There is a screen of death what to do. Are blue screens frequent? Checking the RAM with the Windows Memory Checker

  • 20.10.2019

Almost any user had to, if not encounter, then certainly hear about such a thing as “ blue screen death of Windows. This topic is extensive, so read carefully! In the article we will discuss what the blue screen of death is, what to do in this situation, and of course, I will try to show everything clearly. The name of this phenomenon was invented just right - frightening and memorable. In today's article, I will consider in detail the causes of the blue screen of death, as well as possible solutions to this problem.

The blue screen of death is a serious problem that drives PC users into a stupor. Before you start reading the article, I recommend that you put aside all your affairs and that no one distracts you. If you understand the essence of the occurrence and the solution of this problem, then in practice it will be much easier. I have been contacted more than once with this problem, and there were even situations when, in their practice, administrators did not know what to do when a blue screen occurred. Instead, they told users that they needed to replace the system unit, completely. WHAT? If you were told so, then remove the noodles from your ears and read the article to the end.

What is this error

As a result of a problem, the operating system (OS), being unable to fix the error on its own, urgently shuts down. Naturally, no user data is saved ( open documents etc.). The only thing that Windows has time to do is write information to the log and create a dump file if the settings indicate the creation of this file when such errors occur.

To avoid unfair accusations against Windows, I’ll immediately make a reservation: the blue screen of death does not appear without serious reasons, and shutting down in such a situation is the only way out.

The blue screen of death looks like this:

From the screenshot, I think it’s clear where the word “blue” came from in the title. As for “death”, this means the death of the operating system, that is, its inevitable reboot, and in some cases, reinstallation. In practice, most of the causes of blue screens of death are successfully eliminated without reinstalling the OS, subject, of course, to a timely and correct response. Most importantly, you need to understand where the legs grow from. I mean, if you don’t know what causes the blue screen of death, then it’s hard to solve the problem.

What does Windows tell us on the terrible blue screen of death?

To facilitate perception, I will conditionally divide it into several blocks and describe each separately (for those who know English language, self-understanding for the most part will not be difficult).

1. Here, Windows reports that a problem has been found, and in order to prevent damage to the computer, it was necessary to urgently shut down the system.

2. The type of error is indicated here. There are a limited number of them, and for each such error, information can be easily found on the Internet.

3. In this part, the OS reports possible reasons when a problem occurs, and also gives some recommendations for troubleshooting.

4. In the section called “Technical information”, the error code is indicated, and it is also possible to indicate the name of the problematic driver (more details below).

After familiarizing yourself with the blue screen, you should understand what this error is or find out about the file that may be indicated on the screen.

Causes of the blue screen of death

The blue screen of death can appear for various reasons.

The most common reason is drivers. This includes drivers that are incompatible with each other or with the operating system, and other failures associated with them.

In this case, I have a little story, this information is not only for you to read and forget!!! With the help of this story, you will learn how to solve the problem with the blue screen of death.

I once worked as an administrative assistant and maintained a fleet of 80 computers. On almost 20 computers, the blue screen of death appeared from time to time. When I asked the administrator about the reasons for such a misfortune, he just shrugged his shoulders and said that he didn’t understand what was the matter at all (I think he just didn’t want to understand). After his answer, it became interesting for me to find the essence of the problem myself.

First of all, I looked at what error appears on the screen, then I wrote down the error code and the name of the file that the blue screen of death pointed to on the sheet. After wandering around the Internet a little, I found out that this file is used for Wi-Fi adapters. After that, I made a small detour of the problem computers, and made sure that they all really work on the network through Wi-Fi adapters.

Next, I decided to find out what drivers the administrator installs when connecting these devices. His answer baffled me. It turned out that he installed the drivers that came with the equipment. After that, I spent 2 hours, but still found a topic of interest to me on the Internet. It turned out that these devices are buggy with standard drivers.

It's strange, because D-link is considered one of the best, but in fact it turns out that it supplies drivers for adapters that do not work with them. By that time, a topic with a similar problem had already been created on the d-link manufacturer's forum. And for about 2 years, this problem has existed for many users of these adapters.

To get out of our situation, it was decided to use other drivers (from other developers). We installed them on the problem computer and asked the user to notify us if the blue screen of death appears. Of course, I did not know which drivers to install instead of the official ones. After reading completely all the topics on the forum, I found a dozen reviews that tried another driver (I don’t remember which one now) and they solved this problem.

A few days later, he still did not call, did not come to us, which means that there were no more problems! After making sure that everything is fine with his computer, we installed this driver on all computers and users breathed a sigh of relief.

Computer hardware problems.

Often, problems with hardware are more likely a consequence, but overheating of components may be the cause. It also includes self-inflicted problems with hardware, RAM, or hard drive.

Problems with programs.

The screen of death can be caused by antivirus applications and various emulators. Also, sometimes viruses become the cause of the blue screen of death, this does not happen often, but it also occurs.

What do we have to do

First, you need to prepare in advance for potential problems. Windows is configured by default so that the screen of death appears for a couple of seconds, after which the computer automatically restarts.

However, this does not give us the opportunity to have time to write down the error data, which does not suit us at all.

Note: if it does not restart automatically, then use the "Power" button.

It will be enough for us to configure Windows so that it does not automatically reboot. Thus, we can understand why the blue screen of death appears. Since in this error you can read the error code or file that is to blame for the blue screen of death. After that, the Internet will help us. For this setting, you need to do the following:

In Windows XP: "Start" - "Settings" - "Control Panel" - "System" - "Advanced" - "Download and Recovery" - "Settings" - "System Failure". In the window that appears, you need to uncheck the "Perform automatic restart", and in the "Write debugging information" block, select "Small memory dump", and click the "OK" button.

In Windows Vista/7: "Start" - "Control Panel" - "System and Security" - "System" - "Advanced system settings". In the window that appears, select the "Advanced" tab, the "Startup and Recovery" subsection, and click the "Options" button, then all that remains is to uncheck "Perform automatic restart", enable a small memory dump and click "OK".

You can also get to this window by right-clicking on "Computer" - select "Properties" - on the left click "Advanced system settings" - go to the "Advanced" tab - for me this method seems easier.

Secondly, when the blue “enemy” first appears, you need to write down the data from the blue screen on paper. This data may help in finding the cause of the problem.

Well, thirdly, let's show how to remove the blue screen of death.

You need to understand that the screen of death appears much more often after any user actions than by itself. Therefore, the first thing to do is to try to return the computer to a state in which it worked stably.

If no special manipulations were carried out with the computer, that is, you just worked, and suddenly “He” appeared, you will have to look for answers on the Internet. Since drivers are the most common cause of BSOD, the first task is to find the name of the failed driver.

If the information was indicated on the death screen itself, then in this case we only need to find a description of the error or problem that the driver caused. To do this, simply enter in any search engine the name of the failed file known to us. Thus, we find out what kind of file it is. For example, if this file is needed for the video card to work, then you need to remove the video card drivers and download a new one from the office. manufacturer's website.

Otherwise, the search must begin with the data that you manually rewrote. Using this information, you can roughly navigate the possible causes. If nothing useful could be learned, we proceed to the analysis of the memory dump.

Do not install various assemblies that were made by incomprehensible authors. If your neighbor Uncle Vasya even advised you to install his assembly, then my advice to you is DO NOT DO THIS! It is better to install a full-fledged original Windows distribution and you will be happy.

If problems with the drivers have not been identified, you need to check the hardware components of the computer, which may be the cause of the blue screen of death. First of all, it is RAM, hard drive or overheating of any system components (video card or processor). You can use the AIDA program to check the temperature.

If you think that the problem is with the hardware, then borrow this part from your friend from his computer and install it on yours. After making sure that this particular part is unstable on your computer, you can then buy it in the store.

To check the RAM, I recommend the MemTest86 program, and to check the hard disk, the Victoria program (I will describe a detailed review of the operation of these programs in separate articles). In addition, it does not hurt to full check for viruses by first updating the virus signature database.

Let me remind you that a dump is a file that is created at the time of the problem and contains detailed description state of the system at the time of the error, and, therefore, can tell about the cause of the failure.

Let's imagine a situation where your friend has a blue screen of death. He does not understand what it is and what caused the blue screen of death. Naturally, he turns off the computer and tries to find out from his friends what it was. Of course, he did not write down anything on a piece of paper, that is, he does not know what was written, but as you already know, in order to solve this problem, you need to know why the error appeared.

Just for this, there are special programs with which you can find out what was the reason. Now, even if you are in another city, you know how you can help your friend. You can use the Debugging Tools for Windows or BlueScreenView to view the contents of the dump.

Let's use the example of the BlueScreenView program to figure out how to view dumps. You can download the utility from the link. If you need information from the official site, then here is the link

Now run the BlueScreenView.exe file.

If there are no lines at the top, then there were no failures on your computer.

I didn't get the blue screen of death so I had to borrow it ;). So now we have a dump with which we can understand how this program works.

To specify the dump that I have, I need to make changes to the program. To do this, I click "Settings" - "Advanced options" or "CRTL" + "O".

Click "Browse" and indicate where our dump is located.

Note: If the program is located on the problem computer, then nothing needs to be changed.

Now we can see which files caused the error. Right-click on the line and select "Properties".

How to install a driver and what is a driver.

I hope now you will not have any difficulties in solving the blue screen of death problem.

See you soon!

Mandatory video to watch, because there is something that cannot be described in words:

This is a conflict of any devices or parameters. The blue screen is also called BSoD. Decoding BSoD - Blue Screen of Death or otherwise Blue Screen of Doom. And as usual - Stop Error (stop an error that stops the computer programmatically). You can't leave it with blue screen must be dealt with and now we'll see what needs to be done so that it doesn't bother us anymore!

Blue screen of death what to do Windows 7, 8, 10?

If you have seen the blue screen of death, then for any reason you have a question, what to do? And today I will try to tell you in as much detail as possible how to remove it on any operating system, be it windows xp, 7, 8, 10.

If suddenly you see such a window, it means that a system error has occurred, and there can be many reasons, for this I have posted a special error description guide below. And the appearance blue screen of death there may be a bunch, but there are 2 categories, this is a software failure and hardware.

And the following reasons are also possible:

- conflict or incorrect driver

- driver problems

- viruses (not always), but maybe that's why you need to choose

- Device conflict due to incompatibility

- Problems with devices, usually either a hard drive or RAM.

- program conflict (possible if you installed two antiviruses at the same time)

- the computer can overheat and also crash

How to remove the blue screen of death?

  1. Software problems

If it appears blue screen, then the computer should restart automatically. And will continue to appear until it is eliminated. First you need to write down the error code on some sheet in order to look in the reference book what it means.

The guide can be downloaded here:

We simply select the error and see the solution on the right.

Next, you can try to have time to press F8 before loading Windows. Then choose loading the latestsuccessful configuration. If the computer also causes a blue screen, then press F8 again and select already safe mode. If the computer boots up in safe mode, then you can see which file is causing the conflict.

To do this, you need to make sure that the computer saves error dumps. To do this, right-click on the computer, select property. Further Extra options. Download and restore options button. We expose everything as in the picture. If you have disabled recording of debugging information, then reboot and call the blue screen again, and then go into safe mode.

This file can be decrypted with a special program.

After starting the program will show the problem files.

If nothing is displayed, see if the path to the dumps is selected. Settings - advanced options:

2. Problems with iron.

A conflict between the devices themselves is also possible, for this it is necessary (information cannot pass through the memory), as well as a broken hard drive (system files got into bad sectors and cannot be started.).

Also a fairly common error in the BIOS. When the achi hard drive mode is on, the bios is reset (power surge or dead battery) and the hard drive mode becomes ide. Drivers, respectively, do not fit this mode and a blue screen occurs.

That's all! I wish to win blue screen of death 🙂

Most likely, you have noticed more than once that when the computer crashes, the next boot appears blue screen, and there are a lot of incomprehensible English words on it.

Has this happened? I'm sure yes!

At the sight of such a state of their computer, beginners are usually scared. But it's not always so scary. In this article, we will analyze two types of blue screen and deal with the situation, why they appear and how they can be dangerous.

First consider appearance those blue screens. As I said, there are two main ones that may appear when working at a computer.

Blue screen when checking disk:

If you have such a blue screen, then you should not worry too much. It appears most often when the computer is turned off incorrectly, for example, when we turned it off not through " Start - Turn off the computer”, but from a power outlet or during a power outage.

There is nothing terrible here. After the next boot of the computer, a special program for checking disks is launched. It is built into Windows, has the name Chkdsk, and starts automatically after computer failures, an example of which we examined a little higher.

What is he doing Chkdsk program?

She is checks the hard drive for errors and fixes them if they are, and they just might have occurred when the computer crashed.

The disk check procedure takes place in five stages, at each stage we can see the progress as a percentage.

If you have a blue disk check screen, it is better to just wait until the program Chkdsk will check disks for errors and if they are, it will fix it, although you can abort this procedure if you press the Esc key immediately after such a screen appears.

If you rarely get such a blue screen, then I don’t see any reason to worry, but if it occurs often, I would recommend that you definitely do backup important data, try, and in extreme cases, change the hard drive.

Now let's move on to the second blue screen.

They call it the "blue screen of death":

Blue screen of death most often appears suddenly when working at a computer and indicates that there is some kind of system error that Windows cannot fix itself. To avoid more serious problems, Windows turns itself off and a blue screen of death appears. In this case, we can only restart the computer by clicking on system unit Reset button.

In some cases, a few seconds after the blue screen appears, it may reboot itself. When such a screen appears, all the data that we have not currently saved: Word documents, text in a notepad, etc. unfortunately will be lost.

When blue screen of death the system indicates to us the error code due to which it arose, so that we ourselves try to fix the problem. But it is unlikely that we ourselves will be able to solve this problem, especially if we are new to these matters, since even for an advanced user it is difficult.

It is worth saying that when such a blue screen occurs, the system writes an error code to a special system log and creates a special file, and puts all the data in it, where the problem is described in detail. This may be needed by a specialist who will solve the problem.

Let's look at the most common reasons why does the blue screen of death occur. This may be due to drivers. For example, when some others are installed instead of native ones and they are not compatible with the operating system or our equipment. Also, the cause may be overheating of components or incorrect operation of programs.

Here we will not touch on all the details of analyzing the various error codes that cause the occurrence of the blue screen of death, because this is a very large topic and not at all for novice computer users.

But if you still decide to figure out on your own why you get such a blue screen, then you need to write down the error code the next time the blue screen of death appears, and start searching the Internet.

If you've encountered this error, I'm sure someone else has had it before. Read on the Web what people write on the forums, what they recommend, which may cause a blue screen with an error like yours.

If you do not have time to write down the error code due to the fact that the computer restarts immediately, then you need to make sure that it does not do this.

To do this, we right-click on the Mock computer icon, in the list that appears, select Properties.

In the window that opens, go to the tab Advanced, in the section, click the button Options.

In the window that opens, uncheck the box next to the item Perform automatic reboot, make sure that the rest of the parameters are set as in the picture and then click OK.

Now we have a computer that fails and the blue screen of death appears will not restart. Everything that is on the blue screen is indicated in the Technical Information section, we need to write it out.

This is the most important data for finding out the problem.

In addition to the fact that we can see this error on a blue screen, it is also recorded in a memory dump. This file, with the dmp extension, is stored by default in the folder:

C:\WINDOWS\Minidump .

To find out and eliminate the cause of the blue screen of death, this data is usually enough.

This concludes this article! Finally, I want to tell you that it will be very difficult for a beginner to understand such problems. But if you are confident in yourself, then you will succeed! On the Internet you will find a lot of information on any of your mistakes.

It may even be enough to solve your problem by reinstalling an incompatible driver, solving the problem of overheating of the video card, and so on.

With a blue screen - this is a very urgent problem that hundreds of users are struggling with. Why does a blue screen appear and how to solve this problem?

The blue screen often appears when you use unlicensed software, so if such a problem already exists, then consider buying licensed software. On licensed systems, the blue screen will never appear. What should you do if there is no money to buy expensive software, and the blue screen still haunts you?

It is also called BSOD or STOP error. In vain, many slander Bill Gates that he came up with a crooked operating system that constantly gives an error in the form of a blue screen with different configurations. If not for the blue screen, then many computers would have lost a lot important information. The blue screen refers to hardware errors, in other words, the problem may be in the hardware or in their drivers. If the problem is not corrected in a timely manner, it can affect the operation of your computer and the integrity of the parts.

- this is not a massive problem, but most likely a protective reaction of Windows. When the system does not find the optimal solution to the problem, then a blue screen turns on for insurance, which shows all the detailed information about the error and says what further actions need to be taken to solve it. Most often, a blue screen pops up when some equipment fails in the computer. The reason may be RAM or hard drive, video card or power supply, and others. BSOD may appear due to pirated software, non-original drivers and any other programs that you downloaded from the Internet and installed on your computer.

I want to please you that soon the blue screen will disappear altogether, since Windows 7 is one of the last operating systems where it might appear. Do not be too happy, because in other Microsoft products there will be not blue, but black screens. By by and large does not solve this problem, so it is worthwhile to figure out well how to deal with it and what it is.

I think that everyone already knows what a blue screen looks like. I am sure that most users do not know how to solve this problem. It happens that the blue screen pops up for a couple of seconds, and then the computer immediately restarts. Often, the PC will restart on its own after a blue screen appears. Many solve this problem by reinstalling the system, but as practice shows, this is far from the most the best way and it doesn't always help solve the problem.

It is very easy to read the error. You need to hold down the F8 key as soon as the computer restarts. Then select "disable automatic restart" from the menu list. After restarting the computer, you should again have a blue screen that will not disappear anywhere. Carefully write down everything you see on a piece of paper or take a picture of the monitor screen with a camera. It is very important to rewrite the last line, which begins with the words STOP. What should be done next?

First you need to perform a series of standard simple steps, which often help to fix the problem very quickly. Determine if your problem is software or hardware. This can be done very simply, you need to take a Live-CD disk, every system administrator or computer specialist should have one. If it's a hardware error, then even with the Live-CD you will still get a blue screen.

Next, you need to turn off the computer and after a while turn it on. If nothing changes anyway, then think carefully about what you have recently installed on your computer and changed some components. Often new devices cause this error because they conflict with Windows. Try to put everything in its place and check again. If the system boots and the BSOD appears, but not as often as before, then you need to try updating the system through the official Microsoft website.

A blue screen can also appear when the mains voltage is very low. Check your voltage. If you do not know how to do it yourself, then it is better to call an electrician, because it can be life threatening. Test your RAM Memtest program. The check takes a very long time, on average from 6-9 hours, but it will definitely give out all the information about the state of your memory. If the RAM is broken, then it is better to replace it. It is she who often causes the appearance of blue screens.

Check your hard drive. I recommend using the MHDD program. You will find all these programs on the Live-CD. If everything is fine here, then go into the BIOS and reset the default settings. Check which BIOS version you are using, if there is a newer one, then update it.

In conclusion, I want to make a little hint. There are many websites on the internet that have full transcript any BSOD error. It is enough to know the error code that starts with 0x000…., after which you will receive recommendations that will help you fix the problem. In any case, diagnostics of your equipment will not harm.

Good afternoon.

Although, he’s probably not so kind, since you are reading this article ... In general, the blue screen of death is not a pleasant pleasure, especially if you created a document for two hours, and autosave was turned off and you didn’t have time to save anything ... Here you can turn gray if it is a term paper and you need to take it the next day. In the article I want to talk about the step-by-step restoration of the computer, if you are tormented by a blue screen with enviable regularity ...

And so, let's go...

Probably, you need to start with the fact that if you see a "blue screen" - this means Windows has completed its work with a critical error, i.e. there was a very serious failure. Sometimes, getting rid of it is quite difficult, and only the drivers help. But first, let's try to do without it!

Eliminate the blue screen of death

1) Set up your computer so that it does not restart during a blue screen.

By default, Windows, after the appearance of a blue screen, goes to reboot automatically without asking you. There is not always enough time to write down a mistake. Therefore, the first step is to make sure that Windows does not restart automatically. A little lower will show how to do this in Windows 7, 8.

Open the computer control panel and go to the " system and safety«.

Here we are interested boot and recovery options.

In the center of the window, under the heading "system failure" there is an item " perform an automatic reboot". Clear this checkbox so that the system does not reboot and gives you the opportunity to take a picture or write down the error number on paper.

2) Error code - the key to unraveling the error

Before you appeared the blue screen of death (by the way, in English it is called BSOD). You need to write down the error code.

Where is he? The screenshot below shows the line that will help establish the cause. In my case, an error like "0x0000004e". I write it down on a piece of paper and go looking for ...

I suggest you use the site. here are all the most common error codes. Found mine, by the way. To solve it, I am recommended to identify the failed driver and replace it. The wish, of course, is good, but there are no recommendations on how to do it (we will consider it below) ... Thus, you can find out the reason, or at least come very close to it.

3) How can I find out the driver that caused the blue screen?

In order to determine which driver failed, you need the BlueScreenView utility.

It is quite simple to use it. After launch, it will automatically find and show the errors that were fixed by the system and reflected in the dump.

Below is a screenshot of the program. Above shows the errors when the blue screen occurred, date and time. Select the desired date and see not only the error code on the right, but also the name of the file that caused the error is shown at the bottom!

In this screenshot, the file "ati2dvag.dll" somehow did not suit Windows. Most likely, you need to install newer or older drivers on the video card and the error will disappear by itself.

Likewise, step by step, and you will be able to identify the error code and the file that is causing the crash. And then you can try to replace the drivers on your own and return the system to its previous stable operation.

What to do if nothing helps?

1. The first thing we try to do, when a blue screen appears, is to press some keys on the keyboard (at least that's what the computer itself recommends). 99% that nothing will work out for you and you will have to press the reset button. Well, if nothing else remains - click ...

4. If the computer issues a blue screen immediately at the time of Windows loading itself, and not immediately after it (as in step 2), then the system files of the OS itself were most likely corrupted. For recovery, you can even use the standard system restore utilities for checkpoints (by the way, in more detail -).

I hope at least one tip from this article will help you ...