Diameter of sewer pipes: plastic, cast iron. Dimensions and types of PVC sewer pipes and adapters for their connection Plumbing pipe 110 dimensions

  • 27.06.2020

Every owner wants everything to work in his household, nothing to break, and to be easy to maintain and install. And sewerage is no exception. It is necessary that it requires as little attention as possible - it is very inconvenient if it becomes clogged, but it is no less unpleasant to clean it. If you want to have a trouble-free sewage disposal system, pay attention to plastic sewer pipes. They are gradually replacing cast iron ones, and all because they cost less, are easier to install, have a large assortment- different diameters and lengths, almost no deposits form on their smooth walls, and even the service life is about 50 years. This whole bunch of properties determines their popularity.

Types of plastic sewer pipes

  • polyethylene (PE):
    • high pressure (HPV) - for internal sewerage wiring;
    • low pressure (HDPE) - it is possible to lay outside, in trenches (they have greater strength);
  • polyvinyl chloride (PVC);
  • polypropylene (PP)

And further whole line other thermoplastics and their combinations, but they are rare - people prefer to use already known materials.

plastic material sewer pipes selected depending on the application. For example, polypropylene is more suitable for sewerage wiring inside a house or in an apartment. It has a higher operating temperature range - normally tolerates media up to 70°C, short-term - up to 95°C. In the presence of various household appliances, lowering the spent hot water into the sewers, it will not be superfluous. PVC pipes, which have lower prices, are more appropriate when laying outdoor sewers - here the drains are usually already mixed, so the temperatures are lower and PVC can endure them without harm (working up to + 40 ° C, short-term increase to 60 ° C).

Also, sewer pipes are smooth and corrugated. Moreover, not only bends from siphons can be corrugated. There are profiled pipes for sewerage with an internal smooth wall and an external ribbed one. They have greater strength - they better tolerate compressive loads (they have increased ring stiffness), they can be buried to a greater depth. Are issued with diameters from 110 mm to 1200 mm.

Dimensions and diameters

Sewer plastic pipes, unlike water and gas pipes, are produced in the form of segments, 50 cm, 100 cm, 200 cm long, etc. - up to 600 cm. The maximum length is 12 meters, but some manufacturers can make longer lengths on request. When laying long routes, this is convenient - fewer connections, fewer possible problems (leaks or blockages).

Other important characteristics of plastic pipes are the diameter and wall thickness. In the marking, they usually go side by side: there are numbers 160 * 4.2. What is deciphered: outside diameter pipes 160 mm, wall thickness 4.2 mm. It is worth remembering here that manufacturers indicate the outer diameter of plastic pipes, and for many calculations and planning, you need to know the inner diameter. It is easy to calculate it: we subtract twice the wall thickness from the outer one: 160 mm - 4.2 mm * 2 = 151.6 mm. In calculations and tables, a rounded result usually appears - in this case - 150 mm.

In general, the industry produces plastic pipes for sewerage with a diameter of 25 mm or more. The maximum section depends on the type of pipe (smooth or corrugated) and the material from which it is made. For example, smooth sewer PVC pipes can be up to 630 mm in diameter, and profiled two-layer pipes can be up to 1200 mm. But these dimensions are useless for homeowners or apartment dwellers. In private housing construction, diameters up to 100-110 mm are mainly used, rarely up to 160 mm. Sometimes, for a large cottage with a lot of plumbing fixtures, a pipe 200-250 mm in diameter may be needed.

How to choose a diameter for connecting plumbing fixtures

According to the rules, it is necessary to make a calculation; it is completely spelled out in SNiP 2.04.01085. This is a complex matter, it requires a lot of data, so few people really think it is right. Over the years, the practice gained has made it possible to derive the average diameters of polyethylene sewer pipes for each of the plumbing fixtures. You can safely use these developments - all calculations usually come down to these dimensions.

Name of the plumbing fixturePlastic sewer pipe diameterslopeDistance between central drain and siphon
Bath40 mm1:30 100-130 cm
Shower40 mm1:48 150-170 cm
Toilet100 mm1:20 up to 600 cm
Sink40 mm1:12 from 0 to 80 cm
Bidet30-40 mm1:20 70-100 cm
Kitchen sink30-40 mm1:36 130-150 cm
Combined drain - bath, sink, shower50 mm1:48 170-230 cm
central riser100-110 mm
Branches from the central riser65-75 cm

As you can see, plastic sewer pipes with a diameter of 30-40 mm are mainly used. Only the toilet requires a much larger size - 100-110 mm. This is due to the peculiarity of functioning - it is necessary to divert a large amount of water in a short period of time. At the same time, there must be room for air in the pipe, otherwise it will break the water locks on other plumbing and “aromas” from the sewer will enter the room.

There are a few more rules to keep in mind when using the device:

Still we must not forget about the insulation or heating of the sewer outlet in a private house. The vertical section that goes from the outlet to the entrance to the trench must be well insulated. Additionally, often used. In the case of sewers, they are usually laid outside, then covered with heat-insulating material.

Here, like everything. The rules are simple, but if you follow them, everything will work for a long time and without fail.

Features of the installation of plastic sewer pipes

Plastic pipes for sewerage on one side end with a socket into which a sealing gum is inserted. The segments are connected simply: a smooth edge is inserted into the socket. Since the dimensions are strictly normalized, this is, in principle, sufficient for a hermetic connection. In practice, often the sealing ring is additionally coated with silicone plumbing sealant.

When installing sewer plastic pipes, they sometimes have to be cut. Make it easy with hand saw with a blade for metal - small teeth cut well and leave an almost even edge. You can also use a grinder or electric jigsaw. In any case, before installing the cut piece, its edge must be processed sandpaper with fine grain - remove possible burrs, make it even. Some piece of waste may catch on the protruding pieces, as a result, a blockage may form in this place. Therefore, we carefully smooth the place of the saw.

When creating a sewer network in a house or apartment, it is often necessary to make a branch. There are fittings for this - adapters from one diameter to another, tees, angles with different degrees of rotation, etc.

Sewer plastic pipes in many areas of human activity have almost completely replaced traditional metal pipes today. The first one is based on:

  • polyethylene;
  • polyvinyl chloride;
  • polypropylene;
  • polybutylene.

The most popular for arranging modern sewer systems are PVC pipes, because they are resistant to aggressive substances that are in domestic and industrial wastewater. Those elements that are in the ground can also have a negative impact.

Why you should use plastic

If we are talking about high-quality plastic pipes for laying sewers, then they have an ideal smooth surface, therefore, during operation, clogging occurs extremely rarely. During installation, there is no need to use any special tool, a hacksaw for metal will be enough for cutting, and its fine teeth practically do not form burrs.

Key Features

Sewer plastic pipes are made from complex polymer compounds that are obtained during use. the latest technologies. This guarantees durability and reliability. If you want to choose especially durable products, then metal-polymer sewer pipes should be preferred.

Plastic pipes are quite easy to install, their laying requires less labor, this applies not only to the inside of the house. Such products are characterized by excellent throughput, they are easy to bend at a certain angle. Pipes can be laid independently. They have many benefits, including:

  • reasonable cost;
  • no need for cathodic protection;
  • low thermal conductivity;
  • reliable protection against the spread of viruses and bacteria;
  • durability;
  • resistance to chemical influences, corrosion and external aggressive environment;
  • slight weight.

Sewer plastic pipes are ready to serve more than 50 years. They do not require constant maintenance.

Size Information

The described products can have a variety of sizes. If we are talking about an impressive diameter, then it is designed for an increased load, therefore, such pipes are installed to service buildings of social facilities, cottages and apartment buildings. For example, a diameter of 200 mm is suitable for a hospital, hotel or sauna.

If the diameter is increased to 300 mm, then such a pipe is suitable for the operation of industrial facilities. In individual construction, products of small diameter are required. A 150 mm riser will not be fully utilized, even if there are several bathrooms in the house. Square pipes can be used to solve the problems of irrigating personal plots. To organize drains from individual appliances such as a washbasin, shower and bath, you can use 75 mm pipes.

To ensure the operation of the toilet, it is necessary to use a pipe of 100 or 110 mm. When choosing dimensions, it is also important to take into account the wall thickness, which will depend on the diameter of the pipe. If the cross section is 160 mm, then the wall thickness will be 3.9 mm. In this case, a parameter of 110 mm will indicate that the wall thickness is 3 mm.

The weight of the pipe also depends on the diameter. For example, a 160 mm pipe weighs 2 kg, while a 110 mm pipe will give a weight of 1 kg. Sewer plastic pipes also have a certain length. According to state standards, manufacturers produce individual segments from 1 to 6 m, with a step of 1 m.


Plastic sewer pipe, the characteristics of which you should know before purchasing this product, has high mechanical strength. This is due to the three-layer manufacturing technology and external corrugation. That is why these elements can be installed to a depth of up to 8 m. The pipes are resistant to aggressive environments. This is especially true for PVC-U materials, because they are used to transport gases and chemical liquids.

The internal pressure will depend on the wall thickness and design, the maximum value can be up to 16 bar, while the minimum is 6 bar. The main disadvantage of these pipes is the temperature limitation. Maximum temperature is 65 °C, while the minimum is -10 °C.

Some models allow short-term exposure to temperatures up to +90 °C. The specific gravity may vary depending on the wall thickness and diameter, but on average it is 2 kg per running meter. At break, the maximum tensile strength is 50 MPa.

Characteristics of plastic sewer pipes for indoor laying

The sizes of plastic sewer pipes have been mentioned above. But this parameter cannot be called the only one that should be interested in when buying these products. For example, it is important to pay attention also to the color that indicates the purpose.

A gray tint indicates that you have a pipe in front of you for internal sewerage. It is distinguished by the smoothness of the walls, and is connected by a bell. The most popular sizes are: 32, 40, 50 and 110 mm. The length can vary from 315 to 3000 mm. Considering the stiffness conditions, the wall thickness should be selected. However, for gravity systems, this parameter cannot be less than 1.8 mm.

Characteristics of pipes for external sewage

External sewer plastic pipes are usually yellow or orange in color. They are used for laying outside and are operated under more severe conditions. This leads to the fact that they have their own list of wall thicknesses for each diameter. For example, for a 200 mm diameter, the wall thickness would be 3.9 mm. This applies to pipes for light conditions, they are laid to a depth of 4 meters.

With the aforementioned diameter, the wall thickness will be 4.9 mm if the pipes are operated under medium stiffness conditions, and they will be buried by 6 meters. The wall thickness will be increased to 5.9 mm if the depth reaches 8 meters and the hardness conditions are severe.

The cost of sewer plastic pipes

A plastic sewer pipe 50 mm is a product where the diameter is indicated. You will have to pay 94 rubles for the product. In this case, the wall thickness will be 3.2 mm. In this case, we are talking about the stiffness class SN 4. A sewer plastic pipe 110 mm will cost the consumer 200 rubles. The wall thickness remains the same. With an increase in diameter to 160 mm, the price rises to 579 rubles.

Connection Features

Plastic sewer pipes must be securely sealed and joined to each other. Ultimately, the master must receive a holistic design. For this, universal fittings are used, among them:

  • knee;
  • tee fittings;
  • siphons.

A tee Y-fitting is used for connection at an angle of 45 °C. If it is necessary to form a right angle, a T-Y fitting should be used. If you want to connect a pipe of a larger diameter with a thinner pipe, then a sleeve is put on the socket, which allows you to reduce the diameter.

To eliminate blockages, experts recommend less frequent use of any kind of connection. Before connecting sewer plastic pipes, the structures should be cleaned, this is necessary when the pipe is soldered with a socket. If irregularities form on the inner wall, they will collect solid particles from the drains. When connecting with force, you can use a lubricant like soap, glycerin or grease.


The dimensions of the plastic sewer pipes must be selected by you before you start laying the system. Next, you need to follow the technology. At the first stage, the elements are adjusted, while the master needs to check the compliance of the slopes and angles. You can markup so as not to get confused in in large numbers nodes.

In the next step, the elements are connected to each other. It is important to check that the product fits into the socket by a third of the seat. However, you should not apply special efforts. Joints are glued for tightness. special composition. After applying it, you can put on the fitting. To create a branched system, tees or other distribution elements can be used. After completion of work, it is important to check the tightness of the system within an hour. If no leak is found, then installation work were carried out successfully and efficiently.

Features of the arrangement of the sewerage system using plastic pipes

Plastic sewer pipes, the prices of which were mentioned above, must be laid with a certain slope, which will ensure the unhindered removal of waste and sewage.

If the slope is too large, then growths will form on the inner walls, which over time will lead to the formation of blockages and traffic jams. If the slope is made smaller or not provided at all, then the drains will not leave the house on their own, the system in this case will be inoperative. Plastic sewer pipes, the prices of which should interest you if you plan to use them when arranging the system, are used in conjunction with a metal fan pipe. It is required for ventilation and is set to a height of four meters. Its diameter usually varies from 50 to 110 mm.

When it comes to urban high-rise buildings, where through all the floors passes sewer riser, its diameter must match the outlet pipe from the toilet. This value is 110 mm. The removal of the pipe is carried out on the roof, it is left open. It will communicate with the atmosphere and eliminate vacuum, which could lead to the appearance of unpleasant odors.

When assembling the riser, it is important to strengthen the neck of each pipe with a clamp. If a compensating pipe is installed, then its fastening is carried out using the same technology. O-rings should not be assumed to be sufficient for plastic pipes. Over time, they will certainly loosen, and the joints may lose their tightness.


Installation of plastic sewer pipes is quite often carried out under highways. In this case, the system should be located at a depth of one meter or more. If it is no longer possible to deepen the system, then it is necessary to carry out its pulling in a reinforced concrete box.

It is important not only to correctly lay the sewerage system from plastic pipes, but also to ensure operation in accordance with the rules. For cleaning sewer risers, steel wire is used, which is not suitable for plastic structures. This is due to the fact that the wire can scratch the inner walls of the products. Therefore, it is recommended to use a soft cable that is protected by a rubber tip.

One of the important factors that will have to be implemented in the process is the correct calculation of the characteristics for each of the mounted sections. Calculations are important because they correct execution allows you to reduce costs and achieve the desired efficiency.

Anyone is ready to offer a wide range of pipes with different lengths, diameters and other individual characteristics.

To create sewer systems, products with a diameter of less than 50 mm are not used, 32 and 40 mm pipes are used for electrical wiring. But 50 mm parts are used to create indoors and connect plumbing units.

Table 1:

Nominal diameterBell inner diameterWall thickness including e, e 2 min, e 3 minFlare length including a min, c maxFree end length
32 32.3 1.8;1.6;1.0; 24;18 42
40 40.3 1.8;1.6;1.0; 26;18 44
50 50.3 1.8;1.6;1.0; 28;18 46
75 75.4 1.9;1.7;1.1; 33;18 51
110 110.4 2.7;2.4;1.5; 36;22 58

The consumer should know the following about 110 mm parts: such products are used, despite similar diameters, they have different properties, so it is worth purchasing components for indoor use, and for outdoor use. Low cost and the search for ways to improve industrial mechanisms led not only to a significant, but also to a decrease in cost as independent parts, and installation estimates in general.

Table 2:

Nominal diameter
Least inner diameter bellBell length (including normal and extended)Assembly length (including standard and extended)
110+0.3 110.4 58;201 58;113
160+0.4 160.5 74;214 74;123
200+0.5 200.6 90;226 90;133
250+0.5 250.8 125;265 125;167
315+0.6 316.0 158;272 158;171
400+0.7 401.2 178;291 178;188
500+0.9 501.5 200;323 228;242
630+1.1 631.9 228;361 228;242

The minimum length of components with a diameter of 125, 160 and 200 mm is 500 mm, this can be a lot during installation. In this state of affairs, the extra segment can be separated from the main structure using a conventional hacksaw. We must not forget that it will only be provided that the end of the cut product is carefully processed.

160 mm gauge is traditionally suitable for both rain systems in low-rise (private) houses. In the context of this situation, as a rule, lengths of 3 meters are used. A curious feature of parts with a diameter of 200 mm is that this is the limit for components available outside the scope of an individual order up to 100 cm in length.

Table 3:

Diameter (mm)Bell length (mm)Wall thickness (mm)Weight 1 meter (kg)
125 140 3,2 2.029
160 165 3,2 2.626
200 185 3,9 3.949
250 210 4,9 6.200
315 230 6,2 9.926
355 240 7 12.594
400 260 7,9 16.000
450 280 8,8 20.104
500 300 9,8 24.925
630 335 12,3 39.66
710 420 13,9 50.824
800 430 15,7 65.068
900 450 17,6 82.281
100 470 19,6 102.056

The assortment of 250 mm parts is multi-layered, which allows it to be used efficiently. The design, assembled from such components, is not “afraid” of loads, is resistant to mechanical stress, and has an impressive service life.

Advantages of PVC material

It is important to understand that PVC pipes, for wiring and sewer, have a lot of significant competitive advantage, the main ones being:

  • Impressive, which usually lasts at least half a century;
  • No need to maintain an object assembled from PVC;
  • The minimum weight greatly facilitates not only storage and transportation, but also;
  • Low, in comparison with analogues made from other raw materials, cost;
  • The impossibility of clogging the structure, due to the smooth internal structure of the part;
  • Simplicity and the ability to quickly perform installation work.

The goods in question are such that their assembly does not require the use of complex and expensive labor: all the actions that the situation implies (in some cases, even digging trenches for external sewage) can be done by hand, using a socket is not a complicated process and special does not require skills.

In addition, ease of assembly leads to high speed. In comparison with analogues that require either the use of compression couplings, the assembly of the pipes in question is carried out many times faster.

It is important to consider that the use of such products is a great opportunity to save not only time, but also money, since you do not need to pay for the services of a master or a team of craftsmen who will install the drainage structure.

To climatic influences, as well as to the influence of chemicals, these pipes are practically invulnerable, while they are often used for transporting rarefied media (gaseous substances).

The video shows the dimensions of the sewer pipes:

Wastewater disposal systems from modern polymer materials have huge advantages over obsolete structures made of cast iron and steel. In addition to the fact that a wide variety of sizes of PVC sewer pipes are on sale, these products are distinguished by their excellent technical specifications. PVC pipes have light weight, they are easy to work with, polymer plastic is resistant to mechanical stress, chemically active liquids, fungus and mold. Of course, the durability, reliability and affordable cost of PVC plumbing pipes for sewerage, the dimensions of which allow you to create systems of any size and complexity, are not the least important. But, in order to carry out this work quickly and with high quality, you need to know what performance qualities are inherent in plastic sewer pipes.

Purpose of PVC pipes

The sizes of plastic sewer pipes are varied enough to transport a wide variety of liquids inside and outside the house to the end point, which can be general system collection of drains, a collector or a septic tank. Despite the fact that these products look almost the same, their purpose may not differ significantly depending on the model.

So, regardless of size, PVC sewer pipes have the following strength classification:

  1. Heavy. Products have reinforced thick walls that can withstand the most extreme pressure, both from the outside and from the inside. They are used for laying pipelines under roads, on the territory of industrial and other facilities with heavy traffic.
  2. Medium. Withstand the load from light soil and the movement of cars. They have a fairly wide range of use in pressure and non-pressure systems.
  3. Lungs. From pipes of this class, internal sewers, storm and drainage systems. They are laid underground exclusively in places with pedestrian traffic, since they do not have an adequate margin of safety. For the most part, they are used for arranging intra-house sewage systems of a non-pressure type.

With plastic pipes different sizes external and internal sewer structures, pressure and gravity systems for the removal of sewage, storm and melt water. When choosing PVC sewer pipes, you need to take into account that the size and color of the products are different. So, sections and fittings for internal works are gray. PVC pipes for outdoor sewerage are more impressive in size. Products of this series have a bright orange color. Regardless of type and size, plastic sewer pipes match perfectly in all respects.

Dimensions of plastic pipes

On a note: The efficiency and practicality of a drain system directly depends on the dimensions of the PVC sewer pipes that were used to assemble them.

This does not mean at all that you need to use the largest products. This approach is wrong, as it leads to unnecessary waste of money, effort and living space in the room. Everywhere you need to pick up the golden mean.

The standard sizes of plastic sewer pipes are divided according to the following indicators:

  1. Length. The most common are sections with a length of 300 cm. They are most suitable for the repair and construction of houses with a ceiling height of 240-280 cm. There is practically no waste left. For the arrangement of non-standard premises, sections with a length of 50, 100, 150 and 200 cm can be purchased. This allows you to avoid unnecessary costs and unnecessary work associated with sawing into blanks and folding cut points.
  2. Outside diameter. This value is indicated on the outside of the products. It is taken into account when designing a building and arranging an external sewage system, as the initial data for making strobes in the walls, the depth and width of the trench. As a rule, for the arrangement of apartments and houses, parts with a diameter of 50 mm and 100 mm are used.
  3. Inner diameter. This indicator determines the throughput of the system. It is measured in square centimeters or millimeters.
  4. Wall thickness. This indicator determines the strength of the structure. It directly depends on the class of rigidity of the product. The wall thickness varies between 1.8-6 mm. For internal systems the thinnest pipes are sufficient. When arranging an external highway, it is worth selecting products with a maximum wall thickness to guarantee resistance to soil pressure.

When purchasing sections, you need to purchase fittings of the appropriate parameters. To avoid unwanted size discrepancies, it is advisable to buy a set of parts from the same manufacturer. The goods must be taken with a margin of up to 15% based on scraps and possible errors.

Video about the installation of pipes of different diameters

Plastic pipes have been considered for many years as the natural choice in case of replacement or installation. new system sewerage. Modern production is constantly improving the technology of manufacturing plastic construction products.

As a result, a wide range quality materials various shapes and diameters, which caused progress in the construction of reliable, durable sewer pipelines.

External sewer pipe - diameters.

Pipes for external drain are orange. Depending on the amount of wastewater, diameters are produced 110, 125, 160, 200, 250, 300, 400 and 500mm. The size of the wall starts from 3 mm, the length varies from 1.2 to 3 m. For the arrangement of urban sewer systems, a diameter of 200 mm or more is used.

Dimensions of internal PVC pipes.

For the arrangement of internal sewerage, gray pipes are used. Standard diameter sizes are 32, 40, 50, 75, 110 and 160mm. The wall thickness is not designed for high loads, varies from 1 to 3.2 mm. Length can be 0.3, 0.5, 1, 1.5, 2 and 3 meters.

Appointment of PVC pipes and main characteristics.

The scope of this material depends on its physical properties. It does not hurt to know that polyvinyl chloride is one of the representatives of the group of thermoplastics, which, after heat treatment and even under mechanical influences retain their shape and integrity.

Ethylene, stabilized chlorine and additives to improve properties are also used in the pipe production process. The main purpose of PVC pipes is their use in the sewerage system. Depending on their thickness, the scope of use and, accordingly, the type are determined.

It could be:

  1. internal sewerage:
  2. outdoor;
  3. pressure system;
  4. gravity drain.

This classification refers to those models that have undergone appropriate processing. The best technical characteristics are not plasticized polyvinyl chloride PVC-U. Operational properties are directly related to technical specifications.

As for PVC pipes, they are characterized by such indicators:

  • high level of mechanical strength, moreover three-layer technology manufacturing and external corrugation allows you to install it deep;
  • resistance to negative influence aggressive environment;
  • perfectly smooth wall from the inside, which prevents the retention of solid elements;
  • a large value of internal pressure, a minimum of 6 bar, and a maximum of 16;
  • the highest drain temperature that is allowed is +65 degrees Celsius, and the minimum is -10 degrees. There are models that can withstand +90 degrees, but if this happens for a short time;
  • specific gravity 2 kg per linear meter (the indicator varies depending on the thickness and diameter);
  • the tensile strength is 50 MPa, and the service life is about 50 years.

Pipe sizes for indoor and outdoor systems.

The dimensions of PVC pipes are determined by several parameters: diameter, wall thickness and length. Each type of sewer has its own recommended standards.

Since PVC pipes are manufactured in accordance with GOST, they have strictly defined dimensional characteristics.

The table shows the standard PVC dimensions pipes for internal and external sewerage:

  • Dн - external diameter pipes,
  • d - inner diameter,
  • Dy - average lumen,
  • b - wall thickness.

By building codes each element of the plumbing system has its own requirements for the diameter of the pipes (according to the internal diameter):

  • 25 mm - washing machines, dishwashers,
  • 30-47 mm - bathroom sink, bidet,
  • 38-50 mm - kitchen cubicle, bathtub or shower,
  • 50 mm - wiring of the sewer system inside the building,
  • 70-86 mm - various outlets from the central riser,
  • 100-118 mm - toilet bowl, central riser,
  • 150-190 mm - section from the central riser to the city sewer system,
  • 200 mm - drainage from baths (saunas),
  • 240-300 mm - drainage from pools,
  • 300-1100 mm - urban sewer lines.


Advantages of PVC material.

It is important to understand that PVC, plumbing, for wiring and sewer, have a lot of significant competitive advantages, the main of which are:

  • An impressive service life, the duration of which is usually at least half a century;
  • No need to maintain an object assembled from PVC;
  • The minimum weight greatly facilitates not only storage and transportation, but also installation work;
  • Low, in comparison with analogues made from other raw materials, cost;
  • The impossibility of clogging the structure, due to the smooth internal structure of the part;
  • Simplicity and the ability to quickly perform installation work.

The technical features of the goods in question are such that their assembly does not require the use of complex tools and expensive labor: all the actions that the situation requires (in some cases, even digging trenches for external sewage) can be done by hand, connecting pipes with a socket is not is a complex process and does not require special skills.

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