Do-it-yourself parrot from tires. How to make a parrot from a car tire Cut a parrot out of tires

  • 29.08.2019

D This master class will allow you not only to breathe a second life into old tires, but also to decorate your garden plot. Today we will make flower pots from old tires with our own hands.

So, for work we need:

  • An old tire with a small radial tread, without steel cord;
  • For a collar - a strip of iron;
  • Large sharp knife;
  • Two M8 washers, nut and bolt;
  • Brush and paints;
  • Spanners;
  • Drill diameter 10 and drill.

The process of creating flower pots from old tires with your own hands:

1. We take a large sharp knife and, constantly wetting it with water, make symmetrical cutouts on the tire 2/3 (240 degrees) along the bead ring, as shown in the figure. We cut the protector and side part at a distance of 1/3. In the larger side, using a triangular cutout, we separate the side part.

2. In we get such a cut piece of tire.

3. We turn it out.

4. Cut out the beak from the trim side.

5. Cut the smaller side of the tire lengthwise. The cut should be slightly larger than the beak.

6. We insert the beak and with the help of a clamp we compress the halves.

7. We drill a hole with a drill and with the help of two washers, a nut and a bolt we tighten the halves of the head.

8. To make the head narrower, cut off part of the tire on both sides. It should turn out like this:

9. On the larger side of the tire, mark with chalk and cut out the tail.

10. This is how our workpiece looks like. It remains to paint it.

11. We make a clamp from a strip of iron, with which we tighten the side parts of the pots. If there is no iron strip at hand, you can use a strong rope.

12. Now let's start painting the parrot. We use blue, yellow, black and white paints.

13. We color the parrot inside and out. We paint the side rings with black paint. If there is no black paint, you can leave them unpainted.

14. We carefully paint the head, trying to achieve maximum similarity with the original. We make black stripes and eyes with a black outline.

15. Do-it-yourself ready-made planters from a tire must be hung with a strong rope or wire to a horizontal structure. And inside you can place a flowerpot with a beautiful plant.

Thanks to Oleg Vashchenko for the master class!

How to make a swan

To do this, take an old tire - the older it is, the better, since it is easier to cover the worn tread with an even layer of paint and give our craft a more natural look.

You will also need paint and a sharp knife, some also use a jigsaw and a grinder to cut rubber - but certain skills are required when using them, and you should also take into account that when heated, the tire may begin to melt.

Before you start cutting out the swan of their tire, you need to draw contours on it, along which you will cut out the details. You can think over your own pattern of a swan, the main flying of which is a neck with a head and wings. We offer you the following scheme, which is relatively simple, but can be further supplemented with decorative details or additional cutouts, slots, jagged edges.

Having made the necessary cuts on the tire, it must be washed well and preferably degreased, and then proceed to painting - then it will last longer and withstand any weather.

After that, you need to bend the wings of the swan, giving them the final shape, you can also cut out the jagged edges of the wings and tail to make your swan very believable.

Also, before painting, it is necessary to fix the neck of the swan and give it the desired bend with the help of a thick wire, which you will mask with paint.

And the final step in making the swan is to paint its head and beak. You can also use other materials, for example, using the attached foam cut out in the shape of a swan's head, you can get a pretty pretty swan, more like a real one.

Well, now your garden, flower garden will be decorated with a wonderful swan. If you have a pond, then undoubtedly the swan will be an excellent addition to the design and decoration of your pond and recreation area near it. And also, of course, a swan from a tire can become an excellent flower bed - for this it is enough to place a flower pot in its center.

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Do-it-yourself tire parrot attracts owners country houses riot of colors and graceful forms. They want to have a homemade bird, despite the abundance of garden accessories presented in modern stores. Firstly, they cost sky-high money, and secondly, they are not always colorful enough.

Therefore, they are looking for an alternative using improvised materials: plastic bottles and canisters, dishes, etc.

But, such crafts that are obtained from old tires cannot be created from them. These are real masterpieces: swings and sandboxes, planters and flower beds, all kinds of animal figurines.

When the sound of shovels subsides, the planting time trouble will end, gardeners and gardeners will get a break, which can be used for landscaping.

If there is an ownerless tire in the garage, and there is a small free space on the site, then the turn has come to create such an exotic bird.

Moreover, it does not require any expensive materials or special skills. Having the desire and the standard set of materials needed to create any tire craft, soon the parrot will delight with its colorful plumage.

Tires that have served the owner faithfully on the roads are ready to “go out to people” as garden sculptures for the second time.

A cache-pot parrot is very impressive, there are quite a few manufacturing options for it.

For any tire figures you need old tire(in this case, summer, because it is more rigid than winter), wire or clamp, iron strip, as well as:

  • drill with a drill 10 mm;
  • grinder (or electric jigsaw);
  • a knife with a large and sharp blade;
  • spanners;
  • nut and bolt (M8);
  • two washers;
  • brushes;
  • vise.

And, of course, paints (preferably waterproof).

detailed instructions

Do-it-yourself parrot from a tire is a creative and exciting activity. The method is simple, so it does not take much time.

It turns out the parrot is very cute, incl. it can be hung or put not only in the country, but also on the balcony.

The birth of a parrot begins with markings applied to the tire on both sides. The circle must be divided into 3 identical parts.

Mentally drawing a vertical line to the center. Two lines are drawn from it (in different directions), the angle between which is 120 degrees. You should get something resembling a “roof of a house”.

Part of the tire under this roof is not yet used. Perform manipulations on it first.

In an internal circle, a line is drawn from one "roof slope" to another. You need to cut through it.

Between each pair of mentally drawn lines, the angle is 120 degrees. Working with the right side:

Dividing it into 3 parts, we draw an oblique line on the border of the first and second. Now, from the top point of the resulting line, but along the outer contour, another line is drawn to the intersection with the house.

The left side remained unmarked. A slice is drawn on it at an angle of 30 degrees (from the outer line to the inner one). This is done with the markup. It remains to duplicate it on the other side and proceed to cutting.

The process is carried out with a jigsaw or a knife (the more convenient it is to use). To improve glide, the knife is periodically dipped in water with soapy water.

The part of the tire is completely cut out, which is limited by lines on 4 sides. The area with single lines is simply carefully cut out, repeating the configuration. Having finished with this part of the work, you need to give the figure volume, i.e. turn the workpiece inside out. As soon as this succeeds, the tire takes on the features of a bird.

But, the remaining trimmings cannot be thrown away - they will be needed for the beak and tail.

How to cut and fasten the beak

Having postponed the workpiece for a while, we proceed to the beak.

The smaller piece is cut exactly on one side. On the other hand, cut in a semicircle. The lower part is cut shorter. Fiberboard and plywood are also suitable for the beak.

Returning to the tire: cut in the middle of the shorter part. The length of the cut should be such that the beak sinks slightly when inserted into the cut. Next, it must be fixed so that it does not fall out. Why are parts clamped with a clamp or vise.

In the place where an exotic bird should have eyes, we drill holes, armed with a 10 mm drill and a drill. Using an M8 bolt, washers and nuts, connect the three parts together. Thus, both the eyes will be made and the sides are fastened.

To give the head a finished look, mark out a line that connects the back of the head to the neck. They make a cut.

Having dealt with the upper part, they begin to draw the outline of the tail. What it will be, the master determines: cut into strips, rounded or wavy. It is drawn on the long side.

Pot handles

When done with the head, move on to the neck, which needs to be given a realistic look. Down from the crown diagonally, make a cut. On the other side, the same actions are carried out.

It remains to tighten the round inner strips with a clamp, rope or wire. These will be the handles for which the pots are hung anywhere.

The final touch is the color and drawing of the beak, eyes and feathers.

parrot coloring

The choice of colors for the parrot is made at your discretion. They cover the figure from the outside and inner sides. Side rings - handles are painted with black paint, varnishing them for gloss. If there is no paint, these parts are left unpainted.

Examples of parrots made from tires

Ampelous flowers and ferns look great in a parrot.

Or like this:

Do-it-yourself parrot from a tire will be a great decoration suburban area, country house or balcony.

Video: Do-it-yourself tire parrot

Various kinds of crafts can be created from almost nothing - from an old car tire, and today we will dwell on a parrot in more detail. Such an amazing bird of paradise will become the main attraction of your garden, especially if it combines a few more hand-made elements, for example,. If we place a flowerpot with curly summer flowers on the parrot, there will be no limit to the surprise of your guests!

Tire Parrot

So, let's make a parrot from a tire with our own hands. Here is what we need for this:

  1. automobile tire without steel cord, preferably fine, radial tread; of course, crafts of this kind are not made from new tires, but still try to keep it not too shabby, or at least the main part was in good condition;
  2. one bolt, one nut and two washers size M8;
  3. a strip of metal for a clamp, but in principle you can do without it;
  4. paints and brushes - we choose paints that are reliable, waterproof, so that our parrot is not afraid of rain, it is better to take two brushes, one regular paint, one very thin for drawing fine details;
  5. spicy big knife;
  6. drill with a drill at number 10;
  7. set of wrenches.

If everything is ready, we can get to work.

Tire parrot - master class

  1. First of all, we divide the tire into 3 equal parts with markings, make marks. Now, from the starting point, we begin to cut the tire from the bottom, as shown in the image, to a point at an angle of 240 °. Next, we cut from above from the same reference point to a point located under 120 °. We do the same on the other side, focusing on the image.
  2. As a result, we got just such a blank for a parrot from a car tire.
  3. Next, we turn the workpiece inside out, and this is what happened - from afar it resembles the finished product.
  4. Now we will work with cuts. Cut out the shape of the parrot's beak.
  5. Now take the edge of the tire, as shown in the image, cut it in half, make the cutout a little more than the size of the beak.
  6. Then we insert the beak between the two resulting parts, tightly clamp it with a vise (do not forget that the rubber used for tires is a rather elastic material, plus we also turned the tire inside out).
  7. Next, we take a drill with a drill with a diameter of 10 mm and drill a hole in the place where the eye of our bird should be approximately located. Next, we take a bolt, put a washer on it, then thread the bolt into the hole, then another washer, and firmly, remembering the elasticity of the material, we fix this entire structure with a nut. At this stage, many may have a question - why do we need washers? The answer is simple: although tires use a hard, durable material, it is still rubber, and yet over time it can stretch, as a result of which the head of the bolt can slip into the hole and the whole structure will fall apart. Having fixed the position, we can remove the vise.
  8. Next, we perform the final touch - a cut, and the head of our amazing bird is ready.
  9. Let's take care of the tail. On the larger side of the workpiece, he will sketch the contour of the tail.
  10. Now we cut out the tail of the parrot from the tire along the contour.
  11. Next, take the clamp and pull the side rings of our parrot. But if there is no clamp, you can use wire, rope or other improvised means. On this, the technical part of our work can be considered finished.
  12. Now let's get to the fun part - coloring. We liked the amazing coloring of the yellow and blue Macaw parrot.
  13. We paint the side rings in glossy black, but you can simply varnish it.
  14. At the end of the work, we paint the head, and our do-it-yourself parrot, made from a tire, is ready to become the main attraction of your garden.

how many beautiful and interesting crafts can be created from seemingly completely useless and useless things, practically from trash. A man with fantasy and skillful hands literally everything is used: from beer cans to used matchboxes, not to mention long-suffering plastic bottles.

And old used tires are no exception. It turns out that if you get creative, you can make a very cute and cute parrot out of them.

For work we need:
. old car tire with thread! cord and radial tread pattern;
. M8 bolt with nut and two washers;
. metal strip for making a clamp;
. a well-sharpened knife with a strong blade;
. drill or screwdriver, drill Ø10 mm;
. set of wrenches.

And so, let's get started

You should start with the markup, that is, divide the circumference of the tire into three identical parts (the angles should be 120 °), using the points obtained, mark up: two arcs along the outer and inner edge of the tire, bounded by a radius and a cut at an acute angle to the radius. Marking is applied on both sides of the tire.

We turn the resulting blank inside out, and we see that our tire begins to acquire subtle features of the future parrot.
The scraps obtained earlier will be great for making a beak. Marking and cutting it is not at all difficult.

Now, exactly in the middle of the tire from the side of the radial cut, we make a longitudinal cut with a length of slightly more height beak.

The beak is placed between the halves of the cut and compressed with a vice or clamp (squeeze tight!). Armed with a drill with a Ø10 mm drill, we drill a hole in the place where the eye of our bird should be, and connect all three parts with an M8 bolt with a nut and washers. The vice (clamp) can be removed by tightening the nut.

To make the head complete, mark the line connecting the back of the head and neck, and make a cut.

Now the tail. On the other end of the tire, we ended up with a long strip, on which we will make a sketch resembling a parrot's tail. And, of course, cut.

To make our product finally look like an Aru parrot, let's do coloring.

Blue, yellow and white paints are perfect, it is better to use black paint for coloring the rings, and cover with a transparent varnish for gloss.

It is not difficult to come up with a suspension for the rings.
A parrot made with your own hands will be excellent and original decoration Your summer cottage.

Recently, tire crafts have become a favorite garden decoration that people make with their own hands. Very interesting garden figures often turn out.

The Golden Snail is the simplest craft for the garden. You don't even have to cut anything. And this cannot but please (especially women), since the hard rubber of car tires is not cut so easily.

Consider a photo of tire crafts, located a little lower. What does this pretty Golden Snail take?

First, color. The snail is bright, moreover, the colors in its design are chosen so that against the background of greenery, the craft is not only clearly visible, but attracts the eye.

Secondly, I want to look at this Golden Snail, as she is sweet, pretty and kind.

Stages of creating crafts from tires - Snails

First, let's prepare the "house" of this wonderful creature - the sink.

  1. Wash and dry the tire.
  2. Let's paint the tire: orange and gold paint (check with the picture).
  3. Car rubber for crafts is well painted with oil, bituminous, rubber, acrylic, enamel. If you do not find a light orange paint, you can mix white with pigment (it is sold in small jars - in liquid form, as well as in sachets - in powder).
  4. Now what will make the craft for the garden "full". hole in car tire you need to close it, preferably with a convex object, so that it looks like a real snail shell. For example, a bowl right size. In extreme cases, if there is no bowl, the hole will have to be closed with a flat circle cut from some material. For example, plywood, plastic. Paint this part too - to match the rest of the "shell".
  5. There is no special need to attach the body of the Snail to the sink - it can simply be installed nearby. The easiest way for the body is to use a piece of pipe or plastic container suitable diameter.
  6. An old ball is ideal for the head. If there is no ball. Buy a balloon, wrap it with threads (maybe not very tightly, in one layer), and coat it on top cement mortar or putty (naturally, for street work). After drying, apply another layer on top. Dry again and then sand. Balloon will remain inside, well, yes, a penny loss.
  7. Horns of the Golden Snail are made of thick wire and tennis balls.
  8. We draw a kind, laughing "face" - such that it would be nice to see him.
  9. It remains to fix the shell and body of the Snail in the ground. You can just partially dig in, but in this case, the craft will not be very stable. It is better to pass some metal pin through the tire (reinforcing, for example) and stick it into the ground. In the same way, fix the body of the Snail, which, by the way, has been living here for quite a long time.

The desire of a person to decorate the territory of his dacha, to create a wonderful, cozy atmosphere there using things at hand, contributed to the emergence of many design ideas.

The original material for the implementation of extraordinary ideas is old car tires.

Entertaining crafts from tires for the garden will decorate both flower beds and playgrounds, as well as paths. Tires and tires can be used for more than just crafting items garden decor, but also for practical purposes - from them you can build a pool, furniture, swings, a sandbox, parking for bicycles.

The photo below shows extraordinary tire craft ideas.

Idea #1. Making a flower bed out of tires

The easiest scheme is to take an unnecessary tire, fill it with soil and plant plants. Of course it won't be unique. decorative element garden design.

To fix everything, we take bright paints (acrylic or oil-based) and paint the tires. Next, we put them on top of each other, resulting in a multi-tiered flower bed.

The original solution would be a vertically arranged flower bed, folded in the shape of a pyramid. We fall asleep inside the soil and plant curly flowers - petunias or strawberries. On top you can put a pot with a single plant.

You can also make a hanging flower bed out of tires. To do this, you need a steel chain - it will need to be attached to the tire and hang the entire structure on a tree.

In order to prevent the soil from waking up, close the bottom of the tire thick sheet rubber or other suitable material.

An unusual solution would be to make flower beds in the form of a teapot and cups. All you need is a few tires and scraps of metal tape and pipes.

Idea number 2. Tire figures

Another kind of tire crafts for the garden are a variety of unusual and intricate tire shapes. They will revive your garden and improve the mood of all household members.

The figure of a swan is very popular. To make it, you need a tire without a steel cord. It needs to be marked first.

For cutting, use a well-sharpened knife. We fix the swan neck with a metal rod. The final step is to cover the resulting product with white or black paint (depending on which swan you want - white or black).

It is enough just to create a funny horse, zebra or giraffe. Such figures will require installation in the ground wooden beam medium size with tire.

Crafts should be painted in colors corresponding to one or another representative of the fauna.

Old tires and basins are easy to turn into a frog or a cute turtle. A bit of imagination will help to make interesting and unusual installations.


Idea number 3. Country furniture

In the garden, pieces of furniture made of tires will look great.

They can be made in a variety of styles and upholstery materials, ranging from leather and textile to wicker and wire.

The tires will make a comfortable chair, in which it will be wonderful to relax in the bosom of nature. To do this, take the tires, wrap them with interlaced straps and ribbons. It won't take long, and the result will be entertaining.

Furniture for summer cottages can be made from different-sized tires of medium and low hardness.

Tires make beautiful tables, ottomans, armchairs, chandeliers, fountains and wash basins.


Idea number 4. Tire swing

Swings are an integral part of any playground. Tire swings are safer than wood or metal swings. It's easy enough to make them.

You will need:

  • strong horizontal branch;
  • sharp knife and jigsaw;
  • chain or strong rope;
  • tire.

We tie the end of the rope into a loop, the knots must be strong and reliable. We throw the loop over the branch, pass the rest of the rope through it and tighten it. Tires are placed perpendicular to the ground.

We pass a rope through them and fasten it at a height of approximately 0.9 m from the earth's surface. The swing is ready!

Idea number 5. Tire track

Paths created from unnecessary tires, or rather from their tread part, look unusual and original.

We bring to your attention a selection of photos of various crafts from tires.


Tires are a versatile material for creating a wide variety of things with your own hands.

Numerous tire craft workshops can be easily found on the Internet. Therefore, if you have unnecessary old tires lying around, feel free to put them into action, creating memorable elements of garden decor.

Photo crafts from tires