How to arrange a sewer well. Is a sewer well considered property

  • 03.03.2020

Today, few people will agree to live in a house that does not provide basic amenities. Therefore, when building a private house, cottage or cottage, you need to take care of the local sewage system.

And in order not to break out of the budget, it is worth building a sewer well with your own hands.

Where to begin?

Of course, before starting construction, it is necessary to draw up a detailed one. Only under this condition can you avoid mistakes and not do the same work several times.

At the initial stage of planning, the following activities are carried out:

  • It is necessary to determine the location of the well for draining. It is better if it is a platform that is below the level of the house.
  • Now you need to determine the point where the walking pod will leave the house.
  • This is followed by the stage of drawing up a diagram on a scale with the designation of pipe sizes. In this case, you need to calculate the number of connections. The quality of the system depends on how accurate the measurements will be. In addition, at this stage it becomes clear what materials and in what quantities must be purchased.

Types of wells for sewer systems

Before you figure out how to make a sewer well, you need to find out what types of these structures will need to be included in the scheme.

The system may include wells of the following types:

  • differential;
  • Lookout;
  • Turning;
  • Cumulative;
  • Filtration.

It often happens that one structure is built to simultaneously perform several functions.

As a rule, it consists of a working chamber and a neck covered with a hatch. What are the design features of certain types of these structures?

If the sewer pipeline is long enough, then you can not do without the equipment of manholes. Their functions are to ensure monitoring of the system and ease of cleaning in case of blockage.

Advice! According to the rules, the distance from the outlet of the sewer from the house to the first manhole should not exceed 12 meters. But closer than three meters from the foundation, it should not be placed. Subsequent manholes are placed at a distance of 15 meters from each other.

A rotary well is installed if it is impossible to ensure a straight pipeline. At the place where the pipe turns, a well is installed that can simultaneously be used as a viewing well.

Overflow well device for local sewerage system

A drop well is necessary if, due to the natural topography of the site, it is impossible to produce with the required angle of inclination.

As a rule, the scheme of a sewer differential well differs from the usual one by the presence of a descent.

However, if the difference in the height of the pipes in such a well is less than 400 meters, then you can do without installing this additional part. The descent for the overflow well can be assembled independently.

It consists of a straight cross, pipe and elbow. If carried out, then the knee should be at 45 degrees, when applied cast iron pipes the required angle is 135 degrees. The descent is attached to the wall of the well with clamps.

Advice! The presence of a cross in the upper part of the descent is a prerequisite, since otherwise it will be very difficult to clean in the event of a blockage.

Drain well device

The drain well serves as a reservoir for the accumulation and primary treatment of wastewater. When choosing a place for its placement, it is imperative to adhere to sanitary rules, according to which the drain well is located at a distance of at least five meters from the foundation of the house.

As a rule, the sewer well scheme is a round or square tank, the bottom of which is filled with concrete.

It is extremely important to ensure that the bottom and walls of the tank are as tight as possible to prevent the penetration of raw sewage into the soil.

The simplest drain wells must be periodically cleaned of contents using a sewage machine. More advanced systems based on staged water purification (septic tanks) require cleaning much less frequently.

Sewer wells, as a rule, are made of brick, shoulder stone, concrete or reinforced concrete. In the latter case, it is convenient to use ready-made well rings.

The inner surfaces of a brick well are plastered with cement, and the bottom is covered with concrete. Outside, the well is insulated with a thick layer of greasy clay. The well cover is made of reinforced concrete. In extreme cases, you can use tarred wood shields covered with roofing paper.

Very often, the owners wonder how to sewer with reinforced concrete wells? Indeed, the use of ready-made well rings made of reinforced concrete significantly speeds up the construction process.

To build such a well, you first need to prepare the foundation. To do this, first a “cushion” is made of well-packed rubble, which is then poured with a solution.

Rings are installed on the finished base, depending on the depth of the well, from 3 to 5 pieces are required. To install the rings, it will be necessary to involve equipment, as they are quite heavy. To achieve tightness, the seams between the individual rings are coated with a solution.

Finished plastic wells

by the most simple option well arrangement is the installation of a finished plastic blank. Such wells were not previously used in Russia, since the plastic could not withstand severe frosts. But with the invention of new types of plastic, this problem has been solved.

When choosing this option, the scheme of sewer wells will be extremely simple. Plastic tanks are available in different diameters and with ready-made holes for pipes.

The device of plastic wells is no different from the usual reinforced concrete ones. But installing them is much easier, since they have less weight and ready-made holes for pipes. While in reinforced concrete rings, these holes have to be punched with a special tool or manually.

Plastic wells have the following advantages:

  • Tightness. This circumstance ensures the environmental safety of the use of such products;
  • Strength and resistance to aggressive environments;
  • Ability to withstand temperatures from plus 70 to minus 50;
  • Ease of installation and assembly.

Filter well device

The last element of an autonomous sewage system is a filter well.. It receives water that has passed preliminary degrees of purification in the first chambers of the septic tank.

When planning to build a filtering sewer well for a summer residence, you need to know that its device is similar to a storage device, but has its own characteristics.

So, when constructing the base of the well, the concrete is not laid in a continuous layer, but along the perimeter of the shaft, leaving the soil in the center of the future well free. Thus, the edge of the lower ring of the well will rest on concrete base, and the bottom of the well will not prevent the penetration of water down.

For additional filtration in the lower compartment of the well, make drainage holes, placing them at a distance of 50-100 mm from each other. During the construction of such a well made of bricks, gaps are left during masonry.

At the bottom of the well, a meter layer is covered with filter material - crushed stone, gravel, broken bricks. The same backfill is made outside along the perimeter at the bottom of the well. The inlet pipe is located at a height of 500 mm from the top edge of the backfill, which is covered with a water-breaking board so that the falling jet does not erode the layer of filter material.

Advice! It is not necessary to cut the inlet pipe flush, otherwise the incoming water will flow along the wall, which will wash out the backfill. It is better to make this pipe protruding 50-80 mm into the well.

How to disguise a sewer well?

Of course, a sewer well for a summer residence is a necessary thing. However, it does not decorate the site in any way, especially since the place for its location is chosen not for reasons of beauty, but in accordance with building and sanitary standards.

As a result, it may turn out that the well will be in the most inappropriate place in the garden. However, it is not difficult to find a way out here - you just need to decorate the well, turning a disadvantage into a virtue.

The only condition is that when coming up with ways to decorate, you need to take into account that access to the well must be provided at any time. For the rest, you can rely on your imagination.

You can "cover" the well with ornamental shrubs, you can make a removable flower bed or install a light collapsible wire frame on top of the well, plant climbing plants around. You can put an artificial boulder on top of the hatch, since it is hollow inside, it will not be difficult to move it to another place if necessary.

1. Advantages of overflow wells for sewerage
2. Types of differential sewer wells

Sewerage is a rather complex system, even if it covers only a small country cottage area. To create a sewer system, many elements are used, and one of important details any system is a drop well for sewerage.

They are used in various ways, for example for:

  • monitoring the functioning of the system;
  • ensuring safe turns of the pipeline;
  • wastewater treatment;
  • accumulation of sewage;
  • compensation for high-altitude differences in the system.

The latter type of wells will be discussed in detail in this article.

Differential sewer wells are used in order to compensate for the difference in height of the pipeline. A typical sewer overflow well looks like this: there is a well body, which is a wide concrete or plastic pipe, and two pipes that provide the supply and exit of effluents at different heights.

Benefits of overflow wells for sewerage

Overflow sewer wells perform the following functions:

  • ensuring the operability of the pipeline in areas with difficult terrain;
  • equalization of wastewater flow rates on pipeline sections with a strong slope;
  • compensation of height difference between parts of the pipeline;
  • alignment of the level of the outlet channel of the pipeline with the level of the location of the water intake.

Storm sewer overflow wells can be used both in domestic construction and in industrial areas.

The simple design of the devices allowed them to become quite common in private construction: having bought a finished structure, it is enough just to bury it in the ground and bring pipes.

Most often, for sewer systems, a spillway-type sewer overflow well is used, which, despite the limitation of areas of application (the simplest structures can only be used with a height difference of up to 1 meter), are a very common solution.

Types of differential sewer wells

There are several types of overflow wells, which is caused by different requirements for these devices.

Commonly used types include the following:

  1. Tubular differential wells with an internal absorber.

    DIY sewerage

    Such a device assumes the presence of a riser on the internal cavity of the structure. The riser is mounted to the inlet pipe, and due to it, the speed of the passage of effluents through the system is limited.

  2. Water blasting overflow wells with an internal absorber.

    In such structures, planes are installed to dampen the speed of wastewater movement. When water enters the plane, then there is a decrease in the rate of its movement.

In addition, there is a modification of overflow wells, equipped with a water seal.

Structurally, such a well is a conventional scheme, but done exactly the opposite: the inlet channel of the pipeline is at the bottom, and the outlet is at the top, which allows you to increase the level of the system in the next segment.

Such wells are quite complex, therefore they are used infrequently, only when necessary.


Overflow wells in the sewer make it possible to facilitate the work of the sewer system. When choosing a well, it is worth considering first of all plastic structures, since their advantages allow us to talk about the greater convenience of these devices.

The device of the sewerage system in a country house, cottage

Sewer pipe device

Any sewer begins with pipes coming from the bathroom, toilet, sink, washbasin (and also the pool).

Consider its device (the order of location and connection of sewer pipes):

  1. Pipes connected directly to plumbing (sanitary fittings). As a rule, they go under the floor. The diameter of these pipes is 5 cm.
  2. “Elbows” are connected to the previous pipes (pipes with a smooth bend of an angle of 45-90 degrees).
  3. The elbows are connected to a pipe with a diameter of 10-11 cm, going to an external sewer pipe using adapters (adapters are pipes that have a tip for pipes with a diameter of 5 cm on one side and on the other side for pipes with a diameter of 10-11 cm).
  4. A pipe with a diameter of 10-11 cm goes to the outside, connecting along the way with the rest of the adapters from other sanitary devices.
  5. After each bend of the pipe (adapter or elbow), it is advisable to install a tee (a pipe that has a third exit with a cover) in order to check and clean the channel in case of blockage.
  6. Before going outside the last pipe internal sewerage connects to the external sewer pipe.
  7. The external sewer pipe goes to the septic tank at a depth below the freezing of the soil (about 1.5 meters) and at an inclination of 2 cm per 1 meter of length (for example, with a length of 5 m, the slope will be a difference of 10 cm between the starting point and the end point).

    In cold areas, the external sewer pipe must be insulated.

  8. From a septic tank is the last pipe to the filter well.

In places complex connections(for example, when several pipes from different places in the house are joined to one), crimp clamps should be installed to reduce vibration and increase structural rigidity.

If you have a two- or three-story cottage, and it has plumbing on different floors, then a riser (vertical pipe) should go along one wall, to which the rest will be connected.

Moreover, pipes from plumbing should go above the floor (not under the ceiling).

The riser will also be the ventilation of your sewer, so from the house it goes to the very surface of the roof and a little higher.

It is also advisable to install a small ventilation from a septic tank or filter well.

The riser itself must be attached to the wall with fixing clamps (on each floor in the upper and lower parts). At the intersections with the overlap, the riser must be wrapped with soft thermal insulation and waterproofing so that it does not stagger, and the insulating materials do not fall out.

The device of a sewer septic tank in a private house

The septic tank is set up as follows:

  • First, a septic tank is a closed structure.

    But it can be with a hatch for cleaning.

  • As a rule, do-it-yourself septic tanks consist of concrete rings, rubble stone or brickwork. Purchased (ready-made) plastic septic tanks.
  • Outside, the septic tank is well isolated from water, laying clay about 20 cm thick under the bottom and along the walls.
  • The joint of concrete rings must be smeared with resin.
  • In a septic tank, sewage decomposes naturally from anaerobic bacteria, leaving a little sludge at the bottom.
  • After the accumulation of wastewater residues, it passes into the filter well.

Ready septic tanks have different systems waste treatment.

We will write about them in future articles.

The distance from the septic tank to the house can be 5-20 m.

Filter well device

Self-made filter wells also consist of concrete rings, rubble stone or brickwork. Only they do not have a bottom, instead of it there is a crushed stone pillow.

Through it, filtered water seeps into the soil.

Drain hole in a private house with your own hands - how to make it

It is also desirable to make a hatch in the well to check if it is clogged. If it does not clog, then the cleaning system is working fine. That's the whole sewer filter well device.

The average dimensions of the filter well: depth - 2-3 m; diameter or width - 1.5-2 m; the depth of the cushion of crushed stone or gravel is 0.5-1 m.

Cesspool device

The simplest septic tank for sewage waste is a cesspool.

In fact, it is the same well (and with the same dimensions). The pit is not cleared naturally, so when filling the tank to 2/3 of the depth, you need to call sewer truck to download content.

To make the cesspool fill more slowly, you need to order pipes with small holes. Through them, the liquid will slowly seep into the soil, slowing down the filling of the container.


Sewer networks operate in gravity mode with partial filling of the pipeline section.

In this regard, the solution of the sewer network scheme depends mainly on the terrain, soil conditions and the location of water bodies.

Sewer networks are routed in the following sequence: first, dividing the territory of the canalized object into sewerage basins with watershed lines, the collectors of sewerage basins are traced along their low places; then, intercepting the collectors of the sewage basins, the main and suburban collectors are routed towards the treatment facilities and, finally, the street networks are routed to the collectors in such a way that each branch of the street network has a minimum length. The locations of the pumping stations are determined when calculating the network.

It is most expedient to place them in those places where the individual collectors suitable for the pumping station have the same laying depth.

The decision of the scheme of the sewer network (its tracing) is the most important stage in the design of the sewer, since the cost of the sewer as a whole depends on it.

The variety of local conditions does not allow us to recommend typical solutions for sewer network schemes.

The schemes encountered h;j in practice can be classified as follows.

1. Perpendicular pattern(Fig. III. 7, a)- collectors of sewage basins are traced perpendicular to the direction of water movement in the reservoir. This scheme is mainly used
for the discharge of atmospheric wastewater that does not require treatment

2. Crossed scheme(rice.

III. 7, b)- pool collectors
sewers are traced perpendicular to the direction of water movement in the reservoir and intercepted by the main collector, traced parallel to the river. This scheme is used with a smooth fall of the terrain to the reservoir and the need for cleaning

3.Parallel (fan) circuit(Fig. III. 7, v)- collectors
sewerage basins are traced parallel to the direction of water movement in the reservoir or at a slight angle to it and are intercepted by the main collector transporting wastewater to treatment facilities perpendicular to the direction of water flow in the reservoir.

This scheme is used in case of a sharp drop in the terrain to the reservoir, as it allows you to exclude increased speeds in the collectors of the sewage basins, which cause the destruction of pipelines.

III.7. Schemes of sewer networks

a - perpendicular; b- crossed; v- parallel; G - zone; d - radial; /- Sewer pool collectors; 2 - boundary of sewerage basins; 3 - the boundary of the canalized object; 4 - main collector; 5 - pressure pipeline; S- release; 7-main collector of the upper zone; 8 - too.

lower zone

4. Zone (belt) scheme(Fig. III.7, G)- the canalized area is divided into two zones: from the top, wastewater is discharged to the treatment plant by gravity, and from the bottom it is pumped pumping station. Each of the zones has a scheme similar to the crossed scheme. The zone scheme is used with a significant or uneven fall of the terrain to the reservoir and the absence of the possibility of canalization of the entire territory (for example, the lower zone) by gravity.

Radial scheme(Fig. III.7, e)- wastewater treatment is carried out on two or more treatment plants. With this scheme, wastewater is discharged from the canalized area in a decentralized manner.

This scheme is used for difficult terrain terrain and sewers of large cities.

The above classification of sewer network schemes is very approximate.

Proper routing of street sewer networks is essential. There are three following schemes for tracing street sewer networks.

Ambient tracing(rice.

Do-it-yourself sewer pit in a private house

III. eight, a)- street networks
encircle each quarter on all four sides. This scheme is used for flat terrain and large blocks.

2. Trace along the lower side of the block(Fig. III.8, b) - street networks are laid only on the lower sides of the served quarters. This scheme is used with a significant drop

III.8. Tracing schemes for street networks

a- enclosing; b- on the lower side of the quarter; v- quarterly; / - quarters; // - building; /// - industrial enterprises

Cross-quarter tracing(Fig. III. 8, v)- street networks are laid inside the quarters. This scheme allows you to significantly reduce the length of the network, but complicates its operation.

Sewer lines should be laid in a straight line; in places where the network turns, in places where the slope of the line and the diameter of the pipes change, as well as at the junction of several lines, it is necessary "to arrange wells

Line and connection turns must be made at an angle equal to or less than 90°.

When solving the sewer network scheme and the sewerage scheme as a whole, the sequence of construction must be taken into account.

Usually, when developing schemes, a number of possible options are outlined that meet sanitary requirements.

Finally, one or another option is chosen on the basis of a feasibility study carried out when drawing up a technical project.

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How to lay a sewer in a private house with your own hands

1. Types of autonomous sewer systems in a private house
2. How to lay a sewer - procedure
3. Installation of an external sewer system
4. Laying sewer pipes with your own hands
5. Rules for the arrangement of internal sewage

Arrangement of a suburban area is not an easy task.

In the process of building a house and various life support systems, various questions constantly arise. The very first and extremely important issue is the creation of sewage: at the development stage, it may simply be absent, and this will immediately have a bad effect on comfort. This article will describe in detail how to lay a sewer in a private house.

Often, homeowners turn to specialists for laying sewers.

Of course, this option is always possible, but the cost of such services will be very high. A much more profitable solution could be laying sewers in a private house with your own hands: you will have to try, but there will be no particular difficulties along the way.

To make a decision about laying a sewer, you must first solve one important task - to find out if there is a centralized sewer nearby.

Its presence will greatly simplify all the processes associated with the arrangement of sewage. To connect to the main network, it will be necessary to figure out which pipes will be required, how to connect them, and how the connection to the centralized system is made.
In any case, the greatest efforts will have to be made to equip outdoor sewerage: Digging trenches is a rather laborious task.

In addition, all trenches must have a sufficient depth exceeding the depth of soil freezing in the region (in more detail: “Sewerage depth in a private house - what and how according to the standards”). The average depth of trenches usually varies from 0.5 to 1.5 meters.

Insufficient depth of the pipeline will bring a lot of trouble in the very near future: as soon as frost sets in, the drains in the pipes will freeze, and the pipes will burst from high pressure.

And it is almost impossible to repair them in winter, you will have to wait for warming. And all this time to use the sewer will not work.

To avoid such problems, you should carefully read this article, from which you can find out how sewage is carried out in a private house with your own hands. In addition, we will rather talk about arranging a local autonomous sewer system, which is great for areas remote from the main sewer (for more details: " Autonomous sewerage private house - types, advantages and disadvantages).

Types of autonomous sewer systems in a private house

There are several types of local sewage systems:

  1. Cesspool pit.
  2. Septic.
  3. Biological treatment station.

The cesspool, despite its outdated design, is still in demand and is used in private households.

One of the key factors behind this choice is the ease of construction. old technology creating a drain pit does not imply its tightness, which creates some danger for environment, but the updated scheme is devoid of this drawback.

In any case, before installing any type of sewage, it is necessary to conduct a geological survey of the site, and then it will be easier to choose a design, and the norms for laying sewers will become clearer.

Build drain hole the easiest way is from bricks used to equip the walls of the structure. Red bricks are best suited.

If it is possible to use lifting equipment, then you can equip a pit of reinforced concrete rings: the construction will be a little easier, since the rings are produced ready-made.

The bottom of the pit should be concreted, and the structure itself is covered with a slab equipped with ventilation outlets and an inspection hatch.
The most widespread are local autonomous systems sewers that provide gradual wastewater treatment - septic tanks.

This type of system is better suited for permanent use, which is the reason for its popularity. In this case, sewerage in a private house does not require special knowledge, and operation is extremely simple.

When purchasing a finished structure, installation will be even easier, since such systems have an enclosed manual (read also: “Do-it-yourself sewerage system in a private house - rules for installation and installation”).

A weighty argument in favor of a septic tank is the processing of wastewater, which reduces the frequency of calling vacuum trucks to clean the storage. In modern septic tanks, the number of chambers is usually in the range of 2-3, which allows for a high degree of sewage treatment.

Built-in aeration elements and biofilters can work for quite a long time, so there are practically no problems with septic tanks.

How to lay a sewer - procedure

To make sewerage wiring in a private house not cause difficulties, it is necessary to draw up a clear action plan:

  1. The first step is to find a suitable place where the waste storage tank will be located. Mandatory condition: the tank must be lower than the level of the sewer outlet from the building.
  2. In parallel with the first point, a place is selected for the collector to leave the house.
  3. The selected sewer outlet from the building must be selected very carefully: it must be understood that all sewage will pass through this section, so the load will be large.

    In addition, this place should have some space for correct installation collector (without angles and deviations).

  4. After preliminary preparation, it is necessary to start creating a high-quality and accurate design of the sewer system. There is an important nuance here: it is desirable to minimize the number of corners and turns. External sewerage should be as straight as possible, and in the internal one there must be corners and bends. These rules for laying sewers in a private house must be observed in order not to experience problems with a lack of material or a poorly functioning system in the future.
  5. When the sewer project is ready, you can start acquiring materials and tools (if necessary).
  6. If you have all the necessary elements, you can proceed to the arrangement of external and internal sewage.

Installation of an external sewer system

Laying sewerage in the ground requires a large amount of earthwork.

Of course, in some cases, everything is simplified due to the presence of the old design. If the sewer has already been built, and it only needs to be replaced, then there will be no particular problems: just remove the old pipes and install new ones.

But most often the sewer system has to be completely redone.

There is nothing wrong with this, although there will be a lot of work: you need to raise the floors and deepen the structure to a suitable depth (if necessary). To perform such an operation, it is necessary to dig a hole under the foundation, which will allow you to measure the depth of the foundation itself. As a rule, this value exceeds 1 meter, and such a depth is quite enough for the normal functioning of the sewer system.

Having equipped the outlet, a trench is dug leading to a reservoir for storing and processing wastewater.

The trench along its entire length should have a constant slope, and the depth will gradually increase towards the collector.

Do-it-yourself sewer pipe laying

For correct operation sewerage requires two branches of the pipeline: external and internal.

To lay outdoor sewer pipes, it is necessary to properly prepare the trench: its bottom is covered with a layer of sand, which is compacted. After compaction, the thickness of the sand cushion should be about 20 cm. This will prevent excessive soil pressure on the pipeline.

An important aspect is the connection of pipeline sections: all joints must be airtight.

It is better not to save money on the installation of revisions, since cleaning a clogged sewer can be much more expensive (read also: “Do-it-yourself installation of sewer pipes - options and methods”).

On average, revisions are installed on each segment 4 m long, and are closed with plugs from the outside.

Rules for arranging internal sewerage

V modern construction laying of sewer networks is most often carried out using plastic pipes. They have a lot of advantages: they are corrosion resistant, easy to install and can last much longer than metal counterparts (read: “Internal sewage in a private house is a do-it-yourself device”).

Installation of internal sewerage in a private house involves taking into account the amount of plumbing.

When installing a large number plumbing devices the outlet pipe must have a diameter of 100 mm or more. In addition, you need to understand that most outlet channels are made of 50 mm pipes, so you will have to connect pipelines of different diameters.
Of course, this is not a particular problem, since ready-made adapters can be purchased on the market, allowing you to create the highest quality and tight connection.

When installing the structure, you should pay attention to the quality of the seals: they should not have defects, otherwise sewer leaks cannot be avoided.

The riser in the house must be equipped with a revision, and the height of its installation must exceed 1 meter from the level of the floor covering.

Also, the structure is equipped with a ventilation outlet, which is mounted on the roof (the distance from the roof must be more than 0.7 m). If there is no ventilation, then characteristic sewer odors which will negatively affect comfort.

When installing a riser in a cold room, you need to take care of insulation.

How to make a sewer in a private house with your own hands

To connect the riser to the outer part of the sewer, a special outlet of a smaller diameter is used. This release is mounted at a large angle - from 90 degrees. The connection between the risers is usually carried out by two bends with an angle of 135 degrees. An additional riser will require a 45-degree tee and an additional branch.

At self construction it would be better to avoid such difficulties by mounting a single riser or collector.


This article answers the question "how to lay a sewer in a private house?".

If all the work is done correctly, then the sewer system will delight residents with its work for a long time.

Laying sewer pipes in a private house, prices are lower.

You are greeted by a master who privately performs the most different types plumbing work.

I have been doing this for many years, I have vast experience, I have professional tools, I know everything modern materials and technology. I guarantee you exceptional quality, the shortest possible time, an adequate cost of services.

Now I want to tell you about the laying of sewer pipes in a private house - in my opinion, the most crucial stage in the installation of sewers.

The normal, stable functioning of the system depends on how competently and accurately it is produced.

How much does it cost to install sewers in a private house.

The cost of installing sewer systems

Price in rub.

Installation of a sewerage point with the device of risers, revisions, plugs and fragrances

Pipe insulation

Laying pipes of external sewerage

Chasing under the pipe (for concrete)

Chasing under the pipe (for brick, foam concrete)

The device of the hole in the foundation for the output sewer pipe

Drilling through holes (concrete up to 32mm)

Drilling through holes (brick, foam concrete up to 32 mm)

Chasing the channel for pipes up to 32mm concrete

Chasing under pipes up to 32mm brick.

Features of building a cesspool in a private yard with your own hands

foam concrete

So, first, a room plan is drawn up, the footage and all connections are calculated, and the optimal system configuration is selected. At this stage, the customer already knows the exact cost of the work and can purchase materials. I can recommend good Russian or foreign manufacturers who produce durable, technologically advanced pipes that are not prone to deposit formation.

Most often, the laying of sewer pipes begins with trimming.

This is done with a regular hacksaw, but it is important that the cuts are strictly perpendicular. After trimming, you need to remove the burrs, and chamfer the outside. If this is not done, the sealing ring will collapse during installation, violating the tightness of the connection.

Then you need to lay out the prepared segments along the trajectory, close them, carefully fasten the joints.

The depth of docking is from 5 to 8-10 cm, depending on the diameter. It is desirable that communications go along the walls, taking up a minimum of space. But it is necessary to leave a small margin of space for possible repairs.

During the laying process, it is important to maintain the required slope.

By building codes it is 2-3 cm per meter of communication (depending on the diameter of the pipe), but even with a slope of 1 cm, the sewer will function normally.

The slope must be maintained throughout the route. So that it is not broken, you can use special suspension clamps.

It is believed that laying sewer pipes is a simple operation. So it is, but often the installation has to be done in narrow, hard-to-reach places. And it is important to ensure complete tightness of the connections, so you often have to deviate from the original scheme and come up with other options. Especially if the customer, in addition to the toilet and bath (shower) wants to connect washing machine and bidet.

If the sewerage in a private house is external, then it needs to be insulated.

Usually I use special materials, and I fill the track with gravel on top. When everything is done, I make sure to check the tightness of the connections.

Upon completion of installation, the customer receives a guarantee.

It is usually necessary to build a sewer system when building a new house. In this case, it is necessary to prepare for work and follow the recommendations of professionals. You also need to stock up on certain tools. Sewerage will make life much more comfortable. It should also be borne in mind that only a few days will be spent on work, and almost all procedures can be done by hand. Pumping of sewer wells is carried out by special services.

Types of wells

Not every cottage owner can hire a professional team of builders who will install a sewer well. In addition, if you follow the instructions, there will be no difficulties during the construction process. First you need to choose the type of septic tank for a private house.

There are several main types of septic tanks:

  • Manholes located on straight sections. Such facilities provide complete control of the state of the sewer network.
  • Swivel. When installing such structures, you can avoid a large number of problems associated with the turns of the communication network. For example, leaks may occur at bends in pipes.
  • Nodal wells are mounted in places of divorce.
  • Differential type plants are arranged in the case when the site location conditions do not allow the pipes to be installed at the same level.
  • Accumulative installations represent the end of the sewerage system. They are used to collect wastewater.

Sewer systems in the country can be performed in various forms. by the most simple construction is a round shaft, or installation in the form of a rectangle. Such wells are quite easy to install and maintain.

Well location

One of the main problems that arise during the construction of a septic tank in the country is the choice of its installation site. In the case of hiring a professional team, you don’t have to worry about the intricacies of installing a well. However, if you decide to equip it yourself, you will have to learn about the special norms of SNIP.

First you need to more carefully get acquainted with the area on which it is planned to install the well. It is necessary to determine where the pipe will be removed from - from the basement or basement. It is also necessary to determine on which side of the building to place the septic tank.

Attention! The installation site of the storage well in the country house must be made such that it is accessible for the access of equipment that pumps out wastewater. It should be equipped with access roads.

It is also worth considering a few other features of choosing a place:

  • When creating a well with your own hands, knowing SNIP is required without fail. A distance of 15 m should be made between the observation type structures. The first well should be located at a distance from the house no closer than 3 m and no further than 12 m. The filtration well is installed at the maximum distance from the well or mine from which drinking water. The distance between them must be at least 30 m.
  • In the sewerage system, an important role is played by pipes through which sewage flows. In the gap that is located between the outlet of the sewerage network from the house and the well, you should not make turns that are not equipped with wells. Neglecting this rule may affect the efficiency of the entire system - wastewater will accumulate in the pipes.

When installing a sewerage system in a country house, it is important to take into account that only when all the subtleties of installation are completed, the comfort of staying in the house can be ensured.

Construction dimensions

Installation of a sewer well on the site is carried out within a few days. Before determining the volume of the structure, you should find out which well will be installed in a particular place. If a storage structure is arranged, it is better to make it quite large. This will ensure less frequent cleaning.

However, the impressive volume suggests the presence of a large amount of sewage. It will take much more time to clean the structure than in the case of a small tank. To accurately determine the size of the well, its indicators should be calculated using a special formula, depending on the size of the house and the number of people living in it.

Attention! The water consumption and the volume of the well also depend on the volume of water consumption and certain conditions for using the sewer system.

It is worth considering the average data:

  • We can say that for 1 person, on average, about 150 liters of wastewater per day is obtained.
  • If a family of 4 lives in the house, the volume of wastewater will be 700 liters. However, such indicators do not take into account the frequent use of appliances that consume water.
  • The well should be of such a size as to take into account the minimum consumption for 3 days. For a family of 4, its volume should be made equal to 2.5 m 3.

It is worth noting that with the frequent invitation of guests, additional waste of water should be taken into account. It must also be remembered that the level of wastewater should not reach 1 m from the top edge of the structure. If you do not monitor the level of wastewater, they can easily overflow.

Rotary and nodal wells are made smaller. For example, a drop structure will be sized to take into account the height of the drop. The stronger the drop is made, the larger the well should have. However, there is a certain limitation - it is not worth performing it deeper than 3 m. This is due to the fact that cleaning the structure in this case will be very difficult.

Sanitary standards

When deciding whether to make the well airtight or leave a certain number of holes for the outlet of wastewater, you should familiarize yourself with the GOST standards. Sewer wells with more than 1 m 3 of flow must be sealed. Otherwise, it is necessary to equip a sufficiently high-quality cleaning system.

If the standards are not followed, the bacteria that live in the soil will not cope with water purification. Sewage will fall into the ground and into agricultural plantations.

According to established standards, if it is necessary to build a sealed well, it should be concreted. It also needs to be sealed. However, it is worth considering that to create a sealed well, you will need to prepare a lot Supplies. It is also worth taking care of the private disposal of wastewater.

The most popular option is with the construction of an installation with a filter bottom. Through it, the purification of impurities will be performed.

Attention! If a decision is made to complete a well with a septic tank, certain requirements must be met. For example, the depth is calculated according to the type of soil.

Wells of differential, nodal and rotary type are completely sealed. It is also worth remembering that when draining domestic water into the sewer, you should not install a filter well. This is due to the draining of chemicals and detergents. Repair of sewer wells after correct installation carried out very rarely.

Well construction

The construction of a well is carried out in accordance with certain stages. Particular attention should be paid to such works:

  • First you need to dig a hole of the required volume. Such work is carried out manually or with the help of an excavator. In the latter case, it will take much less time.
  • The bottom of the filtration well is covered with rubble. Its layer should have a height of 40 cm. You should find out at what depth the soil waters lie. If it is high, only sealed structures are allowed. Otherwise, the risk of serious diseases of people living on the site increases. Groundwater will be polluted with sewage, which can cause significant fines.
  • As soon as the pit is ready, the bottom of the structure should be laid. For this purpose, you will need to install a stove. The bottom is made with a certain slope, which should be directed towards the hatch. Next, you need to install the walls and connect the pipe. Walls should be treated with sealant.

After that, it is necessary to install an overlap with a hatch, covered with earth. This solution will provide reliable thermal insulation of the well. The hatch must be made in such a way that it opens freely. A ventilation pipe is also being constructed, which will come to the surface 60 cm above ground level. If ventilation is not done, explosive methane will form in the tank.

Once everything is installed, you can start operating the sewer system. However, it is worth remembering that the fullness of the well should be monitored regularly. As soon as the tank is full, you need to call the vacuum truck.

Attention! To increase the time interval between the calls of the vacuum trucks, you should use various drugs. In summer it is better to use bioactivators. They are absolutely safe for the environment. In winter it is necessary to use chemicals.

Reading time ≈ 4 minutes

Today, many people are thinking about how to make a sewer well. Especially often this desire arises during the construction of a new house. In order to do everything, you do not need to contact some workers. You can make a sewer well with your own hands, thus saving your money.

What needs to be done first?

Of course, choose a place where everything will be located. Here you need to take into account not only some of your personal preferences, but also sanitary norms. After all, you need to understand that later you will need pipe laying. Study the SNIP properly before starting work. Between two manholes there should not be a distance of more than 15 meters. Be sure to see what distances still need to be observed. Please note that there should not be any swivel pipes without swivel equipped wells. And without observing the distances, it may turn out that drinking water will also enter the system.

Carrying out calculations

Many people wonder how to make a sewer well with their hands. But there is no universal answer here, it all depends on your specific case. For example, if you choose a large funded option, you will not lose. It doesn't need to be cleaned that often. Yes, and Ilosos will need to be called from case to case. Another sewer well from the rings is relevant.

Much depends on the number of people living on the site. For example, each person should have about 150 liters of wastewater. If this is a family of four, then about 700 liters will be needed. But here everything is individual, it depends on what household appliances you will use.

What hygiene standards should be taken into account?

It is primarily decided whether the well will be airtight. It all depends on the volume. If the flow is more than one cubic meter, then the answer should be positive. Otherwise, you will have to carefully work on the cleaning system. Otherwise, harmful bacteria will enter the soil, and from there directly into the food.

If you are making a sealed version, then be sure to concrete the walls. The same applies to the bottom. After the concrete comes a layer of sealant. But you can simplify this process using a specialized container. It should be understood that the hermetic version will require much more serious financial investments in materials. In addition, you will have to pay money for waste disposal. So think well. It is possible that the option with a small drain is suitable for you.

How is a sewer well created in a private house?

Be sure to look at detailed photos, videos and drawings that will help you navigate without any problems. First, dig a hole of the size you need. If it is large, then you can order an excavator. Special equipment will save you a lot of time and nerves. Keep in mind that about 40 cm of the bottom will have to be covered with rubble. This is important in order not to contaminate wastewater. This process can not only cause terrible diseases, but also cause fines.

Now choose the materials for making the well. It can be plastic, wood, concrete, bricks. Now they should equip the bottom. You can do everything under a slight slope especially for the future hatch. After the walls are placed, a sewer pipe is carried out. The walls must be covered with sealant. An overlap with a hatch is installed, and the top is filled with waterproofing material. Ventilation tube installed at a distance of about 60 cm above the ground. Ventilation must not be ignored. It is designed not just for better cleaning, it is an essential safety requirement.

What to do next?

Now you can test your new sewer. It is advisable at this stage to consult with a specialist how often you will have to call a vacuum truck. No matter how small your well is, sooner or later you will have to use the services of workers. If you already feel after construction unpleasant odors, then simply use various chemical or by biological means. True, they have one drawback. They are ineffective at a temperature of +5 degrees Celsius. Happy building!

Video of the construction of sewerage at their summer cottage

Many owners of private houses have to wonder: how to do it. Of course, it is always better to turn to professionals who are familiar with the installation technology and will be able to cope with the task. But if you don't have the funds to hire professionals, or if you want to save money on installation, then it's worth taking a closer look at this process and considering the individual steps.

To carry out the arrangement of the sewer well, you will need a number of materials:

  1. Rubble.
  2. Reinforced concrete rings.
  3. Pipes for sewerage.

After preparing the materials, you need to understand how to properly make a sewer well and where it is best to place it.

Performing a sewer well with your own hands, carefully approach the choice of a place to place it. It should be installed at some distance from the house in order to exclude the possibility of flooding with foundation drains. If there is a well for water intake on the site, then the distance between them must be at least thirty meters.

Other important parameters for choosing a place:

  1. The well should be installed so that a vacuum truck can freely drive up to it for cleaning. Otherwise, you will experience constant problems with pumping wastewater.
  2. How to properly install a sewer well relative to the house and choose a place? Consider the location of the sewer pipe leaving the building. There should be no angles greater than 120 degrees between it and the well, or serious connection problems will arise.
  3. Near the structure, it is not necessary to carry out landings and place other structures.

When making a sewer well with your own hands, you should pay attention to its tightness. According to the norms, it should not let water through, but this entails additional problems and will have to be cleaned more often. Therefore, most owners perform a filtering bottom that removes sewage.

You choose the size yourself, depending on the number of discharged drains. Many are interested in how to make a sewer well in a private house for 3 - 4 people and what depth to choose? The optimal solution for such a family is about 4 reinforced concrete rings, the larger the size, the less often you have to clean.


Now we will tell you how to build a sewer well. After choosing a location and depth, it would be a good idea to perform the simplest circuit. It indicates the location of the house, the sewer pipe and the well, the dimensions of the future structure.

Pit preparation

Manual development with shovels is a rather complicated option that takes a lot of time and effort. If you need to complete a structure with great depth, then only the first stage may take several days.

Another way to make a sewer well with your own hands is to attract specialized equipment, including an excavator. He will quickly cope with the task, significantly save time in the construction process.

After preparing the pit, you can proceed to the next steps.

How to install a sewer well?

For filtering structures, it is necessary to fill the bottom with crushed stone, its layer must be at least 40 centimeters. If the structure is completely sealed, then a reinforced concrete slab or concrete mortar for pouring is used as the base.

In practice, you can make a sewer well with your own hands from various materials, including:

  1. reinforced concrete rings.
  2. Brick.
  3. wooden elements.
  4. plastic structures.

Brick laying takes a sufficient amount of time, and wooden structures are damaged faster in high humidity. Plastic can be used, but it must be handled carefully so as not to damage the elements during installation. Therefore, it is best to use reinforced concrete, it is the most reliable and durable material today.

How to arrange a sewer well from reinforced concrete? Rings are installed on a prepared base. These structures are extremely heavy and may require a small crane or manipulator for installation. The joints should be smeared with sealants - they will prevent the flow of effluents into the soil.

  1. Initially, pipes from the house are brought to the well. They are connected to each other, you will need a special machine for metal welding.
  2. A hole of the required diameter is punched in one of the rings, depending on the dimensions of the pipes.
  3. Direct installation is carried out with the supply of the sewerage system to the structure. The junction with concrete should be well lubricated with sealant, it eliminates leaks.

After installation, you can fill up the trench with the pipe. An additional floor is installed directly on the structure. The cavities around are sprinkled with soil, the soil is carefully laid on the floor, a small free hole remains.

Cover installation

A cover is installed on top. It should be waterproofed so that rain and melt water. It is not recommended to fill the cover with soil, it must be freely accessible and provide an outlet for accumulating gases.

Good ventilation is extremely important during further operation. Disintegration takes place inside organic matter, methane and hydrogen sulfide are released. They must be brought to the surface, a large accumulation of methane poses a potential threat to the structure.

Now you know how to install a sewer well. Drawing conclusions, we can distinguish several main stages of construction:

  1. Preparatory work, choice of location and size, purchase of materials.
  2. Preparation of a pit and a trench for a pipe supply.
  3. Foundation laying.
  4. Ring installation.
  5. Sewer connection.
  6. Installation of overlapping with a cover and backfilling with soil.

How to make a cover?

It is best to purchase the standard cast iron version along with other elements. Making a sewer well cover with your own hands will require a lot of time and effort; additional materials and tools are needed for manufacturing.

But if the standard cover was destroyed during operation and it needs to be replaced, then you can make it yourself from the available materials. The simplest solution is to make it out of wood. It will be necessary to choose strong and quality boards, cut them to the required size, connect them together. It is better to give a round shape after assembly, trim with electric saws and jigsaws. Wood is recommended to be processed protective compounds then it will serve you for a longer time.