Interpretation of sleep to rise up in dream books. Dream Interpretation: stairs in a dream

  • 16.10.2019

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Climbing stairs in people is always associated with difficulties and obstacles, meanwhile, without fail, leading to positive events, whether it is learning something new, career growth or reaching a given peak. That is, the staircase, as such, is a very metaphorical personification of success. The dreams in which you saw the stairs also suggest similar thoughts. But depending on the content of night vision, the interpretation of sleep may be different. Some details will help to correctly interpret the dream and find out why you dream of climbing up the stairs.

What is important to renew in memory

For a reliable interpretation of the night story, certain details are of fundamental importance:

If in a dream you made your way upstairs with someone close, then the meaning of sleep lies in the support and help of loved ones.

If you yourself rise, then, accordingly, you can mainly rely only on yourself.

If you saw yourself rising with a person of the opposite sex, then in reality it is possible to strengthen relationships with loved ones, solidarity.

If you are not tired of lifting, then soon you will have to be sexually active.

If the path was very tiring and difficult, or you couldn’t get to the end of the stairs at all, then in reality laziness will interfere with your possible achievements.

If, having risen, you proudly examine the path you have overcome, then this is a sign of your recognition to the people who helped you and lent you a shoulder in difficult times.

If at the end of the path you look up to the sky, then this is a symbol of the fact that after achieving one goal, you set a new one.

If suddenly you are pushed from the top, then this promises the failure of plans, the enemies will significantly harm you.

  • The quality of the stairs itself is the stability, strength and integrity of the steps.

If the stairs creaked and sagged under you, then you have ill-wishers in real life.

If the ladder is broken, then this is a signal that you do not lose hope and determination - all your efforts will be crowned with success.

If the steps were stable and solid, then listen to your mind, not your heart, do not give in to emotions.

If the steps break from your steps, right under your feet, then urgently give up narcissism and pride - this will harm your business.

If the staircase is spiral, then the steeper it is, the more difficult and tests await ahead. However, if you overcome the path with ease, then all difficulties are surmountable.

If the steps are wide and comfortable, then in the future you have a long way to go with pleasant acquaintances.

If the ladder is made of ropes, then all things will end successfully.

Dream interpretation

Miller's dream book. Climbing stairs in a dream - to career growth, prosperity.

Dream Interpretation of Meridian. Go up the stairs - go up in business, to success and in reality. Sexual activity is also possible.

If the edges of the stairs are not visible, then this indicates uncertainty and confusion in real life.

dream interpretation Loff. Climbing stairs dreams of reaching the heights of life.

Dream Interpretation Hasse. Climbing the stairs - to the satisfaction of your pride.

If the staircase is spiral, then the goal will be achieved with difficulty.

If the ladder is a rope ladder, then this is a favorable conclusion to a difficult task.

Freud's dream book. Climbing stairs in a dream is the personification of popularity with the opposite sex. However, do not turn away from those who were a support in difficult times.

If at the end of the stairs you see a person who is opposite to you in gender, then in reality you want a closer relationship with this person.

Psychoanalytic dream book. This interpreter promises an intimate scene with a variable rise, then a descent down the stairs.

If you dream that you are going up the stairs, then in real life you will climb the social ladder.

Esoteric dream book. According to this interpreter, the dream in which you climb the stairs portends the achievement of goals and the realization of your plan.

Idiomatic dream book. Climbing the stairs - to move up the corporate ladder.

French dream book. This dream book turned traditional interpretations upside down: climbing stairs - to failures and frustrations.

Dream interpretation of a wanderer. Such a dream is a symbol of career growth.

For a better understanding of sleep and its possible interpretation, it is important to “try on” it to real life, that is, associate it with some events for which it may be relevant. In this case, the dream will be useful and will be able to help with the choice or in resolving other issues.

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Climb the stairs interpretation of the dream book

The steps leading up are identified with the road that will lead the sleeper to the pedestal, will allow him to conquer new heights. And if you had a dream in which you go up the stairs, then in real life you are destined for success. But what needs to be done for this? Exact interpretation sleep, which dreamed of climbing the stairs, will help you figure it out.

To choose the right prediction, you should remember all the nuances of the plot you saw. For example, according to dream books, it is of great importance: did you overcome your path alone or were in company, did you feel tired when climbing, what were the steps - rotten or strong and solid.

Basic interpretation

Why dream about how you climb stairs in a dream? To well-deserved success. However, most dream books believe that there can be many obstacles on the way to the cherished goal. Overcoming some of them can significantly spoil the triumph of your victory.

The psychoanalytic dream book believes that climbing stairs in a dream is akin to striving to improve the quality of one's sex life. It should be understood that complete mutual understanding in intimate life is the key to harmony in relationships.

Why dream of climbing any stairs? According to Miller's dream book this dream portends the sleeper excellent business prospects. However, if after the rise you feel bad, for example, you feel dizzy, then the achievements will not go unnoticed for you. You will most likely become selfish and intolerant of people. In other words, having achieved power, you can lose your friends.

An old Russian dream book is sure that if in a dream you were able to reach the top step, then in reality you will gain fame and honor. However, beware of your own pride. It can cause loneliness.

What a lift

If you dreamed that you were going up and down the stairs at night, but you didn’t feel even the slightest tired, then soon your sex life would become very eventful, the list of love victories would expand.

Why dream about how you climbed to the top? The dream interpretation believes that if you, standing at the very top, contemplate what is happening below, then in real life you will not forget those who helped you at the very beginning of the journey. If you look to the sky, you will be able to achieve many more goals in reality.

Are you interested in why you dream of climbing up somewhere, barely taking a breath? So, if in a dream you could not get to the top, as fatigue made itself felt, then in reality you will suffer many failures. The reason will be your laziness. According to the dream book, you should overcome yourself at all costs, only in this case you can achieve what you want.

Did you dream that you couldn’t get to the top step, because some unknown force threw you back? The dream interpretation portends that enemies will interfere with plans.

What ladder

Why did you dream of climbing a ladder made of wood? The dream interpretation is sure that if the steps creaked underfoot, then there will be many obstacles on the way to the goal. To make the dream a reality, you will need to spend a lot of effort and outwit all your enemies.

If the tree was solid and did not bend under you, then, according to the prediction of the dream book, your personal qualities and sobriety of mind will help you achieve the desired heights in life. However, you should control your emotions and suppress aggressive impulses.

If steps break under your feet in a dream, this is not auspicious sign. The interpreter is sure that in reality you are too ambitious and proud. These qualities will become an insurmountable obstacle for you and, in the end, will lead to failure.

Did you dream that you were climbing a broken staircase in a dream? The dream interpretation is sure that even in the most difficult situation don't lose hope for the best. One way or another, but you will be able to overcome all the obstacles that will arise in your path, and find your long-awaited happiness.

However, if in a dream you are practically suffocating and cannot step on the next step to get to the top, then in reality, having achieved what you want, you will not be happy.

With whom to climb

Why is there a dream in which you had a chance to rise in the company of a loved one? According to interpreters, rising hand in hand should be considered a favorable sign. On the way to your dream, you will receive help and support from family and friends.

A woman who rises in a dream with a man can hope that their relationship will be the beginning of something more. Perhaps in the future you will become a real married couple.

Climb the stairs on the dream book

Steps directed upwards are associated with climbing a pedestal, with conquering new peaks. And if in a dream you had a chance to climb the stairs, then in reality success awaits you. But at what cost will you achieve it, and in what area? An accurate interpretation of why such a plot is dreamed of will be given by our dream book.

To obtain accurate and reliable predictions, you should pay attention to the following details: you alone traveled the path, or someone accompanied you; whether it was difficult for you to climb the ladder, or was it easy; the steps were new and strong, or rotten and rickety.

Interpretation of dream books

When asked what it means to climb stairs in a dream, dream books usually agree in one opinion: long-awaited success awaits you. But the path to the cherished goal that you have been dreaming of for so long may not be so smooth, and it is not a fact that what you have achieved will bring you complete satisfaction.

By interpretation psychoanalytic dream book, climbing stairs in a dream personifies sexual desires. Count on finding harmony in relationships only through gaining mutual understanding in an intimate way.

Climbing the stairs Miller's dream book is a symbol of reaching the heights of business, career. But not everything is so simple: if after getting up in a dream you feel dizzy, then luck will change your essence, add selfishness and the manners of a slave owner. You will gain power, but you will lose many friends.

If you follow the interpretation of the old Russian dream book, then reaching the top step in a dream portends you with loud glory and receiving honors in reality. Heed the advice, and do not become a victim of pride, otherwise what such a plot is dreaming of will cause loneliness.

Heavy or light lifting?

If you happened to go up and down the stairs in a dream, and at the same time you did not feel tired, then in the near future you will show an enviable agility in sexual relations. In a short time, the list of love victories will increase significantly.

If, having easily risen to the top in a dream, you stand and contemplate what is happening below, then you will always remember those who supported you on the difficult path to independence. And if you look at the sky, then do not doubt why such a dream is dreaming - after achieving one goal, you will immediately move to another.

Why dream of climbing stairs hard? If you never got to the top in a dream, stopping from incredible fatigue, then ordinary laziness will become the cause of failures in the future. The dream book advises to overcome the reluctance to move on, and efforts will be more than rewarded.

An unfavorable interpretation acquires a plot in a dream, where you, before reaching the top step, were thrown down by an unknown force or another person. The dream interpretation claims that the plans are not destined to come true, the machinations of the enemies will erase the efforts to nothing.

Type of stairs

Why dream of climbing a wooden staircase? If the tree creaked and sagged under your feet, then ill-wishers will greatly interfere with your path to a successful life. You will have to pay a considerable price, and give a lot of effort to achieve your dream.

If the tree was solid and did not bend, then the dream book predicts that only logical and sober conclusions will help you achieve what you want. Do not give in to emotional aggressive impulses, be careful.

Why dream of climbing a broken staircase? Even if now the hope has left you - do not give up. The dream book predicts that no matter what, you will be able to overcome the traps set on the path, at the end of which success awaits you.

Steps that break underfoot in a dream are an unfavorable symbol. You have chosen the right strategy to achieve your goal, but self-esteem and ambition, a tendency to take on overwhelming tasks, will get in your way.

Climbing steep stairs with ease is a good sign. The dream interpretation predicts that you will overcome difficult obstacles on your own and wait for happiness. But if you run out of breath, you cannot rise higher, then achieving the desired result will not bring any joyful emotions.

Satellites on the rise

If, when rising in a dream, next to you, hand in hand, is close person, then this is a very good symbol. The interpretation of the dream book is that friends and relatives will help you, you will not be left without support in a difficult situation, and climbing the stairs up to your dream will be as easy as shelling pears.

A woman who happened to climb the stairs with a man in a dream should count on improving relations with her soulmate. You will be able to unite and feel like a real married couple. The difficulties that you overcome together will unite you even more.

I dreamed with a guy (in real life I don’t know him, but in a dream I know) I ran with all my dope up the stairs - there was a pillar of dust. We were running from someone, hiding. The iron staircase was steep. And the room is a factory. I work in a factory, but this is not mine.

I also work in a factory. The second time I already dream that I climb a crane along a vertical ladder (like on a tower crane), although in fact we have other ladders in our workshop. I look down and scared, afraid to fall. I don't understand what it is for.

Why do horses dream?

My husband only dreams of horses when he is lying. He even dreamed once that the horses were rolling down the hill. I thought I was laughing like crazy! And then the truth is a lie! And big! Although I already knew that horses were lying.

Hello, I still haven’t found an answer to my dream, maybe someone knows what it can mean. I climbed the excavator ladder, when I climbed to the very top, I felt dizzy, then there was no ladder in front of me, just like an abyss, I wanted to go down, but there was a man who didn’t let me go back, and I had to climb onto the next ladder. Does anyone know what this might mean!? Help me please.

I had the same dream too!

I saw in a dream how I was climbing the school stairs with a classmate. The staircase with each step was steep and there was a red staircase, but I almost had enough to the 3rd floor, I didn’t go up, my husband woke me up.

Climbing the excavator stairs and at the very top somehow my hands are tightening the gears of the excavator and there was a girl next to me, her hands are also tightening the gears into the excavator, but then we somehow had leather gloves on our hands and they were tightened by the excavator, and the hands we pulled it out, it turns out because of the gloves, we stretched out our hands and saved it and then woke up, what a dream help interpret it.

I dreamed that I climbed the stairs to the third floor of the school in the dark with a child in my arms.

I dream that I’m climbing the stairs very hard and in the process of climbing, an invisible force pulls me, pulls me, doesn’t let me get up, I hardly got up, I go into the apartment, I look in the mirror and I see through the mirror on my shoulders he sits in a hat and smiles a spirit, a gnome, a brownie of small stature. Please help me understand, thank you very much.

I often dream that I am climbing the stairs and at what it turns out to be broken: it staggers, as if hanging on one thread, the feeling that if I take a step, I will fall, I hold on tightly to the railing, I feel fear that I will fall, I just have to do a couple of steps to get up, but in any case, I get up and do not fall.

Why dream, I climb the steep stairs inside the cistern, I climb for a long time to the very end, then along the ceiling, hang down and let go of my hands. I fall on purpose to catch dizziness. Often dreams, a harmless dream, but of the same type and very vivid.

I dreamed that I was dead and I was climbing concrete stairs white color with golden handles. My grandmother was walking next to me (she is alive) and a bridge appeared halfway to the cloud where there were many people and children.

I dreamed that someone was climbing up the stairs, but I was scared! Horror, how terrible! And I crawled along the railing. The railings are smooth, stainless steel or a similar kind of metal! And very slippery. It's like they're covered in oil. I didn’t see myself at the end of the railing, but I know that I crawled okay, the feeling, as it were, SURVIVED! Then again nonsense. Three to five dreams per night. Nerves? Please answer someone like that too. Thanks in advance for your reply.

I dreamed of climbing the stairs on the top floor, it collapses and I soil my feet with mud, someone helps me wash my feet and I successfully got up.

I dreamed that I met a guy at a local boarding school, he went everywhere with me that day. Everyone asked if we were dating, and we just ran up the stairs at school.

I climbed the stairs, climbed the stairs, climbed from floor to floor, stepping on the railing, it was not difficult, the stairs of the hospital (I will practice there), long, high and many floors.

I dreamed that I was going up the stairs in a narrow multi-storey building, all the doors were old and boarded up, and only the one I entered was open, the children ran up to me.

I had a dream, as if my wife and I were doing some kind of quest. We needed to find a house, we found it, we had to go upstairs, we started to go up, some girl appeared, and took some number from me and ran upstairs, and I followed her. To keep up, he asked his wife to wait. When I climbed to the top there was no roof, nothing, and the steps broke off. The girl sat with her legs dangling, I looked and said so easily, but there was nothing and left. What is it for?

I dreamed about our school stairs. I hardly got up, everything fell down, it was difficult for me to pass because of my large physique. I was tired and exhausted, the package opened, the jacket was barely on me.

dream interpretation

Climbing stairs with a man

Dream Interpretation Climbing stairs with a man dreamed of why in a dream Climbing stairs with a man? To select the interpretation of sleep, enter keyword from your dream to the search form or click on the initial letter of the image characterizing the dream (if you want to get an online interpretation of dreams by letter for free in alphabetical order).

Now you can find out what it means to dream of Climbing stairs with a man by reading below for free interpretation of dreams from the best online dream books Houses of the Sun!

Let's determine what dreams of climbing up the stairs in a dream. We learn the answers from the dream book

Staircase leading upstairs; what can she dream about? Many dream books interpret such a dream as an excellent sign and opportunity to reach career heights.

But everything is not so simple and directly depends on what exactly you dreamed about. Sometimes a staircase leading up in a dream can be the worst omen. What kind of staircase did you see in your dream?

Climb stairs without railings up in a dream

Such a dream indicates that you achieve everything yourself, without feeling the support of relatives and friends. The higher the ladder, the more interesting and noble your goal.

If in a dream you saw dirty stairs without railings, then in reality, in order to achieve what you want, you will have to resort to not the most honest games. It will be difficult for you without the help of others, so you will decide to play dirty games You will use other people and manipulate their feelings.

Also, a dirty staircase leading up may also mean that you will have to experience many hardships and make sacrifices for the sake of your goal.

Why dream of climbing with a man in a dream?

Seeing a man helping you up the stairs in a dream is a dual sign. On the one hand, this is very good, because in reality you will be helped in achieving such a goal.

On the other hand, this is very bad, you may have to drag this person with you, or sooner or later he will bill you for his help. Now remember: what kind of man did you see?

If you happened to see a beautiful brunette, then in reality your companion will have an extremely explosive character. But he will be devoted to you to the end. If there was a fair-haired man next to you, then expect a partner with a calm temperament, perhaps he will be too boring, and sooner or later you will get bored.

Climbing up the stairs with your loved one in a dream

But such a dream carries only positive, which means that your relationship with your loved one will be strong and long-lasting.

Together you can achieve your goals, rise to the level that you never dreamed of.

Also remember: what did the staircase you climbed look like - if in a dream climbed a dirty staircase with a loved one, then you have to go through a lot, the relationship will be on the verge of breaking several times.

Climbing the stairs leading to a dead end? Your relationship has been standing in one place for a long time, this is not good, but not bad either. It is necessary to dispel this stagnation with new emotions or impressions, and everything will be fine.

Why dream of going up the stairs with a child?

Overcoming problems with a child, even if it is a ladder and only in a dream, is always difficult. You should work on yourself, make some plans for the future, in order to be ready for anything. Do not worry: all difficulties are solved.

And to see a child even childless in a dream is a good sign. This testifies to your undertakings, which will soon become a favorite thing that you can devote your whole life to.

Why dream of climbing the stairs in the entrance up?

Seeing an entrance in a dream, whether residential or not, is always a sign of future changes related to the housing issue. Think: what could this mean for you? As soon as it became clear what your dream is talking about, immediately begin to deal with it.

The dream in which you climbed up the stairs in the entrance suggests that you may be able to sell or buy property or inherit it. One way or another, such a dream indicates your problems or the desire to get your own housing.

Climbing stairs in a dream with difficulty

If you felt difficulties in a dream, climbing the stairs, the stairs were unusual, uncomfortable, then you will hard fight in real life. You will face difficulties, everyday problems that are really difficult to cope with.

And one more thing: pay attention to the staircase itself - if there were not enough steps in it, then you have to fight with people who used to be dear to you.

The dream “Ladder” is a dream quite often, and therefore it is not surprising that a lot of questions arise about the stairs seen in a dream. In the vast majority in a dream, people go upstairs, climb the stairs and experience certain difficulties. In order to find out the interpretation of a dream about a ladder, you need to remember what the ladder was (marble, wooden, rope, etc.), what qualities it possessed (good, staggering, broken, etc.), it is also very important to remember where it was the staircase in the dream (at home, on the street, near the wall, resting against the sky, thrown out of the window, etc.). All this greatly affects the decoding of the dream about the stairs. Below are answers to questions that may arise after a dream in which a staircase somehow figured.

The general interpretation of the dream "ladder":

Different stairs in a dream

I dreamed of going up the stairs

Dreamed of Penrose stairs

  • Why dream of the endless Penrose stairs? Dream Interpretation: the endless Penrose staircase in a dream symbolizes your state - you don’t know what to do next, you don’t have a goal and specific ideas, you are confused, you cannot find your place in life.

For those who are interested, we explain what the Penrose ladder is: “The model of the impossible infinite, or as it is also called the “eternal ladder”, was developed by mathematician Roger Penrose with his father, biologist Lionel Penrose. This is one of the basic impossible figures that could be imagined in the real world. The essence of the endless staircase is as follows: starting to walk along the Penrose stairs from any point and passing 4 flights of stairs, you find yourself in the very place from which you started your journey. And it doesn't matter if you went up the stairs or down, in any case you will find yourself at the starting point. Walking up this impossible Penrose staircase is endless."

I dreamed of an escalator staircase in the subway (see)

  • Why dream of an escalator staircase in the subway? Dream Interpretation: an escalator staircase in a dream speaks of changes in life.
  • Why dream of "going down the escalator"? Dream Interpretation: going down the stairs of an escalator in a dream means changes will be in a bad direction.
  • Why dream of climbing the stairs of an escalator? Dream Interpretation: climbing the stairs of an escalator in a dream means changes will be in a good way.
  • Why dream of a broken staircase escalator? Dream Interpretation: a broken escalator in a dream means that in reality you will be deceived by the people closest to you.

I dreamed of a rope ladder

  • Why dream of a rope ladder thrown through a window? Dream Interpretation: a rope ladder in a dream suggests that a randomly done business will have a surprisingly favorable outcome.
  • Why dream of weaving a rope ladder in a dream? Dream Interpretation: weaving a ladder out of a rope in a dream - change your occupation and no longer do what you don’t believe in. (Cm. )
  • Why dream of climbing a rope ladder? Dream Interpretation: climbing a rope ladder in a dream means that in reality you will completely satisfy your vanity both in work and in love.
  • Why dream of running up a rope ladder from a window? Dream Interpretation: running away on a rope ladder in a dream means you will experience shame in reality.
  • Why dream of escaping from prison on a rope ladder? Dream Interpretation: escaping from prison on a rope ladder in a dream means that after a dangerous and risky business, a resounding success awaits you.

I dreamed of Jacob's ladder

  • Why dream of Jacob's ladder? Dream Interpretation: Jacob's ladder in a dream means that, like Jacob, you will achieve the highest happiness, honor and prosperity, and God will always be with you, protect and protect you.

For those who are interested, we explain what Jacob's ladder is: “In a dream, Jacob saw a ladder that stood on the ground and went up to the very sky. The staircase consisted of 12 steps and on each step of this staircase there were angels who climbed or descended on it. And at the very top stood the Lord God and he said to Jacob: “... I am the Lord, the God of Abraham your father, and the God of Isaac. The land on which you lie, I will give you and your offspring ... and behold, I am with you, and I will keep you wherever you go ... ”(Bible, (Gen. 28:12-16)). Jacob woke up from his sleep and announced the place where he slept with the House of God". That is why Jacob's ladder in a dream can be dreamed of as a ladder leading to heaven. And to those who have a dream "Jacob's ladder" it promises grace and happiness itself on earth.

Dream interpretation of medium Hasse

Small Velesov dream book

  • Dream Interpretation: to see a ladder in a dream means to face deceit and betrayal in reality.
  • In a dream, to see a ladder up - in reality, successful business.
  • To see a ladder down in a dream - to experience torment, there will be failures.
  • Falling down stairs in a dream bad sign, everything is bad.
  • I dreamed of a broken staircase - enemies.
  • Going down the stairs in a dream means in reality to receive an award according to merit.

Women's dream book

  • I dreamed of a ladder in a dream - the dream book says that the ladder symbolizes movement, and if you dreamed about it in a dream, then thanks to your energy you will achieve a lot.
  • I dreamed of "climbing the stairs", which means you will be fine, prosperity, material well-being and happiness.
  • Sleep "broken stairs" dreams of failure in your endeavors.
  • The dream of “climbing the stairs while escaping from prison” says that after a dangerous and risky event, success awaits you.

Jewish dream book of Azar
Dream Interpretation: a rope ladder in a dream - a very difficult task will end successfully. (Cm. )

Freud's dream book

Miller's dream book

Islamic dream book (Muslim dream book)

Old Russian dream book

  • Dream Interpretation: why dream of a ladder up - to honors, respect, successful deeds.
  • Dream Interpretation: climbing stairs in a dream - get loud fame.
  • The dream of “going down the stairs” has two interpretations, the first is that you will experience torment and hard work; second, there will be a road.

Dream Interpretation of Cleopatra
I dreamed of a rope ladder - the dream book says that your hope was flimsy, unfortunately, it will not come true. And in general, change the type of activity and do not count on what you yourself do not believe in. (Cm. )

Imperial dream book
The key opens the lock, unlocks the Door leading to Heaven along the Platonic stairs. In his life, a person opens this Door twice: at birth - the door from Heaven to Earth and at death - the door from Earth to Heaven in order to close it after himself. This Door closes behind the departed Apostle Peter, who guards this door to Paradise. The Apostle Peter in Christianity is depicted as an old man who holds two keys in his hand. With a golden key, he opens the door to the newly born, and with a black key he closes it for the departed. (Cm. )

Dream Interpretation of Hope and Dmitry Zima

Dream Interpretation of Meridian
The “ladder up” dream is a dream of success, you have positive sexual aspirations, communicate more with your sexual partner, get to know yourself.

Dream Interpretation of the Sorceress Medea

  • To dream of “going up the stairs” means that your mind and your intuition are developing at a given moment in time.
  • To dream of “going down the stairs” means that in reality you will delve into the secrets of your own soul.
  • The dream of “going up and down the stairs that are endless” says that you cannot find a place under the sun, you have vague plans and no specific goal.

Dream interpretation of Tsvetkov

  • The dream “staircase in the house” is interpreted based on whether you went up or down it. The steps of the stairs themselves symbolize your capabilities, and if they are broken, chipped or otherwise damaged, then such broken steps in a dream speak of enemies that undermine your capabilities and prevent you from fully “opening up” in your business.
  • Why dream of climbing a high staircase? Dream Interpretation: climbing a high staircase in a dream means that in reality you will rise in life, successful business and good luck.
  • Why dream of going down the stairs? Dream Interpretation: going down the stairs in a dream means that in reality there will be failures, failures and lack of success.
  • Why dream of a wooden staircase up? Dream Interpretation: climbing a wooden staircase in a dream - you will realize your mistakes too late. You need to think through all the moves and possible consequences before doing anything.
  • The dream "rope ladder" is a dream for personal need.
  • The dream “steep stairs down” is a dream to a quick relief.
  • The dream "stone staircase" is a dream of excessive dependence.

Combined dream book

  • I dreamed of a staircase in the house - an increase in the ranks. If you rise, you will get it, if you go down again, then they will take the position as suddenly as they give it. (Cm. )
  • Why dream of an iron staircase up? Dream Interpretation: an iron ladder up is a dream of hard exhausting work that will be needed to achieve a high position in the service.
  • I dreamed of a marble staircase - the dream book says that there will be success in work, career growth, but alienation, cold relationships and a lack of warmth between loved ones will begin in the family.

Psychoanalytic dream book

  • In a dream, a ladder is dreaming - a symbol of the social ladder, sexual intercourse, movement up and down in life.
  • Seeing in a dream how you climb the stairs means you are on the path of developing your intuition and mind, realizing your own "I".
  • Dreamed of stairs down? Dream Interpretation: going down the stairs in a dream means that in reality you will have attempts to figure out your unconscious.
  • Did you dream of a staircase leading to heaven? Dream Interpretation: a ladder in the sky in a dream symbolizes a social ladder.
  • Did you dream of running up and down the stairs? Dream Interpretation: running up and down the stairs in a dream is a symbol of sexual intercourse, which means that in reality you really want sex.

Dream interpretation of the XXI century

Wanderer's Dream Interpretation

  • Why dream of stairs? The dream wants to show you whether you will be promoted or not, whether things will be successful or not, and also warn of a possible collapse or vice versa success at work and in life.
  • I dreamed of stairs, steps in a dream - these are your opportunities.
  • I dreamed of a steep staircase - relief is very close.
  • I dreamed of a step ladder - success is very close.

French dream book

  • Walking up the stairs in a dream - there is a dream-shifter, which is interpreted back to what he saw. If you dreamed that you were climbing the stairs, then in real life there will be a breakdown, frustration in business and failure. To dream of “going down the stairs” means that in reality you will approach your success, you will find the key to the “closed” door.
  • I dreamed that I fell down the stairs - a very bad sign.
  • The step-ladder dream warns: you will be ungrateful, and this will greatly overshadow your life and cause many problems and failures.
  • The “ladder to the gallows” dream warns: your plans will collapse, and your actions will lead to terrible consequences.

Dream Interpretation of Psychologist Loff
What does it mean if you dream of a ladder? The ladder represents the heights of life and the difficult path to them, it also symbolizes the hard-to-reach values ​​of life and the world as a whole. Very often I have a dream “I fall down the stairs” and this is not casual. The staircase is essential tool when you need to get or get to something located below or above our level. This method is shaky and difficult to access, but the only one and therefore valuable. Climbing or descending the stairs, we are approaching the intended goal. Otherwise, we will not be able to get what we wanted and will experience a lack or lack of something. In life, we strongly feel the gravity of the earth and the impossibility of reaching the superior, hanging high or otherwise, without the auxiliary tool of the ladder. Only in a dream can we take off and do without a ladder. Therefore, the “ladder” dream means your desire for something inaccessible, but at the same time very desirable.

Esoteric dream book

Ukrainian dream book

  • Ladder in a dream climbing up - means success.
  • Sleep "down the stairs" means failure.
  • The dream “destroyed stairs, broken steps” speaks of enemies, obstacles and ill-wishers.

Explanatory dream book

  • What does it mean if you dream of a ladder - happiness, success, wealth.
  • I dreamed of going down the stairs - losses.
  • I dreamed of climbing the stairs up - labors.
  • In a dream, a staircase collapsed - loss or worries and troubles.
  • Dream Interpretation: walking aimlessly on stairs in a dream is a clouding of the mind in reality.
  • The dream "spiral staircase" means that you have to go to the goal in a difficult circuitous way.

Dream Interpretation of the Apostle Simon Kananit

  • Why dream of a spiral staircase up? Dream Interpretation: a spiral staircase in a dream says that you will succeed if you go the difficult roundabout.
  • The dream “steep stairs, walk up and down them” warns: mental insanity is possible.
  • Seeing a rope ladder in a dream will be a difficult task, but it will end successfully.
  • The dream "climbing the rope ladder" says that your pride will be completely satisfied.
  • I had a dream “the ladder is under the window” - you need to beware of thieves.
  • In a dream, pulling a ladder - you will help others.
  • To dream of “falling down the stairs” means that in reality, because of passion, you become careless.
  • To dream of “climbing up the stairs” means there will be success and you will achieve your goal.
  • To dream of “running down the stairs” means there will be losses and humiliations.
  • The “stairway to heaven” dream says that everything is going according to your plan and intentions. (cm. )

Modern dream book

ABC of dream interpretation

  • What is the dream of a ladder step up? Dream Interpretation: a ladder up in a dream symbolizes your development of the mind and intuition.
  • I dreamed of running down the stairs - delve into the secrets of your own soul.
  • Dream Interpretation: why dream of an endless, circular staircase or which has no beginning or end in sight - you have vague plans, there is no specific goal, you cannot find a place for yourself in this life.
  • Dream Interpretation: walking up the stairs in a dream means you will be promoted or good luck will smile at you.
  • I dreamed that I was going down the stairs - you will lose respect and confidence in the future.

Dream Interpretation Denise Lynn

  • What does a staircase mean in a dream? the staircase symbolizes the achievement of higher consciousness, any heights that you will achieve in life.
  • The dream "Jacob's Ladder" says that just as Jacob ascended the Kingdom of Angels on the stairs, so you will ascend to absolute happiness, wealth and honor.
  • What does it mean to "climb the stairs" dream? Dream Interpretation: climbing stairs in a dream means that in reality you will get a promotion and reach unprecedented heights.
  • Do you often dream of a staircase leading down? Dream Interpretation: if you often dream of a staircase leading down, then your subconscious mind wants you to penetrate it and figure out your desires. Also, such a dream suggests that the chances of success are decreasing every day.

American dream book
I dreamed of a staircase in the house, if you went up, then there would be success, if down, then failure.

English dream book

  • Dream Interpretation: a high ladder, climb to the very end in a dream - in reality you will achieve a lot. If the dreamer is a young man, a girl or an unmarried woman, then there will be a wedding with the person whom you have been seeking for a long time.
  • For a business person, the dream “staircase of a step up” promises a very profitable business and bright job prospects. This dream promises wealth, honor and worldly glory.
  • For a peasant or farmer, the meaning of the "ladder up" dream is as follows: there will be a rich harvest, offspring, successful transactions, the sale of goods and wealth.
  • For a scientist or student to go up the stairs in a dream means the realization of your highest desire in reality.
  • The widow's dream of "climbing up the stairs" is a dream of new love and new family happiness.
  • In a dream, standing at the top of the stairs and looking down means you will be unable to bear the glory, wealth and high position that have fallen on you, you will become proud and very soon you will again become who you were at first.
  • Why dream of climbing up the stairs, and underfoot the steps collapse and the railings break off? All hopes for a bright future will collapse, dreams will remain just dreams.

Eastern dream book

  • Why dream of a ladder up? Oriental dream book: dreaming of a ladder up to good luck and happiness.
  • Sleep "stairs down" promises trouble in personal and business life.
  • Why dream of falling down the stairs? Dream Interpretation: falling down the stairs in a dream - in reality you will become the object of envy of ill-wishers.
  • Why dream of an old staggering staircase? Dream Interpretation: an old staircase staggering in a dream urges you to be a little more attentive to the people around you at work, be more careful with your colleagues.
  • The dream “a wide beautiful staircase” promises wealth, happiness and glory.
  • Why dream of sitting on the stairs? Dream Interpretation: sitting on the stairs in a dream means you will achieve both wealth and prosperity, but not soon, do not expect quick results.
  • The dream “people went down the stairs” says that unpleasant changes will occur in your life.

Aesop's dream book
The “rope ladder” dream says: change your occupation and never again do what you don’t believe in. (Cm. )

Intimate dream book

Lunar dream book
Why dream of a ladder, walking up and down it? Dream Interpretation: stairs, going up and down stairs in a dream means that in reality you will have insanity of the mind.

Family dream book

  • To dream about a ladder means moving up and symbolizes your energy and abilities, which will help you achieve a high position in the service.
  • Dream Interpretation: I dreamed of a ladder that I am carrying - prosperity and happiness await you.
  • If you dreamed of "a ladder, falling down a ladder in a dream", then all your efforts will be useless.
  • If you had a broken staircase in a dream, then you are in for a complete failure in business.

Dream Interpretation of the Future

  • What does the dream "climb the stairs in the entrance of your own house" mean? Dream Interpretation: climbing the stairs in the entrance of your house in a dream means that in reality you have a lot of work to do, the result of which will be honor, respect and well-being.
  • Why dream of a staircase down? Dream Interpretation: a steep staircase down in a dream speaks of a difficult road and possible failures and failed deeds.
  • Why dream of a staircase up without a railing? Dream Interpretation: if you dreamed of a staircase without a railing, then in reality you will drop your dignity and fail.
  • I dreamed that I was running up the stairs and falling down - you will have unsuccessful attempts, fruitless actions, and in the end it all ends in complete despair.
  • I dreamed of a broken staircase in a dream - the dream book says that this is a complete failure of affairs.

Dream Interpretation for Lovers
The meaning of sleep "climbing the stairs" is as follows: happiness in love, success with members of the opposite sex.
Why dream of climbing a steep staircase and feeling dizzy? Dream Interpretation: climbing a steep staircase in a dream and feeling dizzy means that in reality, having achieved some success, you will begin to behave arrogantly, capriciously and begin to command your loved one.

Dream interpretation horoscope
Why dream of a staircase to heaven? Dream Interpretation: a staircase to heaven in a dream prophesies sensational success.

Dream Interpretation Grishina

Dream interpretation for a bitch

  • Why dream of going up the stairs? Dream Interpretation: the dream of “climbing the stairs up” is a dream of career growth.
  • Why dream of walking down the stairs? Dream Interpretation: dream "ladder down" dreams of a downturn in business.
  • Why dream of a long staircase? Dream Interpretation: a long staircase in a dream prophesies honor, glory and prosperity.

Dream interpretation from A to Z

Dream Interpretation of Fedorovskaya

  • I dreamed of a staircase - the interpretation from the dream book is as follows: expect good changes, good luck and success.
  • I dreamed that I was going up the stairs - in the near future all things would be successful.
  • The dream "stairs, go down the stairs" promises you disappointment and failed business.
  • Dream Interpretation: repairing a staircase in a dream means that in reality you will be dealing with serious problems that you have in your family.
  • Dream Interpretation: a man in a dream will fix the stairs - you will help solve the serious problems of your loved ones.
  • Seeing a burning wooden staircase in a dream - all your hopes will collapse.

Generalized dream book

  • The dream "iron ladder" speaks of hard exhausting work.
  • I dreamed of climbing an iron ladder in a dream - career growth will be accompanied by exhausting hard work.
  • The “marble staircase” dream indicates that there will be success in business, in a career, in business, but in the family there is a lack of “warmth” and “cold” in relationships.
  • The dream “a creaky wooden staircase upwards” warns: in order to avoid mistakes, you need to think through everything well and look at the possible options.
  • Dream Interpretation: a wooden staircase, climbing a strong wooden staircase in a dream means that in reality there will be a successful period in life, career growth and respect.
  • I dreamed of a wooden staircase on fire - all hopes will collapse and vanish like smoke.
  • I dreamed of the Penrose stairs - a dream suggests that you are in turmoil, you don’t know what and how to do next, you don’t have a specific goal.

Dream Interpretation of Shereminskaya


Summing up all of the above, I would like to note once again that the “Ladder” dream is interpreted differently based on what you did in the dream and what the staircase was like. But almost all dream books agree on one thing: the dream “up the stairs” is a dream for success, good luck, career growth, and in general for everything good. So let you often have dreams in which you easily and calmly climb the stairs.

Do you want to deal with problems in different life situations assess your emotional state? We suggest reading selected interpretations of dreams about Climbing in the dream books of famous authors. Perhaps in these interpretations of dreams, there is an answer to your question.

Why do you dream about Climbing

Dream Interpretation of a Housewife

Why dream of Climbing for a woman:

Climbing stairs, taking an elevator, climbing a tree or uphill - you will overcome all difficulties and reach a high position in society. In general, this is a hope for exaltation. Rise somewhere - improvement of social position and fulfillment of desires. Climb to the top of the pyramid - soon you have to go on an exciting journey. Climbing up the mountain - this portends the happiest moment in your life. Climbing up the stairs is a regret due to an unfulfilled undertaking. Ride the elevator - you will have a chance to significantly improve your well-being. Climbing on a pedestal or podium - you will stand out among your surroundings. Climbing the scaffold is a pleasant surprise, read on if you want to know why Climbing is dreaming of.

Modern dream book

What you are doing now will bring you results, but later than you expected. Climb the pyramids for an interesting journey.

Dream Interpretation of Catherine the Great

Why dream of Climbing the dream book:

Uphill or stairs - you will be able to get out of the most difficult situation with honor, perhaps your authority will grow even more.

Dream Interpretation of Catherine the Great

I dreamed of Climbing, why:

Rise - You seem to be thinking in a dream about your rise through the ranks - you probably constantly think about it in reality; a dream promises you good luck - good career; the secret of your success is simple: the lessons that fate teaches you are never in vain - you remember them and use them in the future; you don't repeat mistakes. In a dream, as if without any effort - on one desire - you rise high into the air - you will get rich so rapidly that it will seem indecent to some. It is as if you have climbed to the top of a mountain, and your head is spinning - a dream portends you a collapse of hopes.

Psychoanalytic dream book

I dreamed in a dream to Climb, what is it for?

What does Rise mean in a dream. 1. The act of ascent is a breakthrough to a new spiritual level that transcends the barriers of human existence. This is the ability to cognize other levels of concentration, which give a person other, qualitatively new opportunities and open up exciting prospects for him. 2. Rise is an altered state of consciousness that can happen as a result of meditation or spiritual practices. In dreams, it is seen as acceptable and real, and is often accompanied by paradisal symbols. 3. The ascent often follows the experience of descending into the underworld.

Dream interpretation of the subconscious

What does it mean if you dreamed of Climbing:

You dreamed of Rise to what it is. Dreams about climbing or climbing can be interpreted in different ways. Climbing up is often associated with success if the sleeper gets to the top. Climbing a mountain can be considered a form of escapism, encouraging the desire to escape from some area or all components of real life. The ease or difficulty of getting up can reflect progress in life, the ability to cope with daily problems. The view from the top of the mountain, like everything seen during the ascent, can shed light on the dilemmas of real life. If the view from above was blurred, it may indicate personal problems. Dreams about flying in an airplane and trying to gain altitude can reflect an awareness of the difficulties that have to be overcome along the way.

Positive value

Dreams about mountaineering can be symbols of well-being in the present moment, the ability to achieve what was planned, and a sense of personal satisfaction.

Negative implications

Climbing up without any hope of reaching the top shows the fear of failure in completing a particular task or completing a project.

Ladder. Climbing stairs symbolizes honor and respect. Such actions are also associated with the plots of traditional narratives, such as the legend of Jacob's ladder. The ladder can symbolize the connection between the ordinary aspects of the human personality. Wood. Climbing a tree implies elevation to a leadership position. Think about how quickly and easily this climb was given to you, and what you experienced when you finally reached the top. Wall. Climbing the wall means the need to find a firm footing or find a solution to a problem that you may not yet be fully aware of.

Consider how you felt as you climbed. Maybe you were eager to get to the top, or were you calm, knowing that you would get there anyway? Such emotions can express how you feel in relation to the overall progress in real life.

An aircraft gaining altitude over water. Dreaming about flying in an airplane climbing over a vast expanse of water may reflect the feeling that you have taken on more than you can handle. Maybe you overestimate your abilities. Abyss. A deep chasm and fear of falling while ascending may mean that you are currently going through a period of uncertainty or anxiety about something in real life. Such a dream may be related to the "journey of the personality" in the present moment - in other words, the journey is not over yet. Low height. A low-flying plane trying to gain altitude - such a dream is often associated with difficulties or obstacles in the sleeper's love life.


Stairs were conceived in order to move in space, so a dream about steps is hardly a dream for a person who is in a state of complete rest. Something significant is definitely happening or preparing to happen in your life any day now. But what exactly is this dream about? To a rapid rise or a painful fall? Let's try to find out.

Most interpreters agree on the idea that the staircase itself is not so important as the direction in which you moved along it.

  • According to Philomena's dream book, a slender series of steps embodies the dreamer's life path, and the details of the dream indicate the most significant events for a person in the present period.
  • Miller's dream book: moving along it symbolizes career successes or misses, depending on whether you climbed up or down.
  • Vanga's dream book: climbing a strong and reliable ladder promises good luck in different areas life from promotion to personal happiness. But the descent from it or the sight of a ruined staircase with broken steps marks the failure of the planned enterprise and serious losses.
  • Freud's dream book: the dreamer walking up the stairs uses increased attention from the opposite sex, and also has every chance to succeed in business. But the one who ran down or fell will experience disappointment in his partner because of his excessive demands on him.
  • Esoteric dream book: climbing to the top promises success in all endeavors, prosperity and glory; descent predicts loss and deterioration in financial position. The one who sees himself in a dream descending from the very last, lower step, runs the risk of falling into deep poverty.
  • Dream Interpretation Hasse: if the dreamer moved up, his pride will be satisfied, thanks to the recognition received from others. But the one who went down will suffer from black ingratitude. If you happened to fall down the stairs, a sudden surge of passion will make you lose your head and do stupid things.

    Each step- new opportunity take a step forward

  • Dream Interpretation of Tsvetkov: dreamed steps embody the possibilities that open up before a person in reality. Don't miss them!
  • Dream Interpretation of the Gypsy: the staircase itself indicates the dreamer's grandiose plans, climbing it prophesies success, and descending - troubles and even friction with the law.
  • Dream Interpretation of the XXI century: moving up, you get happiness and prosperity, down - worries.
  • Dream Interpretation from A to Z: if you climbed to the upper steps, the planned enterprise will bring the expected results, if you went down to the lower ones, impatience will prevent you from completing the job.
  • Dream Interpretation of Medea: the rise speaks of the development of your intellect and logic, and the descent speaks of an increased ability for introspection and attempts to understand the secrets of your soul.
  • True, there are interpreters who are sure that the appearance of a ladder in a dream in any case does not bode well.

  • Noble dream book Grishina: to rush up the stairs means to be in danger, down - to be attacked by failures.
  • Lunar dream book: walking up the stairs in any direction symbolizes the clouding of the mind.
  • Explanation of sleep depending on its details

    There are all sorts of stairs - stone and wooden, spiral and folding, wide and narrow, broken, multi-colored, dirty ... What was the one that you dreamed about? What did you do with her? Under what circumstances did you see it? Dream books have their own interpretation for any detail.

    According to the dreamer's actions: climb, descend, run, and others

    The dream in which you had to climb the stairs is interpreted positively in most cases. Your plans will come true, love will be mutual, work will receive a worthy reward, prosperity will increase, and happy accidents will occur with amazing frequency.

    The higher the ladder, the greater the success

    However, there are also disadvantages in such a dream:

  • if at the top of the stairs you feel dizzy, sudden success will make you proud and become arrogant, because of which relationships with friends and significant other will suffer;
  • if you stumble while climbing, your plans are in jeopardy, and not least because of envious people hiding under the guise of well-wishers;
  • if something interfered with your progress, expect obstacles on the way to the goal, which will have to be overcome for a long time and with tremendous effort;
  • if a well-known person walked next to you while climbing the stairs, friendly relations with him will be strengthened;
  • if it turned out to be a stranger, your relationship with your loved one will begin to improve;
  • if you climbed the stairs with a child, you will be able to successfully combine career and family, and neither one nor the other sphere of life will suffer.
  • When one of the spouses dreams that he is climbing the stairs hand in hand with his soulmate, the interpreters promise the couple a difficult period associated with numerous trials. But everything is for the best: the surging problems will only strengthen the marriage and make the spouses appreciate each other more.

    But a dream with a descent down the stairs can be interpreted in two ways:

  • failures, disappointment and losses await you;
  • you will have to engage in introspection, looking for the underlying causes of your actions, desires and fears.
  • If you were running up the stairs...

  • ... up - having achieved success too easily and quickly, you risk forgetting about the people who were with you at the beginning of the journey and repaying them with ingratitude for their support;
  • ... down - the business you started will expect a bad end;
  • ... running away from pursuers, beware of an avalanche of gossip and shame. However, there is a real chance to avoid both if you climbed the stairs in a dream.
  • Falling down the stairs promises nothing but trouble. At best, you will be disappointed in someone who has hitherto not aroused your doubts, at worst, you will become a victim of betrayal, or you yourself will destroy carefully built plans, succumbing to emotions.

    Looks like you're in serious trouble!

    And if you fell down the stairs because the step turned out to be defective, then the error lies somewhere in your plans and they need to be reviewed while there is still an opportunity.

    Did someone else slide down the stairs before your eyes? If it was:

  • man - future problems can be prevented by being careful;
  • woman - you will be deceived;
  • a lady in position - your professional reputation will be in jeopardy;
  • child - a career will stall, and finances will come to a deplorable state;
  • if one of your loved ones falls down the stairs, most likely, in reality you are worried about this person.
  • Pay attention to the consequences of the fall! Did you get back on your feet safely? All troubles will vanish like smoke. Did the dreaming somersaults on the stairs end in a serious injury? It is better to “spread straws” where possible and prepare for the invasion of problems.

    If in a dream you just stood on the stairs, you will be able to carry out your plans and achieve your goals, but only after some time. Most likely, at the moment you do not have enough motivation for an enhanced leap forward, because, according to by and large, you are already satisfied with everything in your life.

    Good sign- a daydream in which the dreamer swept or washed the stairs. It is believed that fate will provide such a person with a real chance to “sweep” ill-wishers and difficulties from his life, and at the same time push up his career, improve family relations and fulfill a long-cherished dream in his soul.

    Carry a ladder - come to the aid of a friend in need.

    To load it into a car is to go on a long journey both for entertainment purposes and for official needs.

    Take apart - deprive your opponents of the opportunity to harm you.

    Escape the stairs from prison - overcome obstacles in your path and achieve enchanting success.

    If you have watched from the side as someone goes up and down the stairs, it's time for you to take fate into your own hands: while others are making plans and acting, you are in peaceful contemplation. Bring in the life long-planned changes, or they will not come! At the same time, a large crowd, scurrying back and forth along the steps, is considered a sign of future stability and prosperity. Another reason not to be afraid of change.

    The look of the stairs

    The steps that go high up symbolize the fulfillment of a cherished desire, especially when such a dream is repeated several times. But if they lead down, failures await ahead and, as a result, a sharp drop in self-esteem.

    The staircase to the deep dungeon symbolizes a decision that will have to be made at the risk of life.

    It is worth paying attention to the material from which the staircase was made:

  • gold symbolizes goodness and happiness;
  • copper - a pleasant pastime, fun;
  • silver - treason, adultery;
  • iron - exhausting work and hard progress to the heights of a career;
  • wooden - lies and mistakes when it looks dilapidated, and a good period in life if the steps seem strong;
  • stone predicts the dreamer's rise above others, which, however, will make his character tougher and more unpleasant;
  • marble predicts major success in business, associated with a certain “chill” that has settled in the family;
  • a retractable fire escape speaks of you as a reliable, enterprising and capable person;
  • rope prophesies success in personal life and indicates a strong grip on life;
  • icy predicts a period of stagnation, when all the efforts you have made will hardly bring results.
  • According to the Islamic dream book, dreaming about climbing stairs made of black bricks predicts world-class glory to the dreamer. And according to other interpreters, the dream of steps made of red bricks has the same meaning. A white staircase, no matter what material it is made of, marks a successful bright streak in life.

    A staircase that is broken or destroyed before your eyes is dreaming of a colossal collapse, after which you will have to come to your senses for a long time and “lick your wounds”. Gain courage and don't lose heart!

    Steps devoid of railings betray the dreamer's uncertainty about the current state of affairs or about tomorrow.

    The spiral staircase serves as a sign of a roundabout way that will have to go to the goal. Be prepared to put as much effort into your project as possible, and perhaps find another way to implement it.

    Set big goals, you deserve it!

    An incredibly high staircase can symbolize grandiose success, but also warn of serious risk.

    A very steep staircase is a danger signal. Make sure that there are always reliable "railings" for support at hand: friends, patrons, the amount accumulated in reserve.

    A narrow staircase is a sign of a difficult problem that you will be able to overcome by unexpectedly finding a primitive, but effective way her decisions.

    The one who climbed up the wide staircase will earn universal respect and honor.

    For other details

    The staircase at the entrance of a common house is perceived by many interpreters as a symbol social life person: depending on the state of the steps, one can judge whether the dreamer has problems with communication and finding his place in society. However, there are dream books that are sure that such a ladder predicts career successes or falls, depending on whether you were moving up or down; and its complete absence indicates the appearance of difficulties where everything seemed reliable and stable.

    Ladder symbolizes an unreliable person who can let you down at the most unexpected moment.

    The stepladder prophesies either quick success or a choice.

    The escalator promises changes that will happen on their own. And whether they will be good or bad will determine the direction of movement.

    The surreal endless staircase is an unpleasant symbol, indicating a loss of meaning and purpose in life, which is why the dreamer is confusedly marking time and does not know where to go.

    A staircase going up to heaven predicts great, almost unbelievable success.

    Dream books attach great importance to numbers

    If in a dream you climbed the stairs inside the house, try to remember if the floor number flashed in front of you:

  • 1 symbolizes self-confidence and self-sufficiency;
  • 2 - completion of a certain enterprise or period in life;
  • 3 - friendship or beneficial partnership;
  • 4 - freedom, albeit with a somewhat blurred perspective;
  • 5 - climax:
  • 6 - obsession with passions and lack of endurance;
  • 7 - rest from work;
  • 8 - surge of strength, peak of form;
  • 9 - the final push, after which the goal will be achieved.
  • Double-digit dream books are advised to divide into two independent numbers and only after that draw conclusions.

    If, with the help of a ladder, you climbed into the attic, a return to the past awaits you - events, memories, or people with whom you managed to “pull dust”.

    Depending on the sex of the sleeper

    A young man or girl who climbed to the very top of the stairs in a dream is promised the fulfillment of cherished desires, excellent prospects in the future and a happy marriage with her loved one.

    For young people, a dream about a staircase prophesies happiness.

    Easy climbing stairs indicates your good health and harmonious sex life. But the difficulties in movement indicate:

  • problems with potency in men;
  • difficulty achieving orgasm in women.
  • The fear experienced when trying to step from step to step gives out:

  • fears of a man to be insolvent in bed;
  • woman's fear of becoming pregnant.
  • Fall from stairs:

  • is considered a prototype of coitus interruptus, which is practiced by a girlfriend of a male dreamer;
  • predicts the dreamer sexual harassment by a person who has power over her; possibly the boss.
  • If a woman or a man sees in a dream a representative of the opposite sex standing on the stairs a few steps higher, in reality she / he has a tendency to a person with whom he cannot dare to have a relationship due to some conventions.

    There is another curious interpretation: if a pregnant woman sees in a dream how she climbs to the 9th floor and finds something interesting, a bright detail to remember, she will give birth to a boy. If nothing significant happens, a girl will be born.

    So, what kind of stairs did you dream about? What was it made of, what did it look like, where did it lead? Analyze, reflect, compare the data and, perhaps, actually get an important hint for the future. Sit down and reflect - even over sleep - is always useful.

    Dream interpretation climb uphill

    The road in a dream is a symbol of the path of life. Climbing a mountain is to develop intellectually, improve health, succeed at work, create a strong family. The number of meanings of such night visions can be interpreted by dream books in completely different ways. To understand what to expect from the near future, how to make a choice or decide on a certain action, it will turn out by reading the interpreter.

    When you dream that the ascent went quickly, the sleeper was at the top and watches the plains stretching below, then in reality it will be possible to realize the plans, to achieve the goal.

    Why drive a car on a dirt lift - to obstacles on the way, a lot of perseverance will be required to implement the plan. What other popular dream meanings exist?

    Known interpretations

    Climbing a mountain does not always promise success, possible variant- this is a defeat, if during the ascent a flat road breaks, a collapse of stones occurs, soil landslides.

    Dreaming of climbing to the top

    • Career growth is provided to a person who dreamed of climbing a famous peak, a mountain range.
    • Riding up on horses, donkeys, traveling through mountain ranges - slowly but surely move forward in business, increase your fortune.
    • Climbing for a long time and finally getting to the top - to discover the world anew, also the symbolism of dreams will tell about spiritual development, wisdom.

    If you are going to conquer Everest or Kilimanjaro in a dream, then the goals set and the set pace do not correspond to your capabilities, both financial and moral.

    What will the plot of the dream tell

    The plots of sleep sometimes amaze with a variety of details, contrasts. Some have to climb on their own, the rest are accompanied by relatives or guides. For some, the ascent is carefree and calm, others have to deal with weather conditions, climb rocks without climbing equipment. A holistic picture of a dream is interpreted by a dream book.

    What is the dream of the exhausting process of lifting - to empty experiences that greatly undermine the nervous system.

    Did you have a chance to go to the top in dreams, panting and making a lot of halts? The sleeper does hard work, but the tasks performed will not be appreciated.

    Dreaming of a winding road up

    If suddenly the road changed direction, a sharp descent began, then in reality you can stumble, draw premature conclusions, and lose support.

    How did the dreamer move

    The interpretation directly depends on the speed of movement, mood, emotional state during a dream. Climbing uphill with a friend - you can trust your surroundings.

    Dreaming of a winding road to a mountain peak - it will not be easy to find a way out of a predicament.

    I dreamed of the need to go to the top by car - in reality, take advantage of a great offer.

    Climb on your own

    If you had to climb alone with a heavy load in a dream, then this is a sign of Sisyphus's labor. All feasible actions and efforts will be futile.

    • When the ascent took place without obstacles along a flat path, then the sleeping person will be recognized by society, opinion will have weight in making important decisions.
    • Why did you dream that climbing a mountain, you fell into an abyss? You will receive bad news soon.
    • Climb on foot to the peak on your own - pave life path without the help of a mentor or patron.
    • If you still reached the top on foot, then this speaks of a strong-willed, courageous character.

    According to the plot, I had to climb alone, without supplies and shelter for the night - friends will not stand the test of time, the dreamer will fight for happiness himself.

    Vehicle used for climbing

    Rise in the night dreams on the funicular

    In dreams, driving up the ridges in a car means using non-standard methods of solving problems, getting rid of obsessive admirers for a man, and choosing a worthy companion for a woman.

    To see how a friend overtakes in a car, blocking the path - the opponent will not miss the opportunity to annoy, destroy the dreamer's plans.

    Why dream of lifting the funicular through the air? Go traveling, the time spent outside the home will be remembered for a long time, vivid impressions and acquaintances with spiritual people will give strength, nourish you with positive energy.

    Riding in a dream through passes, ridges in the form of a Bedouin is a symbol that says that a long journey is expected, for example, moving.

    The appearance of the mountains

    According to the dream book, snow at its peak hints at a cooling of the relationship between the spouses. How else do weather conditions and the image of mountains affect?

    • I dreamed that we climbed a snowy peak - luck is on your side, do not be afraid to take risks.
    • You need to change your views on what is happening if you need to climb an icy mountain.
    • The road, illuminated by the rays of the summer sun, says that the person has chosen the right path.
    • Climbing rocky terrain in dreams - to deal with minor troubles in reality.

    The dream book of daredevils, who in a dream climb steep cliffs, calls to think again and not to commit reckless acts.

    The meaning of visions in various dream books

    I dreamed of overgrown mountain paths

    Cultural traditions, peculiarities of the psyche give completely different perceptions of the symbolism of the mountains. The dream book will help you choose a suitable explanation, warn of troubles, and improve relations with relatives.

    The interpreter Grishin says that things will take an unpleasant turn if you dream that they are inciting you to a dangerous ascent.

    Why climb a mountain on foot if the road is overgrown with various herbs, according to women's dream book? To spiritual growth, personal development.

    Miller's opinion

    A well-known psychoanalyst gives possible interpretations of dreams, taking into account the gender and age of the sleeping person.

    • Why should a young girl rise with such a companion as a brother or father? The dream promises a change for the better thanks to the care of the family.
    • Carefully choose friends in reality, not trusting secrets to the first person you meet stands after dreams, where you need to make a rise in the rain, a snow storm.
    • For a man to go to the peak - to a dizzying career, and to walk - to a slow but sure winning path.

    Often, the conquest of mountain peaks is dreamed of by free people who do not want to be tied to one place of residence. similar dreams delight the souls of avid adventurers.

    Miss Hasse's explanations

    Search in a dream for a way in the fog

    If the road to the mountain is clouded in a dream, and the end point of the hike cannot be seen, then the medium’s dream book hints at committing wrong actions that will offend a loved one.

    When you dream that you need to climb hills and go down again - this is a sign of impermanence, the sleeper often changes his point of view, desires, preferences, which makes it difficult to achieve inner harmony.

    Modern interpreter

    A cheerful rise is not always a favorable sign according to a modern dream book.

    Reality will be deceptive, there is a traitor nearby if the ascent passes carelessly in dreams.

    Why climb a mountain, despite the riot of the elements - this is the desire of the subconscious to convey the need to play sports, spend active holidays.

    Climbing a peak in a dream, conquering it, may be seen by people who want to experience vivid emotions, cause an adrenaline rush, and recharge with the energy of nature.

    If you had to ride on a donkey, then this is the use of “slave” labor, the boss does not value employees, the family man does not take the words of his wife and children seriously.

    Possible meanings of dreams

    Why dream of a winding mountain road? Expect conflicts with colleagues over pay.

    When the ascent was suspended due to mud flows, rock falls, reconsider your intentions, the consequences of your actions will affect the fate of relatives.

    Riding a bicycle in a dream is a symbol of freedom, the desire to learn new skills, the desire to conquer the world.