What is the dream of the house for? Wooden, brick house. Key meanings of dreams about a new home

  • 23.09.2019

Dreams about houses often mean the arrangement of life, the course of affairs. The condition of your home determines what awaits you in the future. Sometimes these dreams are repeated.

Especially if you think about your life and expect changes for the bad or, conversely, for the good. Seeing a shiny or gold-covered house is unfortunate or in trouble.

Buy, inspect a house - make plans for the future. Such a dream also predicts changes in life and position.

Pay attention to the condition of the room, the furniture, the lighting, and the feelings you had when you looked at the house in your dream.

Building a house in a dream means that you will have a hard time in order to achieve a stable position in society and prosperity. Sometimes such a dream portends boredom, dissatisfaction with one's position, or illness.

For a patient, such a dream predicts imminent death. To build a barn or barn in a dream means that soon you will get your own home and family.

See interpretation: barn, barn.

To have your own house in a dream, as it is, means that your experiences are in vain and life in your house will improve.

If in a dream you are repairing or roofing a house, then in reality you will experience disappointment and loss.

To be in a locked room is a dream warning that someone is plotting against you.

To see a devastated, plundered house (your own) in a dream - to profit and big good changes.

Destruction in the house means trouble that threatens your well-being. Sometimes such a dream can mean a prolonged illness (depending on the degree of destruction), and the patient who sees such a dream may die.

To see repairs in your house in a dream means that soon you will have to work hard to correct the mistakes you have made or improve your situation.

To dream of a house destined for destruction is a warning that your rash actions will harm your well-being.

Changes and rearrangements in the house that you make in a dream - to change or the visit of an important person.

A dream in which you see your house empty warns you of a possible separation from a loved one, of unfulfilled hopes and of material losses. Such a dream also suggests that you are unhappy with your current situation and are painfully looking for a way out of it.

A dream in which you see your house on fire is a sign of failure in business, trouble and grief. Such a dream often warns of danger to the life of the inhabitants of this house.

A burning living room or dining room is a harbinger of unpleasant news about the illness of the owner of the house. The same if you see furniture or draperies in your house flare up and burn.

Worst of all, if the situation in the house burns out to the ground. In this case, expect large and prolonged disasters.

To see in a dream how the upper floor of the house burns and collapses is a warning to those who have seen such a dream that they may lose their fortune and be subjected to humiliation.

Unfaithful friends will leave him in difficult times. In addition, such a dream can threaten a big trial.

However, if in a dream the house burns with a clear flame, without destruction and smoke, then the poor will get rich, and the rich will become noble.

Trees burning in front of the house are a sign of loss for its owners.

Seeing the house of your parents (old people) in a dream - to receive bad news about misfortune in the family. See interpretation: tenant, fire.

Seeing a strange-looking dwelling in a dream means that your real life not arranged and you are deeply worried about it.

If you see in a dream the transformation of housing from strange to normal, it is a sign that the same thing will happen to you in life. Entering such a dwelling in a dream is a harbinger of the fact that you will soon get involved in an unusual business.

If you dream that you are looking for a way out of such a house and cannot find it, then the dream warns you that you should refrain from risky ventures. Seeing a beautiful house from afar in a dream means that a wonderful and happy future awaits you.

Entering a beautiful and tall house in a dream means big changes for the better. After such a dream, you can count on a good and profitable place, making profitable deals. Such a dream often promises you a rich and powerful patron who will support you in all your endeavors.

Being alone in a huge room of a rich house or feeling like a stranger there means that soon your well-being will crumble like a house of cards, and then many of your friends, whom you helped a lot, will turn away from you.

Changing a house (apartment) in a dream means that unpleasant news awaits you about the betrayal or betrayal of loved ones.

The dream in which you saw that you were sweeping the floors in the house means that you will be paid a visit soon. See interpretation: revenge, wash, order.

Cleaning a house in a dream is a sign that you would like to correct your mistakes and deal with your opponents.

Tidying up the house, putting things in order is an omen that soon your affairs will return to normal, you will do a profitable business.

To wash the floors in the house - to the death of a loved one.

Holes in the floor or roof of the house - to a close parting with a loved one or moving.

Seeing your house dilapidated in a dream is an omen of remorse, humiliation, need.

The dream in which you saw your house cramped - to losses and losses, because of which you will be very worried. This dream speaks of how hard you are looking for a way out of this situation.

Sprinkle the house with water - to chagrin.

Watering your house with water in a dream means compassion for your neighbor and correcting your affairs.

If you dream that you are wandering and looking for desired number at home, means that you can take the wrong steps, which you will bitterly regret later.

Leaving your home in a dream means that you will make a mistake, which you will later regret.

To greet or kiss household members in a dream is a harbinger of receiving good news. Selling a house in a dream - to ruin and adversity.

Looking for your home is a big disappointment and a meager existence. Living in a dugout in a dream is a sign of humiliation and poverty.

Not having a home - to failures and losses, because of which you will lose your peace. See interpretation: building, room, room, water, key.

Interpretation of dreams from the Family Dream Book

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Dream Interpretation - House, dwelling

This is the wife who gives her husband shelter near her. And whoever sees what is coming out of a small house will get rid of anxieties and worries.

If he sees that his house has become wider, then this is an increase in his good and harvest. Dreaming of houses is interpreted in different ways.

If someone dreams in a dream of an unfamiliar house in an unfamiliar place with unfamiliar inhabitants, then this is his house in the afterlife, and the state of this house will be the same as in a dream: good or bad. And if in a dream you see a house familiar to you, then this is a house in worldly life.

If someone sees himself in a house he knows, then his worldly blessings will increase as much as this house was wide and large. If you see your house in a ruined form in a dream, then this is to the destruction of its material condition due to wrong actions.

If you dreamed of a dilapidated house, imagine that it is being demolished very quickly and a new stone house is growing in its place.

Seeing your own house in a dream - to serious changes: to see your house abandoned - true friends will turn away from you; you did not find your home where it usually stood - you will be deeply disappointed in people;

For some reason, you lost your own home - you are threatened with financial losses and failures in the fulfillment of your plans;

Make repairs and furnish it with unaffordable luxury - in real life, disasters and disasters await you in family life;

Seeing the father's house - to the death of a close relative;

Your home needs overhaul- to a serious illness of someone close; your house is crumbling before your eyes - quarrels and scandals in the family can lead to divorce;

  • The house is either whole or falling apart.

    Primary elements - metal, water, earth.
    Elements - dryness, cold, humidity.
    Emotions - sadness, fear, thoughtfulness.
    Organs - spleen, pancreas, lungs, colon, stomach, bladder.
    Planets - Venus, Mercury, Saturn.
    Feng Shui literally translates from Chinese as wind and water. Wind and water are the primary elements of creation, determining the state of the three remaining primary elements: fire, earth and wood. Feng Shui is the ability to live in harmony with the two most important elements - wind and water, and through them the ability to live in harmony with all nature. Feng Shui has different directions: how a person should behave in different seasons, how to properly build and maintain a Yang dwelling - a house for the living, and how to properly organize a Ying dwelling - burial places for the benefit of descendants. According to the theory and practice of feng shui, the condition of yang dwellings fully reflects the health and relationships in the family. Each person creates a house in full accordance with his worldview. But in life, the spiritual collapse of the family can be covered up with expensive furniture, outward courtesy, and so on. A dream rips off all artificial masks and reveals the true inner feng shui of a home: an expensive apartment or a chic mansion can dream of collapsed, burned out, and a modest apartment, in the presence of peace and harmony in the soul of the owners, usually dreams not of a palace, but filled with some special light, in such a dwelling definitely want to get in. A house, an apartment is a Yang dwelling for the living, in contrast to a grave, a Ying dwelling for the dead.

  • A crumbling house - destruction and death, Yin states. The image of a collapsing, collapsing house in a dream is a sign of the loss of the inner basis of life, the loss of forward movement by the owner of the house, or the destruction of the family. For the dreamer himself, such a dream speaks of a critical state of the body, since the collapse of something is always preceded by a glow, an explosion of emotions that destroy the body. After the explosion of emotions the world begins to penetrate through the gaps to where man previously created his little world. Big world destroys the small one as soon as the owner small world loses the ability to animate him (all forces went to the heat of passions). A destroyed house, in turn, does not give the owner protection, the result will be depression and illness. The situation often begins to spin in a circle - from the owner to the house and back with deterioration, spiritual and physical collapse. The earth is unfavorable to the dwelling, water penetrates into the gaps of the house: the spleen, stomach, lungs (do not like dampness) and large intestine, kidneys and bladder are not in order.
    Sleep is unfavorable.
  • A completely destroyed house (dreams that you are standing in front of it) - can portend serious illnesses and even death (the house collapses on the dreamer, crushes him), the collapse of affairs and relationships is inevitable. The apartment / house is not destroyed, but neglected and dirty - they speak of spiritual stagnation, laziness and loss of life's landmarks. Enter / dream of a new light beautiful house/ apartment - means finding a new path in life, new interests or companions, a dream can also portend unexpected, life-changing news. All the awards here are well-deserved: the dreamer was spiritually active and not indifferent in life, while avoiding the heat of passions whenever possible. The dreamer has already programmed for himself a decent future, which appeared in a dream in the form of a new home.

Loff's dream book

Why does a woman dream of a house:

In a dream, different things can happen to a house. You can build it or buy it, it can be destroyed, destroyed by the elements or war, invaders can fill it, etc. As a rule, a house dreams of major changes, instability, or significant growth.
A house teeming with something or occupied by someone indicates your unstable relationship with the outside world. You are in a state of depression - it happens, but if you are in this state all the time, then seeing your house inhabited by any people or ANIMALS is a signal of ANXIETY.
A destroyed house is dreamed of when moving, financial turmoil, to DEATH or DIVORCE. In such dreams, the house falls apart, losing its primary purpose: to provide shelter to a person. Having seen such a dream, think about what circumstances oppress and crush you and how this affects your real life.
Building a house is a reflection of your life circumstances and changes in perspective. Most likely, you will have a promotion at work or an improvement in your financial condition, which opens up additional opportunities. In relations with the person you are dating, a qualitative transition to a more serious level is not excluded, marriage is possible. In any case, dreams about building a house always have a positive connotation.
Since the house is a symbol female influence or a symbol of the mother's womb, in this regard, the following questions arise: are you (or your partner) pregnant and want to build a nest for future offspring? Do you feel an essential need to enter into a serious mutually binding relationship with your partner? Do you feel unsupported or are you too conservative in nature?

Freud's dream book

Seeing a house in a dream means:

The house (residential) most often symbolizes a person.

but wooden house ik can symbolize the coffin.

A house with smooth walls symbolizes a man, and a house with balconies, loggias and bay windows symbolizes a woman.

Repair the house - have sex.

If you renovate your house with pleasure, then in your personal life full order.

If you experience discomfort while renovating a house, then you do not love your sexual partner, maybe even hate, but hide your feelings.

If a man climbs or descends the smooth wall of the house, then he is prone to homosexual contacts.

If a man climbs onto the balcony of a house, then his feeling for a woman is quite serious.

If a woman climbs a smooth wall of a house, then her feelings for a man will most likely remain unshared.

If a woman climbs onto the balcony of a house, then she needs female guardianship and is inclined to enter into a lesbian relationship.

Climbing onto the roof of the house - striving to complicate and clarify relationships, craving for scandals and showdowns.

Seeing a destroyed house - you have health problems, including sexual sphere.

Being or living in a destroyed house - all your attempts to achieve mutual understanding with your sexual partner have been in vain.

Esoteric dream book

A dream with a house in a dream interpretation is interpreted as:

(1) Someone else's house. Big, outside - someone else's life invades yours. To enter someone else's house - you will enter someone else's life. By invitation - you will be asked for help. Secretly - take part in someone on your own initiative. Multi-storey - pay attention to the floor. Small - a new acquaintance. Very old - attracts old connections, especially if there are a lot of old things inside the house. (2) Your home. Big, new, outside - new things are coming, but you have a choice: you can take or not take part in them. If you entered, your participation will have a positive effect. They occupied a free room or apartment - your activity will bring material benefits. Many neighbors - there will be a large team. Good - the relationship will develop bad. Bad - the relationship will be good. Those who died still live in the house - wait for help and support in new matters. See individual details of the house and numbers (number of apartment, floor). Old - you need to finish the old things. Shabby - dump the extra load of memories, throw out old papers and rags! Under construction - the time has not yet come. You are pedaling some business and events. Collapsing - your business is crumbling from the inside. With the help of someone - someone deliberately ruins your business.

Ukrainian dream book

Sleeping with a house means:

Move to a new house - die. A house without windows and a door - the coffin falls to this man. As you dream that they are building a new house, this is very bad. If you dream of beautiful houses - wealth. If a wall falls in a house or in a barn, then someone will die in this house (family). Bare walls in the house - the death of a loved one. A wall fell - a dead man sooner or later. Like a locked house - this is death, unkind. The wall falls - the trouble falls on the head. As the mother falls, the owner or mistress will die, and as a wall, then one of the relatives. If one of the family members dreams of having music, dancing in their house, there will be a dead man in that house. If you dream, you are building a house - for illness. They are building a house for you: bright and beautiful - your life, black and windowless - rowing. The storm tore the top off the house - beware of a tragic disaster. Build, put, oil the house - to death. The house is falling apart in half, the mother is falling, the ceiling is falling, the walls are falling down (especially the corner wall), the stove is falling - this is to death. Dream about a house - a change in life. Sweep the house - guests; get rid of the enemies. Lit - to theft; news. High - wealth; falls - death.

English dream book

Meaning of sleep house:

Seeing new houses in a dream, wait for the move to a new place. There you will find happiness and avoid the machinations of secret enemies. If the buildings that you see in a dream are high and majestic, it means. You will be well and happy. If in a dream you see not just beautiful buildings, but real palaces, it means. You will not only be rich, but also very noble. Your life will change for the worse if in a dream you see small, unprepossessing and dilapidated houses. Thank you for visiting our English dream book. It is even worse to see unfinished buildings in a dream. It is especially dangerous to ask about the reason why these houses are not completed. If no one in a dream can answer this question, it means. Your life plans are not given to be realized and you will not live to see them come true.

Dream Interpretation of Zhou Gong

What does it mean if a woman dreams of a house:

Move to a new house belonging to another person - fortunately; from a gust of wind, the house comes into motion - arrival; rent a village house - loss of a job; the family leaves the house - a joyful event for the wife; moving to a destroyed house - there will be a beautiful wife; rent your house to someone - get a job; sweeping the house, while spraying water - a person will come from afar; empty house (without people) - portends death; the house falls into a hole - death; to see a live horse in the house - there will be a letter from his son; the military enters the house - great happiness; repairing a village house - there will be great joy; buy a house in countryside- Relocation due to change of duty station.

Miller's dream book

What can a house dream about:

You cannot find your home - loss of faith in the honesty of people;
not having a home - failure in all endeavors, financial losses;
change housing - urgent news, hasty trips;
for a young woman - to leave home - you will be surrounded by treacherous slanderers;
visit your old house- good news;
to see your old house cozy and joyful - a long prosperity;
abandoned house - sad events.
Also see Building, Paint, Roof, Ice, Fire, Door, Window, Mansion, Leave, Farewell, Brothel, Plant, Hurricane, Shelter, Hut.

Dream Interpretation of Solomon

House, in a dream means:

BUILD A HOUSE - joy, profit;
FALLING HOUSE - loss of a friend;
HIGH-RISE HOUSE - unfortunately.

Dream Interpretation Hasse

If a girl dreams of a house, then this means:

Repaired - uncertain relationships will be clarified; cover with a roof - losses await you; buy - well-being; destructive - disease; flaming - failure in business; build - happiness in love; empty - your hopes will not come true; make changes in the house - expect a visit; destined for destruction - frivolity threatens you with misfortune; devastated - profit; destroy - a dispute with neighbors; arrest house - an unclear situation in life; sit in it - avoid danger; own inhabited house - obtained well-being; buy - arrange friends; crazy house - get big trouble; gilded - you will get into trouble

Dream Interpretation Hasse

Why does a woman dream of a house:

refurbished - uncertain relationship to be clarified
cover with a roof - losses await you
buy - well-being
destructive - disease
flaming - failure in business
build - happiness in love
empty - your hopes will not come true
make changes in the house - expect a visit
destined for destruction - frivolity threatens you with misfortune
devastated - profit
destroy - dispute with neighbors
arrest house - an unclear situation in life
sit in it - avoid danger
own inhabited house - obtained well-being
buy - arrange friends
crazy house - get in big trouble
gilded - you will get into trouble.

Slavic dream book

House in a dream Slavic dream book

Seeing is a danger; build - to improve; cover - losses; a burning house is a great joy.

Old Russian dream book

House in a dream Old Russian dream book

to see is a danger; build - to improve; cover - losses; revenge in the house - to the guests; wash floors - to death, to separation; the roof has failed, the hole is the crossing; being at home is a nuisance, gossip; a burning house is a great joy.

Dream interpretation of Tsvetkov

House in a dream dream book of Tsvetkov

Seeing is a danger;
build - to improve;
cover - losses;
revenge in the house - to the guests;
wash floors - to death, to separation;
the roof has failed, the hole is the crossing;
being at home is a nuisance, gossip;
a burning house is a great joy.
See also Paint, Burn.

English dream book

House in a dream English dream book

If you dream that you are building a house, this portends prosperity and success in trade and business. After such a dream, you can hope to make big profits. If a sailor dreams of a house, this means that the voyage and return will be successful, that he will marry a rich bride, and he will no longer need to go to sea, and from now on sea travel will be for him only walks in a pleasant society.

Assyrian dream book

House in a dream Assyrian dream book

If in a dream you enter the house of a happy and cheerful person, days of sadness will soon await you.

Dream interpretation alphabetically

House in a dream Dream interpretation alphabetically

Seeing your own house in a dream - arrange your well-being in reality, if it is large and furnished with luxury that is unaffordable for you - in real life, such a dream threatens trouble.

Seeing grandfather's house in a dream - to the death of one of the relatives. Renovated house - an uncertain situation will soon clear up. An old and crumbling house - to illness in the family, collapsed - to quarrels and scandals.

A small, like a toy, house - to the deceased. A burning house is a failure in business.

Abandoned, non-residential house - your hopes will not come true. If it is intended for demolition, misfortune will befall you due to frivolity.

Seeing in a dream the house in which you once lived before - good news awaits you in reality. Go into it - to a long prosperity.

If in a dream you see yourself in a brothel, then in reality dishonor and shame await you due to indulging your weaknesses. To be in a dream in a gambling house (casino) - you will fall into an unworthy society and, in the hope of earning more, you will lose everything you had. Seeing yourself in a madhouse - run into big trouble.

To be in a dream in a nursing home means that family troubles await you.

Building a house in a dream - you will get to the wedding. Breaking a house is a sign of quarrel and frustration. To sell a house - to go broke in reality, to buy - you will die a natural death, calmly and with a smile on your lips. To make a roof on the house - you will suffer losses.

Make repairs and redevelopment in the house - expect a visit distant relatives. Bring into the house new furniture- in reality it will be possible to avoid danger. Cleaning the house - someone will leave the family due to strife.

If in a dream you can’t find your home in any way, in reality you will begin to distrust people. To be homeless in a dream is to fail in all matters and lose heart. Moving in a dream to another house - get an urgent task, go on a long business trip. If in a dream you leave home, in reality you will be surrounded by treacherous people who will deceive you.

Seeing the ruins of an old house in a dream - your desires will come true. To see carpenters building a house - be careful with fire, beware of fire. If the carpenters are repairing the house, your business will get better and you will be honored. The house in the village where you found yourself, it is not clear how, strange and inexplicable events will follow in reality.

To dream of freshly painted houses portends that you will succeed in fulfilling your goals. personal plans. If you dream that a nanny for a child has been invited to your house, this portends a serious illness or an unsuccessful visit. If the nanny leaves the house, this promises health and well-being in the family, prosperity and love of relatives.

If in a dream you have tenants in your house, this is a sign that you will be bound by an unpleasant secret. If one of the tenants disappears from the house without paying, in reality you will face unforeseen complications in relations with a loved one.

Living in a dream in a magnificent country house with a private pool, etc. means that lasting family happiness awaits you. Living in an old multi-storey, thoroughly rotten house - to poor health, decline in business and a quarrel with a loved one.

Seeing yourself in a dream as the owner of a fashionable mansion in a prestigious place promises you good fortune. Expanding and completing such a house means that a new direction will soon appear in your affairs.

Put out a fire in your house, experience the consequences of a flood or an earthquake - do not despair if you fail, because crazy luck will follow.

Walking around the area built up with new cottages and looking closely at houses of various layouts, choosing the best option for yourself, this means that you will not decide on a step that can turn your whole life upside down.

Dream interpretation of Simeon Prozorov

House in a dream Dream interpretation of Simeon Prozorov

Strong - to a stable prosperous life, dilapidated - to failures and financial losses.

If you dreamed of a dilapidated house, imagine that it is being demolished very quickly and a new stone house is growing in its place.

Seeing your own house in a dream - to serious changes: to see your house abandoned - true friends will turn away from you; you did not find your home where it usually stood - you will be deeply disappointed in people;

For some reason, you lost your own home - you are threatened with financial losses and failures in the fulfillment of your plans;

Make repairs and furnish it with unaffordable luxury - in real life, disasters and disasters await you in family life;

Seeing the father's house - to the death of a close relative;

Your house needs major repairs - to a serious illness of someone close; your house is crumbling before your eyes - quarrels and scandals in the family can lead to divorce;

It is not easy to immediately correctly determine what the house is dreaming of. This is an ambiguous dream that requires detailed detailed interpretation. It is important in what plot the house appeared, to whom it belonged, what the sleeper did in it, and much more.

What is the dream of the house - basic interpretations

In Miller's dream book, the house symbolizes the state of mind of the sleeping person. An event happened, because of which a person was disappointed in the honesty and decency of others. This makes his life uncomfortable and makes him constantly depressed. The latter must be dealt with.

If in a dream a man or woman realizes that he does not have his own home, in reality you should expect financial difficulties. There is a high probability that the dreamer will face theft or deceit, due to which he will lose a large amount of money.

In Vanga's work, leaving his own home anywhere in a dream suggests that a person will face serious illnesses. You need to be very attentive to the state of health and in no case delay the treatment.

An abandoned old house is a sign that difficult life trials await a man or woman soon. You can't despair. It is very important to endure them with dignity. Immediately after this, the dreamer will begin a white streak.

In a dream, is a person in a strange, unfamiliar house? Such a plot is a harbinger of change. Most likely, they will be global. For example, moving to another city or even a country, a new marriage, a radical change in activity, etc.

According to the Psychological Dream Book, the dreamed high multi-storey building indicates the presence of internal problems in the dreamer. If a sleeping person descends into the basement, then some events from past life do not allow him to be successful and happy in the present. Did you have to go up to the attic? This means that a man or woman is characterized by reckless behavior. You need to stop and analyze your own actions. There are situations in which risk is life-threatening.

Old, new, abandoned house

If a person dreamed of an old house that was almost completely destroyed, it is likely that in reality he recently committed a very bad unworthy act. Because of what happened, the sleeping person will begin to despise others. Before it's too late, you need to correct the consequences of what you have done.

If a child tells his parents that he dreamed of an old wooden house, this is a clear sign that the baby has lost self-confidence and wants to hide from the outside world. It is necessary to help him get out of this state and, first of all, to deal with its cause.

A new house that has appeared in a dream promises the fulfillment of a long-cherished desire. The same plot can portend a valuable expensive gift to a person.

Wooden, brick house

A dreamed wooden house without windows is associated with a coffin and a funeral. If such an object was seen by a sleeping person, then there are reasons that do not allow him to breathe deeply. Probably, because of the problems that had piled on, a person even began to think about death. In this case, he needs the help of a psychologist.

In a dream, a man or a woman independently builds a brick house? A person is satisfied with his position in society, stands firmly on his feet and knows what he wants in life. If such a plot was seen by a sleeping person who in reality does not have his own housing, he will probably have the opportunity to solve the housing problem.

Buying a house, moving in a dream - meaning

A favorable omen is buying a house in a dream. In most cases, such visions portend fateful happy acquaintances, profitable offer about work, reconciliation with relatives.

If a person has long dreamed of building his own business and suddenly sees in a dream moving to a new house, then the time has come to implement ambitious plans. Luck will definitely be on the side of the dreamer.

The fire of someone else's home

To understand why a fire in a house is dreaming, you first need to remember who owned this housing. If a girl in a dream simply watches how someone else's home is burning, a fateful meeting awaits her soon. Whether a new relationship will result in something serious will depend only on the fair sex herself.

A fire in a strange house for a man in a dream turns out to be a harbinger of problems at work. One of the colleagues will substitute the dreamer.

Had to cry because of a fire in your own house? This means that in reality a man or woman will have a long separation from a loved one. It happens that in a dream a person’s house burns down completely. This is a clear clue - he should think about moving.

Big or small house in a dream

very tall and big house suggests that the sleeper has many psychological problems. The more floors the building has, the more difficult it will be to deal with them. You will have to connect close friends, parents or even a psychologist to help.

A very beautiful large house with light walls and huge windows indicates that the sleeper has a creative streak. It must be developed in oneself.

A small cramped house suggests that the dreamer is missing inner freedom. Frames and prejudices do not allow him to live exactly the way he wants. If a person holds a tiny house in the palm of his hand, then in real life he will face large financial losses.

Build or repair a house in a dream

If divorced spouses or quarreling lovers build a house together in a dream, it means that reconciliation awaits them soon. Feelings in a couple have not faded yet.

Building a house with many floors promises a quick climb up the career ladder. If a father helped a person in the process, it means that he will be able to achieve success by choosing the profession of a parent for himself.

Repair in your own house in a dream suggests that the dreamer's soul longs for change. You have to be bold and not pushy with them.

Dreamed of a residential or abandoned building

The residential building from night vision turned out to be very old and unattractive? In reality, the sleeper will be the object of other people's ridicule and psychological bullying. But the dreaming parental home promises to receive good news regarding the family of a man or woman.

Did an abandoned non-residential cottage appear in a dream? It is better to forget about your plans right away. They cannot be implemented. The dreamer will only waste time and effort.

Cleaning in an uninhabited house portends the dreamer to the return of an old friend to his life. Relations with this person have long ceased, but now there will be a chance to reconcile.

Unfinished, destroyed house

Dreaming unfinished dwelling - good sign. Especially if, when looking at him, a person does not experience any negative emotions. A high-rise building in the process of construction portends enrichment for a man or woman, success in business.

If a person finds himself inside an unfinished building and is afraid that the walls will collapse on him, then in reality he will also have to worry about his own life. You need to ask for advice from a wise friend or mentor.

A destroyed house from a dream suggests that in reality it is necessary to throw away old unnecessary things, remove the same thoughts from your head. They prevent a person from moving forward.

Multi-story or one-story house

If in a dream the sleeping person looks at a high-rise building, which is surrounded by a cozy park and is completely populated by people, it means that he will soon be able to purchase a dream home for himself. This will contribute to the improvement of the financial situation of the sleeper, for example, as a result of an unexpected increase at work.

Dreaming of a one-story empty house? The dreamer made terrible mistakes in his life, which he diligently tried to hide from everyone. Now they will have to answer publicly.

Why dream of a house for a man, a woman?

When interpreting, the gender of the dreamer must also be taken into account:

  • If a woman dreams of a very cozy and well-groomed house, it promises her family happiness and prosperity. For single girls, such a plot promises a quick marriage. For a man, such an object turns out to be a clue that he has chosen his own correctly. life path. It should not turn anywhere.
  • Did the dreamer have to urgently move from place to place in a dream? Soon, difficulties will begin in the real life of the sleeper. Only changes will help to cope with them. For a woman, moving from a dream portends the beginning of a new relationship with an interesting man.
  • Did the girl break into someone else's house? She needs to take better care of her waking reputation. For a man, this dream portends the loss of money.

The house in dreams means various aspects of the inner "I" of the one who saw this dream. The roof and upper floors of the house are a symbol of consciousness, the higher "I". The lower floors and the basement are the subconscious. Furniture, furnishings and interior decoration of the building - the dreamer's inner world. Details of the building itself, visors, balconies, roof decoration - these are the hopes, plans and possibilities of the sleeper. If peace reigned in the house, cleanliness and order - a symbol of harmony. If the house was neglected, shabby, or there was dirt and disorder in it, this indicates the dreamer's mental decline, his disharmony and melancholy. We will answer the questions that arise after the dream.

  • Why dream of a beautiful house - a positive dream - inner peace, the joy of life.
  • Why dream of a big house with magnificent chic decoration - a dream does not mean anything, this subconscious mind "gave out" the dreamer's appetite.
  • Why dream of a rich house - you will discover strength in yourself, get new opportunities, prospects. If you are in a rich house:

We went in and you like everything - an omen for the better, positive, fulfillment of desires;

We couldn’t enter (either there is no door, or it is locked) - you inadequately assess your capabilities, the desire will not come true;

We went into an outwardly beautiful house, and it’s empty there - your goal is false, a waste of time and effort to achieve it;

We went in, but you can’t touch anything - a period of stagnation, you need to be patient and wait.

  • Why dream of a new house - life changes are coming.
  • Why dream of moving to another new house - changes in life will be to your liking, they fully satisfy your needs.
  • Dream of moving to a new house (walking on it, admiring it) - big changes, increased responsibility, quality life renewal for the better, career growth.
  • Sleep moving to another house (just transporting things, bothering) - reconciliation of enemies, job change.
  • In a dream, walking around a new house, wandering from floor to floor, going down and up the stairs - subconsciously you want to return the old way, return love, return happiness. In real life, this is empty trampling in one place.
  • If you dreamed of a lot of people in the house (vanity, they interfere with transporting things, laying them out) - chores, you will lose a lot of energy when achieving a new goal, miss something very important. However, you will achieve your goal, you just need to relax a little.
  • Why dream of old houses - the return of old mistakes, problems.
  • Why dream of a destroyed house - an unfavorable dream - will come into life or there is already chaos, confusion in thoughts and deeds.
  • Why dream of an abandoned house - unfulfilled ambitions, opportunities.
  • Why dream of an old house (former place of residence) - if it is an old house, i.e. before you lived in it, this means that some kind of problem, a protracted conflict or a long-standing quarrel haunts you. It is better to deal with this now than to drag the burden of old grievances on.
  • Why dream of a house collapsing - a negative dream.
  • Why dream of a dirty house - bad sign Everything in your life is going wrong.
  • Why dream of a mess at home - chaos in your thoughts, unfinished business.
  • Why dream of cleaning the house - the dream signals - it's time to do personal growth, to clean up in your thoughts and in your soul. Get rid of old grievances, prioritize. Start listening to your inner self.
  • Why dream of an unfinished house - a lot of ideas have accumulated that you are afraid to start implementing, desires that you do not express, thoughts that you do not voice.
  • Why dream native home(parental home is often dreamed of) - you are trying to analyze the past, look for the causes of today's problems in your childhood. Perhaps, just on a subconscious level, you want to shift your worries onto your parental strong shoulders, as in childhood, although you understand that this is impossible to do.
  • Why dream of grandma's house - you have fear and resentment that come from childhood and prevent you from growing up. Perhaps you have a difficult relationship with your parents, and you “hide” from problems in your grandmother’s house. (cm. )
  • Why dream of the house of the late grandmother - an imposed sense of guilt, a difficult relationship with parents. Change internally, turn to religion.
  • Why dream a gypsy in the house - to be deceived in your expectations: a young girl - will get married, the marriage will be unsuccessful; adult woman- He will give his daughter in marriage to an unworthy person.
  • What did the gypsies dream about in the house - relations with relatives will deteriorate. (Cm. )

If you dream of separate rooms of the house:

Why is the roof of the house damaged in a dream - you are very vulnerable on a spiritual level. Strangers can easily invade your personal space and unceremoniously disturb the peace.

Dream Interpretation: sitting on the roof of the house is a desire to become independent.

Dream Interpretation: standing on the roof of the house, walking on it - if you did it with pleasure, then you will be engaged in a new interesting business.

I dreamed that the roof of the house was missing - loss of orientation, confusion in business. All undertakings will not bring any result. Ask for advice from older people.

Why dream of a kitchen at home - household chores. If the kitchen was beautiful and cozy, then it’s good in your home.

What is the dream of the living room at home - physical body. What was the living room in your dream, such is the state of your health at this point in time.

Dream interpretation of the XXI century

  • In a dream, seeing a new house is fortunate.
  • Dream Interpretation: dreaming of a cozy new house - family well-being.
  • Why dream of a multi-storey building - a big profit, tangible money.
  • Sleep: a house collapsed - danger.
  • Why dream of demolishing a house - you will overcome obstacles, no matter how difficult they were.
  • Why dream of a charred house - losses, losses.
  • Seeing an abandoned house in a dream - you regret the past, the departed, live in memories, do not want to live in reality. This is very disturbing and the people around you do not understand you.
  • The interpretation of dreams "to build a house" - you will strive, try, but external factors beyond your control will not allow you to carry out what you have begun.
  • Dream Interpretation: a beautiful chic rich rich new house built - income, new job.
  • Dream: to inherit a house - fix things with the help of a new acquaintance who will be your partner or companion.
  • In a house, seeing a cat in a dream, seeing a red, white, black cat is a bad sign that will acquire one degree or another of danger. (Cm. )
  • Dream: an old house in the village - changes in life for the worse.
  • Dream: wooden house - sadness.
  • Sleep: a cramped clay house - living conditions are seriously deteriorating.
  • Sleep: unfinished house - you will worry about losing your home or job.
  • Sleep: barrack house - obstacles in business.
  • Dream: a house under construction - your goal will be achieved by you.
  • Dream Interpretation: a multi-storey building under construction is big money, a profitable enterprise.
  • Dream Interpretation: to see a government house in a dream (do not go inside) - losses, losses, but not big. If the rooms in the administrative building were bright, spacious, well-furnished - success at work, career advancement is possible. If the rooms were dark, shabby, long without repair - difficulties in business, problems at work, obstacles in a profitable business.
  • Why dream Vacation home- renovations in your real home.

Dream Interpretation of the Sorceress Medea

Dream Interpretation: the house is the personification of the inner "I". Dream Interpretation: a chic mansion house is a reflection of your inner Ego - vanity, selfishness. The insides of the house: attics, rooms, corridors, kitchens, basements, floors, walls, windows, doors and stairs are your thoughts, your body, feelings and spirit. Consider each room separately:

The rooms are spacious - the fulfillment of desires; close - loss of money, poverty;

The walls in the house are clean - good dream; dirty shabby - a negative dream;

Sex - your thoughts - if swept, painted, washed, then the purity of thoughts and vice versa;

The ceiling - your health - is whitewashed, clean, without cobwebs, which means you are healthy and vice versa;

Kitchen - your household chores - how beautiful the kitchen was cozy, how good it is in your home and vice versa;

Bedroom - your intimate relationship, marital bed - the bedroom was beautiful, furnished, comfortable, cozy, which means that sexually everything is fine with you and vice versa;

Bath - constant feeling guilt, moral fatigue;

Toilet room - you want privacy, it will not hurt you to relax;

Dining room - communication is to be;

Front (corridor) - new acquaintances, flirting, sexual relations that do not end in marriage;

Pantry (basement) - reserve internal forces - as much as there were a lot of blanks, preservation, sacks of potatoes, onions, carrots harvested for the winter, you have so much strength and vice versa, the poorer the pantry, the less internal strength you have.

Dream Interpretation: there are a lot of cats in the house - if you had a dream of a cat in the house - this is a negative sign. (Cm. )

Assyrian dream book

Dream Interpretation: to enter someone else's house - if there is joy, then in reality sadness awaits.

Dream interpretation of medium Hasse

Dream Interpretation of Psychologist Jung

What does it mean if you dream of a house. Usually a dream house symbolizes the mental state of the dreamer. Even the most dear home in a dream can be alien, unrecognizable. Perhaps you are our some unfamiliar mysterious doors, rooms, or climbed into the attic for the first time. All these mysterious unfamiliar corners of your home point to a hidden unexplored area of ​​your potential, ego structure. You did not fully know yourself, did not know the true possibilities. If in a dream you wandered around the house, bumping into walls, could not find a way out or simply did not look for it, then in reality you are confused in your relationship, perhaps love, perhaps work. You do not have priorities and guidelines, and if you do, they are constantly changing.

Each part of the house seen in a dream symbolizes a different aspect of your inner world. The kitchen is a symbol of the transformation of one object into another, i.e. something common, unknown is being prepared from individual foodstuffs. In a dream, the kitchen takes on the appearance of an alchemical laboratory, a place where profound transformations take place. The bathroom belongs to remote places. It releases the negative accumulated over the whole day, the soul is freed from difficulties.

In a dream, not only the view of the house is important, but also the actions associated with it. Having carefully studied these actions, remembering the emotions that were experienced in a dream, you can transfer them to reality and draw certain conclusions. It is possible to see a hidden complex that prevents you from moving up and fulfilling yourself. Seeing in a dream a house that is bright, calm, clean and beautiful, you need to give yourself an attitude to remove nervousness from real life, because the dream told you this. Having removed neurotic self-criticism, you will begin to experience a new sense of freedom for you, and it will be the stronger the weaker your self-destruction and self-picking will be.

Esoteric dream book

  • Dream Interpretation: see someone else's house - someone else's life begins to fill yours, invading your personal space.
  • Dream Interpretation: go into someone else's house - you yourself will enter someone's life. You will be asked for help, you will help secretly, at your own heart's call, on your own initiative.
  • Seeing a multi-storey building in a dream - pay attention to the number of floors, apartment numbers, these numbers will play an important role in the near future.
  • Dream Interpretation: a small house is an acquaintance.
  • Seeing an old house in a dream is an old connection.
  • Dream Interpretation: a mess in an old house - old connections do not let go and this interferes with your further development.
  • Dream Interpretation: a rebuilt home - new things, but whether or not to participate in them is your choice.
  • To dream of a parent's house to enter it - participation in new business will be successful.
  • Sleeping at the parental house to go in and go to bed in your room is a material benefit in a new business.
  • Dream Interpretation: parental home of deceased parents - to see parents in the house - help will come, support in business.
  • Why dream of a parents house full of neighbors - a large team at work. Good relations with neighbors - unfriendly team; bad - friendly.
  • Sleep old parental home - be sure to finish the old business.
  • Dream Interpretation: dilapidated house - throw out unnecessary old rags, papers, stop living in memories.
  • Seeing a house under construction in a dream - your time has not yet come, wait, do not rush things.
  • Dream Interpretation: a collapsed house - the business will collapse from the inside.
  • I dreamed of a wooden house - they are discussing you, they are talking about you, do not pay attention and they will not cause you any harm.
  • Dream Interpretation: go inside a wooden house - gossip will ruin your image, reputation.
  • Dream Interpretation: an old wooden house with a household - gossip will go at the expense of your not honestly acquired good, “unjustly acquired”.

Dream Interpretation of Prince Zhou-Gong

Dream Interpretation of the Apostle Simon Kananit

Vedic dream book from Sri Swami (Shivananda)

If a young unmarried girl or guy dreams of family life in the house, then this is prosperity, health and progress at work.

Miller's dream book

A house that you cannot enter threatens to lose faith in the honesty of the people around you. If you saw in a dream that there is no home - unsuccessful financial transactions. New house Miller's dream book is interpreted as luck, a possible move. Miller's dream book considers a big house as well-being, success at work. Change housing in a dream - breaking news, a trip about this.

If a young girl or an unmarried woman saw in a dream how she was leaving home forever, then in reality she will be surrounded by spiteful critics and treacherous slanderers. If she visits her home where she grew up, then everything will be fine, the news is positive, joy.

Miller's dream book fire in the house explains how to acquire new job with higher wages. If the home in a dream was cozy and received with warmth and cordiality, then in reality prosperity will come. Miller's dream book interprets the old abandoned house as imminent sad events.

Dream Interpretation: a Christmas tree with toys in the house - gloomy everyday life will be replaced by a lot of joy and fun. (Cm. )

Dream Interpretation of Dmitry and Hope of Winter

  • The dream "parents' house" - in reality, you have not lived in it for a long time, which means you are having difficulties. The dream says that you can handle it, just don't give up.
  • I dreamed of losing my parental home, looking for it, but not finding it - failures in all matters that will be in the near future. You have a mental breakdown, it destroys life and destiny. Courage and love are salvation.
  • Dream Interpretation: change house - change.
  • I dreamed of an abandoned home - the deeds you have committed will have to be paid for by misfortune.
  • I dreamed of a cozy, kind father's house - you are on the right track, everything will be fine, not immediately, but definitely.

Dream interpretation for a bitch

  • In a dream, building a new house is a successful business at work, in family life, at home.
  • Seeing a beautiful house in a dream means health and a happy life.
  • In a dream, leaving home is business activity, a lot of news and fuss.

New family dream book

  • Looking for a house in a dream and not finding it - you can no longer trust people, faith in them has been lost.
  • In a dream, feeling that there is no home is a failure, financial difficulties.
  • Dreaming of the old grandmother's house - good news.
  • To see an old house in a dream clean and comfortable - prosperity will be long.
  • Moving to another house is a dream book - a hasty trip, news, breaking news.
  • Abandoned house dream book - grief, misfortune.

Eastern female dream book

Dream Interpretation of Birthdays in May, June, July, August

  • Thieves in the house in a dream - moving.
  • "Kicked out of the house" dream book - shame, dishonor.
  • In a dream, I saw the end of the house - a meeting with relatives.
  • The interpretation of dreams "build a white stone house" - wealth, financial independence.

Dream Interpretation of Birthdays in January, February, March, April

  • Climb into someone else's house in a dream - they steal money.
  • The dream "to drive people out of the house" - guests.
  • Dream Interpretation: to build a white stone house - your authority will rise among the people around you.
  • Seeing the end of a house in a dream is a divorce.

Dream interpretation from A to Z

  • I dreamed of my parents' house - well-being.
  • Dream Interpretation: a rich house of parents - if it is furnished with luxury that you did not allow yourself in real life - bad dream, threatens a terrible disaster.
  • Grandfather's dream house - Death of a relative.
  • Renovated grandfather's house in a dream - everything will clear up by itself, wait.
  • Dream Interpretation: the old grandfather’s house is dreaming - a disease of the household.
  • Dream "grandfather's house collapsed" - quarrels, scandals.
  • Seeing a small house in a dream- death.
  • Why dream of a charred house - failure in business.
  • Dream Interpretation: an abandoned old house - hopes will not come true.
  • Dream Interpretation: demolition of an abandoned house - frivolity will cause misfortune.
  • Parental home dream book - good news.
  • Dream Interpretation: the house of parents, entering it is prosperity.
  • Dream Interpretation: a brothel in a dream - you indulge your carnal desires, which will bring dishonor and shame on you.
  • Dream Interpretation: casino gambling house - if you want to earn money and you will fall into a bad society, in the end you will lose everything.
  • Dream Interpretation: madhouse - big trouble.
  • Dream Interpretation: nursing home - family quarrels, scandals.
  • To see in a dream building a house is a wedding, you may get in as a guest.
  • Why dream of breaking a house - quarrels.
  • Dream "selling a house" - ruin, poverty.
  • Dream Interpretation: buying a house in a dream - you will calmly die a natural death.
  • Roofing a house in a dream - losses, losses.
  • The dream "to make repairs in the house" is a visit from distant relatives.
  • House sleep furniture - avoid dangers.
  • Sleep "cleaning the house" - the household will leave the house with a quarrel.
  • Dream Interpretation: looking for a house is a loss of faith in people.
  • Being homeless in a dream is a failure in everything.
  • Dream Interpretation: moving to another house is an urgent task and a business trip.
  • Dream Interpretation: to leave home - you will be surrounded by treacherous deceitful people.
  • Why dream of painting a house - you will succeed, realize your plan.
  • The "many people in the house" dream is an unpleasant mystery.
  • Dream Interpretation: to drive people out of the house - quarrels with a loved one, scandals.
  • Why dream of a chic house - lasting family happiness.
  • The dream "multi-storey building, live in it" - deterioration in health, loss of strength.
  • To be the owner of a luxurious house in a dream is a good fortune.
  • To finish building and expanding a chic house in a dream - new business, direction.
  • To see a house fire in a dream and extinguish it - failure will turn into good luck.
  • Dream "flood in the house" - having suffered a series of failures, luck will come.
  • Dream Interpretation: earthquake destruction of the house - your situation is precarious, show all your diligence and everything will work out.
  • Why dream of new houses - you cannot decide on an important step, omitting the opportunity to improve your well-being.
  • Dream Interpretation: to see new houses and choose among them for yourself - you cannot take a step that will turn your life upside down.

General dream book

  • "Build a house" dream book - the costs are high.
  • Building a house in a dream - expenses due to relatives.
  • Painting a house in a dream is a bad mood. If someone painted the house - big trouble.
  • In a dream, buying an old house is a loss.
  • I dreamed of laying a house - troubles, in the future they will turn out to be soap bubbles, far-fetched.
  • I dreamed of selling a house - gossip will go about you.
  • I dreamed that the house collapsed - a quarrel with a spouse / wife, groom / bride.
  • I dreamed of a fire in the house - a serious illness.
  • Why dream of "set fire to the house" - do much harm to yourself with a rash act.
  • I dreamed about the foundation of the house - starting a new business.

Dream Interpretation Denise Lynn

Dream Interpretation: I dreamed of a house - a symbol of the spiritual "I", the physical "I" and the inner "I". Everything that happens in the house in a dream happens in your life. Sleep is a mess in the house, you have a lot of unnecessary things in your life. Dream Interpretation: order in the house is the harmony of the inner and outer world.

English dream book

  • New houses dream book - moving to another place. Happiness is waiting for you there.
  • In a dream, to see new luxurious houses (palaces, villas) - wealth and honor.
  • Seeing an unfinished house in a dream - plans are not given to come true.
  • In a dream, building a house is a dream book - well-being, success, profit.
  • To build a new house in a dream (to a sailor) - returning from swimming, he will find love for himself, marry her and be happy in marriage.

Medieval dream book of Daniel

  • A tree fell on the house in a dream - the death of the owner.
  • Dream "bees in the house" - the real house will soon collapse.
  • I dreamed of a dove in the house - death.
  • The house is collapsing in a dream - danger.
  • The dream of "the collapse of one's house" is a loss.
  • Dream Interpretation: to see a fire at home is a loss, a danger.
  • Dream Interpretation: building a brick house is a consolation, profit.
  • I dreamed of a beautiful house - a trip.
  • Dream Interpretation: sweeping garbage out of the house with a broom is a loss.
  • Clean water in the house in a dream (spring) - consolation, joy.
  • Dream "water floods the house ( dirty water)" - danger.
  • Sleep "water floods the house ( pure water)" is abundance.
  • Dream Interpretation: a house by the sea - left the house and fell into the water - a mortal danger.
  • Dream Interpretation: the house of a deceased person and he is in it - wealth.

Dream Interpretation of the Yellow Emperor (Imperial Dream Interpretation)

Chinese dream book

Dream Interpretation of Martyn Zadeki

  • Why dream of building a house - to joy and profit.
  • What a dilapidated house is dreaming of - unfortunately.
  • Why dream of a collapsed house - to the loss of the owner, his death.

Dream Interpretation Dream Interpretation

  • Dream: building a new house - joy, consolation, marriage, wealth.
  • Dream Interpretation: an earthquake destroys a house - the danger of losing property, the lawsuit is unprofitable for those who live in this house.
  • Dream Interpretation: the house fell apart - a quarrel with neighbors, the death of the owner.
  • House cleaning dream book - the birth of a son, profit.
  • Dream Interpretation: cleaning in someone else's house - who was cleaned from that and a son will be born.
  • Dream Interpretation: a fire in the house, but it did not collapse - an increase in rank and salary.
  • Dream Interpretation: a fire in someone else's house (it burns, but does not collapse) is wealth.
  • Dream Interpretation: a house destroyed after a fire is a great misfortune.

Modern universal dream book

  • Dream Interpretation: house apartment- the body of a physical person and his spiritual state.
  • Dream Interpretation: the attic of the house is a symbol of contemplation. How you felt in the attic, and what it was like, is how you see the world around you at a given moment in time.
  • Dream Interpretation: the basement of the house is a symbol of the subconscious. You want to reveal your secret, to entrust it to someone.
  • Dream Interpretation: the living room of the house is a symbol of the physical body, health.
  • I saw a madhouse in a dream - you want to have fun and have fun. There is another interpretation - litigation, a tedious environment, everyone is against it, there are no like-minded people.
  • In a dream, seeing the kitchen at home is your upbringing or nutrition.
  • Seeing a madhouse in a dream is either a prison, or a restriction of your freedom, or a calm, safe life. Search shelters, shelters for the soul, you are tired.

Noble dream book by N. Grishina

Dream interpretation combined

  • Dream Interpretation: online house - symbolizes the physical and spiritual "I". What is happening in the house is a reflection of your state.
  • Dream Interpretation: a new home - beauty, health, tranquility, happiness.
  • Clogged pipes at home in a dream - your emotions do not find exits, a nervous breakdown is possible.
  • Mess in the house dream book - put your thoughts in order, throw away real unnecessary old things.
  • In a dream, entering the house of a happy person is sad days.
  • In a dream, he rushed around the house - an illness, a bad dream.
  • Dream Interpretation: building a new house is a big honor, hard work.
  • Dreaming of a house on a mountain - you will not be able to realize your potential, your needs will not be satisfied. (Cm. )
  • Seeing a burnt house in a dream is a harm.
  • Seeing a fire at home in a dream is a family scandal, a divorce.
  • In a dream, he covered the house with his clothes - great wealth, solid money.
  • Seeing a construction site at home in a dream is winning the lottery.
  • To dream of buying a house is wealth.
  • Dream destroyed someone else's house- poverty.
  • I dreamed of a burnt house - big failures.
  • Why dream of a stone house - major changes that will greatly affect your life.
  • Dream Interpretation: cleaning the house is a profit.
  • Dream Interpretation: putting things in order in the house is a positive dream.
  • Dream Interpretation: many children in the house - vanity, chores.
  • Dream Interpretation: to close the windows in the house - to catch luck, not to miss the chance to live better.
  • Dream Interpretation: evil spirits in the house- dream book: in the mirror to see the devil or the witch in the house - the devil himself or the witch was next to you. Do not be afraid, this dream does not bode well, all your fears are unjustified and far-fetched. (Cm. )
  • A new multi-storey building is a dream book - how many floors were there, house number, apartment numbers - these numbers will play a certain role in your life.
  • Log house dream book - often denotes a wedding, or a period of vigorous activity begins.
  • Dream Interpretation: There are a lot of snakes in the house - you need advice wise man otherwise you will make a fatal mistake.
  • Dream Interpretation: washing the walls in the house - the arrival of guests.
  • Dream Interpretation: a strange house is a lot of people - after your death, no one will remember you.
  • Not finding your home in a dream - disappointment in people.
  • In a dream, being homeless is a financial loss.
  • Changing a house in a dream is a hasty trip, urgent news.
  • An empty house in a dream - relatives will need your financial assistance.
  • To be in a strange house in a dream is the loss of things, theft.
  • Seeing a white stone house in a dream means living in a poor house.
  • Seeing the end of a house in a dream is a longing for your home.
  • I dreamed of a dove living in the house - family relationships are benevolent, parents love children, children honor their parents. (cm. )
  • Dream Interpretation: madhouse - illness, difficulty in business, misunderstanding.
  • I dreamed of a staircase in the house - an increase in the ranks. If you rise, you will get it, if you go down again, then they will take the position as suddenly as they give it.
  • Why dream of the foundation of the house - the beginning of some difficult business.
  • Why dream of a big beetle at home - you will not be affected by the problems that will soon come, material difficulties will also bypass. (Cm. )

New dream book

  • I dreamed of a big new house - happiness, wealth.
  • I dreamed of a huge house - great happiness.
  • I dreamed of a falling house - the destruction of all hopes, the collapse of undertakings.
  • I dreamed that I left home- subconsciously want freedom, independence.
  • in the house - sadness, a quarrel with friends.
  • I dreamed of a dog in the house - good.
  • I dreamed of buying a house - creating a family, well-being.
  • I dreamed about my grandmother's house - the resentment that comes from childhood still haunts you. Difficult relationships with parents oppress you so far.
  • The house of the late grandmother in a dream, and she is in it - an illness, the death of a relative along the grandmother's line.
  • I dreamed of a house under construction - acquisition, money.
  • Dreamed of a house ex-husband- live in the past, regretting it.
  • I dreamed of a house with many rooms - if you get lost in them - thoughts are chaotic, chaotic.
  • I dreamed of a crow in the house - trouble.
  • I dreamed of an old wooden house - the gossip that goes about you behind your back will not harm you, just do not pay attention.
  • I dreamed of rats in the house - lack of money, changes for the worse.
  • I dreamed of a childhood home - you are still dependent.
  • I dreamed of cleaning the house - a good dream, positive.
  • I dreamed of thieves in the house - an unexpected profit, winning the lottery, a bonus.
  • I dreamed that a bird flew into the house - the news is bright, joyful.
  • I dreamed of an orphanage (childless) - the desire to conceive a child, (there are children) - chores and fuss.
  • I dreamed of a web in the house - get the news.
  • I dreamed about the former in my house - the past does not let you go.
  • Dream: robbed the house - whose house was robbed, that will have good luck, money.
  • Dream: log house- a wedding for the young, a lot of active work for the rest.
  • Choosing a house in a dream - you cannot make a decision, you listen to too many other people's advice.
  • Seeing a falling house in a dream- quarrels of neighbors.
  • Dream: an old house - the fulfillment of all desires.
  • A high-rise building in a dream is a hopeless situation.
  • Seeing an unfamiliar house in a dream - discover unknown hidden abilities in yourself.
  • I dreamed about the earth in the house - a bad dream, if it is.
  • I dreamed of an explosion at home - a serious danger, changes will help you.
  • I dreamed of a sparrow in the house - news, a letter.
  • Dreaming of a house on a mountain - a quick happy event. (Cm. )
  • Glass house dream - you are pure and naive.
  • In a dream, set fire to a house- get involved in a quarrel, unleash a conflict.
  • Extinguishing a house in a dream - it is very difficult for you to curb yourself, but through strong internal resistance you will achieve this.
  • In a dream, a house was stolen - loss of orientation in life, disappointment.
  • Sleep: insects in the house are small, meaningless problems.
  • In a dream, see ants at home- you have to work hard.
  • Dream: a dove flew into the house - happiness, you, like a dove of peace, want to make everyone happy. (Cm. )

Dream Interpretation of Solomon

Dream Interpretation: a Christmas tree in the house - well-being in the family, mutual understanding. (Cm. )

Generalized dream book

The latest dream book

  • Dream Interpretation: choosing a house to buy - the choice will be yours at the expense of an early move.
  • Dream Interpretation: buying an old house is moving against your will.
  • "Buy an old house" dream book - you will be unhappy with the move.
  • "Buying a new house" dream book - wealth, good luck.
  • Dream Interpretation: buy a wooden house - moving and wedding.
  • Dream Interpretation: a wooden big house - happiness, wedding, money.
  • Dream Interpretation: building a new house- it will not be possible to carry out what we have planned, but then I will have my own reasons beyond your control.
  • Dream Interpretation: the house is being demolished - you will overcome all obstacles.
  • Dream Interpretation: a broken house is a regret about the past.
  • "House collapsed" dream book - danger, if you saw how it collapsed - avoid danger.
  • Dream Interpretation: someone else's house is collapsing - the weakening of the health of the one whose house was.
  • Dream Interpretation: a house building is collapsing - a misfortune in the family.
  • Dream Interpretation: house address - remember the numbers of the house and apartment numbers - they will play an important role.
  • Dream Interpretation: lightning struck the house - your voltage is on the very highest point, explosion of emotions, nervous breakdown.
  • Dream Interpretation: already in the house - you need good advice more than ever.
  • Dream Interpretation: washing windows in the house - news, arrival of guests.
  • Dream Interpretation: arson at home - harm yourself with your act.
  • "Many men in the house" dream book- happiness, peace.
  • Dream Interpretation: strangers in the house - if you talked to them, joked and laughed - sadness, oblivion after death.
  • "Sleep in a strange house" dream book - you will enter someone else's life, or you follow false goals, treat yourself inadequately.
  • Dream interpretation: theft in the house - profit.
  • "Glass House" dream book - purity of thought.
  • Dream Interpretation: a crow flew into the house - grief, trouble.
  • Dream Interpretation: clean up the dirt in the house - get rid of bad thoughts, stop worrying, cleanse the inner world from the bad.
  • Dream Interpretation: homeless person in the house - money.
  • Dream Interpretation: a lynx in the house, the same as the dream book: a black cat in the house - enemies, evil. (Cm.)
  • Dream Interpretation: take out the garbage from the house - clear thoughts, become brighter.
  • Dream Interpretation: to receive guests in the house - news.
  • Dream Interpretation: flooding a house is a danger.

Wangi's Dream Interpretation

  • Dream Interpretation Vanga house - fulfillment of desires, a dream prophesies peace, happiness in the family.
  • The dream of "birds in the house of doves" is the personification of inner purity, forgiveness and reconciliation, associated with the divine principle. (Cm. )
  • Leaving the house in a dream is a bad sign - illness, death.
  • The dream "house on the mountain" is a symbol of obstacles, internal heaviness, you will need a lot of time and effort to solve the problem. (Cm. )
  • I dreamed of a black cat in the house - expect enemies. And if you dreamed of two cats and more - expect shame. (Cm. )

Dream Interpretation of Phalomena


Away is always good, they are warmly welcomed, put on the table all the tastiest and best, but at home it is better, there is real life. A dream about a house can reveal a lot about yourself to you. Every little thing related to the house in a dream can tell about one or another aspect of your life, your spiritual inner state at a given time. Each action performed in a dream with a house must also be carefully analyzed. Such a dream cannot be neglected, it's your subconscious.