How to make a slide for a child in the country. We make a children's slide for the joy of the baby

  • 13.06.2019

Skiing from the mountain is a favorite pastime for children of all ages, and only adults can provide them with convenience and comfort in this matter, and they will have more than enough fun and enthusiasm. A slide can be built from a variety of improvised materials, and from which will be discussed in this article.

What is needed for the slide

In order to make a slide with your own hands, you can use metal, plastic, wood, as well as improvised materials left over from the old cabinet and desk. At least with a little imagination, you can build a real miracle from them and put them in the corner of the children's room to the delight of your baby.

You can make a slide for your child from an old desk.

For this you will need:

  • lacquered cabinet door;
  • plywood sheet;
  • small boards, which can be pieces of a shovel handle, legs from a table or chair.

Manufacturing steps:

Making a hill of snow

Making a mountain with your own hands out of snow is very simple. The main thing is to wait until the temperature on the street approaches the mark of about 0 ᵒС. And, of course, the presence of a sufficient amount of snow is important.

And you will also need:

  • shovel made of metal or plastic;
  • construction spatula, scraper;
  • bucket or watering can;
  • warm gloves.

Manufacturing steps:

  1. The primary task is to determine the location of such a homemade attraction. To minimize injury, it is imperative that you roll out onto level ground so that
    the child could roll evenly until it came to a complete stop.
  2. The height of the slide is determined based on the age of the riders. For crumbs up to 3 years old, an elevation of 1 meter high will be enough, and for older children, you can build a higher slope, the main thing is that the slope of the slope does not exceed 40 degrees.
  3. Having rolled up several large balls, form the foundation of the future building from them. If you plan to make a sufficiently high slide, then you should consider how the children will climb it. The problem can be solved by making the same snowballs that can be laid at the foot in the form of steps.
  4. Use a spatula and scrapers to level the surface of the steps and leave the structure until the onset of cold weather.
  5. Fill the hill should be in the cold. It is not recommended to use a bucket or a hose for this, as there is a high risk of large holes forming. It is better to use an ordinary garden watering can or the one that housewives use to water indoor plants.
  6. On a piece of plywood or a shovel with a wide working part slowly pour water onto the structure. And you can cover the elevation with a large piece of cloth and pour through it - this will help the liquid to be more evenly distributed over the snow.
  7. If, apart from the bucket, there was nothing at hand, then the water in it must be mixed with snow and cover the surface with this same slurry, leaving it to freeze overnight, and repeat the procedure in the morning.
  8. Everything, the hill is ready. If necessary, potholes on it can be trimmed with a spatula.

Few parents know how to make a slide for children with their own hands, but you really want to please the child, diversify his leisure time both in the city yard and in the country.

For the construction of a children's slide, you need to use environmentally friendly materials that will be harmless to children's health.

There are no children in the world who do not like to ride downhill, and they do it at any time of the year: on slopes, sleds, packs, or just on a soft fifth point.

Often, slides located on playgrounds have long been broken, and parents do not allow children to go to them, as they are worried about their life and health. But the child cannot be limited in movement, he must move and develop, so the best option is to make a slide with your own hands. You can involve children in this process and, together at your leisure, build any kind of slide, which in the future will delight both parents and their child and his friends.

The ice slide is simple in design and execution.

As with any construction, there are several stages of work on the slide:

  1. First, it is important to think over the idea of ​​the structure itself. Choose a place for the slide, since it can be located both in the country house and in the city yard; it can be made from wood, metal, plastic or ice.
  2. Secondly, for the further construction of the slide, it is desirable to draw up diagrams of the future structure. The drawings will help in the subsequent stages in order to determine what material will be needed, how much it will be needed, and also to assess the scope of the work ahead.
  3. Purchase of the necessary consumables, preparation of tools.
  4. Assembly of the slide, installation and strength test. You need to check the slide, because, without specialized skills, you can easily make a mistake in the calculations and during assembly, which can lead to injury to children.

Options for slides for children: in the yard or in the country

Alone in the city yard or on suburban area You can build several types of slides:

  1. Icy. The slide is short-lived, but winter period she is simply irreplaceable. Indeed, during the winter holidays, children do not have so much entertainment, but they have enough free time. At the same time, it is simple in design and execution, takes up little space, which, with the onset of heat, will be freed up for further use by appointment.
  2. Wooden. A durable and fairly safe structure that you can do yourself with a minimum of money spent and Supplies. At the same time, such a slide can serve for a long time, delighting both children and their friends.

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How is an ice slide made?

As soon as winter comes, the first snow falls, children run out into the yards in droves and spend all their free time there, riding on any slopes. At the same time, you can build a safe, durable ice slide, which is simply not more economical. For such a slide, you will need a minimum set of consumables and tools that can be found in any apartment:

After the base of the slide is formed, you need to fill it with water.

  • shovel;
  • metal spatula or scoop;
  • several buckets;
  • water;
  • sand.

The ice slide is made in several stages, in each you can involve a child who will directly take part in this exciting process:

  1. First of all, you need to choose a place down the hill. It is important to consider that the slide should be placed in safe place, the descent should not end at the roadways or next to the wall of the house or the fence, as this is traumatic. The slide should be placed in a well-lit place, away from the parking of cars, it is ideal if such a slide can be built in a summer cottage near the house.
  2. With a shovel, together with the child, you need to form the base of the slide from the snow and fill it with water, it is best to do this with a spray bottle, but you can also simply pour non-hot water from the bucket and let it freeze well.
  3. After glaciation, you need to form the upper part of the hill and the descent from the snow. Well, if the latter is not cool and long. Then again fill the resulting structure with water. To give the slide additional strength, you can repeat this procedure until the ice has a stable and safe shape. It is important to ensure that the water is evenly distributed over the surface of the slide.
  4. At the last stage, with a spatula, all protrusions and irregularities must be removed from the surface of the descent, and with reverse side from the descent into the hill, again, with a spatula, cut steps into the step of the child, which it is advisable to sprinkle with sand to provide additional security.

There is only one drawback of such a slide - its seasonality, which is successfully compensated by the happy time spent on it by the child and his friends.

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wooden slide

Wood is a fairly common material for the manufacture of playground elements, swings, carousels and slides.

In order to make a wooden slide, you will need more money, effort and at least minimal skills in carpentry. The scheme is very simple:

  • slide base;
  • descent;
  • ladder.

For work you will need:

  • board (5x14x60 cm) - 8 pcs.;
  • timber (10x10x60 cm) - 4 pcs. and another one with dimensions of 50x50x80 cm;
  • two sheets of moisture-resistant plywood (150x150x12 cm);
  • round rail (30x120 cm) - 2 pcs.;
  • drill, screwdriver and screws;
  • garden drill or shovel;
  • stain and varnish or you can use paint.

Before proceeding with the assembly of such a slide, you need to saw all the wooden parts according to the scheme, sand the timber and boards, remove sharp corners. This work takes place in several stages:

  1. Marking the territory, drilling holes in the ground to install the base from the timber. To make the slide a more durable structure, it is better to concrete the timber in the ground.
  2. With a saw or a milling cutter, grooves are made on the upper parts of the racks to strengthen the planed boards, and the supports must be connected to each other with self-tapping screws. The rigidity of the structure is provided by transverse bars, and they will also play the role of a protective barrier, sides.
  3. Two beams are attached to the extruded frame, and already they will need to attach a ladder and a slope to them.
  4. The floor is made of boards. You need to screw it with self-tapping screws for greater fixation. It is better to lay the boards not tightly, but to leave small gaps, this will help to remove excess moisture after snow or rain.
  5. The ends of the boards are cut at an angle of approximately 45 ° and attached to the uprights. These will be the sides of the stairs, to which you need to attach boards horizontally at an equal distance - these are the future steps of the slide. Their step is calculated separately, you should not make it very large, as this will be inconvenient for children, but too small is not recommended. The descent of the slide is done similarly to the stairs, only instead of boards it is formed from sheets of plywood, tightly fitted and reinforced from below wooden slats with mandatory fixation with screws.
  6. At the last stage, the decorative processing slides. You can cover it with varnish or paint - it already depends on the desire and availability of materials. But it is important to process all wooden and plywood parts in order to protect the slide from the effects of precipitation and extend its life.

Today we'll talk abouthow to do winter do-it-yourself children's slide.Consider detailed drawing and construction schemes, we will discuss the material and tools for the construction of this object.

The slide is the most interesting projectile for active games on the playground. To please your child, it is not necessary to buy expensive turnkey solutions, of which there are many on the market. Today you have the opportunity to create a slide yourself. I hope the article will serve you as a good hint and will be useful in the construction.

So let's get started. From the tool - trimming, or hand saw, screwdriver, tape measure, pencil. For fastening parts - wood screws.

Material - dry planed board with a thickness of at least 25 mm, or, as in our case, a floor board with a thickness of 28 mm and a width of 133 mm (without a spike). Our drawing is made for a board of this size.

Scheme for the construction of a children's slide.

We divide the construction of the slide into 3 stages: a pedestal, a slope, a staircase.

First of all, we assemble the pedestal, to which the ramp and ladder will later be attached.

We start with the side frames. Spike, if you use a floor board, cut off.

We fix the guide for the flooring according to the dimensions indicated in the diagram.

We twist the sides together and pave the floor.

At the second stage, we build a slide slope.

First, we make the flooring for the slope. We cut boards 2000 mm long, connect them with each other - a spike into a groove. We take into account the size of the opening of the pedestal for further fastening the slope, in our case it is 900 mm. We put the transverse boards for the bundle, stepping back from the edges of the slope by 200 mm, and twist the structure.

We prepare the sides. If you are using a floor board, then it is advisable to cut off the spike and turn the groove of the board so that it looks down. We make cuts for fastening to the pedestal.

We connect the sides with a slope

We fasten the slope to the pedestal.

The third stage - we mount the stairs. First, we prepare the guides for the stairs in the amount of 2 pcs.

We fix the guides on the pedestal.

We fasten the sills. The height of the sills is 200 mm, the number is 4 pcs.

Children carry a powerful charge of energy, so the playground is an indispensable attribute of any suburban area where there are children.

Absolutely any number of entertainment items can be installed on the site. It all depends on the financial capabilities and wishes of the owners.

You can also additionally please your children by doing entertainment with your own hands. An example is a children's slide. Absolutely simple in construction, and will please for many years, if you take the process seriously.

The process of creating a slide and the end result will serve additional source joy with minimal cost. Children's slide in the country will be the best entertainment for children.

wooden slide

Such a building can be placed even inside the house, if the size of your area allows. When building a slide, it is important to remember that you need to use environmentally friendly raw materials, since the child will be in direct contact with it. Best of all for such entertainment is a children's slide made of wood.

But if you decide to build from other materials, then make sure that there are no harmful components.
This also applies to bright colors, which are usually used to decorate the slide.

It is important to control such inserts as to the content harmful substances and fire resistance.

Install strong railings regardless of your child's age. In any case, this will save you from unwanted injuries and falls. Also, the railing will act as a balance support for the child.

Wooden slide safety

Children's wooden slide first of all, it should be a safe object for games. It will perfectly fit into any exterior and interior of the house due to its calm style decision. The first will not be evident, but will only emphasize the previously created style.

In summer, in the sun, a slide made of wood heats up slowly, without burning the child on contact, like, for example, slides made of metal. This is a big plus when children often play outside.

Such a slide can be installed anywhere on the site, and not only where there is always shade and coolness. On the metal, the child will be burned, and the tree will only become warm in direct sunlight.

Even if a plastic slide for the street is more convenient, then its weak frame will not be able to serve you for a long time. It will crack, and the child may be injured from riding such a slide.

The location of the hill on the site

The slide must be located away from extraneous buildings and trees. Such a precaution will not be superfluous, because it will make your baby's games more comfortable.

You can also dot the perimeter around the slide with grass or cover it with a special artificial turf. The descent from the hill will be softer in the future and the child is less likely to fall.

The base is best fixed or concreted. Even if the child cannot move the structure with his own hands, then from frequent skating, she herself can tip over.

The height of the structure should depend on the age of the child. It is advisable not to exceed more than 2 times the height of the one who will use it. There should be no gaps, openings, holes in the structure.

Take this seriously, because children, actively moving, do not notice small obstacles. The child may get caught or stuck.

Do-it-yourself slide

If you are interested in the question of how to make a children's slide with your own hands with high quality, then you need to follow all these tips. Then the child, riding down the hill, will be completely safe and will be left without unwanted injuries.


If we are talking about a wooden structure, then you can develop drawings of a children's slide on your own. Choose color, texture and even shape according to own will or use already ready photo children's slide to complete the picture.

Of the materials you will need nails, boards, slats and wooden bars. Also take care of the presence of a hammer, saw and planer. These are the most basic tools for the job.

You can simplify your construction with a hand or electric drill. When assembling the structure, carefully check that there are no nails sticking out anywhere.

The slope may be from plastic material. After all, a wooden ramp can eventually start up hooks if it is not treated with anything.

But with a metal slide, everything is much harder. Here you will already need a machine for welding metal. If you decide to make the ramp metal, then paint it with a special paint that will not allow it to heat up quickly.


DIY children's slide photo


If you have children and country cottage area, then it is necessary to build a hill on it. While the parents will be engaged in the garden or cooking barbecue, the children will have fun on the mini playground. Read about how to plan and make a slide with your own hands with us, using photo and video instructions in practice.

Height and safety

The slide on the site should be primarily safe for children of different ages. So, for kids under 2 years old, the height of the slide is only 1.5 meters, for children from 2 to 7 years old, a height of about 2.5 m is chosen, and for teenagers 3-3.5 meters. The steps on the stairs of the slide should be wide, and the rungs should be located close to each other. Further, the design of the stairs must be equipped with handrails of any type: after climbing the hill, the child must hold on to something.

Advice! In order for the slide to serve more than one generation of children and be safe on the stairs and around it, an anti-slip coating is laid. The cover protects children from injury when getting up in the rain, snow or after swimming in the pool.

Another important step in creating a safe slide is calculating the weight of the children who will ride it:

The height of the slide depends on the age of the children

  1. The slide is fixed on a base or supports that can easily support the weight of 2-3 children.
  2. A smooth chute is responsible for safety during the descent, it is good to make bumpers on the sides to prevent the child from falling out.
  3. All bolts, chips, chips or sharp corners on the slide for children are excluded. The tree is polished so that the baby does not drive a splinter.

Advice! Under the chute along which the child descends, a soft patch is placed - this lawn grass, sand mound or soft cover.

Choosing a place to place a children's slide

The slide is located in the place where it opens good review from anywhere in the area. But make sure that the place for games is not under the sun. In the case of such an arrangement, it is worth considering the construction of a canopy.

Advice! The canopy is made of polycarbonate, and an ordinary beach umbrella is also suitable for a low slide.

Wood slide

slide from natural wood distinguished by its environmental friendliness and ease of installation, it consists of the following elements:

  1. Base.
  2. Staircase with railings.
  3. Descent.
  4. Top platform and protective details.

Such a slide can be supplemented with a whole of labyrinths, bars, a sandbox or mini rooms with entrances and exits. The construction of a wood slide consists in the selection of high-quality raw materials and its normal processing.

wooden slide

The slope is made of plywood, pre-varnished to hide sanding errors. The supporting structure is made of timber, and the steps are made of strong boards.

Important! Today on sale there are various slopes made of durable plastic, fiberglass or wood. The minimum price of a slope is 1.5-2 thousand rubles. The best option is to create a supporting structure for the slide, followed by the installation of a flat or helical slope.

A wooden slide is good for everyone, but located in an open space after 3-5 years it can dry out, be damaged by insects or mold. Wood rots from rain, and the situation can be saved by covering each structural element with a thick layer of varnish. But after winter and hot summer, the hill is worth inspecting, revealing cracked or cracked parts.

Metal slide

Previously, metal slides stood in every yard, distinguished by their strength and durability. Such designs are more reliable, because they are not afraid of either the hot sun, or rain, or frost.

The construction of such a slide is carried out in several stages:

  1. The most primitive foundation is poured, you can immediately pour 4 support pipes, as is done when installing fences.
  2. Further, a staircase and a railing are welded onto 2 pipes on one side, the remaining 2 pipes are used to attach the gutter.
  3. A platform is welded to all pipes.

Important! The gutter is 2 metal pipes, to which a sheet of metal bent in shape is welded. After assembling the slide, all welds must be ground; a grinder is used for these purposes.

After completing the assembly of the structure, the slide can be painted with plain paint or painted. The metal heats up very much under the sun, so on hot days it is worth covering the slide with a beach umbrella so that children do not burn their skin.

Playground with slide and swings

A simple slide can be made by descending from the house, which is also built with their own hands, using timber or the remains of building materials:

  1. At 4 old car tires concrete piles are mounted and on which bars of the required height are installed vertically. The beams are fixed with building corners.
  2. Along the perimeter of the racks, a frame for the house is installed, with holes for entering through the stairs, and leaving through the hill.
  3. After that, a light but durable ladder, a gutter for descent, the floor and walls of the future house are mounted. The elements are fastened with self-tapping screws, and the whole wooden structure should be smeared with antiseptic.
  4. Holes are drilled at the joints of the timber, tightening the structure with 120 mm bolts.
  5. Next, the truss elements from the timber for the roof are laid. The final roof covering is made of corrugated board. Often used decorative tiles made of ordinary painted foam.

The last step is to cover the entire structure with a layer of varnish.

How much does a finished slide cost?

In order not to suffer with manufacturing, you can simply purchase a slide:

  • Inflatable slide for the little ones. Such a slide is an ideal solution for small children, because it can be equipped with a shallow pool, a mini trampoline or educational elements. The cost of an inflatable slide starts from 4 thousand rubles, usually it has a height of more than 1.4 m. The advantages of the slide are its mobility, resistance to temperature extremes, and after the child grows up, the inflatable center can be profitably sold.

You can buy a slide, but it will be more expensive than self-building

  • Play sets made of plastic, in some cases combined with wood. This type of city is more expensive, and the minimum cost starts at 4.5 thousand rubles for the most primitive model. But slides made of plastic can combine swings, bars that develop the muscular corset, a basketball basket and much more. Thanks to the fastening system, the height of the gutter can be adjusted, adjusting it to the age and height of the child.

Creating a children's slide is a creative process, and a full-fledged play area requires swings, a sandbox, and even a football goal. But building these elements of a children's corner is much cheaper on your own, because buying a finished product requires 60% more material resources.

Do-it-yourself children's slide: video

Slide for children in the country: photo