Who goes after the last prince in Russia. The first princes in Russia

  • 20.09.2019

The reign of Oleg (years of government - 882 -912). The formation of a single East Slavic state Rus is associated with the name of the Novgorod prince Oleg, a relative of the semi-legendary Rurik. In 882, he made a campaign in the lands of the Krivichi and captured Smolensk, then took Lyubech and Kiev, which he made the capital of his state. Later he annexed the lands of the Drevlyans, Northerners, Radimichi, Vyatichi, Croats and Tivertsy. Conquered tribes imposed tribute. He fought successfully with the Khazars. In 907 he laid siege to Constantinople, the capital of Byzantium, and imposed an indemnity on the empire. In 911, Oleg concluded a profitable trade agreement with Byzantium. Thus, under Oleg, the territory of the early Russian state begins to form through the forcible annexation of tribal Slavic unions to Kiev.

The reign of Igor (912-945). After the death of Oleg (according to legend, he died from a snakebite) Igor became the Grand Duke of Kiev, who ruled until 945. Prince Igor is considered the actual ancestor of the Rurik dynasty. Igor continued the activities of his predecessor. Oleg, subordinated to his power the East Slavic tribal associations between the Dniester and the Danube. In 941 he made an unsuccessful campaign against Constantinople. The campaign in 944 was marked by success, Byzantium offered Igor a ransom, an agreement was concluded between the Greeks and the Russians. Igor was the first of the Russian Greeks and Russians to conclude an agreement. Igor was the first of the Russian princes to face the Pechenegs. He was killed by the Drevlyans, while trying to collect tribute from them again.

The reign of Olga (945 - 964). After the murder of Igor, his widow, Princess Olga, brutally suppressed the uprising of the Drevlyans. Then she undertook a detour of some lands, establishing a fixed amount of duties for the Drevlyans and Novgorodians, organizing special administrative centers for collecting tribute - camps and graveyards . So a new form of receiving tribute was established - the so-called "Wagon" ... By a certain date, the tribute was delivered to camps or graveyards, and a peasant agricultural economy was defined as a unit of taxation. (tribute from Rahl) or a home with a hearth (tribute from smoke).

Olga significantly expanded the land holdings of the Kiev Grand Duke House. She visited Constantinople, where she converted to Christianity. Olga ruled during the early childhood of her son Svyatoslav Igorevich and later, during his campaigns.

Princess Olga's campaign against the Drevlyans and Novgorodians meant the beginning of the liquidation of the autonomy of the unions of the Slavic tribes that were part of the Russian early feudal state. This led to the merger of the military nobility of the tribal unions with the military nobility of the Kiev prince. This is how the formation of the association of the Old Russian service army, headed by the Grand Duke of Kiev, took place. Gradually, he becomes the supreme owner of all the lands of the Russian state.

The reign of Svyatoslav (964 - 972). In 964, Svyatoslav Igorevich, who had reached the age of majority, entered the reign of Rus. Under him, until 969, the Kiev state was largely ruled by his mother, Princess Olga, since Svyatoslav Igorevich spent almost his entire life in campaigns. Svyatoslav, first of all, was a warrior prince who strove to bring Russia closer to the largest powers of the then world. Under him, a century-old period of distant campaigns of the prince's squad, which enriched it, ended.

Svyatoslav dramatically changes the policy of the state and begins to systematically strengthen the borders of Russia. In 964-966. Svyatoslav freed the Vyatichi from the power of the Khazars and subordinated them to Kiev. In the 60s of the X century. defeated the Khazar Kaganate and took the capital of the Kaganate, the city of Itil, fought with the Volga-Kama Bulgarians. In 967, using the proposal of Byzantium, which sought to weaken its neighbors, Russia and Bulgaria, by pushing them against each other, Svyatoslav invaded Bulgaria and settled at the mouth of the Danube, in Periaslavets. Around 971, in alliance with the Bulgarians and Hungarians, he began to fight with Byzantium, but unsuccessfully. The prince was forced to make peace with the Byzantine emperor. On the way back to Kiev, Svyatoslav Igorevich died at the Dnieper rapids in a battle with the Pechenegs, warned by the Byzantines about his return. The reign of Svyatoslav Igorevich was a time of a wide entry of the ancient Russian state into the international arena, a period of significant expansion of its territory.

ReignVladimirI. (980 - 1015). Formation Old Russian state as a political and cultural center ends under Vladimir I. The son of Prince Svyatoslav Igorevich Vladimir with the help of his uncle Dobrynya in 969 became a prince in Novgorod. After the death of his father in 977, he took part in a strife and defeated his elder brother Yaropolk. By campaigns against Vyatichi, Lithuanians, Radimichi, Bulgarians, Vladimir strengthened the possessions of Kievan Rus. To organize the defense against the Pechenegs, Vladimir built several defensive lines with a system of fortresses. This was the first notch line in the history of Russia. To protect the south of Russia, Vladimir managed to attract tribes from its northern part. The successful struggle against the Pechenegs led to the idealization of the personality and reign of Vladimir Svyatoslavich. In folk legends, he received the name of Vladimir Krasnoe Solnyshko.

Problem of origin

RURIK (862 - 879)

OLEG (879 - 912)

IGOR (912 - 945)

OLGA (945 - 969)

SVYATOSLAV (964 - 972)

Carried out military campaigns:
- to the Baltics;
- to the Polish-Lithuanian lands;
- to Byzantium.

Economy and socio-political system of Kievan Rus

Socio-economic system

By the end of the 10th century, an early or proto-state headed by the Rurik dynasty was formed on the territory of the Eastern Slavs. The feudolization of this state gradually begins, which comes from two sides. First, the community allocates to the prince a part of their landlords as a payment for patronage. Secondly, the prince gives his boyars the right to collect tribute from some of the conquered territories. Those could distribute to their warriors, and they, in turn, could settle on this land. If the boyars built a house, then the property became a fiefdom and personally belonged to the boyars, and could also be inherited. Part of the land was transferred to land owners as payment for patronage. Thus, the feudal hierarchy took shape. The prince was the supreme owner of the land, then the patrimonials went, then the boyars, who received the right to full inheritance of their lands. Smallholders of the land were at the end of the feudal ladder, their holding of the land was supported by a contract of service.


In the first all-Russian law "Russkaya Pravda" the following categories of the population were stipulated: free community members and dependent, that is, not full-fledged in court and without the right to participate in military service... Free community members, who in turn were divided into smerds and people, necessarily served in the army. The dependent population was divided into several categories: servants (family members of smerds), slaves (servants, slaves), ordinary people, temporarily dependent, they were also called purchases (a person received a loan that he had to work out or give).


The main source of enrichment for the largest landowners of Novgorod - the boyars - was the profit from the sale of products of the crafts - beekeeping, hunting for fur and sea animals.

The annexation of the vast territory of Pomorie from the Kola Peninsula to the Urals was of great importance for Novgorod. Novgorod's sea and forest industries brought enormous wealth.

Trade relations between Novgorod and its neighbors, especially with the countries of the Baltic basin, have been strengthened since the middle of the 12th century. Furs, walrus bone, bacon, flax, etc. were exported to the West from Novgorod. The objects of import to Russia were cloth, weapons, metals, etc.

But despite the size of the territory of the Novgorod land, it was distinguished by a low level of population density, a relatively small number of cities in comparison with other Russian lands. All cities, except for the "younger brother" of Pskov (which had been isolated since 1268), were noticeably inferior in terms of the number of inhabitants and their importance to the main city of the Russian medieval North - Lord Veliky Novgorod.

The economic growth of Novgorod prepared the necessary conditions for its political isolation into an independent feudal boyar republic in 1136, the princes in Novgorod were left exclusively with official functions. The princes acted in Novgorod as military leaders, their actions were under the constant control of the Novgorod authorities. The right of the princes to court was limited, their purchase of land in Novgorod was prohibited, the income they received from certain holdings for the service was strictly fixed. From the middle of the XII century. the Grand Duke of Vladimir was formally considered the prince of Novgorod, but until the middle of the 15th century. he had no opportunity to really influence the state of affairs in Novgorod.

Supreme body management of Novgorod was veche, real power was concentrated in the hands of the Novgorod boyars.

From the environment and under the control of the boyars, election to posts was carried out posadnik ( head of the city administration) and tysyatsky ( the head of the militia). Under the boyar influence, the post of the head of the church was replaced - archbishop. The archbishop was in charge of the treasury of the republic, external relations of Novgorod, the right of court, etc. The city was divided into 3 (later 5) parts - "ends", the trade representatives of which, along with the boyars, took a noticeable part in the management of the Novgorod land.

The socio-political history of Novgorod is characterized by private urban uprisings (1136, 1207, 1228-29, 1270). were used in their struggle for power by representatives of rival boyar groups, who, with the hands of the people, dealt with their political opponents.

Novgorod was reluctant to participate in all-Russian affairs, in particular, the payment of tribute to the Mongols. The richest and largest land in the Russian Middle Ages, Novgorod, could not become a potential center for the unification of Russian lands. The boyar nobility ruling in the republic strove to protect the "old times", to prevent any changes in the existing balance of political forces within Novgorod society. Moscow's offensive against Novgorod independence, a significant part of Novgorod society, including the agricultural and trade elite not belonging to the boyars, either went over to the side of Moscow, or took a position of passive non-interference.

5.Invasion of Batu

1237-1238 - the campaign to North-Western Russia (R-t - the capture of Ryazan, Vlvdimiro-Suzdal prince. They did not reach Novgorod the Great. March 4, 1238 - the battle on the river Sit (the Tatars won)

1239-1241 years (campaign against South-Eastern Russia ( p-t capture and the subordination of the Chernigov prince, the fall of Kiev, the capture of Galicia-Volynsky. Batu did not dare to go to the Western countries.

1243 - Formation of the Golden Horde (Russia did not enter the Horde, but became dependent on it)

As a result of Batu's invasion of Russia, the so-called Mongol Tatar yoke is established - a complex of economic and political methods that ensured the domination of the Golden Horde over that part of the territory of Russia that was under its control

The main among these methods was the collection of various tributes and duties - "popluzhnoye", the trade duty "tamga", food for the Tatar ambassadors - "honor", etc. The most difficult of them was the Horde "exit" - tribute in silver, which began to be levied as early as 40 -th years XIII century, and since 1257, by order of Khan Berke, the Mongols have made a census of the population of North-Eastern Russia ("record in the number"), establishing fixed rates.

Only the clergy were exempted from paying the “exit” (before the adoption of Islam by the Horde at the beginning of the 14th century, the Mongols were distinguished by their religious tolerance). To control the collection of tribute, representatives of the khan, the Baskaks, were sent to Russia. The tribute was collected by the tax farmers "besermens" (Central Asian merchants). By the end of the XIII - beginning of the XIV centuries. The Basque institute was abolished due to the active opposition of the Russian population and mass urban uprisings. From that time on, the princes of the Russian lands themselves began to collect the Horde tribute.

In case of disobedience, punitive campaigns followed. Having become dependent on the Horde, the Russian principalities lost their sovereignty. Their receipt of the princely table depended on the will of the khan, who issued them with labels (letters) for the reign. The measure that consolidated the domination of the Golden Horde over Russia was the issuance of labels for the great reign of Vladimir.

Those who received such a label added the Vladimir principality to their possessions and became the strongest among the Russian princes in order to maintain order, stop strife and ensure an uninterrupted flow of tribute. The Horde rulers did not allow any significant strengthening of any of the Russian princes and a long stay on the grand prince's throne.

In addition, having taken away the label from the next Grand Duke, they gave it to the rival prince, which caused princely strife and a struggle to obtain the right to Vladimir reign at the khan's court. A well-thought-out system of measures provided the Horde with firm control over the Russian lands.

TICKET 10 Ivan 4

Vasily III, who died in 1533, was succeeded by his three-year-old son Ivan IV (1533-1584). In fact, the mother, Elena Glinskaya, ruled for the child. The short regency of Elena Glinskaya (1533-1538) was marked not only by the struggle against numerous conspirators and rebels, but also by reform activities. The monetary reform carried out unified the system of monetary circulation. Single banknotes - kopecks - were introduced, and the standard for the weight of coins was determined. The measures of weight and length were also unified. Reform of local government began. With the aim of limiting the power of the governors in the country, the institution of laborers was introduced. This elective position could only be held by a nobleman. Representatives were elected to help him upper layers urban and rural population. Such people received the right to occupy the position of the zemstvo headman. The government of Elena Glinskaya paid great attention to strengthening the country's defense. To protect the Moscow posad, the walls of Kitai-gorod were being built.

After Elena's sudden death in 1538, the next few years passed in the struggle for power between the Shuisky and Belsky boyar groups.

In January 1547, when the heir to Vasily III was 17 years old, Ivan Vasilyevich took the royal title. The political meaning of this event was to strengthen the power of the Moscow sovereign, his authority excluded from that moment any claims to the supreme power of the descendants of aristocratic families. The new title equated the head of the Russian state with the khans of the Golden Horde and the emperors of Byzantium.

At the very end of the 1540s. around the young tsar, a circle of confidants was formed, which received the name of the government of the Chosen Rada (1548 / 9-1560), which carried out a number of important transformations in the life of the country aimed at strengthening the centralized state.

In 1549, the Zemsky Cathedral... This is how the meetings periodically convened by the tsar began to be called to resolve and discuss the most important issues of internal and foreign policy the state. The Zemsky Sobor included representatives of the boyars, nobility, clergy, and the top of the townspeople. He became the supreme deliberative estate-representative body. The Zemsky Sobor in 1549 considered the problems of abolishing the "feeding" and suppressing the abuses of the governors, therefore it was named the Sobor of Reconciliation. The Boyar Duma continued to play an important role in governing the country. There were orders - bodies in charge of individual branches of government. Among the first were formed petitions, local, zemstvo and other orders, and their employees were called clerks and clerks.

In 1550, a new Code of Law of the Russian State was adopted. The Code of Laws introduced legal norms defining the punishment of officials for an unjust trial and bribery. The judicial powers of the royal governors were limited. In the Code of Laws there were instructions on the activities of orders. The right of a peasant transition on St. George's Day was confirmed. The Code of Law of 1550 introduced a significant restriction on the enslavement of the children of slaves. A child born before his parents found themselves in bondage was recognized as free.

The principles of local government were radically changed. In 1556, the "feeding" system was abolished throughout the state. Administrative and judicial functions were transferred to lab and zemstvo elders.

A significant reorganization of the armed forces began. A horse army was formed from service people (noblemen and boyar children). In 1550, a permanent rifle army was created. Infantrymen armed with firearms began to be called archers. The artillery was also strengthened. From the general mass of servicemen, the "chosen thousand" were formed: it included the best noblemen endowed with lands near Moscow.

A unified system of land taxation was introduced - the “big Moscow plow”. The amount of tax payments began to depend on the nature of land tenure and the quality of the land used. Secular feudal lords, landowners and patrimonials received great benefits in comparison with the clergy and state peasants.

In February 1551, a Council of the Russian Church was convened, which received the name Stoglavy, since its decisions were set forth in 100 chapters. The council discussed a wide range of issues: church discipline and morality of monks, enlightenment and spiritual education, the appearance and norms of behavior of a Christian. Especially essential had the unification of the rituals of the Russian Orthodox Church.

The reform activities of the Chosen Rada lasted about ten years. Already in 1553, disagreements between the tsar and his entourage began. Conflict situation increased after the death of Tsarina Anastasia in 1560. Ivan IV accused the Chosen Rada of poisoning his beloved royal wife. At the same time, the disagreements between the king and members of the Chosen Rada on the implementation of external and domestic policy led to the termination of its existence. Reforms were suspended.

TICKET 11 Reason ...

In December 1564, the tsar, unexpectedly for his subjects, left Moscow and took refuge with his family in Aleksandrovskaya Sloboda, which was located about a hundred kilometers from the capital. Messengers sent from there brought two letters to Moscow. One of them accused the boyars and the higher clergy of treason and conspiracies against the tsar. Another, addressed to the townspeople, announced that the tsar did not hold "anger and disgrace" against them. With this dexterous maneuver, Ivan hoped to gain allies in the person of the population. A few days later, the tsar received a delegation from the Boyar Duma and the higher clergy. As a condition for returning to the throne, Ivan named the institution oprichnina... Existing very a short time(1565-1572) oprichnina left a deep mark on Russian history.

Oprichnina (from the word "oprich" - except) began to call the land lot specially allocated to the tsar, and the staff of the tsar's entourage, and a special army. The oprichnina possessions included a number of cities and counties in the center of the country (Suzdal, Mozhaisk, Vyazma), the rich lands of the Russian North, and some counties on the southern borders of the state. The rest of its territory was named "Zemshchina". The entire state apparatus was divided into two parts - oprichnina and zemstvo. The feudal lords who entered the oprichnina (initially there were one thousand, and by 1572 - six thousand) wore a special uniform: a black caftan and a black pointed hat. Loyalty to their sovereign, readiness to “sweep and gnaw out” the traitors were symbolized by brooms and dog heads tied to the necks of horses and quivers for arrows.

Already the first months of the existence of the oprichnina were marked by the monstrous executions of people objectionable to the tsar in their cruelty. The victims of the bloody massacres were the boyars suspected of treason and statesmen, their family members and servants. One of the most terrible crimes of Ivan the Terrible was the punitive expedition to Novgorod in the winter of 1570. The false denunciation of the betrayal of the Novgorod boyars and clergy served as a pretext for the murder of thousands of innocent residents of the city. The rural and commercial population suffered from the raids of the oprichnina army. From constant bloody orgies, the tsarist army decomposed. In 1571 it demonstrated complete incapacity against an external enemy. During his raid, the Crimean Khan Devlet-Girey reached Moscow, the Tatars set fire to the Moscow posad and took more than 100 thousand Russian prisoners into slavery. In the summer of the following year, the raid was repeated. The enemy was stopped and defeated by a small army, which included guardsmen, zemstvo boyars and nobles.

In the fall of 1572, the oprichnina was officially canceled. Under threat of punishment, the king forbade his subjects even to pronounce this word. Many former guardsmen turned from executioners into victims. They were charged with state crimes and executed. After the abolition of the oprichnina, the tsar created the so-called "courtyard" and again divided the country into zemstvo and courtyard parts. But big role in the political and economic life of the country, it no longer played. With the abandonment of the oprichnina orders, the mass terror was reduced.

The oprichnina had far-reaching political consequences. It led to the elimination of the vestiges of the specific time and the strengthening of the regime of personal power of the tsar. Its socio-economic order proved to be disastrous. The oprichnina and the protracted Livonian War ruined the country. The deep economic crisis that gripped Russia in the 1570s-1580s was called by contemporaries "ruin". One of detrimental effects the internal policy of Ivan the Terrible was the enslavement of the Russian peasantry. In 1581, the "Reserved Summer" was established, until the abolition of which peasants were forbidden to leave their owners. In fact, this meant that the peasants were deprived of ancient law transition to St. George's Day to another owner.

SEASON 13 Time of Troubles

Troubles at the beginning of the 17th century - one of the most difficult and tragic periods in Russian history, which had a fateful impact on the fate of our state. The name itself - "Troubles", "Time of Troubles" very accurately reflects the atmosphere of that time. The name has, by the way, folk etymology.

Problem of origin

The process of property and social stratification among the community members led to the separation of the most prosperous part from their midst. The tribal nobility and the well-to-do part of the community, subjugating the mass of ordinary members of the community, needs to maintain their domination in state structures.

The embryonic form of statehood was represented by the East Slavic unions of tribes, which united into super-unions, albeit fragile ones. Eastern historians talk about the existence on the eve of the formation of the Old Russian state of three large associations of Slavic tribes: Kuyaba, Slavia and Artania. Kuyaba, or Kuyava, was then the name of the area around Kiev. Slavia occupied the territory in the area of ​​Lake Ilmen. Its center was Novgorod. The location of Artania, the third large association of the Slavs, has not been precisely established.

According to The Tale of Bygone Years, the Russian princely dynasty originates in Novgorod. In 859, the northern Slavic tribes, who then paid tribute to the Varangians, or Normans (according to most historians, immigrants from Scandinavia), expelled them across the sea. However, soon after these events, an internecine struggle began in Novgorod. To end the clashes, the Novgorodians decided to invite the Varangian princes as a force standing over the opposing factions. In 862, Prince Rurik and his two brothers were called to Russia by the Novgorodians, laying the foundation for the Russian princely dynasty.

The first Russian princes and their activities

RURIK (862 - 879)

The founder of the Rurik dynasty, the first ancient Russian prince.
According to the Tale of Bygone Years, he was called to reign in 862 by the Ilmenian Slovenes, Chud and all of the Varangian lands.
He reigned first in Ladoga, and then in all Novgorod lands.
Before his death, he handed over power to his relative (or senior vigilante) - Oleg.

OLEG (879 - 912)

First real ruler Ancient Rus, which united the lands of the Slavic tribes along the path "from the Varangians to the Greeks."
In 882 he captured Kiev and made it the capital of the Old Russian state, killing Askold and Dir, who had reigned there earlier.
He subdued the tribes of Drevlyans, northerners, Radimichs.
He strengthened his foreign policy position. In 907 he made a successful military campaign against Constantinople, the result of which was two peace treaties(907 and 911).

IGOR (912 - 945)

He expanded the boundaries of the Old Russian state, subjugating the tribe of the Ulitsa and facilitating the founding of Russian settlements on the Taman Peninsula.
Repulsed the raids of the Pechenegs nomads.
Organized military campaigns against Byzantium:
1) 941 - ended in failure;
2) 944 - the conclusion of a mutually beneficial contract.
Killed by the Drevlyans while collecting tribute in 945.

OLGA (945 - 969)

The wife of Prince Igor, ruled in Russia during the early childhood of his son Svyatoslav and during his military campaigns.
For the first time, she established a clear procedure for collecting tribute ("polyudya") by introducing:
1) lessons in determining the exact size of the tribute;
2) graveyards - establishing places for collecting tribute.
She visited Byzantium in 957 and converted to Christianity under the name Elena.
In 968, she led the defense of Kiev from baking

SVYATOSLAV (964 - 972)

The son of Prince Igor and Princess Olga.
Initiator and leader of many military campaigns:
- Defeat Khazar Kaganate and its capital Itil (965)
- Hiking to Danube Bulgaria. Wars with Byzantium (968 - 971)
- Military clashes with the Pechenegs (969 - 972)
- Treaty between Russia and Byzantium (971)
Killed by the Pechenegs while returning from Bulgaria in 972 on the Dnieper rapids.

VLADIMIR THE FIRST SAINT (978 (980)) - 1015)

In 972 - 980 the first internecine war for power takes place between the sons of Svyatoslav - Vladimir and Yaropolk. Vladimir wins and is established on the Kiev throne.
980 - Vladimir carries out a pagan reform. A pantheon is created pagan gods led by Perun. An attempt to adapt paganism to the needs of the Old Russian state and society ended in failure.

988 - adoption of Christianity in Russia.
YAROSLAV THE WISE (1019 - 1054)

He established himself on the Kiev throne after lengthy strife with Svyatopolk the Accursed (he received the nickname after the murder of his brothers Boris and Gleb, later canonized) and Mstislav Tmutarakansky.
He contributed to the flourishing of the Old Russian state, patronized education and construction.
He contributed to the rise of the international authority of Russia. Established extensive dynastic ties with European and Byzantine courts.
Carried out military campaigns:
- to the Baltics;
- to the Polish-Lithuanian lands;
- to Byzantium.
He finally defeated the Pechenegs.
Prince Yaroslav the Wise - the founder of written Russian legislation ("Russian Truth", "Yaroslav's Truth").


Mary, daughter of the Byzantine emperor Constantine the Ninth Monomakh. Prince of Smolensk (from 1067), Chernigov (from 1078), Pereyaslavl (from 1093), Grand Duke of Kiev (from 1113).
Prince Vladimir Monomakh - organizer of successful campaigns against the Polovtsi (1103, 1109, 1111)
He advocated the unity of Russia. Participant of the congress ancient Russian princes in Lyubech (1097), which considered the perniciousness of civil strife, the principles of ownership and inheritance of princely lands.
He was called to reign in Kiev during the popular uprising of 1113, which followed the death of Svyatopolk II. Prince until 1125
He put into effect the "Charter of Vladimir Monomakh", where by law interest on loans was limited and it was forbidden to enslave dependent people working off their debt.
He stopped the disintegration of the Old Russian state. He wrote "Instructions", in which he condemned strife and called for the unity of the Russian land.
He continued the policy of strengthening dynastic ties with Europe. He was married to the daughter of the English king Harold II - Geeta.

MSTISLAV THE GREAT (1125 - 1132)

Son of Vladimir Monomakh. Prince of Novgorod (1088 - 1093 and 1095 - 1117), Rostov and Smolensk (1093 - 1095), Belgorod and co-ruler of Vladimir Monomakh in Kiev (1117 - 1125). From 1125 to 1132 - the autocratic Kiev ruler.
He continued the policy of Vladimir Monomakh and managed to preserve a single Old Russian state.
Annexed the Principality of Polotsk to Kiev in 1127.
He organized successful campaigns against the Polovtsy, Lithuania, Prince Oleg Svyatoslavovich of Chernigov.
After his death, almost all the principalities come out of obedience to Kiev. A specific period begins - feudal fragmentation.

Rurik(? -879) - the founder of the Rurik dynasty, the first Russian prince. Chronicle sources claim that Rurik was called from the Varangian lands by Novgorod citizens to reign together with his brothers - Sineus and Truvor in 862. After the death of the brothers, he ruled over all Novgorod lands. Before his death, he handed over power to his relative - Oleg.

Oleg(? -912) - the second ruler of Russia. He reigned from 879 to 912, first in Novgorod, and then in Kiev. He is the founder of a single ancient Russian state, created by him in 882 with the capture of Kiev and the subordination of Smolensk, Lyubech and other cities. After the transfer of the capital to Kiev, he also subdued the Drevlyans, northerners, and Radimichs. One of the first Russian princes undertook a successful campaign against Constantinople and concluded the first trade agreement with Byzantium. He enjoyed great respect and authority among his subjects, who began to call him "prophetic," that is, wise.

Igor(? -945) - the third Russian prince (912-945), the son of Rurik. The main direction of his activity was the protection of the country from the raids of the Pechenegs and the preservation of the unity of the state. Undertook numerous campaigns to expand the possessions of the Kiev state, in particular against the coal. He continued his campaigns to Byzantium. In the course of one of them (941) he failed, in the course of the other (944) he received a ransom from Byzantium and concluded a peace treaty that consolidated the military-political victories of Russia. Undertook the first successful campaigns of the Russians in the North Caucasus (Khazaria) and Transcaucasia. In 945 he tried to collect tribute from the Drevlyans twice (the order of its collection was not legally fixed), for which he was killed by them.

Olga(c. 890-969) - the wife of Prince Igor, the first female ruler of the Russian state (regent under her son Svyatoslav). Installed in 945-946. the first legislative procedure for collecting tribute from the population of the Kiev state. In 955 (according to other sources, 957) she made a trip to Constantinople, where she secretly adopted Christianity under the name of Helena. In 959, the first Russian ruler sent an embassy to Western Europe, to the emperor Otto I. His answer was the direction in 961-962. with missionary purposes to Kiev, Archbishop Adalbert, who tried to bring Western Christianity to Russia. However, Svyatoslav and his entourage refused to Christianize and Olga was forced to transfer power to her son. In the last years of her life, she was actually removed from political activity. Nevertheless, she retained a significant influence on her grandson - the future Prince Vladimir the Saint, whom she was able to convince of the need to adopt Christianity.

Svyatoslav(? -972) - the son of Prince Igor and Princess Olga. Ruler of the Old Russian state in 962-972 He was distinguished by a warlike character. He was the initiator and leader of many aggressive campaigns: on the Oka Vyatichi (964-966), the Khazars (964-965), the North Caucasus (965), Danube Bulgaria (968, 969-971), Byzantium (971). He also fought against the Pechenegs (968-969, 972). Under him, Russia turned into the largest power in the Black Sea. Neither the Byzantine rulers, nor the Pechenegs, who agreed on joint actions against Svyatoslav, could reconcile to this. During his return from Bulgaria in 972, his army, drained of blood in the war with Byzantium, was attacked by the Pechenegs on the Dnieper. Svyatoslav was killed.

Vladimir I Saint(? -1015) - the youngest son of Svyatoslav, who defeated his brothers Yaropolk and Oleg in an internecine struggle after the death of his father. Prince of Novgorod (from 969) and Kiev (from 980). He conquered the Vyatichi, Radimichi and Yatvingians. He continued his father's struggle with the Pechenegs. Volga Bulgaria, Poland, Byzantium. During his reign, defensive lines were built along the Desna, Sturgeon, Trubezh, Sula and others rivers. Kiev was re-fortified and for the first time built up with stone structures. In the years 988-990. introduced Eastern Christianity as a state religion. Under Vladimir I, the Old Russian state entered the period of its heyday and power. The international authority of the new Christian state has grown. Vladimir was canonized by the Russian Orthodox Church and is referred to as a Saint. In Russian folklore, he is named as Vladimir Red Sun. He was married to the Byzantine princess Anne.

Svyatoslav II Yaroslavich(1027-1076) - son of Yaroslav the Wise, Prince of Chernigov (from 1054), Grand Duke of Kiev (from 1073). Together with his brother Vsevolod, he defended the southern borders of the country from the Polovtsians. In the year of his death, he adopted a new code of laws - "Izbornik".

Vsevolod I Yaroslavich(1030-1093) - Prince of Pereyaslavl (from 1054), Chernigov (from 1077), Grand Duke of Kiev (from 1078). Together with the brothers Izyaslav and Svyatoslav, he fought against the Polovtsians, took part in the compilation of the Pravda of the Yaroslavichs.

Svyatopolk II Izyaslavich(1050-1113) - grandson of Yaroslav the Wise. Prince of Polotsk (1069-1071), Novgorod (1078-1088), Turov (1088-1093), Grand Duke of Kiev (1093-1113). He was distinguished by hypocrisy and cruelty both in relation to his subjects and to those close to him.

Vladimir II Vsevolodovich Monomakh(1053-1125) - Prince of Smolensk (from 1067), Chernigov (from 1078), Pereyaslavl (from 1093), Grand Duke of Kiev (1113-1125). ... Son of Vsevolod I and daughter of the Byzantine emperor Constantine Monomakh. He was called to reign in Kiev during the popular uprising of 1113, which followed the death of Svyatopolk P. He took measures to limit the arbitrariness of the usurers and the administrative apparatus. He managed to achieve the relative unity of Russia and the end of strife. He supplemented the codes of laws that existed before him with new articles. He left the "Instructions" for his children, in which he called for strengthening the unity of the Russian state, living in peace and harmony, and avoiding blood feud

Mstislav I Vladimirovich(1076-1132) - son of Vladimir Monomakh. Grand Duke of Kiev (1125-1132). From 1088 he ruled in Novgorod, Rostov, Smolensk and others. Participated in the work of the Lyubech, Vitichevsky and Dolobsky congresses of Russian princes. He took part in campaigns against the Polovtsians. He headed the defense of Russia from its western neighbors.

Vsevolod P Olgovich(? -1146) - Prince of Chernigov (1127-1139). Grand Duke of Kiev (1139-1146).

Izyaslav II Mstislavich(c. 1097-1154) - Prince of Vladimir-Volyn (from 1134), Pereyaslavsky (from 1143), Grand Duke of Kiev (from 1146). Grandson of Vladimir Monomakh. Member of feudal strife. Supporter of the independence of the Russian Orthodox Church from the Byzantine Patriarchate.

Yuri Vladimirovich Dolgoruky (90s of the XI century - 1157) - Prince of Suzdal and Grand Duke of Kiev. Son of Vladimir Monomakh. In 1125 he moved the capital of the Rostov-Suzdal principality from Rostov to Suzdal. Since the beginning of the 30s. fought for southern Pereyaslavl and Kiev. Considered the founder of Moscow (1147). In 1155. seized Kiev for the second time. Poisoned by the Kiev boyars.

Andrey Yurievich Bogolyubsky (c. 1111-1174) is the son of Yuri Dolgoruky. Prince of Vladimir-Suzdal (from 1157). Moved the capital of the principality to Vladimir. In 1169 he conquered Kiev. Killed by boyars in his residence in the village of Bogolyubovo.

Vsevolod III Yurievich the Big Nest(1154-1212) - the son of Yuri Dolgoruky. Grand Duke of Vladimir (from 1176). Severely suppressed the boyar opposition, which took part in the conspiracy against Andrei Bogolyubsky. Subdued Kiev, Chernigov, Ryazan, Novgorod. During his reign, Vladimir-Suzdal Russia reached its heyday. Received the nickname for a large number of children (12 people).

Roman Mstislavich(? -1205) - Prince of Novgorod (1168-1169), Vladimir-Volyn (from 1170), Galician (from 1199). Son of Mstislav Izyaslavich. Strengthened the princely power in Galich and Volhynia, He was considered the most powerful ruler of Russia. Killed in the war with Poland.

Yuri Vsevolodovich(1188-1238) - Grand Duke of Vladimir (1212-1216 and 1218-1238). During the internecine struggle for the Vladimir throne, he was defeated in the Lipitsk battle in 1216. and ceded the great reign to his brother Constantine. In 1221 he founded the city of Nizhny Novgorod. He died during the battle with the Mongol-Tatars on the river. City in 1238

Daniil Romanovich(1201-1264) - Prince of Galician (1211-1212 and from 1238) and Volyn (from 1221), the son of Roman Mstislavich. He united the Galician and Volyn lands. Encouraged the construction of cities (Holm, Lvov, etc.), crafts and trade. In 1254 he received the title of king from the Pope.

Yaroslav III Vsevolodovich(1191-1246) - son of Vsevolod the Big Nest. He reigned in Pereyaslavl, Galich, Ryazan, Novgorod. In 1236-1238. reigned in Kiev. Since 1238 - Grand Duke of Vladimir. Traveled to The Golden Horde and to Mongolia.

The question of who is the first prince of Ancient Russia in history is still relevant. This is because historians have different attitudes to this topic. Some believe that the answers should be sought for "The Tale of Bygone Years", which belongs to the pen of a famous chronicler. Others say that the information described in this manuscript cannot be considered 100% reliable and must be rechecked and research should not be stopped. In this article, we present many different facts and assumptions about this issue.


The first evidence of the country of the Rus appeared in the first third of the 9th century. So, for example, in the chronicles of 839 you can find information about the ambassadors of the kagan of the people who grew up, who first arrived in Byzantium, the city of Constantinople, and from there went to the Frankish emperor Louis the Pious. It was in this year that the ethnonym "Rus" was encountered for the first time in historical writings. However, in the "Tale of Bygone Years" the first trip of the Russians to the shores of the Bosphorus dates back to 866, which, according to some scientists, is an erroneous date.

Civil strife

There is information that already in 862 the Slavic and Finno-Ugric tribes began to wage internecine wars among themselves. It is written about this in the "Tale": "A race has arisen". However, none of them could prevail over the others. But ordinary people suffered, innocent women and children died, and, naturally, the question arose of how to end this senseless war. And it was then that the Slovenes, or Slavs, thought that only a foreign ruler could solve this issue. They gathered an embassy and sent it to the Varangians who lived on the shores of the Baltic Sea, which at that time was called the Varangian Sea. They came to these lands and addressed the local princes with the following speech: “Our land is huge and abundant, but there is no order in it. We ask you to come to our land, establish order and own us. ” Three of the Varangians - the brothers Rurik, Sineus and Truvor, who were called Russians, or dews - took advantage of the invitation of the Slavic delegates and went to their land. Among them was the future first prince in Russia. For about two years, the brothers tried to adapt to the new conditions, they had to fight, then punish for disobedience, then sit at a friendly table and share bread. Rurik reigned in Novgorod, Sineus ruled Beloozero, and Truvor ruled in Izborsk. Some of the locals were happy with their arrival, while others were against it. Two years later, two of the brothers - Truvor and Sineus - died. Thus, it was Rurik who was the first Varangian prince in Russia. He began to reign alone throughout the vast land inhabited by Slavic tribes. And since he and his brothers were called Rus, the land soon began to be called Rus.

Khazars and Varangians - enemies and rescuers

According to another version, the call of the Varangians to the land of the Eastern Slavs was caused not by civil strife, but by the onslaught of the Khazars. Their raids became unbearable for the local residents, and they decided to find their salvation with the Varangians. Rurik, the first prince in Russia, arrived with his brothers, beat the Khazars, and began to reign. The capital of the newly formed state was the city of Novgorod. There is also a version that these three brothers are the younger sons of a noble family. According to European custom, only the elder brother received the inheritance, and the rest were left with nothing. That is why Rurik and his brothers decided to take advantage of the invitation of the Slavs.

Hike to Constantinople

In the same year 862, the Varangians who came with their brothers were eager to move to the Mediterranean Sea, and the warriors of Rurik, who is the first Varangian prince in Russia, joined them. Among them was Dir, as well as his friend and colleague Askold. They decided to go to Constantinople and establish a trade route from the “Varangians to the Greeks”. For this, the prince subjugated Kiev. This is what the Tale says. But according to the Nikon and Novgorod chronicles, Askold and Dir had nothing to do with Rurik. There is even a version that these two warriors are the descendants of Kiy, the legendary prince Dnieper glades. He is also the founder of Kiev.

Igor and Oleg

In Novgorod, Prince Rurik's son Igor was born. When he passed away in 879, his boy was still quite a child, and therefore the reign was transferred to Oleg, he also became Igor's regent. Some historians believe that this issue was not so simple, and the power in Novgorod was usurped by Oleg. Even when Igor grew up, he did not want to transfer the reins of government to him. In a word, when the first prince in Russia, Rurik, died, Oleg took his place.

Rurik's pseudo-roots

Some scholars believe that the Vikings are German, Danish, Swedish, Finnish or even Norwegian tribes. And the author of The Tale of Bygone Years meant that Rurik and his people lived on the lands located south of the Varangian, that is, the Baltic Sea, in an area that is located closer to Angeln and Holstein. On the modern map, these lands are located in the northern part of Germany. Can we conclude from this that the first prince in Russia, Rurik, is of German origin? We think not, and the ethnic groups that lived here are much closer to the Russians than to the Germans. By the way, among them there are such names as Russ, or Varins, etc. Some European researchers believe that Rurik may have Swedish roots. However, Russian scientists see a political meaning behind this version and completely deny it. During the Livonian War between Sweden and Russia, Ivan the Terrible suggested that blue blood did not flow in the veins of the Swedish king Johan the Third, and he reminded the Russian tsar that Rurik, the first Grand Duke of Russia, was a Varangian and had Swedish roots. But in the first half of the 18th century, St. Petersburg academicians with German roots spoke in favor of the version of the German origin of Rurik and his brothers. This theory began to be called Norman, but Lomonosov, having studied this issue, came to the conclusion that it does not correspond to the truth and does not have any historical realities. Yes, and according to the "Tale" clearly shows that the Vikings and Swedes, Vikings and Normans are different tribes.

Oleg - the first Russian prince in Russia

In 882, the Prophetic Oleg, well known to us from the poem, the regent of Prince Igor, the son of Rurik, gathered a squad and headed south from Novgorod. On the way, he captured Lyubech and Smolensk and established his power in these cities. Oleg's squad consisted of the Varangians and the Chudi, Meri, Slovenian and Krivichi tribes. They headed towards Kiev and captured it, killing at the same time the former warriors of Rurik - Askold and Dir, who ruled this city. After that, Kiev was declared the capital of the state of Olegov, and the tribes subject to the Novgorod land had to pay tribute to him. Oleg began building fortresses around his capital. There is a chronicler's testimony about this event, according to which, Oleg - the first prince of Kievan Rus - through force and arms extended his power to the lands of the northerners and Drevlyans, and the Radimich tribe accepted his conditions without a fight, preferring to pay tribute to Oleg, and not to the Khazars. And they, in turn, began an economic blockade against them, blocking the path of Russian merchants through their lands.

Hike to Byzantium

At the beginning of the 10th century, Russian squads led by Prince Oleg made a victorious campaign against Byzantium. As a result, written agreements were concluded on favorable terms of trade for merchants from Kievan Rus. Historians believe that the success of Oleg's army can be explained by the fact that he managed to rally the forces of all the tribes inhabiting the young Old Russian state, thereby strengthening its statehood. Oleg, who had the title of Grand Duke, ruled Russia for over 30 years. After him, Rurik's son, Prince Igor, ascended the throne. This happened in 912 (the year of Oleg's death). Historians argue which of them - Oleg or Igor - the first Grand Duke of All Russia. The first can be called such by merit, and the second by origin, since it is he who is the son of the founder of the Russian state.

Prince Igor

The son of Rurik, after he headed the state, made 2 military campaigns against Byzantium. Initially, he started a military campaign against Khazaria, where he was drawn by Byzantium. However, there he was defeated, after which Igor's army turned their weapons against Byzantium. However, the Bulgarians managed to warn their Greek allies that the ten thousandth army of Prince Igor was approaching Constantinople. Nevertheless, the Russian fleet managed to plunder Bithynia, Heraclea, Paphlagonia, Nicomedia and Pontic, but was defeated. After that, the Grand Duke, abandoning those who survived in Thrace, fled to his capital with his entourage on several boats. Later, the news reached him that the soldiers he had left in Thrace were taken to Constantinople and executed. From Kiev, he sent to his allies, the Varangians, an invitation to join him and make a new campaign in Byzantium, which he carried out in 944. Igor's army included glades, Krivichi, Slovens, Tivertsy, Varangians and Pechenegs. They reached the Danube, and from there Igor sent ambassadors to Constantinople, who managed to conclude a duty-free trade treaty. Russia undertook to defend the possessions of Byzantium in the Crimea. In 943-944. the army of the grand duke made a campaign against Berdaa, and a year later Igor was killed by the Drevlyans, although there is a version that he was killed by his own governor Sveneld because of disagreements in the division of the tribute.


After the death of her husband, Igor's widow and mother of the future Grand Duke Svyatoslav took the reins of government into their own hands, and then the Drevlyan prince Mal sent matchmakers to her. Olga considered this an insult and ordered the ambassadors to be executed. However, this seemed to her not enough, and, having gathered an army, in 946 she laid siege to the Drevlyans' fortress Iskorosten, which was eventually burned down, and the Drevlyans were conquered by the Kievites. Olga imposed a terrible tribute on them. This was her revenge. She did not forgive them that her husband, the first Prince of All Russia, died at their hands. In 947, Olga went to Novgorod, where she introduced a system of tributes and dues, according to which local residents themselves had to take them and give them to the tiuns (tax inspectors). It was thanks to her that since then the policy of the first princes of Russia was peaceful in relation to Byzantium. Olga was the first of the rulers of the Old Russian state to officially adopt Christianity of the Byzantine rite in 957. He went to Constantinople. Emperor Constantine Porphyrogenitus called Olga the Archontissa of Russia. The purpose of her trip was to achieve baptism and recognition of Russia by Byzantium as an equal Christian empire. After baptism she was given the Christian name Elena. Nevertheless, historians argue that she then failed to agree on an alliance, and then she sent ambassadors to Emperor Otto I in Germany with a request to establish a church in Russia. After that, Constantinople made concessions, and the German embassy had to go back. After that, the Russian army, sent by Olga-Elena, supported the Greeks in the war with the Arabs in Crete. Olga died in 969.

Princes of all Russia

This was the name of the Russian rulers, who had a claim to supreme power over all Russian lands, and the Kiev princes were called by this title. However, at some period of time Kiev was in decline, and then Vladimir became the main political and ecclesiastical center of Russia. After that, the princes of Vladimir were called the princes of "all Russia". In the Moscow period, this title did not imply power over all former lands Old Russian state, but only a rise above other princes.

The first Moscow prince of all Russia

Daniil Alexandrovich is the ancestor of the Moscow princes belonging to the Rurik dynasty. He is the son of the Grand Duke Alexander Nevsky. Daniil Alexandrovich inherited the princely title from his father in his earliest childhood. He ruled Moscow Russia from 1263 to 1303. However, while he was too small to rule the state, his uncle Yaroslav Yaroslavovich did it for him. He also raised little Danila after the death of his heroic father. From the age of 15, he began to actively operate within his principality. He was called a builder, and the fortifications built by him helped a lot in the defense of Moscow.

Victory over the Golden Horde

Having matured a little, he began to pursue his own policy, the main focus of which was the expansion of the principality's possessions. He took an active part in the princely feuds, and with his brothers Andrei and Dmitry for the reign over the Great Vladimir, and for Novgorod. In 1285 he, united with his uncle, defeated the Horde army, and this battle went down in history as the first victory of the Russian army over the Golden Horde. After 15 years, he managed to connect Kolomna, Lopasnya and other lands along the Moskva River to the Moscow principality, and when faced with the Ryazan prince Konstantin Romanovich, he took him prisoner. But Pereslavl-Zalessky was bequeathed to him by the prince of those lands. The first prince of All Russia, Danila, the son of the legendary Alexander Nevsky, died in 1303.

According to the Norman theory of the origin of the ancient Russian state, the first Russian princes should be counted starting from 862.

It was in 862 that the Novgorod elders turned to the Varangians with a request: to send them to reign one of the Varangian leaders. "Our land is great and abundant, but there is no order (order) in it. Yes, go to reign and reign over us." The Varangian king (leader) Rurik, who should be considered the founder of the first ruling dynasty in Russia, responded to the call of the Novgorodians.


Rurik (862-879) - the son of the Norman king Gadliv, the grandson of the Novgorod head Gostomysl. He was invited by some of the residents of Novgorod to "volode" them. According to legend, he appeared together with the brothers Sineus (this word is translated in the same way as "family") and Truvor (this word is translated in the same way as "squad"). Rurik got Novgorod, Sineus - Beloozero, Truvor - Izborsk. After the death of the brothers, Rurik remained the sole ruler and significantly expanded his possessions. An ancient princely family came from Rurik. His descendants include the princely surnames: Shuisky, Obolensky, Vyazemsky, Gagarins, Trubetskoy, Odoevsky, Volkonsky, Ukhtomsky and others. He ruled in Novgorod for 17 years.

Oleg the Prophet

Oleg (Prophetic) (879-912) - Prince of Novgorod and (from 882) Kiev. As a relative and governor of Rurik, he ruled for his young son Igor. He became famous for his military campaigns. He took possession of Smolensk, subjugated all Krivichi, Polyan, Radimichi, Northerners to his power, took Lyubech. Fraudulently in 882 he captured Kiev, killing Askold and Dir - the last princes of the Kiy dynasty. He moved the capital of his principality from Novgorod to Kiev, which he called "the mother of Russian cities". Subjugated the northerners, Radimichs and Drevlyans to himself. In 898 there was the first clash with the western neighbors - the Hungarians, whose aggression was stopped. In 908 he undertook a campaign against Byzantium. According to Byzantine sources, he bore the title of the Grand Duke of Russia. He reigned for 33 years and was the first historically reliable prince.


Igor Rurikovich (Old) (912-945) - Grand Duke of Kiev, son of Oleg. In the 911 agreement, an article appears about the possibility of accepting Russians for military service in Byzantium. Khazaria fought back from the pressing Pechenegs, Guzes, Asians, from 932 - Alans, therefore, they freely let Russian troops through their lands. Taking advantage of the favorable situation, Igor in 913 began a successful military campaign in Transcaucasia, which ended in 914. In 920, Igor together with the Khazars made a campaign against the Pechenegs. In 940 the Jewish commander Pesach managed to subjugate Kiev to Khazaria, forcing him to pay "tribute in blood", that is, to participate in campaigns on the side of the Khazar army. In 941, together with the Khazars, he made an unsuccessful campaign against Constantinople, which ended in the defeat and death of the Russian fleet. The joint campaign in Transcaucasia undertaken by Igor in 943-944 was more successful. In 944 the Russian army captured the city of Berdaa in the Transcaucasus. This happened after the signing in 944 of an agreement between Russia and Byzantium with a more meaningful part than in 911 about military obligations. Unlike previous campaigns in 945, the Russians did not burn Berdaa, but forced the inhabitants to obey Russia. The Russians stayed in Berdaa for several months, and only serious illnesses and relentless battles forced them to leave the city, but before that, the Russians, under the pretext of ransom, collected a huge amount of money, gold and goods from the inhabitants of the city. In 949, Byzantium sent an army against the Cretan and Syrian Arabs, which included Russian soldiers. In 954 Russians, Armenians and Bulgarians fought on the side of Byzantium against the Syrian emir.

He was killed by the Drevlyans who lived along Pripyat for trying to collect tribute again.

Olga Equal of the Apostles

Olga (Equal to the Apostles) (945-964) - princess of Kiev, wife of Igor, mother of Svyatoslav. She suppressed the uprising of the Drevlyans, in revenge for the death of her husband burned down their main city Iskorosten (5 thousand inhabitants were killed), annexed the lands lost by Igor and the Tivertsy, established the first norms of tax law in Russia. Having made a diplomatic visit to Constantinople in 955 or 957, she converted to Christianity under the name Elena. From 957 until his death, he ruled for his son Svyatoslav. Princess Olga strove to complete the construction of a unified state by creating a Christian bishopric. Skillfully playing on the political and religious contradictions of the two empires, Byzantine and Holy Roman, ignoring the already existing confessional differences between the Eastern Christian and Western Christian churches, she asked the German king Otto (future emperor Otto I the Great) to send a bishop to Russia and priests. But when in 961-962 Adalbert (the future first Magdeburg archbishop) was in Russia with the priests, a coup took place there. Olga died in 969, having transferred power to Svyatoslav. Buried according to the Christian rite.


Svyatoslav Igorevich (957-972) - Kiev prince, the first of the Rurikovichs who bore a Slavic name, the son of Igor and Olga, ruled in 964-972. He removed Olga from management and began persecuting Christians, striving for the religious unity of the country. Using the huge military potential of the state, not torn apart by religious contradictions, Svyatoslav was able to make grandiose campaigns in the c. 960s-970s, freeing from the Khazar tribute and subjugating the Vyatichi to his power (in 964-966), defeating the Khazar Khaganate, conquering the vast Balkan possessions of Byzantium, which she was able to regain them by the maximum exertion of forces. In 964-964 he made a trip to Semender in Dagestan and Serkel (Belaya Vezha). The Lower Don was colonized by Slavic settlers, and the Russian Tmutarakan principality (trading post) was formed on the Taman Peninsula, which included the tribes of the North Caucasus - the Yases and Kosogi.

In 966-967 Svyatoslav went down the Volga to Itil, the main city of the Khazar Kaganate. Chronicle: "And the former battle, defeated Svyatoslav with a gozar, and ... took their hail." The local population offered little resistance, as they did not want to fight for the interests of the Jews.

In 967 Svyatoslav intervened in the Byzantine-Bulgarian struggle and undertook a new campaign in the Balkans. He wanted to move the capital of the state from Kiev to Pereyaslavets on the Danube. The campaign was interrupted due to an attack in 969 on Kiev by the Pechenegs, prepared at the initiative of the Byzantine emperor John Tzimiskes.

In 969-971 Svyatoslav, in alliance with the Bulgarians, undertook a second campaign against the Balkans. In 969-970 he ravages Northern Thrace. However, in 971 Emperor John Tzimiskes managed to oust Svyatoslav from Bulgaria. And although the Russian army, besieged in Dorostol on the Danube, continued to resist, the numerical superiority of the Byzantines (100 thousand Greeks against 10 thousand Slavs) forced Svyatoslav to retreat. Returning with the remnants of his squad to Kiev, in 972 he was killed by the Pechenegs at the Dnieper rapids. After his death, a struggle for power began between the heirs.

Svyatoslav for the first time united all the East Slavic tribes under the rule of Kiev.

Vladimir the Great

Vladimir I Svyatoslavich (Saint, Great, Red Sun, Equal to the Apostles) (956 - 1015) - Grand Duke of Kiev from 980, under which the formation of Russian statehood was completed. In 980 he defeated the army of his brother Yaropolk and killed him. By campaigns against Vyatichi, Radimichi and Bulgarians, he strengthened the Old Russian state. He conquered Chervona Rus (Galicia) on both sides of the Carpathians, defeated the Yatvingians. Cherven, Przemysl and other cities were captured from the Poles. Under him, the first notch line was built along the Stugna, Sule and Desna rivers. The flourishing of the economy and culture was observed ("the epic period of Russian history"). The minting of coins began in Russia - "seryabreniks" and "zlatniks" of Vladimir Svyatoslavich. The first years of his reign were overshadowed by the cruelty of his character, zealous worship of idols and a penchant for polygamy. After the Korsun history in 988, he began the Christianization of Rus. He is canonized by the Church, called "Equal to the Apostles." In the nine largest centers of Russia, he put his sons to reign.

Under Vladimir I, Russian statehood was strengthened:

    the unification of the Eastern Slavs is completed as part of a single state;

    the territory of Kievan Rus is being formalized;

    the formation of the Old Russian (East Slavic) nationality, language and culture is nearing completion;

    feudal relations become completely dominant in all areas public life while remaining very undeveloped;

    the replacement of the clan community by the territorial community is completed;

    the formation of the control system and the court is nearing completion.

Svyatopolk Vladimirovich (Cursed)

Svyatopolk Vladimirovich (Cursed) (1015-1019) - after the death of Vladimir Saint Svyatopolk declared himself the Grand Duke of Kiev. He was an illegitimate son, since his mother was a pagan, hence the nickname - "accursed". To get rid of his younger brothers, he killed Boris - Prince of Rostov, Gleb - Murom, as well as Svyatoslav - Prince of Drevlyansky. He said: "... I will beat all my brethren and I will accept the Russian power." In Novgorod, Yaroslav Vladimirovich occupies the throne, who also decides to enter the struggle for power. Svyatopolk relied on the help of the Poles, while Yaroslav wanted to use the help of the Novgorodians and the Varangians. However, his brother Yaroslav defeated it at Lyubech in 1015 (1016). Svyatopolk fled to Poland to his father-in-law - the Polish king Boleslav the Brave. In 1018 Boleslav set out on a campaign against Russia, defeated Yaroslav and occupied Kiev, returning the throne to Svyatopolk. The next year (1019) Yaroslav, who returned from Novgorod, defeated Svyatopolk and the Pechenegs on the Alta River. Svyatopolk fled to the western borders of Russia and died on the way. Under Yaroslav the Wise, Boris and Gleb will be canonized as saints.

Yaroslav the Wise

Yaroslav Vladimirovich (Wise) (about 978-1054) - Kagan of Kiev, ruled from 1019 to 1054. For the first time he tried to take the title "Caesar" (king). In 1024, the brother of Svyatoslav, Mstislav Tmutarakansky, who fled to Poland and died there, opposed him. Between them, a battle took place near Listven near Chernigov. Mstislav defeated Yaroslav. As a result, Yaroslav was forced to flee to Novgorod and agree to the division of the country: the region to the east of the Dnieper passes to Msislav, to the west of the Dnieper, Yaroslav's possessions remained. The unification of the whole country under the rule of Yaroslav took place after the death of Mstislav in 1035 (1036). In Novgorod, Yaroslav put his eldest son Vladimir, known for his unsuccessful campaign against Byzantium in 1043, and sat down on the Kiev table. Before his death, Yaroslav divided the Russian land between 6 heirs (5 of his sons and a nephew), and from that time on, the development of the appanage system began in Russia. The procedure has been established for the transfer of power not to the eldest son, but to the eldest in the family. Obviously, it was assumed that the heirs would rule the country together (none of the brothers had any one principality, all the lands were located in stripes). Under Yaroslav, the "Russian Law" began to be replaced by "Russian Truth", there was an extensive construction of church churches, Byzantine and other books were translated into Russian, a school was founded in Novgorod; there were about a hundred cities in the country and new ones were built (Yaroslavl, Yuriev - in 1030 and others). Hilarion, Russian by origin, was arbitrarily appointed Metropolitan in 1051. the first Kiev princes... The emergence of writing allowed ... on live strings and a belt prince Russian glory ". “A word about the shelf ...

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