How to make a sewer. Do-it-yourself internal sewerage in a private house: regulatory requirements and practical recommendations

  • 03.03.2020

It is difficult for us to live without amenities, even being in a private house. We strive to provide maximum convenience, creating an optimal standard of living for our family. For this, it is very important to think over the issue of construction in advance.

When building a sewer with your own hands in a private country cottage, you can save money, but you need to carry out these works in accordance with construction and installation requirements.

Sewerage in the house involves the arrangement of external and internal sewerage.

Internal is piping, installation of a fan pipe and a riser.

The outer one includes a set of pipes running from the house to a septic tank or a deep cleaning station.

Scheme of internal sewerage

This septic tank has three chambers interconnected. Water enters the first, settles and leaves solid waste in the sediment. Then it is pumped to the second, which is the aeration tank, where water is mixed with activated sludge from microorganisms and plants. All of them are aerobic, and forced aeration is necessary for their vital activity.

Then water and sludge enter the third chamber, which is a deep cleaning sump, after which the sludge is pumped back to the aeration tank by a pump.

The aerotank is quite expensive, but it does not have any installation restrictions. Of the minuses, one can only say about the need for electricity, and permanent residence so that bacteria do not die.

The arrangement of sewerage in a private house begins with a layout and a laying scheme. This allows you to most conveniently arrange all plumbing, make the right slope, accurately calculate all consumables.

As a result, the system will work smoothly, and in the event of a breakdown or clogging of one of the elements, everything can be quickly and easily repaired. In this article we will tell you how to correctly draw up schemes for conducting internal and external (external) sewerage for a private house or in the country, what is the optimal laying depth sewer pipes and what consumables should be used when constructing and installing an autonomous system with your own hands in the house and outside.

Charting starts from a distant plumbing fixture in the attic or top floor. All horizontal lines must be reduced to one riser. To save money and Supplies bathrooms on different tiers are placed along one vertical line.

Sewerage in the house consists of:

  • Water seals that prevent odors from entering the room;
  • Drainage from all plumbing;
  • Pipes leading drains to the external sewer;
  • Elbows and tees connecting pipes into a single system;
  • Clamps in the walls that support the pipes and give them direction and angle.
  • Central stand.

It is important that the house does not have a transition from a larger sewer diameter to a smaller one. Therefore, in the diagram, the toilet should be located as close as possible to the riser.

accurate drawing internal system depends on the number of storeys of the building, the presence of a basement, the number of plumbing used and the number of users. The depth of the septic tank and the attachment to additional equipment also matter ( pumping station or separately for each device).

On the diagram All items must be displayed to scale. so that in the event of a scheduled repair or an emergency, you can quickly figure out the wiring and find a breakdown.

outer line

External sewerage starts from the pipeline from the foundation. Effluent is diverted to a septic tank, cesspool or filtering structure. At each turn of the pipe, revisions are installed (adapters with covers, with which you can quickly clear the blockage). Outside there is also an inspection well and a ventilation hood.

Ventilation is removed from the riser through a fan pipe. Due to strong foreign odors, it cannot be mounted near windows, with access to the courtyard or near smokers. Categorically it must not be connected to a conventional ventilation shaft. Instead of an umbrella, you can use a special vacuum valve at the top of the riser (not to be confused with a check valve!).

Advantages and disadvantages of different types of tanks

The final element of the system is a storage and cleaning tank. In the absence of a central collector for the intake of drains, autonomous installations are used.

  1. Cesspool . It is easy to organize on the site and is the most cheap option. But it cannot cope with large volumes of stocks. There is a possibility of dirt getting into the groundwater and an unpleasant smell.
  2. A do-it-yourself septic tank made of concrete-filled bricks or pre-cast concrete poles c. It performs its functions well, durable and strong. The disadvantages include a long installation time and serious construction costs.
  3. Industrial stand-alone installation. Such a septic tank is more expensive, but the costs are covered by the speed of construction, high quality and long-term operation of the equipment.
  4. Biological treatment station. The most expensive option, requiring constant electricity. Differs in the highest degree of cleaning and big productivity.

Consumables, calculation and prices

Be sure to determine the volume of the septic tank. The calculation is carried out taking into account that 200 liters of water per day is used for each inhabitant of the house. Drains in the septic tank settle for 3 days. Based on these data, we obtain the exact size of the sewage tank.

So, a family of 4 people consumes 800 liters. In three days, 2400 liters are accumulated. Means, it is necessary to select a septic tank of just such a volume. If desired, you can make a small margin in case of a maximum load of the tank. Septic tanks with such parameters cost from 20 thousand rubles.

Main armature:

  • Crosses for connecting 4 sections at an angle (80-100 rubles).
  • Tees with a 45 or 90 degree flank.
  • Elbow for connecting pipes with a height difference (450 rubles / pc.).
  • Rectilinear double-sided clutch with rubber cuffs in the sockets (from 30 rubles).
  • Revision (60 rubles)
  • reductions of different parameters (from 40 rubles / piece)
  • Hood umbrella (from 50 rubles)

Before you begin to equip the sewer system, you must carefully read the basic requirements put forward to it. As we will tell in a special review.

Water can be not only useful, but also harmful to the human body. Which coarse filter is best suited for a summer residence, find out from this.

Optimum inclination and depth of laying during construction

According to the recommendations of SNiP for pipes with a diameter of 50 mm, a stable 3 cm is made for each meter of laying. With a cross section of 100 mm, this value can be reduced to 2 cm. In order to avoid clogging and “fatting” of the sewer in the kitchen, it is advisable to increase the slope by 0.5-1 cm for each meter of wiring.

When mounted on land plot maintain the same angle of inclination. A sleeve (a pipe of larger diameter than the main pipeline, protruding 15 cm from each end) is installed in a hole made in the foundation. It provides a transition to outdoor sewerage, and located 30 cm above the freezing level of the soil.

Burying pipes below the freezing level (on average it is 1.6 m) is unprofitable- you will have to make a very deep septic tank. Subject to a constant slope, it will be 4-5 m, where groundwater may already appear. The cost is increased by additional concrete rings and stronger (corrugated) pipes that can withstand both the pressure of the drain and the weight of the soil.

The drain temperature is usually above room temperature, which prevents freezing, and if desired, thermal insulation or heating cable insulation can be used.

Selection of pipes and diameters

Pipes are used to drain waste from plumbing fixtures diameter 5 cm. The pipe from the toilet should have a cross section of 10-11 cm, which will help avoid blockages.

Pipes can be used to organize a sewer system in a private house. cast iron, reinforced concrete or plastic. The latter are more acceptable due to their strength, durability, corrosion resistance and smooth surface.

Outdoor (PVC)

Designed for outdoor networks. They are distinguished by their characteristic orange or yellow-brown color. Despite being relatively cheap, these pipes have sufficient strength, which allows their use both for external and hidden installation. For them, the connection method is recommended cold welding. All turns are made using fittings and bends.

Internal (polypropylene)

For internal communications, they are light gray in color and have different technical parameters, depending on the manufacturer and model. Their common features:

  • Single or multilayer.
  • The foam is protected by an aluminum coating and a polymer layer.
  • The connection is carried out by welding or using special fittings.

Rules for the device and laying of an external system

Briefly instructions on how to properly make a local autonomous system sewers in a private country house(in the country) with their own hands, looks like this:

  1. Mechanical or manual excavation of a trench.
  2. Formation of a sand cushion.
  3. Layout of all constituent elements (pipeline, trays, fittings).
  4. Connection of fragments, starting from the exit from the internal sewerage. For greater reliability attachment points are treated with silicone sealant.
  5. Testing the tightness of connections at maximum load.
  6. Fill the trench, trying to compact the sand or soil only on the sides of the pipe, avoiding a sharp load at a right angle. The thickness of the sand bed at least 15 cm.

For pipe bends, fittings for external engineering networks. If the distance from the foundation to the septic tank is more than 10-12 m, it makes sense to equip the site with an intermediate revision well.

This video shows how to properly make a sewer for a private house, as well as how to lay pipes yourself:

How to properly sewer in a private house, do everything according to the scheme yourself and lay pipes for the system without errors? Installation of the sewer system will be better if follow a few guidelines:

When installing a sewer it is important to consider every nuance: the placement of plumbing, the relief of the site, the location of the intake manifold or septic tank, the depth of pipe laying and the angle of inclination.

Only with careful scheming, careful planning and order installing a sewerage system in a private house or in a country house with your own hands can guarantee that the system will not freeze in the middle of winter and will drain well without creating additional problems in the house and on the site.

The system is one of the most important and expensive engineering communications of a private residential building. The efficiency of functioning, the complexity of installation, the number and cost of elements of this system depend on the development of the project. The graphic part of the project documentation, in accordance with which the sewerage system is installed in a private house with your own hands - layout diagram plumbing devices, connections and revisions. This article provides information on regulatory requirements and the main problems of drawing up layout diagrams, criteria for choosing sewer equipment and the features of its installation.

Read in the article

Rules for drawing up a sewerage scheme with your own hands in a private house

When drawing up a sewerage scheme, it is necessary to take into account regulatory requirements, both sanitary and construction:

  • TCP 45-4.01-51-2007"Water supply and sewerage systems of manor houses";
  • SanPiN 42-128-4690-88"Sanitary rules for the maintenance of territories of populated areas";
  • SanPiN 4630"Sanitary rules and norms for the protection of surface waters from pollution";
  • SNiP 30-02-97"Planning and development of territories of horticultural associations of citizens, buildings and structures."

When determining the volume and capacity of sewer pipelines, it is necessary to focus on the average water consumption per person. Sumps and cesspools should not be located closer than 4 m to the border of the neighboring plot and 15 m to drinking water.

The diagram should describe the mechanism for connecting the internal and external sewage, the type and structure of the septic tank, what products and equipment will be used, its technical specifications. Based on the list of materials used, the cost is calculated. The graphic part should be linked to the plan of the house and the backyard, where the places for laying pipelines and installing plumbing products will be indicated.

Key Factors Affecting Layout and Design

In addition to calculating the average daily water consumption, the following factors influence the design of the sewerage scheme:

  • The magnitude of the volley discharge- peak load on the sewerage system (as a rule, falls on the morning and evening hours), which depends on the number of plumbing fixtures installed in the house;
  • Performance treatment facilities . Depending on this indicator, one of three options for the disposal of treated wastewater is selected:
  1. up to 5 m 3 / day - discharge into the soil. Provided that the soil filtration coefficient has comparable indicators, and the discharge point is 1 m above the groundwater level;
  2. up to 0.3 m 3 / day - periodic removal by a special vehicle is allowed;
  3. The discharge of wastewater into a reservoir is regulated not only by their quantity, but also by the degree of treatment in accordance with the requirements of SanPiN 4630.
  • M material for the manufacture of sewage treatment plants:, fiberglass, metal, various polymers (, polyethylene). From specifications the material depends on the structural design of the structure, the method of installation, further maintenance and operation;
  • Power supply. Modern highly efficient treatment facilities are equipped with various types, compressors and aerators. They are based on electronic control units to which temperature and liquid level detectors are connected;
  • Building site topology- terrain, slope direction, proximity to water bodies and the presence of potential places for discharge of treated sewage water;
  • Geodesy of the construction site- the type and structure of the soil, the depth of its freezing, as well as the depth of groundwater are determined. These factors affect complexity and cost. installation work, the need for additional or the purchase of a sealed septic tank of a closed cycle cleaning.

Varieties of sewer facilities and features of their functioning

In accordance with TKP 45-4.01-51-2007, the following types of treatment facilities are allowed for the arrangement and laying of sewers in a private house:

  • septic tank;
  • filter well;
  • underground filtration field;
  • filter trench;

Important! In most cases, the listed facilities should be used in conjunction with a septic tank, which performs primary rough cleaning.

septic tank

The most common, when arranging a sewer for a private house with your own hands, are two types of septic tanks:

Cumulative - are sealed plastic containers. They are affordable, do not require connection to the power supply network, and can be installed in close proximity to sources / wells. drinking water. A significant disadvantage is the need for constant pumping of wastewater, therefore, constant payment cesspool services.

With soil cleaning. Primary treatment of sewage water is carried out in sealed containers, where large fecal fractions settle to the bottom and are exposed to anaerobic bacteria. “Clarified” effluents, the degree of purification of which does not exceed 40%, are pumped forcibly or fall by gravity into filtration facilities, from which, after the final stage of cleaning, they seep into the ground.

Filter well

Effluent entering the tank passes through a gravel filter and seeps through it to the bottom and perforated walls, and from there into the ground.

  1. pipe;
  2. Plate chipper;
  3. Pipe for the flow of waste.

For arrangement, solid or perforated reinforced concrete rings with a height of 0.9 m, an internal diameter of at least 1.0 m and a wall thickness of 8 cm are used. excessive soil pollution. As a material for making walls, it is often used (with holes in the masonry), large-diameter plastic or car tires. Such options are much cheaper, but significantly reduce the life of the structure.

Underground filtration field

On the site lay with perforated walls. Through them, runoff is distributed over a large drainage area and soaked into the soil, passing more evenly and in small quantities through the gravel pack. This method is associated with a significant amount of earthwork. When determining the depth of the pit, it is necessary to take into account:

  • Gravel filter thickness - 20÷50 cm;
  • Diameter of perforated pipes - 20÷50 cm;
  • The distance from the soil surface to the upper edge of the filtration pipeline is 50 cm.

In addition, when forming the bottom of the pit, it is necessary to provide for a slope from the septic tank along the flow direction of 2 cm for each running meter. The distance between the pipes depends on the type of soil. For sand with a filtration coefficient of 5 ÷ 25 m / day - 2.5 m. For coarse sand filler with a filtration coefficient of 25 ÷ 100 m / day and a gravel filter with a filtration coefficient of 75 ÷ 300 m / day - a distance reduction of up to 2 m is allowed.

At the ends of filtration pipelines, it is mandatory to install a 100 mm diameter, at least 70 cm high above the soil surface.

filter trench

The filter trench performs the same functions as the underground filtration field, collecting wastewater after a septic tank, their additional treatment and discharge into the ground. A significant difference is the vertical arrangement of the pipes. This method is no less effective and can be implemented on a much smaller area. Allowed only in areas with a deep water table, since the trench must also have a significant depth.

The total length of the pipeline and the number of pipes and the depth of the trench is calculated according to the same methodology used for underground filtration fields. The width of the trench is taken according to the standard of 0.5 m, the distance between the upper and lower pipes is 0.8 ÷ 1 m, the maximum length of the pipeline is 30 m. If it is necessary to arrange from 2 or more trenches, the distance between them must be at least 3 m.

STP scheme components

The most effective for a private house are sewer systems related to deep biological treatment plants. They are sealed containers, divided into several functional compartments. As a rule, they have a vertical orientation, can be installed by hand and do not take up much space. The principle of operation of such installations is the interaction of fecal matter and organic pollutants with anaerobic bacteria in an environment saturated with air using aeration installations.

Important! Biological treatment plants require some maintenance. First of all, it is necessary to maintain an optimal population of anaerobic bacteria by periodically adding a special concentrate to the appropriate compartment. In everyday life, do not use overly aggressive chemicals that can destroy bacteria. The unit must be connected to the power supply.

The cleaning process is carried out in stages:

  1. In the first section, which occupies the largest volume, the pollutants are separated into fractions. Heavy and insoluble substances sink to the bottom. This chamber must be periodically cleaned with a car vacuum cleaner;
  2. In the second section (aerotank), wastewater is enriched with atmospheric oxygen by aeration. This is where the active phase of cleaning takes place by biodegradation by bacteria;
  3. In the third section - a sump, activated sludge is settled;
  4. From the fourth section, where water is supplied by a jet pump from a secondary settling tank, completely purified water through an overflow pipe or drainage pump removed from the purifier.

Internal sewerage device in a private house - diagram and recommendations

The composition of the internal sewerage includes the following elements;

  • Plumbing fixtures:,;
  • Sewer riser and ventilation pipe attached to it;
  • Branch lines;
  • Check valve.

Horizontal pipelines are installed with a slope. When laying sewers in a private house, the normative indicators of the slope are often neglected, making it “by eye”, significantly exceeding the recommended coefficient. As a result, sewage solids do not have time to be washed out of the pipes along with water, they accumulate inside, creating traffic jams.

Table of dependence of the slope on the diameter of sewer pipes for a private house of pipes

Diameter, mm Optimal slope Minimum allowable slope
50 0,035 0,025
100 0,02 0,012
150 0,01 0,007
200 0,008 0,003

Connection to the riser of branch pipelines is carried out using oblique tees and crosses. Installation of sewer pipes, utility and technical rooms is allowed to be carried out open way. Fastening is carried out with special couplings with dowels, or pipes are located on supports. In residential areas, as a rule, perform concealed installation. Sewer pipelines are located in technical niches and shafts, ducts, under the floor. For maintenance - periodic cleaning, the main riser and drainage sewer lines are equipped with revisions in accordance with the standards:

  • Sewer riser on the lower and upper floors of a private house;
  • Branch lines to which three or more plumbing fixtures are connected;
  • At the bends of the pipeline (this is where solid insoluble waste residues most often accumulate);
  • On leprous horizontal areas every 8 m.

Video of arranging a sewer in a private house with your own hands, the correct laying of pipes with a slope:

Which pipes to choose

The optimal material for pipes for sewerage of a private house are polymers. Products made from them are lightweight and can be installed by hand without the involvement of assistants. Industry releases a large number of, adapters, tees, crosses and couplings throughout the range of used diameters. Installation is carried out without the use of specialized equipment and does not require long-term training and special skills. Approximate material is not subject to corrosion and aggressive effects household chemicals, has a long service life. For the sewerage of a private house, the following polymers are most often used:

  • PVP (high density polyethylene)- Affordable, but sensitive to temperature changes. Maximum working temperature should not exceed +40°С;
  • PP()– has good performance, maximum operating temperature +100°C, withstands aggressive chemicals and significant mechanical stress, has a rather high cost;
  • PVC (polyvinyl chloride)- material with the best combination of cost and quality. It can be used for both external and internal sewerage. Resistant to ultraviolet radiation, mechanical impacts of medium intensity, temperatures up to +70°C. However, during long-term operation, plaque may appear on the walls, which leads to clogging.

Pipe connection

The most common way to install a plastic pipeline is a socket connection. It is performed if the pipe or fitting has a corresponding structural element - a socket. The connection process is as follows:

  • The bell and the smooth end are cleared of pollution;
  • A rubber seal is inserted into a special recess inside the socket, ensuring the tightness of the joints;
  • Lubricate the smooth end of the other pipe with silicone grease or ordinary liquid soap, after which it can be easily inserted into the socket until it stops;

Important! It is necessary to provide for the possibility of thermal expansion. To do this, a marker is made on the smooth part of the pipe, after which it is pulled 1 cm out of the socket.

Do-it-yourself stages of work on sewerage in a private house

The sequence of arranging the sewer system of a private house can be divided into several stages:

  1. Determination of the amount of wastewater, the volume and performance of the septic tank;
  2. Determination of the location of the septic tank on personal plot in accordance with sanitary standards;
  3. The device of the internal sewer network;
  4. Installation of external treatment facilities;
  5. Laying of the pipeline and connections of external treatment facilities and internal sewerage.

Calculation of the volume of a septic tank

Table of water consumption standards for a private residential building.

Type of housing and type of life Consumption, l / day for 1 person
Residential building equipped with plumbing and sewerage system without bath125÷160
Residential building equipped with plumbing and sewerage system with bathroom and local160÷230
Residential building equipped with a sewerage system and a centralized hot water supply system230÷350
Taking a shower (average 15 min)150
Use of the toilet8

The calculation formula looks like this:

V = n × Q × 3 / 1000 , where

V - the volume of the septic tank in m 3;

n – number of permanent residents;

Q - average water consumption per person in m 3;

3 - the number of days of the complete cleaning cycle (according to SNiP).

For example, with an average consumption of 0.2 m 3 / person / day, taking into account a three-day reservation, a family of 4 will need a septic tank with a volume of 2.4 m 3. To facilitate calculations, we have developed a handy calculator especially for our readers.

Table of the volume of domestic wastewater per 1 m 2 of the filter surface of the well:

Composition of the filtrate The maximum volume of sewage to be cleaned, m 3 / day per 1 m 2 of the filtering surface
For year-round operation of a private residential building During seasonal operation of a country house
gravel, crushed stone0.15÷0.200.18÷0.24
coarse sand0.10÷0.150.12÷0.18

Table of the volume of domestic wastewater per 1 linear meter of the pipeline of the underground filtration field:

Composition of the filtrate The maximum volume of treated sewage, m 3 / day per 1 m linear drainage pipeline
Up to 500 500÷600 Over 600
Gravel, crushed stone, coarse sand0.012÷0.0250.0096÷0.02250.0084÷0.02
Fine sand, sandy loam0.006÷0.0200.0048÷0.180.0042÷0.016

Table of the volume of domestic wastewater per 1 linear meter of the filtration trench pipeline.

Do-it-yourself internal sewerage wiring in a private house

The efficiency of the sewer system of a private house, as well as the ease of arranging it with your own hands, depends on the layout of the entire structure. It is considered optimal if the kitchen and bathroom are located as close as possible to each other, this minimizes the length of the sewer pipeline and allows you to connect all plumbing fixtures to one riser. When installing the internal sewerage system of a private house with your own hands, the following factors must be considered:

  • it is necessary to connect directly to the main riser of the sewer system at the minimum possible distance from the pipe, this will reduce the likelihood of blockage of the plumbing fixture;
  • It is recommended that other plumbing fixtures be connected to the sewer network above the toilet connection level, this will exclude the possibility of fecal masses entering the outlet lines;
  • Piping must be rotated using several angled bends. For example, two 45° or three 30°, this will provide a smoother turn and avoid clogging;
  • The sewer riser is necessarily displayed on the roof, where a fan hood is mounted on it, providing a sewer inside;
  • The maximum distance for connecting plumbing fixtures to the riser should not exceed 3 m, and the toilet bowl 1 m.

Installation and equipment of the sewage tank

For the installation of a septic tank, regardless of its model, a pit breaks out with dimensions slightly larger than the dimensions of the tank. At the bottom of the pit, a sand cushion about 10 cm thick is arranged. It is compacted and leveled as much as possible. To install septic tanks in the pit, it is recommended to use lifting construction equipment, since some models have a rather significant weight. In most cases, fasteners are provided on the case. After installation, the container must be leveled. Neck extensions may be required depending on the design.


It is hard to imagine country cottage without a civil toilet and a cozy bathroom. But not every village is equipped with a waste collection system. Therefore, sewerage in a private house is performed separately. Don't know which system to choose? This article will tell you about all the features of sewerage in a private house.

We have described possible ways of organizing waste collection, outlined their features of arrangement and use. They also brought step by step instruction on drawing up a project, installing a sewer pipeline, installing a septic tank and a drainage well.

There are several types of waste collection systems: central, accumulative, draining, filtration.

Central. The sewer pipe of the house is connected to the public sewer network, through which organic waste is collected in the city sewer.

Depending on the distance of the central pipeline to the house, a decision is made on the advisability of using an autonomous or central sewerage system

Accumulation system- modern prototype. The main difference is the complete tightness of the waste collection point. It can be: concrete, brick, metal, plastic. To do this, a ditch for a container is dug on a piece of land remote from a residential building.

Principle of operation funded system is reduced to the discharge of organic compounds into a sealed container. When it fills up, the contents are pumped out. cesspool machine.

This scheme for installing an individual sewerage system in a private house has gained wide popularity due to its low cost.

Pipe ventilation arrangement

The exhaust sewage system is designed to balance the negative pressure inside the pipeline. Due to the connection of sewer pipes with the atmosphere, the system is aligned.

As a ventilation system is used:

  • air valve.

fan hood is a continuation of the central riser. It is brought out above the roof ridge at a distance of 30-50 cm. To protect against precipitation, a deflector is attached to the outlet, which further enhances traction.

Installing a fan hood for a private cottage is extremely impractical. Such a system will require insulation of the pipeline, as well as the allocation of a separate ventilation duct in the partitions.

Air valve- perfect option. It is easy to mount it in the pipeline. The device is installed directly in the room. The valve is equipped with a soft rubber membrane that only lets air in.

For two-story house one device is enough. The valve is mounted on the second floor.

Scheme of connecting waste water discharge points to the central pipe. The difference in the height of the connection of the outflow of the dishwasher and the toilet bowl determines the total angle of inclination of the pipeline

Stage number 3 - installation of a septic tank

If a decision is made to make a sewerage system in a private house with your own hands, then it is better to install a septic tank from concrete rings or a ready-made plastic tank.

The volume of the container for collecting and settling organic waste is determined by calculation. Be sure to add an extra cube. The pipe insertion point is located at a distance of 2/3 from the upper edge of the septic tank, so it is not filled to the top.

Septic tank device

The first step is to dig three holes for the installation of containers. To save time and financial costs, it is advisable to combine two settling tanks into one.

The bottom of the dug hole should be reinforced with a concrete base. Concrete cannot be laid on the ground, so pour a layer of crushed stone, 20 cm thick.

For the device of the base, a formwork from a building board is exposed. It must be fixed with reinforcement along the outer and inner perimeter.

The composition of the mixture is the same as for pouring the foundation. At the same time, be sure to lay a knitted mesh as a reinforcing element. It is better to take cement grade M500, since the weight of the filled container will be large.

After the base hardens, and this will happen no earlier than after 3 weeks, proceed to the installation of drives.

With the help of a crane, they are installed in a dug hole. When the first link is laid, the joint with the base must be smeared with cement mortar or tile adhesive. This is how you achieve tightness.

Do the same with subsequent rings. Before installing the second and third, pre-apply a layer of mortar to the joints. After mounting all the links, once again process the joints inside the container. When the tank is installed, a brick partition is made inside.

For cleaning are mounted. Perform a horizontal partition concrete slab with holes for plastic covers.

The last step is everyone internal surfaces two containers.

It should be borne in mind that the outlet from the first container should be 10 cm lower than the first - the entrance from the house.

The angle of inclination is determined by the same parameters as for home wiring: with a pipe diameter of 110 mm, the height difference per 1 m is 20 mm.

Scheme of installation of a draining septic tank with two sealed tanks. The presence of a second tank allows you to filter water from silt and other contaminants

To ensure that the slope of the pipe complies with the standards, the inlet of the second sump is lowered by 10 cm relative to the first.

On the top of the tanks, as well as on inner part cleaning hatches, a heater is attached. Cleaning or inspection hatches are installed directly above the bypass pipes so that they can be cleaned.

A concrete base is not required for installation. Here, the soil under the rings must pass water and retain sewage.

Therefore, a sand-gravel cushion is poured at the bottom of the pit. The thicker the layer of rubble, the longer the well will perform its functions. Will have to be replaced after 5 years upper layer rubble on a new one, because the old one will silt up.

Keep track of the level. When installing the first ring on crushed stone, one edge may warp. If this happens, simply lift the link with a crane and level the level with rubble.

The joints of the rings must be treated with a solution in order to achieve tightness. The device for waterproofing and an inspection hatch occurs by analogy with a sump.

Organization of septic tank ventilation

Installation ventilation pipes for septic tanks is justified only if aerobic bacteria are used. They strongly absorb the air that is supplied through the hood.

Another type of biological bacteria are anaerobes. The process of their vital activity proceeds without oxygen.

It is important not to confuse these two concepts, as some anaerobes die if there is air in the environment.

are added to the sedimentation tanks. Bacteria completely convert organic matter into water. In practice, this effect can only be achieved by installing complex filtration systems, but still they must be used. Therefore, install a ventilation pipe in both sumps.

A PVC sewer pipe for outdoor use is led out of each tank through the lid. A deflector is installed at the end.

Stage number 4 - laying the central pipe

The sewer pipe, which removes sewage from the house, is diverted from the basement to a distance of 5 m. The pipeline for outdoor use is painted orange. Such a product differs from "home" pipes in thicker walls. Permissible laying depth - 3 m.

At the bottom of the dug pit, as well as on top of the laid pipe, a layer of sand of 8-10 cm is poured. To ensure the best removal of organic sewage from the house to the septic tanks, the pipe should go in one line. Turns of the central drain are strictly prohibited.

Alternatives to a drainage septic tank

A modern device that allows you to purify wastewater by 90% or more is a deep cleaning station.

Devices biological filtration are equipped with three degrees of cleaning $

  • biological purification by bacteria;
  • mechanical filtration with meshes;
  • final cleaning with chemicals.

It will not work to independently install such a sewer. The stations are produced in a single container, divided inside into several compartments. The device is volatile.

The compressor unit pumps air into the aerobic compartment for increased bacterial activity. The percentage of water purification, depending on the model of the septic tank

When the power is turned off, the bacteria will continue to live for up to two days. After this period, the installation loses its effectiveness. It will take several days to grow a new crop

Deep purification of organic matter allows the use of waste water for watering plants. For this, a storage tank with a pump is installed.

Deep cleaning stations are advisable to use when ground water located too close to the ground. Also, if on the site clay soil, natural drainage will be difficult.

Besides biological septic tank a sealed tank can serve as a way out of the situation. It will have to be pumped out often, but you will not have other problems.

Conclusions and useful video on the topic

The intricacies of arranging sewerage are outlined by the author of the video, who is busy laying sewer pipes:

The device of a septic tank made of concrete rings will be discussed in the following video:

Sewerage in a private house is an important stage of construction. Even at the design stage, the owner should think about the future design of septic tanks, their location, as well as the filtration system.

The comfort of all those living in the house will depend on the proper arrangement of the sewer system, therefore, if there is doubt in one’s abilities, it is better to entrust its arrangement to specialists.

If desired, even private house in rural areas can be equipped. The first thing a country dweller faces is the lack of a warm toilet in the house. Without sewerage, a person is deprived of many amenities. It's not a luxury, it's a necessity. Laying sewerage in a private house is a complex process that requires taking into account every little thing. How to do it?

External and internal

Work related to the arrangement of sewerage in a private house begins with the design of the internal and In the first case, the installation of a vent pipe, a riser, as well as piping to all rooms where it is required is required: kitchen, toilet, bathroom, and so on. Concerning external system, then this is everything that is located outside the house. Its arrangement requires piping to a septic tank. You can also connect the sewer to a deep cleaning station.

The task is greatly facilitated if it is possible to discharge wastewater into a centralized system. If the house is located on an isolated site, then you should create a system with homemade septic tank. It can be with or cumulative. The cesspool is not suitable in this case.

Laying scheme in a private house

Before starting work, you should draw up a plan for laying pipes inside a private house. The process is greatly simplified if all wet rooms are located in close proximity. The scheme is drawn up strictly individually. In the process, all the features of the house and the location of the premises should be taken into account. Ready option can look like anything.

When designing sewerage inside the house, it is necessary to accurately calculate the location of the collector pipe. Only after that it is possible to determine where the rest of the system will be laid.

How to draw the right diagram

The sewerage scheme in a private house is an important stage. The quality of the system and its reliability depend on how well the plan is drawn up. Stages of drawing up a diagram:

  1. On a piece of paper, preferably in a box, you need to recreate the plan of the house. When drawing up a plan, it is worth considering the scale.
  2. Then it is worth deciding on the location of the riser or the collector pipe.
  3. At all levels of the building, the location of plumbing should be noted. At this stage, you should learn about how to connect it.
  4. From plumbing, it is necessary to lay pipes on paper to the riser. In this case, all connecting elements, tees, branches and corners should be taken into account.
  5. It is necessary to measure the length of each element of the internal system and summarize the data. The result is the required number of pipes. In this case, the diameter of the material must be taken into account.

The final stage is the drawing up of a diagram of the external system: the release of pipes, their laying to the septic tank. In this case, it is necessary to take into account all the requirements specified in SanPiN, as well as SNiP 2.04.03-85.

What to consider when arranging an internal system

The laying of internal sewerage in a private house begins after drawing up an approximate scheme. At this stage, there are several things to consider:

  1. To drain wastewater from the toilet, pipes with a diameter of 10-11 cm are required. Their total length must be at least 100 centimeters.
  2. For gray drains that enter the common riser from the kitchen and bathroom, pipes made of PP or PVC are required. The diameter of the material should be 5 centimeters.
  3. To arrange turns in the system, it is necessary to use several plastic elbows made at an angle of 45 °. This reduces the risk of blockages in the process of using the sewer.
  4. It is best to use polypropylene for arranging sewage inside the house, or such material is more durable, reliable and relatively inexpensive. When using such pipes, laying sewers in a private house is simplified.

Choosing pipes

Laying sewerage in a private house requires careful preparation. After drawing up the scheme and carrying out the necessary calculations, the purchase of materials is required. For wiring inside the house, gray pipes are used. For the arrangement of the external system, pipes of an orange tint are required. You can explain the difference in color based on logic. Orange hues are best seen in the ground. In addition, pipes have differences in properties. First of all, it concerns the material. Pipes located underground must withstand more serious loads. The material for their manufacture should be more rigid.

In order for the laying of sewerage in a private house to be successful with your own hands, you can use two-layer corrugated pipes. But, as practice shows, their use is often inappropriate. After all, the depth of sewerage in a private house is from 2 to 3 meters. Much cheaper and no less effective is the use of orange pipes. Most often, a material with a diameter of 11 centimeters is used to equip an external system. This is quite enough for normal wastewater disposal.

How to lay pipes? It's simple!

Laying a sewer in a private house with your own hands requires certain skills and patience. The most difficult stage is the placement of pipes and their fastening. It is almost impossible to do this alone. Therefore, you will need an assistant to work. This will not only speed up the process, but also improve the quality.

The easiest option for laying sewerage is the use of PVC or PP pipes. A fairly wide range of such products is produced. Material can be purchased if necessary. desired diameter, tees, elbows and revisions. It is worth noting that each part is equipped with a special rubberized insert - cuff. Thanks to this element, laying the sewerage of a private house takes a little time. Joints are connected easily and at the same time reliably. If desired, you can process the seams additionally. For this, a silicone-based plumbing sealant is suitable.

What to Consider

When laying pipes, it is necessary to take into account some nuances:

  1. If pipes run through walls or ceilings, then they must be placed in special sleeves that reduce the load on system fragments.
  2. The slope of the elements of the sewer system depends on their diameter and is prescribed in SNiP 2.04.03-85. For example, for a material whose diameter is 5 centimeters, this indicator should be 3 cm / m, and with a diameter of 10 to 11 centimeters - 2 cm / m.

Arrangement of sewer outlet

If a problem arises and the internal system does not match the external one, then the laying of sewer pipes in a private house should begin with the release. This is the boundary zone between systems. At this point, the riser is connected to the pipe leading to the wastewater collection tank.

It is necessary to mount the outlet through the foundation wall. The depth of its laying should be below the depth of soil freezing. Otherwise, in winter period Difficulties may arise in the operation of the sewer. If the outlet hole was not specified during the construction of the building, then it will have to be punched. Its diameter must correspond to the dimensions of the pipe in the sleeve. The latter should be longer than the hole. From each edge, the sleeve must cover the pipe by more than 15 centimeters. These are the basic requirements for the release of sewage.

Installation of the riser and further wiring

The size of the pipe from the riser to the toilet should be 1000 mm. This allows you to determine its location. It is better to mount the riser in the toilet itself. Installation can be hidden or open. It all depends on where the pipe will be installed. You can install the riser close to the wall. To do this, use suspension brackets and clamps. You can also mount the pipe in a niche, in a channel or in a box.

To connect the riser and other fragments of the system, you can use oblique tees. If the pipes are different in diameter, then adapters should be used to connect them. They allow you to refuse the use of sealant. In those places where there is an intersection of elements coming from a shower, sink or bath, it is necessary to install a collector pipe. Its diameter should be from 10 to 11 centimeters. Do not forget about water seals. These elements do not allow unpleasant odors to penetrate into the living room.

On each floor, a revision is installed in the riser - a kind of tee designed to clean the system in case of severe blockage.

What is a fan pipe

By observing the rules for laying sewers in a private house, you can easily create an external and internal system. In addition to installing the riser, it is also required fan pipe. This is its continuation, which is displayed on the roof of the house. This part is installed on the riser. A revision is mounted at the junction. After that, the fan pipe is brought to the attic at an angle. Do not connect it to the ventilation system of the building or to the chimney.

Types of septic tanks

Laying an external sewage system in a private house is no less important than installing an internal system. With improper arrangement, problems can arise not only with comfort, but also with environmentalists. One mistake can turn the sewer into a big smelly problem that will take a lot of time and money to fix.

You should start with a septic device. The most commonly used facilities are settling type. This is a container or a combination of them through which drains pass. Gradually they clear up. This occurs due to the deposition of heavy inclusions. After the drains pass additional purification in the filtration well or in the field. In this case, both mechanical and biological cleaning methods are used.

There is another, simpler type of septic tank - storage. In this case, a closed container of a sufficiently large volume is installed. All drains are collected in it. To empty such a septic tank, sewage pumping is required, which is carried out This method arrangement outdoor system easier to implement. Plus it's cheaper.

How to calculate the required volume

Calculating the dimensions is not so difficult. The volume is determined based on settling for 3 days. The average consumption per person per day is 200 liters. If desired, this indicator can be calculated individually. If two people live in the house on a permanent basis, then the volume of the tank for the septic tank should be:

2 x 200 x 3 = 1200 liters or 1.2 cubic meters.

Stages of installation of an outdoor system

Sewerage in a private house does not end after complete installation internal system. After all, the arrangement of the outer part is required. Stages of arranging an external system:

  1. First you need to prepare the materials: a finished container of the required volume made of PP or reinforced concrete rings. If desired, you can lay out of brick or pour a monolith.
  2. The next step is to determine the appropriate wastewater treatment method.
  3. After earthworks are carried out: a pit is dug under the tank and trenches for laying pipes.
  4. All structural elements must be connected. At the same time, do not forget about the comfortable maintenance of the septic tank.
  5. Pipes should be mounted at a certain slope. This indicator should be 2 cm / m. Joints must be sealed.
  6. The septic tank should be equipped with a ventilation system.
  7. After carrying out work on thermal and waterproofing of individual fragments of the system, it is possible to fill the structure with soil.

When placing a septic tank, it is worth considering the location of the buildings on the plot. Do not place a waste container near a recreation area or playground.

In conclusion

Now you know how the sewerage of a private house is carried out. If you follow all the rules, you will receive reliable system. Before starting the operation of the sewer, it is necessary to carry out its run. To do this, the system must be flushed with clean water. This will identify any shortcomings and correct them. Only then can the operation of the sewer system be started.

In fact, the process of editing individual fragments is not difficult. The main thing is not to make mistakes when drawing up a sewerage scheme, as well as to make the correct slope of the pipes. Otherwise, the system will not function normally.