Dreaming of a baby girl sleeping. Dream Interpretation sleeping ex-husband or lover, deceased, puppy

  • 21.09.2019

    Dream interpretation "dreams"

    Dream Interpretation "astralomir"

    So what's the point dreaming sleeping child? The essence of this sleep can be characterized in such a way that a person who sees dream, there are concerns about child. And seeing in dream baby, while he still smiles sweetly in dream, then bad forebodings and fears immediately fade into the background. The main thing to note is that if in dream dreamed lot sleeping people, then you should expect danger. Read completely

  • Dream Interpretation "DomSnov"

    Hold on hands child. Be child. In our dream book dreaming dreams about sleeping child, but also about the interpretation of the meaning many others dreams.dreaming sleeping child? Tell your dream! See also dream book. Leave a comment: irina 2016-01-07 08:24:46. dreamed that woke up on the bed because someone came. Near sleeping my youngest son, and near the bed on the floor sleeping the swaddled girl that I in dream considered her daughter and named Daria. Read more

    Dream Interpretation "sonnik-enigma"

    For what dreaming strangers children? Depending on their type, behavior in dream The plot can indicate good or bad events. Cheerful, healthy - a harbinger of joy, success. When they are sad, sick - ahead of minor failures, disappointments. dreamed like someone is killing them? dream interpretation warns of impending old age, fatigue of life. Kill yourself in dream- oddly enough, such a vision promises sleeping soon some joyful significant event. When in dream strangers children lot- a person needs ... Read completely

    Dream Interpretation "DomSnov"

    dream interpretation child sleeping in dream.In our dream book You can learn not only about what dreaming dreams about what child sleeping, but also about the interpretation of the meaning many others dreams. In addition, you will learn more about what it means to see that child sleeping in dream online dream book Miller.Read completely

    Dream Interpretation "sunhome"

    dream interpretation Children babies sleeping dreamed, for what dreaming in dream Children babies sleeping?If you played in dream With children- achieve the goal in all commercial and love affairs. The Bulgarian soothsayer Vanga spoke of dreams, in which there are children, next. See in dream lot children- evidence of what is to come a bunch of small problems, each of which will require additional time and effort from you.Read completely

    Dream Interpretation "felomena"

    « dream interpretation sleeping Child had a dream, for what dreaming in dream sleeping Child.laid my child sleep went out into the street and there lot storey building sleeping my son was in a small hole, covered with a blanket of snow, I ran up to him, he woke up smiling as if nothing had happened.Read completely

    Dream Interpretation "AstroMeridian"

    dream interpretation interpreter online » Meaning dreams to the letter C" dream interpretation Sleepers, for what dreaming Sleepers in dream see. Why dreaming Sleepers Fri January 29, 2016, 04:52:24 AM. dreamed that lie on the bed sleeping husband and unknown girl, as if child but we only have three sons. Recently, we have been constantly arguing with my husband, maybe this means that he wants to leave? Read more

    Dream interpretation "prisnilos"

    Children in dream may evoke different associations. Some it seems that they are dreaming of anxiety and trouble, others believe that babies predict positive changes in life. Leafing through the famous dream books to figure out what dreaming children. dream interpretation Miller: see child in dream. Miller believes that the interpretation of such sleep depends on many details. If child had a dream happy, healthy and beautiful, which means soon sleeping well-being and prosperity awaits.Read completely

    Dream Interpretation "DomSnov"

    Lot children in dream can be regarded as lot worries and worries in reality. if you dreamed straightaway lot kids, it's probably dream-warning. And in the near future will fall to your lot a bunch of small problems, moreover, they will have to be solved sequentially one after another, spending a lot of time and effort. Child sleeping.Read completely

    Dream Interpretation "sonnik-enigma"

    Observe in dream how sleeping child, is interpreted dream book as a kind of shyness and naivety of the dreamer, personifies the helplessness of a person in front of the world around him. If a guy dreamed sleeping a girl, which means that in the relationship of lovers there will be harmony and peace. To a young man in dream see sleeping a woman who was previously unfamiliar speaks of pleasant waking acquaintances that can positively affect a person’s career. Read more

    Dream Interpretation "magickum"

    Magikum > dream book lay down sleep child. Archives. dream interpretation child children. There are several main characteristics of this dream symbol that are of fundamental importance for decoding: If had a dream unfamiliar child, someone else's or yours ... dreams About our children no matter how old they are, they always “show” in dream what is happening to them, what they are concerned about, and in dreams you can see their thoughts, feelings and intentions.Read completely

    Dream Interpretation "sunhome"

    Dream interpretation "dreams"

    If small children in dream were not quite healthy, this may indicate that soon sleeping will rejoice in the success of his relatives, relatives or friends. But dreamed naked children can promise a girl an early conception or pregnancy. If the dream was very lot small children, then this promises profit or gain. If sleeping beat in dream children, then serious troubles and ups and downs await him. Read completely

    Dream interpretation "dreams"

    In many dream books such a dream is interpreted as a symbol of spiritual balance and tranquility of a person. If a married woman had a dream dream in which her husband sleeping, in reality a quiet life awaits her in her own family. If sleeping Human in dream- it child...Read completely

    Dream interpretation "prisnilos"

    For what dreaming see sleeping in dream. If in your dream you see sleeping person, then, according to dream book, in reality you will find a calm and favorable streak in life. And if in your dream you see sleeping child- this is a very auspicious sign, indicating that in the near future you will find good luck and success. Read more

    Dream Interpretation "sunhome"

    dream interpretation See sleeping a man with dreamed, for what dreaming in dream See sleeping a man with Sleeping child warns of the collapse of your hopes. Seeing the man of your dreams in dream and rejoice in communication with him means that you have to lot cry and worry over trifles. See in dream dead man - big money.Read completely

    Dream Interpretation "onethree"

    Child lot sleeping. Many parents mistakenly believe that the life of a newborn is divided into two phases - dream and feeding. What is the reason for the long dream in the chest child? In the process of growth child duration of the daily sleep he is changing. In the first months child constantly sleeping, adapting to the surrounding world, rapidly gaining in dream in weight and gaining height.Read completely

    Dream Interpretation "onethree"

    restless behavior in dream. If the baby is not sleeping day or throughout sleep behaves uneasily, parents immediately have a number of questions. First of all, they are related to why one child grunts in dream, the other is talking, and the third is moaning? If child grunts regularly in dream, try not to lay him down until he burps. Perhaps there is a lot of accumulated in the stomach lot air, and the baby feels uncomfortable in dream.Read completely

    Dream Interpretation "DomSnov"

    dream interpretation chest child in dream.Child sleeping.In our dream book You can learn not only about what dreaming dreams about breastfeeding child, but also about the interpretation of the meaning many others dreams.dreamed that I press to the chest of a newborn child. Child smiles.Read completely

    Dream Interpretation "ehinaceya"

    Symptoms and causes of the disorder sleep. Where to start and who to contact child which is bad sleeping: a doctor or a psychologist? How much should sleep child.Many children in approach school age refuse sleep during the day, this is not always a violation of the regime sleep, y some children with a full night dream need for daytime dream disappears.Read completely

    Dream Interpretation "women-on-line"

    Hungry child drinks with audible sips and lot(until he is satisfied), he does not play with the breast, then sucking, then stopping and falling asleep again. Habit. Child crying in dream and when there are no rituals familiar to him. He gets used to the fact that during falling asleep you, for example, breastfeed him, scratch his back or stroke his head. Therefore, after the hospital child screaming in dream, and even more often - wakes up and stays awake at night. And during the day, on the contrary - sleeping.Read completely

    Dream Interpretation "active-mama"

    Some parents notice that they child constantly or occasionally sweating in dream. A wet pillow and wet pajamas make the baby uncomfortable, he is ill. sleeping, tossing and turning, wakes up in the middle of the night, he has to change clothes and change his pillowcase. For many parents is a cause for concern - is it normal if child sweat during sleep and when there are real reasons for concern.Read More

    Dream Interpretation "wjtoday"

    If some do not attach any importance to what they saw in a dream, then others are in a hurry to quickly find out what the dream means. A person experiences especially pleasant and exciting sensations if he dreamed of a baby girl or in a dream there was a baby boy. Let's try to interpret the dream book baby.

    Why is the baby boy dreaming?

    Not always a child in a dream is seen by all those who are lucky enough to become parents. Sometimes such a dream happens even in childless people. When deciphering such a dream, it is important to take into account all the details and be sure to take into account the gender of the baby. So, if a baby boy dreamed, this would be a good sign. Dream Interpretations say that a baby in a dream is a harbinger of a pleasant surprise that will be in the near future. According to other sources, a boy in a dream means real life big surprise.

    In addition to what the dream book says, a baby can mean good idea, which will soon appear in humans. Another interpretation is an interesting invention, a successful completion of affairs. A little boy is dreaming of a woman? Dream Interpretations assure - you should expect great joy. Taking a baby by the hand is a happy ending to a very risky business. Psychologists say that if a boy had a dream, this serves as a kind of motivation for a person by the subconscious.

    Why is the baby girl dreaming?

    A dream in which a baby girl participates will be very pleasant. If a woman who already has children saw a dream, it will mean pleasant chores. Sometimes what you see can portend a new pregnancy. Especially if the baby dreamed on the same night of both spouses. If you dream about the birth of a baby, this can be interpreted as a pleasant surprise. See in a dream talking girl- to gossip at work, and a child who walks is a sign that the time has come to take on an important matter. Often, newborn babies dream of different trips, the appearance new job or shopping.

    Why dream of finding a baby?

    Such a dream may please some, while others, on the contrary, alert. However, it should not be taken literally. If a baby is dreaming, this does not mean in real life. So, according to dream books, finding a baby in a dream is very good sign. Such a dream portends future success, new relationships, or financial profit. In a dream, accepting a child into your family is an agreement in reality to bring new relationships, work, and responsibilities into life. If in a dream parents are looking for their child, this will mean one thing - in real life there is a fear of losing parental authority.

    Why dream of breastfeeding a baby?

    According to the female dream book, such a dream portends the onset of a favorable period in life. At this time, you can not be afraid of difficulties and try to make all your dreams come true. For married women, if you open the dream book, the baby dreams of family relationships, and for unmarried - acquaintance with the future husband. According to the dream book of Nostradamus, feeding a child means taking care of your future and the future of children. A dream means faith in yourself and hopes for a wonderful future.

    What is the dream of a baby in her arms?

    If you dreamed of a baby in your arms, this can be interpreted in different ways. However, most dream books say that what they see portends the need to make efforts to implement their plans. It is possible to decipher such a dream in another way. It is important to pay attention to the health of the baby and his behavior. Depending on this, a dream can mean replenishment of the family, problems, sadness or hope.

    Holding a sick baby in your arms - to life's hardships and difficulties. It is important to pass all the tests with dignity and not give up everything you started. If a pregnant woman saw a dream, then you can determine the sex of the unborn child. So, when a man holds a baby in a dream, a boy will be born, and if the baby is in the hands of a woman, you need to wait for the birth of a girl. If you hold an abandoned baby in a dream, this means that soon in real life there will be material income.

    Why dream of swaddling a baby?

    If a newborn boy dreamed, it is important to remember all the details and then you can already try to decipher what you saw. If a child was swaddled in a dream - to positive changes in life. This may be an unexpected surprise or news from loved one. Watching someone's actions in a dream - revelations with unfamiliar people can turn into problems. According to Vanga's dream book, such a dream for an unmarried woman will mean news of pregnancy.

    What is the dream of a smiling baby?

    It is not very difficult to understand what what you see in a dream means, but it is important to take into account all the details. If you dreamed of a baby who smiles, it will be auspicious sign portending happiness. According to Strannikov's dream book, a healthy clean child in a dream - to a good result, ideas and inventions. For a woman, such a dream will mean joy. The dream book of medium Hasse says that what he sees calls for faith in one's own strength. Kissing a child in a dream - to preserve freshness until old age.

    What is the dream of a baby in a stroller?

    Sometimes married women or very young girls dream of children. If you suddenly dreamed of a baby in a stroller, this will not always be a good sign. So, if the stroller is modern, beautiful and comfortable, this portends an unexpected joyful event in the near future. Dreamed of a dirty empty stroller? Such a dream - to doubts and suspicions about the honesty of people who may turn out to be "empty". There was not only a child in the stroller, but also white flowers? A dream portends news of a wedding. Were the flowers out of season? They will represent difficulties and obstacles.

    What is the dream of a sleeping baby?

    Being interested in what a baby is dreaming of, it is important to pay attention not only to the gender of the baby, but also to other details. A sleeping baby in a dream will symbolize danger, defenselessness, helplessness. In addition, such a dream can be a warning that you can be in trouble due to carelessness. It is believed that seeing a sleeping child in a dream is a disease.

    Why is a naked baby dreaming?

    Almost always, dreams involving children are very touching and tender. However, after what he saw, the dreamer wonders why the baby is dreaming. Most dream books say what such a dream would mean good start, prosperity and happy future. If there was a naked child in a dream, you need to pay attention to his gender. A naked boy in a dream - to unexpected news or insight. A little girl in a dream will personify the news. A clean, joyful baby - to good news, and thin - to illness or bad news.

    Why dream of bathing a baby?

    If a newborn baby dreamed while bathing, this means a penchant for charity and a lot of positive qualities. It is likely that in the future the dreamer will be able to help someone in a difficult situation. life situation. It can be financial or. Bathing a child with a soft sponge is an opportunity to prove yourself as an independent person in real life. Washing with a washcloth portends the need to make concessions and be less principled. Bathing a baby in a bath means being careful.

    What is the dream of a crying baby?

    Sometimes dreams make a person feel stressed. After what you see, there is a desire to quickly find out why a newborn who is crying is dreaming. Dream Interpretations say why a baby is crying in a dream - the dreamer will not be able to get what he wants. In addition, such a dream may portend a deterioration in well-being, and therefore more time should be devoted to health. Also, a dream can symbolize vain chores and empty dreams. If a baby is crying, minor everyday problems await. A child crying in a dream sometimes means great disappointment.

    Why dream of the death of a baby?

    Such a dream is terrifying. However, dream books are in a hurry to calm down, and find out why dead baby. If you dreamed that the child was sick for a long time, and then died, you need to carefully monitor the health of the baby in real life. Other dream books say that what they see means the good health of the child. The death of his own son means a quarrel with him in real life. Such a dream may portend a change in views on many things in the future. The death of someone else's child can mean unfulfilled dreams.

    The newborn symbolizes new life and the undertakings of the sleeper in its various spheres. Most often, a baby from a dream turns out to be a favorable harbinger, but more precisely, what the baby is dreaming of should be considered in more detail.

    Dream interpretation: why is the baby dreaming?

    V Women's dream book the baby turns out to be a harbinger of a pleasant surprise. In addition, it notes that a girl often dreams of beautiful newborn babies if she dreams of becoming a mother in reality.

    The Wanderer's Dream Interpretation interprets the plot with the baby in a slightly different way. The book states that a well-groomed, healthy and strong baby promises a person a quick creative upsurge. New successful ideas will be generated in his head at an unprecedented speed, therefore the main thing at this time is not to be lazy, but to try to squeeze the maximum out of a successful period. If a sleeper in night dreams holds a baby by the hand, it means that the dangerous and risky business he started at first glance will end successfully.

    According to Esoteric dream book, to hold his own baby in his arms (which does not exist in reality) the dreamer has on the eve of the collapse of his hopes and plans. In order to minimize losses, in the near future you should not think of anything for the future and rely on other people.

    To see a newborn in a dream: a girl, a boy

    The interpretation of sleep often depends even on what gender the baby turned out to be.

    It’s great if the sleeper can clearly remember who exactly he dreamed about.

    • If in a man’s dream there was a baby boy, in reality he will be visited by a brilliant idea.
    • A crying male baby often dreams of a woman in a state of anxiety. Such a plot suggests that most of her experiences are unfounded.
    • Interestingly, a sick weak boy promises unprecedented success in the financial sector to sleeping both sexes. Before a person, new prospects will suddenly open up, which until recently he could not even dream of.
    • If the newborn girl is dirty and naked, this portends troubles for the dreamer in the near future.
    • A baby who is being taken care of promises the appearance of an assistant in reality. A neglected female child dreams of the dreamer's loneliness.

    If you dreamed of a sleeping child, this means that there are circumstances in your life that do not give you peace and make you defenseless. Like it or not, and full interpretation what a dozing baby dreams of, you can find in dream books. Remember what gender the baby was, and whether he slept peacefully in a dream, and you will understand what to expect from the near future.

    Miller's dream book

    According to the collection of dreams compiled by Gustav Miller, a sleeping child in a dream symbolizes a dangerous situation that can make you vulnerable to trouble. Also, a vision can mean some circumstances beyond your control, which you cannot cope with.

    Did you dream that you were waking up a sleeping baby? Such a dream means the solution of all problems. It is especially good if you see in a dream that the child, waking up, smiles.

    The boy, as a symbol of worries and troubles

    Those who dreamed of a small sleeping male child should be wary of everything unknown and unverified. A little boy dozing in a dream is a symbol of worries that can be a heavy burden on your shoulders, the interpreter suggests.

    According to another interpreter - Eastern dream book- a resting little boy promises the troubles associated with the dreamer's own children. Especially if the real kids are still quite tiny.

    The girl is a sign of joy and surprises

    And here is what a sleeping female child dreams of, according to pastor Loff's dream book. If you dreamed of a girl sleeping peacefully in your arms, then be prepared for the fact that loved ones will prepare a pleasant surprise for you.

    Dream Interpretation of Medea gives its own interpretation of the dream in which the baby was dozing in your arms: you will be greatly surprised by something, fortunately, pleasantly. Did the girl in your arms cry without waking up? Don't try to find secrets native person- the time will come, he himself will tell you everything, making an amazing and pleasant discovery for you.

    Two or more children, or From fun to sadness

    For those dreamers who want to find out why two or three children are sleeping at once, it is necessary to clarify exactly how and where they slept, suggests Miss Hasse's dream book.

    To see that the kids are resting in their beds - expect the pleasure of realizing your own importance in the workplace, the interpreter of the White Magician broadcasts. And if they were in the same bed, then you will feel uncomfortable. You will feel like you are taking someone else's place.

    Another point: the children slept in bed calmly and quietly - to joy and good luck; sobbed or cried loudly in a dream - sadness and grief await you.

    The article discusses the answers to the dreams that we all often have, and all of them are truthful and time-tested. It will not be superfluous to familiarize yourself with other articles that are collected on this site, since they can be found at least interesting interpretations dreams and dreams.

    Sleep sleeping baby girl, boy in a stroller, in her arms, baby, baby

    A sleeping child is a good sign. Wait for a change of events for the better. Sleeping girl to material surprise. A boy in a stroller is a harbinger of joyful days. On the hands of unexpected meeting with a nice person.

    Keeping a baby or not will mean that even the most risky business will end in success. The baby is a symbol of strength, success and good luck. You can safely take part in any undertaking, for you it will end positively.

    A sleeping man is dreaming, familiar, unfamiliar, beloved on your bed, on the floor, for an unmarried girl

    A sleeping familiar man will bring good news in reality.

    An unfamiliar sleeping man dreams of vain chores, they will not bring the expected effect. The situation is not up to you.

    Sleeping a loved one on your bed means an excellent attitude from the boss, possibly a career advancement.

    Beloved sleeps on the floor, to difficulties in family life.

    An unmarried girl saw a sleeping man in a dream, something will change soon, for better or for worse, depending on the circumstances.

    Sleep sleeping cat white, black

    Sleeping cat to mutual understanding in the family.

    A white cat or symbolizes a good intention for the people around you.

    Black - beware of the catch. Betrayal of a close friend.

    Dream Interpretation sleeping ex-husband or lover, deceased, puppy

    Sleeping ex-husband to changes in personal life.

    A sleeping lover to good deeds at work, the relationship between the boss and you will become friendly.

    Sleeping dead man to a change in fate. favorable, brings only positive changes.

    Sleeping puppy to a good, faithful friend. Which will support in a difficult situation.

    Sleep sleeping white dove in the yard is a sign

    The dove symbolizes peace, love, kindness. Such a dream carries a favorable course of circumstances. If everything is good in life, you should not wait for changes, in case of problems, everything should work out.

    Dream interpretation sleeping friend, spider

    A sleeping friend dreams of illness, health problems. But not significant.

    Seeing a sleeping spider is a sign of success in business.

    Sleeping man with open eyes, tongue hanging out

    Such a dream warns of intrigues set up among your colleagues. You should be careful in your actions and conversations.

    Why dream that a guy pulls me out sleeping with a bath

    Such an unusual dream carries a sign that you need help without which it is impossible to cope alone. The problems that have arisen are out of scope.

    Dream interpretation sleeping wolf, rabbit

    Sleeping wolf for a long intimate relationship.

    Sleeping rabbit to a break in relations. Most likely, the gap will be difficult and will not let you calm down for a long time.

    Sleep dormant volcano

    Your problems will be solved without your participation. You will be the last to know about it. Undoubtedly, such an alignment of things should please.

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