How can wood be treated after fire protection. Proper fire protection of wooden structures

  • 29.08.2019

If you decide to build a house with your own hands, then you need to think in advance how to process wood. Many remember this when, after a few years, they begin to notice traces of the hard work of wood-boring bugs or become eyewitnesses of how their creation turns into ashes, eaten by flames.

But all this can be avoided if you think in advance how best to protect the wood from all factors. Currently, there are such means, for example, fire protection for wood. Let's see what kind of composition it is, what it is used for and what advantages it has.

What is fire protection?

Experts who study the properties of wood believe that it is best to use protection that will protect against the effects of several negative factors. Such compositions are now commercially available - this is the so-called (fire bioprotection), which performs several tasks at once:

It should be noted that the treatment of wood with bioprotection is not able to protect 100%, but even such an effect significantly prolongs the life of a wooden structure.

Type of fire protection

To reliably protect wood from the effects of negative external factors, it is not enough to know the rules for choosing compositions. Knowledge of the properties and features of use is of great importance. Fire bioprotection for wood is available in two forms:

The difference between them lies in the aesthetic quality of the treated wood surface. If impregnation is used, then it practically does not change the texture of the wood and its smell, but the coating in the form of a paste or putty worsens appearance and gives it a certain smell. Because of this, most often such compounds are used in places that will be subjected to additional finishing.

Fire bioprotection for wood is distinguished by its ability to dissolve, therefore, they distinguish:

  • Water soluble.
  • organically soluble.

Varieties: the basis of the composition

If we consider the chemical formulas of fire bioprotection, then the division is as follows:

  • Salt.
  • Non-salt.

The second variety began to be used much earlier. It is based on salts of coal, phosphoric and boric acid. It has some advantages:

  • Does not change the appearance of the tree.
  • Provides reliable adhesion to wood fibers.
  • Has a high degree of protection.
  • It is possible to paint on top.
  • The properties of such a composition retains more than 10 years.

Many people believe that this is the best fire protection for wood, since it does not have toxic properties and is completely safe for humans.

Salt formulations have a lower cost, but have their drawbacks:

  • The shelf life is short.
  • Not a very high level of protection.
  • Required a large number of composition for surface treatment.
  • There is no possibility to color.
  • Easily washed out with water.

All these disadvantages force the use of such a composition indoors.

Fire protection resists fire

If we consider such an ability of fire bioprotection as resistance to fire, then such compositions are divided into two groups:

Processing nature

Different fire protection for wood implies a different nature of processing.

  1. Consistent protection is the impregnation of wood with fire retardants, and only then with antiseptic compounds.
  2. Combined processing is new method, which allows you to reduce time and increase efficiency, since the tree is immediately impregnated with protection, which acts in combination.

It should also be noted that now manufacturers are producing compounds that not only protect the tree from negative effects, but also extend the service life and more. long time retain an attractive appearance. For example, fire and bioprotection of wood "Senezh" meets all the requirements of sanitation and ecology, therefore it can be used for any wooden structures both indoors and outdoors.

The need for comprehensive fire protection

There are situations when it is simply necessary to use compounds with a complex effect. Such protection is required:

Comprehensive fire and bioprotection for wood, reviews confirm this, reduces the risk of ignition several times. Even in the event of a fire, the active substances of the protective composition greatly slow down this process. Buyers claim that protective impregnation can extend the life of an object by more than 20 years.

The effectiveness of protective compounds

If, when choosing a protective composition, the question is which fire protection for wood is better, then the first thing to pay attention to is the efficiency group, it must be indicated on the label.

Depending on the purpose of use, it is worth choosing between the first group and the second. If it is necessary to make wood difficult to ignite, then you can choose class 2, drugs of the first class will make the tree difficult to burn.

By the way, if you choose means for impregnating wooden structures inside the building, then fire regulations allow only the first class to be used.

If there is a composition of the second group, then by applying several layers, it is possible to increase the degree of protection and obtain fire resistance at the level of 1 group. You can do the opposite, if instead of two layers you apply one layer of class 1 impregnation, then we get the 2nd fire resistance group of the tree.

This fact must be taken into account in order for fire protection to give the desired effect.

How to calculate the amount of fire protection?

If we consider an economic indicator, then it is important to take into account the consumption of impregnation per square meter. This fact will affect the total cost of the composition required for processing.

For example, if you use the Senezh salt composition, then about 600 g of impregnation will be required per square meter to apply 6 layers, then protection class 1 will be achieved.

Non-salt impregnation of an expensive brand will provide reliable protection at a consumption of only 250 grams per square meter.

When buying, it is also worth considering how deep the impregnation can penetrate. There are two categories of compounds:

  • Surface, the composition penetrates no more than 6 mm.
  • Deep penetration impregnation will protect the wood to a depth of more than 12 mm.

If we talk about ease of use, then surface impregnation wins here, since it can be applied with any tool, it does not affect the strength of the tree. The appearance of wooden structures will depend on the coloring ability of the composition. It is better to choose colorless, then the aesthetic characteristics of the tree will not suffer.

Application of fire protection

In order for the protection to give the desired effect, it is necessary to follow a number of recommendations for its application:

If you follow all the rules of application, then wooden structures will be protected reliably and for a long time.

It is also necessary to correctly apply the compositions to wooden structures. Usually sprayers, rollers or brushes are used for these purposes. To enhance protection, apply several layers with an interval of 30 minutes. The desired effect will not work if the tree was previously treated with water-repellent or film-forming compounds.

Famous brands of fire protection

When choosing fire bioprotection for a tree, you should not focus only on the brand name. This does not always guarantee excellent quality and reliable protection. The manufacturing technology of such compounds is almost the same for all manufacturers, but the quality may suffer due to the use of low-quality components.

Salt impregnations include the following well-known brands:

Their cost is low, up to about 70 rubles per kilogram.

  • Impregnation of the second generation "Pirilaks";
  • "Neomid".

Their price is already much higher and reaches 320 rubles per kilogram.

Where can fire protection be used?

Antiseptic, fire and bioprotection of wood can be used to process only objects under construction, it is also possible to impregnate wooden structures that have previously been subjected to antiseptic treatment.

Modern compositions will not only protect the tree from mold fungi, wood-boring beetles, but also allow it to maintain an attractive appearance for a long time, protecting it from cracking.

There are currently good opportunity, building his own house, will make sure that the wooden structures are not damaged by bugs, mold and remain attractive for a long time. It is only necessary to purchase the necessary impregnation and carefully process the material.

Evgeny Sedov

When hands grow from the right place, life is more fun :)


To protect the load-bearing structural elements of the house, made of flammable materials, from the likely risks of damage in the event of a dangerous situation, use special means(I and II groups according to the degree of fire protection efficiency). They are part of a set of measures to ensure the fire safety of the facility.

What is fire protection for wood

This is a product of a certain composition, the use of which reduces the likelihood of instantaneous ignition of an object, slows down the rate of spread of fire. Another name is flame retardants for wood. Protective substances process a certain type of material, i.e. they are highly specialized. Application must be carried out prior to construction. It is necessary to treat with fire bioprotection not only the elements of the frame of the house, but also scaffolding, scaffolding and other auxiliary structures, if they are made of wood.

How wood fire protection works

The fire-fighting substance has a number of properties: bioprotective or antiseptic; fire retardant. Depending on the type, the principle of operation of the composition differs:

  1. Wood fire retardant may release non-flammable gases, which reduces the oxygen supply to the material.
  2. Another way: the formation of a dense, impermeable film, due to which the combustion temperature of the wood increases significantly.
  3. Refractory substances may contain a number of compounds: salts of boric, phosphoric or silicic acids. There are also salt-free analogues - their price is higher.

Wood preservative

The advantage of fire protection is a complex effect. In external processing, refractory impregnation for wood is also effective in the fight against insects. This property is ensured due to the effect on the material of the compounds that make up the composition. In this case, either salt crystals penetrate the structure, or the wood is impregnated with technological substances. In the second case, there is no film on the surface, antiseptic properties are manifested during the formation of chemical bonds between the impregnation elements and the material, which prevents insects from starting up in the structure.

Fire retardants for wood

Fire protection is provided by chemical reactions with a significant increase in temperature. Decomposition of compounds into constituent elements leads to the release of coke foam or non-combustible gases. The first of the options covers the material. When the fire is eliminated, the foam coke layer can be removed mechanically. If such bio-fire protection for wood is used, the impregnated material remains intact. When using other types of flame retardants, gases are formed, more often poisonous. This means that you need to ventilate the room well.

Fire retardant for wood

Classification is carried out according to the method of application and the principle of action:

  • penetrating substances (fire-retardant impregnation of wood);
  • special coatings.

In the first case, a comprehensive protection of the tree from the inside is provided, in the second, different types of coatings are applied on the outside of the boards. It can be paints and varnishes, pasty coatings. All of them are characterized by varying degrees of intensity of exposure to fire. There are saline and non-salt substances. The division of penetrating compounds into groups is carried out on the basis of the characteristics of the substances. This:

  • organosoluble fire and bioprotection for wood;
  • water soluble compounds.

The second option is very popular, because it does not require the use of hazardous solvents, which often represent a group of combustible substances. This favorably distinguishes preparations for treatment from organic-soluble counterparts. Given the characteristics of the composition of water-soluble substances, they can be divided into groups:

  • indelible;
  • difficult to wash out;
  • washable;
  • lightweight.

Fire bioprotection of wood of popular brands

To choose a high-quality and proven composition, it is recommended to study the offers on the market. Popular brands are Olimp, Senezh, Neomid, Asfor, Pirilax, Healthy Home. In addition, well-known manufacturers (TechnoNIKOL) offer products based on other substances, for example, bituminous varnish, which protects wood from insects and decay. Such materials can be selected and ordered in the catalog on the manufacturer's website or from intermediaries.

Price for fire bioprotection for wood

The cost directly depends on the intensity of the effect of the substance on the fire and the effectiveness of protection (I or II group), and additionally - on the consumption, method of application and volume of containers. If you buy fire protection in an online store, it will cost a little cheaper. The price of different types of funds lies in the range from 300 to 6,000 rubles / container. Senezh products (10 kg) are offered inexpensively - at a price of 700 rubles, a smaller amount (5 kg) can be bought for 620 rubles.

The cost significantly fluctuates depending on the amount of fire protection of wood and its properties. For example, compositions of group I of fire protection efficiency will cost several thousand rubles. In this case, consumption plays a secondary role. For comparison, the price of substances of the Neomid brand of group I is 6,000 rubles. (25 kg). Some types of wood fire protection, for example, Senezh, can be applied repeatedly, which increases consumption, but at the same time impregnation of wood. This will lead to an increase in the price of processing 1 square. m area, but will improve the properties of the material.

Protection of wooden structures from decay and fire

  1. The wood should dry out, which in the future will ensure good absorption of the substance.
  2. The surface is cleared. If there is an old paint and varnish coating, it must be removed before applying fire protection.
  3. The coating/impregnation is applied in several layers. The quantity is determined by the consumption of the substance per 1 sq. m (indicated on the package). The interval between applying layers is 12-24 hours.

How to choose fire bioprotection for wood

Increased reliability is provided by substances of group I of fire protection efficiency. First, it is recommended to pay attention to such compounds. To choose the right fire protection, the purpose of the material is taken into account: interior decoration, part of the supporting structure (concealed installation). The shade of the substance is taken into account: the coating can change color, there are colorless analogues.

It is necessary to take into account the type of composition, differences in the methods of application. This also affects the duration of drying, the degree of efficiency. Some compositions may be used in larger quantities to provide improved fire and biological protection. It is recommended to select a substance according to the method of exposure: decomposition into gaseous compounds, swelling on the surface of wood, melting of the outer coating. When choosing, you need to look at the container capacity and price, pre-calculate the required amount of fire retardant (approximate consumption).

Comprehensive protection of logs with special antiseptics and flame retardants directly affects the long service life country houses, dachas, cottages, elite residences. Qualitative treatment with fire bioprotection is carried out in order to get rid of pathogenic microorganisms, fungus, mold and bacteria, wood bug. A special composition flame retardants saves the life of buildings equipped with a firebox or stove, for example, a Russian bath.

Fire protection treatment, price - 50 rubles. per square meter (m2)

Where to order fire protection services?

Complex preparations for protection against fire and wood rot are represented by groups 1 and 2. You can choose the appropriate type of composition and order fire and bioprotection treatment at competitive prices without intermediaries and overpayments in our company. Experienced craftsmen will help to carry out the work correctly in full accordance with the technologies. So, for example, group 2 flame retardants may be suitable for roof truss systems. When arranging the protection of wet rooms, baths, saunas, compositions with enhanced properties are chosen.

A wide range of company services can be ordered by contact numbers, on the site with turnkey work in Moscow and the region, regions of Russia.

How is wood protected from fire and fungus?

Deep impregnation of lumber with flame retardants can be carried out different ways. The easiest way to process fire bioprotection is with the help of paint brush and a roller. Volumetric wooden structures are processed with a spray gun, spray gun using high pressure. Deep impregnation with flame retardants and antiseptics is achieved by immersing small parts in a container with a solution.

The cost of protecting logs and lumber depends on different criteria:

  1. Useful area of ​​the structure made of wood, logs;
  2. Types of antiseptics, fire retardants, complex compounds;
  3. The complexity of the work, types of roof construction, premises,
  4. Applications inside and outside.

Why choose quality formulations and deep processing?

Fire bioprotection is the main safety measure for private homes, commercial establishments, restaurants, bars, cafes, baths and saunas. Modern drugs have important qualities:

  • Fast and deep penetration into the wood texture;
  • Group of compositions for internal works safe for health;
  • Gives fire-fighting properties and resistance to fungus damage for more than one year;
  • Protects the structure from fire and fungal attack for decades.

The use of preparations guarantees the protection and safety of wooden buildings, the chemical composition does not decompose over time.

Under construction wooden house, sooner or later we are faced with a number of questions: when, how, in what sequence and with what help to provide bioprotection to such a beautiful, natural, environmentally friendly, but at the same time fragile material like wood.

Let's start with the most "hot" question: how, among all the variety, to choose a really high-quality, effective and durable bioprotective impregnation for primary wood processing? After all, now in stores you can find a lot of products that promise miraculous protection, and the range of prices for such formulations, to put it mildly, is bewildering. It is difficult to give an unambiguous answer here, but, nevertheless, there are a number of things that you should pay attention to when choosing a protective agent:

Manufacturer of bioprotective impregnation

There are not many manufacturers specializing in wood protection in our country. Before making a purchase decision, do not be lazy, go to the manufacturer's website. Make sure that you plan to purchase a product from a company that has already established itself in this field and is engaged in the development of exactly PROFESSIONAL products for wood protection.

The service life of the composition of biosecurity

The maximum period that can be achieved with self-applied with a brush is 30-35 years when using enhanced bioprotective impregnation, such as WoodMaster Biosept-Ultra. And we will achieve this period only indoors. For conventional bioprotective compounds (WoodMaster Biosept, for example), this service life is 5-6 years. Many manufacturers indicate on packages of similar impregnations service life of 30 years or more. And only the most attentive buyers will pay attention to the fact that this phrase, as a rule, is followed by a footnote, where it can be written, for example, that this protection period is possible if applied by deep impregnation or soaking. Both the one and the other are industrial methods, unattainable in domestic conditions.

Another version of the so-called “marketing ploy” is when the manufacturer, under the promised period, for example, 30-40 years, writes in small print that such durability is achieved provided that the composition is not washed out of the wood. Unfortunately, the fulfillment of this condition is also impossible in principle. Do not let yourself be misled by unthinkable terms, read the label carefully and decide whether you are ready to "be led" by the manufacturer's promises or prefer to look at things realistically.

Consumption of bioprotective composition

Also an important point. As a rule, the cheaper the impregnation, the greater the expense declared by the manufacturer. Therefore, when you see a seemingly inexpensive product on a store shelf, do not rush to choose it. Calculate how much impregnation will be required to treat your structure, subject to the manufacturer's recommendations for consumption. The average consumption rate, ideally, should not exceed 200-250g / m². While on some products you can find figures of 500-600g / m², which is quite typical for FIRE-retardant materials, but in no way can be the norm for BIO-protective compounds.

The price of biosecurity

Well, remember that "good is not cheap." The cost of bioprotective composition, according to by and large, consists of the cost of packaging and the antiseptic, fungicidal, insecticidal and other components present in the composition. Considering that all manufacturers use very similar canisters for filling, it can be assumed that the reduction in the cost of the product is achieved, for example, by reducing the concentration of protective components in it.

Let's assume that you have decided on the manufacturer. The next question that needs to be clarified is how should the ideal scheme of work look like, following which you will get the most durable result?

P professional bioprotective wood treatment

So, step by step, professional wood protection should look like this:

1. End protection.

Due to the different rate of evaporation of moisture from the end and side surfaces of the log, the end saw cuts of wood are primarily susceptible to cracking and further development of biodamages in the cracks.

That is why the processing of these areas is of great importance. To protect the ends of wood from cracking, the WoodMaster BioTOR composition was specially developed.

When wood is treated with this composition, a polymer vapor-permeable membrane is formed on the surface, which regulates the rate of moisture evaporation and allows the tree to “breathe”. "BioTOR" can be used for absolutely any end cuts, both indoors and outdoors. The composition strengthens the wood and can be used even on already cracked ends in order to prevent further development cracks.

Rice. 1. Composition of WoodMaster BioTOR

2. Temporary processing of wood for the period of drying, transportation and storage.

It often happens that already infected sawn timber gets on sale, or biodefeats on wood develop during its storage (for example, before construction begins) under the influence of external factors. There is also a high probability of mold and fungus developing on the wood in the process of the so-called “shrinkage” of the structure.

In the first case, buyers can only be advised to inspect the lumber as carefully as possible before buying.

But to prevent biodamage of wood during its storage and shrinkage, you can use the WoodMaster Biosept-Trans composition. This antiseptic impregnation is designed specifically for temporary protection of wood for up to six months. Moreover, Biosept-Trans is suitable for application on wood, humidity up to 80%. The composition is produced in the form of a concentrate, which makes it possible to obtain about 70-80 kg of the finished composition from a 10 kg canister. This amount is enough to process a medium-sized building. And after 6 months, absolutely any paint and varnish coatings can be applied to wood treated with Biosept-Trans.

Oddly enough, but it is this stage in the construction process that is most often skipped, and this inevitably leads to a decrease in the life of the wood.

3. Wood processing in difficult operating conditions(lower crowns of the house, floor logs, underground floors, cellars, etc.).

The first question that arises at the stage of assembling a wooden structure is how to process the wood located in places high humidity? And this task has a solution - bioprotective impregnation WoodMaster Biosept-Ultra. This powerful antiseptic composition will provide reliable and long-term protection of wood, even in direct contact with wet soil (earth). When applied with a brush, indoors, this composition will protect wood from destruction for up to 35 years! It paints the surface in greenish-pistachio tones. An important condition that must be observed when applying the product is to prevent moisture from entering the treated surface during the first 7 days after treatment. This is necessary to fix the composition in the wood.

Rice. 2. Composition of WoodMaster Biosept-Ultra

4. Wood processing normal conditions operation.

Even those parts of the structure that are not directly exposed to moisture are recommended to be treated with bioprotective impregnation. First of all, this applies to ceilings, partitions and truss system. As a rule, these structures are subsequently sheathed, and not only do we not see what happens to the wood under the sheathing, but we also do not have the opportunity to carry out bioprotective treatment after the fact. For such structures, the WoodMaster Biosept composition is suitable.

5. Prevention of insect pests.

In the case where there is a high risk of wood contamination by insect pests (for example, a neighboring building is affected), instead of only bioprotective treatment, it makes sense to use a product that allows you to also ensure effective protection and from insects. Such a composition is WoodMaster Antizhuk. In addition to the antiseptic properties of the Biosept composition, this product has insecticidal properties to prevent the appearance in the wood of uninvited guests. By the way, this is also one of the few solutions that allow you to get rid of the larvae of carpenter beetles already present in the wood. In this case, it is used by injection, introducing into the inlet and outlet holes of the larvae.

When carrying out bioprotective work at home, it is important to follow a few fairly simple rules:

Use the above compositions only for processing wood indoors or outside "under a canopy" (i.e. exclude direct precipitation on the treated surface)

Work only at air temperature not lower than +5°С

Apply impregnations only on dry (with the exception of the Biosept-Trans composition), wood cleaned of previous coatings

If possible, carry out the treatment with a brush, since it is this tool that will allow you to “rub” the product into the wood and achieve the maximum depth of penetration of the protective composition.

Good luck with your construction!

Fire bioprotection is designed to eliminate the main disadvantages of wood, such as high flammability and instability to biological influences, which include decay. In no case should this measure be neglected. Therefore, we propose to further understand where fire protection can be used. And in what cases it is strictly forbidden to use untreated wood. Also, how to choose the right protective agent for those other cases.

What is fire bioprotection of wooden structures - a brief educational program for beginners

First of all, let's take a quick look at what is fire protection of wooden structures. The composition is an organic or, more often, water-based liquid, including an antiseptic and flame retardants. Unlike paints and varnishes, it does not form a film on the surface, but penetrates deep into. Therefore, fire protection is also called impregnation.

It should be noted that professional compositions of firebio, such as those offered by GOODHIM Moscow, are not an alternative paintwork materials. Therefore, do not confuse them with decorative compositions, which are primarily designed to protect wood from moisture and give it a certain shade. The means under consideration are applied to wooden surfaces before painting, although the surface is also slightly tinted in a yellow or red tint, but this tinting is rather indicative, and not decorative, i.e. shows which areas have already been treated with the composition.

It is important to know that impregnations differ in some characteristics. But, we will talk about their differences and nuances of choice below.

When impregnation is indispensable: fire and biological protection of wooden structures can save not only the house, but also life

Fire bioprotection of wooden structures in some cases is not just a desirable, but a necessary measure. In particular, according to SNiP 2.08.01-89, SNiP 2.03.11-85, and SNiP 2.01.02-85 in residential buildings The following structures are subject to mandatory processing:

  • Rafter systems and their crates.
  • Attic floors.
  • Walls of timber and log houses.
  • Frames of load-bearing walls and interior partitions.

In addition, fire protection is required for a number of non-residential wooden buildings:

  • Warehouses for storage of fuels and lubricants.
  • Warehouses for storing lumber and wooden products, as well as other combustible products.
  • Granaries and other structures with high level fire hazard.

Of course, not only elements of various buildings need impregnation. For example, according to PPB 01-93, fire and bioprotection should be used for scaffolding, scaffolds and other temporary wooden structures used in construction.

It should be understood that the processing of wooden structures with fire bioprotection is necessary not only because regulatory documents require it. As you know, all safety rules, including fire safety, are written in blood. For example, a wooden house that has not been treated with protective impregnation burns out in 10-20 minutes in hot, dry weather. If a fire occurs at night when the family is sleeping, the chances of escape are minimal. Fire bioprotection significantly increases fire resistance, as a result of which the combustion process slows down. This allows you to cope with the fire on your own in case of fire, or at least leave the premises and take valuable property with you.

In addition, do not forget that impregnation greatly extends the life of wooden structures due to the fact that it contains antiseptics. Fire bioprotection, therefore, is needed for almost all wooden structures.

About the types of impregnations: how not to make a mistake with the choice

So, we figured out the need for fire bioprotection, now we choose impregnation. Since the product contains two components - an antiseptic and flame retardants, attention should be paid to the characteristics of each of them. As for antiseptics, everything is simple here - the important parameters are their duration and effectiveness.

In this regard, GOODHIM Prof-1G and Prof-2G impregnations are among the most advanced, as their bioprotection period reaches 20 years. As a rule, only organic-based formulations have such values, and even then not all. As for efficiency, they destroy all types of fungi that wood usually suffers from, including staining. It should be noted that all GOODHIM fire-retardant impregnations without exception possess these properties.

The main differences that fire bioprotection has -. By given parameter compositions are divided into two groups of fire protection. True, there is still a third group, but it cannot be used for wood.

The differences between the first and second groups are as follows:

  • Fire protection 1 group. It has the highest degree of protection, as it improves fire resistance (resistance to ignition), and also reduces the combustibility of wood, i.e. slows down the combustion process. The first group includes impregnation GOODHIM Prof-1G;
  • Fire bioprotection group 2. Increases the fire resistance of wood. The second group includes GOODHIM Prof-2G impregnation.

It cannot be said that one impregnation is better and the other is worse. They just have different purposes. If, for example, you need to choose a composition to protect a wooden house, then you should definitely use the impregnation of the first fire protection group. If you want to process, for example, a gazebo, it makes sense to use the composition of the second group, since it is cheaper and, in this case, copes with all the tasks assigned to it.

In addition to antiseptic and fire-retardant properties, it is extremely important point is the environmental friendliness that wood impregnation has. Fire bioprotection GOODHIM, according to , belongs to the fourth hazard group, i.e. is low risk. Let us clarify that the composition belongs to the fourth class only in liquid form. The tree treated with impregnations and remains absolutely environmentally friendly and does not even lose the ability to "breathe". Therefore, these compounds can be safely used for internal processing premises, furniture, etc.

Hope for impregnation, but don’t make a mistake yourself: does the tree burn after processing

Finally, we note that none flame retardant is not able to make wood a completely non-combustible material. All the achievements of science in the field of chemistry that exist today, which GOODHIM is actively introducing into its products, only slow down ignition and combustion. Therefore, wooden structures, even after treatment with fire bioprotection, require strict adherence to fire safety rules.

In addition, do not forget that the duration of flame retardants is always less than the duration of antiseptics. GOODHIM impregnations are able to protect wood from fire for up to five years. After this period, the processing must be repeated. Please note that mechanical damage the treated surface reduces the degree of fire protection. Also, the service life of the structure is strongly influenced by the operating conditions of the structure. If the wood is frequently exposed to moisture, re-treat protective compounds He needs it much sooner.


As you can see, fire bioprotection is needed for almost all wooden structures, and for some it is simply necessary, which is clearly stated in the above normative documents. But, do not forget - not every impregnation allows you to achieve the desired degree of protection. In order not to doubt the quality of the composition used, we recommend using GOODHIM impregnations of the first and second fire protection groups produced in Moscow.

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