How to get rid of blockages in the sink. What to do if the sink in the kitchen is clogged - methods for eliminating blockages

  • 15.06.2019

If the sink in the kitchen is clogged, what should be done so that the activity in this most important room is not paralyzed before the arrival of the plumbing team? Not a single hostess is immune from such an emergency, and in this regard, it is necessary to know several ways to eliminate this problem and be able to apply them. And, not always in the kitchen there is a special solution that can cope with this task, therefore, knowing the methods using improvised means, you can always get out of the situation by using them in practice.

In the sewerage pipe system, there is one most problematic place where sediment collects. In some designs, this is a siphon tank, and in others, a curved section of the pipe that performs its role (otherwise this element is called a water seal). In this place of the sewer drain of the sink, dirty water usually lingers, and, naturally, the dirt settles on the walls of the lower part of the siphon, where in most cases a blockage forms.

Various types of siphons - in the vast majority of cases, blockages occur here

If such emergency situation after all, it has developed, then you should not immediately call a plumber, since you can save money on this process by doing the work yourself.

There are many ways to clean the kitchen sink drain from accumulated dirt. Some of them have been tested by years of use by many generations of owners, while others have been invented by craftsmen quite recently, and they use tools that, it would seem, are absolutely far from plumbing.

Sink clogs can be of three types:

  • Operational, resulting from accumulated greasy and mud deposits.
  • Mechanical, which appeared due to hitting a hundred to torubbish, which interferes with the free movement of water.
  • Technical blockages that may occur due to an incorrectly assembled siphon design or due to manufacturing defects. This option can sometimes be corrected solely by replacing the siphon drain block.

In any case, you need to try to fix the problem with your own hands, especially since replacing the corrugated pipe in combination with the siphon is also not related to tasks increased complexity. However, before purchasing a new kit, you should try different cleaning methods.

Cleaning the sink with a plunger

The method of cleaning the sink with a plunger is considered traditional and quite effective. Therefore, this plumbing accessory should be in any household, especially since it is inexpensive and can be used for decades.

A plumbing fixture known to almost everyone - a plunger

First way

The plunger consists of a comfortable wooden or polymer handle and a thick rubber cap. This simple device works on the principle of creating a small amount of water hammer in the drain pipe. Under its influence, the accumulated caked dirt moves from its place and rises from the siphon to the level of the outlet pipe, and the water then carries it into the sewer.

In order to manipulate the plunger, you need to take hold of its handle with both hands and press the cap against the drain hole of the sink. The rubber part of the plunger works like a suction cup, and when pressed, it is well fixed on a smooth ceramic or metal surface.

Then, it is necessary, by applying force, to perform several forward pressing movements down and up. At this time, fluid movement occurs inside the pipe, which is transmitted to all accumulations in the blockage. They lag behind the walls and can freely move along with the incoming water into the sewer.

The principle of operation of the plunger - the water hammer it creates removes the blockage from its place

If the first attempt was unsuccessful, and the water still leaves badly or does not leave at all, then manipulations with the plunger should be repeated until a positive result is obtained. If, when removing the cap from the drain point, dirt and plaque elements come out into the sink with it, then they must be removed immediately in order to avoid re-clogging of the pipe.

It is very important - if a branch pipe is connected to the drain pipe from the overflow hole, then this hole must be closed, for example, by making a gag from a wet rag. Otherwise, attempts are doomed to failure - the water will take the path of least resistance, and will begin to exit the overflow hole without transmitting water hammer to accumulations of dirt.

Second way

If it was not possible to cope with the blockage only with the help of a plunger, then this tool can be used in combination with a mixture, the ingredients of which are in any kitchen - this is soda and salt.

For the cleaning process, you need to take a glass of salt and the same amount of soda, then mix them together and carefully pour them into the drain. After that, a glass of boiling water is poured there. The mixture should sink into the siphon glass, so a large number of water should not be added. After this simple process, the sink must be left alone for 10-15 minutes. Then the plunger again comes into operation, which again should carry out the manipulation already described above, remove the dirt that has risen, and rinse the pipes with an intense stream of water.

Folk cleaning methods

Sometimes you can clean the sink without using a plunger, for example, if there is an operational blockage, that is, water does not pass due to a thick layer of fatty deposits on the pipe walls. This process will also require substances that are always in the kitchen, and the main one is again soda, since it is she who is able to dissolve the fatty components in the deposited layers. It is better to use technical soda for these events, which is often used to soften water, but its food version is also quite suitable.

First way

This method is the simplest of all existing ones. The technology is simple - 3 ÷ 5 tablespoons of soda and about 250 ÷ 300 ml of boiling water are poured into the drain hole, and after 10 ÷ 15 minutes the drain is spilled hot water.

Second way

Soda is taken again, the same amount as in the first method, and poured into the drain. Then, a glass of vinegar is poured there, and all this is left for 10–15 minutes, since a chemical reaction between these two ingredients must occur in a contaminated siphon. It is in the process of violent reaction that the mixture will contribute to the dissolution and exfoliation of dirt from the walls of the siphon and pipes. When using ingredients that react with each other, the drain hole must be closed with a stopper from above so that the foam and evolved gases remain inside the drain system.

Baking soda and vinegar are great for removing clogs.

After the specified time, the waste system is spilled with hot water.

If concentrated acetic acid is used for cleaning, then it must be diluted with water in a ratio of 1: 9, otherwise plastic pipes may not withstand the process of an excessively violent exothermic reaction, melt and leak.

Third option

In this case, the following are used: soda and washing powder, 3 ÷ 5 large spoons each, a glass of vinegar. Soda and powder are poured into the drain hole, which is then poured with vinegar from above and left for 15–20 minutes. After that, the pipes and siphon are thoroughly washed with hot water.

Video: soda and vinegar "on guard" of the cleanliness of the sink drain

Fourth option

With this method of cleaning, instead of soda, a drug used to relieve a hangover syndrome, Alka-Seltser, is used. 2 ÷ 3 tablets of this remedy must be thrown into the drain hole, and then pour a glass of vinegar into it. This ingredient, just like soda, will give a very violent reaction when interacting with vinegar, in which the fat will dissolve, and the dirt will split and actively move away from the walls of the siphon and pipes. After 8÷10 minutes, the sewage system must be rinsed with hot water.

Alka-Seltser, in addition to its intended purpose, can also help in the fight against drain blockage

The advantage of using Alka-Seltzer over baking soda is that in addition to cleaning pipes, it effectively removes bad smell from the accumulated mass. However, it should be noted right away that this cleaning method is only suitable for eliminating operational gaps.

Cleaning with specialized chemicals

All of the above folk compositions are used to clean the drain in our time, usually in extreme cases, since a large number can be found in the hardware store chemicals designed specifically for this process. And, it should be noted that the price for them can lie in a fairly wide range - from expensive to very affordable for everyone.

Assortment of special chemical compositions for the elimination of blockages and their prevention - very wide

Facilities household chemicals, intended for cleaning, are divided into those produced in liquid form or in dry form, in the form of powder or granules. All preparations are made on an alkaline or acid basis.

Cleaning agents must be selected depending on what material the pipes of the outlet sewer pipeline are made of. Basically, all products are suitable for both plastic and metal pipes, but still before buying it is worth reading the instructions from the manufacturer. Otherwise, such a situation may arise that you will have to not only do urgent cleaning in the kitchen, but also buy new system plum.

Acid compounds are considered to be universal means, which are able to dissolve operational blockages and free pipes from large debris.

Most often, a cleanser of the "Mole" type is selected from this type of composition. Work with these reagents is carried out in the following order:

  • Steep boiling water is poured into the drain and left for about 20 minutes.
  • After that, a cleaning solution is added to the hole and aged for several hours. At this time, the sink cannot be used, so it is better to carry out all manipulations late in the evening - an aggressive cleanser will do its job overnight.
  • In the morning, the pipes must be shed well cold water.

It should be noted that the "Mole" and similar products are able to free the system not only from fat deposits, but also from rust if metal pipes are installed.

Since any preparation intended for cleaning pipes is aggressive environment, it must be handled with extreme care, taking the necessary precautions. Be sure to put on rubber gloves on your hands, make sure that drops or dry composition of the substance do not get on the skin and mucous membranes of the eyes. Before starting work, it is imperative to study the manufacturer's instructions in detail.

Mechanical cleaning methods

There are several options for mechanical cleaning methods - this is the use plumbing cable, a special plastic household hook or even a vacuum cleaner.

Such methods can be called cardinal, and they are used only in cases where none of the above methods has worked with due efficiency.

First way

For self-cleaning the drain mechanically, you can use a special hook made of flexible plastic. Although this device is called a hook, it looks more like a narrow bar with small peculiar "spikes" on the sides. This rail has a handle on top, which makes cleaning the sink more convenient.

Such a hook is used to remove mechanical blockages from the pipe and siphon, that is, elements that do not dissolve with the help of chemicals and folk remedies e.g. hair or fibers from textiles.

Work with this device as follows:

  • The plastic hook is lowered into the drain hole, carefully, bypassing the existing jumpers.
  • With the help of a handle, it is scrolled in the pipe and siphon.
  • When scrolling on the side "spikes", the accumulated dirt is hooked and wrapped.
  • After that, the bar is carefully pulled out of the drain along with the dirt, which is immediately removed into the trash can.
  • If necessary, the procedure is repeated.

Second way

This cleaning method is available to those who have a powerful vacuum cleaner with a blowing function. A similar operation can be carried out using an electric mini-sink.

To use compression and push the stagnation further along the pipe, and then into the sewer riser, you need to remove the nozzle from the vacuum cleaner, wrap it around the perimeter with a thin cloth to fit snugly into the drain hole. Then it is lowered into the hole as deep as possible, and turn on the blow-out vacuum cleaner. A strong stream of air will become a pipe cleaner from blockage.

Needs to be used differently. The principle of its operation is diametrically opposed - in this case, the vacuum cleaner is used to draw dirt out of the siphon. To do this, a special suction cup is put on the end of the pipe - you can use a plunger cap instead, if it is made of elastic rubber.

The nozzle installed on the vacuum cleaner is pressed against the drain hole as tightly as possible so that it fits tightly to the bottom of the sink, and then the device is turned on for retraction. Dirt from a pipe or siphon drawn through the pipe will enter a special chamber for dirty water. Thus, the sink drain will be cleared.

Third way

If the hook is not gets before clogging, and the vacuum cleaner could not cope due to the fact that the plug in the drain was too dense, you can try using a special plumbing cable, which has a comfortable handle on one side and a ruff or spiral nozzle on the other. This cleaning tool is made of springy steel and has an external plastic coating for easy cleaning after use.

Special plumbing cable with a "ruff" at the end

The working end of the cable with a "ruff" is gradually immersed in the drain hole, and using the handle, according to the screwing principle, the cable is advanced through the siphon into the pipe.

In the process of scrolling rsh it removes all the plaque that has collected on them from the walls and pushes the mud stagnation towards the sewer main pipe. To enhance the cleaning effect, you need to periodically turn on hot water, which will immediately carry away mud deposits into the sewer.

This method of cleaning pipes is well suited if the drainage system is made of metal, since it rsh cn is special to clean off not only dirty, but also rusty deposits. If it is used for a plastic system, then extreme care must be taken not to damage the walls of the siphon and pipe.

If there is no such cable on the farm, you can make a similar cleaning device from an elastic wire or a plastic hanger - “hangers”. So, the longest one is cut out of the hanger. part - crossbar, on which a small hook is left at the end.

If the cable is made of wire, then it is first straightened, and then a small hook is bent at one of the ends. However, this type of cleaning is less effective, since even a bent wire is not able to collect all the formed on internal walls dirt.

Fourth way

Method number four is an extreme measure in cleaning the sink, and even if it does not help, then it means that the cause should not be sought in the drainage system, but already in the sewer pipe. And in this case, most likely, only a specialist can help.

However, it is still worth trying to solve the problem yourself. The method consists in cardinal cleaning of the siphon.

The process can be carried out in two ways - this is the complete disassembly of the entire drain system, or the unwinding of only the siphon cup, if its design allows it.

It should be noted that this process is not pleasant, but if there is a desire to save money on calling a plumber and quickly clean the sink drain, then the work done will be fully justified.

Since the main cause of the blockage lies precisely in the siphon, it is worth starting with it. In the event that it turns out to be clean, then it is already possible to take on the removal and disassembly of the entire drain system.

The plastic siphon consists of two parts, which are twisted together with threaded connection. To clean, this assembly must be disassembled. Before you start work, you should be well prepared so as not to further complicate the matter with cleaning. It is necessary to put a suitable basin or bucket under the sink, since when the siphon is untwisted, dirty water will surely flow out of it.

Having unscrewed the lower part of the siphon, it must be washed and debris removed from there that interfered with the drainage of water. If serious blockages are not found in it, it is necessary to inspect another problem area - the connection of the siphon with the corrugated pipe, since sometimes dirt, rising from the bottom of the siphon, gets stuck in this area.

Having disassembled the siphon, you need to carefully remove and rinse or even replace all the rubber or plastic gaskets in it, since during assembly they will need to be correctly installed in place. Very often, after disassembly, it is clear that the gaskets are deformed, pinched, have tears and cannot be reused - you will have to purchase new ones. True, they are quite inexpensive.

All dirt is removed from the siphon and pipe, they are thoroughly washed, and after that all elements of the system can be assembled and installed in place.

The sink container should not be removed until the drainage system has been tested for leaks. To check the quality of the assembly and the tightness of all connections, it is necessary to turn on the water under strong pressure and spill the pipes abundantly. At this time, you need to monitor all connections - they must remain absolutely dry. If a leak is detected, the connection should be tightened, but if this does not help, then a poor-quality gasket has been installed.

When tightening the connecting nodes, “fanaticism” is not needed - it is not at all difficult to deform the plastic thread, and thereby render the part unusable. Here, however, quality cuffs or gaskets play a more important role.

Video: cleaning the sink drain with disassembly of the siphon

Prevention of blockages in the kitchen sink

In order not to resort to the above methods of cleaning the drain as long as possible, it is necessary to regularly carry out preventive measures that will allow the kitchen sink to be operated long time without any emergencies.

  • Greasy dishes should be washed only with hot water using household detergents that break down fat. detergents.
  • All utensils must be thoroughly cleaned of food residues before being placed in the sink.
  • An additional removable mesh with small cells must be installed on the drain hole, which will allow only water to pass into the drain, filtering out large inclusions
  • Every week, it is advisable to carry out preventive flushing of the drain system using boiling water and soda.

A clogged kitchen sink is one of the most common home plumbing problems. And there is no need to call the master: you can clean the sewer pipe with your own hands. Moreover, it is not so difficult if you follow a simple instruction.

Before resorting to more complicated methods, you can try to deal with the blockage using a regular plunger. This is a simple household item in the form of a stick and a rubber suction cup at the end (or something similar), in a good way should be in every home.

The drain in the sink is closed with a rubber suction cup, a couple of vigorous pumping movements are made. If it works, the water will funnel down the drain. If not, you need to try again.

work simple laws physics, usually a plunger copes with a blockage. But it happens that you have to clean a deep blockage, and here it is better to use other methods.

How to clean a sink with a rope

A plumbing cable is a wire that is wound into a spiral. One end of the cable looks like a spiral drill, and the other is a handle. In length, the device can reach three meters. You need to act like this:

  1. The end of the cable must be inserted either into the drain or into the outlet sewer pipe, directing the cable precisely in the direction of the potential blockage.
  2. It is easier to work in two pairs of hands: one pushes the cable forward without distraction, and the other, holding the handle, twists the wire around the longitudinal axis. This creates the necessary tension. The cable must be in tension at all times.
  3. When the cable is already near the blockage, you need to make a forward - backward movement, and try to destroy the accumulation of debris.
  4. It remains only to pull out the cable, rinse it and fold it.

At home, it is not difficult to clean the blockage with a cable, however, it is unlikely to be done alone.

Making a cable for an electric drill (video)

Siphon cleaning

This method almost always helps, but it is better to use it if a plunger or cable does not help.

A siphon is a device under the sink, as plumbers call it. Debris accumulates in it, which penetrated further through the drain grate. You can act as follows:

  • A bucket is placed under the sink (so as not to flood the floor with water).
  • Remove the siphon and disassemble it. Plastic siphons are easily removed: the plastic nuts are unscrewed from the top and side of the siphon, the lower part is unscrewed.
  • The siphon is freed from debris, thoroughly cleaned. The water will go down the drain as usual.

When the sink is clogged, the siphon is removed in almost all cases, as this is the surest way.

Cleaning sewer pipes with baking soda

There is also a popular way to clean water pipe- the main component of which is ordinary soda. Three tablespoons of soda are poured into the drain, and then a large amount is released there. hot water. Not cold, not warm, but cold.

There is another option, it can also be used: the same three tablespoons of soda are poured with vinegar (a glass), and after fifteen minutes the drain is washed with hot water. Usually, there is no trace of a blockage in the sink.

And one more recipe that is easy to make at home: you can add washing powder to soda, and then do the same.

Important: do not pour soda with vinegar with water immediately, but wait at least ten minutes. It is impossible to flush the sewer pipe with cold water.

These components help break down fatty plugs, allowing you to deal with clogged pipes in the kitchen with your own hands.

Household chemicals

You can go one more way: buy in the store special means for cleaning sewer pipes. They act simply: the recommended amount of the product is poured into the drain, and then washed with water. A blockage in the kitchen has no chance: it dissolves quickly.

But! These products have a high degree of aggressiveness, the active regents in them sometimes corrode rubber gasket and even deform plastic pipes. That is why the frequent use of household chemicals is unacceptable: it is not recommended to do this more than twice a year. And besides, such chemicals at home do not meet the standards of environmental friendliness and safety for health.

Which is better, plunger or chemistry? (video)

Prevention of clogged sinks

In order not to become a tradition from time to time to deal with plumbing blockages in sewer pipes with your own hands, you can and should adhere to the following rules:

  • Every time, after washing the dishes, it is necessary to carry out preventive cleaning of the siphon. It is not worth disassembling it, just hot water is turned on for half a minute.
  • Boiling water will help prevent clogged sinks and in the following way: once a week, you can pour a sufficiently large container of boiling water into the sink (for example, a five-liter saucepan). After five minutes, you can help drain the plunger. Such washing of sewer pipes with your own hands will not allow a fatty plug to form.

  • Also, once a week, you can carry out the following procedure against blockage in the sink: half of the citric acid mix with part of soda and part of salt. Pour this mixture into the drain, add another part of boiling water. The solution works for five minutes, and then washed off with water.
  • And, of course, do not clog the sink with your own hands - do not throw food leftovers there, use a filter mesh, do preventive flushing of the pipe.

Several ways to eliminate blockage (video)


A woman most often has to deal with a blockage in the sink: and the way to clean the sewer should be simple and convenient for her. Therefore, improvised recipes in the form of vinegar and soda should be ready, and the plunger should always be in place. And if in case of a small accident you can call your husband, then preventive measures they simply will not lead to such an accident, or they will help to successfully cope with the blockage on their own.

To fix a problem such as a clogged sink, it is not always necessary to call a plumber. It is quite possible to clean the drain hole with the means and devices that are in every apartment. You can use chemical methods of cleaning, or you can resort to the help of folk methods.

If the sink is clogged in the kitchen, there is water, the reason is the resulting cork. It periodically occurs in the siphon, drain, pipes. In every home there is a tool that will help eliminate the problem or reduce if the blockage is not related to the human factor, but to objective reasons: old sewer systems. Mechanical methods or folk remedies will completely help to clear the blockage in the sink.

Mechanical methods are more often used by men. The most common is to use a plunger. You can do without it and easily remove the blockage with a cable. If there is nothing at home, it is enough to use a vacuum cleaner.

Folk ways- for women. They use hot water, salt, soda, acetic acid, or use chemicals that are available to absolutely everyone today.

Mechanical methods

In order to mechanically clean the blockage in the sink in the kitchen at home, you need to determine the extent of the problem. Depending on the complexity of the blockage in the sink, men resort to one method or another.

Siphon cleaning

The first way, which is preferable to start troubleshooting, is to clean the siphon.

In almost every kitchen sinks have bottle-type siphons. First, remove everything from under the sink. Then unscrew the large sump cup or remove the siphon by unscrewing the nuts, if it is secured with them. Drain the contents of the siphon into a basin or bucket. Remove dirt and grease from below. Clean the siphon, rinse it thoroughly with detergent, screw it into place.

Using a plunger

This method will only work if the blockage is small, not very tight.

It is necessary to pour hot water into the sink, filling the container halfway. Install the lower part of the plunger on the drain hole. Press vigorously, creating pressure drops. As a result, the cork is pushed out. The water goes down the drain.

If the sink is two-section, two plungers will be required. They are used simultaneously, which significantly increases absorption. If there is no second device, you need to close the second drain with a damp cloth, fix it with your hand.

The use of a plumbing cable

With a strong blockage, it is more correct to use a plumbing cable.

The end of the plumbing cable with a drill is inserted into drain pipe and goes in the direction where the traffic jam has formed. You should constantly carefully scroll it with the handle. As soon as he hits an obstacle, make a few gentle movements back and forth to remove the blockage and break through the plug. As soon as the plumbing cable begins to move freely, it should be carefully removed and washed.

After cleaning with a plunger or a cable, it’s a good idea to blow the drain hole with a vacuum cleaner. It is necessary to insert the hose into the air-blowing hole, turn on the vacuum cleaner and blow out the pipes.

Folk remedies

There are several folk remedies popular among housewives. Traditional tricks will quickly clear blockages in the sink in the kitchen. Or, in case of very strong pollution, they will slightly facilitate the movement of water through the pipes. At least one of the means is always at hand.

The easiest way is hot water. This method is well suited for plastic pipes. It is necessary to turn on the full pressure of hot water for 15-20 minutes. Fat deposits should be washed off.

Baking soda

This product is almost always in the kitchen. Everyone remembers from school chemistry lessons that a soda solution forms an alkaline environment. Alkali is formed when soda is poured into the drain hole and fights very effectively with stagnant blockages.

It is recommended that baking soda (1 tablespoon) be preheated in the oven or in a frying pan for 7-10 minutes, then let it cool. Then gradually add to a glass of water and stir. Pour the resulting solution into the drain hole of the sink, leave for 10 minutes. Then rinse the drain with hot water.

You can just use a lot of soda.

To do this, pour a whole pack into the drain hole and leave for 30 minutes. After that, rinse with hot water.

Soda and acetic acid

Knowledge of the chemical properties of soda and acid makes it possible to productively apply these in the sink.

Baking soda and vinegar can even deal with old fat plugs. The tool is absolutely safe. There are only four steps:

  1. It is necessary to mix a glass of soda and a glass of salt in any container.
  2. Then add two cups of water, mix well.
  3. Pour the mixture into a drain.
  4. Rinse with hot water after 15 minutes.

saline solution

A saturated saline solution will help eliminate fat that has clogged in the pipe. The actions are very simple:

  1. Dissolve 3-4 tablespoons of salt in a glass of water;
  2. Stir;
  3. Pour the solution into the hole in the sink;
  4. Wait 5 minutes;
  5. Rinse with hot water.

A dense plug of fat and food waste can be eliminated by ordinary table salt. It is necessary to pour one large glass of salt into the drain and immediately pour the same amount of water.

Vinegar, baking soda, powder

For the preparation of the cleaning mixture, it is important to observe the proportions.

Step by step:

  1. Mix with 3-5 tablespoons of soda the same amount of washing powder.
  2. Pour the resulting mixture into the hole in the kitchen sink.
  3. Pour in a glass of vinegar.
  4. Leave for 20 minutes.
  5. Rinse thoroughly with hot water.

It is important to remember: you need to use table (9%) vinegar, not acetic acid.

washing powder

Pour granular washing powder (half a regular glass) into the hole. For 5 minutes, pour hot water open at maximum power.

This method is suitable for loose blockage.

Household chemicals

Today, retail chains selling industrial goods offer their customers a huge selection of household chemicals. Including cleaning drains. Produces such drugs chemical industry loose, liquid, in the form of gels. Everyone is able to get suitable remedy by price, properties, method of application.

It is important to remember: when using household chemicals, you must follow all safety measures and apply strictly according to the instructions.

If all the methods have already been used, and the water still remains in the sink or leaves too slowly, the problem is in the sewer system. Only a specialist can deal with this problem.

Blockage Prevention

Twice a month for 20 minutes with hot water or use another folk method, pour special chemicals.

A blockage in the sink is a very unpleasant phenomenon, the cause of which, as a rule, is carelessness when performing simple rules use of plumbing. Everyone knows that food waste cannot be poured into the sink, especially if there is no special trellised plug-liner.

Most often, with such a violation of the rules for using the sink, the drain siphon is clogged - a curved piece of pipe under the sink. However, blockages do occasionally occur. How to solve this problem, you can learn from our article.

The procedure for dealing with blockages

Before clearing the clog in the sink, it is necessary to remove water and all contaminants from it and take the following steps:

  • How to clear a blockage in the sink? Immediately after slowing down the outflow of water from the sink, it is necessary to use means for cleaning. For this purpose, as well as for the prevention of blockages, experts recommend using specially designed for this purpose chemicals widely represented in the trading network.
  • Habitual plunger, as a rule, helps with most cases of blockages and therefore is considered a very popular remedy for restoring the outflow of water. The plunger is a rubber cap equipped with a handle. When using it, due to pressure drops under the cap, the resulting plug in the drain pipe, which caused the blockage, is easily destroyed.

  • An effective way is flushing the siphon and adjacent pipes. It is recommended to use special household chemicals, for example, “Mole” is well suited for metal-plastic and metal pipes, “Tiret”, “Mr. Muscle” for pipes of any type. When using chemicals to ensure safety, you must use protective gloves. The chemically active components of these products dissolve hair, food debris, and also destroy bacteria. Therefore, their use is effective for cleaning pipes and eliminating bad smell from the sink hole.

  • If all the measures taken did not bring the desired result, then the elimination of blockage in the sink provides the use plumbing cable.

Special cases

How to remove fat deposits in the drain siphon

The fat that settles in the drain siphon accumulates over time. In connection with this unfavorable process, the lumen of the pipe narrows, and as a result, its permeability becomes insufficient for the flow of water.

You can clear fat deposits in fairly simple ways:

  • for various pipes except plastic - you need to regularly pour a pot of boiling water into the sink, and also clean the drain with a plunger,
  • if the pipes are plastic, then the washing powder is diluted in moderately hot water (a glass of powder per 5-liter pan), the solution is stirred well and poured into the sink drain in a slow stream (repeat the procedure if necessary).

Pro tip: Grease in the siphon is a common cause of sink clogging, so simply rinsing the siphon for 20 seconds with hot water every time you wash the dishes will effective measure blockage prevention.

How to clean a corrugated drain pipe

On the corrugated surface, the deposition of fat, soap, detergents and various contaminants occurs very intensively. Therefore, corrugated pipes must be periodically cleaned and washed. Otherwise, the risk of clogging becomes very high.

The rules require:

  1. before removing the blockage, it is necessary to unscrew the pipe from the funnel located in the sink;
  2. disconnect the top pipe from the drain into the sewer;
  3. carefully remove the cranked fold (siphon);

  1. stretch the pipe so that all the edges straighten out, and rinse it with water;
  2. a more thorough cleaning of the pipe is carried out as follows:
  • with the help of a piece of cellophane and a rope, one end of the pipe must be closed;
  • pour hot water into the pipe, and close the other end in the same way as the first;
  • taking the pipe with your hands from both ends, carry out circular movements; if you repeat this action several times, the cleansing effect will be much higher;
  1. the siphon is cleaned, as well as the pipe, sometimes the tank is specially cleaned, designed to settle water;
  2. after completion of the cleaning procedure, all parts are tightly screwed.

Do powders with bioadditives help clean drain pipes?

An effective remedy for clogged sinks - washing powders containing biological additives. Among such products, powders "Bio", "Bio-Mig", "Bio-C", "Dosia" are popular. The enzymes contained in these powders provide an effective breakdown of organic contaminants.

In order to qualitatively flush the pipes in the event that the sink is clogged, it is necessary:

  1. before you break the blockage in the sink, you must remove water from it,
  2. pour a hot solution of lye or soda into the drain hole, you can use special effective means"Mole", "Mole-2",
  3. take a break for 1.5-3 hours,
  4. after a break, pour hot water into the drain hole,
  5. clean the drain with a plunger.

When cleaning blockages, plumbers prefer a flexible cable

How to remove the blockage if flushing the pipes does not help? Plumbers in such cases use a three-meter flexible cable. Thanks to the lancet nozzle, when screwing into the drain pipe, the clogged area is destroyed. After it was possible to clean the blockage, it is necessary to flush the pipe with a large volume of hot alkaline solution.

Pro tip: A metal cable must be used carefully, as it can damage the surface of the pipe, especially if the communications are old and have not been changed for a long time.

Every modern adult should know how to clean the sink from blockage so that such a nuisance does not create unnecessary problems. The use of preventive measures with the use of effective chemicals largely solve this problem. However, often the problem can be quite serious and it will not be possible to cope with it on your own. In this case, it is better to invite specialists and, perhaps, think about the need to replace sewer pipes.


The formation of blockage in the kitchen sink occurs in every housewife. To do this, it is enough to miss a small piece of potato peel or a sprig of greens into the drain. As a result, you have to decide how to clean the sink at home faster, since it is needed for cooking and washing dishes.

In order not to have to eliminate the blockage in an emergency and invite plumbers to help, you must adhere to the rules for using plumbing and purchase a high-quality sink and accessories for it.

When the drain is clogged, it gives the hostess a lot of problems that can be quickly solved if you know how to clean the sink with soda or others. accessible way.

Why is the sink clogged

Before proceeding with measures to eliminate blockage, it is necessary to deal with the siphon device. Usually, after cleaning it, it is possible to eliminate the obstruction of waste water through the drain. As a rule, bottle siphons are installed, which are made with a diameter of 32 or 40 millimeters. What these products look like can be seen in the photo. Practice shows that siphons of 32 mm diameter become clogged faster.

All used in residential buildings and apartments siphons can be divided into several types:

  • bottle - such products have a removable part that looks like the bottom of a bottle. You don't need to open it special devices. It is not difficult to eliminate a blockage in such a siphon (more details: "");
  • pipe - these products are curved tubes;
  • corrugated - these siphons can be bent in different ways, so they are installed in the most non-standard places. Especially often they are mounted in apartments with a small area;
  • hidden - they are placed in a box;
  • with overflow - this siphon requires a special sink, which has a hole for draining excess water;
  • with a double or tee - such products are in great demand, since they are intended for connecting several household appliances at the same time, for example, washing and dishwashers;
  • flat - they are mounted when they are going to place a large-sized apparatus under the sink, which can be, for example, a mini washing machine. And although these siphons are rarely installed, they are convenient, as they take up little space.

How to clean the sink at home

There are many ways to clean the sink at home:
  • chemical;
  • mechanical;
  • folk.

You can use one of them, or several at once.

Chemical methods . How to clean the siphon in the sink and pipes using a chemical method? To do this, you need to purchase special preparations that are available in the distribution network - acids, alkalis, powders, gels and liquids. For example, Mole, Mister Muscle, Tiret - they contain sodium hydroxide. First you should read the instructions on the label of the drug. The product is usually poured into the drain of the sink for about 30 minutes and then washed off with a large volume of hot water.

During chemical reaction a large amount of heat can be released, which can damage cheap plumbing and aluminum products. In no case should you bend down to the drain hole if gurgling sounds are heard from it, as this is extremely dangerous.

Mechanical methods. The simplest of them is the one that is performed using a plunger. This tool is so common that it is available in almost every household. It allows you to clean all simple blockages, if they are formed from fat deposits, small particles of dirt or debris.

To fix a fluid drain problem:

  • the kitchen sink is about a third filled with hot water;
  • vigorously use the plunger to create the desired pressure. The principle of performing movements is similar to how air is pumped with a tire pump.
True, the plunger is unable to cope with a strong blockage. In the event of the formation of serious pollution, a plumbing cable with a length of 3 meters can help out the owners. At one end there is a handle, and at the other end there is a pointed nozzle, with the help of which the cork is gradually destroyed and broken. If the pipes in the house are more than a dozen years old, then you should act carefully so as not to damage them. You can not use a cable if the siphon is plastic, chrome or brass.

Folk ways. In practice, the following methods of dealing with blockages in sinks, which have been used for decades, have proven themselves well:

  • the use of a strong saline solution - it is poured into the drain and thereby eliminates the fatty plug. After the composition is filled, use the plunger as described earlier. To make it fit snugly against the hole, it is advisable to grease its edges with cream;
  • dirt can be blown out using the appropriate function of a powerful vacuum cleaner. But this method will help only in a simple case;
  • also helps a lot baking soda. Due to its alkaline reaction, it cleans drains well. The solution is prepared from 150 grams of soda and 200 milliliters of water. First, for 15 minutes, the soda is calcined for cast iron pan and let cool. Then add a glass of water and stir;
  • You can also clean the sink with baking soda and vinegar. To do this, pour a few tablespoons of soda into the drain and pour a glass of vinegar. After completion of the chemical reaction, the drain is washed with a large amount of well-heated water.

Knowing how to clean the sink with soda and vinegar, saline or soda solution helps to get rid of fatty deposits in sewer pipes in the kitchen (read: ""). Cleaning is considered complete if the water goes into the drain with noise and a funnel forms.

Blockage Prevention Measures

To reduce the chance of a blockage in the sink, it is necessary to thoroughly clean the dishes from various remnants food before it is placed in the kitchen sink. You can also install a plastic or metal mesh catcher on the hole. Many sinks made of metal are sold already equipped with protective products.
There is a relatively new mechanical way how to clean the sink without a plunger and a plumbing cable is the constant use of a grinder. This device operates on the principle of grinding food waste that accidentally fell into the kitchen sink.

After the remains of the products washed away with water enter the grinder, they are ground into the smallest fractions without knives and blades and merge into the sewer network. To clear blockages in kitchen sinks a device such as a grinder is indispensable for effective solution this problem at home.

Using this grinder provides a number of advantages:
  1. A food waste recycling device helps to get rid of unpleasant odors. Cleaning of pipes and siphons is required much less frequently.
  2. The chopper is a reliable and versatile device that can chop not only the remains of vegetables and fruits, but also, for example, chicken bones.
  3. During operation, the device does not make noise.
  4. Saves time spent on cleaning the sink from the peel, food debris and bones that have collected in it.
  5. Maintenance and care of the grinder consists in rinsing the device with cold water.
  6. The siphon does not clog.
  7. The hygiene of the device is achieved by eliminating the source of germs and bacteria that live in the collected garbage.
  8. Takes up little space under the sink.
Among the disadvantages can be called a limitation on the diameter of the drain hole. The fact is that the chopper is not suitable for all kitchen sinks.

The best solution The problem with clearing blockages is preventing them from forming.