How to make a slide for a playground. Children's wooden slide for giving - instructions for making your own hands

  • 15.06.2019

Parents who have small children often have to visit playgrounds so that the child swings, plays in the sandbox, and rides down the hill. But adults do not always have enough time for such events, especially if the site is far away. Having your own plot, you can make such entertainment for a child at home. This will solve many problems of parents, and the child will always play under supervision. Today we will talk about how to make a children's slide with your own hands from improvised materials.

A metal slide is a common building from Soviet times. It was installed on the playground along with the sandbox. Metal is the strongest and durable material. But under the influence of external negative factors, it undergoes corrosion, so it is better to use stainless steel or galvanized metal for the manufacture of slides. At self-manufacturing slides at home must have a drawing at hand.

From materials and tools you will need:

  • metal pipes with a diameter of 15-25 mm, rods;
  • corners with a section of 50x50 mm, 20x20 mm;
  • sheet iron with galvanized coating;
  • multi-colored paints, cement, crushed stone;
  • welding machine, grinder, crowbar, hammer.

Having prepared necessary materials, at the site of the future installation, proceed to the manufacture of the structure according to the drawing:

  1. Start manufacturing with a frame. For the upper platform, weld a square measuring 1.5 x 1.5 m from the corner. Place stiffeners crosswise inside it. Weld on top of the square to the corners a metal sheet not less than 1 mm thick of the same size. If possible, use corrugated iron, it will give stability, and the child will not slip on the playground.
  2. Weld the finished platform to the racks. For their manufacture, you need a pipe with a diameter of 25 mm and a length of 3 m. To the ends of the racks, the lower part of which will be concreted, weld the heels from any metal scraps.
  3. Under the welded frame, mark and dig 4 holes about 1 m deep with a drill. Tamp the bottom with small stones or rubble. Lower the frame racks into the pits, aligning the structure with a plumb line. Knead cement mortar with rubble and fill in the holes. After about a week, the solution will completely harden and you can continue building.
  4. From a 20 mm pipe for stability, cross-weld the frame strapping between the uprights. From the edge of the platform down to the ground at an angle of 45 °, weld a descent from 2 corners with a section of 50x50 mm parallel to each other. Across the corners, weld strips for steps from corners with a section of 20x20 mm at a distance of 20 cm from each other. Sew up the plane of the steps wooden planks or corrugated iron.
  5. On both sides of the stepped descent, weld handrails from 15 mm pipe. Sew up the openings between the handrails and the descent with a metal mesh or thin rods.
  6. The chute is made from 2 pipes with a diameter of 20 mm. Bend the lower part of the pipes with a pipe bender or by heating with a cutter. You should get a design from a steep descent, smoothly turning into a horizontal plane. Weld the upper part of the gutter to the other edge of the site. Fix stiffeners between the pipes of the gutter. From above, weld galvanized sheet metal with a thickness of at least 1 mm. If it is not possible to make a descent from solid galvanization, then weld smaller sheets with an overlap along the descent.
  7. Curve the sides of the gutter fence from a 15 mm pipe. They need to be welded parallel to the bottom at a height of 30 cm, and the sides are sewn up with galvanized sheet metal. In several places, weld supports for the gutter from any remnants of the pipes.
  8. The metal structure is ready. It remains to process it with a grinder to eliminate all sharp protrusions. The design can be decorated with multi-colored paints to make it attractive to the child. The bottom of the descent does not need to be painted, otherwise the coating will reduce slip.

Wood slide

Wooden slides at home are easier to make on your own, you don’t need to welding work. Wooden structures are less durable than metal ones, but a beautiful playground with a sandbox, a house, rope ladders and other equipment can be made from wood. For do-it-yourself construction, it is better to use coniferous wood. From materials and tools you will need:

  • 4 beams with a section of 100 x 100 mm, timber with a section of 50 x 50 mm, edged board with a section of 25 x 150 mm;
  • galvanized iron 1 mm thick or linoleum;
  • self-tapping screws, nails, antiseptic, varnish or multi-colored paints;
  • cement, crushed stone;
  • electric planer, grinder, screwdriver, hammer, sandpaper.

Work, as always, start with drawing up a design drawing. Decide whether there will be a slide with or without a house, and draw a diagram of it. This will make it possible to calculate the consumption of material, as well as facilitate further construction.

Everything is ready, you can start carpentry work:

From the remnants of the material, make wooden benches or a sandbox near the slide. They will decorate the playground, bringing joy to children.

Plastic slides

Do it yourself plastic construction will not succeed, it is only bought in the store. Such slides are produced in one piece and collapsible. The owner can only install a slide on the site. Collapsible models are better suited for giving. They are easy to disassemble for storage. winter period. This will prevent theft and vandalism at a time when the cottages are left unattended by the owners.

V plastic models use different gutters, which is very popular with children. They are screw, tubular, straight and other shapes. If the child still wants an unusual descent, and the parents do not have enough money to buy, you can do it for a summer residence or at home combined option slides. The fact is that the gutters are sold separately. They are also made in any shape to order. You will only have to make metal or wooden frame and attach a plastic trigger to it.

A playground built independently for a summer residence or at home will decorate the yard, provide children with entertainment in the summer.

In contact with

For many parents, the purchase of a gaming complex for a summer residence is an unaffordable luxury. However, you can make a full-fledged playground with a slide, stairs, a balcony, a rope, a manhole and a swing with your own hands. The following guide will help you with this. It contains many detailed photographs, so there will be no problems with the manufacture of structural elements and their installation.

To begin with, we purchase the material we need - boards 15x2 cm and 5x2 cm and timber with sections of 10x5 cm, 10x10 cm and 5x5 cm.

We prepare the following tools:

  • electric drill;
  • electric jigsaw;
  • grinder;
  • hammer;
  • roulette;
  • level.

In the process of work, you may need some additional little things like a screwdriver, knife, etc.

We make supports

Pre-prepare the project of the future complex. Please indicate on the drawing what you want. dimensions each element of the system. Consider the size of the existing construction site.

  • we cut the timber into pieces for arranging support posts and crossbeams;
  • grinding wooden elements;
  • impregnate sanded wood.

The average length of the supports is 900-1150 mm. About 80-100 cm of each support will be dug into the ground, about 10-15 cm will remain above the ground.

We lay out the supporting elements on the site in accordance with the project and form a frame - two side parts of our future complex. For connection we use screws with a diameter of 8-10 mm. We melt them into wood. The holes are closed with plugs.

We expose the sides on supports, fixing them in previously prepared recesses. At this stage, we enlist the help of 1-3 people. The sides are set according to the level. Previously, it is recommended to lay bricks under the bottom of each support for better stability of the site. We cover the installed supports with crushed stone by 10-15 cm and fill it with concrete mix.

We connect the exposed supports with transverse beams. We leave the fill to gain strength.

Making a ladder

While the concrete hardens, we are engaged in the arrangement of the stairs. We cut the beam to the desired length. The design of the stairs is extremely simple: 2 stringers and steps. We make the steps not too high - the playground is still for children.

We tighten the stringers with the help of hairpins. We fix the steps in the recesses and additionally fix them with self-tapping screws.

We dig in the support pillars for the future stairs. We maintain the desired slope. Let's make it not too cool. The arrangement of supports remains the same as in the previous section.

Let's try a ladder. We set it according to the level, attach it to the base and fill the supports with concrete. We paint the stairs.

Next, we make railings. To do this, we expose the vertical racks from the timber, fasten them to the stairs, and then fix the handrails. We make the upper handrail from a board and fasten it at a height of about 90 cm, we fix the second handrail approximately in the middle between the upper railing and the stairs. For its manufacture, we can use a beam of 5x5 cm, 5x2 cm or another similar section.

We make a slide

What is a playground without a slide? Let's make it too! We will not spend money on a ready-made plastic descent. We won't mess with metal either. Let's make a slide out of wood!

First we will assemble the slide and then attach it to the base. Recommendations for laying the floor will be given below.

For the manufacture of the structure, we need the following material:

  • timber with dimensions of 70x10x5 cm - 2 pieces;
  • boards 220x15x2 cm - 5 pieces;
  • timber 45x10x5 cm - 5 pieces.

From three boards we will make the base for the descent. We cut the boards to the same thickness and carefully grind. After that, directly on the surface we fasten the boards with the bars. We fasten from above - so we can pull the boards to the timber as efficiently as possible. Fasteners are recessed into the wood. We cover the recesses for wood processing. Let it dry, and then once again carefully grind the entire hill - it should be as smooth as possible.

Made the base. Let's start making the side pieces. Determine the angle of descent. The top floor of our playground will be at a height of 130 cm. Therefore, the descent angle will be about 55 degrees.

We grind the sidewalls, getting rid of sharp corners. Additionally, we round the boards along the length so that it is more convenient for the kids to hold on to the sidewalls while going down the hill.

It remains only to paint the product. You can cover it with stain, and then with varnish.

Now we need to install the finished slide. To do this, we concrete supports made of timber in pre-dug pits. Suitable material with dimensions of 70x10x5 cm. We pre-impregnate the wood with an antiseptic.

We connect the base of the slide with the support posts and the game complex using screws.

Making the floor and railings

We lay out the floor of our play complex from boards 15x2.5 cm. The total length of the floor is approximately 2.5 m. Before laying the floor, we attach stiffeners to the frame of the complex. For their manufacture, a beam of 5x10 cm is suitable.

At the same stage, we construct a vertical ladder from the end. To assemble it, we use 2x5 cm planks. At the end of the work, we will hang a rope near this ladder. Recommendations for the arrangement of railings have already been given earlier. We follow them. From the side of the steps, instead of the railings from the boards, we mount a 5x10 timber for arranging the manhole.

At this stage, we will assemble and install the support structure for the swing and equip the manhole. We make the support of the upper beam crosswise - it is more stable. We first make a selection for convenient joining of the bars and additionally tighten them with bolts. On top of the supports we lay and press the cross beam with a clamp. We fasten it to the support.

We dig holes for racks. We install supports in them, carefully checking each level. At the same stage, we fasten spacers to the uprights - they will not allow the supports to move during the hardening of concrete. We fill the pits with racks with a small layer of gravel and concrete.

Pits for racks

While the concrete pour is gaining strength, we make a manhole. We make the slope almost vertical. We arrange steps and cutouts at our discretion. Holes are cut with a jigsaw. We make the manhole itself from OSB and fasten it to a frame of 5x5 cm timber and 5x2 cm crossbars.

On the top floor we equip a balcony. To do this, we lay and fix the crossbars, lay the floor and build a roof up to the length of the stairs. From the side of the hill we fix a wall of OSB sheet. To make it more beautiful, cut out a small window in it. We make railings on the balcony.

We grind all the wooden elements installed at this stage. Sharp corners and ends are rounded off. We cover everything with varnish.

We attach protrusions to the manhole. In a convenient place we tie a rope.

Few parents know how to make a slide for children with their own hands, but you really want to please the child, diversify his leisure time both in the city yard and in the country.

For the construction of a children's slide, you need to use environmentally friendly materials that will be harmless to children's health.

There are no children in the world who do not like to ride downhill, and they do it at any time of the year: on slopes, sleds, packs, or just on a soft fifth point.

Often, slides located on playgrounds have long been broken, and parents do not allow children to go to them, as they are worried about their life and health. But the child cannot be limited in movement, he must move and develop, so the best option is to make a slide with your own hands. You can involve children in this process and, together at your leisure, build any kind of slide, which in the future will delight both parents and their child and his friends.

The ice slide is simple in design and execution.

As with any construction, there are several stages of work on the slide:

  1. First, it is important to think over the idea of ​​the structure itself. Choose a place for the slide, since it can be located both in the country house and in the city yard; it can be made from wood, metal, plastic or ice.
  2. Secondly, for the further construction of the slide, it is desirable to draw up diagrams of the future structure. The drawings will help in the subsequent stages in order to determine what material will be needed, how much it will be needed, and also to assess the scope of the work ahead.
  3. Purchase of the necessary consumables, preparation of tools.
  4. Assembly of the slide, installation and strength test. You need to check the slide, because, without specialized skills, you can easily make a mistake in the calculations and during assembly, which can lead to injury to children.

Options for slides for children: in the yard or in the country

Alone in the city yard or on suburban area You can build several types of slides:

  1. Icy. The slide is short-lived, but in winter it is simply irreplaceable. Indeed, during the winter holidays, children do not have so much entertainment, but they have enough free time. At the same time, it is simple in design and execution, takes up little space, which, with the onset of heat, will be freed up for further use by appointment.
  2. Wooden. A durable and fairly safe structure that you can do yourself with a minimum of money spent and Supplies. At the same time, such a slide can serve for a long time, delighting both children and their friends.

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How is an ice slide made?

As soon as winter comes, the first snow falls, children run out into the yards in droves and spend all their free time there, riding on any slopes. At the same time, you can build a safe, durable ice slide, which is simply not more economical. For such a slide, you will need a minimum set of consumables and tools that can be found in any apartment:

After the base of the slide is formed, you need to fill it with water.

  • shovel;
  • metal spatula or scoop;
  • several buckets;
  • water;
  • sand.

The ice slide is made in several stages, in each you can involve a child who will directly take part in this exciting process:

  1. First of all, you need to choose a place down the hill. It is important to consider that the slide should be placed in safe place, the descent should not end at the roadways or next to the wall of the house or the fence, as this is traumatic. The slide should be placed in a well-lit place, away from car parking, it is ideal if such a slide can be built on suburban area next to the house.
  2. With a shovel, together with the child, you need to form the base of the slide from the snow and fill it with water, it is best to do this with a spray bottle, but you can also simply pour non-hot water from the bucket and let it freeze well.
  3. After glaciation, you need to form the upper part of the hill and the descent from the snow. Well, if the latter is not cool and long. Then again fill the resulting structure with water. To give the slide additional strength, you can repeat this procedure until the ice has a stable and safe shape. It is important to ensure that the water is evenly distributed over the surface of the slide.
  4. At the last stage, with a spatula, all protrusions and irregularities must be removed from the surface of the descent, and with reverse side from the descent into the hill, again, with a spatula, cut steps into the step of the child, which it is advisable to sprinkle with sand to provide additional security.

There is only one drawback of such a slide - its seasonality, which is successfully compensated by the happy time spent on it by the child and his friends.

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wooden slide

Wood is a fairly common material for the manufacture of playground elements, swings, carousels and slides.

In order to make a wooden slide, you will need more money, effort and at least minimal skills in carpentry. The scheme is very simple:

  • slide base;
  • descent;
  • stairs.

For work you will need:

  • board (5x14x60 cm) - 8 pcs.;
  • timber (10x10x60 cm) - 4 pcs. and another one with dimensions of 50x50x80 cm;
  • two sheets of moisture-resistant plywood (150x150x12 cm);
  • round rail (30x120 cm) - 2 pcs.;
  • drill, screwdriver and screws;
  • garden drill or shovel;
  • stain and varnish or you can use paint.

Before proceeding with the assembly of such a slide, you need to saw all the wooden parts according to the scheme, sand the timber and boards, remove sharp corners. This work takes place in several stages:

  1. Marking the territory, drilling holes in the ground to install the base from the timber. To make the slide a more durable structure, it is better to concrete the timber in the ground.
  2. With a saw or a milling cutter, grooves are made on the upper parts of the racks to strengthen the planed boards, and the supports must be connected to each other with self-tapping screws. The rigidity of the structure is provided by transverse bars, and they will also play the role of a protective barrier, sides.
  3. Two beams are attached to the extruded frame, and already they will need to attach a ladder and a slope to them.
  4. The floor is made of boards. You need to screw it with self-tapping screws for greater fixation. It is better to lay the boards not tightly, but to leave small gaps, this will help to remove excess moisture after snow or rain.
  5. The ends of the boards are cut at an angle of approximately 45 ° and attached to the uprights. These will be the sides of the stairs, to which you need to attach boards horizontally at an equal distance - these are the future steps of the slide. Their step is calculated separately, you should not make it very large, as this will be inconvenient for children, but too small is not recommended. The descent of the slide is done similarly to the stairs, only instead of boards it is formed from sheets of plywood, tightly fitted and reinforced from below wooden slats with mandatory fixation with screws.
  6. At the last stage, the decorative processing slides. You can cover it with varnish or paint - it already depends on the desire and availability of materials. But it is important to process all wooden and plywood parts in order to protect the slide from the effects of precipitation and extend its life.

The children's slide is one of the favorite entertainment for kids, and parents are also not averse to sliding down it. Before, every playground had metal structure, today it is a bright and colorful design made of wood or plastic.

Today, a children's slide can be purchased at a specialized store and it will no longer be just a structure with steps and a descent, but a whole play complex. Of course, not every family can afford to buy such entertainment. But if you want to please your child, then you can make a children's slide with your own hands.

When buying a ready-made slide in a store, there is not always confidence in the quality of the product, but if you do it yourself, you can slowly foresee all the nuances of safety and minimal cost get a safe and high-quality design.

The first thing to worry about is the safety of the child. All equipment used in playgrounds must comply with GOST. For example, a slide should be equipped with railings and sides of such a height that the child cannot fall out or get stuck during the game. The lower part of the descent should have a smooth rounding with a radius of at least 5 cm at a height of 20-30 cm from the ground.

Near it there should not be electric lighting devices, household buildings, trees, etc. The child is not recommended to spend a lot of time in the sun, so at least part of the structure should be in the shade.

It must have the following characteristics:

  1. strength;
  2. stability;
  3. functionality;
  4. attractive appearance.

The structure must be well fixed, you can concrete or use metal supports. All parts must be sanded and varnished. The size of the structure should correspond to the age of the child, for younger children school age height should not exceed 3.5 meters.


For the construction of a children's slide, it is necessary to use environmentally friendly materials. Most often, such structures are made of wood or metal.

The installation process will be different depending on the material chosen. Wood and metal have their own characteristics, which you need to know and take into account even at the selection stage.

Children's slide made of metal

To build a metal slide, you need electric welding and skills to work with it. It is also worth considering that the metal heats up during welding and can be deformed.

Therefore, the end result, without at least a minimum knowledge of working with metal, may not meet expectations. But despite this, the metal structure has such advantages as:

  • durability;
  • strength;
  • reliability.

However, do not forget about the shortcomings. The main disadvantage of a metal slide is that it heats up in the sun and the child can get burned. Therefore, such a structure will have to be placed on the shaded side of the garden plot.

And one more minus - if a metal slide is installed in the country, then there is a high probability that the ubiquitous scrap metal collectors will drag it away.

wooden slide

One of the advantages wooden structure is the ease of installation. It does not require special and expensive tools to work. Main tool kit:

  1. jigsaw;
  2. drill;
  3. grinder and nozzles for it;
  4. hammer.

Anyone can use this tool. Wood has practically no disadvantages, and those that can be found are easy to fix. For example, to protect against moisture, it is enough to process it by special means and varnish.

The choice of material is up to you. And if you are the first to make such a design and have never worked with welding, choose a tree.

Construction process

The first step is to make a drawing. You can use a ready-made layout or come up with your own. Then, in accordance with the drawing, prepare the material: cut the timber to size, sand and plan the logs and boards. On all structural details, it is necessary to chamfer the corners so that the child is not injured.

Then a territory of 2 × 2 m is marked out, and more if possible, and in the future it is planned to create a playground. With a garden drill, recesses 60 cm deep are made in the ground. The pillars coated with waterproofing material are installed in prepared pits and concreted.

In the upper part of the bars, with a hacksaw or a milling cutter, grooves are cut into which the planks are inserted. The slats are fastened with self-tapping screws and perform two functions:

  1. strapping - the structure becomes stable and more rigid;
  2. fence - ensure the safety of the child on the hill.

Now you need to attach two more planks to the bars, a ramp will be attached to one, and a ladder to the other. On these strips, the floor from the boards is fixed with self-tapping screws.

For a slide, it is made of two boards, the ends of each board must be cut at an angle of 45º. Prepared boards are attached to the platform and racks. Then they are fixed at regular intervals with bars, on which the steps are laid. After that, balusters (vertical bars) and railings (horizontal bars) are installed on the stairs.

After the stairs, the descent is made. The manufacturing technology of the descent is similar to the manufacture of stairs. The only difference is that plywood is attached to the side boards, and fences are made on the sides.

The fence should rise at least 10 cm above the plywood, this will not allow children to fly out of it. All connection points wooden parts additionally fastened with corners.

When the slide is fully assembled, they start grinding and painting. All elements are deburred with a grinder, and sharp corners are ground.

Now you can apply to wooden surfaces varnish or paint. In order to make the sliding better, you can additionally fix a sheet of tin on the descent.

On this, the construction of a children's wooden slide is completed and your children will have a place to have fun, and you will enjoy children's laughter.

One of the main rules to remember during installation is that all stages of construction must be carried out with high quality, the safety of your child will depend on this.

There is a lot of space on your suburban area, but there is nothing special for the kids to do? That's not the point. If not a playground, then at first do-it-yourself slide for a child must be built. And this is within the power of any dad who knows how to hold the instrument in his hands.

What should be a slide for a child?

First of all, a do-it-yourself slide for a child should be safe. Take care of the stability of the structure. Several children can climb the hill at once, and the structure needs to support their weight without staggering.

No sharp corners, protruding fasteners, roughness, gaps that can hurt you - this should be taken very seriously. The surface of the descent must be especially smooth.

Be sure to make the sides along the edges of the gutter, the parapet at the top and the railing on the stairs.

Think about where the child will land when sliding down the hill - it is better if it is sand, a lawn densely overgrown with grass, you can even lay mats for kids to make them comfortable and safe.

What is the preferred material to use? First of all, harmless to baby, best quality wood. We will consider a design option made of wooden building materials, and the slope can be finished with plastic or metal coating.

Slide for a child - stages of construction

So, the task for dad or grandfather is clear - a do-it-yourself slide for a child. Where to begin? First of all, decide on a place for the structure and its design, select materials and tools.

The place where the slide will be located should be clearly visible so that you can always see how your children ride and play.

It is good if during the hot hours a shadow falls on the hill from nearby trees. Do not place the structure near outbuildings and a garage.

Installation of supports

In order for a do-it-yourself slide for a child to be reliable, it is important to install stable supports.

Level the area downhill, mark it in the form of a square or rectangle. Using a garden drill, make indentations (optimally from 40 to 60 centimeters). Before installing the support bars, grease their ends with mastic. Concrete the installation site.

Using a level, level the supports and fasten at an average height of 1.3-1.5 meters with the help of transverse beams, which are tightened with anchor bolts.

Escapement manufacturing

From the transverse beams, make a slope, the bottom of which must be driven into the ground and fixed with metal brackets. The width of the slope is from 60 to 80 centimeters, and the angle of inclination is 55º.

Close it with boards, build sides on the side, the height of which should be at least 30 centimeters. The finished ramp frame can be sanded and painted. And if you want a different coating, then sheets of plastic, galvanized steel, plywood, linoleum will do.

The slope will turn out to be more slippery, and the do-it-yourself slide will delight the child.

Construction of stairs

In order for the staircase to be reliable, it is important to properly build stringers. A transverse beam or edged 50 mm board is suitable for this.

Fasten the boards folded flat with self-tapping screws. Using hand saw, make cuts under the steps according to the marked marks. Insert and fasten the steps of the ladder, tighten the stringers with anchor bolts with locknuts.

The angle of inclination of the stairs depends on the age of the child. Older children are not afraid of steeper climbs. But in any case, the railing on the ladder is required.

Mounting the top platform

The flooring of the top is made of timber (the so-called stiffeners), which should be laid out parallel to each other and attached to the frame of the structure, and lay out the boards on top. A gap of 5 mm should be left between them so that water drains during rain.

Be sure to make a parapet on top platform from the slats and sheathe it with plywood. Adjust the height of the fence depending on the height of the child.

Each structural element must be securely fastened so that the do-it-yourself slide for a child is safe and durable.
In this video, the author will share his experience of building a children's slide with his own hands:

Take it, tell your friends!

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