There is a blue screen what to do. Why the Blue Screen of Death appears, how to remove it and what the error codes mean

  • 20.10.2019




What is BSD

BSoD - Blue Sceen of Death, blue screen of death. Appears in the most critical situations, when closing a failed program cannot be dispensed with.

The Windows operating system has several layers of running programs. We see only the top one - open program windows and running services. That's what the Task Manager shows. When one of the programs makes an error that it cannot process and bypass, it crashes, as many users say. You can restart and work on.

Software modules, running at a lower level (driver), will not be able to restart in case of an error. The Windows operating system tries to protect the user from many errors, but this does not always work out and it capitulates, showing a sad face or a set of characters on the computer screen.

You need to understand that drivers are an intermediary between the software and hardware of the computer. Drivers can fail (programmers are people too, they may not take into account or make a mistake), as well as the hardware of the computer.

BSoD Symptoms

1. The appearance of a blue screen with strange characters or a sad emoticon.

In 99% of cases, the computer restarts itself due to a critical error (BSoD), but there is a worse situation: problems with the power supply or motherboard. If you have a desktop PC, check for any bulges.

Reasons for the blue screen

1. Overheating. Overheating of the video card, processor leads to a blue screen of death.

By the way, in Windows XP, when the video card overheated, a BSoD always occurred, in Vista and newer, the video driver simply reboots. If you see the inscription "The video driver stopped responding and has been restored", then this is an overheating of the video card:

The newer Windows, the better protection against failures. Hopefully, in some Windows XV, instead of a blue screen, we will see an error notification that does not interfere with work.

2. RAM failure. You can, but in order not to hit the sky with your finger, read on first - perhaps the cause of your blue screen of death is something else.

If you installed new RAM in your computer and got frequent BSoDs, change it to a working one in the store. There are no other ways to overcome blue screens of death when replacing RAM.

3. Failure of other hardware. Maybe the voltage in the power supply "sags". Maybe there is a disconnect somewhere. Maybe your computer doesn't like the full moon. There are many reasons, you can guess endlessly.

If, after you have analyzed the minidump (more on this below) and eliminated errors, the blue screen does not go anywhere, it is worth replacing all the components in turn. You can’t just take and determine the cause of BSoD if each time the error codes are different.

4. Overclocking. If you are an advanced overclocker, then you know what overclocking your computer has to do with BSoD. If not, don't overclock your computer.

5. Failure of the driver(s). The cause of a BSoD is not necessarily a hardware problem. Unstable drivers are a frequent guest on users' computers. How to identify a failed driver will be next.

6. Viruses. Be sure to check the computer with some or.

I never tire of being surprised at the self-confidence of users who say “ I don't have viruses and antivirus too! I have direct hands / I only sit on trusted sites / sometimes I check with a one-time antivirus and therefore everything is fine!". Leaving aside the debate about how you can live without antivirus, think about it: if a person sees a BSoD, he has no longer a normal situation. How can you say that there are no viruses and this is not the cause of the blue screen?

Also, do not think that if you have installed an antivirus with the latest databases, there can be no viruses. Check with others to completely rule out the possibility.

7. Antiviruses. It's funny (and sad) that antiviruses are the cause of the crash. Temporarily uninstall your antivirus. Have blue screens of death stopped appearing? Install a new one so that blue screens do not appear for reason #6.

8. Windows updates. Developers at Microsoft sometimes test updates poorly. Some people turn off the Center because of this. windows updates and sit without updates, although this is not an option. Control Panel - Programs and Features - View Installed Updates- right click - Delete for recent updates, then check Windows work. Has everything returned to normal? Just don't install updates for a couple of weeks - usually during this time some kind of fix update is released for the update and everything is fine.

9. Program failure. This happens, but rarely. If you see a BSoD while playing a game or while running a certain program, I advise you to check the computer for overheating, because most programs are not able to cause a blue screen, with the exception of installing drivers into the system (antiviruses, virtual disk emulators, game protection systems like PunkBuster, accounting programs that work with digital keys).

10. Hard disk file system errors. It will not be superfluous

Find out the cause of BSoD

As you can see, there are quite a few reasons and it makes no sense to guess. Fortunately, the blue screen of death contains clues as to why Windows suddenly started to crash. Among the incomprehensible text there will be error codes containing a direct indication of what caused the failure.

Most often BSoD you you won't see, since the Windows settings by default include restarting the computer on critical errors.

You can turn off Windows automatic restart like this: Control Panel - System - Advanced System Settings - Options- check/uncheck boxes as in the screenshot below:

Pay attention to the item "Small memory dump" - put it too.

Google the error code from the Windows Journal

The checkbox "Write an event to the system log" is set by default, which means that error codes will be in the Windows Log.

Go to Control Panel - Administration - Event Viewer - System- and look for a line in the list that coincides in time with the appearance of a blue screen or a computer restart:

Look for the error code (in the screenshot above it is 0x0000009f) in Google and read the first few sites in the search results, follow the recommendations that helped others. If a driver is specified (word ending .sys it's generally great - the likely culprit is found right away, you need to install the driver for this device of an older / newer version. If the Internet does not provide a clear and clear indication of the cause of BSoD for the specified error code, read my instructions further.

If there is nothing in the Windows Journal, wait for the blue screen to appear and see the error there:

Just search Google for information on the error code and follow the recommendations.

Analyze minidump

Unfortunately, if the problem is in a bad driver, this is not always displayed on the blue screen. The error code is also not always informative. You need to analyze the minidump file created during the occurrence of the BSoD and containing information about the crash, in particular which drivers reported the error. There are two programs for minidump analysis: Windows Debugging Tools and BlueScreenView. Unfortunately, the first one is too complicated for novice users, although it gives a more informative result. In 99% of cases, the second, simple and free BlueScreenView is enough.

The BlueScreenView installer is available from this link.

After starting the program, you will see a window in which at the top there will be minidumps created by the system, information about them, at the bottom - a list of drivers. Yellow will indicate failed drivers.

Example No. 1 - the video card is to blame

A blue screen appears with the text ATTEMPTED_WRITE_TO_READONLY_MEMORY. Let's look at the minidump:

The ATTEMPTED_WRITE_TO_READONLY_MEMORY error, judging by googling, is caused by some kind of driver. The likely culprit in this case is nv4_disp.sys. There are others, but they are part of the system and are statistically unlikely to be the cause. A Google search revealed that nv4_disp.sys is the video card driver from nVidia. Three steps:

1. Checking the video card for overheating.

2. Installing an older video card driver (new, if the old one is installed). This is done with any drivers, not just video cards.

3. Installing a video card in another computer.

4. If the blue screen appears on another computer, take the video card to a service center. If the warranty is still valid, you can replace it with a working one for free.

5. Does the blue screen not appear on another computer? Try installing a different power supply on yours - this may be the reason.

6. Not helping? Reinstall Windows clean.

7. If this does not help, take it to a service center for diagnostics.

Example No. 2 - not at all what was expected is to blame

A blue screen with the inscription PAGE_FAULT_IN_NONPAGED_AREA accompanies many problems:

If ntfs.sys were the likely faulty driver, then I would recommend checking the hard drive for errors, and also replacing the cable that goes from the hard drive to the motherboard. In this case, BlueScreenView points to the USB port driver and this could be true, but where I took the dump from for example, the motherboard is to blame for the person - the capacitors are swollen on it. The solution is to take the system unit in hand and stomp to the service center.

Example No. 3 - the antivirus is to blame

I found this minidump on the Internet:

The culprit was SRTSP.SYS, an antivirus component from Norton. Solved by removing it.

Example No. 4 - "broken" RAM

A blue screen with MEMORY_MANAGEMENT is a sign that the RAM is unusable:

BlueScreenView points to the likely culprit - ntoskrnl.exe. This is the Windows kernel, it cannot be the cause of the BSOD. In 99% of cases, the cause of a blue screen with a MEMORY_MANAGEMENT error is “broken” RAM. Will have to change it.

The results of the analysis of examples

1. BlueScreenView indicates a failure in the driver, while the piece of iron with which the driver interacts may be to blame.

2. You can determine whether the failure is in the driver or in the hardware by sorting through both the drivers and the hardware. Install old drivers (for example, those that came with the kit on the disk), download new ones.

How to find out the cause of the appearance blue screen of death (BSOD), as well as options for eliminating BSOD from a computer

Blue Screen of Death (BSOD) Windows. Theory.

Blue screen of death(Blue Screen of Death, Blue Screen of Doom, BSoD) - a message about a critical Windows system error, as a result of which the operating system cannot continue to work and goes into a forced restart without saving data.

Preparing for the Blue Screen of Death (BSOD)

It can be caused due to a malfunction of any hardware or software failure (drivers most often) Death screen errors are displayed on a screen with a blue background, on which the REASON for it is written. Therefore, the most important task will be to extract from this message the lines after the second or third paragraph, written in CAPITAL LETTERS with an underscore PAGE_FAULT_IN_NONPAGED_AREA) and the lines after Technical information: that start with *** For example:
*** STOP: 0x00000050 (0x8872A990, 0x00000001, 0x804F35D7, 0x00000000)
*** SPCMDCON.sys - Address FBFE7617 base at FBFE5000, Date Stamp 3d6dd67c)
Lines to remember in the blue screen of death:

An equally important task is to save a dump file that contains an error report. blue screen of death (BSOD). By default, it is enabled in both Windows Xp and Windows Seven (7), but if you have it disabled then:
If the operating system is Windows 7: Right-click on "My Computer" -> Properties -> Advanced system settings -> "Advanced" tab -> After the lines "Start and restore" click on "Settings" -> check the box "Record event to the system log" and uncheck "Perform automatic restart". We do as in the picture

If the operating system is Windows Xp: Right-click on "My Computer" -> Properties -> "Advanced" tab -> After the lines "Start and restore" click on "Settings" -> check the box "Log event to the system log" and Uncheck the "Perform automatic restart" checkbox.

At the next blue screen of death (BSOD) the computer, firstly, will not automatically go into reboot, and secondly, it will save a dump file in which information about the blue screen of death (BSOD) will be stored

We determine the cause of the occurrence from the blue screen of death (BSOD)

After the steps taken, turn on the computer and try to boot Windows.
If at boot it immediately knocks out the blue screen of death, then on the next reboot we boot in safe mode, just select not safe mode, but “Disable automatic reboot on system failure”

Let's write down the lines that we need on a piece of paper.

In this case, as you can see, the SPCMDCON.sys system file is to blame. Therefore, the first step is to remove it or, on the contrary, restore it. To do this, we boot from a bootable Live Cd or bootable Live usb and delete it manually (or restore it). We search through Live for a boot disk on a disk with Windows SPCMDCON.sys and rename it, for example, to SPCMDCON(2).sys. We restart the computer. If it helped and everything is OK, I congratulate you, if not, we continue to fight the blue screen of death (BSOD) in the same way until we defeat it.
If the blue screen of death (BSOD) does not immediately knock out and Windows is loaded, then check the Dump file. To do this, download BlueScreenView
Run BlueScreenView.exe. Those drivers that caused the blue screen are highlighted in red.

They must be removed manually and then installed newer ones (often causes a blue screen of death of the video card driver)

Blue screen of death (BSOD) during games or after a different period of time (reinstalling Windows does not help)

If such a situation that everything has already been experienced and reinstalling Windows and other methods, and the blue screen does not go away, then the problem is in the computer hardware. Here you will be helped by tests of the processor, RAM. This may be the reason for buying a new video card without replacing a power supply that is not designed for such a load, or a faulty RAM bar. To make things easier, here is a list of the most common Blue Screen of Death (BSOD) errors.

Most common Blue Screen of Death (BSOD) errors - taken from the Microsoft website

  1. KMODE_EXCEPTION_NOT_HANDLED- A kernel-mode process attempted to execute an invalid or unknown processor instruction. May be due to hardware incompatibility, hardware failure, driver or system service errors.
  2. NTFS_FILE_SYSTEM- Crash while executing ntfs.sys file system driver code. The reason may be a violation of the integrity of the data on the disk (bad cluster) or in memory, damage to the IDE or SCSI drivers.
  3. DATA_BUS_ERROR- A parity error has been detected in the RAM. The reason is defective or incompatible hardware, for example, a failure in the second-level cache chip, in the video memory. It can also be related to a malfunctioning or misconfigured driver, or a disk failure.
  4. IRQL_NOT_LESS_OR_EQUAL- A kernel-mode process attempted to access a region of memory using an unacceptably high IRQL (Interrupt Request Level) for it. May be caused by errors in a driver, system service, BIOS, or an incompatible driver, service, software(for example - antivirus).
  5. PAGE_FAULT_IN_NONPAGED_AREA- the requested data is not in memory (for example, the system looks for the necessary data in the paging file, but does not find it). Usually associated with a hardware failure (defective memory), file system corruption, system service or antivirus error.
  6. KERNEL_STACK_INPAGE_ERROR- Unable to read the requested memory page from the paging file into physical memory. Causes - defective sector of the virtual memory file, hard disk controller failure, insufficient disk space, incorrect hard disk connection, interrupt conflict, defective RAM, virus.
  7. MISMATCHED_HAL- the hardware abstraction level (HAL) and the system kernel do not match the type of computer. Most often associated with a situation where a second processor is installed in the original system, forgetting to manually update the HAL and ntoskrnl. May also be caused by version mismatch between hal.dll and ntoskrnl.exe.
  8. KERNEL_DATA_INPAGE_ERROR- Unable to read the requested data page into physical memory. Causes - defective sector of the virtual memory file, hard disk controller failure, RAM failure, virus, disk controller failure, defective RAM.
  9. INACCESSIBLE_BOOT_DEVICE- during the boot process, the OS could not access the system partition. There can be many reasons for this common failure: a defective boot disk or disk controller; equipment incompatibility; boot virus; an error in the file system, for example - in the Partition Table; damage or absence of a file necessary for loading, for example - NTLDR; lack of hard disk controller driver or inconsistency of the current driver installed equipment; DMA mode enabled in BIOS; DRIVE SWAPPING mode enabled in CMOS Setup; resource allocation conflict between the disk controller and another device; damage to data about loaded drivers in the system registry; installation of the system in a partition outside the first 1024 cylinders of the hard disk; error in boot.ini file.
  10. UNEXPECTED_KERNEL_MODE_TRAP- the occurrence of a trap not supported by the kernel (trap) or a fatal error (such as division by zero). Hardware failure or software failure.
  11. STATUS_SYSTEM_PROCESS_TERMINATED- Crash in a service running in user mode. The failure may be due to incorrect operation of application programs, drivers, third-party system services.
  12. STATUS_IMAGE_CHECKSUM_MISMATCH- damaged or lost driver or system library file. May be caused by a file system crash or accidental deletion of a system file.

If there are any questions, ask them in the comments. We will be happy to help!

Sometimes, especially with “worn-out” computers and laptops, incomprehensible incidents happen - the computer suddenly slows down for a split second, and then an incomprehensible message pops up on the monitor screen, in white letters on a blue background, with different squiggles there and less often with krakozyabry. After that, as a rule, the computer restarts. Sometimes it won't boot at all, giving you an unintelligible blue screen over and over again. "What's happened?" - you think, - "probably the computer is broken, and you need to call a specialist?". Worst of all, when the blue screen of death crashes not according to a given action or command, but randomly, that is, when your computer decides to “buck up”. This article will be about the blue screen of death in Windows, and what to do in this case.

  1. Indicate the error code (if possible);
  2. Briefly indicate the hardware and configuration of your computer, what operating system, antivirus, is it installed on it and their origin?
  3. Briefly describe what was done before the error occurred (installed a new device, program, game, other actions)?
  4. Indicate how old or months your computer is?
  5. If laptop - laptop model and manufacturer?

Otherwise, the answer to your question is not guaranteed.

Blue screen of death what to do?

Before you start looking for a solution to your Windows Blue Screen of Death problem, and before asking questions here, please make sure that you have a licensed copy of Windows installed, or an unlicensed but original one (copy from the original media). It is in these cases that you can get qualified help here for free. If your computer has an assembly of Windows downloaded from the Internet, it is not advisable to ask questions here, due to the fact that the authors of this blog consider such “deliveries” to be initially inoperative.

As experience has shown, most of the problems with the occurrence of the Windows Blue Screen of Death are due precisely to the fact that you are dealing with an assembly (such as Chip, Zver, Game Edition, and the like). Please do not try to impudently ask questions about Windows builds here.

The answer will always be the same: Change your copy of Windows to the original, and then come back. But we are sure that with the original Windows you will not have to come here, because you will not have blue screens. In any case, as often as in the case of assemblies. Blue screen of death what to do?

So what is Windows Blue Screen of Death or the so-called BSOD error(she is STOP error)? In vain, everyone scolds the already retired Bill Gates, saying that he wrote with his “lazy” programmers a crooked operating system, namely Windows, which has long been issuing blue screens of various configurations. After all, if not blue screen of death- a lot of data could be lost, and computers damaged.

The Windows operating system works directly with the hardware of your computer, and if something goes wrong: be it error in Windows itself, or in the driver with which Windows controls your computer, the hardware may be given the wrong command (for example, delete all data on the disk) and it will become corrupted. Blue screen of death what to do?

BSOD- such a protective reaction of Windows, when the system can no longer be aware of its actions, and takes decisive action to its emergency stop, they say - so as not to do business in your computer. BSOD error- occurs most often when the equipment in your computer malfunctions or breaks down. Frequent cases, calls STOP errors and when launching inadequate programs, viruses, third-party drivers, false antiviruses and other "left" economy.

In this article, I will not only describe general recommendations to eliminate the causes and consequences Windows BSOD errors but I will also try (not immediately, of course, but gradually, to the best of my ability and the availability of free time) to make a complete reference guide in an accessible, understandable language - how to deal with the blue screen of death. So, my friends - please follow the updates of this article. Blue screen of death what to do?

By the way, the common term itself will soon lose its relevance, and Windows 7 is the last operating system in which it is present in its pure form. Do not rush to rejoice - this does not mean that Microsoft will suddenly start writing ideal and super-smart programs. In Windows 8, Microsoft promises to issue BSOD errors not on a blue, but on a black background, therefore, we will have to deal with the “Black Screen of Death”, which, in principle, does not change the essence of the problem.

What does the message look like: Blue Screen of Death? (Blue screen of death what to do?)

How to parse what is written in the STOP error if the computer constantly restarts and does not allow reading?

Very often, the STOP error in Windows cannot be identified, due to the fact that you do not have time to quickly make out the scribbles on the screen, and even “in English”. After that, the computer instantly goes into reboot (sometimes even this happens cyclically, that is, the computer constantly reboots). To see what Windows wrote to you there and start looking for a solution to the problem, the next time you restart your computer, press and hold the F8 key on your keyboard. The login menu should appear.

But now it may be useless for us - we are looking for the menu item " Disable automatic reboot on system failure and enter this menu. Now, when loading, your computer will display a window as in the photo above (you may get your own short cuts, depending on the nature of the problem), and it will freeze until you click Reset button. Reset, too, do not zhamkayte yet, but rather carefully look at the second paragraph, written in capital letters. Write down these symbols on a piece of paper, or take a picture of what you see. Then we still need the last line of the blue screen of death (message like: *** STOP: 0xC0000007C and then all that nonsense that will be written) write it down on a piece of paper too. Blue screen of death what to do?

When a blue screen of death appears, the first thing to do is to perform some list of activities, which, if not always helps to eliminate this blue screen of death, then at least it will allow you to determine the cause of the blue screen of death in your Windows. Blue screen of death what to do?

The very first thing to do- try to boot your computer from some Live-CD, every computer scientist or system administrator, as a rule, has this. And if not, ask a friend. In most cases, booting from a Live-CD will allow you to determine with a fairly high degree of probability whether you have hardware or software problems. If the problems are hardware - you won’t be able to boot from the Live-CD, the computer will still stubbornly issue blue screen of death. Please note that you must have a Live-CD with Windows and not with Linux. Linux does not know how to make a blue screen - it gives out another Kernel Panic thing - a semblance of a blue screen, but in a slightly different way. Blue screen of death what to do?

The procedure is the following:

1. Restart your computer, Or better yet, turn it off and then on again after a while. Blue screen of death what to do?

2. Remember if you have recently inserted into your computer, or changed some piece of hardware - perhaps all the fuss is in it? Try to "do everything back" - perhaps the new piece of iron did not make friends with your Windows. Blue screen of death what to do?

3. If your Windows is still loading and the STOP error occurs only occasionally - Try updating Windows from the Microsoft website.

4. If you live in a village or in the private sector, maybe the voltage in your outlet is different from the norm, ask an electrician to measure the voltage at the outlet in your home. (if you yourself don’t know, it’s better not to go in, it can give you a shock, otherwise I’ll advise you here ...) Maybe there is not enough voltage and your computer gives out a blue screen from this? Blue screen of death what to do?

5. Next, we proceed to check the RAM, you can run the Memtest program (as a rule, it is always on the Live-CD), or on the installation Windows disk Vista, Windows 7 has its own RAM checker, you can also use it, and you don’t need to look for any programs. Blue screen of death what to do?

6. Check your hard drive: first for free space, and then for broken sectors with the MHDD program (you will find it again on the Live-CD diagnostic disk). Blue screen of death what to do?

7. Go into the BIOS and set the default settings (Default) there is such an option. Then save your settings and reboot. Blue screen of death what to do?

8. Not sure if it will help, buttry running "System Restore" or else you can try"Load Last Known Good Configuration" (Called from the safe mode entry menu, the one through F8). Blue screen of death what to do?

9. If the problem is with a freshly installed program or driver - this might help you

10. They suffered and suffered, but to no avail. your system still periodically issues blue screen of death - check the system for viruses. But what if?…

11. Shout "Save!", "Pamagite!", "Help!" on the - Let's think and treat your computer together! Blue screen of death what to do?

How to determine the driver that caused the Blue Screen of Death (BSOD Error)?

1) Press the key combination win+pause
2) Click the link Additional system settings
3) Go to the tab Additionally
4) Press the button

5) By default, dumps will be saved to a folder %SystemRoot%\Minidump

DThe following lists almost all BSOD errors that exist:

Dear blog visitors Computer from scratch!

Before asking a question below, we kindly ask you:

  1. Indicate the error code (if possible);
  2. Briefly indicate the hardware and configuration of your computer, what operating system, antivirus, is it installed on it and their origin?
  3. Briefly describe what was done before the error occurred (installed a new device, program, game, other actions)?

Greetings, dear readers! The blue screen of death is an error that every user, on whose computer the Windows operating system is installed, faces sooner or later. When this error occurs, some users start to panic, not knowing what to do.

The solution for a short period of time is to reboot the system. And if the system does not do this automatically, then this can be done manually by pressing the "Reset" button on the PC case or holding the "Power" button on the laptop keyboard, and then turning it on again.

It is important to understand that the occurrence of a blue screen of death is a symptom of a conflict or inoperability of a particular application and your primary task is to immediately resolve the blue screen of death error.

The first step is to understand what exactly happened and where the error came from. To do this, you need to briefly understand the architecture operating system. Deep knowledge in this topic is not required. You just need to know that code runs in two main modes: user mode and kernel mode.

The user mode is the most simplified, and is the processing of simple user applications: office programs, browsers, standard applications, and others. And in kernel mode, the work of drivers and the operating system is performed. This distinction is very important. After all, look, if a browser crash occurs, then this will not affect the operation of the entire system as a whole, but the application will simply crash. You just need to just close the application forcibly and continue working.

Well, with the kernel mode, the situation is more serious, because in this case, an error in the operation of the driver can affect the operation of the entire system, in the event of which the blue screen of death appears.

I got a blue screen of death, what should I do?

So, the appearance of the blue screen of death is the so-called system protection in the event that the code is not processed correctly. In this case, a blue screen is displayed on the monitor display and all data is not saved for the safety of the system in the future. And as mentioned earlier, the blue screen itself contains all the necessary information for its analysis and understanding of the essence of the problem.

If the computer restarts automatically, the user does not have enough time to read the information it contains, let alone analyze it. In this case, after booting the system, you need to right-click on the "My Computer" icon, and select "Properties". The same action can be replaced with a combination of hot keys "Win + Pause".

If the Windows 7 operating system is installed, then in the left menu you need to go to the "Advanced system settings" menu.

Then you need to select the "Advanced" tab and in the "Download and Recovery" field, click the "Options" button.

Here you need to uncheck the box "Perform automatic reboot" in the "System failure" field. After completing these steps, you need to save all changes.

In the future, when the blue screen of death appears, the automatic reboot will not appear and it will be possible to analyze the essence of the system conflict.

Reading the blue screen of death

Below is a screenshot of the blue screen of death, let's try to understand and read the error together.

The top line of the screen provides a message telling you exactly what happened. In our case, it sounds something like this: "A problem was detected and the windows were closed to prevent damage to the computer."

The second paragraph provides information about the error itself: "The problem is caused by the following file - SPCMDCON.SYS"

The system describes exactly what happened, but this information is not always presented, because the system does not always understand the error.

The third paragraph provides the name of the error. This name can be saved. It may come in handy in the future. The following is a large text that contains recommendations for fixing the error.

Also there was presented the most important information: hexadecimal error code, it is important to save it, it will definitely come in handy. Here, in parentheses after the error code, the error parameters are presented. Below is information about the file that caused the error and its address. Information about the file and the address of the error is not always presented on the blue screen of death, but if it is, then it significantly helps to solve the problem faster.

So, the received error name and error code, you need to enter in the search box of search engines to find information about the system failure that occurred.

There are more than a hundred such errors, so it makes no sense to describe each one. It is enough to understand that all errors can be divided into groups. I suggest you move on to the next paragraph.

Types of Blue Screen of Death Errors

Most of the problems (about 70 percent) associated with the operation of the system are errors within the driver. They can be caused by the installation of inappropriate drivers, driver conflicts with each other, or incorrectly installed updates.

In the same category, you can add drivers that conflict with the operating system, for example, you connected a printer to your computer, downloaded the drivers and installed them successfully. Your printer prints without any problems, but it became noticeable that the operating system behaves in a strange way, namely, the computer spontaneously shuts down, various errors appear, up to the blue screen of death.

Also, an error may appear as a result of overheating of devices inside a personal computer or simply a conflict between devices, as well as a conflict of components with the operating system. Not all components can work with each other fully. And this, in turn, can slow down the operating system. In one of my previous articles, I already wrote about this problem, be sure to check out:

Also not uncommon (about 10 percent) is the failure of the device itself. Failure of the hard drive, RAM, video card and other components.

It should also be noted that incorrect BIOS settings, insufficient free space on the hard drive, virus infection, as well as overclocking of the processor and RAM. These errors account for about 15 percent of system errors. In my article about BIOS, I told the main nuances, read here:

Less than 5 percent of bugs are code bugs in the operating system itself Windows systems. Despite the fact that the company is constantly working on solving this issue, they still cannot fix all the errors.

Solving and preventing problems that cause the blue screen of death

After receiving the code and the name of the error, it is worth looking through search engine prescription for it. But it is worth noting that most problems are fixed in the ways presented below.

Checking free space on hard drives. If the hard drive has less than 10 percent free meta, then it should be unloaded so that the system can work more freely and more stably.

It is recommended to leave more than 20 percent free space on the disk. Thus, the system will copy and update files faster, and the disk will overheat much less. Another solution to speed up the system is to divide the hard disk into several sectors. Thus, it is possible to separate system files and office files.

It is worth checking the hard drive periodically for bad sectors. For this, standard applications are suitable. Also, do not forget about defrag hard disk. Here is an article for you:

Scanning the operating system for viruses, and their further removal or treatment. An antivirus product must be installed on the computer, which will be constantly updated. It is advisable to purchase a non-free antivirus. Such programs are more reliable and update faster. The antivirus must have FireWall, so as not to pick up unnecessary files from the Internet. And be sure to scan all removable media.

Installing the latest operating system updates. The company cares about users who use their product, so they try to solve all possible problems at the moment in each update. That is why you need to constantly update your system.

If the error appeared after updating the driver, then it is better to roll it back to an older version. But at the same time, you must first have set up a backup of the system, both using standard applications that are part of the Microsoft product, or thanks to third-party proven programs. By the way, I plan to tell you about one of these programs in one of them, you will understand how important it is to set up backup on your computer.

What else can be added? Of course, an error during the operation of a program is solved by simply deleting it in the console of the control panel of the operating system. It also helps to run "Last Known Good Configuration" when Windows boots.

If the error appears as a result of installing a new device, then you should check the driver or device itself for compatibility with an already assembled computer or previously installed drivers, as well as with the operating system itself. In this case, I would advise you to download drivers from the official website of the device manufacturer.

If the system BIOS settings are incorrect, there can be big problems. Therefore, the appearance of the blue screen of death in this case is practically a gift, because if the user is inexperienced in this matter, the problems can be much more complicated. The solution could be a factory reset. But the main principle in working with the BIOS should be the slogan of doctors "Do no harm." Therefore, if in the situation that has arisen it is not clear to you what exactly this setting is, it is best not to touch it.

Also, the appearance of an error can be caused by faulty RAM. It is recommended that you periodically test it for problems, for example, with the Memtest program. You can also read my article:

If the bar itself is damaged, then it should be replaced. If there are several such memory modules installed, then it is worth removing the damaged bar. Again, this may also solve the problem.

Do not ignore the overheating of the computer itself. It is necessary to constantly monitor it, remove dust from the case. Periodically lubricate the necessary parts, add paste to the processor and video card. It is best to use branded coolers, or the so-called boxed processors, which already come with a cooler. Be sure to read the article:

Verify that all cables are properly connected to the computer. Each cable is protected against misconnection, and connecting it to a different port is a problematic task, but again, it's worth checking this just in case.

The last step, if all the proposed options did not help, is to reinstall the operating system. Of course, it is best to use a licensed disc with the system. As you know, it is the use of assemblies with an additional software package that leads to various failures.

Concluding today's post called - " ? I would like to note that it is a licensed operating system and various reliable and proven application software packages that will guarantee that updates for such a system will be installed without any problems and will reliably protect your computer from the blue screen of death.

Well, that's all for me. If you have any questions, suggestions or wishes, I will be glad to hear in the comments and if you have not yet subscribed to my newsletter, I recommend that you do it right now.

While loading or running the Windows operating system, an error or glitch may occur that results in a blue screen with white text.

And in this case, you can only reboot the computer, since other actions will not be available. It is for this reason that this very screen is called the "blue screen of death" (BSOD).

What it is

The appearance of the blue screen of death means that the operating system has crashed. The reason for such a failure can be very diverse. A similar problem can happen to anyone, so you need to know what to do if a BSOD appears.

There is no need to worry and overly fuss. It is recommended to reboot the system unit, while all unsaved data will be lost.

Often, when you reboot, the problem disappears, but it is still useful to know the reason why the failure occurs. To do this, you need to analyze some line located on the blue screen of death, which contains the error verification string and the error verification code, in order to find information on them on the Internet.

System Setup

In order to be able to diagnose and fix the problem when a critical failure occurs in the operating system, you must configure the operating system in a special way.

For this you need:

  • check that in Windows settings memory dump saving is enabled;
  • guided by required size memory dump file, you need to check if there is enough free space on the system disk for its location;
  • disable rebooting the operating system after a BSOD.

Windows XP

To configure Windows operating system settingsXPnecessary:

  • enable debug information logging, namely go to:

  • Specify how much debugging information should be logged if a crash occurs.

Windows Vista/7

Windows Vista/7 settings are similar to Windows XP settings.

Windows 8

In Windows, you can adjust settings so that the operating system does not automatically reboot. In Windows 8, this requires:

  • right-click on the "Computer" icon and then select the "Properties" line from the menu that appears;
  • in the left menu of the active window, select the item “Advanced system settings”;
  • click on the "Additional" section;
  • in the field "Download and recovery" select the item "Settings ...";

  • in the "Download and Recovery" window, uncheck the box next to the "Perform automatic restart" item;
  • in addition, you need to change and save the options for saving debug information. To do this, in the "Write debug information" box, it is recommended to select the value "Small memory dump (256 Kb)". The directory into which minidumps will be loaded should not be changed. The default is C:WINDOWSMinidump.
  • Deciphering information in the Blue Screen of Death

    Each critical error is accompanied by a detailed description and an eight-digit error code. When you first encounter a BSOD, the information displayed on it seems to be a random sequence of characters, but in fact, the description and error code will help to a large extent to reveal what caused the failure and what this error means.

    The top of the monitor contains a description of the error, consisting of words stuck together in capital letters and separated by underscores.

    Immediately after the description of the error, some troubleshooting tips are displayed. They are followed by a technical information section with an eight-digit hexadecimal error code.

    Depending on the nature of the error, the code is usually completed with four auxiliary values ​​enclosed in parentheses.

    If the error that caused the BSOD is directly related to some file, this section displays its name.

    Reasons for the appearance

    There are many reasons for the blue screen of death.

    All reasons for the appearanceBSODon Windows can be broken down into three components:

    • equipment;
    • drivers;
    • programs.

    Video: Blue screen in Windows


    One of the most common reasons that can cause a BSOD in this category are issues with RAM. It needs to be tested.

    Also, failures in the functioning of the storage system are not uncommon. In this case, it is worth diagnosing the hard drive and checking for free space on it.

    Less commonly, the cause of the blue screen of death is a problem with the video adapter and processor. It is important to test this equipment using specialized utilities.

    In addition to the main components of the computer, problems can arise with additional boards that expand functionality. system block. You can find out the source of the problem by removing additional nodes and testing the computer for several days without them. If the computer functions normally without failures, then the problem is solved.

    You can also try plugging the board into a different motherboard slot. After testing all the components separately, you should test the operation of the entire system under load. If it fails under load, the problem is probably in the operation of the power supply. The way out is to replace the power supply with a more powerful one.


    There is an opinion that drivers are the source of 70% of BSOD cases. To treat the system, the driver must be reinstalled, after deleting it. If the problem is not solved, then you need to download the driver from the manufacturer's website and install it.

    There are situations when it is not possible to find a fresh driver, in which case you can install an earlier version.

    If replacing the driver does not help, then you should check the compatibility of the device with the operating system. If there is no compatibility, it is recommended to replace the hardware or reinstall the operating system.


    Software-related problems that have arisen are solved in a similar way. It is necessary to reinstall the existing one, or install the version downloaded from the developer's site.

    The likely cause of a critical error may be the simultaneous installation of two or more anti-virus tools on one operating system.

    Memory dump analysis

    To analyze critical memory dumps, you can use one of the huge number of programs, for example, DumpChk, Kanalyze, WinDbg.

    Using WinDbg (included with Debugging Tools for Windows) as an example, let's look at how crash dumps can be analyzed.

    The sequence of actions is as follows:

    • download the current version of the program from the developer's website;
    • install the program on the computer;
    • run the program;
    • go to the menu item “File –> Symbol File Path…”;
    • in the “Symbol Search Path” window, click “Browse…”;
    • in the window that appears, select the location of the Symbols directory. Then press “OK” twice, then select the menu “File –> Open Crash Dump…”;
    • in the "Open Crash Dump" window, select the path and click "Open";
    • in the "Workspace" window, set the "Don'taskagain" checkbox to "No";
    • the "Command Dump" window will be displayed with dump analysis;
    • analyze the memory dump in detail;
    • it is especially important to pay attention to the "Bugcheck Analysis" section, which displays possible reason failure;
    • to view complete information you need to click on the link "!analyze -v";
    • close the program;
    • apply the data obtained to eliminate the cause of the crash.

    Fixing blue screen of death errors

    The lion's share of blue screen of death errors is due to corruption of some system files or missing or incompatible drivers.

    WhenBSODyou need to do the following:

    Video: BSOD - Screen

    Error codes

    For faster and more effective “computer treatment”, you need to have an idea of ​​​​what error codes mean and how to fix the blue screen of death problem. Therefore, it is extremely important not to ignore the text that displays the BSOD. The most important information on the blue screen of death is the hex code of the error and its description.

    The number of BSOD errors reaches several hundred. It is simply impossible to know or describe all error codes and how to resolve them. It is much easier and better to use specialized resources that contain detailed information about errors and describe the sequence of actions to solve the problem in the most efficient and safe way.

    To do this, you just need to go to the appropriate resource, find the error with the required code, study the information about it and restore the operating system in accordance with the recommendations received.

    The most common errors:

    • 0x00000001 - internal kernel error;
    • 0x0000000A - inaccessible memory address;
    • 0x0000001E - incorrect processor command;
    • 0x00000020 - driver error;
    • 0x0000002B - stack overflow;
    • 0x00000051 is a registry error.

    In some cases, the functioning of the Windows operating system may end with the appearance of a blue screen of death, which displays a certain sequence of characters.

    The appearance of a BSOD indicates a critical error in the operation of the operating system. The way to resolve the failure depends on the system error code, which can be viewed at the bottom of the blue screen.