“How I did good to the neighbors, and what came of it. "Began to do good": Artemy Lebedev cunningly repaired his entrance

  • 31.07.2019

Designer Artemy Lebedev told what tricks he had to go to in order to make repairs in his own entrance in St. Petersburg. The problems arose due to the fact that the owners of the remaining seven apartments in the building where Lebedev bought housing refused to collect money for the repair of public space.

“Neighbors in Russia and Ukraine are people who will never give a single penny to improve the entrance and will do everything possible to disrupt the process (or simply not give permission),” the designer stated. He noted that earlier, when he lived in Kyiv, he had already done repairs in the entrance. Therefore, as Artemy Lebedev expected, some of the neighbors told him that they did not have money for repairs. Others said that "they do not need repairs, as it will create the appearance that everything is fine in their lives, and this should not be allowed," the designer said in Facebook.

Then Lebedev came up with a cunning plan, which consisted in the fact that he gave out everything for the initiative of the ZhEK. To do this, the designer masterfully forged an announcement that informed the residents of the house about the upcoming work. “Not a single neighbor in the world will be against the fact that the Housing Office will make repairs. So my Tajiks received a branded vest (made for 500 rubles a piece) and began to do good, ”he continued the story.

According to Lebedev, repair work took quite a bit of time and soon "the furatsilin misunderstanding turned into an elegant, modest beauty." By the way, users reminded the designer that furatsilin is actually yellow color, and the color of its walls was better compared with brilliant green.

Also, the blogger at his own expense (very small, according to him) installed a module with mailboxes. The only thing the designer regrets is that he failed to change the entrance doors in all apartments: “The unification of doors was not included in my budget, and I would never have received popular support.”

Artemy Lebedev's subscribers first of all noted the design of the ad, with which he misled his neighbors. “Two opening quotation marks and the absence of handwritten text - that's what pleased me, the conspiracy under ZhEK 99lvl,” wrote one of the users. Others highlighted other highlights: the use of capslock, as well as bold and italic styles along with underlining. “Very few designers are able to produce an authentic product!” - the businessman himself commented on his find.

By the way, not all users liked the final version. Some found not the most successful chosen color scheme. Others said that the old mailboxes looked much better and, most likely, reflected the characteristics of their owners. Also, some users asked Lebedev why he did nothing with the wires hanging all over the walls.

Regular readers of my dayfka know that the concept of a "comfort zone", in which personal space does not end at the door of the apartment, is fundamental and organic for me (https://www.artlebedev.ru/kovodstvo/sections/172/). I live by this principle.

It can be put simply: I want public toilets to be as comfortable so that I can walk in them like in my own toilet. So wherever I am, I am comfortable with the space to my high standards. How many plant managers can take a shit in shop number 15 in their plant, and not run to their factory management, where there is a key to a personal push? That's it.

Seven years ago, I repaired at my own expense the entrance to the house in Kyiv where I lived (). I just took and spent my personal money on repairs. Not a single neighbor wanted to chip in.

And when the renovation was completed, one of the neighbors said that he did not like the look of the tiles on the first floor.

I am calm about such garbage, because I know that you should never expect gratitude from anyone, but many naive, not finding sympathy, merge. And you need to implement improvements on the tank, shit on all opinions in bulk. This is the only working principle.

In my stairwell lives a neighbor Lena, a woman of amazing energy and love of life. She always leaves books by the elevator for free pickup. Or maybe put a box of strawberries with a note "Help yourself, beloved neighbors, washed strawberries!". In short, the degree of enlightenment is maximum.

And somehow she met me on the street and said, Artemy, she heard about your successes in the field of urn building. Do you, like, have a desire to put an urn next to ours? front door on the street, so that it would be convenient to throw out a cigarette butt or a bottle of yogurt to a weary traveler? I take upon myself, he says, the maintenance of this ballot box. It’s not far from the trash can, but I didn’t feel like giving favors to my neighbors, - she said softer, but with such meaning.

I took this request to heart, and soon a beautiful new urn appeared next to the front door, established by specialists of all trades from our studio. A new page in the life of our house has begun (buy one for yourself: http://www.artlebedev.ru/urnus/10/).

Soon the first problem appeared. One of the neighbors decided that since they put the trash can, then the fuck not throw your garbage bag into it. It takes two whole minutes to go to the tank, and the urn is right at the bottom. Lena responded:

A couple of months later:

And then there was a plebiscite that ended in ostracism. The neighbors opposed the urn on a broad front. They rushed to the office.

Then the funniest thing happened - the council decided that the city had installed the urn. Because even in Moscow, the government cannot imagine that someone will put the ballot box at their own expense. And the procedure for the liquidation of city property requires that two-thirds of the residents vote for the demolition of the ballot box. And the collection of signatures began! Damn, motherfucker! Free citizens approached with their shards and threw them into the voting amphora, that is, they wrote their apartment numbers with surnames, expressed their will and signed.

And the council heeded the democratic procedure, the ballot box was dismantled. It was removed as if it were city property.

And now the asphalt at my entrance is decorated with four holes from the anchor fasteners with which the urn was fixed.

What has this story taught me?

1. It will be necessary at the bins intended for installation next to residential buildings, reduce the area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe hole into which you can put the garbage so that the bottle passes, but the bag of shit does not crawl through.

2. It will be necessary to replace the uebanskaya metal door in the entrance to the glass. I have already ordered drawings of my building from the archive in order to be as close as possible to the historical version of the door. Perhaps this will improve the neighbors a little.

3. Not, better idea. It will be necessary to develop a narrow bin for small waste - larger than for bulls, but smaller than for household waste.

Russian designer Artemy Lebedev told how he made repairs in the front door of his house in St. Petersburg. Moreover, he did not receive support from neighbors, so he did everything at his own expense. Previously, he also entered when he lived in Kyiv.

According to Lebedev, some neighbors were against painting the walls in the entrance at their own expense, because. they didn't have money. And the second part said that they did not need repairs, because. he "will create the appearance that everything is fine in their lives, but this should not be allowed." Then the designer put up an ad and asked the residents to remove personal belongings from the site. Repair he gave out for the initiative of the "manager".

Not a single neighbor in the world will be against the fact that the housing office will make repairs. So my Tajiks received a branded vest (made for 500 rubles a piece) and began to do good, ”-

written by Artemy Lebedev, designer.

It is not known how long the work took, but in the end the walls became not poisonous green, but gray.

In addition, residents were given keys to new mailboxes.

I take this calmly, because I know that you should never expect gratitude from anyone, but many naive, not finding sympathy, merge.

In my stairwell lives a neighbor Lena, a woman of amazing energy and love of life. She always leaves books by the elevator for free pickup. Or he can put up a box of strawberries with a note “Help yourself, beloved neighbors, washed strawberries!”. In short, the degree of enlightenment is maximum.

And somehow she met me on the street and said, Artemy, she heard about your successes in the field of urn building. Do you, like, have a desire to put an urn next to our front door on the street, so that it would be convenient to throw out a cigarette butt or a bottle of yogurt to a weary traveler? I take upon myself, he says, the maintenance of this ballot box. It’s not far from the trash can, but I didn’t feel like giving favors to my neighbors, ”she said softly, but with such meaning.

I took this request to heart, and soon a beautiful new urn appeared next to the front door, installed by specialists of all trades from our studio.

A new page in the life of our house has begun.

Soon the first problem appeared. One of the neighbors decided that since they put the trash can, the coolies should not throw their garbage bag into it. It takes two whole minutes to go to the tank, and the urn is right at the bottom.

Lena responded:

A couple of months later:

Then the funniest thing happened - the council decided that the city had installed the urn. Because even in Moscow, the government cannot imagine that someone will put the ballot box at their own expense. And the procedure for the liquidation of city property requires that two-thirds of the residents vote for the demolition of the ballot box. And the collection of signatures began! Hey, scribe! Free citizens approached with their shards and threw them into the voting amphora, that is, they wrote their apartment numbers with surnames, expressed their will and signed.

And the council heeded the democratic procedure, the ballot box was dismantled. It was removed as if it were city property.

And now the asphalt at my entrance is decorated with four holes from the anchor fasteners with which the urn was fixed.

What has this story taught me?

1. It will be necessary for bins intended for installation near residential buildings to reduce the area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe hole into which garbage can be inserted so that a bottle passes through, but a bag with any slag does not crawl through.

2. It will be necessary to replace the Uipan metal door to the entrance with a glass one. I have already ordered drawings of my building from the archive in order to be as close as possible to the historical version of the door. Perhaps this will improve the neighbors a little.

3. No, better idea. It will be necessary to develop a narrow bin for small waste - larger than for bulls, but smaller than for household waste.