Pit from balloons. How to make a cesspool from car tires for a summer residence? What tools and materials are needed

  • 03.03.2020

To connect plumbing fixtures to the water supply network, a flexible water supply is used. It is in demand when connecting faucets, showers, toilets and other points of water intake, and greatly simplifies the installation process. Flexible piping is also used during installation gas equipment. It differs from similar devices for water in manufacturing technology and special safety requirements.

Characteristics and types

Flexible hose for plumbing is a hose of different lengths, made of non-toxic synthetic rubber. Due to the elasticity and softness of the material, it easily takes the desired position and allows installation in hard-to-reach places. To protect the flexible hose, the upper reinforcing layer is designed in the form of a braid, which is made of the following materials:

  • aluminum. Such models withstand no more than +80 ° C and retain functionality for 3 years. At high humidity aluminum braid is prone to rust.
  • Of stainless steel. Thanks to this reinforcing layer, the service life of a flexible water supply is at least 10 years, and Maximum temperature transported medium - +95 °C.
  • Nylon. Such a braid is used for the manufacture of reinforced models that can withstand temperatures up to +110 ° C and are designed for intensive use for 15 years.

Nut-nut and nut-nipple pairs are used as fasteners, which are made of brass or stainless steel. Attachments with different indicators permissible temperature differ in the color of the braid. Blue are used to connect to a pipeline with cold water, and red - with hot.

When choosing a water supply, you need to pay attention to its elasticity, reliability of fasteners and purpose. It is also mandatory to have a certificate that excludes the release of toxic components by rubber during operation.

Features of gas connections

When connected gas stoves, speakers and other types of equipment also use flexible piping. Unlike models for water, they have yellow and are not tested for environmental safety. For fixing, end steel or aluminum fittings are used. There are the following types of devices for connecting gas appliances:

  • PVC hoses reinforced with polyester thread;
  • synthetic rubber with stainless steel braid;
  • bellows, made in the form of a corrugated stainless steel tube.

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Drainage is a hydro-reclamation measure to remove excess ground water.

If water does not leave the territory of the site for a long time, soil gleying occurs, if shrubs and trees quickly disappear (wet), it is urgent to take measures and drain the site.

Reasons for waterlogging the soil

There are several reasons for waterlogged soils:

  • clay heavy soil structure with poor water permeability;
  • an aquiclude in the form of gray-green and red-brown clays is located close to the surface;
  • high occurrence of groundwater;
  • technogenic factors (construction of roads, pipelines, various facilities) that impede natural drainage;
  • violation of the water balance by the construction of irrigation systems;
  • the landscape area is located in a lowland, a beam, a hollow. In this case, precipitation and water inflow from higher places play an important role.

What causes excess moisture in the soil

You can see the results of this phenomenon yourself - trees and shrubs are dying. Why is this happening?

  • the oxygen content in the soil decreases and the content of carbon dioxide increases, which leads to a violation of the processes of air exchange, water regime and nutrition in the soil;
  • oxygen starvation of the root-forming layer occurs, which leads to the death of plant roots;
  • the intake of macro and microelements by plants (nitrogen, phosphorus, potassium, etc.) is disrupted, because excess water washes out mobile forms of elements from the soil, and they become inaccessible for assimilation;
  • there is an intensive breakdown of proteins and, accordingly, the processes of decay are activated.

Plants can tell at what level groundwater occurs

Take a close look at the flora in your area. The species inhabiting it will tell you at what depth the groundwater layers are located:

  • top water - in this place it is best to dig a reservoir;
  • at a depth of up to 0.5 m - grow marigold, horsetail, varieties of sedge - blister, holly, fox, Langsdorf reed grass;
  • at a depth of 0.5 m to 1 m - meadowsweet, canary grass,;
  • from 1 m to 1.5 m - favorable conditions for meadow fescue, bluegrass, mouse pea, rank;
  • from 1.5 m - wheatgrass, clover, wormwood, plantain.

What is important to know when planning site drainage

Each group of plants has its own moisture needs:

  • at a depth of groundwater from 0.5 to 1 m can grow on high beds vegetables and flowers of the same year;
  • the depth of the water reservoir up to 1.5 m is well tolerated vegetable crops, cereals, annuals and perennials (flowers), ornamental and fruit and berry bushes, trees on a dwarf rootstock;
  • if groundwater at a depth of more than 2 m, you can grow fruit trees;
  • optimal groundwater depth for Agriculture- from 3.5 m.

Do you need site drainage?

Record your observations at least for a while. You yourself will be able to understand how much drainage is needed.

Maybe it makes sense to simply redirect melt and sediment water along a bypass channel, and not let it flow through your site?

Perhaps it is necessary to design and equip a storm drain and improve the composition of the soil, and will this be enough?

Or is it worth it drainage system only for fruit and ornamental trees?

The exact answer will be given to you by a specialist, whom we strongly recommend calling. But after reading this article, you will gain some awareness in this matter.

At the end of the technological and production tasks associated with the arrangement of the sewer system in apartment building, production building, as well as in private households, it is required to test the system involved using the forced spill method. This task used to identify possible defects or improper installation of the entire sewer part involved and a system test report internal sewerage and drains will be material evidence of work on the acceptance of the object.

A visual check should be accompanied by entering into the test report of internal sewerage and drain systems according to SNIP, which is currently represented by the current regulations of the appendix of the D series, which corresponds to SP 73.13330.2012 "Internal sanitary systems of the building", recently a new one has been applied updated working version according to SNiP 3.05.01-85.

The main object where such a septic tank fits perfectly. Although in a private house - it will also fit, albeit with some reservations.

Do not throw away car tires, they will come in handy

First, it is worth mentioning the disadvantages of this method:

  1. The service life does not exceed 10-12 years, which is due to the destruction of the material under the influence of aggressive organics and inorganic chemistry.
  2. The tightness is broken at the joints of the tires.
  3. Rubber does not withstand soil press.
  4. It is difficult to liquidate and repair - it is easier to fill up the old one to build a new one.
  5. Difficult to clean due to configuration features.

Healthy! To simplify the calculations, we proceed from the average volume of water consumption per inhabitant. An indicator of 1.2 cubic meters is taken. For example, if a family of five lives in a house, then the volume of the pit should be 6 cubic meters.

Sanitary standards are obligatory for all organizers and users of the drain.

  1. If there is a well thirty meters from the planned arrangement of the septic tank, then draining is prohibited.
  2. Autonomous sewerage provides with natural wastewater treatment.
  3. The drain device includes several chambers. Large and solid suspensions settle to the bottom of the first. In others, wastewater is biorecycled.

Every man can make a sewer sump with his own hands.

We are digging a foundation pit for the future sump from car cut tires

The recess for the drains must be such that the prepared rings fit in it, the sewer line is connected and the necessary distance from the neighbors is observed.

If the sewer pipeline at the entrance to the septic tank is dug at the level of half a meter, then the excavation deepens by three meters.

The hole should be the size of the tires

The pit for the filter well (sump) provides for a much larger volume. If it exceeds the daily norm by ten times, this should be enough. In such cases, either a deep hole is dug, or several wells are made.

Well, if an excavator with his equipment is invited to dig a pit, the work will be completed before it can begin. You can also quickly dig a hole by hand, but not as deep as with an excavator. A drain pit from tires is made simply and quickly.

Why do we need a drainage well in the bath and house

As soon as the pit takes on the desired shape, especially in depth, you should start drilling a drainage well. into the soil in the center of the hole. This is necessary to increase the suction area of ​​liquid waste into the soil.

This idea is carried out as follows:

  • a garden drill breaks a well as deep as possible;
  • then it is inserted into the well with holes for draining water;
  • the top of the pipe at a level of about a meter from the bottom surface is covered with a polymer mesh to protect the well from solid objects entering it;
  • the cesspool should not silt the soil, and therefore the bottom is sprinkled with a small layer of gravel (10 cm).

How to prepare tires for DIY styling: the right approach

Before lowering the tires into the recess, they are cut with a jigsaw inner part tire rims. This procedure helps to eliminate the accumulation of waste in the inner pockets of tires. In one of them, holes were specially made to accommodate the inlet of sewage waste supplied through the drain pipe.

Upon completion of the preparation, the tires are placed in the pit, and the last of them should rise slightly, i.e. protrude above the ground. The gaps between the walls of the pit and the tires are covered with rubble or earth. One layer is poured, compacted. Then another layer, and again compacted, etc. Close the water sump with a lid, providing a window in it for monitoring the filling of the container. With the help of an earth embankment, they try to protect the structure from atmospheric phenomena in the form of rain or snow.


As you can see from the description, there is nothing radically complicated in creating a cesspool from tires. And although, most likely, it will not last too long, but you can be proud of the fact that with minimal cost managed to concoct an individual-family sewerage system, drains for domestic liquid waste. A tire drain pit is a popular country sewerage system.

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The water collector of a private house can be made of concrete rings or brick, however, its construction in the country requires a lot of time and effort. A good alternative to such a water collector is a tire drain pit. You can arrange it only in the country, since the volume of such a pit will be small. What are the advantages of a tire pit and how to make it?

Advantages and disadvantages of a drain pit from tires

The advantages of a pit for draining water from machine tires include:

  1. The ease of the device (the owner can build such a pit alone).
  2. The ability to use tires of any diameter from different cars, both cars and trucks.
  3. Savings on the cost of material (you can ask around in auto repair shops about the availability of unnecessary tires and take them for free).
  4. The service life of the drain is up to 10-12 years.

Like any structure, a tire pit is not without flaws. Firstly, from such a hole can periodically seep bad smell. Secondly, in case of depressurization, it will be difficult to repair and disassemble it. If these problems do not stop the owners, you can proceed to the sewer drain.

Civilization has rewarded people with many achievements, which are very difficult for most to part with. Even leaving the city, in the bosom of nature, many would like to continue to enjoy all its benefits. In most cases, this is entirely possible. For example, even if a centralized sewage system has not been installed on the site, a well-equipped one from tires will perfectly cope with all its functions.

Advantages and disadvantages of this design

Many summer residents use this cesspool. It is very practical and can be considered the best choice provided that the volumes of effluents are relatively small.

The undeniable advantages of the system include:

  • ease of installation;
  • availability of materials;
  • low construction cost.

However, there are also disadvantages:

  • the possibility of bad smell;
  • the complexity of dismantling and repair;
  • relatively short service life of the structure, it does not exceed 15 years;
  • high probability of violation of the tightness of the structure.

What should be considered when arranging a cesspool?

When planning the installation of a sewer pit from tires, you first need to determine its location. It should be at least five meters from the housing and two from the fence. Distance from facility to nearest source drinking water cannot be less than 25 m. In addition, to reduce the risk of infection, it is best to make the level of the pit lower than that of the well. The pipeline that will be laid from the house to the pit must be laid below the freezing level of the soil by about 1.2 m. Otherwise, sewage may freeze and destroy the pipes.

When designing a cesspool, it is necessary to take into account the distance to the nearest well, residential building and fence

If you plan to equip a system without a bottom, you need to know that such structures can only be used when the volume of drains does not exceed a cubic meter. Otherwise, the bacteria that provide natural purification will not cope with their task in full, which is fraught with contamination of groundwater and, accordingly, all nearby sources.

Also, bacteria will not be able to cope with aggressive chemicals that should not be drained into such a sewer.

The schematic arrangement of a cesspool from old tires is simple, isn't it?

When calculating volumes, they are guided by a simple formula: on average, 0.5 cubic meters of wastewater is taken for each person using the system. It is also taken into account that the liquid level in a fully filled pit must necessarily be 1 meter below the soil level.

If this requirement is not observed, the waste can overflow over the edge of the pit, which will lead to quite serious problems.

Stages of building a pit from wheels

First of all, you need to determine the size of the structure. To do this, one of the old tires prepared for installation is taken, and the diameter of the future structure is outlined on it. Further work are divided into several stages:

  • A hole of the required volume is dug. The bottom must necessarily have a slight slope towards the future hatch. Part of the earth taken out of the pit is left to fill the structure, the rest is best removed from the site.
  • At the bottom of the prepared structure, a drainage well is drilled with a garden drill, which pierces the water-resistant layers and helps speed up natural drainage.
  • A pipe of suitable diameter is installed in the well. It should rise about one meter above the bottom level, which is necessary to prevent clogging with large waste. Holes are made in the walls of the pipe, which must be covered with a mesh. Through them, water will flow into the drainage system. The upper section of the pipe is also closed with a mesh.
  • Large crushed stone is laid at the bottom of the cesspool with a layer of 10 cm. After that, tires are installed. In order for the liquid to flow down unhindered, a part of the inner rim is cut off in each tire before laying. All joints from the inside are carefully filled with sealant.
    The top tire should rise slightly above ground level. The resulting gap between the walls of the pit and car tires is covered with earth. To enter the sewer pipe, a hole of a suitable diameter is cut.

The hole for the sewer pipe is easiest to cut with a jigsaw

  • On top of the pit, a lid is laid, made of any material that does not rot. From above, the structure is covered with soil, while the hatch remains clean. It is mandatory to equip ventilation tube, which should rise to the ground by at least 60 cm.

Modern man is accustomed to comfort and does not want to do without the benefits of civilization. It is very easy to independently equip a cesspool in the country using car tires. This construction is simple and does not require serious financial costs and building skills. But its use will make country life more convenient and comfortable.

It is difficult to call comfortable living without a properly functioning sewage system, which is a wastewater disposal system. City apartments are connected to it centrally, and the owners of private houses and summer cottages quite often they equip it with their own hands.

Often it is most rational to use improvised materials for your own design. In this case, the easiest and most affordable option for arranging a septic tank is to use old tires. Used tires can be purchased for a minimal price, which will be determined practically by the cost of delivery.

Sewerage in a private house is needed no less than in an apartment

Big pros and small cons of sewerage from tires

The idea of ​​​​arranging a septic tank from tires has a number of undoubted advantages. sewer well can be done independently, without involving hired workers and without paying for their work. In the nearest tire shop, you can easily find the tires themselves. This does not require the presence of a serious tool and means of mechanization (in contrast to the installation of a factory-made septic tank).

The disadvantage of this design can be considered its small capacity, which implies the use of sewerage by a family of no more than three people. In addition, the low tightness of a septic tank from tires poses a risk of environmental pollution.

To exclude such a nuisance, it is necessary to periodically carry out preventive inspection and sealing of joints and joints. An alternative option is to make a sewer from barrels in accordance with the description
Practical use of old tires

Determine the best place for a cesspool on the site

When choosing the location of the cesspool on the site, it is necessary to observe the necessary distance to the source of water, your own house and neighboring buildings. The best place for the arrangement of a sewage pit is determined by the following requirements:

  • to prevent undermining the foundation, the minimum distance to the house should be from eight to ten meters;
  • from an aquifer, a cesspool should be located at a distance of thirty to fifty meters with sandy soil, if the soil is clayey, the distance can be reduced to twenty-five meters;
  • fruit trees should be at least five meters away;
  • garden plants - two or more meters;
  • groundwater can be no closer than five meters to the surface;
  • the soil should not freeze much in winter.

It should be borne in mind that a cesspool should not be located too far from housing either. In this case, the volume and cost of the work significantly increase, since it will be necessary to lay a long section of the pipeline system and equip it with inspection hatches. It also increases the risk of blockages. In the country, a septic tank is also equipped for a bath.

Permissible distances for placing a cesspool

Choosing a variant of the design of sewerage from tires

When choosing a variant of the design of sewerage from tires, one should take into account the amount of wastewater emitted. If pumping and waste removal seem realistic, a sealed drain pit can be equipped. Otherwise, you should dig a simple well and provide for sewage filtration in it. Of course, such an option environmental performance should suit the local administration. A more complex and practical design of the filter system with a sump made from automobile tires is also possible.

The simplest drain hole

The simplest and least expensive financial plan the method of arranging a septic tank with your own hands is the equipment is sealed drain pit. In this case, you need to dig a hole, seal its bottom and lay the tires, ensuring that their connections are impervious to sewage.

Scheme of the device of the cesspool of tires

You will get a waste collector, the capacity of which directly depends on the diameter of the wheels and the depth of the pit. Effluent from a sealed drain pit must be regularly pumped out, otherwise it will overflow. Simplicity of design and lack of soil pollution are its main advantages.

well with filtration

The principle of operation of the simplest well with filtration is not particularly complicated. Solid insoluble fractions of sewage entering it do not pass into the ground and are deposited on a layer of gravel or crushed stone.

The device of a septic tank with filtration from tires

Liquid fractions of sewage are filtered out in the drainage layer and go into the ground. The disadvantage of this option is the formation of silt sediment at the bottom of the well. Over time, it makes it difficult for fluid to pass into the drainage, and then it is required complete cleaning pits and replacement of gravel or crushed stone backfill.

Tire septic tank with drain pipe

The presence of a drainage pipe does not increase the functionality of a tire septic tank. Holes are drilled in the pipe, and it is placed in the center of the well, falling below its bottom.

Diagram of a septic tank from tires with drainage pipe

The purpose of this structural element is to drain filtered wastewater into the ground, bypassing the bottom of the well clogged with silt. In practice, it turns out that the pipe is also clogged with them quite quickly, in any case, it does not work effectively for too long.

Car tire construction with filter system

The sump device made of car tires with a filter system is somewhat more complex, but such a modification has a longer service life. In this case, two containers are used, one of which is designed to settle fecal water, and the other to filter it before it enters the soil. The working scheme is as follows:

  • solid large fractions of wastewater, falling into the sump, settle at its bottom;
  • liquid fractions through the overflow pipe enter the filter tank;
  • after cleaning in the drainage layer, the liquid goes into the soil, leaving light fractions of contaminants at the bottom of the well.

Tire septic tank with sump and filtration

Such a system is the most environmentally friendly and cost-effective. The container of this design is filled much more slowly, therefore, pumping out waste products can be done much less frequently, only when overflowing.

How to make a septic tank with a septic tank and a filter well with your own hands

A septic tank with a storage tank and a filter well can be made by hand. You need to stock up on sewer pipes and tires, for example, from the Kirovets tractor. Note that tires of larger diameter are quite difficult to move independently. In addition, you will need tools in accordance with the illustration.

Sewer polypropylene pipes can be cut with a sharp knife. Sealing of butt joints and pipe entry points is best done with a bitumen composition, it is most compatible in its structure with the material from which car tires are made.

Calculate the volume of the septic tank, the required number of tires and other materials

The volume of the septic tank is determined by the diameter of the tires used in its manufacture and the depth of the shaft. Usually it is about three meters. Dividing this value by the width of the tire tread, we get the number of tires needed for work. Seven tires from the Kirovets tractor and two from the Kamaz truck are usually enough.

Big Tire - Volumetric Cesspool

Depending on the distance of the septic tank from the house, the number of sewer pipes necessary for its arrangement. Dividing the distance to housing by the maximum length of the pipe, which is three meters, we get the desired figure. Another pipe will be required between the tanks, in addition, it is necessary to provide for a supply of material in case it is damaged during the work.

For the device of the drainage layer, up to two tons of crushed stone or gravel will be required. It is more convenient to backfill the pit with tires with sand. Tires are fastened together with clamps or knitting wire. It takes about five clamps or two meters of wire to connect two tires. To perform waterproofing, you will need a roll of roofing material and a sheet of rubber with an area of ​​​​approximately one square meter according to tire size.

We dig a trench from the house to the sump

When digging a trench, it is necessary to provide for the correct slope of the sewer pipes for the unhindered removal of wastewater under the influence of gravitational forces. Read about it in the article There should be no significant protrusions or irregularities on the bottom and walls, they are carefully aligned and compacted.

Sewer line from house to cesspool

The width of the trench is chosen so that it does not interfere with the docking and laying of the pipeline system. At the bottom, a shock-absorbing cushion is arranged, which is a layer of sand, in addition, it allows you to maintain the correct angle of inclination of the sewer pipes.

The biggest job is to prepare the pit

The most time-consuming part of the work is the preparation of a pit for treatment plant. Having reached a depth of about one and a half meters, it becomes difficult to throw the earth out of the hole, so a bucket on a rope should be used to excavate the soil. The top fertile layer of soil can be poured into the garden.

Dig deeper than three meters should not be, as in the future problems may arise when pumping wastewater from such a well.

A dug shaft should be cleared of tree roots with an ax. Growing, they can damage the structural elements of the septic tank. The bottom of the excavation is carefully leveled to ensure a good fit of the waterproofing rubber layer to the bottom cover.
Pit for the sump and filter well

The bottom of the filter well is additionally deepened by the thickness of the drainage layer, which is 60-100 cm in accordance with the dimensions of the lower tire. It is also necessary to level it, as the surface will be covered with rubble or gravel with sand.

The place of work must be fenced off to prevent accidents, especially if children live in the house.

We put the tires in the sump and filter well

Before laying the tires in place, it is better to cut the inside of the sidewall of them by about one third. This will significantly increase inner diameter well and facilitate its cleaning in the future. This is especially important for the sump, which will definitely have to be cleaned.

IN storage capacity the first tire is laid on the bottom, covered with a sheet of rubber or roofing material. All joints are carefully coated with bitumen. The second tire is connected to the first collars or knitting wire. The joints are also sealed with bitumen. Subsequent tires are laid in the same way, in one of them a hole is cut for the entrance of the sewer drain pipe, stretched from the house.

Filter well ready

In the filter well, drainage from crushed stone is first filled up, and then the first tire is laid. Each subsequent tire is fastened with the previous clamps or knitting wire, the joints of the joints are coated with resin. Then it executes backfilling. The soil around the tires is rammed and compacted. It is more convenient to backfill with sand, as it will not shrink.

We carry out sewerage from the house to the sump

When sewerage is carried out, it is necessary to comply with the recommended building codes and the rules of the angle of inclination drain pipes. It should be understood that the removal of waste occurs under the influence of gravitational forces and if the angle of inclination is too small, large fractions will get stuck and create a blockage in the pipe. The same will happen if the angle of inclination is too large, in which case the fast flow of sewage will throw large fragments to the inner walls, and they will clog the sewer.

We mount the overflow pipe from the septic tank to the sump

To install an overflow pipe connecting both containers, holes of the appropriate section are cut out in the tires using a grinder. The overflow pipe must be located below the level of the sewage disposal pipe leaving the house.

The sewer pipe is brought into the sump

In addition, the height of the holes is chosen so that the pipe has a slight slope towards the filter well. The junction is sealed with roofing felt patches smeared with bituminous resin.

We install covers and provide ventilation

Covers must be installed on the filtering well and septic tank. If you want to make them attractive, read the article. To prevent the occurrence of an unpleasant odor, a ventilation device is provided. Its pipe is most conveniently placed in the cover of the filter well or on the transition pipe between two containers.

Interesting ideas on the device of the cover and ventilation of the cesspool

For arranging ventilation, a section of the pipeline that runs from the exit of the house to the septic tank is also suitable. You can read about the rules for arranging ventilation in the article.