Installing a toilet away from the riser. How to move the toilet from the riser when combining a bath with a toilet? Types of toilet pipes

  • 03.03.2020

Most redevelopments are implemented in order to increase the comfort of the premises and for its greater convenience. AT standard apartments, for example, there may be inconveniently equipped kitchens, bathrooms. Their small area limits the functionality of the room and does not allow the installation of additional equipment there.

In the bathrooms (bathroom and toilet), plumbing is often carried out in order to install some other equipment on a free area. Often redevelopment is carried out with the transfer of the toilet. But many owners, when agreeing, ask themselves the question: “Is the transfer of the toilet bowl considered a redevelopment?”.

According to housing legislation, the transfer, installation and replacement of engineering equipment falls under the concept of reorganization. Reorganization may be part of the redevelopment and it must be coordinated.

However, we note the following: replacing a toilet bowl with a similar new one at the site of the previous toilet bowl and without affecting the installation of the floors does not require coordination, but the transfer of the toilet bowl with the dismantling of the floor covering requires coordination; also redevelopment is the installation of a toilet, so this equipment was not initially noted in the technical plans of the BTI.

Affecting the floors during such work may require waterproofing - hidden work, for which it is mandatory to draw up an act.

Redevelopment with the transfer of the toilet requires the development of a project.

The transfer of the toilet bowl must be carried out in accordance with certain rules :

  • transfer from the riser is possible at a distance of no more than 1.5 m;
  • it is not recommended to mount pipes at a right angle to avoid blockages;
  • it is necessary to take into account the slope of the pipe and, if necessary, install a podium for the toilet bowl or simply raise it above the floor level, etc.

Coordination of the transfer of only one toilet according to the project will be necessary only if, when laying pipes to the riser, it is necessary to dismantle the floor. The dismantled floor in the bathroom area will need waterproofing.

Toilet remodel project:

To sum it up, this is what happens:

  • installing a new toilet in place of the old one without affecting the flooring is not a redevelopment and no approval is required;
  • moving a toilet bowl from one place to another is a refurbishment that needs to be coordinated;
  • installation of a toilet bowl where it was not originally indicated on the BTI plans is a redevelopment that requires approval;
  • if, during the transfer, replacement or installation of the toilet, the floor is completely or partially dismantled and further waterproofing is carried out, then acts of hidden waterproofing work will be required - this procedure already implies redevelopment or reorganization;
  • when moving, installing or replacing a toilet bowl and other engineering equipment all applicable standards, codes and regulations must be observed.

If you are going to carry out repairs with one or another type of work on the transfer or installation of a toilet bowl, we recommend that you contact us for the development of project documentation or approval of redevelopment, if all this is necessary. Also, our highly qualified specialists will advise you on all your questions. Email and phone number you will find in the "Contacts" section.

Many of us quite often start repairs in the house for a variety of reasons: the need to replace furniture, update old finish, the desire for something new, etc. And most often, repairs are started, oddly enough, in the bathroom. As a result, it may be necessary to transfer from the riser to the side. Next, we will talk about all the features of this process and will be given detailed instructions for installing the toilet in a new place with your own hands (photo and video instructions are also attached).

The process of dismantling the toilet

At first glance, the process of moving the toilet is not difficult, but in reality this is far from the case, because the farther you plan to move the toilet from the riser, the higher the likelihood of occurrence. Therefore, the decision to take this action must be fully justified.

Most often, the need to move the toilet to another place arises for several reasons:

  1. Changing the layout of the bathroom / expanding its area. The expansion of space usually entails the demolition of walls, the movement of pipes, etc. Which, in turn, often negatively affects the location of the toilet and therefore has to be moved.
  2. Replacing an old toilet. We are talking about a toilet bowl that has dimensions different from the old one. In this case, there is simply no other way out but to dismantle the old plumbing.
  3. Purchase of new plumbing. This applies to or washbasin, the placement of which will require a change in the location of the toilet.

The process of dismantling a plumbing fixture is directly related to how it was installed. The easiest way to carry out dismantling is when the toilet is mounted on standard fasteners, and attached to the tank with a rubber cuff. In other cases, the dismantling process will look something like this:

  • We dismantle the mount. You will need wrench if the plumbing is bolted to the floor.
  • We take out the outlet with the sewer. Gradually move the toilet towards us along the axis of the socket. It is not necessary to turn off the water at the same time, it is enough just out of habit to press the water drain button.

Advice. If the toilet was installed on glue or cement, it should be pulled out very carefully, since there is a high risk of damage to the structure.

  • We extract the putty located between the socket and the outlet. Use a screwdriver for this purpose: proceed very carefully so as not to damage the structure (of course, if you need it).
  • Using a chisel, gently loosen the toilet bowl. To do this, you need to carefully drive the tool under the base of the toilet from several sides and then move it from side to side, trying to loosen the structure.
  • Sufficiently loosening the structure, carefully remove the outlet from the socket.

Toilet moving technology

The toilet can be moved not only to different distances, but also installed at different angles. Depending on these features, installation can be both simple and complex. Let's consider the process in detail.

simple case

After dismantling the old structure, you can proceed to the main work. The first step is to inspect the old eyeliner: if it is in disrepair or not long enough, you need to replace it.

Corrugation connection

Immediately before installation, we prepare additional elements: corrugation (for connecting the toilet outlet to the socket), steel fasteners (plastic washers are required).

Advice. Even if there are o-rings on the corrugation that you plan to use as a connecting element, be sure to use silicone sealant when installing it.

So, we proceed directly to the installation of the structure. Using a drill, we drill holes in the places previously marked for fasteners. If the floor is tiled, use a slightly larger drill bit first. Then we carefully clean the connecting elements (bell and outlet) and wipe dry.

We apply sealant to the corrugation and put it on the outlet. We install the toilet, insert the fasteners and tighten them, acting very carefully. As soon as the structure becomes motionless, stop tightening the fasteners. If there are gaps in the floor, cover them up. Then we insert the second part of the corrugation lubricated with sealant into the socket.

Difficult case

If you plan to move the toilet to a distance that is longer than the corrugation, you will need to redo the sewer. Since the installation process of the structure in this case does not differ from the previous one, we will not consider it again. We need to consider in detail another process - the build-up of sewerage. For this purpose, a plastic pipe is most often used. As for the length, design features and the number of connecting elements, then everything here depends directly on the new location of the toilet bowl.

Sewage pipe

The pipe will be mounted directly on the floor or (using special clamps) along the wall. But there are other features to which special attention should be paid. In order to be able to lower the sewer to the floor level, it is necessary to remove the outlet to the toilet bowl from the cross. In the case of plastic, there should be no problems, it is much more problematic to do the above action with cast iron parts. Before removing the outlet, it is better to warm up the socket blowtorch. This must be done without fail. Otherwise, the sealant will remain, and the putty will most likely crack. If the connecting elements are filled with sulfur, it must also be heated with a blowtorch.

Attention! When working with sulfur, it is necessary to wear a gas mask, and the room in which repair work should be well ventilated.

After carrying out the above operation, the dismantling of the pipe and socket will become very simple. And further actions (direct installation of the structure) exactly correspond to the first case.

Possible difficulties and their solution

After removing the toilet a greater distance from the riser, certain difficulties may arise, which can be avoided by following simple, but actionable advice. So, the first and most common problem is the vacuum in the pipes when flushing water from the toilet tank, which, in turn, may well cause the failure of the water seal in nearby plumbing fixtures. In addition, this process will be accompanied by unpleasant odors and a gurgling sound.

The likelihood of blockages is also high, which is quite logical, since when moving the toilet bowl from the riser, the path of sewage increases. In theory, sewage should "reach" the sewers, but blockage, after all, becomes a more likely problem.

The solution to the above problems is simple: follow the instructions of SNiP. According to the current rules, it is forbidden to remove plumbing from the pipe to a distance exceeding 1.5 m.

It is important to properly install the sewer pipe

Another one of possible problems– insufficient/excessive slope of the pipe. In the first case, it is possible to provoke a decrease in the flow rate (which will inevitably lead to blockage), in the second case, the accumulation of solid contaminants that will prevent the outflow of fluid.

To prevent this, remember a simple rule: for parts with a diameter of about 1 m, the slope must be at least 2 cm per meter; for parts with a diameter of about 0.5 m, the slope should be at least 3 cm per meter.

As you can see, the process of moving the toilet from the riser is not easy. But if you follow all the above recommendations, you will be able to carry out all the work quickly, clearly and without any difficulties. Act carefully and carefully. Good luck!

Toilet installation: video

Toilet transfer: photo

Creating a comfortable environment is impossible without redevelopment of the premises, which also affects the toilet in the apartment.

Possible problems when moving the toilet

The increase in the free space of the toilet room pushes for thought and reinstallation of the bathroom. Is moving the toilet to the side realistic?

Yes, but in order for plumbing to function properly, you should know some subtleties.

Experts voice the following nuances of such a transfer:

  1. The likelihood of blockage increases with distance from the riser, because sewage overcomes a long way.
  2. Flushing water is accompanied by an unpleasant odor (sewer stench) and gurgling sounds. A high vacuum is formed in a long pipeline, which leads to the suction of water from the appliances (located nearby plumbing) and the failure of their hydraulic valves.

With the right approach to solving the issue, such problems can be avoided. Moving a toilet from a riser - a process that is regulated current regulations (SNiP).

Sewer line requirements:

  • Use of pipes whose diameter is in the range of 50 ... 100 mm. The optimal section is considered to be 100 mm, which is brought to the toilet (the minimum risk of a vacuum or a “plug” from sewage).
  • The maximum distance from the toilet to the riser is 1.5m. If the pipe is longer, the capacity of the drain tank will not be enough to push the fecal matter. They settle on the walls of the pipeline, and a blockage is formed.
  • Observance of the correct slope. For each meter of pipeline, it is 2 cm (for a section of 100 mm) or 3 cm (for a 50 mm section).

With an underestimated angle of inclination of the drain, 100% clogging of the sewer is guaranteed, since the flow rate of the liquid is reduced. If the slope is too high, the flow develops excessive speed, which is why solid particles accumulate in the pipe. As a result, the flow of water is blocked.

The easiest way to get the required slope is to provide a podium for installing the toilet, lifting it above the surface (sometimes by a significant amount). Here you can hide plumbing communications.

  • Lack of right angles when laying a new sewer. If this condition is not met, installation at an angle of 45° is allowed (two such angles instead of one straight).

If you put the toilet in the apartment, taking into account these simple rules, then the likelihood of a blockage will be minimized (drainage is discharged by gravity).

In practice, to move the toilet, you will need to perform a certain sequence of actions:

  1. Mark the distance that you can move the bathroom. You will need to fix one end of a one and a half meter twine on the riser and draw an arc with chalk (tied to the other end of the rope).
  2. Choose the most suitable location for the toilet and install it. It is advisable not to leave the maximum distance zone marked on the floor.
  3. Measure the height difference between the center of the drain pipe and the floor. Compare the received data with the height of the inset point. If it turns out to be higher, you will have to build a podium, with which the drain pipe rises 30 mm above the riser tee (tie-in point).
  4. Fix the plumbing on the podium (floor) and connect it to the drain system, ensuring the pipeline is as straight as possible (avoid right angles).

It is not necessary to perform a hard approach cold water to the toilet, it is much easier to use a long flexible hose.

Toilet in the apartment: how to transfer the toilet bowl from the riser

Creating a comfortable environment is impossible without redevelopment of the premises, which also affects the toilet in the apartment. Increasing the free space of the toilet

Ways to transfer the toilet from the riser to another place

Due to the small area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe bathroom, often during overhaul restroom needs to be relocated sanitary equipment. In order to effectively use the free space, as a rule, many people prefer to redevelop the premises.

The result of these works is the transfer of the toilet from the riser. Since this process is related to the issues of water supply, drainage of the device, its solution must be taken as responsibly as possible.

Reasons for moving the toilet

Before proceeding with the process of dismantling the old toilet and installing a new one, consider the main reasons for its transfer.

  • Changing the layout of the bathroom. In this case, all operations are coordinated, at a minimum, with the Housing Inspection, the State Sanitary and Epidemiological Supervision, the State Fire Supervision, and the Architectural and Planning Department. Only after obtaining permission, redevelopment of the restroom is carried out. When moving a wall, the old location of the device can cause discomfort, which is why it becomes necessary to move it.
  • Replacing the old device with a new one, which has a much larger size. If, due to the dimensions of the updated design, it cannot be installed in the previous location, the product should be relocated.
  • Buying new furniture for the bathroom.

Remember, regardless of motivation, old toilet it should be removed whole, alteration of the sewer, only after that proceed with the installation of the device at another point in the restroom. For this purpose, often, use a long flexible eyeliner.

Moving a toilet (the easy way)

This method involves moving sanitary equipment to a distance that does not exceed 30 cm.

Before proceeding with the installation of the structure in a new place, it is necessary to dismantle the old device.

The sequence of work depends on the method of installing plumbing.

If the device is fixed using standard fasteners, and its outlet is connected to the sewer with a rubber cuff, you must:

  • unscrew the screws that fix the toilet to the floor;
  • pull out the outlet of the device from the socket of the sewer line

Consider the sequence of work in the case of placing the toilet on an adhesive or cement base.

Before dismantling the device, shut off the water supply valve to the tank, and drain the liquid from the tank.

  • Remove the putty between the outlet of the structure and the sewer socket.

Remember, work must be done as carefully as possible to exclude the possibility of a split in the outlet, otherwise the device is not subject to further operation.

  • Shatter the toilet. For this purpose, a wide chisel is driven in from different sides of the base of the structure.
  • Pull the outlet, strictly along the axis, from the sewer socket.

After the successful dismantling of the structure, proceed to the installation process of the product. Since the distance from the new location of the toilet to the water supply and sewerage network is small, there is no need to build up pipelines.

Let us consider in more detail the process of installing a toilet bowl in a new place.

  • Clean the outlet of the device and the sewer socket.
  • Mark new holes in the floor covering for fixing the toilet bowl and then drill them.
  • Put the corrugation on the outlet of the device, while it is important to first apply the sealant to the surface.
  • Fill gaps between base and flooring cement mortar, this will create additional support for the structure.
  • Insert the corrugation into the socket.

After performing the above operations, you should check the operability of the device.

Moving a toilet (the hard way)

If it is necessary to move the device to a distance that exceeds the length of the corrugation, it is necessary to remake the sewer.

Installation and dismantling of the device will be similar easy way. At the same time, in order to build up the drainage pipeline, a plastic pipe with a diameter of 110 mm is used.

Remember, the length of the structure and the choice of corners depend on the location of the toilet.

The nuances that should be considered in the process of assembling a plastic sewer

  • Ensure that there is a slope towards the riser: 2 cm per linear meter.
  • When removing a cast-iron branch from a tee, a crosspiece to the device, preheat the socket with a blowtorch. The result of this procedure is the burnout of the sealant and the cracking of the cement putty. After that, you need to remove the pipe from the socket.

Sewer installation should be carried out directly from the riser.

  • To insert a plastic pipe into a cast-iron socket, use a sealing collar.
  • Sulfur-filled joints of cast-iron pipes are annealed with a blowtorch.

Remember, in order to minimize labor costs, instead of accurately fitting the plastic pipes of the drainage system to the toilet outlet, you can use corrugation.

For the effective functioning of the sewer system, it is important to consider the following rules in the process of connecting plumbing equipment.

  • The greater the distance from the toilet to the sewer riser, the higher it should be placed. This will create the necessary slope of the pipe for unhindered drainage of wastewater.

If the structure is far from the riser, it is necessary to provide for the construction of a podium.

  • It is forbidden to fix the toilet bowl, pipelines to the inter-apartment walls, as well as to shift the sewer risers.
  • Plumbing fixtures should be connected to the main line at an angle of 45 or 135 degrees.

Remember, you can not connect the toilet to the sewer system at a right angle, as this will inevitably lead to clogging of the pipe.

  • For the possibility of carrying out preventive work, in the places where the pipeline turns, it is important to provide for the presence of special hatches.

Thus, if it is necessary to transfer the toilet bowl from the riser to a new location, it is important to initially consult with the architect, familiarize yourself with the rules for installing the structure, measure the distance from the sewer system to the device, and only after that choose the necessary method and proceed with the work process.

Ways to transfer the toilet from the riser to another place

Ways to transfer the toilet bowl from the riser to another place Due to the small area of ​​​​the bathroom, it often becomes necessary to move

How to move the toilet from the riser when combining a bath with a toilet?

Good afternoon! Considering a bathroom renovation. We want to combine it with the toilet. For the convenience of redevelopment, you need to move the toilet. I doubt that this is possible ... Is it real? And how to do it so as not to run into problems in the further operation of the equipment?

Hello! You can move the toilet some distance from the riser. However, this event, simple at first glance, has many nuances, on which further use equipment. Plumbers warn that the greater the distance the sewer riser will have to overcome sewage, the higher the risk of blockage. Some "masters" argue that this is not so, because theoretically pollution will "get" to the target anyway. This is true, but there are much more opportunities to "fix" in place on a long journey.

Another problem is the appearance of unpleasant sewer smell in room. It is associated with excessive vacuum, which is inevitable in sewer pipes that are too long. In this case, each flush will be accompanied by the suction of water from all nearby plumbing fixtures and the failure of their water seals. In addition to smells from the sewer, unpleasant gurgling sounds will also appear. To avoid the above problems, you should follow the recommendations of the current SNIP.

In some cases, when moving the toilet from the riser, it is required to raise the equipment to a small podium to provide the necessary slope for the sewer pipes

The document prescribes to move the toilet no more than 1.5 m from the sewer riser. In addition to the “correct” removal, it is also necessary to observe the required slope under which the pipeline should be laid. For parts with a diameter of 100 mm, the slope should be 2 cm per meter. For elements with a diameter of 50 mm, the slope cannot be less than 3 cm per meter. These recommendations should be strictly observed, otherwise problems with blockages cannot be avoided. Decreasing the recommended settings will result in a slower fluid flow, resulting in blockages. Increasing the slope, on the other hand, will cause the water to move too fast. She will not have time to capture solid contaminants, which will begin to accumulate in the pipe and eventually completely block it.

It turns out that most often the toilet bowl, when transferred to another place, has to be raised in order to provide the necessary slope for the pipes. In this case, depending on the transfer distance, a fairly decent amount of lift can be obtained. In addition, the pipe connecting the riser and the toilet will also have to be somehow masked. Considering that its diameter is large enough, it may be necessary to raise the floor or equip a small podium, especially for plumbing equipment.

Another one important detail: when laying a new pipeline, right angles should be avoided. If you can’t do without them, proceed as follows: mount two angles of 45 ° instead of one of 90 °. Otherwise, the likelihood of blockages in the pipe increases dramatically. All of the above requirements are mandatory when transferring the toilet. However, even they do not work if it is required to move the equipment to a greater distance than indicated in the SNIP, or if its recommendations are difficult to implement. There is a solution in this case too.

The first is the transfer of the riser itself, which is extremely troublesome. The second is the use of special equipment that is intended for forced sewage. It makes the system work in conditions where conventional gravity sewerage cannot cope with its functions. For the arrangement of such a structure, a sololift or fecal pump. This is a compact device that can be placed behind the toilet bowl or even inside it. The device, which is a powerful pump equipped with chopper blades, pumps out sewage, grinds solid waste, and pushes the resulting mass into the sewer.

One of the main advantages of the equipment is the ability to use sewer pipes of small diameter: from 18 to 40 mm, which are very easy to hide even behind a plasterboard wall. The power of the pump is quite high. With it, you can easily remove sewage to a distance of about 5-7 m vertically and about 100 m horizontally. For mounting the device, no additional construction works won't be needed. When choosing a sololift for forced sewerage, it should be borne in mind that if you plan to connect a washing machine or a shower cabin to it, you need to choose models with relatively high temperature limits for drains. Otherwise, the device will fail very quickly.

Versions are available with short-term protection, which allows the pump to pump hot drains. However, it is designed only for half an hour operation. Permanent work with a heated liquid is also contraindicated for such devices. In the technical part, the recommendations for transferring the toilet from the riser are not much different from the standard instructions for connecting the device. The only difference is in the installation of a longer pipeline laid at a slope. Installation of the grinder pump is carried out in strict accordance with the requirements of the instructions.

How to move the toilet from the riser - advice from an expert

When remodeling a bathroom, it is often necessary to move the toilet some distance from the riser. Consider the problems that may arise and ways to solve them.

Is it possible to move the toilet in the apartment to another place?

everything is possible, you just need to take it seriously and find out everything. Of course, you can put the toilet in the middle of the room and enjoy life, but if you do the sewerage and drains incorrectly, then soon the whole room will be in.

Very important! For each meter of outlet there should be a rise of about 3-4 cm, otherwise the contents of the toilet simply will not go away, etc. Thus, if you move the toilet 2 meters, then at the base of the toilet, the height of the connection should be 7 cm, if 3 meters, then about 10 cm. Can you afford such a lift? After all, to do this, you need to either put the toilet on a pedestal, or raise the floor

Not everything is so simple, from a technical point of view, you can move the toilet anywhere, even into the living room, bring water without problems, but the slope of the pipes cannot be sustained for a length of more than 5 meters, the toilet will simply be “under the ceiling”, there is a way out forced sewage.

Technically, everything is solved, the problem is different.

Bathrooms cannot be made above the kitchens and above the living quarters of the neighbors below.

This is the first point that sharply limits the concept of “to another place”.

From other places, the actual bathroom itself remains inside which you can move the toilet bowl anywhere and the corridor.

The toilet in the hallway is certainly fun, but not very convenient.

There are exceptions, if you live on the first floor and there are no living or utility rooms under you (workshops in the basement, gyms, etc.), then you can move it wherever you want.

Or if you are the owner of a duplex apartment.

In this case, your toilet bowl, above your own kitchen, may well be installed.

You can move the toilet and nothing, and no one will stop you from doing it, but besides putting it in a convenient desired place, you need to connect it to the water supply (this is not such a big problem) and the sewage system is already more difficult here!

Plumbing is an easy problem to solve, soldering plastic or putting a longer supply hose is not difficult, but you can’t accelerate much with sewage, there should be a central riser nearby, since laying a 100 mm pipe or corrugation is too far from aesthetically pleasing, and is fraught with blockages.

Therefore, a riser is needed, in apartments they often have bathrooms and closets, and even happen in corridors and kitchens, respectively, all adjoining rooms will be in the access zone to them.

You need to decide, connect and equip suitable premises- that's all, if you are afraid of problems with the housing, do not be afraid, but do not tell everyone on every corner, otherwise you will have to register the redevelopment!

Is it possible to move the toilet in the apartment to another place?

everything is possible, you just need to take it seriously and find out everything. Of course, you can put the toilet in the middle of the room and enjoy life, but if you do the sewerage and drains incorrectly, then you will…

The toilet in the apartment is usually small room in which the owner tries to use every centimeter of the area. To improve its functionality, it is sometimes necessary to move the toilet. You can entrust this procedure to a specialist, but it is easy to do it yourself if you have the skills to use the tool.

Why move the toilet?

There can be several reasons for moving a toilet.

  • Transfer of walls with the subsequent expansion of the room. The old location can be inconvenient for the owner.
  • The old toilet is being replaced with a new model. Often it comes in a different size or configuration.
  • When buying other plumbing fixtures (washing machine, shower room), you need to move the toilet, dismantling it and moving it to another place.

What can be faced with the transfer?

When redeveloping a room, it is easy to free up the necessary space, ensuring ease of movement. This may be the movement of plumbing equipment, that is, the transfer of the toilet to the side. But it is worth remembering a number of features, for example, with such manipulations, the likelihood of blockage increases when the plumbing is moved away from the riser.

And when the water is washed off, the appearance often begins bad smell from the sewers and gurgling water. The longer the pipes, the higher the rarefaction of the air. Therefore, it can pluck, which contributes to the appearance of a stench.

To avoid such troubles, the owner of the apartment needs to pay attention to SNiP when transferring independently.

The shifted toilet is lifted, and the pipe is covered. Experienced plumbers recommend making a small pedestal for the toilet. But at the same time, it should be remembered that it is necessary that the updated pipeline be without right angles.


The easiest option is if the toilet is fixed with conventional fasteners and connected to a rubber drain cuff.

  1. The mount is removed. If plumbing fixtures are screwed to the wall, care must be taken not to damage them. When fixing it to the wall, it is enough to unscrew it with a key or a screwdriver.
  2. Gently push it towards you, moving in the direction of the socket. Pulling out the release. You can not shut off the water, the main thing is not to press the button to drain the water. When gluing or landing on cement, it is more difficult to remove the toilet bowl and it is important not to break it during dismantling.
  3. Use a screwdriver to remove the putty between the outlet and the socket. This is done slowly and carefully so that there is no damage.
  4. We drive a chisel under the base of the equipment. After making a few blows, we check whether the installed toilet is loosened.
  5. We carefully loosen it and sip it towards ourselves, after which it is necessary to pull the outlet out of the socket.


Before moving the toilet from the riser, we measure the distance to shift the plumbing. To do this, we measure the length from the riser one and a half meters, mark it with chalk, draw an arc.

We outline the place where we will put the toilet and install. It is desirable that this area is not further than the marked line. We measure the difference from the center of the pipe to the floor. The resulting value is compared with the inset point. If it is larger, then you will have to make a pedestal. The drain pipe is recommended to be raised 3 cm above the tie-in point.

We fix the toilet bowl on the made pedestal or fasten it to the floor. We make a connection to the drain, avoiding right angles as much as possible. It is not necessary to connect the water with a hard supply, it is enough just to connect it with a flexible hose.

In cases where the pipe needs to be extended more than 150 cm from the riser or SNiP is difficult to comply with, you can move the riser or make a forced sewer.

We put the toilet

If the toilet drains water well, but then it is not necessary to change the flexible connection.

Forced sewage

If the toilet is moved from the riser to the side, and the distance from the riser is too large, then it is recommended to install a forced sewer. It is done in cases where the usual drain configuration does not cope with its functions. Usually the owner of the apartment is recommended to install a sololift. This device is mounted in cistern or carried down the toilet. This is a pump with blades that grinds solid household waste or feces that enters the toilet.

It pumps wastewater, grinds waste and sends it to the drain. The sololift is easy to hide in a drywall construction due to the thickness of the pipe (18–40 mm). This device has high power, it can remove feces 100 meters horizontally.

For a sololift, the temperature of the wastewater is important, it should be no more than 50 degrees. More specific information can be found in the instructions for the purchased device model. This is important when the drain is formed not only from the water in the toilet, but also for the bidet, sink, shower or bath.

If you do not comply with the requirements for temperature regime, you can damage the pump. Some models have features that allow you to download up to half an hour hot water, but it is not recommended to do this all the time.

Periodically, the owner needs to clean the device using a solution from deposits on the walls. It is not recommended to use organic solvents, they corrode the rubber seal. The pump is powered by the mains; when the power is turned off, it is useless.

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There are many options for moving the toilet to another place. This article will give some recommendations, for example, on how to dismantle the toilet bowl, install it in a new place, etc. There are many circumstances for transferring:

  1. Expansion of the toilet area. After the transfer of the walls, the placement of the toilet may become uncomfortable.
  2. Replacing an old toilet with a new one. At the end of the installation of a new device, it may be found that it has other dimensions. It is worth considering that the restructuring of the bathroom allows for the replacement or, in addition, a new installation of the sewer system for a more ergonomic toilet bowl with new dimensions.
  3. Acquisition of a new washing machine, bathtub or shower, for the installation of which it may be necessary to transfer the toilet bowl, respectively, its dismantling from the riser.

How to remove the toilet

The dismantling of the toilet itself is directly related to how it was installed. The easiest dismantling is when the toilet is installed on standard fasteners, and its connection to the tank is made by means of a rubber cuff. In other cases, the scope of work may be much wider. Where to begin?

  1. Unscrew the fastener. If the toilet is screwed to the floor, then a wrench or a screwdriver will come in handy. In case this wall-mounted toilet, then, when removing it, you must be careful not to break it.
  2. Pull out the sewer outlet. To do this, you need to move the toilet toward you along the axis of the socket. It is not necessary to shut off the water in the tank, the main thing is not to press the button or the drain lever out of habit. If the base of the toilet bowl was glued or planted on cement, then this is not a nuisance, but it will be harder to remove it without breaking it.
  3. You need to take a screwdriver and cautiously remove the putty between the socket and the outlet. This should be done very carefully so as not to damage the toilet, due to the fact that it is possible to break it.
  4. Having picked up a chisel, it is possible with little effort to start driving this tool from all sides under the base of the toilet bowl. By whether the toilet wobbles or not, it is possible to find out how the cement under its base was broken. Indeed, there is a risk of breaking the toilet at the end of one or two careless blows.
  5. Having loosened the toilet bowl, it is necessary to move it from side to side, making little effort. At the end, you need to remove the outlet from the socket (strictly along the axis).

Installing a toilet in a new location

Replacing the flexible piping is not necessary if the system is working well. If you still need to change it, then this is done quite simply. First you need a sealant for sewer pipes to get a better mount. Connect the toilet to the riser with a corrugation. The advantage of such corrugated pipes are rubber seals located on both sides. Then we fix the toilet bowl to the floor, optimally on the screws. If the floor is not very level, it is possible to make a small layer of adhesive-cement screed.

Advice! When installing the toilet on the screws, you should never press them without plastic washers, otherwise the base of the toilet may be damaged.

  • The socket of the pipe to which the toilet outlet will be connected must be clean and dry.
  • To install the toilet with screws, you need to drill holes in the floor for new fasteners; on the tiled floor you need to drill holes with a larger drill bit.

A pre-purchased sealant is applied to the floor, after which a toilet is installed. In order to correctly make holes and spread silicone where necessary, a toilet bowl is applied to a dry floor, the contour of its base is outlined and the holes are marked. After that, holes for screws are drilled along these marks, and silicone is applied along the contour. After that, it is possible to install a toilet bowl, after the installation of which a corrugation is put on its outlet. Putting the toilet in a new place, you need to make sure that it is stable.

Transferring the toilet in more complex cases

If the toilet is installed near a dilapidated place, then it will be easier to connect the water with a flexible connection. Reworking the drain system will come in handy if, at the end of the toilet movement, it is found out that the length of the corrugation is shallow. In some cases, it is necessary to make an inset in sewer riser, especially at a time when input needs to be done below.

For the installation of a new sewer system, a 110 mm plastic pipe is useful. When assembling the system, it is fundamentally important to think about what specific fittings and corners can come in handy, and how many of them will be needed.

mount for sewer pipe clamps will help. In other cases, the sewer is simply mounted directly on the floor, in the corner between it and the wall. Under such conditions, it is more likely that it will be necessary to remove the outlet to the toilet from the tee to lower the sewer almost to the floor mark.

If the riser pipe is made of cast iron, it is necessary to warm it up with a burner or a blowtorch so that it is possible to remove the dilapidated pipe. It goes without saying that such troubles would not have happened with plastic, but alas, in dilapidated multi-storey buildings, the risers are mostly made of cast iron.

When heating cast iron, you need to take care of a new sealant - a dilapidated cable will burn out at the end of such a procedure. At the end of the warm-up, it is possible to remove the pipe from the socket. A fitting is used to insert a plastic tube into a cast iron tube. For more reliable fixation, its edge, which will be inserted into cast iron, is smeared with sealant. no less scrupulously apply sealant and cast iron pipe.

Advice! When installing the sewer, it is necessary to observe a slope to the riser from the toilet bowl of 1–2 cm per 1 m.

Before inserting into the socket new pipe, you need to do one unpleasant job - if there is dirt, it must be removed. A burner will help with this. You need to prepare for what's to come bad smell. Indeed, it's worth it - at the end of such cleaning, the sewer will not clog for a long time. After making sure that there is ventilation for ventilation, and a respiratory protection device is prepared - a respirator, it is possible to start cleaning.

To make it easier to fit plastic pipe to release, you need a fitting that will provide a chance to connect to the toilet. At the end of the connection, it is possible to supply water to the tank and try to flush the toilet. It is possible to close the sewer pipe with a neat drywall box.

If everything works fine, it means that the installation went as it should, and the one who installed the toilet bowl exactly applied all the recommendations from this article.