How to eliminate the problem with insufficient memory for the Windows system. What to do if there is not enough free Android memory to install applications

  • 21.10.2019

Some users operating system windows may occasionally see a message stating that the computer is low on memory. And to free up memory for the programs to run normally, save the files and then close or restart any open programs.

"Not enough memory on your computer, close programs" error

Someone may mistakenly think that the memory on the hard disk has run out. But if you check this, it turns out that there is a spare free space on all local disks.

Windows error "not enough memory on the computer, close programs" indicates that you do not have enough RAM and virtual memory (also called the paging file)

What is a paging file?

The fact is that modern programs, and especially games require more and more for their work random access memory... What happens if the windows application runs out of RAM? To solve this issue, the paging file or its second name - windows virtual memory was invented. When more RAM is required than is installed in the computer, everything that does not fit in the RAM is placed in the paging file so as not to interrupt the work of the program or game that requested this same RAM.

Pagefile.sys is the paging file!

Physically, the paging file (virtual memory) is by default located on the C drive where you have windows installed. You just can't see it through the conductor. And to do this, you need to enable the display of hidden and system files and folders in the control panel settings.

The location of the pagefile sys paging file on the hard disk

How to remove the error "Not enough memory on the computer, close programs"?

So. in order to get rid of this error, there are two options. The first is to buy and install (RAM). This is the most correct option.

But there is also a second, so to speak, a budget option... You can increase the paging file so that this error does not appear again. It is also possible that you have it simply turned off. And you need to turn it on.

Why is this not quite the right option? Because the speed of the RAM is many times higher than the speed of the paging file, since it is located on the hard disk. Because of this, when loading data into the paging file, slowdowns and slower loading of programs and games can be observed. But the error "not enough memory on the computer, close programs" will no longer appear.

How do I increase or enable the paging file?

Through the "Start" menu, go to the system properties.

We go into the properties of the windows system

In the window that opens, click " Extra options"Then the tab" Additional "then the first from the top button" Parameters"Then again the tab" Additionally"And the last button from the bottom" Change».

The above sequence of transitions

In the "Virtual memory" window that opens, uncheck the " Automatically select paging file size».

Next, click with the mouse on disk D, or another, on which more than 6 gigabytes are free. We put the switch in the position " Specify size"And in the fields" Original size" and " Maximum size"We write 4000. After that we press the button" Ask».

Increase windows virtual memory

After that we press " OK"And restart the computer.

Perhaps someone will ask why we did not install the paging file on the C drive? The answer is simple - so as not to take up free space on the system drive C, which tends to run out. This has already been written about in the article.

Of course, if your hard drive is broken by only one C drive, then you need to install and increase the paging file on it.

Turn on the paging file to fix the error on the computer not enough memory

Not the most relevant, but the coolest answer to the question "why is there not enough RAM" and what to do if it is not enough. And not one but three.


Go to the store and buy more (with the proviso that there is an opportunity to install more and there is money for memory).


Go to the "swap file" and be sure to include it.
Code: My Computer => Properties => Advanced => Performance => Parameters
And put up with the brakes ...

And the thing is that computers have 4 types of memory:
1.) the processor has a cache (small memory of several megabytes, which cannot be controlled, but it is the fastest)
2.) the notorious lines of RAM (speeds there, to make it clearer, about 10,000)
3.) memory on disk (on a classic HDD about 120, on a fashionable SSD about 500)
4.) memory in the disk cache (this is a layer so as not to immediately write or read a lot of small data from the disk every time)

We cannot control the first and fourth ... well, that is, we can, if we are perverts. And the principle of operation of the second and third is simple:
- RAM is fast but if left without power it will lose data (10.000)
- the disc is slow but resistant to unexpected power supply (100-500)
The swap file is when it no longer fits into the RAM, so the data starts to be stored on the disk - the disk works slower (10,000 versus 100 or even 500) that's why everything slows down.

You don't need to abstract and go crazy to understand ... that everything is data. The only question is what memory they are in.

For me, the owner of an SSD and 12 GB of RAM, a paging file is not needed - after all, everything fits into memory and excessive overwriting wears out the disk.


If your machine has already reached the maximum. Let's say netbooks (where 2 GB) or old computers (4 GB). Then - either change the car, or engage in optimization.

In the world of UNIX-like ones, since 1993, there are memory compression tools - a kind of ZIP data in the RAM. Of course, this loads the processor, but the system does not store data with one foot on a slow disk. In Windows, this was brought in only with the arrival of Windows 10, so you can try to go the easy way and upgrade to a dozen.

Or - make a small downgrade:
1.) put lightweight assembly of Windows: Win 7 Lite or even Micro XP(which takes only 40 MB when idling). If you have a license, take the same Windows, only a stripped-down assembly (home / pro / ultim).
I have a 2012 model year laptop and ... it has drivers to run XP ... but I'm not interested in toys.

2.) take the extended process manager (which really shows everything, even the hidden processes of viruses) and not the fooled standard one, but cut out everything that is not necessary (it will show the viruses at the same time).

And if there is not enough memory even to surf the Internet?

I wrote above that everything is data. Hence - everything takes place. Now say out loud "Thank you for the sites on the Internet are such shit!" Seriously, tell me, it might help ...

Let's say you have opened a page with photos. And how much do these photos weigh, have you ever wondered? High-definition wallpapers are already eating up many megabytes, 5K wallpapers - even more so. If webmasters were compressing images, less memory would be spent on visitors' machines.

Here are the pictures that I used in this story (on the left - how many were, on the right - how many turned out after optimization). Damn it, as a percentage it is clear that the difference is huge !!!

Do you, dear friend, optimize pictures on your sites? Not? Well, then you are one of the culprits of the lack of memory on the Internet.

Memory eats not so much the browser, even if in latest versions and posted a lot of unnecessary things, how many bloated sites (at least with pictures). If a picture weighs 5 megabytes, then it weighs 5 megabytes - even if it is viewed in a browser window.

Few numbers. And I can see everything - what process is doing what, and your Windows will have an armful of the same chrome-helper. I'll tell you a secret, so be it, you can see the detailed consumption with the process manager built into chrome ...

If you really climb to break, then with the ability to climb where you need to, and not where they are allowed by default.
Put the extended task manager on Windows already. _https: //

Happiness to you! And don't cry, even if you don't have enough memory. I have a Toshiba NB100 machine in my home park with a single-core Atom and cost a maximum of 2GB of memory, but the UNIX system pulls.

When working in Photoshop on slower computers, you may see a frightening dialog box about insufficient RAM. This can happen when saving large documents, when applying "heavy" filters and other operations.

This problem is due to the fact that almost all Adobe software products try to make the most of system resources in their work. They are always "not enough".

Physical memory

In this case, our computer may not have enough physical memory to run the program. These are brackets installed in the corresponding connectors on the motherboard.

Its volume can be found by clicking PKM by icon "Computer" on your desktop and selecting "Properties".

The system properties window displays various information, including the amount of RAM.

It is this parameter that should be taken into account before installing the program. Carefully read the system requirements of the version you plan to work with. For example, for Photoshop CS6, 1 Gigabyte will be enough, but the CC 2014 version will already require 2 GB.

If there is not enough memory, then only installing additional strips will help.

Virtual memory

The virtual memory of a computer is a special system file that records information that does not fit into the RAM (RAM). This is due to insufficient physical memory, which, if necessary, dumps "extra" information to the hard disk.

Since Photoshop is very active in using all system resources, then the size of the paging file directly affects its performance.

In some cases, increasing virtual memory can solve the problem with the dialog box appearing.

Choose a disk for the paging file with a sufficient amount of free space, since, configured in this way, it will immediately be of the specified size (9000 MB, in our case).

Do not increase the paging file size indefinitely, as it does not make sense. 6000 MB would be enough (with 3 GB of physical memory).

Performance settings and Photoshop scratch disks

These settings are located at "Editing - Settings - Performance".

In the settings window, we see the size of the allocated memory and those disks that Photoshop uses in its work.

In the block of allocated memory, you can increase its size with the provided slider. It is advisable not to increase the size higher 90% , as there may be problems with applications that will be launched (possibly in the background) when Photoshop is running.

With scratch disks, everything is much easier: choose the one with more free space. It is desirable that this is not the system drive. Be sure to check this parameter, as the program can be "capricious" when there is a lack of work space on the dedicated disk.

Registry key

If no standard tools help get rid of the error, then you can simply trick Photoshop by telling him that we have a lot of RAM. This is done using special key in the system registry. This trick will also help you resolve the warning issue when you try to tune performance settings. The reason for these errors is the same - a problem or insufficient memory.

  1. Launch the registry editor with the appropriate command in the menu "Run" (Windows + R).

  2. We go to the branch

    HKEY_CURRENT_USER \ Software \ Adobe \

    Open the directory "Photoshop", in which there will be another folder with numbers in the name, for example, "80.0" or "120.0", depending on the version of the program. We click on it.

    If there is no such folder in this branch, then all actions can be performed along this path:

    HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE \ Software \ Adobe \

  3. Press RMB in the right block with keys and select "New - DWORD Parameter (32 bit)".

  4. We give the key the following name:


  5. Click on the created RMB key and select the item "Change".

  6. Switch to decimal and assign a value from «0» before "24000", you can choose the largest one. Push OK.

  7. To be sure, you can restart the machine.
  8. Now, having opened the performance settings in the program, we will see the following picture:

If the errors were caused by failures or other software factors, then after these actions they should disappear.

On this, the options for solving the problem with a lack of RAM are exhausted. The optimal solution would be to increase the physical memory. If this is not possible, then try other methods, or change the version of the program.

"Failed to install / update the application, because the device memory is full" - many Android users have seen such an inscription more than once. How to make up for the lack of MB and whether it is necessary to do this at all, read our article.

How to check the amount of free memory

If you see a message about insufficient memory, the first step is to check its (memory) state. Perhaps some update or downloaded file weighed more than you thought, and now the system really does not have enough free megabytes to perform the specified procedure. So, to check the memory status of your phone:

If megabytes are really not enough, let's start cleaning the phone from unnecessary data. If there is enough, we will look for the cause of the problem and fix it.

How to free up extra memory on your device

If there is too much information stored on your device, the easiest way to clear memory is to move some of the files to another device. It is not difficult to do this, you just need to transfer the taken photos and videos, downloaded files, etc. to them. The folders below are of primary interest to us:

But what if they are all empty, but MB is still not enough? There are several options for freeing up additional memory, and we will dwell on each of them separately.

Cleaning the cache (Dalvik cache, general and individual applications)

Any device with Internet access has a cache - an intermediate buffer in memory that provides quick access to temporary files. This makes it possible not to completely load the page with each access to it, but to store part of the data in the system memory and retrieve it at the first request. On the one hand, it is convenient, because site loading is fast, no matter how slow the connection speed. On the other hand, we have memory clogged with unnecessary files and a slowdown in the system itself. Therefore, even if you have not yet encountered the error discussed in the article, you should clean the cache on Android at least once a month. By the way, this can be done in three ways:

  • Delete all cache stored on the phone

To do this, go to "Settings", open the "Memory" section and look for the "Cache" item in it. We click on it and agree to the deletion. A couple of seconds, and the cherished megabytes were freed on our phone.

  • Delete the cache of a specific application

If you're just a few MB missing, you don't have to erase all temporary files. Sometimes it is quite possible to get by with the cache of some resource-intensive program. To do this, you just need to open the "Settings" menu, select the "Application" item and find the application of interest to us in the proposed list. We open it and look for the "Clear cache" button. Click on it and watch how the amount of free memory increases by the cherished megabytes.

  • Erase Dalvik cache by putting the device into Recovery mode

Dalvik cache is a temporary compilation of application code that is stored as executable files. Removing them does not do any harm to the performance of the gadget. Therefore, in order to free up a few extra MB in this way, we do the following:

  • We turn off the phone.
  • We launch it in Recovery mode (the combination of buttons for different devices will be different, you can find it out from the instructions or on the manufacturer's official website).
  • In the menu that appears, first select the Wipe cache partition item, and then alternately - Advanced Options and Wipe Dalvik Cache.
  • After the unnecessary files are deleted, turn off the phone and restart it normally.

Note! In Recovery mode, the touch display is disabled, navigation through the menu is done using the volume buttons, and the selection is done with the start button.

However, you need to understand that by deleting the cache, you do not get rid of it forever. Temporary files will be re-placed in the device's memory when you visit the site or open the application.

Removing unnecessary data from the "Downloads" and "Other" sections

Files downloaded from the Internet, as well as data that the system cannot attribute to any of the prescribed categories, also take up a lot of space. You can get rid of them different ways... If you know which folder or folders are being downloaded, open them and clean them manually. If not, use the following scheme:

If you are afraid to delete something you need, but you cannot identify the file by its name, click on it and it will open for viewing.

Cleaning with utilities

If you don't want to deal with phone settings, you can clear the cache much faster. Special applications will help you with this, you can download any of which in the Play Market. Press the start button to start scanning the system. The system will analyze all the files stored on the phone, find temporary and no longer needed among them. Then click on "Clean" or "Delete" and get rid of the garbage on your gadget.

The most popular cleaning applications are:

  • Clean Master is one of the most popular memory cleaner and virus protection apps. It has extensive functionality and allows you to free not only ordinary memory, but also RAM.
  • Ccleaner quickly finds obsolete and residual files, allows you to remove several applications at a time, quickly stops running tasks, and also puts background programs into "hibernation" mode in 1 click.
  • NoxCleaner. The program is interesting in that it independently removes any third party applications, which have not been used for more than a month, and itself weighs very little (8 MB, version 1.2.5).

Also in the Play Market there are various "Application Managers" that help to manage programs (install, uninstall, move, etc.) on the phone. However, in order to fully function, many of them request root rights, which can negatively affect the security of the gadget.

Removing applications

The lion's share of the phone's internal memory is occupied by third-party applications and games. Therefore, if you are thinking of cleaning your device, start with them. As a rule, users erase programs that have become unnecessary according to a simplified scheme: they pinch the icon on the work screen or in the general menu, and then drag it to the trash. Or they open the application page in the Play Market and click the "Delete" button. However, the cache and some records after such deletion may remain in the device's memory, settling there as a dead weight. Therefore, if you want to erase the application without a trace, we suggest using the following method:

Done, on the device, neither the application itself, nor the files related to it, no longer exist. Data account are stored in your Google cloud profile, so if you want to reinstall the game, progress will not be lost.

Transferring applications to external memory

If there is not enough free MB, and you do not want to delete applications, you can try to transfer them to an external drive. Let's stipulate right away that this option does not work for all firmwares and not for all programs. However, why not give it a try. To transfer:

If there is no such button, it means that the developer intentionally prohibited the installation anywhere other than internal memory. And you can free up space by transferring only if the user has root rights.

Manual cleaning with root rights

We consider it necessary to start a conversation about this method with a warning:

If something goes wrong during the installation process (download an application infected with viruses, make a mistake, etc.), then there is a risk of getting "" instead of a phone. And for devices with superuser rights, the service warranty does not apply. Therefore, you perform further actions at your own peril and risk.

To get root rights, select the application from the list below, which is suitable for your phone model, and install it:

  • 360 Root.
  • Baidu Root.
  • DingDong Root.
  • Romaster SU.
  • Root Dashi.
  • Root Genius.
  • Root Zhushou.

Run the program, after which you can delete through it (or by the usual uninstallation described above) system applications, files from the data folder and other components prohibited for erasure.

So, you, or rather your phone, does not have enough memory. This, in contrast to the human, is solved, only you need to find out all the nuances, why this is happening and what to do then.

Therefore, I foresee that this record will not turn out small (although I am writing with optimization), but having familiarized yourself with all the aspects of why there is not enough free space in the memory of an android device when downloading applications or updating, it should be enough in the future.

I have received a letter like downloading an application more than once, and the android does not write enough memory, although there is memory.

This is not the fault of the phone, but of the android OS, or rather the developers. The bottom line is that the system defines the shared memory, and this, in turn, is divided into specific categories.

ATTENTION: here you must remember that in some versions of android, in the memory where files (documents, music, videos) are stored, you cannot install applications and vice versa.

I think that already from this one sentence above it becomes clear why the android writes that there is no free memory, when it is, you see it.

So that in the future you have fewer questions, I recommend remembering what the four folders are for.

The "system" folder stores system files (there is nothing for you to do), the "cache" stores the cache or temporary files in another way (you can clear the contents, - the memory will definitely increase).

Programs are installed in the "data" folder and system settings are saved. The fourth folder is "Sdcard", which stores music, photos, videos and more.

Let's dwell on the Sdcrad folder. Usually it is stored in the internal memory of the device, but if you insert a USB flash drive, it will move to it.

IMPORTANT: for each folder (section), the android allocates a certain amount of memory. So if the "data" folder is completely full, and even 6 GB of free space remains in "Sdcrad", you alone will not be able to download and install applications, but you will see that there is free memory.

That is why your android does not write enough space in memory, although you noticed that there is memory., And it is not possible to increase the memory of the "data" folder at the expense of "Sdcrad" (hacker manipulations are possible). What to do then? There is a solution. Let's consider.

Did you know that there is a trick that turns a USB flash drive (memory card) into internal memory phone -

What to do if the android constantly writes there is no memory, although there is enough free memory

The first option suggests itself on its own - just delete unnecessary applications, if any - it is known that almost everyone has five of them.

Option two: if there is, and if not, then purchase a USB flash drive and transfer installed applications to it - accordingly, the internal space will be freed up.

Option three: make the default location for installing and storing applications not on internal memory, but on a USB flash drive.

Advanced option: expand the memory, only for this you need root rights, and then install the "Link2SD" program.

But only if your android 5.0 and higher, getting root rights is not as easy as in older versions and even risky so as not to get a "brick".

What to do if the android phone does not write enough free space - my story

I am the owner for a long time Samsung Galaxy... Until now, I could not complain, but recently there has been a message that the app cannot be updated because the phone does not have enough space for this process.

All applications are installed by default in the built-in memory of the phone.

In most owners, it is small - only recently, much more of it began to appear in devices.

Mobile development software led to a situation where it became normal that programs have tens of megabytes, and some of them are close to 100 MB.

There are games that have more than 1 GB, but in their case, additional files of the application itself are placed on a USB flash drive.

Each manufacturer can customize the system to its own version. If it is not possible to transfer the application to the sd card, it is worth looking for a program that will offer such a function.

How much free space is missing

My problems started when I only had 250 MB free. In theory, this should be enough, but to update the Facebook application, this amount was not enough.

No other apps reported a problem, but it was only a matter of time before it lingered.

How to get more memory

The easiest way to uninstall applications that are not in use. That's how it started, but still the available memory didn't make a good impression.

At this point, I decided to take the opportunity to transfer the installed applications to the memory card (Android 4 has a built-in function and you don't need to install anything).

What applications are installed on the memory card

When deciding which applications to transfer to your memory card, you should always ask yourself how often they are used and under what circumstances.

In my case, games turned out to be the least important, so I decided to transfer them to a USB flash drive, based on the assumption that programs are more important to me.

Moving apps to a memory card

Moving applications to a USB flash drive with a built-in one is very simple. Just go to the application settings and select the option to transfer to the card.

After a few seconds or a few minutes of waiting, the programs will be moved.

In general, the problem of a small amount of memory in the phone sooner or later affects every user.

The best solution In this situation, get rid of applications that are still not used, and move rarely used ones to a less strategic sd card.

Over time, the problem I described may be larger, as applications become more complex and take up more and more space.

Thus, when replacing a phone, you should pay attention to the available phone memory, its division and whether the memory card can be used. That's all, and who wants more. Good luck.