Vegetable garden above ground cultivation technology. Pros and cons of using raised beds

  • 03.03.2020

As you know, in spring or autumn, areas for planting should be dug up in order to break up dense clods of soil and enrich it with air. However, digging also has negative aspects in the form of weathering the earth, destroying earthworms, destroying its organic structure and stimulating the growth of weeds. Therefore, it is possible to improve yields, eliminate the need for annual digging by creating high beds in the garden. It is about them that will be discussed, as well as how to make high beds and grow excellent vegetables on them.

Raised bed technology

High beds are called a garden built on top of the ground. It is created by human hands, for which the soil is laid in specially made fences. Compost and mulch are laid in them in the form of several layers, as well as periodically from above, due to which the ground will constantly receive the necessary organic matter. Digging as such is not needed, work with a shovel is needed only when planting seeds or seedlings and digging up plants. High beds are also suitable for areas with rocky and infertile land, for summer residents who find it difficult to dig gardens or do not have time for this. The use of bulk beds is also recommended in areas with cold climatic conditions, since the soil warms up faster, it retains moisture and heat better - the main conditions for growing agricultural crops. The advantages of high beds include the minimum amount. In addition, high beds in the country can be installed almost anywhere, consistent with the features of the layout of the site.

The usual way of gardening, with its characteristic digging, an excess of pesticides, overwintering "bare" land, depletes and infects the soil. Productivity falls, crops develop poorly, get sick, fruits become smaller. To move away from traditional farming and replace it with natural, restoring soil fertility, a summer resident from the Far East suggested. Warm beds and the amazing garden of Igor Lyadov allow you to increase crops regardless of the state of the soil, site conditions and the vagaries of the weather.

Advantages of Lyadov's technology

The essence of rational gardening according to Lyadov is to combine two technologies:

  • growing crops on narrow ridges, according to the Mitlider method;
  • transition to natural farming.

Lyadov shows the harvest

Where did the ideas come from

To pay attention to the Mitlider technology, Igor Lyadov was forced by the plight of his own garden. The plants suffered from excess rain moisture, characteristic of the Far Eastern climate, lost their taste and benefits after fertilizing with mineral fertilizers, the fruits became smaller, and the yield fell from year to year.

Noting that on traditionally wide garden beds (1.5-2 m) only those crops that grew from the edge developed well and resisted diseases, Igor Nikolayevich suggested that their condition is affected by access fresh air, light and space.

Igor shows his potatoes

Confirmation was the Mitlider method of vegetable growing on narrow beds (up to 45 cm wide) in combination with wide row spacings (75 cm). But unlike Mitlider, Lyadov raised his ridges above the paths by 15-25 cm to get rid of constant flooding, and “wrapped” them with a wooden box. Such a vegetable container had many advantages over open fit:

  • retained the shape of the ridge;
  • retained water after watering;
  • contributed to the rational composting of the land;
  • prevented the loss of nutrients and carbon dioxide released by bacteria.

In high boxes, plants are stronger and healthier.

Lyadov's own developments

The only thing that Lyadov decided to abandon in favor of the environmental friendliness of the final product was the use of mineral fertilizers. The beds according to the Lyadov method receive only organic top dressing based on manure, humus, ash, and herbal infusion.

The width of the ridges Lyadov allows 60-100 cm, and the passages - 60-80 cm. At the same time, the passages do not “walk” idle, but work to increase productivity, because, according to scientists, 60% of crop nutrition is obtained from the air. If necessary, the ridges can be turned into a greenhouse, providing them with arcs and covering material.

Caring for a vegetable container is not difficult: you do not need to deal with hilling and autumn digging. It is only necessary to weed occasionally and in the spring, before planting, loosen the ground by 5-7 cm with a hand cultivator to knock down the crust.

Thanks to this, the garden according to Lyadov is also called lazy beds. There is no need for top dressing during the summer. Such a planting in itself is a compost heap and excessive zeal can overfeed the plants.

The high beds of Igor Lyadov, thanks to the internal organic “filling”, which decomposes and releases heat, can be used for early sowing of heat-loving crops, as well as in areas with short summers and harsh climates. In arid areas, in order to reduce the overheating of plants in the sun, the author suggests painting the outer walls of the box with white breathable paint or lime.

narrow ridges

Pros of high beds

Natural farming, sparing the soil, protecting it from temperature extremes and loss of nutrients given to plants - this is what Igor Lyadov's warm beds and amazing garden are all about. The benefits and rationality of this approach to gardening are as follows:

  • the ridges will “work” for 5-6 years, without requiring much care, labor-intensive tillage, and a number of manual operations are not needed at all;
  • during heavy or prolonged rains, the height saves the root system from damage;
  • wide aisles give 100% light and air;
  • the absence of mineral fertilizers preserves the purity of the fruits, the fertility of the earth is restored;
  • organic matter providing internal warmth, allows for early planting;
  • the plot where Lyadov's smart beds are laid out is clean, tidy (there are no untidy compost heaps, they are hidden in containers) and looks more like a park than a vegetable garden, especially if the aisle is sown lawn grass;
  • thanks to the layer-by-layer laying of nutrient material, the boxes are ready-made compost bins and when planting fertilizer, it is not necessary to add fertilizer to the holes;
  • the yield is 2 times more than in a conventional garden, and the area suburban area less is occupied for sowing;
  • moisture is well preserved inside the container and crops do not need to be watered often;
  • the design can "work" for several years without replacing and fertilizing the earth.

Cucumbers don't touch the ground

What is grown in warm beds

Despite the narrowness of the landing site and the lack of mineral fertilizers, Lyadov's beds are ideal for planting any crops: leafy, root crops, berries (strawberries).

What cultures love heights

When growing on raised narrow beds, it is important to observe the proportions:

  • large-fruited (cabbage, pumpkin and others) and bushy (tomatoes, eggplants, peppers) planted in two rows in a checkerboard pattern closer to the edge;
  • leafy and small-fruited in 3-4 rows (radishes, carrots, beets, garlic, onions, lettuce);

Harvests from the garden

Chess seating, according to Igor Nikolaevich, is one of the best geometries in which plants develop well and are productive. He also noticed that the harvest in the beds is better, the more light and air around the plants. A small landing area with large passages best meets this requirement. In addition, a small area of ​​​​land shares organic matter with crops more generously than a large area.

The amazing yield of Lyadov's beds is due to the correct layer-by-layer arrangement of heterogeneous organic material in the constructed vegetable container. Such " layered cake» Gradually decomposing, gives good food and warms up the soil.

So that mold and pathogens do not originate in this compost heap, constant air exchange is needed. The use of sand helps to solve this issue. They are diluted with loamy and clay soils, they become lighter and the roots breathe better in them.

Alternation of landings depending on age

The beds according to Lyadov can be used for 4-5 years in a row without top dressing, and here is what is better to grow on them in accordance with the "age":

  • In the first year of the container's creation, microorganisms decompose the organic raw materials intensively. There is a lot of warmth and nutrition for plants in the soil. Such conditions are ideal for cucumbers, zucchini, pumpkin. In the first two years, it is better to refuse planting beets, radishes and lettuce, as they accumulate nitrates.
  • In the second year, you can continue to plant cucumbers, zucchini. There is still plenty of food in the soil. Also suitable for planting tomatoes, cabbage.
  • In the third year, organic matter reserves decrease, but they are quite enough for pepper, beans, cabbage, tomato, potatoes, lettuce, carrots and beets. The last two crops are best planted side by side, as they help each other grow and strengthen.
  • In the fourth year, you can still do without additional feeding if you plant crops that are undemanding to nutrition: peas, greens.

Once made beds, will last for many years

You can then proceed in two ways:

  1. Transfer the contents of vegetable containers to the garden or vegetable garden to improve the structure of the earth. And fill the formwork again.
  2. Sow the bed with green manure, for example, oats. It is not necessary to fertilize the land with rotted manure or make compost. In autumn, mix oats with soil, and it will become the best compost and food for microorganisms.

We make Lyadov's beds with our own hands

In a nutshell, this is a fence made of any material at hand, filled with heterogeneous organic matter. The geometry and design of high beds by Igor Lyadov can be anything: rectangle, wave, oval, choose the best way photos will help. The construction of a box-bed will require the cost of boards, nails, paint and time, but this is the only disadvantage of this vegetable growing technology.

Typical device diagram

Construction of ridge-boxes

Creating a bed-box with your own hands and filling it is better to start in the fall. Then, by spring, the earth will sag, due to the work of microorganisms and the debate of tops, foliage, and it is easy to fill it up. The box is assembled without a bottom. Igor Lyadov himself builds his beds from logs and planks. His construction method is discussed below.

  1. Logs are laid on a flat area at a distance of 60-120 cm (depending on the aridity of the area: the greater the number of hot summer days, the wider you can make the box). The length is arbitrary.
  2. Logs are fastened with nails. Instead of the bottom, the platform inside the box is covered with cardboard. It will save crops from weeds and pests.

The process of creating a box

The height of the wall of the box varies from 15 to 30 cm and is selected depending on the climate: the rainier the summer season or the north of the area, the higher the wall. It is necessary to arrange the bed in a straight line "north-south" so that it gets maximum sunlight.

A well-known summer resident suggests covering the inter-row paths with sand or sawdust, covering with roofing material or PVC film so that they remain clean from dirt and weeds.

Box of boards

Improvisations of folk craftsmen

Wood is not the only material from which gardeners build vegetable containers. Having figured out the question of how to make Lyadov's beds, they improvise from any materials:

  • A beautiful and durable alternative to wood will be stone or brick sides. These materials are appropriate in any landscape, look spectacular and allow you to build a high bed of any shape.
  • Sheet plastic will serve as an inexpensive replacement for wood and brick. The main thing is to choose an environmentally friendly material.
  • A bed of wicker branches looks very original, but it is very short-lived.
  • There are options for arranging beds from glass and plastic bottles. Bottles are stacked in rows or lined up with a wall and fastened cement mortar or rope. The option is economical, but plastic is not a durable material.
  • Sheets (wide strips) of stainless steel welded together can be used as sides. The option is very durable, durable, but expensive. It is not recommended to use non-stainless steel, as corrosion products will constantly be washed into the ground by rainwater.
  • You can make high beds from slate, new or left over from old building. If you paint the sides in bright colors, it will be rosy and original. This is an economical option, as slate is durable and cheap.

Slate vegetable containers

It is also possible the option of a "buried" warm bed, when organic raw materials are laid in a prepared trench. The elevation above the main ground level of such a landing is small, or may be absent altogether.

This option is suitable for areas where meltwater does not stagnate in spring, but ground water do not come close to the surface. It is cheaper to build (there is no need to purchase materials for the sides), and it is easier to care for, watering a deep planting requires less.

Bottle recycling

Filling the ridges

The layer-by-layer laying of heterogeneous raw materials in the high narrow beds of Igor Lyadov is carried out according to the following scheme:

  1. The cardboard serving as the bottom of the box is covered with a thin layer of sand. Sand filling will provide drainage.
  2. A vegetative layer of 1.5-3 cm is laid out on the sand from large organic raw materials: branches, heads of corn, tops of tomatoes, potatoes, tree leaves, sunflower remains. This layer will provide top dressing to the root systems of crops.
  3. A layer of fertilizers, which is formed from various infusions: herbs, manure and promotes the breeding of microorganisms. Organics are watered with infusions and covered with earth removed from the row spacing.
  4. The earth is covered by 8-10 cm, but not flush with the sides, so that there is room to mulch Lyadov's organic beds.

Filling scheme

In total, the raised beds contain no more than 30 cm of organic material and thanks to this, the roots of the plants do not overheat, but grow strong and healthy.

Video: How to build high beds with your own hands

Usage smart garden saves energy and time, and organic farming, proposed by Igor Lyadov, helps plants open up and give the maximum of their capabilities to a person. On the way to a rich and healthy harvest, it is important to take the first step correctly: build and fill a high bed. And if there is any doubt, contact the experts.

A modern person needs a dacha not only to satisfy the instinct of a peasant and provide his family with vegetables and fruits, but also as a place to relax from city problems and bustle. And no one doubts that it is always more pleasant to relax in a conveniently equipped beautiful area. The topic of our article is "smart" beds from the point of view of organic farming.

The main goal of organic farming is to preserve and increase soil fertility. And the technology of arranging "smart" beds will help us learn how to properly plan and decorate a personal plot.

Organic garden beds may look different, but the basic principle of their formation is to make the most of small areas.

"Smart" paths should be at least 40 centimeters wide - so it will be convenient to walk along them, carry a wheelbarrow, carry water, and so on. The most inconvenient thing in the garden is right angles. Therefore, when laying "smart" beds and "smart" paths, you will have a wide field for experimentation and creativity. You can equip oblique, triangular, radial beds, in this case, everything depends on the convenience of their use and maintenance.

"Smart" beds can be raised above the ground or deepened into it, can be "bordered" and filled with humus. The height of the raised beds ranges from 20 to 80 centimeters, and the width can be different, it all depends on what is planned to be grown on such a bed.

Organic farming is constantly evolving. Practicing gardeners from year to year improve methods for creating "smart" beds, come up with various forms and configuration. The main thing here is to understand the basic principles, to understand the essence of the process, and then everything will depend only on your desire and capabilities.

Raised container beds

The vegetable container is one of the varieties of raised beds that are used in organic farming. The width of this structure, as a rule, is about a meter, any length, and height - from 30-40 cm to 70-80 cm. It is convenient to organize such beds right on the lawn, and decorated with tiled masonry, they will give your garden unique design- sort of flower beds for vegetables. In the center of the beds, you can install a trellis for climbing crops. And ideally, such a “flower bed” must be covered with a transparent roof, this will protect vegetables from various diseases.

Thin materials (plywood, slate, thin boards, and especially iron) are not suitable for the walls of a vegetable container, since such a bed will get very hot in hot weather. And it is impossible to equip it in the shade - there will be no good harvest. In this case, the frame must be done thoroughly, because it can be damaged strong winds, and the weight of plants during the fruiting period is not small (50 kg per linear meter). It is best to use timber or logs, brick or wild stone.

The lined vegetable container is filled in layers only with organic matter. At the very bottom, you can put rotten large tree branches, shavings, wood chips. Next, coarse, unripe organic matter is placed, which is watered with bacterial fertilizers to accelerate maturation. We will talk with you in more detail about these fertilizers in the following articles. Unripened organic matter is sprinkled with humus and earth. Further, to the very top, the bed is filled with a layer of finished compost. It is important that this layer is at least 15-20 cm. Sand or earth should not be mixed with the finished compost, because of this it compacts and settles. Loosening such a bed is not required, in the spring you just need to add a layer of ready-made humus on top, and when the planted plants grow up, the soil must be mulched with straw or other suitable materials.

Watering a vegetable container is best done internally. To do this, when laying the beds, you need to evenly dig in several containers with holes (pipes or plastic bottles), which should be filled with water as needed. Under the humus, you can also bury leaky hoses wrapped in nylon stockings or other synthetics that let water through. The end of the hose is brought out and connected to a water source. The main thing is not to forget to turn off the water after 15-20 minutes, so as not to overmoisten the bed.

A vegetable container is best made with a roof made of transparent materials ( polyethylene film, cellular polycarbonate). This, of course, slightly increases the cost of the structure, however, the roof reliably protects plants from diseases. There is practically no dew under it, which provokes the appearance and development of phytophthora, peronospores and other dangerous diseases.

The vegetable container is raised high enough above ground level, so the soil in it warms up and ripens earlier. Any heat-loving crops on such a bed can be sown earlier than usual. If you correctly calculate the time and location of the plants, then here you can first harvest radishes and watercress, then build a trellis for tomatoes or cucumbers in the middle, and plant beets, onions or carrots in place of the radishes. After collecting the root crops in the fall, you can re-sow radishes and lettuce in a vegetable container.

As you can see, the vegetable container is convenient and beautiful. Such a bed saves space in the garden and allows you to harvest various crops within one season. A large volume of nutritious compost allows you to minimize watering, fertilizing, weeding and loosening. There are many advantages, however, there are also disadvantages.

A vegetable container needs to be built, and for this you need to find strength, time and money. For such a bed, a lot of organic matter is required, which also needs to be taken somewhere and make sure that it is good quality. These three tangible shortcomings determine the moment that a vegetable container is rarely found in personal plots.

Experienced gardeners, taking the arrangement of a container bed as a basis, came up with simpler and cheaper options, but no less effective and convenient. For example, some crops can be grown directly on a compost heap. To do this, an additional compartment is attached to the place where the compost ripens. In the spring, half-finished humus, which has lain under the film all winter, is thrown into this compartment. On such a bed, you can plant zucchini, cucumbers, pumpkins and tomatoes.


Raised bed-boxes are very popular among organic farmers because of their ease of arrangement and high efficiency of use.

A box is a stationary bed, the sides for which can be made from available material. In this case, any boards, slate, plywood and the like are suitable. The height of such a bed, as a rule, is 15-20 centimeters, the width is 1-1.2 m, and the length can be made at your discretion. The bed-box is filled with organic matter: a layer of half-ripe manure or compost is poured on the bottom, and on top, with a layer of at least 6-7 cm, ready-made high-quality humus is laid.

If the box is wide, then the rows can be arranged both along and across. In order for the plants to receive more sunlight, the rows on such a bed should be arranged in a north-south direction.

In the middle of the box-bed, a trellis is made for climbing crops; such a bed can be covered with a roof. That is, simply put, a box is a low container. And its main advantage in this case is the fact that a lot of organic matter is not needed to fill the beds. However, a thin layer of compost quickly loses nutrients and moisture, and in the heat such a bed needs to be watered more often. This can be done with a hose, or with buckets from a large container. A fairly thick layer of mulch is required to retain moisture. To feed the crops growing in the box, it is recommended to use various organic fertilizers, which will be discussed in detail in the following articles.

If the soil on the site is good, then loosening the box is not necessary. The earth will loosen under it independently to a sufficiently large depth (in the first year it is already twenty centimeters). As we already found out in the article “Stop destroying the earth by digging and weeding”, soil inhabitants — earthworms and bacteria — will take care of structuring and loosening. Next spring, you just need to pour a few wheelbarrows of ready-made compost into the garden, and plant vegetables directly into it. If the organic matter is of good quality, then there will be few weeds, and those that appear are removed quite easily.

With help simple frame or wire arcs, a box-bed can be quickly turned into a greenhouse, in which it is convenient to grow seedlings of various crops in the spring.

When using this type of "smart" beds, the main thing is to fertilize them correctly and water them in a timely manner. Then in boxes, as well as in a vegetable container, three or four crops of different vegetables can be grown per season.

Deep trench beds

As you have already noticed, our list of "smart" beds is built on the principle - from expensive and productive, to cheap, but no less effective in use. Practicing farmers on their plots combine the advantages of all types of beds, reduce the cost of their laying and adapt to the conditions of a particular site.

If the groundwater is low enough on the site, and it never gets flooded, a narrow compost bin can be deepened into the ground. Thus, a kind of garden trench is obtained.

The main advantage of deep beds is that they can be dug directly into the virgin soil. To do this, they dig a trench in the sod with a width of two bayonets of a shovel and a depth of a bayonet. The length, as in previous cases (vegetable containers, box-beds), depends on your desires and capabilities. Even the sides of the boards are not needed here. Half-ripe manure is laid right on the bottom of the trench, and on top is a layer of finished compost, at least 6-7 centimeters high.

Tomatoes, cucumbers, peppers, cabbage, beans can be planted on such beds ... After the plants have grown, the trench must be mulched with any available material. About what materials can be used as mulch, we will describe in detail in the following articles.

In the future, all care will consist in timely watering as needed. And you will also have to mow the grass between the rows with a sickle a couple of times during the season. In order not to do this, the aisles can be covered with burlap, and covered with gravel on top - it’s beautiful, and the weed does not grow.

The main advantage of deep trenches is that they retain moisture remarkably, and plants grow well here, even with moderate watering. And the main drawback is that you certainly can’t get away from the classic pose of a gardener when caring for such a bed.

Ornamental vegetable garden basics

As already noted, a cottage is needed modern man not only to grow vegetables and fruits. Most people use their gardens as a place for the whole family to relax. Let's figure out how to decorate a personal plot without spending a lot of space, effort and time.

Structures such as gazebos, fences, as well as southern walls can be used to equip beds. If the fence is made of mesh, then in itself it will be an excellent trellis for tall climbing crops. You just need to dig a trench nearby and fill it with organic matter. This bed is ideal for growing cucumbers and beans. The advantages are obvious - you don’t need to build a trellis, and it doesn’t take up space, but flowering plants, with skillful care, are also a wonderful decor.

In the same way, you can surround the gazebo with a trench. In this garden you can plant various types decorative pumpkins and beans that bloom in red, white, and even purple flowers (hyacinth beans). A gazebo decorated in this way will become the highlight of your summer house and a favorite place for family gatherings. It should be noted that planting a gazebo with cucumbers is not recommended, sometimes they get sick and lose their decorative properties.

The southern and eastern walls of various suburban buildings are able to warm up well during the day and give the plants reflected light and heat, which helps to accelerate the growth and development of heat-loving crops. Such walls can be an excellent support for cherry tomatoes, and below you can plant such attractive varieties of cabbage as kohlrabi and broccoli.

In order to give the backyard a well-groomed appearance, all the free spaces between the "smart" beds need to be mowed regularly - this will turn the weeds into a grassy lawn.

We develop virgin lands

You have become the proud owner of a summer cottage. But here's the bad luck - the land on it has never been cultivated or has been cultivated for a long time, and you do not see any possibility of growing a crop in the first year, since the development of virgin lands is an unusually time-consuming task. Do not despair, on the contrary, you are lucky - you received a plot with living land and, with a skillful approach and proper processing, you will be able to maintain its fertility for many years. What to do in order to be able to grow your own crop this season?

Experienced gardeners, in the process of studying and understanding the principles and techniques of organic farming, came up with several ways to use virgin lands for beds in the first year. We have already talked about deep trench beds.

According to the principle of deepened beds, you can arrange a place for growing various melons and gourds. You don't even need to dig trenches for this. To arrange such a bed right in the sod, it is enough to dig a hole about a meter in diameter and two bayonets deep. We fill the pit as usual - half-ripe manure will go to the bottom, which can be mixed with coarse, immature organic matter. From above, with a layer 6-7 centimeters thick, we pour fully ripened humus. Pumpkins, cucumbers, zucchini, melons and watermelons grow well in such pits.

All subsequent care for such a bed will consist only in timely watering. In order to prevent weeds from growing here, the virgin land around should be covered with burlap or some other material (cardboard, old rugs, etc.), and covered with organic mulch (straw, sawdust) on top. Under such a carpet, the weeds will die, and next spring you will only have to loosen the soil with a flat cutter.

Another great way to easily and effectively treat turf is a special mulch for the development of virgin lands and weed control. This technique is considered one of the most "smart" techniques used for many years by permaculture gardeners and organic farmers. Its essence is as follows.

In early May, fresh weeds poured with juice are trampled down - this is a wonderful food for soil organisms. A layer of immature humus mixed with manure and a small amount of compost are scattered over the weeds. To speed up the process, all this from above can be treated with special bacterial fertilizers. Newspapers and magazines are laid on humus with manure in 2-3 layers; packaging cardboard can be used for these purposes. A layer of nutritious organics is poured directly onto the paper, 10-15 cm thick (this can be unripe manure and unripe humus). From above, this entire “pie” is covered with straw, foliage or hay. With such a coating, paper or cardboard cuts off weeds, and the organic layer holds moisture well and provides nutrition.

Of course, you can’t sow seeds on this bed in the first year - that’s why seedlings are planted here large plants(tomatoes, peppers, eggplants, as well as various gourds). They plant in a certain way - they dig up a little straw and manure and pierce a layer of paper with a scoop, and the roots themselves will find their way down. Then watered and again buried with a layer of mulch. If it rains relatively often, then it is practically not necessary to water such a bed.

The next year, all this “pie” will settle and turn into high-quality compost, the soil will loosen from below, and the happy gardener will have a new fertile and weed-free bed. The only thing left is to add humus every year - and you can sow whatever your heart desires.

So, let's sum up our conversation about laying organic beds. What is needed for a long time and without significant temporary and financial costs plan and organize a comfortable and beautiful personal plot. Let's highlight a few basic principles:

  • we always use the geometry of narrow beds;
  • in dry areas we lower such beds into the ground, and in flooded areas we raise them above the soil surface;
  • we fill any beds with organic matter, and later we mulch well;
  • We periodically mow all the paths between the beds to prevent the growth of weeds.

By following all these not very complicated rules, you can not only grow good harvest, but also turn your garden into a conveniently organized and beautiful place for the whole family to relax.

- bulk, elevated above the ground earthen structures intended for planting and growing herbaceous plants. Used in garden plots horticultural crops and for planting flowers.

Advantages and disadvantages

Raised land has a number of advantages and disadvantages:

pros Minuses
No shedding of the side walls of the soil, with protected structures by means of partitions.Through the side walls, made of "breathable" material, soil moisture leaves faster, as a result of which the frequency and volume of watering have to be increased.
It is independent of the soil located on the site - you can use purchased black soil.Periodic costs are required for the purchase of black soil.
Creation favorable climate for plant growth, - elevation above the general ground level significantly reduces the risk of cold damage during frosts. In addition, the bed can be easily protected from external influences by covering it with a tarpaulin or covering material.The limited interaction with the total mass of the earth forces to increase the use of mineral fertilizers.
An earlier period of growing crops - in the spring, snow melts earlier, the soil warms up faster.There is a risk of reproduction of insects that will harm the planted plants.
The possibility of creating a greenhouse or a mini-greenhouse, which are dismantled with the onset of the warm season.On the initial stage creating high beds, you have to bear material costs and make additional physical efforts to create a land structure.
Good drainage to optimize watering and soil moisture. Due to this, there is no risk of waterlogging of the soil, moss growth, and there is no rotting of plants.Restriction on the plant assortment - not all plants endure an open, blown area.
Deep digging of the soil is carried out 1 time in 3-4 calendar years. The rest of the time it is enough to carry out shallow loosening.
Convenience when working with low growing plants, this is especially important for the elderly or those with limited physical abilities.
Getting more yield, compared to traditional methods of growing plants.
The high level of the ground allows you to reduce the physical effort required when cultivating the soil, caring for green spaces, harvesting crops - for example, you can use a folding chair.
Optimal layout of the garden plot.
Creation of beds with an unusual shape and design.

From the above comparative data, it can be seen that the idea of ​​​​high beds has the right to life. Measures aimed at reducing negative factors will contribute to this.

How to eliminate cons?

Ways to reduce negative factors:

  1. The increased use of organic fertilizers contributes to a decrease in the amount of mineral fertilizers applied to an elevated plot of land:
    • droppings of birds, manure from cattle, the creation of tinctures for liquid feeding on their basis;
    • the use of ash from burning wood in stoves or fireplaces;
    • creation on the site of your own compost pit for the processing of residues from plants and human food, which will reduce the amount of purchased black soil;
    • use of sludge from a septic tank.
  2. To reduce dependence on irrigation, the “drip” mode device will help: such designs can be found in abundance on the Internet.
  3. Decrease material costs, necessary when creating high beds, contributes to:
    • use of materials left over from construction country house or arranging a fence, for example, or corrugated board;
    • the use of industrial substandard material, which is sold at significant discounts;
    • remnants of building products that appear during the demolition of dilapidated housing, or in other similar cases.
  4. The appearance of harmful insects and weeds can be avoided by preliminary soil preparation:
    • chemical treatment,
    • removing roots.


High beds differ from each other in several ways:

  • geometric dimensions, - length, width and height above the general level of the site;
  • side wall trim.


Wooden high beds

Wood material is used as side support walls:

  • boards;
  • plywood of moisture resistant grades, for example, OSB-3;
  • log construction;
  • materials with the presence of wood, for example, wood concrete sheets (wood concrete) - a mixture of cement and shavings;
  • vine rods.

Main advantage of this material is its availability and ease of processing. But common deciduous (birch, aspen) and coniferous (pine) varieties of wood are prone to decay, they are sharpened by bugs. The use of resistant species, such as larch, is associated with its higher cost and difficulty in processing. But this type of wood improves its properties over time (part of the old Venice still rests on Siberian larch).


For fencing, products made of dense plastics are used:

  • plexiglass;
  • , including cellular;
  • profiled polymers;
  • plastic pipes, for example, used for sewerage with a diameter of 100–200 mm;
  • container, - plastic boxes with perforated walls.

Dignity– plastic refers to “eternal” materials, does not rot, does not decompose, is resistant to water and exposure to bacteria and insects.

But in winter it becomes brittle, so during this period of the year it requires careful handling.

Easy to give in machining, easy to install. Plastic products have a variety of color scheme, which contributes to the decoration of the garden plot.


For the device of an earth embankment, finished products and semi-finished products are used:

  • galvanized a metal sheet, for example, going to the roof;
  • corrugated board and other metal products.

Basic requirement for metal– lack of corrosion, therefore, in the absence of protection, it is necessary to take measures to cover the surface of products with anti-corrosion compounds. Externally, the beds can be made in the classic rectangular shape or to give a designer look - to model an oval design that resembles a large bath.

In addition to the above materials, slate sheets, bricks, concrete products, gabions and many other products that fall under the requirements for earth embankment fencing.


Before considering the technology of arranging a high bed, you need to familiarize yourself with a number of rules.

Creation rules

Requirements for beds are necessary for proper placement on the site, they must take into account local climatic conditions, the range of grown plants.

  1. Bed sizes. The length of the earth embankment is limited by the size of the site and the ease of passage. Hence: the optimal range is 2–5 m. The width is up to 1–1.2 m, a large value will create inconvenience when processing the middle part. The height of the structure should not exceed 1 m, otherwise it will also create problems with plant maintenance and require significant costs when using purchased soil. The minimum level is 25–30 cm, which is determined by the climate and the size of the fence that is “at hand”.
  2. The soil. The meaning of creating high beds is to increase fruiting and speed of harvest. Chernozem is one of the components. Therefore, saving on the quality of land means wasting your efforts, time and finances in vain.
  3. Location. The abundance of sunlight is one of the guarantees normal growth plants and their fruiting. It is advisable to arrange the beds in open, unshaded places. But you should take into account the general layout of the site, - not to the detriment of other plants and outbuildings.
  4. Fencing material. You should not chase ultra-modern products - the boards left over from the formwork, or the old brick, will completely fulfill the functions of the enclosing walls. And money will be saved.
  5. Protection of green spaces. Most of the country is located in complex climatic conditions, in which frosts are not uncommon at the beginning and end of summer. To reduce the risk of plants being damaged by cold air, a pre-installed protection system will help, for example, a design for a greenhouse.

The device of the earth embankment

Stages of work:

Landing planning

It is advisable to arrange high beds at the end of summer or early autumn - this will contribute to additional overheating of organic matter and the creation of its own local microflora. If necessary, create seat in spring or summer, if possible, the soil should be covered at least 1 month before planting plant material.

Most vegetable, berry and flower crops can be grown on raised land plots. Moreover, they can be successfully placed in the same fenced area. For example, cold-resistant: radish, green onion, lettuce, can be planted around heat-loving ones - in summer all these plants will be comfortable, and tomatoes will receive additional protection when the air temperature drops.

Berry and vegetable crops on such raised embankments with favorable temperature conditions and timely watering, they ripen 1-2 weeks earlier, so it is necessary not to miss the harvesting time, otherwise it will begin to rot and simply disappear.

You can appreciate the advantage of high beds even on one initial experience - just start with simple crops - onions, radishes, carrots, and gradually expand the experience that has appeared to other plants.