Paint for polyurethane. Painting of polyurethane foam Painting of rigid polyurethane coating with acrylic paints

  • 16.06.2019

How can you reliably protect the insulation so that it turns out beautifully, inexpensively, and durable? In this article, we will consider several options for finishing a surface insulated with polyurethane foam.

Perhaps the simplest and cheap way of all listed here. But even here it all depends on the financial capabilities and imagination of the owner of the house - you can choose absolutely any paint. Acrylic, polymer paints, polyurea and even liquid plastic are suitable for PPU coating. How better quality selected material and the thicker its layer, the longer the coating will last.

siding finish

Polyurethane foam can be applied under siding in two ways:

1. The load-bearing profiles of the finishing material are attached to special aluminum stakes after the insulation has been applied. In this case, the PPU layer will turn out to be ideally monolithic, impervious to moisture and “cold bridges”.

2. The load-bearing profiles of the siding are attached to the wall, and insulation is poured between them. Thus, the polyurethane foam itself is saved (to a very small extent), and the application becomes longer and more laborious.

Which path to choose is up to you.


Polyurethane foam - adapts well to the surface, repeating its shape and structure, as it is a rather plastic material. For example, after spraying brickwork, the stitching between its rows will appear on the PPU. In some cases, this is simply unacceptable. Plastering will help solve this problem. In spite of simple technology application, this type of finish is one of the most difficult. After all, the surface must be properly prepared.

First you need to trim all the bumps and protruding sections of the insulation. Then carry out the tarcreting of the surface. To do this, you can use glue or other similar products. The next layer is reinforcing mesh. It can be metal or kapron. After the glue with which the mesh was attached is completely dry, you can take on the plaster. The application of a cement-lime mortar will be of better quality and aesthetics if it is not carried out manually, but with the help of a special tarcret apparatus. The plastered surface can be left unchanged, or it can be painted, giving it additional aesthetics.

Polyurea finish

The efficiency and durability of the entire thermal insulation depends on the quality of this operation. You can use modern liquid rubber, which is spread in the form of a paste on the surface of the base. It is possible to fix the roofing material around the entire perimeter in two layers. Quality protection from moisture provides stekloizol and bituminous roll materials but they are slightly more expensive. In addition, their installation requires certain skills. Perfect option- polyurea. This is an elastic and thin coating that will reliably protect any material.

  • Possessing high adhesion, polyurea reliably adheres to the base, protecting it from negative external influences.
  • The spraying method allows you to cover structures of any shape with an even layer, ensuring complete waterproofing tightness, and hence its 100% efficiency.
  • The minimum mass of polyurea avoids additional load on the base
  • Polyurea is an excellent base for all types of cladding

We have considered several types finishing. All of them are appropriate if polyurethane foam insulation is carried out outside the building. Recall that this type of thermal insulation is the most effective and practical. Now let's talk about interior decoration premises.

Polyurethane foam and home interior

Polyurethane foam decor is made in a special injection mold, lubricated with a neutral composition to simplify the subsequent removal of the finished product. The components are mixed in the airless environment of the working chamber of the vacuum unit. During the implementation technological process strictly maintained temperature regime. The ratio of the components of the raw materials and the quality of their mixing are carefully checked.

Liquid polymer enters the mold through the pouring head and increases in volume, fills the smallest relief elements and hardens. As a result, the casting completely repeats the configuration of the injection mold. The product is painted in any color or varnished. Such a measure is carried out not only for decorative purposes: polyurethane foam is sensitive to ultraviolet radiation, therefore it needs additional protection from the sun.

This method can be used not only to decorative elements for various purposes, but also heat-insulating shells for pipelines. The shape of the finished product can be brought to perfection by grinding.

Polyurethane foam is able to turn the most boring standard buildings into elegant and graceful structures, giving them individuality. Polyurethane foam is an excellent option for decorating the facades of private houses, public buildings, theaters, museums, cinemas, restaurants, hotels, cafes and offices.

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Polyurethane is quite common finishing material, from which all kinds of moldings, plinths and other decorative products that look like stucco molding are mainly made. However, in order for all these decorative elements to be really attractive and practical, they need to be painted.

As a rule, this procedure causes difficulties for novice masters, which are associated with the choice of coloring composition and the technology of its application, therefore, further we will consider how and with what to paint polyurethane stucco.

Why paint polyurethane

Before proceeding to the choice of paints and their application, you should figure out if this procedure is so important that it bothers you?

Experts have several arguments in this regard:

  • Of course, polyurethane itself looks good, however, it attracts dust and dirt well, which is difficult to remove from porous moldings. Caring for a painted surface is much easier.
  • If we are talking about skirting boards and moldings, then, no matter how carefully their installation is done, there will definitely be joints between the panels, especially at the corners. You can get rid of them with .
  • And the last thing is, of course, the decorative properties of the painted surface. Finished stucco looks much more attractive, not to mention the ability to give the product any shade or just paint it, for example, bronze or gold.

These arguments are enough to accept the right decision in favor of painting.

Paint selection

The choice of dye for polyurethane should be approached very responsibly, since the material dissolves when white spirit or other similar solvents get on it. Therefore paints must be water based.

These include the following types compositions:

  • Acrylic;
  • latex;
  • Silicone;
  • Mosaic.

Now let's take a closer look at the features and properties of these dyes.

Acrylic paint

Acrylic coatings

Most often, acrylic paint is used to finish polyurethane, which is based on acrylic resins.

The high popularity of this coating is due to the following reasons:

  • The paint is absolutely odorless and harmless to the body, like, in fact, all other water-dispersion compositions. Therefore, you can paint in residential areas without fear for your health.
  • The coating is matte, which allows you to give gypsum stucco.
  • Such a paint for polyurethane withstands well wet cleaning.
  • It is resistant to temperature extremes.
  • Forms a coating that is quite resistant to mechanical stress.
  • Differs in durability.
  • Low price compared to other types of water-dispersion compositions.

Thus, choosing how to paint polyurethane foam, it is quite possible to opt for acrylic paint.

Since polyurethane is a combustible material, it is often coated with flame retardant acrylic paints.
However, in order to achieve reliable passive fire safety in a dwelling, it is necessary to process flame retardants and other finishing surfaces, as well as all metal communications.
For the latter, you can use special fire-retardant paints for metal Polistil.

Latex coatings also have excellent performance, in particular, they are distinguished by:

  • Moisture resistance - the coating is not afraid of direct contact with water.
  • High wear resistance.
  • It looks attractive - unlike the acrylic coating, it can form a glossy surface.


Silicone paint for polyurethane moldings has the best performance. Its main advantage is that it is endowed with dirt-repellent properties, so it practically does not get dirty. In addition, the composition has all the advantages of both of the above materials.

The disadvantages of silicone coating include only its high cost.

Painting technology

As a rule, do-it-yourself painting of polyurethane moldings and ceiling plinths causes the most questions.

There are two options for doing this job:

  • Before installation - this option, of course, is much easier than finishing after installation. However, in this case, it will not work to hide the gaps at the joints.
  • After installation - this process is more complicated, but on the other hand, it allows you to pre-fill and get a solid surface.

More often they prefer the second option, so we will consider it.


Before painting polyurethane stucco, you should prepare the base.

The work is done in this order:

  • The surface must be thoroughly cleaned from dust.
  • Next, the gaps are sealed with putty. In this case, attention should also be paid to the gaps between.
  • Then all surfaces adjacent to the molding must be protected from paint contamination, for this you can use masking tape. Furniture and floors should be covered with oilcloth.
  • The final stage of preparation is the coating of polyurethane with a primer, which will improve adhesion.

In the photo - painting a polyurethane plinth with a brush


After preparing the surface, you can start painting. For these purposes, it is best to use an ordinary brush.

The instruction looks like this:

  • The first step is to prepare the paint - stir the composition and, if necessary, add color.
  • Then the coating is applied in a uniform thin layer.
  • After the first layer of paint dries, the procedure can be repeated again.

As a rule, painting polyurethane moldings is part of a complete interior decoration.
In this case, it is necessary to pay attention to the quality of the coloring compositions for other surfaces, so that you do not have to return to this procedure ahead of time.
This is especially true for metal communications, which are prone to corrosion, so they need to use reliable coatings, such as Zinga conductive paint.


Finishing polyurethane stucco is not difficult. The main thing is to choose the right paint, made exclusively on water, and adhere to the above-described technology for its application. Even masters who have never done this kind of work are quite capable of doing this work.

For more information on this topic, see the video in this article.

Today, foamed polyurethane is actively used for the production of various kinds of decor. Decor is used to decorate residential premises.

Its advantages are unambiguous - in comparison with gypsum counterparts, foamed polyurethane weighs almost nothing, but in terms of design it has pronounced stylistic qualities.

However, do not forget that in living quarters there is a large amount of dust that settles on decor items from the indicated material.

If you use it unpainted, then it will quickly lose its attractive qualities.

How to prepare polyurethane stucco for painting?

Strictly speaking, the technique below will work with any decor made from polyurethane foam. Initially, it is necessary to install the decor in a place where it will be permanently present.

Many people think that it is easiest to initially paint the stucco molding and only then install it on the ceiling with glue. This is wrong. After all, black stripes will remain at the joints, which will spoil the whole appearance.

The preparation process is as follows:

  • stucco is installed;
  • a primer is applied to the joints;
  • the adjacent ceiling and walls are protected;
  • stucco is thoroughly cleaned;
  • primer is applied under the paint (for better adhesion);
  • staining occurs with an ordinary brush.

However, for the most positive effect, you need to choose the right paint. After all, foamed polyurethane cannot be painted with anything. The market offers several options.

Each of them is suitable to some extent for use. Read below to find out which one to choose.

Lacquer coatings for synthetic stucco moldings

Today, specialized markets can provide a choice of the following types of paint and varnish coatings: latex, acrylic, silicone and mosaic type.

If you don't want to deal with the lingering smell of paint, then choose acrylic without even thinking. However, it is not so good in operation. Silicone paint is much better cleaned of dust.

And latex perfectly resists moisture. Therefore, it is necessary to choose paint based on the room in which the stucco is located.

If we are talking about the living room - silicone. The stucco molding is installed in the kitchen or in the bathroom - latex.

Vitaly Luzhetsky will demonstrate the painting of the ceiling plinth:

Painting surfaces made of polyurethane foam (PPU)

To date, the most durable and reliable insulation is sprayed polyurethane foam. has so many beneficial properties and characteristics that it is used for insulation of any objects: insulation of metal and concrete hangars, insulation of private houses, insulation of swimming pools, insulation of tanks for various purposes, and much more.

The main advantages of this modern insulation are the ability to obtain ready-made insulation directly at the work site and obtain a monolithic seamless coating. PPU is applied by spraying in liquid form, within 3 seconds the foaming reaction begins, and after 20 seconds the coating is ready for use. This method of performing insulation works excludes any cold bridges, all cracks and seams are completely sealed.

Polyurethane foam can be used both outside and inside the building, but when insulating objects outside, PPU must be protected from ingress ultraviolet rays, because under the influence of UV PPU begins to darken and slowly loses its protective properties. To protect polyurethane foam from UV rays, it is necessary to cover it with a protective layer of a material that does not transmit UV rays.

There are many protective coatings that do not transmit ultraviolet:

  • paints on different bases (service life up to 3 years);
  • bituminous coatings (service life up to 5-6 years);
  • polyurethane varnishes and mastics (15-20 years);
  • polyurea coatings (more than 50 years).

You can choose any coating from this list, and it is suitable for protecting PPU, but the service life of PPU itself is more than 20 years, so it is not rational to use less resistant materials.

In practice, HYPERDESMO polyurethane mastic has proven itself well. The mastic is easily applied to the rough surface of the PPU insulation and after polymerization forms a durable elastic seamless coating with excellent protective and waterproofing properties, providing effective and long-term protection. Application experience on Russian market– 10 years in all climatic zones, including regions of the Arctic. According to the conclusion of the Central Research Institute of Industrial Buildings, the predicted service life on the roofs- not less than 25 years old.

The cost of applying a protective coating "Hyperdesmo" from 400 rubles / m²

Another equally worthy material suitable for protecting polyurethane foam is POLYUREA. Polyurea is a protective coating with wear resistance that exceeds the norms for ceramic floor tiles. Polyurea is a waterproofing, anti-corrosion protection, protection against abrasive wear and a facing coating at the same time. Polyurea is more resistant to precipitation than any other material, but the price of spraying 1 m² is from 700 rubles.

Company specialists "Technofoam" ready to implement the most complex projects, our work experience allows us to achieve an almost perfect result, while maintaining affordable prices for our services for the consumer. Please contact us with any questions you are interested in, we will be happy to answer them by phone, and if necessary, our specialist will go to the place of work for a consultation absolutely free of charge!