How to fix plastic panels to the wall with your own hands: detailed instructions. How to fix plastic panels to the wall - complete instructions Do-it-yourself plastic panel installation

  • 23.06.2020

When repairing inside a dwelling, they are actively used Wall panels. Unlike standard building materials used for wall decoration, they have the best performance. In addition, to carry out the installation of such a finish on your own is not a very difficult task with a careful attitude to business.

The attractiveness of this finish is due to the following factors:

  • no professional skills required;
  • ease of installation due to compactness and low weight;
  • low cost relative to other building materials;
  • wide range of designs.

Most often, the following options for wall panels are on sale:

  • wooden;
  • plastic;
  • from chipboard, MDF.

Wood panels are an expensive and at the same time elegant option for decorating a room. For greater safety, each detail is covered with a special wax, designed to protect the tree from various environmental influences.

Chipboard and MDF are an economical option for those who would like to use wood in the design of an apartment or house. Chipboard panels are much cheaper than MDF counterparts, this is easily explained by their not very good quality.

Plastic has high strength qualities, while their cost and reliability make them attractive to most buyers.

General installation points for panels made of MDF, chipboard and plastic

Before finishing, it is necessary to make a wooden crate on which the finishing material will be held. For lathing, wooden slats are usually used, with a section of at least 10x30 mm and no more than 25x50 mm. In addition to them, you will need: plastic corners, platbands and baseboards.

Before starting installation, you need to prepare:

  • hammer, fasteners, screwdriver;
  • pencil, building level, saw or hacksaw;
  • construction stapler, glue, waterproofing materials or insulation.

Installation can be carried out in the following ways:

  • staples and nails;
  • staples only;
  • self-tapping screws;
  • kleimers.

A work surface that needs paneling needs to be marked with a crate. Using a drill and self-tapping screws, carefully attach the crate to the wall surface.

On the prepared place, one of the selected methods begins installation. The first panel is usually started from the corner so that it is fixed to at least two parallel laths of the crate.

For plastic, chipboard or MDF, it is necessary to use special platbands after finishing, which will give such wall finishing materials a more aesthetic appearance.

The last step in finishing the room will be fixing the skirting boards.

Video on the installation of MDF panels:

Installation of wooden panels

  1. Before starting the installation, it is necessary to unpack the panels and leave them indoors for a day. Thus, it will be possible to avoid deformation of the material during installation due to the difference in the moisture content of the wood and the room.
  2. When using wooden finishing material You need to make sure that the surface of the wall is as flat as possible. If there are irregularities, they must be removed before all work begins.
  3. First you need to make wooden frame from the rails, on which the finishing material will be installed.
  4. Fastening always starts from the corner. A special plastic corner is put on the first wooden panel, and it is tightly attached to the crate using fasteners - self-tapping screws. The next is inserted into the groove of the first.
  5. The last step will be the fastening of skirting boards and platbands, if necessary.

Mounting on glue requires a lot of attention and concentration. Therefore, operations of this kind are not recommended to be done independently if there is no experience.


Video on installing PVC panels:

A photo

Today, panels or siding made of material such as PVC is a very simple and cost-effective solution for finishing any room in a residential building or apartment. They are especially relevant for the bathroom, where the surface of the walls and ceiling is certainly characterized by moisture resistance. It is necessary to know that for pvc finishes panels, it is not always necessary to call a qualified specialist. Do-it-yourself installation of PVC panels is that part of the repair that does not require a lot of time, money and special skills from you, takes little time and does not require high qualifications. The panels can be chosen in a color and design that suits your mood and the overall idea of ​​​​the room, and their main advantage is the ability to achieve a smooth surface, which cannot be said about plaster or paint (materials that are close in price). In this article we will tell you how to repair PVC panels, as well as show a unique video PVC mounting elements.

Panel types

For convenience, as well as simplicity when choosing PVC panels for your apartment, we suggest that you familiarize yourself with their varieties. For convenience, we will divide them by parameters.

According to their purpose, such elements can be divided into wall and ceiling options. Such a division is conditional, since no one will forbid you to use, for example, ceiling options for wall cladding and vice versa.

The difference between these species is, in most cases, in size. The standard length of wall elements is from 3 to 6 meters in length, and the thickness is from 8 to 10 centimeters. Ceiling specimens are characterized by a length of 6 to 12 meters with a thickness of 8 to 4 millimeters.

PVC panels can vary according to the joint option:

  1. Seamless panels are the most popular type, but they received this name conditionally, since the joint will be visible after installation, and especially if the color of these parts is white with a glossy texture. However, the surface of this option will be smoother.

Please note that when packed, the parts are located front side to the front and back to the back - so they are better preserved, protecting each other from mechanical damage.

The framework for seamless type panels must be perfectly executed in order to keep the width of the gaps to a minimum.

If possible, right in mall you should try to dock all the panels from the package with each other.

  1. Embossed options in the common people are called "lining", because they look like an imitation of similar wood facing panels. Usually this option is not very expensive, and it is recommended to use it for ceiling cladding in wooden structures premises or under the condition of deformation of the supporting structure.
  2. Rust panels are something between the first and second types. Rarely such material can be found in stores, but some reviews praise them.

In addition to these basic parameters, PVC panels are distinguished as follows:

  1. Design.
  • If it is difficult for you to decide on the color of the material, experts recommend giving preference to white or a plain light tone. In that case, you can use vinyl stickers and other design elements. It is with the help of these additional points that you can easily diversify the interior of the room.
  • The drawing on the panels is an imitation of a certain material (marble, rocks, a certain fabric, leather, wood) or some kind of pattern. Difficult situations when using these instances, they may occur when marking and cutting off excess.
  • Gloss. This option can be both glossy and matte, there is also an average option. There is no difference between them, the choice depends solely on your preferences.
  1. Operational
  • Texture. You can see smooth panels and textured options. The second option is usually used in residential premises and adds to the hostess the hassle of caring for such specimens, as a result of which it is not recommended to choose these models for cladding in the bathroom.
  • Strength. This parameter speaks for itself: the stronger the panels, the better the result.
  • Resistance to chemical compounds. PVC panels react normally to cleaning products, but it is better not to risk using powerful chemicals.

Choice of PVC panels

PVC wall panels, in most cases, perform a decorative as well as a protective function. They include ethylene (a product obtained as a result of oil refining) and chlorine compounds, which are obtained from salts (table and rock) in approximately equal percentages. Bound lead is used as a stabilizer in the production of these panels. Despite the intimidating names of the constituent components, these chemical compounds can be safely called absolutely harmless if you choose a reliable, proven manufacturer offering a reasonable price-quality ratio.

A large number of various models of PVC panels are currently represented on the building products market, as a result of which it is not difficult for a simple layman to get confused. Therefore, it would be good to know what parameters to focus on, so as not to make a mistake with the choice of material. We offer you several options:

  1. Stiffening rib. They are inside the panels and determine the quality of the part. In simple words: with increasing rigidity, the resistance of the panel to one or another pressure increases.
  2. Panel base. It is important to know the fact that the color of the surface of the product should be characterized by uniformity, the absence of any spots, streaks. Naturally, do not forget to look at the panels and the presence of scratches on them, cracks, dents, as well as other physical defects. Well, if these parts are sold with protective film.
  3. Picture. Be careful when viewing and choosing a panel design, because if they have a specific pattern, each will need to be customized according to it. If, during measurements, it turns out that you are missing a certain number of panels, they may not be in the store, and even a similar batch may differ in shade or pattern.
  4. Docking. Be sure to check at least the top two panels for how tightly they fit together. Due to the absence of seams and minimal gaps between them, you see an absolutely flat wall. Suspicions of quality should be caused by those pairs of panels at the junction of which there will be a different opening - from one to four millimeters.
  5. The surface of the panel is characterized by evenness, without waves, and without translucent stiffening ribs, otherwise you risk acquiring low-quality material.

How to test panels before buying

Of course, before you go to determine your choice on one or another PVC panel, you should already know what room you will finish with them. In accordance with this decision, it will also be possible to make a start when choosing a manufacturer, as well as the type of panel.

If the paneling is supposed to be repaired in the bathroom, then the selected cladding material must be highly resistant to moisture. It is achieved through the use of a certain coating in the production and the special structure of your surface.

The kitchen can also be lined with PVC panels, because they can be used as an alternative to easily soiled wallpaper and tiles, which is quite difficult for a non-professional to work with. With panels, the repair process is noticeably accelerated, and subsequent cleaning is simplified.

In general, panels as a finishing material you can confidently use in cosmetic repairs almost any premises - rooms in the country, loggias (balconies), any residential premises or offices, and so on.

If we start talking about the ceiling, PVC panels for this part of the room have long been recognized as an ideal alternative to classic whitewash. In addition, using them, you get a nice bonus - additional sound insulation.

The modern world provides consumers with a large choice of ways to purchase certain products and materials. An online store is now considered the most convenient, thanks to which you get rid of the need to travel around the city in search of the right product, getting the opportunity, without leaving your home, to view the offered catalogs and place an order. Many stores allow you to check the product before paying for it and, in case of any problems, return or exchange it.

Another advantage of an online store compared to a classic one is a complete catalog of products. Some models may not be available in a retail store, therefore, you will not be able to evaluate them on the spot, even if you are in person. We'll have to wait for the order from the warehouse.

Going to the site of the seller or manufacturer, overshadow the impressions of the attractiveness of pictures and advertising. First of all, check the availability of quality certification information.

The markets for construction materials are considered the least preferred by buyers, because it is here that prices can be above average, but the likelihood of high quality is usually minimal.

You can check the quality of PVC panels in this way: take the panel, make a cut in its back wall and bend the panel 90 degrees away from you. If after such manipulations the panel does not break in half, then this indicates a high quality of the product.

Advantages and disadvantages of PVC siding

As noted above, cladding a room with PVC panels has a lot of advantages, including:

  • The ability to choose any color, pattern and texture of a particular model;
  • Smooth surface which is not afraid of water and direct sunlight;
  • The ability to hide electrical wiring and pipes and other communications;
  • Durability and strength;
  • Easy to clean: you can use your usual detergent and a regular sponge;
  • Sound and heat insulation achieved due to the cellular structure of PVC panels;
  • Antistatic properties;
  • fire resistance;
  • Affordable price;
  • Ease of installation: you do not need special skills and abilities - only attentiveness and accuracy in the calculations.

In addition to the obvious advantages, the panels also have a number of disadvantages that cannot be ignored when choosing a method for finishing walls and ceilings:

  • If the panels are damaged, you will either have to hide it with some decorative elements, or resort to updating, and, consequently, dismantling all the walls / ceiling.
  • Despite the above advantage - fire resistance, according to safety standards, not all rooms can be used ceiling panels PVC and wall-mounted (this applies to corridors and flights of stairs).

Taking into account all the pros and cons, we can conclude that it is most advisable to repair walls and PVC ceilings paneling in the kitchen and bathroom. Moreover, in the second case, only part of the room is away from the stove and radiator battery.

Material selection

To make a ceiling or walls from PVC panels with your own hands, you should find these tools:

  • PVC panels of your choice;
  • Appropriate corners with which you will eliminate the gaps;
  • Guides made of materials such as plastic or aluminum;
  • Claymers (clips for strengthening panels);
  • Level - to track the correct location of materials;
  • Drill (screwdriver);
  • self-tapping screws;
  • A hacksaw with fine teeth, a simple marking pencil, a tape measure, and a square.

As for the materials themselves, in addition to the design, it is also necessary to determine the dimensions of the PVC panels. If you purchase panels that are about ten centimeters wide, the finish will take longer, but there is less chance that extra segments will remain after marking. If you choose wider panels, then the slightest mistake in the calculations can lead to the loss of a large amount of material.

Mounting guides

Of course, if your apartment has perfectly even walls and corners, then this is an ideal that allows you to carry out any repair finishing work without additional troubles, including sticking PVC panels directly on concrete base. But, alas, not everyone gets this option, therefore, in order for our panels to hold on for a long time and firmly, it is necessary to prepare an appropriate crate for them, that is, a profile for PVC panels.

The crate can be made from wooden beams measuring 10 by 30 millimeters in cross section, as well as from specially created for this purpose metal profiles.

It is necessary to place the crossbars on the wall or ceiling at a distance of 30 centimeters from each other, using a level to adjust. The lowest crossbar should be flush with the floor (if you are sheathing walls) or one of the walls (if it is a ceiling).

Before directly fixing the base, it is necessary to make markings using a level to avoid unevenness, as well as any distortions. If you find a significant unevenness of the concrete surface, you can use small pieces of wood (put them under the rail).

So, if you establish your choice on wooden beams, you can use nails or self-tapping screws to fasten them, but if metal guides - only self-tapping screws. In the marked places, holes are drilled with a drill, and a dowel is inserted into them, and then crossbars are superimposed on top and attached with self-tapping screws.

Before directly fastening PVC panels, it is also important to install guides - the same wooden or metal bars, which should be installed exclusively in a vertical position. You can fix them with nails or mounting brackets (if it is wood) and self-tapping screws (if metal is used). In addition to the guides, it is also necessary to pre-install fittings (corners that hide the joints between the panels) and skirting boards that will hide the joints. To hide the electrical wiring, you can opt for a skirting board with a special box.

Moldings and corners may require the following:

  • Connecting molding (for connecting panels);
  • outside corner(it hides the joint between the panels on the outer corner);
  • Ceiling molding (hides the joint between the wall and the ceiling);
  • universal angle(a kind of outer corner);
  • End molding in the form of the letter F (hides the gap between the trim and the doorway);
  • Start molding (hides the gap between the last panel and the window opening);
  • Internal corner (hides the joint of panels in the corresponding corner);
  • Molding crate.

PVC panel cladding

The installation process of PVC panels, which is used for interior decoration, quite simple and should start from the corner of your room. The bottom line is to cut the panels yourself with a hacksaw and at the same time maintain the desired height and installation in the rails. The protrusion of the part, which is located on the side, should be strengthened to the crate using self-tapping screws or nails.

PVC panels for the ceiling and walls have special locks that save you from having to adjust them.

PVC panels are a cheap material widely used for finishing residential premises and utility blocks. With a relatively low cost of such sheathing, the decorative qualities of the coating are quite high. These are practical and durable materials, which are also easy to install - even a novice finisher can install the panels with his own hands.

Pros and cons

Let's take a closer look at the benefits plastic panels:

  • Hygroscopicity. Plastic does not absorb moisture, it does not rot, mold does not appear in it and fungi do not multiply, which is why the panels are mainly used in rooms with high humidity(in the kitchen / in the shower and bathroom).
  • Material has a long service life, it is wear-resistant and resistant to small impacts. Of course, if damaged with a hammer or an ax, the panels crack, but even small mechanical impacts will not leave any marks on the surface.

  • PVC panels retain their aesthetic appearance for many years - they do not turn yellow over time and do not fade under direct sunlight.
  • Easy to operate is also a significant advantage - the panels are unpretentious in maintenance, for their high-quality cleaning, you can use the simplest detergents, but still it is not worth using abrasives and strong acid-base compounds.
  • Laying the panels will not take much time and will not require special skills and forces, even a non-professional will cope with the work.
  • Low price. Moreover, this is the case when a decrease in cost does not entail a deterioration in quality.

  • Safety. In the production of panels, the most advanced technologies for processing raw materials are used, so that the product does not emit harmful and toxic substances. Hazardous materials are difficult to find even among fakes.
  • Cover is easy to repair- for this it is enough to replace one broken panel, and not to remove the entire coating.
  • Panels are very aesthetic- manufacturers put on the market products in the widest range, an abundance of colors and textures. Consumers can choose slabs that imitate the texture of wood and stone. Many firms put photo printing on the panels, and some manufacturers produce non-standard products that differ significantly in their appearance from the usual "official" options.

  • Possibility of installation in small spaces- wall panels are great for creating niches in those corners of apartments where working with other materials is difficult.
  • PVC plates are mounted together with ventilation grilles and sockets, they are not striking and look harmonious in the overall interior concept.
  • Many advantages of facing with PVC panels are associated with the installation of the frame. Through education air cushion additional sound insulation is provided between the wall and the panels, and the space itself can be successfully used for communications or insulation of a living space.

There are also disadvantages associated with the use of PVC panels:

  • When exposed to fire, the material supports combustion and at the same time releases substances hazardous to human health.
  • The panels do not allow air to pass through, completely blocking its circulation and the necessary ventilation. That is why the scope of the panels is limited - they are not recommended to be installed in bedrooms and nurseries.
  • In the southern regions, insects settle in the voids between the panels and the wall, which are quite difficult to remove.
  • When installing panels, the use of a special tool is required and this is also considered a disadvantage. However, all necessary equipment can be purchased at any hardware store.

Criterias of choice

The choice of plastic panels is great, in any building supermarket you can find a wide range of models of any colors and textures. Thanks to modern technologies such products are created that can give gloss and emphasize the conceptuality of any room.

What you should pay special attention to when choosing panels:

  • PVC products are lightweight, but if the panels you purchase are too light, this may mean that you have a low-quality fake;
  • there should not be any coating defects on any of the sides: chips, cracks and scratches indicate inadequate product quality;
  • when purchasing panels, you should clarify the release date and labeling - it is optimal to purchase those where these values ​​\u200b\u200bare approximately the same - even within the same model there can be a significant difference in tone.

PVC panels are overwhelmingly produced in Europe and China. Depending on the manufacturer technical specifications products may vary, however The following are considered optimal:

  • thickness of the front panel - in the range from 1.5 to 2 mm;
  • the number of stiffeners - from 20 to 29;
  • lamella weight - from 1.7 to 2 kg per sq. m.
  • stiffening ribs are damaged and twisted;
  • the line of the drawing is not clearly expressed;
  • the color of the panels within the same stack varies;
  • the surface has cracks and scratches;
  • the segments are of different sizes.

It is quite easy to check how strong the material is - just press it a little: normally, the front side bends, and then returns to its previous position. If this does not happen, then the panel is deformed, it contains a large amount of chalk and the service life of such a product will be short.

  • the thickness of the plastic should be the same everywhere, any thickening and, conversely, more thin places indicate low quality;
  • the thicker the jumpers at the cut point, the stronger and more durable the structure will be;
  • the cells must be perfectly even, without lumps and dents, so all panels should be inspected even if they are packed.

And of course, you need to choose the right texture and color. Very attractive designs. In most cases, a pattern is applied to PVC sheet panels. As a rule, it is printed on film, and then glued to the panel and laminated. Such panels can have a smooth or textured surface, they are very durable, and their price is significantly higher than their counterparts without a pattern.

The most common panel options are wall and ceiling. These modifications are not interchangeable, the wall panel sheet is not universal, it is not recommended to use it for ceiling cladding, and vice versa, ceiling tiles are not suitable for installation on walls.

There are no strict rigidity requirements for panels for finishing ceilings - they are practically not subjected to physical activity. Their standard sizes are:

  • thickness - from 3 to 5 mm;
  • width - from 125 to 380 mm;
  • length - up to 10 m.

The parameters of the wall plates are different:

  • thickness - in the range of 6-10 mm;
  • width - from 250 to 300 mm;
  • length - less than 6 meters.

Wall panels are often thicker, because when sheathing with wide slabs, the coating visually seems smoother and more intact (since the number of joints is less). At the same time, many finishers prefer a narrow sheet, because it is easier and faster to work with it.

There is a noticeable variation in prices for PVC panels - the wall thickness, as well as the type of printing and brand, affect the cost of the product.

Preparation and calculation

At the stage of preparing the finishing work, it is very important to measure correctly and make an accurate calculation of the required number of panels and related materials. This is necessary in order to avoid extra costs to buy unwanted items.

The installation of PVC panels provides for their vertical and horizontal arrangement - this completely depends on individual taste preferences.

If you decide to stop at the vertical arrangement of the plates, then the calculation is carried out as follows: the perimeter of the room is measured, the width of the door and window openings is subtracted from the obtained value, and the difference is divided by the width of the panel. As a result of such calculations, the number of panels required for finishing is obtained. However, you need to add about 10% for the space above and below the openings.

For a horizontal arrangement, the area of ​​​​the room is calculated, from which the area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe openings is subtracted, and the resulting value is divided by the area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe panel.

Again, 10-15% is added to the received private in case of damage to the coating, that is, in reserve. Keep in mind that when mounting horizontally, you will have to cut the panels, so the output can be a lot of trimming.

Consider an example of the horizontal arrangement of panels. Suppose we need to clad the walls in a room of 6x8 meters with a ceiling height of 2.5 m. There are 4 windows with a size of 1.2x1.8 m and one arch with parameters of 2.2x0.9 in the room.

Panels 250x30 cm were purchased for decoration.

The total S of the walls will be:

(6+6+8+8) x2.5 = 70 sq. m.

S window and door openings:

1.8x1.2x4 + 2.2x0.9 \u003d 8.64 + 1.98 \u003d 10.62 square meters. m.

S to finish will be equal to:

70 sq. m. -10.62 sq. m. = 59.38 sq. m.

2.5x0.3 \u003d 0.75 sq. m.

Accordingly, for work you need to buy:

59.38 / 0.75 = 79.17 panels.

Rounding the resulting value upwards, we have 80 pieces, here we should add 10-15% and we will get about 100 panels.

Tools and accessories

It is necessary to prepare for working with PVC panels. As already mentioned, the use of this finishing material involves the use of professional tools, namely:

  • perforator- will be needed when forming the frame;
  • screwdriver- it is used when fixing panels to bars or metal profiles (a puncher can also cope with this task, but it is quite heavy, so it will not be easy for a finisher with little work experience to cope with it);
  • jigsaw with small teeth or Circular Saw;

  • chick with an angle of 90 and 45 g;
  • stapler- used when installing timber lathing;
  • rubber mallet- required to remove jammed plates; if such a procedure is carried out manually, then there is a high probability of breakage of the crate and the panel itself;
  • putty knife- it is used to bend the profile when you need to insert the latest panel. It is optimal to use a tool with a length of 80 to 120 cm.

Auxiliary tool:

  • measuring tape;
  • pencil or marker - for marking on the panels;
  • level - to measure deviations from the ideal geometry of the coating;
  • square, moldings, clips, edging;
  • elements for fasteners (dowels, self-tapping screws and kleimers).

To grout the joints between the panels, a sealant and a tool for its application are used. Many experts recommend adding an antiseptic to prevent the possible growth of mold and other pathogens.

Mounting methods

Work with plastic panels begins with surface preparation. To do this, the old coating is certainly removed, all existing cracks, chips and cracks are sealed - only then the finish coating will have a perfectly even and smooth appearance, and most importantly, it will become durable. To prevent the appearance of mold and moss, it is recommended to cover the base base with solutions with fungicides.- this is a strong antiseptic that will protect the house from the appearance of "uninvited guests" for many years.

At this, the preliminary stage of work ends, then the frame is mounted and the panels are directly laid, and for this it is necessary to determine the location of the frame racks.

For ceilings and walls, the markup is carried out in this order:

  1. First, a point is fixed at a distance of 2 cm from the floor or wall, and a straight line is drawn through it along the entire perimeter. It is at this stage that you will need a building level and a paint thread.
  2. When marking the walls, exactly the same line is drawn under the ceiling.
  3. Next, with a step of 30-40 cm, draw transverse lines - they will become "beacons" for the construction of the frame.


When decorating walls with PVC panels, the crate is first installed. Most often, wooden slats are used for it, less often - a metal profile (the second one can be bent, the first one cannot).

Exactly according to the marking, using a perforator, holes are made for fasteners in increments of about 40-50 cm, after which the frame element is mounted to the wall. At this stage, it is necessary to provide places for fixing the wires and make sure that they will not protrude beyond the crate.

In order to create an additional layer of sound and heat insulation between the rails, special materials should be laid. They can have a different structure and, accordingly, are also attached in different ways (with dowels or glue). After that, the panels are laid directly on the box.

If desired, you can use the frameless method and glue the boards directly to the walls – directly to the concrete. It's fast and convenient. However, it should be noted that the surface to be treated must have an ideal geometry - any irregularities impair the quality of adhesion and ultimately reduce the life of the finish.

With the frameless method, liquid nails or special glue for PVC are used. It is very important to use those formulations that do not contain solvents. Otherwise, the plastic will gradually break down.

Work with this type of installation is carried out in the following sequence:

  • cleaning of the old coating, priming and drying;
  • cooking adhesive solution with obligatory observance of the instructions and the indicated proportions of the substance;
  • depending on the consistency of the solution, the application tool is selected - it can be a brush or paint roller or spatula;

  • using glue, fix the corner piece to concrete wall, to which an ordinary element is subsequently attached using built-in grooves;
  • the panels are pressed with force for 10-15 seconds and allowed to grab;
  • by analogy, mount all the remaining tiles;
  • attach a decorative element;
  • seams are treated with grout or sealant, which act as a decorative connector.


You can sheathe the ceiling with plastic panels in the same way as in the case of walls - with and without a frame.

It is required to assemble the frame in rooms with a high indicator of humidity and in low-heated spaces. The plates are fixed with fasteners and a profile, so the place of fixation is not weakened under the influence of external adverse influences.

The frame is nothing more than a crate with a step of 40-60 cm. As a rule, its assembly is carried out from wooden slats, metal profiles or plastic. Panels are screwed to the crate. This repair is time consuming, but it can be done by a home craftsman with even little experience.

Frameless fixation is a simpler method, it involves preliminary cleaning of the base and further fixation of the plates on special composition, that is, the plates can simply be glued.

It's pretty simple and fast way sheathe the surface, however, it significantly limits interior design solutions in terms of lighting, as it does not allow mounting spotlights and led strip, as well as carry out drywall work to build multi-level structures.


PVC panels are widely used when installing slopes on windows. This is indeed a great solution that allows you to quickly, easily and cheaply make an aesthetic decorative coating. Thanks to a large selection of panels, everyone will be able to choose exactly the modification that can truly transform their windows.

There are several ways to finish slopes.

With the help of a metal profile

With this method, profiles are installed that become a frame for mounting panels.

The order of work with this method is as follows:

  • along the edge of the window frame with the help of self-tapping screws, a starting bar is installed;
  • rails are mounted on the opposite edge of the window, it creates the completeness of the contour.

The prepared panel is cut into the desired size, then inserted into the profile, and attached to the rail from the other edge. Panels need to be joined to each other. An F-profile is used as a platband. The advantage of this method is the high speed and ease of installation. However, this technology requires additional laying of voids that may form during the work.

Adhesive fixation

Everything is simple here - the panels need to be glued to the slopes, using polyurethane foam or glue.

The procedure for this is as follows:

  • first you need to prepare the window well, remove excess foam, putty and level the surface;
  • panels are cut in accordance with the parameters of the slopes;
  • each part is carefully smeared with glue, then the fragment is pressed to the surface for a few seconds and torn off - the final fixation is carried out after a couple of minutes;
  • at the finishing stage, the seams are treated with sealant and closed with corners of a suitable color.

Plastic wall panels are a low-budget way to upgrade and improve residential, office, and public spaces. Maintenance of the coating is not difficult: the coating is washed with water and powders, chemically resistant, belongs to the group of materials of medium fire hazard, does not create an environment for the development of mold fungi, bedbugs, cockroaches and bark beetles. High moisture resistance allows the panels to be used in showers, bathrooms, kitchens and public places. The main advantage of plastic wall panels is that they are attached even to curved walls. The coating of this material transforms the room, adds aesthetics and matches contemporary influence fashion.

Types of plastic, decorative, wall panels

  • There are two types of panels: for internal and external needs. The external difference between the species is barely noticeable. The main difference is the composition and quality of the material.
  • Panels for outdoor work have a more durable structure, resistant to UV rays and temperature changes.
  • Panels for interior work - have a high rate of environmental friendliness, thermal conductivity.

Both types of material are used to protect against noise and cold. The color scheme has the whole gamut of the spectrum, the selection of colors for the interior is not difficult.

The price of plastic wall panels is from $3 per m2. The cost of finishing plastic panels is from $1 per meter.

Installation options for plastic wall panels

It does not take many working hours to install wall panels. They are quickly placed on the prepared crate. A room with a total wall area of ​​40 m2 is completed in 3-4 hours. The main cost of time falls on the manufacture of crates up to 10-20 hours.

Framing manufacturing:

Lathing - a special foundation, the strength and quality of its base affects the service life of the coating. The method is used for walls with curvature of the surface, poor plaster, ugly base. In cases where it is necessary to lay wiring between the wall and the trim. Communications or finishing with soundproofing material.

A crate is made of wooden bars 40x40 mm:

  • Attachment of the crate for vertical wall panels is carried out on a horizontal level. The basic rule for the installation of the crate is to maintain perpendicularity to the finish being installed.
  • In order to avoid deformation of the panels for any objective reasons, the distance between the bars is maintained up to 500 mm.
  • The beams are fastened to the base with screws.
  • To extend the durability, the attached crate is coated with a moisture-proof and fire-retardant mixture.

Fastening plastic wall panels to the crate:

  • Panels are installed from the corner of the room.
  • The first panel is installed with a "comb" in the corner.
  • Holes for self-tapping screws are drilled in the grooves.
  • Fasten the panel to the crate with self-tapping screws.
  • Install the second panel. The crest of the panel covers the groove of the first one, masking the fastening screws to the crate.
  • The final interior design is completed with skirting boards, fillets, corner strips.
  • They are attached to the wall panels with screws or liquid nails.

Professional fixing method for plastic wall panels

This method is used by installers for installation in public or office space. The essence of the method:

  • The final decorative elements are being installed to the crate. They are fastened with screws.
  • The panels are bent in an arc and inserted into the grooves of the elements.
  • Panels are held at the top and bottom, and the rest of the area is left unattached.

A quick installation method allows you to complete the work in 1-2 hours in a room with a total wall area of ​​45 m2. This method is used only for plastic wall panels with high elasticity and bending strength.

Installation of plastic wall panels with building brackets

Method for smooth, smooth surfaces. The construction bracket easily enters the wall material and does not require much effort.

  • The level marks the exact position of the panel along the coordinate axis. The corner from which the installation will go is marked.
  • Staples are driven in along the line, at least 4 units in number. For high walls, the recommended number is 6-9 pieces.
  • Staples are fastened with nails. Marking of nails is selected according to the size and protruding part of the bracket.
  • The comb of the first panel should fit into the brackets.
  • The second panel is inserted into the groove of the first.
  • A line is drawn for installing brackets for the third panel.
  • Further installation takes place according to the scheme described above.

How to install plastic wall panels with adhesives

The method is used for smooth walls, in the absence of special tools. The adhesive composition is used for application to the surface of the wall.

  • The wall is preliminarily puttied, the surface is degreased and allowed to dry.
  • For walls absorbing mortar and moisture, they are treated with a primer of the appropriate purpose.
  • Dilute the adhesive according to the instructions on the package.
  • Apply to the surface of the wall with a roller, brush or spray gun.
  • Make vertical and horizontal markings on a clean surface.
  • Cover the area with liquid glue.
  • A panel is attached to the adhesive layer, pressed for the time indicated on the package for setting with the base.
  • Spread over next section, under the second panel.
  • Connect the panels with a groove in the comb.

The method allows you to do without fixing the panels with self-tapping screws.

To place decorative and functional shelves on a wall with plastic panels, hangers, nests are made in advance for fastenings in the draft wall, and not on the finish. Holes are made as deep as possible. Then the dowel or screw is hammered. On the plastic surface, a small core is marked with a place for the withdrawal of fasteners.

How to fix plastic wall panels to a metal profile

The advantage of installation on a metal profile:

  • The crate from the profile is not subject to deformation, unlike a wooden beam.
  • The cost of a metal profile is lower than the price of high-quality wooden material.
  • A structure with high stiffness parameters is made from the profile.
  • The metal crate can withstand heavy loads vertically and horizontally.

The metal profile is produced different size for vertical and horizontal application.

Calculation of profiles for lathing

One specific type of profile is selected from the assortment, and then its quantity is calculated.

Calculation example for a wall 2.75x6.0 m:

  • The distance between the posts is taken equal to 50 cm.
  • For installation, the following quantity is required: 600/50 + 1 pc. = 13 units.
  • The length of the standard profile is three meters. For blanks, 25 cm are cut from the standard length, slats 275 cm long are obtained.
  • Professional trimming of the profile is carried out after setting the zero level and determining the height difference for each surface.

It is not worth making a distance between the guides of 1 meter to save money. The larger the gap between the gratings, the lower the stiffness parameter of the structure as a whole. For walls in residential and highly frequented official spaces, the ideal, time-tested distance is 500 mm. A greater distance is maintained for utility and utility outbuildings.

  • The calculation of the horizontal components is carried out in a similar way, only the height of 275 cm is replaced by the standard profile length - 300 cm: 2 x (300/50 + 1) = 14 units.
  • A distance of 50 cm is maintained from the floor for horizontal guides. A distance of 25 - 30 cm is maintained from the middle of the wall to the ceiling.

Do not immediately cut the estimated number of guides. It is worth cutting as the work progresses. Correcting blanks of 2.75 m will not be possible with height differences in the room.

Stuffing of the crate from the profile

  • A guide ceiling profile is installed.
  • The profile is attached to the concrete surface with dowels in at least four places. The second profile is installed end to end with the first. Reminder: the length of the wall is 6m, the length of the standard profile is 3m. The ceiling will require 2 units.
  • Profiles are aligned with high precision. The aesthetic design of the future wall depends on their installation.
  • A plumb line is suspended from the attached ceiling rails. The vertical beating is performed at least three marks.
  • According to the marks, guides are installed on the floor surface.
  • The profile is nailed to the wooden floor with self-tapping screws or dowels. To concrete floor regardless top coat: linoleum, laminate, tiles PVC profile is fixed in the same way as ceiling mounting.
  • As a result of the work, two gutters are obtained: one at the top, the second at the bottom. The calculated 13 units of racks are inserted into these gutters.

Rack installation:

  • Marking is done with chalk.
  • A plumb line is hung at the installation point. The length of the rack is measured.
  • With scissors for metal, a piece of measured length is cut from a standard profile.
  • Slightly tilting the profile, put the segment in the guides, aligning the vertical visually. More precise adjustments are made by level.
  • Self-tapping screws are used for fastening. Screwdriver produce fastening. For each guide spend 2-3 units of fasteners.

Fabrication and installation of stiffeners

The ribs of additional rigidity, on which the wall panels are installed, are cut off as the work is performed and at the place of its implementation. Installation starts from the wall. The first vertical post has a groove, while the second one does not, due to the orientation of all the posts in the same direction. According to the classical technology, it is required to install two vertical racks so that the cut looks like two letters “P” connected and deployed oppositely. Two profile units significantly increase the cost of the crate and do not have a significant effect on increasing the rigidity of the structure. With one profile, a stable and optimal crate is formed.

An alternative to the second guide will be a corner or a section of a profile of 70-100 mm.

  • Screw a corner or piece to reverse side vertical stand. Bring the mating part under the stiffening rib.
  • Perform similar steps for all elements of the crate.

The technique has been tested and shown to be effective in creating low-cost durable crates.

Horizontal guide segments are installed visually, without a level. The main thing is to correctly install the guides vertically. The position of the stiffeners does not play a special role.

Installation of wall panels on the profile

Wall plastic panels are calculated. The size of a standard sheet is 122x244 cm. The dimensions of the typesetting panels are more suitable for the described example. A sheet with a width of 300 mm and a length of 3000 mm is selected. The excess length is cut with a hacksaw with a fine blade. Length measurement is performed for each section to be able to correct irregularities and differences in the height of the room.

  • The panel is installed from the wall.
  • The first panel with pedantic accuracy is set by level. With careless installation of the initial plate, a huge run-up is formed to the end of the wall, forcing to dismantle everything done by the site and redo it.
  • The exposed panel is fixed with self-tapping screws to the stiffener or vertical rack.
  • Insert the second panel into the groove of the initial sheet. Attach.
  • Further actions are repeated according to the scheme described above.
  • Near the end of the wall, a narrow gap is usually formed for a whole sheet. Measure the width of the strip near the ceiling, floor and in the middle of the height. A pattern is cut out of thick cardboard. Apply to the gap, check the correct size. Cut the panel in half and insert into the slot.
  • Having completed the installation of one wall, the panels are mounted on the following surfaces.

Ugly narrow crevices at the joints of panels with the ceiling, corners and floor are masked with plastic decorative strips, skirting boards and corners. Installation and fastening is carried out using special latches. This method allows you to quickly and easily dismantle the elements.

Plastic wall panels, photos of rooms with interesting solution interior finishes, will be a guide when choosing your own project.

The cladding of the ceiling and walls with the help of PVC panels is becoming more widespread and popular. This is a simple, affordable and aesthetic option. In most cases, when installing such panels, a frame and crate are used, but in some situations this can be avoided. If the panels are mounted without a crate, a special glue comes to the rescue, which will act as a fastener between the wall and the panel.

How to fix PVC panels to a wall without a crate

Fixing PVC panels to a surface without the use of a batten is a process with the right work steps, a sensible choice of adhesive.

In the process under consideration, the adhesive plays a crucial role, and therefore its characteristics and properties will determine the quality of the repair as a whole.

When do-it-yourself installation without crates is possible

Mounting PVC panels on a wall or ceiling without a crate is quite simple, and it is quite possible to cope with such a task with your own hands. This option requires the use of a minimum of tools, knowledge and effort. Among the main requirements, criteria are put forward for the condition of the wall, which must be dry and even, as well as the choice of adhesive. It is not recommended to use this option for specific rooms with temperature differences and non-standard operating conditions.

When fastening without a frame is not possible

There are a number of cases when certain restrictions are imposed due to which it is simply impossible to fasten plastic panels without a frame.

Among the main such cases are:

  • the wall has significant defects or irregularities;
  • the old coating is not removed or is partially removed;
  • the surface of the wall does not dry out.

Of course, this is not a complete list, since in each individual situation and room conditions may be different.

How to fix plastic wall panels simply to a wall without a frame: options

In the case when wall panels are attached directly to a bare wall, then the only option for fixing them without additional devices and damaging the wall is gluing. The choice of adhesive, as well as surface preparation, should be taken responsibly. Depending on the quality of the materials used, as well as the thoroughness of the preparatory work will depend on the final result. In addition, the reliability and durability of the attachment can also vary depending on these aspects.

What acts as a wall mount

In case when PVC installation panels is carried out without a crate, then a special glue acts as an attachment to the wall. The range of glue on the modern market is represented by a variety of brands and varieties. It is recommended to refer to the rating of individual brands and their manufacturers, choosing only the best products.

Among all the options offered for sale, it is recommended to pay special attention to glue for gluing plastic.

When choosing glue, you should pay attention to some features:

  • after drying, it should become transparent and form a film layer;
  • glue must be resistant to moisture, frost and any temperature extremes;
  • must ensure long-term and reliable fixation;
  • should bond surfaces for a long period and quickly harden.

It is not recommended to use hot melt glue to fasten the panels. With temperature fluctuations, it can expand, up to the complete separation of the fragment from the wall surface. Liquid nails and polyurethane sealant are more effective.

What materials are used for mounting just on the wall

In the case when the installation is carried out directly on a bare pre-prepared wall, the workflow will require:

  • plastic PVC panels;
  • specially selected glue;
  • building level;
  • grinder for sectioning plastic panels;
  • marking devices.

In addition, do not forget about the materials that will be used for preliminary leveling, smearing and degreasing the surface.

How to attach PVC wall panels

PVC wall panels are fastened according to a certain algorithm. Mounting on a wall without battens is a simple process that everyone can handle.

Before proceeding with the installation of panels, you must first prepare the surface. To do this, the wall is initially leveled, cleaned and degreased.

The further order of work will be as follows:

  • A separate panel is taken and wiped with a damp cloth from the back.
  • Further, glue is applied to the same surface in a dotted manner, with a gap between individual drops of a couple of decimeters.
  • After these steps, the panel is applied to the wall.
  • After applying the fragment to the wall, it is pressed for a few seconds.

If liquid nails acted as fasteners to the wall, then after gluing the fragment is recommended to be tapped evenly and torn off. This is due to the fact that this type of glue needs five minutes of ventilation to acquire the necessary rigidity.

Is it possible to install PVC panels without crates on the ceiling

Before you begin to fasten plastic panels to a ceiling without a crate, you must first determine the distance between the panels and the ceiling. The mentioned gap depends on the type of lighting used or planned.

In the case when lighting is carried out by built-in lamps, the gap should be at least ten to fifteen centimeters. This is necessary in order to completely and fully hide the wiring. It is recommended to pre-plan the location of the fixtures, cut holes for them and install the plinths of lighting devices.

In addition to the above preliminary steps, in the case of the ceiling, as well as with the walls, it is necessary to level and clean it. In most cases, you can do without the crate, and the stages of work will coincide with the installation of panels on the walls. The only difference is that before attaching the fragments to the ceiling, it is necessary to immediately install ceiling plinths on three walls. In the process of work, it is recommended to regularly use the building level.

If installation work is carried out in a bathroom or other room with high humidity, then the gaps formed in the wall finish should be filled with silicone sealant. This will ensure the waterproofness and durability of the ceiling finish.

The article considered the features and varieties of such a process as PVC fixing panels to the surface without battens. In general, this is an unusual, but common mounting method, which is in many ways not inferior to the process using frames.

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