Do-it-yourself home interior. How to create comfort in the house? Cozy color ideas

  • 13.06.2019

Science has proven that even an ancient woman tried to create comfort in a cave, to say nothing of modern housewives whose primary task was to provide households comfortable conditions stay at home. Every woman wants all family members to return to their home with pleasure, where it is clean, nice and such an atmosphere is created that one does not want to leave. Today on the site "House of Dreams" interesting topic about how to create comfort in the house and surround the household with order and orderliness of life.

Before we start creating comfort in the house, let's decide on the main directions that we will follow in the process of remodeling. It must be understood that even the most fashion renovation and expensive furniture will not give the apartment expressiveness and individuality. It would probably be wrong to say that little things create comfort in the house, but in some cases this is exactly the case - home-made trinkets, embroidered paintings and panels, hand-sewn towels give the room that very zest, without which the apartment seems faceless. So we have deduced the basic formula of comfort - this is the presence of the "soul" in the living space. And now let's see how to make the house cozier.

We use textiles to create home comfort

Having caught fire with the idea of ​​​​renovating an apartment, every hostess immediately remembers textiles. It is with its help that you can give the living room a certain mood without cardinal alterations and long-term repairs. Start with curtains. This is a great way to breathe new life into the room and make it more comfortable. Curtains with ruffles, flounces and pleats look cute. An excellent option that will allow the room to give an arranged look can be considered use. And in general, soft drapery- this The best way add comfort to the room.

On sofas and armchairs - this is another way to bring a little comfort into the living room. Delicate and pleasant to the touch fabrics that will be covered cushioned furniture, will do their job and give the room peace. The main thing is to choose not too bright colors of the fabric, which “cuts” the eye and brings a bit of aggressiveness into the room. On the contrary, the atmosphere should relax the residents and guests of the house and tune in a lyrical mood.

But what is allowed to be bright is this. Scattered on the sofa, they will not only become a bright accent in the cozy interior of the house, but also add comfort to it due to their softness. And in general, everything that can be soft, from a fluffy carpet to a teddy bear, brings calm and comfort to the house.

Since we are talking about carpets, we need to dwell in more detail on this “point” of our peculiar rating of gizmos that are cute to the eye. Even if you already have a chic carpet on the floor, add some more bright rugs to the interior, for example, in front of the entrance to the living room or kitchen, in the hallway or in the bathroom. Firstly, it is pleasant to walk on such rugs with bare feet, and secondly, they dilute a homogeneous interior and help it gain individuality.

Cosiness and comfort in the house

And another cozy idea for the home concerns the renovation of furniture, namely the use of textile chair covers. They can be sewn with your own hands or purchased ready-made, the main thing is to choose the right color and texture of the fabric in order to fit the updated furniture into the room as accurately as possible. Even a strict one will come to life if you put beautiful covers on the chairs with a chic bow at the back, and capes on burlap chairs embroidered with multi-colored ornaments will make the country style even more homely.

How to create comfort in the house: more light and oxygen

An easy way to transform a room is to use several types of lighting in the room. Cozy lamps, sconces and with soft and warm light add beauty to the house and transform it into better side. By the way, it is quite difficult to make a dark room comfortable, but with the help of wall sconces you can “revive” even the darkest corridor.

You must have noticed how easy it is to breathe in greenhouses and parks? Here is something similar we recommend you arrange in your apartment. A beautiful green corner on the shelves and with leaves of different sizes and formats will refresh any interior and make it calmer. Of course, indoor plants will bring joy only to those owners who love to care for them. Otherwise, it is better not to implement this idea at all and replace them with cut flowers in vases.

Cozy cute little things "domesticate" the interior

Probably the most home interior obtained when decorating a room in a rustic style. And this style, as you know, is determined by accessories. Everything that is made by hand or at least remotely resembles man-made things will come in handy here. These are all kinds of baskets, knitted blankets, tiles near the fireplace or in the kitchen, embroidered or crocheted napkins, bunches of dry grass hung on the walls, homespun paths, faience and earthenware on the shelves, as well as all kinds of figurines, vases, caskets, decorative candles. True, at in large numbers displayed on the shelves decorative elements keeping order in the house is quite difficult, but this task is quite feasible for modern housewives.

Creating comfort in the house

How to make your home more comfortable

Framed photographs will also enliven the interior, especially since joyful and beloved faces will look at you from the photo. It doesn’t matter whether you make frames with your own hands or buy ready-made ones, it is important that they are made in the same style, if, for example, is chosen, then let them be decorated with pebbles and made in blue and white.

Creating comfort in the house with your own hands is much more pleasant than buying a finished floorboard or a painted tray, but not everyone knows how to craft, sew and embroider. Therefore, in some cases, it is much easier to purchase a finished souvenir than to suffer, trying to reproduce a masterpiece.

And the next idea will decorate even a small cozy house in the style of minimalism. Transparent round vases can be filled with decorative stones. They can be plain, multi-colored and even have an inscription. Arrange such vases usually on shelves and coffee tables, here the main thing is to harmoniously combine the shade of decorative elements with colors premises.

Very cozy in a house with a fireplace. Even if this is a small apartment, the room will be given a sweet charm not by a real one, but by an electric one. And if logs crackle in it, then on quiet winter evenings such a living room will surely gather all the household over a cup of tea.

What do you associate the word comfort with? Probably, for some part of the people, these are memories of their grandmother's house in the country, filled with the aromas of freshly baked bread and pies, where everything was sweet and pleasant.

Someone cannot imagine a house without cleanliness, and only a clean house is considered cozy and conducive to life for them. For some, comfort is certainly associated with good lighting, large windows opening which, you can get in touch with the surrounding nature.

For the fourth, it modern layout and now fashionable style of minimalism, a combination of certain colors. And someone likes “things chaos”, and only in such an interior do these people feel comfortable, “sterile cleanliness” and neatly laid out things make them feel sad.

Whichever category you fall into, today's article is designed for those who want to create cozy interior his home, but does not quite understand where to start and what principles to follow.

How to make your home more comfortable?

In creating an interior, an important role is played by the house itself, its appearance, the materials from which it is made, the dimensions of the rooms. If you inherited a small wooden house in the village, then the high-tech interior will be completely out of place in it.

Country style is more suitable here, where you can save some of the old things by repairing them, updating or restoring them. Wooden furniture can be sanded and painted desired color, sofas and armchairs to drag.

It's not only practical solution, but also beautiful, especially if the house is a country house. Relaxing in a country-style house is much more pleasant than in modern interior, which overflows our apartments, offices, various centers.

Previously, wooden village houses were built in small sizes. They were divided, as a rule, into several small rooms by partitions (often not reaching the ceilings).

To fill your house with light and air, dismantle all partitions, re-plan the space into the most convenient and comfortable rooms by combining the kitchen, dining room and living room, arrange the sleeping area.

After all, a large living room is conducive to the joint pastime of the family and the communication of different generations. Where, no matter how in the country, you can gather big family, arrange a holiday and discuss pressing problems, ask for advice in a casual conversation.

Small windows are another problem of old houses, but it is solved quite simply. Expand window openings wooden house easily, by installing larger windows without sashes, you will fill the house with light and fresh air.

If the rooms are still small, then some design techniques will help to make them visually wider and higher. Light walls and ceiling visually expand the space, vertical striped wallpaper will “raise” the ceiling, and horizontal stripes will “expand” the walls. But too bright striped wallpaper in small room can harm him, use them fragmentarily, combining them with plain companion wallpaper.

Painted wooden walls light colors will give the interior in country style a special charm. But if abundance natural wood you are not pleased, then you may be interested in the Provence style.

The interior in this style is light and natural, it is characterized by light shades, floral motifs. Provence style is appropriate in a country house. In addition, it is not at all difficult to fill the interior with furniture. Can be applied old furniture after working with her a bit.

If you inherited from your grandmother the products of her work (richelieu-style tablecloths, crocheted napkins, valances, etc.), which cannot be used in a city apartment, and these products are dear to your heart, you can safely use them in the design of a Provencal interior.

The shabby chic interior is interesting from the point of view of design.

Artificially aged walls, antique furniture, pastel colors are its constituent parts. Many small items: various figurines in the form of birds and roses, preferably with chips and cracks, an abundance of pillows, blankets, decorated with lace, create a cozy interior.

Old photos of beloved relatives in frames will also be in place. Modern photos can be made old with the help of a photo editor and printed. An integral part of the shabby chic interior is an old rocking chair. Interior items such as Appliances and electronics must be masked.

As you can see, it is possible to create comfort in the house with small means, showing ingenuity, creativity and resourcefulness.

Beautiful furniture - a cozy home

I would like to dwell on the topic of furniture in a little more detail. It's no secret that a country house that serves as a summer residence is rarely used year-round. More often than not, this is a place to relax on the weekends and summer days. For this reason, not everyone buys for furnishing. country interior new furniture.

It happens that after the repair of a city apartment, part of the furniture is transported to the country. In order for the cottage not to remind you of an apartment before the renovation and not to turn into a warehouse of unnecessary things, modify the old furniture, bring it to the chosen style.

Our rest largely depends on the visual perception of surrounding objects. Try to give old things new life. The secrets of the transformation of old things can be gleaned from the Internet. Many craftsmen and designers are happy to share their experience with readers.

An old window frame can play a new role, for example, become a mirror, a floor lamp from a street lamp will find a place in your living room. Build an ottoman from an old Soviet folding bed. Not working grandmother's foot sewing machine can turn into an original dressing table or desktop, and from old suitcases you will get a great chest of drawers.

You can even make interior items.

The construction reel for winding the cable can be changed beyond recognition, turning it into an original table. Sometimes it's enough just to repaint the furniture in a new color and replace the fittings in order to radically change its appearance.

To remove the old layer of paint, use special chemicals for these purposes. wooden surfaces needs to be cleaned with fine sandpaper or grinder. Can also be applied different kinds decoration - decoupage, artificial aging of furniture and interior items.

Textiles in the interior

Help make your home more comfortable right choice textiles. Harmonious combination all fabrics in the interior (furniture upholstery, sofa cushions, curtains, tablecloth, carpet, etc.) will make the interior cozy and conducive to rest and work.

Sometimes it is worth changing the curtains and sewing new covers for sofa cushions, and the interior will change dramatically and be transformed.

In the interior of a country house, you can arrange or hang items of your own creativity (embroidery, tapestries, photo frames, caskets, wicker baskets, decorated vases and etc.)

Take advantage of our advice, show interest in your country house and get creative. Let your dacha resemble a cozy corner, and not a pile of old ones, and at first glance it doesn’t necessary items. Handmade beauty is doubly pleasant.

To come home and get into an atmosphere of comfort and warmth is a natural desire and right of any person. It is wonderful when harmony and joy reign in the apartment, and loved ones and relatives meet on the threshold. Sometimes little things are not enough to be completely happy. So, it's time to think about how to create comfort in the apartment, set a certain style for the interior, add those details that will turn the house into a "full bowl".


First of all, a cozy apartment is a clean apartment, where there is no place for a mess. Disorder is permissible only in the artist's studio. Sometimes, in order to create coziness in an apartment with your own hands, it is enough just to do a general cleaning. This activity is not to everyone's liking, but the result of the effort spent is justified. Often you can see real chaos even in your own home. Do not be afraid and give up. You need to act like this.

  • First of all, it is recommended to audit and get rid of unnecessary things. Junk, which lies dead weight, not only occupies precious square meters, but also creates a lot of inconvenience. Clothes and shoes that have not been worn for a long time, faulty household appliances, papers, boxes, etc. are comfort killers.
  • The face of a cozy apartment is the kitchen. If it does not shine with purity, but was born in the refrigerator new life, you have to roll up your sleeves and bring everything to a shine.
  • Well-groomed plumbing, polished faucets and a mirror without splashes - that's what it's nice to see, putting yourself in order in the morning.
  • Closets and chests of drawers crammed full of crumpled things make it impossible for their owners to quickly find a clean pair of socks. It's great when you open the door or pull out the drawer to find neat stacks of things and ironed shirts on hangers.
  • People spend a significant part of their lives in bed. Fresh linens, soft pillows and a light blanket are a well-deserved reward at the end of each day.
  • The hallway, the floor of which is lined with shoes for different seasons, is not pleasing to the eye. It is better to keep each pair in a separate box and take it out according to the season.

Having done away with the accumulated mess once and for all, it will become very easy to maintain cleanliness, because ordinary wet cleaning does not take much time.


Overhaul and the purchase of new furniture is not affordable for everyone. Yes, this is not necessary! If the condition of the walls, floors and plumbing is not critical, it is quite possible to get by with an inexpensive cosmetic repairs. market today building materials pleases buyers with such a rich assortment of goods that it will not be difficult to choose inexpensive wallpaper and paint to update the room and furniture.

Color, texture, style - it's a matter of taste. It is important that the repair is done carefully, environmentally friendly, and the selected shades are in harmony, and not “arguing” with each other. Of course, create comfort in new apartment much easier than redoing the interior in the old one: no need to remove old wallpaper and paint, move furniture. But how nice it is to refresh your favorite home, make it play with new colors! Recommendations:

  • acrylic-based water-dispersion paint is perfect for painting ceilings and walls in the bathroom and kitchen; it passes moisture well, is resistant to abrasion and looks advantageous even on an imperfect surface;
  • before you start wallpapering, it is advisable to prime the wall; this will reduce the consumption of glue and ensure reliable adhesion of the material to the plane;
  • for painting cast-iron heating radiators, it is better to use good old oil paint - it has excellent anti-corrosion properties and costs mere pennies.

When the walls and ceilings shine with newness, it's time to move on to the next stage of creating a cozy atmosphere in the house. To do this, you have to turn on your imagination and be creative.


Little things are what, in fact, life consists of. Pleasant ones cheer up, and all the others are annoying. In an effort to surround ourselves with cute objects, we create comfort in the house with our own hands.

  • Houseplants. Nothing enlivens an apartment like well-groomed flowers in beautiful flower pots. It doesn’t matter which ones, blooming or just greenery, they delight the eye and decorate the house, and even clean the air in the room, saturating it with oxygen. If there is no experience in caring for flowers, you can always buy cute and picky plants by contacting the seller for advice.
  • Coziness in a lounge is often associated with a plump sofa or deep armchair and a soft blanket. Why not get a rocking chair? Put next small table, a bowl of fruit and put some good books.
  • Home clothes and footwear. Let it be not only comfortable and pleasant to the touch, but also new, beautiful. Shabby place in the trash can.
  • Dishes for every day. Are you used to taking out the front plates before the arrival of guests? Down with this relic of the past! The habit of setting the table beautifully will make even ordinary pasta tastier, and life more elegant.
  • Paintings, panels, photographs in frames. Let your favorite faces smile from the walls, inspire you with beautiful landscapes, and let your own hand-made make you proud.

When planning how to create comfort in the house, all these little things should be given maximum attention, because they will surround you every day of your life.

Aroma of comfort

Sometimes, when you go into someone's house, you feel bad smell. It doesn't matter if it's cigarettes, stale food, or an untidy hamster cage. I want to leave the room as soon as possible.

Important: the house must be ventilated every day!

Fresh air not only displaces unpleasant odors but also improves well-being, reduces fatigue. And here available funds that create a wonderful aroma in the rooms:

  • cinnamon is good for the kitchen - it smells amazing and very cozy;
  • in the bedroom, orange or lemon peels, crushed and placed in a sachet, will come in handy;
  • in the living room you can put a vase with coffee beans.

It is better not to use chemical air fresheners, especially if there are children in the house. And the most important cozy aroma is the smell of cleanliness and delicious homemade food. Everyone loves him.

Little space?

Alas, not everyone was lucky enough to acquire a spacious living space. But also in one-room apartment you can feel comfortable! In this case, it is very important to properly organize the space in the room.

The basic rules are:

  • Nothing extra! Give away, sell or throw away anything you don't use all the time! An exception may be repair tools.
  • Invest in a tall, spacious closet. Let it cost a pretty penny, but the whole wardrobe and even shoes will fit in its depths.
  • The sleeping place should be folded, turning into a compact sofa during the day.

All this will help win back a few extra (or necessary) square meters. But you can visually enlarge the room like this:

  • use light colors for decoration;
  • make sure that the ceiling is perfectly flat and white;
  • paint the window frames white;
  • leave a minimum of decorations on the walls;
  • do not overload the interior with details;
  • do not keep in sight those things that can be removed.

Designers, when deciding how to create coziness in a small apartment, suggest using mirrors. Particularly noteworthy are specimens with a pattern. The patterns created by craftsmen on the mirror surface make this essential household item a luxurious interior decoration.

Floor to ceiling mirror wooden frame"antique" or framed indoor plants capable of completely transforming even the most small room giving it depth. Attention! The mirror must be perfectly clean, splashes and stains kill all the magic.

The smaller the room, the more carefully it should be cleaned. And there is another way to create comfort.


It was invented so that even in a small room there was a place for at least two. Dividing into zones is not the erection of additional walls. Most often it is conditional, but this method works fine.

  • The most common approach is decorative trim walls in different colors, using different textures in order to mark the boundaries between the zones of one room. For example, in a common living room there may be several functional areas: work ( computer desk, office chair), recreation area (sofa, bookcase), play area (soft rug and box with toys).
  • Sometimes lightweight folding accordion screens are used. With their help, you can define the boundaries more clearly, but such devices still take up space.
  • An interesting design solution is a screen made of beads. It is unlikely that you will be able to buy something like this, but you can do it yourself or order from the master. There will be a unique author's thing. Long nylon threads studded with transparent or colored (or different) beads look luxurious.


No wonder they are called the eyes of the house. Clean windows, freshly painted or new frames are only half the battle. Curtains are of great importance. They should be clean and perfectly ironed, unless “wrinkled” fabric is used according to the design plan.

Floor-to-ceiling and wall-to-wall curtains visually expand the room. The effect is enhanced if a light tone is selected that is in harmony with the overall color scheme of the room.


An elegant chandelier in the living room, an elegant floor lamp near the sofa, a pretty lampshade in the kitchen or an original multifunctional lighting throughout the apartment - all this can become a highlight in the interior of your apartment.

Comfort in the house is the fruit of care and work. The chic brilliance of a hotel suite and someone else's luxury always fade against the backdrop of the sweet simplicity of a well-groomed home.

A modest area of ​​​​living space in a modern city has long become the norm. with minimal opportunities for organizing everyday life cause a lot of problems. Some of them are due to the structural characteristics of the layout, which in most cases cannot be changed. But there are other nuances of space optimization that affect the aesthetic perception of the apartment and its functionality. According to interior design experts, a cozy apartment may well be small. The main thing is to correctly approach the organization of the situation and its design. There are many techniques for working with small areas, which allow not only to emphasize the advantages of such apartments, but also to hide obvious shortcomings.

Space zoning

A review of the state of the apartment and its furnishings with furniture should begin with the division into functional zones. This is necessary for the rational organization of free space in the rooms. To delimit zones, you can use different means. Glass partitions are usually used. At the same time, you should not strive to achieve clear boundaries. For example, a cozy apartment, the photo of which is presented below, shows an example with a smooth transition from one zone to another.

A partition in the form of a fabric screen can also be a good solution. This method of zoning is suitable for separating specific functional areas. For example, a screen can hide a large closet or wardrobe, as well as equip it with a place to relax. If the question is how to make an apartment cozy for a child, then it is advisable to use a light fabric with interesting patterns for the partition. Such a screen diversifies the decorative content of the situation and brings original accents.

Finishing to create a cozy space

In the main decoration, on the contrary, it is important to maintain a balance of neutral tones and contrast. Obviously, rich and bright colors do not contribute to the feeling of comfort in a cramped environment. That's why best solution when choosing the color of wallpaper or paint, there will be all shades of white, which will also expand the space small room. The second part of this design concerns the introduction of contrasts. Bright patterns, colorful elements in the form of decors - if you place color accents correctly, you will get a very cozy apartment with a visual expansion of space. In addition to the mentioned partition, side walls, shelving and window sills can be subjected to colorful decoration.

What furniture do you prefer?

The main rule to be guided by in this part is high functionality with small sizes. Furniture should be practical, easy to use and compact. This will get rid of the main trouble of a small living space - disorder. When deciding how to make an apartment cozy with furniture, you should pay attention to transformer models. Folding sofas, wardrobes, racks and other multifunctional furnishings will help to clean up the apartment and will not take up much space. If funds allow, it is better to purchase models with original inserts, glass elements and an unusual texture. In this design, the furniture will certainly make a direct contribution to creating a cozy atmosphere.


To a large extent, the atmosphere in the room is determined by the way the light is organized. There can be many options, but in any case, a cozy little apartment should be spared from overhead lighting. The traditional use of one massive chandelier for the whole room is not suitable. It should be replaced with a sconce or table lamp, which can be placed around the perimeter of the room.

Not bad if, when installing several light sources, it will be supplied from several sides. By the way, such a scheme of local lamps allows you to save on electricity. At the same time, it is worth noting the many configurations of lamp systems with which a small cozy apartment is combined. A photo with an example of this approach in organizing lighting is presented below.

Indoor vegetation

There is nothing better to provide a comfortable and cozy environment than living vegetation. Of course, in large rooms there are much more opportunities to implement such an idea, but a small-sized odnushka is quite suitable for accommodating representatives of the flora. The simplest way, which decorates a cozy apartment with the help of plants - this is a cactus on the table. At a minimum, it will create the effect of the presence of a particle of wildlife. For more demanding owners of small apartments, small-leaved ficus can be recommended. It will not take up much space, but will bring unique shades to the atmosphere of the house. There are others, no less noteworthy varieties of flowers, the choice of which should be done already to your taste. The main thing is not to abuse it with bright seasonal plants. The fact is that most of the time they do not bloom and look rather dull, so these options are best avoided.

Accessories and decor elements

Various elements of decoration and interior design, of course, add sophistication and charm to the space, but from the point of view of comfort, it is better to use elements and memorabilia that are directly related to the owners. For example, photographs, boards with notes, author's paintings - thanks to such additions, a cozy apartment will be created with your own hands and without extra costs. Both old doors and a worn area on the wall can become a platform for creativity. Using a minimal set of tools, you can also perform restoration in the form of applying a patina or use another technique for updating a zone that has lost its attractive appearance.

Organization of free space

Comfort in the house largely depends on small details. Scattered things, untidy household appliances, clutter with currently unnecessary items - all this can negate the benefits of the efforts that were made to ennoble the space during the repair process. It is important not to forget that a cozy apartment is one when it is pleasant to be in it and use its functional space. It pleases the eye and makes the life of its owners comfortable. That is why it is important to keep order and not ignore the elementary rules of cleaning. However, this applies not only to small apartments. Clutter and clutter in a luxury home also undermines all the efforts of the interior designer.


Owners of small apartments are familiar with the difficulties that life in a limited living space causes. However, the reduced functionality of the premises and tightness do not always contribute to the formation of an unpleasant atmosphere. This may well be a cozy apartment, which has become such thanks to following the basic rules for arranging the premises. At the same time, there is a huge space for the realization of their own ideas. Moreover, the more individual accents, the more pleasant the feeling of housing. An original and personalized environment is an advantage that, for example, distinguishes small studio apartments.

You can live in an apartment indefinitely and still not notice the obvious - the place where you spend a significant part of your life cannot boast of home comfort, so the room is often used for spending the night, and the rest of the time it only oppresses.

Everyone wants the atmosphere in their apartment to be comfortable.

You don’t want to return to a house devoid of comfort, it is not filled with the energy of the owner and household members, it may seem empty, although there seems to be a fairly good repair. Indeed, expensive wall decoration, chic interior filling and newfangled appliances are not a guarantee of comfort in an apartment.

In order to correct the situation on your own, you need to arm yourself with the necessary set of knowledge on how to create comfort in the house. You need to understand that the work ahead is painstaking, because every detail in the room affects the overall perception of the room and, in combination with other elements, creates the right atmosphere of warmth, kindness and comfort.

It is not enough to know design techniques, to have a developed imagination, artistic taste and money to implement creative ideas, all this is enough to do just to start another renovation in the apartment. Your task is to bring a part of your heart into the room, and then the apartment will shine with long-awaited comfort.

Without which comfort in the house is impossible

Cleanliness and neatness

Once you have rethought the concept of a house, you can move on to its transformation. Start with a general cleaning. First of all, inspect wardrobes and bedside tables, sort out all unnecessary things, clothes that you don’t wear for a long time and are unlikely to put on, collect them in bags and bags and get ready to take all this rubbish to the dumpster in the near future. If the clothes look decent, you can try to hand them over to the commission and get extra money for your diligence. Oddly enough, in order to make the apartment cozy, you must first get rid of something.

Comfort in the house is impossible without regular cleaning

It is also necessary to get rid of energy debris - broken plates, cups with chipped handles - they pull us into the quagmire of the past, which we cherish like the apple of our eye, in fear of living in the present and looking openly into the future.

Now is the time to do some general cleaning. Pay special attention to cleaning switches, furniture upholstery and curtains. Now you have to monitor the state of cleanliness of textiles in the house, otherwise it will be difficult to achieve comfort in the apartment.

The smell of comfort

You have probably noticed that in many apartments there is a smell that is not similar to any other. We hope that you did not have to deal with the smell that delivered discomfort. But unfortunately, no one is immune from this. Experienced housewives know that a less-than-ideal scent can come from just about every item in the house if not cared for properly. The reason can be a damp rag in the bathroom that does not dry for a long time, a worn towel for drying dishes after washing, dusty curtains, and even books that are rarely wiped.

What smell is welcome in the apartment? Viscous bergamot, delicate vanilla, soothing mint and lemon with grapefruit are positively perceived by almost all people. The aromas of cinnamon, verbena, fresh wood and freshly brewed coffee contribute to the homely, cozy atmosphere in the apartment. The smell of alluring pastries has a beneficial effect on a person’s consciousness, because this aroma is familiar with its comfort from distant childhood.

How to make an apartment cozy with the help of smell? In the store, pay attention with air fresheners, scented candles, essential oils and, finally, bags of spices and herbs. Before you buy a source of pleasant fragrance for your home, check with your household, perhaps some smell does not suit your family member or causes allergic reactions.

To make the kitchen cozy and quickly remove the obsessive smell of fat, install a hood in the apartment.

Lighting and color of a cozy home

Comfort involves the design of the room with eye-friendly lighting and a color palette that is correctly matched to the style of the apartment.

Lighting plays an important role in creating a cozy atmosphere.

Subdued lighting will make a gloomy cave out of the apartment, and too bright lighting does not favor calmness and relaxation. In the decoration of walls and furniture at home, it is advisable to adhere to a warm color palette, if it is important to correctly combine different colors.

Style and design

The style of the room

Though modern technologies moving forward, some, rather out of habit, continue to carry out manipulations in the house that deprive the apartment of the slightest comfort and, on the contrary, emphasize its wretchedness. It will be about the repair on the principle of "homemade". More often self repair lasts indefinitely and eventually turns into a “piece” - when plumbing changes in sections, if it is necessary to update an outdated finish, a piece of wallpaper is placed in an empty place, different from the previously pasted ones.

Therefore, in order to make the house cozy, it is advisable to gather your thoughts, save up money and turn to specialists who will carry out repairs professionally. Craftsmen who like to do construction work become an exception to the rule, but here it is important to follow the generally accepted process technology in order to achieve comfort, which will become a guarantee quality repair in the apartment.

If there is a financial opportunity, design a cozy interior that combines wooden motifs. It is known that wood indoors has a good effect on the psyche. Some designers use a tricky trick - to create coziness in an apartment, they choose materials that are a high-quality imitation of wood. Let there be elements in the decoration wooden drawings, at home and at the same time, the beams placed on the ceiling of the house look stylish.

Lean on classic living space design. Arrange furniture in the room and hang decorations of various textures and textures with different types surfaces. Wicker products will add a special zest and comfort to the rooms, if, of course, they fit into the designated interior. There is a place for - be sure to take the opportunity to create a personal cozy "home". The imitation of a fireplace is no less attractive and contributes to a homely, warm atmosphere.

Do not strive to achieve ideal forms, allow some confusion in the design of square meters. But do not overdo it - complete chaos will cause completely opposite sensations, not similar to comfortable ones. Why perfect order does not bring inner satisfaction? It's simple - a person begins to experience constant feeling anxiety, to worry that his careless actions may violate the created "idyll".

For comfort in the center of the kitchen, it is recommended to place a table, which alone appearance should lure guests and invite them to a meal. It's great if there is a tablecloth and a bowl of fruit on top. Chairs should also be comfortable - put them in soft textile cases and put small pillows. The table, located indoors near the wall, is decorated by hanging “tasty” pictures on the wall, which also give the apartment comfort.

Showing your creativity in the kitchen, give preference to tea and coffee comfort. A teapot with a snooty spout, a retro-style coffee grinder, a tea jar decorated with lace and aged labels will add an unusual piquancy to the room. Your task is to achieve a warm environment that will appeal to everyone.

Young families will probably have a question - can there be cozy apartments made in hi-tech or modern style? Designers say they can, although it takes a lot of effort to do so.

Cozy textiles

Textile household items will help to move away from the coldness of the office space and create coziness in the apartment. These include curtains, pillows, tablecloths, napkins, wall panels. Do not be afraid to arrange ottomans and banquettes in the corridor, because often in the hallway for comfort there is just not enough to sit on. In the hall, the ottoman can be used as a cozy footstool.

By the way, with the help of curtains, the area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe room is successfully expanding and the window opening is increasing. Designers advise hanging curtains in such a way that they cover not only the window, but also the walls of the room on both sides. When purchasing curtains, consider the width 1.5 times more window construction. This technique will allow you to decorate the curtains with beautiful airy folds, especially if they are made of organza. It is advisable to decorate the curtains in the open position with cozy, decorative clips and elements (bows and butterflies).

Fabrics for placement on windows can have a pattern, regardless of whether it is on the walls or not. Try to combine a large ornament on the curtains with a large image on the wallpaper, and the comfort of the apartment will be ensured.

As for carpets and paths, they can cover the entire floor or be located in one area. Last option more suitable for cozy placement near a table, armchair or sofa. For the entire floor, choose a carpet darker than the walls, multi-colored is appropriate for a plain finish.

flower arrangements

It is unlikely that it will be possible to make coziness in the house without taking into account the "green" design and its basic rules. Even in office rooms green spaces can bring a special cozy atmosphere. This does not mean that pots with indoor flowers need to be placed everywhere, thereby turning the apartment into a kind of botanical garden.

Limit yourself to a few pots and arrange them, focusing on right conditions contents of each flower. In the living room, it is customary to place outdoor flowers, for example, ficus and palm. In the bedroom, it is useful to have oxygen-producing plants on the windowsill - aloe and kalanchoe.

Another important nuance - a pot suspended from the ceiling with stems and buds hanging down will reduce the height of the ceiling of the room, and outdoor planting, on the contrary, will elevate it and.

Artistic decoration of a cozy apartment

It is preferable to decorate the empty walls of the room with personal photographs, they will give the apartment individuality. Graceful vases, figurines, candlesticks with candles, arranged on bedside tables and coffee tables look cozy. If you want to hang a few bright decorations or letters on the walls, which is also welcome, it is better to choose a place for this in soft, neutral colors.

One of the cabinets with a mirror panorama to create coziness in the apartment can be allocated for souvenirs brought from travels and trips abroad, gifts received from loved ones on memorable dates. At least once a month, wipe the sea shells, plates and ceramics from dust, otherwise the showcase will turn into an untidy place, far from cozy.

Craftswomen will surely love the idea of ​​creating a personal cozy space in the apartment for their creations. Play with shapes and colors decorative pillows framed with original pillowcases. Creating coziness in the apartment, adhere to the rules for the sufficiency of decorations and things in the room, and not their excess.


Now you know how to create comfort in the house with your own hands. Try to consult with household members and learn to determine the boundary between beauty and comfort, sharp contrasts and the calmness of a comfortable, warm atmosphere. Avoid the neighborhood of small bright elements that do not match each other in style, be careful with mirrors, which, if placed incorrectly in the room, contribute to the accumulation negative energy in the apartment.