How to deal with thistle and wheatgrass. Ways to deal with thistle thistle on the site On what soils grows thistle garden

  • 17.06.2019

Sow thistle is a member of the aster family. However, this plant is a weed that causes a lot of inconvenience to summer residents and gardeners. The fight against thistle is not easy, it takes a lot of time and effort.

Externally, the plant is a pretty yellow flower. Its spiny leaves with a serrated edge are oblong in shape. It is the root system that this weed has that is a big problem. It is incredibly powerful, can go into the ground for a meter. It is almost impossible to uproot the sow thistle completely. In addition, it reproduces precisely with the help of root offspring.

Sow thistle grown in the garden quickly spreads in all directions over a large area.

This weed belongs to annual plants, however, this does not make it harmless. It grows so easily: you can find this plant on almost all continents of the world. For him, the type of soil or its density does not matter at all, he will take root everywhere, even where other plants die. In addition, thistle is absolutely not picky about climatic conditions, it tolerates both cold and heat.

Therefore, it is important to understand in time how to deal with thistle in order to save your summer cottage from it.

Ways to fight

If you notice sow thistles on your land, you need to take immediate action. The fight should begin with the weakening of the root system of the plant. This is the only way to completely eliminate this weed.

There are two ways to get rid of a plant:

  • Chemical. Using special preparations;
  • Mechanical. Recourse only to the help of agricultural implements.

chemical method

Choosing for yourself chemical method, it is necessary to find suitable preparations. Herbicides are very popular. However, their use has its drawbacks.

They are great for uncultivated plots of land, before plantings appeared there. This is due to the fact that herbicides are toxic substances. They kill the weed, but at the same time poison the soil, and hence the rest of the plants planted on it. The fruits collected from such plantings should not be eaten.

After processing the site, it is necessary to allow the substances to erode, and only after that plant crops.

Care must also be taken when handling drugs to avoid poisoning or burns. When spraying plants with herbicides, use protective gloves. It is best to wear a respirator, glasses and tight clothing before processing.

If the garden has already been laid out, it is better to use more safe ways fight against thistle. most popular folk remedy is spraying the weed with kerosene. The substance must be sprayed very carefully so as not to touch useful landings. In this situation, the weed will quickly die, and horticultural crops won't get hurt.

Weed control with other plants

Another folk remedy is planting annual flowers along the rows. It is believed that thistle does not grow near them. However, this theory has not yet been scientifically proven by anyone.

Simple and accessible means are siderates. These include: nettle, lupine, alfalfa, peas, rye. After planting, you need to wait until the plants grow up, then cover with sheets of cardboard or film and leave in this state until spring. Plants overheat, enriching the earth, but the weed cannot grow in such conditions.

Mechanical methods

It is also important to remember about mechanical methods fight against adversity. These include digging the earth. It is carried out in the fall after the harvest has already been harvested. You need to dig deep enough to get the sow thistle root completely. The weed is removed by hand. After, it can be used for compost.

After digging, you can not loosen the earth. This is due to the fact that the weed, when removed, showers everything around with seeds. If the earth is loosened, the seeds will go deep and germinate later. Remaining on the surface, they simply freeze during the winter period.

Weed the garden regularly - every two weeks. Sow thistle roots are restored during this period of time. With regular weeding, the weed will be able to fully survive.

You can remove thistle manually while it is still young. As soon as you notice its sprouts, you need to get rid of them immediately. It's easy, because young plant the roots are still tender and close to the surface.

Often use agrofilm to cover the beds. This is a special film, with slots for cultivated plants. Weeds under it do not have the opportunity to germinate. It is effective, however, before using it, it is still worthwhile to carry out at least a mechanical “cleaning” of weeds.

Harm and benefits of thistle

If you do not pay attention to thistle and let it "live" its own life, then very soon you can say goodbye to the harvest. Sow thistle can do a lot of harm. He takes quickly large spaces, destroying garden crops in its path.

Naturally, for such violent growth, the weed needs to take nutrients from somewhere. He draws them from the soil. Thus, the land where the weed grows becomes depleted very quickly.

However, what is a headache for a summer resident still has its value. Thistle has and useful properties. It turns out that it is a favorite delicacy of herbivores. It is often used as food for livestock.

Also, the plant is an excellent honey plant. The yellow flowers of thistle are incredibly attractive to bees.

In addition to all of the above, the weed has another use. It is an ingredient in some dishes. Its leaves are soaked and used in salads and cabbage soup. Sow thistle roots can also be eaten, they taste like Jerusalem artichoke.

He received his application in medicine. The plant is known for its choleretic and laxative properties. Thistle is also used by nursing mothers for better breast milk production.

Sow thistle stops bleeding well, its crushed sheets are applied to the wound. And the young shoots of the plant are part of the vitamin collection.

But no matter how useful properties this weed has, it has no place in the garden next to other crops. Let these simple tips will help you get rid of the uninvited "guest" in a timely manner, and have a fruitful year for you!

Weed grass of all stripes gives a lot of headaches to every summer resident from early spring until autumn. One of these annoying plants is garden thistle, and not everyone knows how to get rid of it. Let's see what measures should be taken to fight for the harvest.

Aggressive chemistry

Increasingly, you can hear how summer residents, in an attempt to destroy thistles in their garden, use herbicides. These potent substances are able to destroy any weed, the main thing is to choose the right time. It is desirable that the sow thistle already had several pairs of leaves, and not just hatched from the ground. In this case, the effect of the drug will be most effective. But the remedy will not work on old weeds - it will only waste your time and money.

But, when using herbicides, there is one “but” - they can be applied before sowing the site. cultivated plants. Yes, and in this case, there is a risk that the drug accumulated in the ground is insignificant, but still affect the future harvest.

But when the garden is already planted, herbicides cannot be applied. But on the other hand, you can use ordinary kerosene, which is carefully sprayed with hated weeds. After a while, the substance enters the root system and the sow thistle dies.

Agrotechnical methods of dealing with thistle thistle

It is believed that it is necessary to uproot the weed, although it still remains in the soil, as it goes deep into the ground and after a while the damaged plant will have many replacement shoots. Pulling them out each time, the roots are weakened, and this leads to the death of the plant.

But it is undesirable to mow a harmful plant with a flat cutter or a chopper - it will immediately respond with the active spread of young growth, which will quickly spread throughout throughout the area.

Experienced gardeners know how to get rid of sow thistle on the site - this will take some time, but the result will be more than positive. To do this, weed grass is mowed or trampled underfoot and the plot is covered with newspapers, cardboard and other improvised material. In such a shelter, the decomposition of weeds begins to actively occur, and substances useful for the soil are released, saturating it. After that, for the next year, the site is sown with any green manure (nettle, mustard, oats) and the procedure is repeated again. The root system, no matter how deep it is, cannot withstand such a biological attack and disappears, and the summer resident gets an excellent site, fertilized and suitable for use for cultivated plants.

This species is found in all agro-climatic zones, especially on irrigated and drained lands. Weeds field and horticultural crops. It also grows on uncultivated lands, meadows, along roads.
The economic threshold of harmfulness is 2-3 plants per 1 m 2 . Belongs to the Aster family, propagated both by seeds and vegetatively - root offspring. Seedlings appear in late spring or summer. The minimum germination temperature is 4-6 °C. One plant can produce up to 40 thousand seeds. Germination of seeds in the soil lasts 3-4 years. The flowers are pink-purple, the inflorescence is a basket.
Young plants of pink thistle in crops of grain crops develop slowly. They grow especially rapidly, if not suppressed by cultivated plants, and grow strongly during one summer. Plants straight, branched, 40-160 cm tall stem covered with hairs. On vertical and horizontal roots, it has vegetative buds of renewal, which are able to germinate from a depth of 60-170 cm. In the second and third years of life, the root system reaches 5-7 m.
Agrotechnical methods of control
Shredding the root system by measures machining soil leads to the germination of dormant buds of renewal on each segment of the root.
Thistle pink can germinate even from root segments, 10 mm long and 1 mm in diameter. The shorter the length of the segment, the less depth it is able to sprout. For example, root segments 25 cm long germinate from a depth of 50 cm. More shoots appear from a large number small segments than from one large one, the same length as all the small ones together. The optimal temperature for bud germination is 15 °C, and at temperatures below 5 °C, a sharp inhibition of the intensity of their germination is observed. Humidity fluctuations do not affect the degree of germination of dormant buds. Segments of vertical roots have a slightly greater viability than horizontal ones. Better they take root in the period from the second decade of April to the second decade of May. Then their survival rate gradually decreases and in June only a few shoots reach the soil surface.
The strategy for controlling the presence of this species in agrophytocenoses, based on its biological characteristics, is to apply a set of measures within the framework of the adopted farming system, which ensures not only a decrease in the level of its presence in the herbocritical period of crops, but also the regulation of the reproductive generative and vegetative ability of the population.
Various mechanical measures are used to control pink thistle in agrophytocenoses. One of the most effective is peeling. During this tillage, after harvesting, almost all seedlings of rose thistle are destroyed. The effectiveness of peeling depends greatly on the timing. In case of untimely implementation, when the sow thistle is well rooted, has formed a developed rosette of leaves, the effectiveness of this event is reduced. In adult plants, pink sow thistle peeling stimulates the awakening of dormant buds and the formation of new rosettes. Therefore, after peeling, it is necessary to carry out the following measures to destroy thistle. The depth of the peeling depends on climatic conditions. In dry conditions, a depth of 12-14 cm is considered optimal, which can be achieved using heavy disc harrows, and for high-quality pruning, this event must be carried out in two tracks. This is due to the fact that a single pass of the BDT-7 provides cutting only 28-30% of the stems. In the absence of moisture, pink thistle seedlings may not appear. If in top layer If there is enough moisture in the soil, then the depth of peeling should be reduced to 5-8 cm and carried out with a disc cultivator. Indeed, in moist soil, segments of underground stems quickly take root.
After the regrowth of thistle at a height of rosettes of 10 cm, plowing is carried out. The effectiveness of this event depends on the depth, as well as the quality of the preliminary work. Based on the biological characteristics of pink thistle, the optimal plowing depth, which provides greatest influence on the sow thistle population is 27-32 cm. Raising the root shoots to the surface of the soil to dry them in the sun to a certain extent reduces the amount of pink thistle.
Time spending mechanical measures processing during the day also to a certain extent affects the level of their effectiveness. So, according to foreign researchers, if the harrowing of seedlings of agricultural crops with a rotary harrow is carried out at night, then this significantly delays the emergence of rose thistle seedlings, as a result of which their Negative influence to cultivated plants.
Modern trends in the development of tillage systems (minimization or complete failure) increase the risk of the spread of perennial root weeds. For example, in Switzerland, all measures to reduce the intensity and depth of tillage led to an increase in the level of the presence of pink thistle.
Chemical control methods
Today, there are enough drugs that have a negative effect on the growth and development of pink thistle. Basically, drugs based on clopyralid, glyphosate, chlorsulfuron, bentazone, MCPA and 2,4-dichlorophenoxyacetic acid are used.
Preparations from the group of chlorsulfurons are also distinguished by high efficiency against sow thistle. According to studies, in wheat crops, chlorsulfuron at a rate of 30 g/ha destroyed rose thistle by 90-98%. Metsulfuron-methyl at the rate of 8 g/ha shows the same high efficiency in wheat and barley crops. The degree of influence of tribenuron-methyl increases in the case of its combination with the introduction of a surface-active substance (surfactant). The trend is at the maximum rate.
Commonly used glyphosate-based preparations against rose thistle are best used in the post-harvest period. The optimal rate of glyphosate for the destruction of rose thistle is 2.0-4.0 l/ha. After harvesting early crops, for the effective destruction of rose thistle, it is advisable to use glyphosate twice at a rate of 3.0 l/ha. The effectiveness of preparations also increases if they are mixed with surfactants and nitrogen fertilizers, moreover, their application rate can be halved. Thus, the use of glyphosate with a consumption rate of 1.7 l/ha + 0.5 l/ha of surfactant in the late autumn period two years in a row ensures the destruction of pink thistle thistle by 94% in the next two years. After a single application of this mixture, the initial population of rose thistle is restored after two years. Reducing the application rate is advisable only in the case of using tank mixes. Experiments have shown that spraying with reduced doses of herbicides of potato crops, even in combination with, leads to secondary infestation with thistle pink. The number of this weed increases by 70-79% compared to the control measures.
Traditional preparations of the 2,4-dichlorophenoxyacetic acid group for the control of this species are used to the maximum allowable rate. So, according to researchers, MCPA on crops winter wheat effective against pink thistle at a rate of 1.0-1.5 l/ha. At the same time, their action is manifested mainly on the aerial part.
To reliably control the level of presence of this species, knowing the antagonistic, additive and synergistic effects of various drugs, it is better to use tank mixtures. For example, in corn crops, the use of a tank mixture of bentazone + 2,4 dichlorophenoxyacetic acid for seedlings ensures the destruction of rose thistle by 70-80%.
Together, not every tank mix has a higher net potency than pure formulations. Thus, a tank mixture of clopyralid and 2,4-dichlorophenoxyacetic acid was less effective than pure clopyralid against rose thistle, because rapid destruction leaf surface of weeds with 2,4-dichlorophenoxyacetic acid led to a decrease in the penetration of clopyralid into the root system of thistle.
A wide range of drugs allowed for use makes it possible to develop a herbicide application system that can ensure the cleaning of fields from pink thistle even in the absence of mechanical tillage. Thus, three years of intensive protection of crops and spring barley in Canada using zero technology provided an increase in the productivity of these crops and was economically profitable. The system consisted of post-harvest application of glyphosate and clopyralide during the crop care period. With a high number of weeds, it is advisable to use glyphosate in the pre-harvest period. The row spacing, as well as the seeding rate, did not significantly affect the level of presence of this species in agrophytocenoses.
In traditional technologies, a combination of peeling, deep plowing and spraying with a tank mix of 2,4-dichlorophenoxyacetic acid + glyphosate provides economically feasible and reliable control of rose thistle.
Recommended herbicides: on grain crops - clopyralid (0.12-0.66 kg/ha), 2,4-dichlorophenoxyacetic acid (1.2-1.7 l/ha), ethylhexyl ether 2,4-D + florasulam (0.6 l/ha), 2,4-dichlorophenoxyoctic acid + dicamba (0.8 l/ha), MCPA (1.5 l/ha) in the presence of pink thistle seedlings in autumn application possible dicamba is normal 0.2-0.3 l / ha or drugs for based compositions triasul furon + dicamba (150g/ha) or amidosulfuron+ iodinesulfuron - sodium methyl + antidote mefenpyrdietil (200g/ha) corn - clopyralid (0.2-1.0 l/ha), rimsulfuron (40-50 g/ha + surfactant), dicamba (0.8 l/ha) , 2,4-dichlorophenoxyacetic acid (1.0-1.7 l/ha), 2,4-dichlorophenoxyacetic acid + dicamba (1.5 l/ha), on beets apply clopyralid (0.5 l/ha) in crops

Any gardener can confidently say that weed control is one of the most difficult, because it requires not only a colossal investment of time, but also nerves and financial capabilities.

In particular, this applies to the most "harmful" weeds, which, in principle, make their way through their existence and presence in the garden - sow thistle. This representative of the aster family takes root deep into the ground, due to the high degree of vegetative propagation, establishes its own root system and begins to terrorize nearby plants. To get rid of thistle in your own garden, let's be honest, is impossible. However, due to the correctly chosen tactics of farming and weed control, it is possible to obtain efficiency in the fight against thistle.

Quite a pretty outwardly flower: oblong prickly serrated leaves and yellow inflorescences on the top of a straight stem can boast a very powerful root system, in which all the power of sow thistle lies. The rhizome grows up to 1 m deep, firmly rooting in the ground.

Let's first understand why we need to get rid of this herb? Based on the above, thistle has a powerful root system, which, due to sprawling, absorbs all vitamins, fertilizers, and minerals from neighboring plants from the soil. Simply put, thistle depletes the soil. Consequently, all vegetable crops growing on the site will be deprived of nutrients, the fruits will not grow, remaining small and sick. Leaving thistles unattended, you can count on its aggressiveness, due to which it will simply crowd out the rest. useful crops. As a result, the harvest can not wait.

True, separate sown areas are specially allocated for sowing sow thistle. Quite a logical question, why? First of all, the essence of sow thistle lies in its palatability, highly valued by livestock. This plant is used for feeding cattle. Although some people prefer to eat thistle for food - soaking the mixture is added to salads, casseroles, cabbage soup. At the same time yellow flowers sow thistle stands in a vase for a long time, simply pleasing to the eye.

It would be rather illogical not to mention medicinal properties of this plant. Decoctions and tinctures from sow thistle are used against worms, used as a hemostatic and antiseptic. For some, sow thistle is recommended for eating in cases with complications of gastrointestinal diseases.

Chemical treatment of the site

Having got an idea of ​​what sow thistle is, about its benefits and harms, you can proceed to the most important thing - the need to process the site of its sowing. Most summer residents are wondering how to cultivate the soil against weeds. In the case when the land on which the weed grows has not passed the improvement test, then vegetable crops will not grow on it. In this situation, it is simply necessary to subject the soil to chemical treatment. This procedure is extremely effective, however, not without aggressiveness. After this treatment, it will be necessary to wait at least one season to plant vegetables on the cleared soil.

At the moment, you can buy chemical treatment products in almost any specialized store. The most common are powerful herbicides, such as Roundup, Tornado, Arsenal. Chemical treatment is planned in advance for those days when there is no expected rainfall. Precipitation in the form of rain should not be forecast before and after treatment. In the process of processing, you should take care to protect your hands based on rubber gloves, and for safety reasons, keep your pets away from the garden for at least a day.

Is it possible to remove thistle manually

In the case when thistle is adjacent to potatoes, carrots, beets and other vegetables, it should be cleaned by hand. Unfortunately, this will not work the first time, however, due to the regularity of actions and patience, you can clear the garden of the most annoying weed. In what way?

  1. Closing the season in the fall, as soon as frosts begin to occur, it is worth digging up the ground and, if possible, pulling out all available sow thistle roots. This should be done with the utmost care - without shaking the grass so that the seeds do not crumble. Next, you need to fold the plants and destroy them in compost pit. Never leave roots uprooted from the ground on the site - their ease of taking root is amazing!
  2. As soon as the earth has been dug up, you should not rush to loosen and level it. In this case, the fallen seeds will completely enter the ground and germinate in the spring. When they remain on the surface, they will have a chance to freeze from frost, therefore, there will be a real chance to save their own garden from a wide number of weeds.
  3. In the spring, it is extremely important to clean the garden by hand, pulling out all the weeds, while they are still young and not strong. In the case when the root "materates", it will be much more difficult to perform the procedure.
  4. Getting rid of sow thistle is impossible without periodic weeding of the garden about twice a month. By doing this regularly, the plant has the risk of exhaustion, and, therefore, every chance of death.
  5. Exists effective way protect your garden from sow thistle and other varieties of weeds. Having bought a special agrofilm, you will need to cover the soil with it. It is this film that has special holes that allow plants to grow. The rest of the weeds, including thistle, suffocate without oxygen and sunlight, and then die.

Mechanical manual weed control will allow you to get a positive outcome in 70-80% of cases. Carrying out work regularly, there is a high probability of completely getting rid of thistle.

Folk remedies for getting rid of thistle

Let's use the advice of experienced gardeners who will assist in getting rid of thistle based on improvised means.

  1. Extremely effective tool kerosene is considered against sow thistle. They should spray weeds pointwise so that they do not have time to harm everyone vegetable crops. As a rule, this allows you to eliminate the unwanted culture the first time.
  2. Mulching helps to get rid of thistle. Mulch is a thick layer of sawdust or other dense material that covers the soil. Usually thistle is not able to break through the mulch. If he still found the way, it must be immediately weeded.
  3. To eliminate thistle from the site, you can resort to green manure. For those who are not in the know, green manure are plants planted to improve the condition of the soil and enrich it. The fight against thistle is better with legumes, alfalfa, nettle, lupine, rye. Any of the selected crops is planted in places where the growth is most active. Having harvested (say, peas), the entire soil is covered plastic wrap. Such a blanket remains until spring: you can be sure that none of the weeds will survive. All the grass rotting under the film will rot, while saturating the soil with fertilizers and fertilizers.
  4. Resorting to the opinion of experienced gardeners, it is worthwhile to understand that most weeds are not capable of withstanding pruning. If you periodically cut thistle once a week to the very top, then it can gradually die. In the future, he will not be able to grow in this area. This fact allows us to talk about the effectiveness of pulling out the stem of the weed. In addition, periodic pruning will ensure a smooth, beautiful lawn.
  5. It may sound strange, but sow thistle is practically not able to get along with wheat. To get rid of weeds, it is necessary to dig up the ground in the spring, get rid of all the remnants of the roots, and after that, wheat on the site. It is wheat that will allow you to quickly cope with the weed.
  6. You can cope with thistle and its subsequent appearance thanks to ammonia. This can be done on the basis of 5-7 bottles of ammonia, spraying this solution into the soil and growing weeds. After some time, you can notice that the plant withers, and then it dies. A similar effect can be achieved with ammonia. ammonia. Don't forget to wear gloves and a mask. It is necessary to carry out spot treatment so that the poison does not affect fertile crops.

As a result, it is worth noting that due to the correct measures to combat this thistle, you can completely get rid of it. Not every amateur gardener is able to cope with the complexity of the distribution of thistle thistle with his own efforts. However, there is no need to fear the decision to destroy it. Mechanical manually the process will turn out to be quite long and drawn out, but only with an effort you can count on a positive result.

Most gardeners try to solve the problem on their own, but without experience and knowledge, it is difficult to counter the rapid spread of the weed.

We have proposed a certain set of measures on the basis of which you can get rid of thistle and stop the expansion of weeds in your garden. Thus, you will receive not only a clean field, but also high performance harvest.

We hope that this article will be useful for beginner gardeners. It is time to put the knowledge gained into practice and stop settling sedge on your site.

For more information about the possible removal of thistle, see here: