Plastic window: types of windows and what you need to pay attention to. What are the types of plastic windows What are the models of plastic windows

  • 20.06.2020

Today, not all consumers know what windows are and what material they are made of. At the same time, manufacturers of window structures use materials such as wood, aluminum, polyvinyl chloride, glass composite, steel, as well as their combinations.

Most modern solution are plastic windows(PVC). However, the owner must independently determine which windows to purchase. Such decisions should be based on the functional load that will be placed on the product.

History of creation and advantages of PVC windows

Germany is the leader in the production of plastic windows. It all started with the fact that in the first half of the 19th century, the German scientist Henri Victor Regnault invented polyvinyl chloride. At the beginning of the 20th century, the scientist Fritz Klatte received a patent for the production of polyvinyl chloride. And already in the second half of the 20th century, the German designer Heinz Pasche patented window frames using polyvinyl chloride.

Plastic structures have been gradually improved and since the 70s of the 20th century, they have become very popular, replacing traditional wooden products.

  • Long service life;
  • High noise and heat insulation;
  • Various design of window frames;
  • Safety. Plastic windows are difficult to ignite and non-toxic;
  • Ease of care;
  • High resistance to corrosion.

Construction of plastic windows

Plastic windows consist of the following elements:

  • Window frame;
  • sashes;
  • Fittings;
  • Double-glazed windows.

Window frame

The basis of the window design is its frame, which is installed in the window opening of the building. Frames vary in thickness, this parameter is also called mounting depth.

The thickness of the frame is most often 5.8 cm, 6 cm and 7 cm. Occasionally, there are designs with an installation depth of up to 13 cm.

To determine what sizes you need to order the consumer, it is better to consult with experts. Shutters are also attached to the frame, which are fixed with fittings.


Plastic windows can be single-leaf and multi-leaf. Single-leaf products are usually installed in small window openings. The cost of such a design is relatively low. Consumers give preference to multi-leaf windows when it is necessary to glaze a large area, for example, a loggia. Here the sashes can be combined according to different ways opening.


window fittings performs the functions of fixing the sashes in various positions in height, horizontal and diagonal. Manufacturers also offer anti-burglary fittings, which allows you to get rid of unaesthetic metal gratings. Anti-burglary fittings provide different degrees of protection:

  • WK1. The base level protects against physical force. Includes strike striker and corner switch with anti-burglary trunnion. The system is also drill-proof and has a lockable handle;
  • WK2. Protection against the use of screwdrivers, pliers, wedges. This model is based on the previous version;
  • WK3. This option is designed against scrap and pry bar. Here, additional anti-burglary locking pins are used to reduce the distance between the locking points.

Double-glazed windows

Several glasses, fastened together by separators, form a double-glazed window. Usually double-glazed windows are made of 2-3 glasses glued around the perimeter. Inside the double-glazed window is placed a substance that absorbs moisture, so the double-glazed window becomes airtight. Purified air or inert argon gas is pumped into the double-glazed window.

The most common single-chamber double-glazed windows, that is, packages consisting of two glasses, between which there is an air chamber. Double-glazed windows are used in houses near highways, as well as in regions with a cold climate.

To decide which is better to order double-glazed windows, the buyer needs to proceed from the functions that the window will perform. When installing a double-glazed window, you should pay attention to fittings - poor-quality locking mechanisms may not withstand the weight of the sash.

Classification of plastic structures

Depending on the type of opening, PVC windows are divided into:

  • Deaf - these products do not open and do not have fittings, so their cost is the lowest;
  • Folding (fanlight) - products open only from above. This option is convenient if the window sill is occupied by indoor plants. However, cleaning such windows is quite difficult;
  • Pivot windows are traditional windows that open in one direction, most often from left to right;
  • Swing-out - combine two types of opening;
  • Rotating - a rare and expensive model that is designed for maximum comfort. The system is fixed in all positions;
  • Sliding models - used for balconies and loggias.

Plastic windows are rectangular, round, arched, triangular, trapezoidal and complex shapes.

By appointment, PVC windows are divided into:

  • - the inner side of the double-glazed window is covered with silver ions, reflecting infrared and long-wave radiation. The air chambers are filled with an inert gas, argon, which protects the silver coating from oxidation and contributes to better thermal insulation. Energy-saving windows allow you to save on heating;
  • Soundproof - usually these are windows with double-glazed windows, the outer glasses, unlike the inner ones, are thicker, and the air chamber is filled with argon;
  • Tinted - the easiest way to tint involves applying a special film to the double-glazed window. Toning is used for decorative purposes, and also protects the room from ultraviolet radiation, increases the strength of the glass and makes it safer in case of destruction;
  • Impact-resistant - usually such structures are installed in stores, warehouses, offices, in places where valuables are stored. Impact-resistant glass includes triplex and tempered glass. Triplex is glass connected with the help of a special film or resin; if the integrity of the double-glazed unit is broken, the fragments remain glued together. To achieve this result, the glass undergoes heat treatment;
  • Self-cleaning - it is advisable to install such structures on high-rise buildings and shop windows. The principle of self-cleaning lies in the fact that the debris does not stick to surfaces thanks to the thinnest film made of titanium oxide, but is washed off by rain without traces of drops and streaks.

The leader in sales are the plastic windows of the German company VEKA, which has branches in many countries of the world, including Russia. Windows of the German brands REHAU and KBE are also popular.

Recently, three main types of windows have become widespread. Windows are wooden, plastic and aluminum. Each window type has its pros and cons. Next, each specific type of window will be considered in more detail.

Wooden windows. Wood is considered the traditional material for making windows. Since ancient times, almost all windows were made of wood. However, the old traditional windows had significant drawbacks. Due to insufficient processing, the wood dried up and deformed over time, which in turn affected both the thermal insulation of the window and the functioning of the mobility of the window structure. Modern wooden windows are made taking into account the characteristics and properties natural material. For the production of wooden windows using hardwood and coniferous wood. In more expensive and high-quality modern wooden windows, precious wood is used. The material for the window is a carefully processed and prepared timber. The tree is dried to a certain value and covered with various compositions that allow it to withstand sudden temperature changes, precipitation and humidity. Such processing significantly increases the life of the window and gives it additional strength. More expensive windows are not made from solid timber, but from a material that is several layers of durable wood glued together. The strength of such a material increases significantly and, accordingly, the service life of the window increases. It should be noted that modern processing of wood material makes it possible to equip windows with more functional fittings compared to traditional windows. The main advantage of wooden windows was and remains, of course, the natural origin of the material. Moreover, modern wooden windows are equipped with high-quality double-glazed windows and have good thermal insulation. Accordingly, such windows have a rather high cost.

Plastic windows. Plastic windows have replaced the old wooden windows. Until recently, plastic windows were installed only by people with above-average incomes. However, the situation is changing and recently plastic windows have been successfully installed in private houses, in state and industrial institutions, that is, they become available to almost every family. Modern plastic windows meet all the requirements for thermal insulation, strength, and appearance. A plastic window is a frame made of a durable PVC profile, in which the sashes are fixed. Double-glazed windows are attached to the window sashes, which can have one or more chambers. Chambers in a double-glazed window are formed due to tightly fastened glasses. The unused space of the frame and sashes has air baffles, which in themselves are a heat insulator. The strength of the plastic window provides high-strength plastic or metal profile in the window frame. Windows with a metal base are also called metal-plastic windows. These windows are highly durable. Plastic windows have a beautiful appearance, suitable for any type of building. In addition, windows made in accordance with all the requirements of the state standard also have environmental and fire safety.

Aluminum windows. Some buildings successfully use so-called aluminum windows. The main material for such windows is aluminum. The main advantage of such windows is, of course, the high strength of the window structure. Moreover, these windows are highly environmentally friendly. This material allows you to make window structures of a wider size. However, these windows have one significant drawback, which is the high thermal conductivity of the material. For this reason, aluminum windows are not as widespread as other types of windows. However, there is a type of combined aluminum windows. These windows have an external coating of aluminum, but are supplied with various heat-insulating materials inside. In addition, aluminum windows require careful handling. Deformation or destruction of the outer coating of the material can shorten the life of the window, since aluminum is prone to oxidation.

As trite as it sounds, but windows are different. Conventionally, they can be divided according to several criteria. First, according to the material used for their manufacture: . Secondly, by design they are divided into paired, separate and single. Thirdly, for windows there is single glazing or double-glazed windows. The last classification is carried out according to the shape of the windows: rectangular, trapezoidal, round, etc.

Let's deal with windows made of different materials: PVC windows, wooden, aluminum, combined. Despite the huge popularity of PVC windows in our country, wooden windows are most often found in our houses. These are old designs when used double glazing. Of course these windows are inferior modern models energy-saving characteristics, but they are inexpensive. There are wood window offers made of precious wood with energy-saving double-glazed windows, but they are not very popular, as they belong to the premium class and are quite expensive.

Though popularity of pvc windows all over the world reached its peak in the seventies of the twentieth century, in our country these windows began to appear only after the collapse of the USSR. PVC windows have one or more double-glazed windows (two sheets of glass separated by a spacer with a desiccant). Most often applied double-glazed windows, but in especially cold areas three-chamber ones are used.

Profiles for the production of PVC windows can be used by a variety of brands. You will have to choose from a wide variety. You will also have to decide on the intimacy of the profile. There should be at least three cameras, and five is best. Do not forget to check the reinforcing profile of PVC windows - it must be made of galvanized steel.

Although most of us are accustomed to white PVC windows, you can order any color and design from the manufacturer. If you want PVC that looks like wood, then this is easily feasible. Just order wood lamination. You can even order different colors for your windows from different sides.

Plastic windows, types and types of windows from PVC profiles, classification of plastic windows

Windows in our life and in the building are an important element, they give us the necessary lighting in the room, airing the room, and also allow us to enjoy the beautiful view from. Windows are comfort.

For a comfortable component and a decisive task of windows are some types and types of windows.

What influences the best and comfortable feeling:
1) sizes of plastic windows
2) location of PVC windows
3) shape and design of windows

It is clear that very small plastic or PVC windows, which are incorrectly selected and installed, can make your apartment dark, uncomfortable and uncomfortable. And at the same time back, very large plastic windows can make you feel like you are in an aquarium, in a glass house, where you can lose a sense of some security from prying eyes. Before buy plastic windows, try to think over the type, size and location of plastic windows in your house, do not forget to think about the shape of PVC windows.

According to building codes, only 10-13% of the light enters the room, but the optimal lighting conditions for full comfort and health should be reached with a PVC window width equal to 55% of the width of the room where it will be installed plastic window.

At the same time, the window sill of your plastic window should be located at a level of 90-100 centimeters from the floor, thus you can special efforts look out the window and take care of the plants located on the windowsill.

Window frames and sashes of plastic windows:

Window sashes of plastic windows, that is, a movable element of the window. Depending on the type of fittings used in plastic windows, the window can open like a door, tilt or open by rotation around a vertical or horizontal axis, and can also open in all directions.

Plastic can also be single-leaf and multi-leaf. In double-leaf and multi-leaf windows, mullions can be placed to increase rigidity and support the window sash.

Plastic windows are ... or Classification of plastic windows

Any product can be classified according to varieties, and therefore plastic windows. It turns out there is many models of PVC windows and each has its advantages, disadvantages, as well as the price, which is the main driving force for the emergence of some of them. Consider the most famous species plastic windows so that everyone can decide for themselves even before coming to the store, which windows are needed in the house, apartment. Moreover, some of the varieties can be installed in the rooms, others in the kitchen, and still others can be placed in the bathroom.

Plastic windows are classified according to the opening mechanism, the most famous and often used by customers, are rotary, tilt-and-turn and deaf. The list does not end with these three types, but buyers often use only these, the most popular ones. If you want to innovate and show off a more gourmet model, you can find out about other types, but this is already an increased price. We will stick to this list, since most of the population installs only these models.

Fixed or as they are called "blind" PVC windows

Sometimes it becomes necessary to block one of the window sashes so that it does not open or for increased visibility and insertion big size glass. From the very beginning, such a sash is made motionless - “deaf”. Blind plastic windows, these are tightly installed, they cannot open at all. Why does such a model exist? Its price is minimal, which means that there is popularity in it. But, of course, it is impossible to wash such a window on the nth floor, and ventilation is also not permissible in this case. And it would seem that because of this it is wrong to buy such a window. And this would be so, if not for the combination, plastic windows, like ordinary ones, can be combined. For example, to install both a pivoting window and a blind window, while the percentage depends only on the desire of the customer. It is possible for 70 percent of the total area install blind window, and the remaining 30 are swivel or tilt-and-turn. In this case, you can already ventilate the room and wash windows without problems, although this is not as convenient as with an open window. The popularity of such combinations is only in one, blind windows are very cheap, because one of the important parts - fittings, they are missing.

Now that they are known the most common types of plastic windows, it remains only to choose the right one for each window. Moreover, do not be afraid to combine, there are not many funds in the house. With a good approach, the external design of such windows will be even more pleasing to the eye than with a solid, expensive PVC window with a tilt-and-turn mechanism. And if you have money, you can dream up with other models, which you can read about without any problems on the Internet. And in order for the house to look better, when choosing, it is better to consult with specialists - designers, stylists, who will always give useful advice, taking into account even the desire to save money. The house should be tastefully decorated, and one of the main parts of any house, because they are the first to catch the eye, right?…

Swivel plastic windows

These are plastic, which allow the doors to open in one direction. This classic window, which opens as usual - to the side (right). There is basically nothing to talk about here.

Swivel and tilt-and-turn plastic windows

Nowadays it has become very popular tilt-and-turn windows. These plastic windows can be opened both inside the room by turning, and lean back, which allows you to ventilate the room without removing the flowers from the windowsill.

Hinged plastic windows

Hinged windows open from above. They are used and installed on flights of stairs, where casement windows can be a source of danger, in basements, as well as in rooms where open window sashes can interfere. This type is the most interesting and popular. Its structure has mysterious fittings, when one of the latch turns, the window opens as usual, turns to the side, but if the latch is turned at a different angle, the window leans back. It is very good to use it in the summer when the rooms are very hot, but when opened, the sash takes up a lot of space in the room. The window in this case leans back by a certain degree in the upper part, allowing Fresh air. It is also worth saying that these opening methods depend on the fittings, although, in fact, they are exactly the same everywhere. But there are fittings that are equipped with a winter ventilation mode. If in windows with such fittings the handle is installed diagonally, that is, in a position between opening for turning and tilting, such a window only slightly leans back by a millimeter or two. This is enough to bring fresh air into the house, in the required amount, without cooling the room much. As we see, everything is provided in fiberglass windows, and each model pleases with its additional properties.
Tilt and turn plastic windows have a price higher than the price of pivot windows, but due to the two ways of opening in one window, they are very popular and often used by ordinary citizens. Therefore, this model can even be called one of the most popular, unless the excess of the price by a certain percentage can pay off the increased amenities? Who Uses Tilt&Turn Windows know that it was worth paying more for it. But if you want to save money, there is a third model, which is considered the cheapest of all.

Plastic windows that open in both directions

Plastic window that opens on both sides, rotates around its own axis in the horizontal and vertical planes. This type of PVC windows is especially suitable for large windows. The advantage of this window is that it can be washed without problems both external and inner surface windows from the inside.

Plastic windows have long and firmly displaced. Newspapers and bulletin boards today are literally full of offers from different manufacturers. In such a saturated market, it is difficult, and often consumers are guided by the lowest prices and the attractiveness of advertising. The fallacy of this approach manifests itself already in the first winter, when drafts, frosts appear, and the windows begin to sweat. Do not repeat the mistakes of thousands of users - The choice of plastic windows must be done deliberately. A little knowledge of the theory will help you understand which design would be preferable in a particular house or apartment.

No. 1. Construction of plastic windows

In order to properly navigate the market for a particular product, you need to know what and how it is made of. The main structural elements of a plastic window are the frame, sashes, fittings, sealant and glazing bead. The frame and sashes consist of a plastic profile reinforced with a steel profile.

The frame is the basis of the structure, is installed in the window opening. frame profile consists of several chambers, each of which has its own purpose: to drain condensate, place a reinforcing bar, fix fittings, etc. double glazing occupies the main part of the plastic window structure, is held by hidden glazing beads. To make the structure airtight, seals. Fittings also play an important role, the quality of which largely determines durability and reliability.

Due to the design features, the plastic window receives several advantages, among which it is worth noting compared with conventional wooden windows, high level and protection from .

No. 2. What should be the profile?

A profile made of PVC turns out to be harmless, attractive and resistant to various chemicals, but plastic would not withstand serious deformations and temperature changes, therefore, in addition profile reinforced with steel. metal thickness should not be less than 1.4 mm: the thicker the metal insert, the heavier the double-glazed window can be installed. The profile must be reinforced only with galvanized steel.

Quality plastic has a uniform color, smooth and grain-free surface, odorless. Pay attention to the type of surface: matte plastic will literally absorb dirt, which later will be almost impossible to remove from the surface. Glossy plastic, even the most inexpensive, will much more convenient to use. A high-quality profile is quite durable and should easily withstand 50-60 years of operation.

No. 3. Profile thickness and width

Profile thickness is usually understood as profile plastic thickness. From this parameter, first of all, the strength and mechanical resistance of the material depends. V depending on the thickness of the outer and inner walls of the profile it is divided into three classes:

  • class A assumes an outer wall thickness of 2.8 mm and an inner wall thickness of 2.5 mm. The European standard is those windows in which the thickness of the outer walls of the profile exceeds 3 mm. Exactly such structures can be installed in residential premises;
  • ClassB. Such a profile has outer walls with a thickness of 2.5 mm and inner walls with a thickness of 2 mm. Such structures are not so durable, they retain heat worse and do not protect well enough from noise, therefore they can only be installed in non-residential premises;
  • class C. This includes profiles that do not meet the requirements of the previous classes. Today, such structures are practically not used.

Another important design profile parameter is width, or installation depth. This parameter does not cannot be less than 50 mm, and for normal operation, the window should be 58-70 mm, because then the requirements for heat and sound insulation of the room will be met. For the noisiest and coldest areas, profiles with a greater thickness are suitable, which can even reach 130 mm.

No. 4. Number of profile air chambers

The profile inside consists of several cavities, the so-called chambers, which should not be confused with double-glazed chambers. The profile chamber is a cavity extended over its entire length and filled with air or reinforcing material. By the number of such cavities, 2-, 3-, 4 and even 8-chamber profiles are distinguished, but the most popular 3- and 5-chamber designs. As a rule, manufacturers allow you to look inside the profile, demonstrating their products in section and showing the design features of the cameras.

With an increase in the number of chambers, the characteristics of the profile material increase. If a 3-chamber profile is perfect for windows that face the south side of a quiet courtyard, then a 5-chamber profile will be indispensable for windows that face the north side or a noisy highway.

No. 5. Number of double-glazed chambers

A double-glazed window, the light-transmitting part of a window, consists of two or more glasses, the space between which is filled with air or an inert gas. The chamber is the space between two glasses.

Single-chamber double-glazed windows are used in quiet areas with a mild climate. The greatest demand is double-glazed windows, which perfectly extinguish street noise and allow you to maintain the optimum temperature in the room. For maximum noise protection, it is recommended to choose double-glazed windows in which the space between the panes has a different thickness. Even better, if the inner glass is thinner than the rest, which will provide maximum sound insulation.

On sale you can find double-glazed windows and with a large number of cameras - 3 and even 4. But it should be borne in mind that the more double-glazed windows in the design, the greater its total weight, and the more reliable and strong the fittings should be.

No. 6. Type of glass in double glazing

The quality of the glass is no less important than the number of double-glazed windows. Today, manufacturers can use these types of glasses, how:

  • float glass. The technology of its manufacture makes it possible to obtain exceptionally smooth and completely identical glass in thickness, which has increased transparency;
  • triplex or laminated glass. Such glasses consist of several layers of glasses, each of which is laminated with a film or a special liquid. Due to this, the material receives additional strength and burglary resistance, it is difficult to break it, and even if damaged, such glass does not leave sharp fragments. Moreover, the triplex will more reliably protect the apartment from noise;
  • selective glasses are covered during the manufacturing process or after it in a vacuum with special substances that transmit long-wave radiation, but delay short-wave radiation, allowing you to keep the warm air in the apartment as much as possible in winter and keep out the heat in summer. Selective glasses can be of two types: i-glass They are sprayed with silver ions, have high efficiency and excellent translucency, but are afraid of atmospheric influences, therefore they can only be used from the inside. Unlike them, k-glass more resistant to external negative influences, but have somewhat less efficiency;

    It is also worth paying attention to ventilation control method, which can be automatic, manual or mixed. Automatic regulation the ventilation valve is provided by the presence of a humidity control sensor, which is responsible for monitoring the level of humidity in the room. The ventilation control process itself is ensured by changing the cross section of the through valve, which in certain cases can even close completely. In this way, it is possible to minimize the heat loss of the room as much as possible, because the air from the street will be let in only when the humidity in the room rises, for example, when in large numbers people. At manual setting the user will have to decide for himself when to ventilate and when not. This setting is coarser.

    It is worth noting that sometimes ventilation valves are not installed in the window structure itself, but in the wall near the window. Such an option will require a much more serious investment of time and effort.

    No. 10. How to open a plastic window

    There are several basic options for opening a window structure:

    No. 11. Accessories for a plastic window

    No matter how high-quality double-glazed windows or window profiles, when using cheap unreliable fittings, the entire structure will lose its previous characteristics within a few months after use. To withstand the heavy weight of an insulating glass unit, window panels must be very strong and reliable.

    Pens- another weak point, and often they get loose. The owners of plastic windows can also name a lot of problems that they encountered during the operation of these structures, and many of them are associated with fittings. From all this we conclude that even such trifles, which at first glance are handles and hinges, need to be given maximum attention.

    Today, window manufacturers offer a lot of the most different options execution of fittings. Window fittings are handles, locks, constipation, latches. The people like to classify even ventilation valves as accessories, and, but they are not accessories.


    They are used several times a day, so they must be especially durable. Handles differ not only in the material of manufacture and color, but also in functions:


    The main thing is that the hinges are made of durable material and can withstand the weight of the double-glazed window. According to the installation method, the loops can be of the following types:

    Locks and bollards

    All kinds of locks and blockers are an optional element of window design, but if you live on the ground floor and are afraid of hacking, or are afraid that a child can open the window and fall out of it, then you should install additional fittings on the window:

    No. 12. Necessary little things for the window

    When installing a plastic window, you should not save on trifles - this will not bring great benefits. It would be much more reasonable to provide the structure with everything necessary so that its operation is as durable and comfortable as possible.

    What are the necessary elements to add a plastic window? Among the most important:

    No. 13. plastic window design

    We are used to standard white-framed plastic windows, but there are many, many more design options. Here are just the basic techniques that are used to give the window an individual style:

    • film lamination allows you to design a profile for wood of any species;
    • decorative layout- division of the window into zones, often rectangular, but can be triangular and rounded. They not only decorate the structure, but also make it stronger;
    • glass tinting will give the room a unique shade, reduce the impact ultraviolet rays, and it will be difficult for outsiders to see what is happening outside the window;
    • stained glass drawing on glass;
    • smart glass changes the degree of transparency depending on the illumination. It happens under the influence electric current. So far, this solution is rarely used, but it is a great alternative to the usual ones;
    • decorative triplex- this is not only protection and additional security, but also the ability to make the interior unique. Through the use of layers of glass of different transparency and with a certain pattern, you can achieve the most incredible results;
    • mirror glass protect from prying eyes and sunlight.

    It should be noted that plastic windows can be not only rectangular shape, but also oval, arched, etc.

    No. 14. Which manufacturers can you trust?

    Today, dozens and even hundreds of companies are engaged in the production of plastic windows, but not all do their work in good faith. Let us dwell on the largest manufacturers who have proven themselves in the domestic market with high-quality, durable and durable products.

    German company, which has become not just an industry leader, but a synonym for quality. The first production facility was established in Berlin in 1980, and even then the company was a pioneer in the field of high-performance extrusion. In a very short time, the manufacturer gained confidence both in Germany and throughout Europe, and in 1995 it entered the domestic market. The demand for the manufacturer's plastic windows was so high that it was decided to open two factories in Russia: one in Khabarovsk, the other in Voskresensk not far from Moscow. At Russian factories, German technology and quality control are fully observed, so the windows come out identical in all respects, which is confirmed by various tests.

    Moreover, the company's engineers participated in the preparation of GOSTs for plastic windows, and these documents are accompanied by drawings of KBE windows, which means that the manufacturer's windows have become a domestic standard. The designs are really very high quality, durable and thoughtful in every respect, but they are also expensive.


    Swiss company
    since 1948 true to its philosophy of creating solutions for minimal energy consumption. The production of windows and doors is the basis of the company's activities. Here they try to constantly improve designs in order to achieve more and more high performance heat and sound insulation. Today Rehau windows - one of the best in Europe and the world. They are able to withstand even the most severe frosts, winds and heavy rainfall, being a protection no worse than a brick wall. For example, a window with a 6-chamber profile and a depth of 86 mm replaces a brick wall 1.3 m thick. The company's products are distinguished by a wide range, frost resistance and environmental friendliness. An excellent choice for harsh domestic climatic conditions! True, and you have to pay a lot.


    This German company in existence since 1969. Today she is one of the world leaders in the production of plastic windows and doors. The manufacturer has a huge research center, whose employees are constantly working to improve window designs and manufacturing technology.

    Today, dozens of the company's plants operate in different countries almost on all continents, but everywhere the activity is carried out under the close supervision of the employees of the main office of the enterprise. Veka windows are also produced in Russia, which allows domestic buyers to receive quality goods at a better price. The windows of the manufacturer survive any climatic conditions and loads: from winter in the Far North to high humidity and strong wind loads.

    This company was the first in the world to introduce plastic windows, invented multi-chamber profiles, co-extruded acrylic coatings, offered a lot of unique ways decorative design profile. It all started in 1895 with the creation of the Dynamit Nobel. The concern produced explosives and artificial materials. After numerous transformations Trocal was founded in 1954, which introduced the world to the first plastic window. All subsequent years were marked by constant new developments, the introduction innovative technologies. The result was the popularity of the company's products around the world.

    Today, the company pays great attention to the production of not only high-quality and durable windows, but also completely safe for health. Range various designs huge, there is a production in Russia, several valuable developments have been made for the production of windows specifically for our market.

    This German company was formed in 2002 as a result of the merger of two well-known PVC profile manufacturers: SALAMANDER and BRÜGMANN. The SALAMANDER company is known as the largest manufacturer. The search for new materials for its production eventually resulted in the creation of PVC profiles. Since then, within the walls of the company, many innovative ideas have been born that have conquered the whole world. Products today are manufactured in many countries, incl. and in Russia. Domestic factories use modern German equipment, and strict quality control is in place.

    The company operates since 1951 in Germany. Today, the company's factories and representative offices are located all over the world, and the products have become a symbol of high quality, because they meet the most stringent requirements in terms of design, safety, comfort and energy efficiency. Products are developed taking into account the characteristics of various climatic zones, due to which they have gained wide popularity in different countries of the world. The company's products are valued for their perfect execution, the highest quality and record durability.

    One more German company, engaged in the production of PVC systems for windows. She regularly is included in the world rankings of the best in its field. For more than 75 years of existence, the company has conquered more than 90 countries, its factories are located in 19 countries. A wide network of representative offices of the company operates in Russia. The manufacturer offers several types of profile systems with different widths and design features, which allows you to find the perfect solution for a home located in any climatic conditions.

    This is the host domestic manufacturer of plastic windows, which has been operating since 1999 and uses Austrian technology. The company is constantly expanding production, introducing new technologies, introducing new models and designs. Since the manufacturer uses the best world experience and adapts designs to domestic conditions, plastic windows come out reliable, durable, they have excellent performance and at the same time are inexpensive. The network of representative offices throughout the country is very wide, there are special training centers where they teach correct installation designs, which is no less important than high-quality production.

    domestic manufacturer
    plastic windows, which has been on the market since 2000. Modern Austrian equipment was immediately purchased, thanks to which the company was able to produce high-quality products and sell them at low prices because there were no shipping costs. Today, there are 4 manufacturing plants throughout the country that produce windows in a large assortment.

    In conclusion

    Since a plastic window is installed for a sufficiently long period of time, it makes sense to take the time to study the design features, familiarize yourself with the products of different manufacturers, in order to choose the ideal window for specific conditions on this basis.

Today, most buyers in our country choose plastic windows. This is due to the high functionality of the design and reasonable cost. Today, there are many options for plastic windows on the market for such products. In order for the selected structures to last for a long time, it is necessary to choose them correctly.

There are many types of plastic windows. They differ in a number of characteristics. To choose suitable option, it is necessary to consider existing proposals. This will help you choose the best variety.


to replace windows with wooden frames plastic windows arrived. The types of windows (the photo is presented below) of this category are diverse. To choose the best option, you need to find out for what purpose the replacement is being made.

For many buyers, the aesthetic appearance of the product is almost the only criterion. However, such structures should be characterized not only by beauty. It should be understood that it is through the glass that most of the heat from the room passes into the environment. It is for this reason that it is important to pay attention to the technical issue of creating a structure.

Windows should be functional and easy to use. They should be easy to wash, open for ventilation. Also, such structures significantly reduce the noise from the street, providing a good rest for the owners of the house.

Number of leaves

Considering the types of plastic windows for a private house or apartment, you should consider their design. On sale are models with one or more doors. When choosing, it is important to consider where the window will be installed, what exterior the structure is characterized by and other nuances.

For small openings, single-leaf structures are selected. Their width does not exceed 1 m. If the opening is characterized by large dimensions, it is advisable to purchase a window with two or even three wings. In this case, double-glazed windows are characterized by a significant area.

If the opening is large enough, it is required to make vertical racks between the wings. They must be massive enough to ensure the stability of the entire structure. It should be noted that in the presence of racks, the weight of the window increases, and the light transmission decreases.

Sash opening

The types of opening plastic windows also differ. There are several types of mechanisms on sale. The sash may not open at all. Such windows retain heat best, but they are very difficult to clean. Even on the first floor, most likely, you will need to use a stepladder.

There are sashes that open thanks to the rotary mechanism. They can only open to the inside. Owners of houses and apartments in which windows are large in size can combine types of sashes. For example, for a three-section design, you can choose a swivel mechanism on the sides. At the same time, there may be a blind sash in the center.

Also on sale there are sashes with a folding mechanism. Such sections rotate along the horizontal axis from the bottom of the structure. This function is necessary for high-quality ventilation of the room. Most often, the folding mechanism is combined with rotary systems.

Profile making

Not only the types of adjustments of plastic windows are an important issue when choosing. One of the main indicators of the efficiency and reliability of the design is the type of profile. The cost of construction largely depends on the quality and technology of its manufacture.

The profile is made of a polymer, which is created on the basis of ethylene and chlorine. Various components are added to it, which increase the resistance of the material to mechanical stress, climatic conditions. The dry powder is subjected to high pressure during the manufacturing process. The result is the basis of the future frame.

The profile design has a complex shape. It is further enhanced with a U-shaped profile. Also for these purposes, in some cases, a pipe with a square section is used. With the help of thermal soldering, all structural elements are glued together. Due to the peculiarities of production, the plastic for the profile after processing is not subject to chemical attack, does not ignite and does not lose its original characteristics under the influence of ultraviolet radiation.

Profile design

Exists different types profiles of plastic windows. They differ in design and appearance. If a coloring pigment is added to PVC during manufacture, the frame acquires a different shade than white. Profiles whose texture and color imitate natural wood are very popular.

The design has a rectangular or trapezoidal shape of the internal section. It has longitudinal cavities. Their number may vary. The metal profile runs in the center. The outer chamber is connected to the atmospheric section. Holes are necessary for ventilation of the profile, removal of condensate from it. The rest of the chambers are completely sealed.

It is the presence of cameras in plastic material contributes to the preservation of heat inside the room. Otherwise, it would go outside. The more chambers are inside the structure, the warmer it will be in the room.

Selecting the number of cameras

Considering what types of plastic windows are, you need to pay attention to the issue of choosing a profile. They may have three to seven chambers. The choice depends on the climate. Residents of mid-latitudes must purchase structures with at least four cameras.

For warm regions, profiles with three internal cavities are suitable. Also, such a decision would be correct when arranging windows in unheated premises (outbuildings, warehouses).

Designs with 6-7 cameras are quite heavy. They differ little in thermal performance from five-chamber structures. Therefore, according to experts, it is not advisable to acquire them. The cost of such windows will be much higher. Performance characteristics at the same time they correspond to cheaper types. For residential premises, a class “A” profile can be used. Designs "B" and "C" are intended for technical, economic objects.

Type of double-glazed window

There are several types of double-glazed windows for plastic windows. The simplest is the single-chamber variety. In this case, two glasses are inserted into the frame. Between them there is one air chamber. This option is suitable for a balcony, loggia. Also, a single-chamber double-glazed window is installed in the kitchen.

Double-glazed windows are a three-glass construction. Between them, respectively, there are two air chambers. This design is able to provide high sound and heat insulation. This option is suitable for almost all residential premises.

If the apartment or house was built in a cold climate zone, it is recommended to purchase a three-chamber double-glazed window. It consists of four glasses. Also, this design is preferable for apartments and houses, whose windows overlook the roadway. They can be installed at very high altitudes.

Additional features

On sale are different kinds plastic windows. Some products have additional features. This, for example, can be increased heat saving. To do this, a special film is sprayed onto the glass surface. It is not visible to the naked eye. The glass remains transparent.

Also, the product may not be subject to mechanical stress. If an object hits the glass, it will not break.

To increase sound insulation, a double-glazed window also has certain characteristics. The chambers are filled with an inert gas. In this case, the distance between the glasses is made unequal. This technology contributes to good damping of sounds.

You can order tinted or mirrored glass. In the first case, you can choose the color of the coating. Mirror glass leaves invisible space inside the room. The light transmission capacity is not reduced.

Mounting Features

There are also different types of installation of plastic windows. They can be mounted with or without unpacking. In the first case, before starting the installation, the structure is disassembled. To do this, remove double-glazed windows, glazing beads. The sashes are also removed from the hinges.

In unpacked windows, it is possible to mount the frame first. It is attached directly to the wall. This takes into account the type of material from which the building is built. Most often, special anchor plates are used to fasten the frame, as well as self-tapping screws or dowels of the appropriate size. After installing the frame, the entire structure is assembled together.

Windows without unpacking are installed in the window opening in finished form. This method is not suitable for apartments that are on the 15th floor or higher. The first option is considered more reliable. Windows with unpacking are installed more often on any floors.

How to choose windows?

Considering the types of plastic windows, it is necessary to pay attention to the quality of the presented products. Best Designs produced by Rehau, Veka, KBE, Schuko, Salamander and others. They produce products in various price categories.

So, economy class designs can be purchased from 5.5-9.5 thousand rubles. for one sash. These are the simplest models. They have 3 air chambers in the profile. The frame material is almost always white.

Business class products have a double-glazed window. They can be purchased from 9.5 thousand rubles. for the sash. They have a profile with 4-5 chambers. The highest quality windows are premium. Their cost can be from 11 thousand rubles. They have double or triple glazing. Glasses are distinguished by additional protection against noise, heat loss and burglary.

Experienced installers of plastic windows are advised to pay attention to a few more questions when choosing. High-quality windows must have seals. There must be at least 2 circuits.

You also need to pay attention to the accessories of the products. Do not buy low-quality Chinese products. The cost of a window is much less dependent on the price of fittings. Therefore, this is not worth saving.

Having considered the types of plastic windows, you can draw the right conclusions on what issues you need to pay attention to first of all when choosing. The durability, efficiency and aesthetics of the structure depend on this.