurant areas. Flowers are unpretentious, do not require professional maintenance and special conditions, but gratefully respond to the care of flower growers.

Necessary conditions for pinching petunias

Proper cultivation and formation is an important condition for obtaining a beautiful and healthy bush. In addition to timely sowing and diving, it is necessary to properly pinch the petunia. This means that at a certain stage of growth, she needs to remove the top shoots. Such a procedure will ensure the branching of the stems and the formation of many buds on bushy crowns.

To carry out this manipulation, you will need the following:

  • convenient scissors or secateurs;
  • strengthened seedlings with 4 - 5 large leaves at the top;
  • container for collecting removed cuttings.

How should you pinch a petunia?

Before pinching a petunia, it is advisable to familiarize yourself with the basic requirements for this procedure:

  1. Observing the growth of seedlings, it is necessary to choose a period when it got a little stronger and began to grow up soon. It can have up to 5 - 6 leaves, but no more. If you miss this moment, the seedlings will stretch. Actually pinching petunias does not take much time. It is necessary to cut the stem over 5-6 leaves with your fingers or a pruner.
    This forms a new point of growth, from which several shoots will begin to grow in different directions at the same time. During this period, seedlings can slow down development, but at the same time get a little stronger. When the side shoots go, the bush will take on a more rounded appearance.
  2. If you plan to plant seedlings in open ground, then pinching is best done after rooting. The sprout will take a few days to adapt. During this period, you need to try to create favorable conditions for the plants to take root:
    • it is necessary to plant seedlings loosely, observing the conditions of agricultural technology;
    • monitor the frequency of watering and spraying;
    • apply a specialized strengthening fertilizer under the root.

If development occurs in a greenhouse, you can pinch the petunia after diving.

  1. If the cut shoots are not very small, they can be used as cuttings. In order for the cutting to take root, it is placed in a container of water. First you need to remove the extra leaves, leaving a few at the top. When the roots appear, they are transplanted into the soil. So you can get additional young seedlings.
  • during pinching, try to injure the sprout as little as possible, use clean tools;
  • a month after the event and the appearance of strong side branches, pinching the tops of petunias can be repeated;
  • for laying large buds on new stepchildren, use suitable fertilizers, they will make the flowers brighter and larger.

In order for the formed decorative bush to please with its beautiful view for as long as possible, it will need constant care. From the moment of sowing, not a single transplant, pinching, spraying of sprouts will be required. Do not forget to water and feed well, remove dried flowers and shoots. In place of the cut off old flowers, new branches with buds will appear. Well-groomed colorful petunias will undoubtedly please you with abundant and long flowering in gratitude.

? Is it possible to grow petunias in an apartment?

If your windows are on the south side, then be sure to grow petunia seedlings for yourself in order to enjoy the beauty of this annual all summer and autumn.

If the windows are on the north side, then the flowering of the petunia will not be so plentiful. Basically, the petunia will produce green tops, not flower buds.

? Petunia on the balcony. Can it be grown?

If you have a sunny balcony, then growing a petunia on the balcony will be a pleasure. Daily flower beauty can please not only you, but also your neighbors, as petunia planters can be placed both inside the balcony and outside the balcony.

?How long does it take to grow petunia seedlings?

In order to get seedlings of petunia from the moment of sowing to the formation of a bush with 2-3 flowers, 2.5 months are needed. For terry petunia - 3 months.

?When is the best time to sow petunias?

If you plan to grow petunia for yourself, then it is better to sow it at the end of February - in early March.

? How to grow a petunia?

At the first stage of germination, it is necessary to create high level soil moisture within 22-24°C. When sowing, do not cover the seeds with soil!

At the stage of emergence of the root and cotyledons, it is necessary to reduce the level of soil moisture to 20°C. Use a maximum illumination of 25,000 Lux

At the true leaf stage, it is necessary to allow the soil to dry out between waterings, the temperature of the soil drops to 18-21°C. Use lighting with a maximum of 50,000 Lux. Fertilizers are applied at this stage.

At the fourth stage of growing petunias, the first transplant (dive) is carried out. Use medium humidity. The soil temperature is lowered to 16-18°C. Illumination maximum 55,000 Lux

Use growth regulators and fertilizers.

The second transplantation is carried out in pots: for trailing - 17-20 cm, for other petunias - 10.5-13 cm. .

? What fertilizers should be used different stages growing petunia seedlings

When the root and cotyledons appear and before the first pick, it is necessary to use calcium nitrate, which is responsible for the skeleton of the plant. At this point, phosphorus is excluded, since phosphorus and ammonium nitrogen contribute to the elongation and lodging of seedlings.

After the first pick (transplantation, transshipment), i.e. damage to the root, it is necessary to give phosphorus so that the roots develop well. You can Monophosphate, or you can Aquarin "Super" N - 18%, P2O5 - 18%, K2O - 18%, MgO - 2%, S - 1.5% + a complex of trace elements in chelate form.

Before planting, to accelerate flowering, you can give foliar top dressing with 1% boron.

After landing, we again give phosphorus.

During flowering, an increased dose of potassium is needed (15:5:30).

? What conditions favor the growth of the root system in petunias?

For better root growth in petunias, it is necessary to observe the agricultural technology regime.

In petunias, root growth in coolness outstrips those whose seedlings are grown in warmer conditions. However, if it is not possible to grow a petunia in a "cool-warm" mode, the problem can be solved by using more light when growing seedlings. With good lighting and warmth, petunia seedlings will also turn out good.

Also, when watering, you need to let the seedlings dry out between waterings. Petunias are best watered in a pan.

It is necessary to fertilize petunias with a fertilizer containing a large amount of phosphorus, which is responsible for the active development of the root system. If you water the petunia with fertilizers from infancy. containing a large amount of potassium - a frail plant with a weak root system will grow.

To build up the root, Radipharm is used - a plant complex of extracts enriched with vitamins and microelements. Radifarm stimulates the development of lateral and additional roots, helps the plant survive transplant injuries, as well as high temperature, excess moisture. When picking petunias, it is good to shed the plants 2-3 times at weekly intervals.

Also, if there is no radiopharmaceutical, zircon can be used.

?Why do petunia leaves curl?

One of the common causes of twisting and yellowing of the leaves of a petunia is the presence of pests. The first pest is the spider mite. If you look at the leaves in the light and the leaves will be as if pricked with a needle, these are exactly the tricks of the spider mite. Urgently treat all plants with Taurus.

For prevention from spider mites, it is necessary to treat petunia seedlings with fitoverm or actofit.

Also, the twisting of the leaves of a petunia can occur due to the fact that the temperature is very high, the air is dry and there is no light. The higher the temperature, the more light, if, on the contrary, at a low degree there is a lot of light, then the plant lays many points of growth and a more compact plant is obtained, but if it is warm, above 20 ° C and there is little light and even dry air, the plant tries to avoid moisture loss by twisting the sheet.

? How to ensure that the petunia is squat, plump and bushy?

In order for the petunia not to stretch, it is necessary to observe the agricultural technique of growing petunias: withstand day and night temperatures. Low temperatures at night (up to 5 degrees Celsius) and high temperatures (16-18°C) during the day contribute to the fact that the petunia will be plump and bushy without a lot of pinching.

? Why does a petunia grow in one stick with a bud at the end?

At a high temperature (about 18 ° C) and without differences between day and night, all seedlings of terry petunia grow in 1 stick.

Petunias need to be pinched for bushiness. Without pinching, lack of light and keeping petunia seedlings in a warm place, an elongated and non-bushy plant will grow.

? When should you pinch a petunia?

You need to pinch the petunia after 2 pairs of true leaves. This promotes the growth of axillary shoots.

?How to feed a petunia?

It is better not to feed the petunia with anything before picking, but to start fertilizing the picked seedlings 2 weeks after the pick.

Petunia loves when root and foliar top dressing alternate. If you have a lot of seedlings, then it is more convenient to use the leaf feeding method. The plant absorbs nutrients better when foliar feeding is used. It is better to spray in the evening or early in the morning.

?What to feed petunias?

10-14 days after picking, you can spray the petunia seedlings with radipharm (root formation stimulator).

Then you can use complex fertilizers - Kemiru Lux, Solvent, Aquarin or Plantafol (nitrogen 10.30.10, potassium 10.54.10, phosphorus 5.15.45) in turn with a frequency of about 7-10 days.

?What conditions are needed for petunias to bloom?

Petunias need long days and strong light to bloom.

? What contributes to the formation of side shoots?

For the formation of lateral shoots, pinching and a lower night temperature (13-15 ° C) are needed.

?How to achieve long lashes in an ampelous petunia?

Petunia is a "gluttonous" plant. Therefore, the larger the amount of land for a petunia, the longer the lashes will be at the ampelous and luxurious bush at the bush. From this we conclude that what less land and the petunia will have nutrition - the less attractive the plant will be and vice versa.

? Why does the petunia not bloom (or is the petunia empty flower)?

If the sun is not enough, then the petunia can gain a lot of decent greenery and not bloom.

Also, in a small container, petunia roots have nowhere to roam, there is less nutrition and flowering will be rare or not at all. Petunia is a voracious plant, loves top dressing. During the flowering period, fertilizers should have little nitrogen, and be more phosphorus and potassium.

Please note that the first petunia flowers are almost always half empty, later the plant will gain strength and delight with chic flowers.

If you were fond of pinching, then this one also delays flowering.

? How to speed up the flowering of petunias?

To accelerate flowering, when a bush has formed, they give top dressing with a predominance of potassium. Once give top dressing on the sheet, before flowering at the rate of 1 gr. boric acid for 1 liter of water.

H What affects the brightness of the color of petunia flowers?

The reason for the change in the brightness of the color of petunia flowers can be: lack of light, pests, damage to the roots during transplantation, lack of certain nutrients, soil acidity.

To enhance the color of petunia flowers, phosphorus-potassium fertilizers are used. If you overdo it with nitrogen fertilizers, fading of color is possible.

? Why do petunia leaves turn blue-purple?

With a lack of phosphorus, the leaves of a petunia can turn purple. If the measles is good, then this is not the reason.

With a difference in day and night temperatures in winter, petunia leaves can also turn purple.

? What to do if petunia leaves chlorosis (turn yellow)?

Usually, the problem of chlorosis in petunias is dealt with with the help of iron chelate, which is applied to the plant either under the leaf or under the root. Sometimes it helps, sometimes it doesn't. It all depends on the manufacturer of the chelate and the expiration date.

A very convenient and less expensive way is to water the chlorosis seedlings of petunias with citric acid at the rate of (1 tablespoon per 10 liters of water) or (1 g per 1 liter). After two weeks, pale, yellow seedlings turn green again. However, keep in mind that yellowing of the leaves is not always an indicator of iron deficiency or indigestion. This may be a lack of manganese, nitrogen and other trace elements.

From a lack of nitrogen, small and yellow leaves. From a lack of iron, light yellow or white leaves are formed, the apical shoot is affected.

From the lack of magnesium, which manifests itself on the lower leaves, the leaves become variegated in color, turn brown and fall off.

Usually, a concentration is used to prevent chlorosis. citric acid at the rate of 1 tablespoon per 10 liters of water. If you have few plants, then it turns out 1 g per 1 liter. 1 g is about a few crystals of citric acid.

?How to make your own iron chelate?

In 3 liters of cold boiled water dissolve 12 g of citric acid. 7.5 g of ferrous sulfate are introduced into this solution. The result is a complex ferrous iron salt of light orange color. This solution is suitable for spraying a diseased plant and for top dressing at the root. The remains of the unused solution can be poured under the garden flowers.

?What are the most common diseases in petunias?

Petunia seedlings are susceptible to black leg damage.

The most common petunia problem is leaf chlorosis, which occurs from frequent watering and non-compliance with petunia cultivation.

Petunia can be saved in winter. Many people think that petunia is an annual, and it is often written on seed packets that petunia is an annual plant. However, it is possible to extend the life of our beauties up to next year. To do this, at the end of August, cuttings are cut from beautiful pets and rooted. These cuttings, which will have time to get stronger and build up the root system, will overwinter. Petunia should winter in cool conditions. It is advisable to leave it on a cool balcony with a positive temperature. If this is not possible, you can bring the petunia into the room and put it on the coldest window sill. In the room due to dry air in winter, petunias may be affected spider mite, therefore, periodically (a couple of times a month) it is necessary to treat the mother liquor with fitoverm or actofit.

In the spring, cut cuttings from the petunia mother liquor and root. These cuttings will be new plants. Rooting cuttings will take about 2 weeks, unlike sowing petunias with seeds, which will take more than 2 months.

?When are petunias cut?

You can cut petunias at any time of the year, if you have the opportunity to highlight them with phytolamps.

After the rooting of the cutting, if it has taken root well after 2 weeks, you can safely cut off half of this cutting for a new one. Thus, you will force the plant to start up new shoots from the leaf axils and get another seedling.

? What is a petunia pinch?

In order for the petunia to bush and not grow in one lash, pinch it. Pinch the tip of the crown with a fingernail. Keep in mind that it is not a leaf, but the tip of the top. Pinching postpones flowering for 2-3 weeks, but later there will be a beautiful bush.

? What to do if the petunia seedlings have outgrown (stretched out)?

If the petunia seedlings are stretched out, there are two ways out of this situation.

The first - you can pinch.

The second - you can transfer the seedlings into large cups. For example, if the petunia was in 200 gr. a glass, transfer it to 500 gr. glass and sprinkle with earth. Petunia, like all nightshades, tolerates transshipments normally.

? How to achieve a large hat of flowers in an ampelous petunia?

The more soil and feeding, the larger the head of flowers will grow in a petunia.

? When will the bush petunia planted at the end of February bloom?

Bush petunia sown at the end of February with additional light of 14-16 hours and a temperature above 25 degrees will bloom by the end of April.

? Why turn yellow lower leaves at the petunias?

The lower leaves of a petunia usually turn yellow from overflow, lack of nitrogen, or a small amount of earth.

? Petunia afflicted with whitefly. What drugs to take with whitefly?

From the whitefly, you can use Aktara, which is sprayed with a petunia and spilled. Aktara is good because it almost does not smell. Please note that the development cycle of the whitefly is about 21 days, the larvae themselves cover themselves with a wax coating, therefore they are well protected from external influences (unlike ordinary aphids).

?Why did petunia seedlings stop growing?

Stopping growth may be due to a lack of boron, which results in the death of the apical points of growth. To solve the problem, you can spray the petunia with a solution of boric acid (7 grams per 10 liters of water). The result should appear in 10 days.

? What to do so that when picking the plants take root better?

After picking petunias into other containers, there may be damage to the root system. Therefore, after a week, it is better to give the plants monophosphate or fertilizers with a high content of phosphorus in order to better take root.

? Why pick off faded flowers from petunias?

Those flowers that have faded in petunias are cut off not only for aesthetic purposes, but also to stimulate flowering.

?How often to water a petunia growing on a balcony?

Petunia loves to drink. Therefore, petunias on the balcony need regular watering once or twice a day. The top soil clod must not dry out completely. On hot days, water the flower abundantly. Petunia easily tolerates if watering is too plentiful. The only thing that can negatively affect is the stagnation of water. Regular watering of petunias will provide you with luxurious flowering and lush bushes.

For watering petunias, the acidity of the water is of great importance. Petunia loves more acidic water. As you know, most of us have hard water. Therefore, there are two options: either acidify the water for irrigation, or simply plant the plant in an acidic soil mixture.

? How often should a mature petunia plant be fertilized?

In order for the petunia to please with beautiful flowers, an adult petunia plant must be fertilized at least every 10 days.

? How to cut a petunia?

Petunias can be cut different ways. The success of rooting a petunia cutting is an earthen mixture. It must be airy.

You can prepare the following mixture: 2 parts moss + 1 part vermicult + 1 part terra earth, some sand.

We moisten the earthen mixture and insert the cuttings into the cups. The cuttings are deepened by 1.5 cm. Cut off the lower leaves.
Cover with cellophane. After 10-12 days, depending on the variety, the first roots will appear.