Which staircase is better wooden or concrete. The choice of stairs to a private house

  • 29.08.2019

In addition to its main purpose, the staircase in the house is one of the main elements in the interior, it creates a certain atmosphere in the home. Therefore, the choice of its design and suitable materialsimportant point. The existing variety of types of stairs allows you to embody any design fantasies. And at the same time, a large selection often confuses a person. Knowledge of the features of staircase structures and materials, their properties during operation will help to better understand.

The most common models of stairs:

  • direct march;
  • two or more marches with platforms;
  • screw.

The features of each type will be discussed later. Materials for the manufacture of stairs are mainly used such as wood, metal, reinforced concrete, modern durable glass, plastic, stone, etc. They are often combined. There is a huge selection of finishing materials with which you can create a unique design.

Not only beautiful, but also a comfortable staircase is a guarantee of your comfort and safety. The most durable and durable structures are metal and concrete. Each of these materials has its own advantages and disadvantages.

metal stairs

The advantages of such structures include high performance characteristics:

  • strength, resistance to heavy loads, durability;
  • comparatively lower cost;
  • convenience and speed of installation.

Metal stairs go well with other materials. Thanks to the combination with finishing elements made of wood, glass, stone, you can create Beautiful design. An iron staircase needs to be combined with other materials, this is required due to a number of negative consequences in operation:

  • metal steps are slippery, so they are best made of wood or plastic;
  • metal has the properties to make noise, so every step on the stairs will be heard and even a pet running up the stairs at night will wake you up.

concrete stairs

The only drawbacks concrete products– high cost and long production time. Otherwise, this option is the best in all respects. Regardless of whether it is installed indoors or outside the building, the concrete staircase is highly durable and has a long service life. Reinforced concrete withstands heavy loads, is resistant to the damaging effects of moisture, and is perfectly compatible with most finishing materials. Manufacturing technology allows you to create designs of the most unusual shapes.

Construction methods:

  • monolithic - are created on the spot by pouring and represent a single whole;
  • prefabricated - are connected with support platforms and a march prepared in advance on the spot.

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The main types of concrete stairs

  1. Straight lines are the simplest and cheapest design. For a more functional use of space, niches and storage cabinets can be placed under it. Their width must be at least 1 meter. The steps are the most comfortable - a little wider than the length of the foot.
  2. Marching ones are more convenient, they allow you to create a not too steep descent, but their installation is possible with a sufficiently spacious area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe room.
  3. Screw - the best way for small room. Save space. Their width must be at least 2 meters.

Video. Making a concrete staircase

When building a multi-storey building, it is worth considering the entire project as a whole. Particular attention should be paid to the stairs, as some models of these products are best mounted as the house is built.

In this regard, a natural question arises: "Which ladder to choose?". Thanks to modern materials you can easily build a wooden, metal or concrete staircase of almost any shape. It is necessary to take into account not only the cost of the staircase itself, but also the cost of finishing it. Therefore, we will consider all the pros and cons of products from the most common materials, as well as the shape of the stairs.

Types of stairs

There are three main types of stairs that are built in country houses:

  • Direct. This is the simplest and cheap option arrangement of stairs, regardless of what material it is made of. Free space is formed under the stairs, which can be left unchanged or filled with niches and cabinets for storing things. As a rule, the width of such a ladder does not exceed 1 meter. Also, a straight staircase allows you to build the most comfortable steps, the optimal width (slightly longer than the foot of an adult).
  • Marching. In this case, a straight zone appears between the two stairwells. Such structures are optimal for spacious rooms with high ceilings or if the house is supposed to have more than 2 floors. The staircase can be L-shaped or U-shaped.
  • Screw. This is an option for small spaces.

All these stairs can be made of metal, concrete or wood.

metal stairs

Such stairs optimally fit into the design, which has forged fences, railings and more. But they also go well with wood, glass, stone. These are reliable, durable and very strong constructions. They are able to withstand heavy loads, and the installation of such products is carried out at any stage of construction or after its completion. The metal is fireproof, resistant to mold and fungus. In addition, these stairs are the cheapest.

But such designs also have disadvantages. For example, if we are talking about a metal staircase without any finish, then its steps will be very slippery. Therefore, these elements are recommended to be made of plastic or wood. And if you think that, unlike wooden structure it does not creak, then you are very mistaken.

Healthy! The longest are steel stairs coated with powder paint.

Firstly, if the metal is too thin, then the steps will bend a little under the weight of a person. Secondly, if the steps are metal, then each step will be accompanied by a hum. If insufficiently rigid fastening to the walls was made or welding failed, then the steps will creak more than any tree.

Initially, this option may seem cheaper. Concrete stairs really cost almost two times cheaper than wooden counterparts. But if you build such a structure, it will not look comfortable. So you have to think about finishing. Some even completely sheathe concrete with wood, which significantly increases the cost of the finished product.

If we talk about the pros, then it is worth highlighting:

  • Long service life (up to 40 years). Reinforced concrete is able to cope with huge loads.

Healthy! The service life largely depends on the climate in the region of residence, as well as on the frost resistance parameters of the selected concrete.

  • Moisture does not affect concrete. This is a fire resistant material.
  • Concrete structures are not interesting for rodents and insects.
  • Fast production. Such structures are erected directly on site in 2-3 days.

Healthy! Despite the speed of manufacturing such a staircase, experts recommend pouring concrete simultaneously with the construction of an interfloor ceiling or the so-called box.

  • No load on the wall structure. Moreover, we can say that the concrete staircase is an additional point of support.
  • No squeak. Even if wood was used for decoration, there should not be such a disadvantage. A creak will only appear if the steps are too uneven.
  • Variety of forms. Concrete is a very plastic material.

Healthy! If you build a wooden spiral staircase, you will have to install a central support post. In the manufacture concrete structure there is no such need.

Concrete stairs are:

  • Monolithic. In this case, they are poured in place and represent a single whole.
  • National teams. You can order the ladder in parts and then install it in the right place.

But such designs also have disadvantages. For example,:

  • Concrete stairs, due to their impressive weight, are only suitable for stone, monolithic, brick, precast-monolithic and other houses with a reinforced structure.
  • If you sheathe the entire staircase with wood or “ennoble” it to look like marble or other stone, then its cost will be higher than its wooden counterpart.

Also for self erection it takes a lot of strength.

Features of the installation of concrete stairs

First you need to prepare the formwork. After that, reinforcement is installed and concrete is poured. The first stage is considered the most difficult, and if you have conceived a more complex form, then it will be easier to transfer the work to the master. Or you can make a straight single-march structure located between two walls. In this case, the side elements of the formwork are excluded, which greatly simplifies the work. To do this, simply draw the outline of the future stairs on the walls.

A little more difficult if the structure is adjacent to the wall on only one side. To do this, you will have to think over the end elements of the formwork. If you perform them incorrectly, then the whole structure will “go”.

Many believe that wood is significantly inferior to concrete and metal. But in fact, it all depends on the quality of the wood. For example, oak, beech and ash are very hard. Such stairs serve at least 50 years. And if the owner of the house periodically takes care of the stairs and processes, then this period can be doubled.

Healthy! Thanks to light weight wooden stairs are suitable not only for concrete, but also for frame and wooden houses.

It is also not entirely true that all wooden stairs creak. If the design is made using all technologies, then there will be no such shortcomings. By the way, the highest quality stairs are made in the workshop, and not on the spot. First, a drawing is developed (if the elements do not match at least a little, then sooner or later creaks and cracks will appear) and then the production process begins. On the one hand, this guarantees quality, and on the other hand, it brings us to the main disadvantages of such products.

Among them it is worth highlighting:

  • Long production time. If the concrete staircase is ready in 2-3 days, then the production of a wooden structure will take at least 40 days, plus the time spent on delivery and installation.
  • The possibility of installation only after the completion of capital construction and internal rough work. Otherwise, there is a risk of damaging the wood. In addition, it will be affected by dust, construction debris.
  • Additional load on the walls. Although wood weighs less than concrete, it does not have its own support. In addition, special embedded elements will have to be installed in the load-bearing walls, which will reduce their strength characteristics.
  • Fire hazard.

In addition, rodents and insects like to feast on the tree. If the room is poorly ventilated, then mold and fungus will start in it.

Features of the installation of wooden stairs

In short, it all starts with drawing up a detailed drawing. After that, steps are cut, which are connected to two bowstrings. On the next one, bars are installed, which these steps must support.

Although the tree does not need additional finishing, it is better to paint it. To do this, you must first level the surfaces. If necessary, a special putty for wood is used. When the putty layer dries, it is necessary to sand the surfaces well. This is done in two stages.

First, work is done with a rough sandpaper, then more delicate processing is carried out. The smoother the surface, the better the whole staircase will look, so this step is given a lot of attention.

After that, the tree is impregnated with compounds that will help protect it from insects, fungus and mold. At the next stage, it is desirable to cover the surface of the stairs with a primer (selected in accordance with the final color).

Healthy! Paint for wooden stairs is also needed special. You need to buy compounds of the alkyd or urethane type.

If there is no desire to paint the stairs and you want to preserve the beautiful structure of the tree, then you can emphasize it and protect the material from external influences with the help of wood stain.

In custody

The quality of the stairs directly depends on the master who made it. It often happens that even concrete stairs begin to creak. For example, if the steps turned out to be uneven, and wood was used as a finishing material, such products are guaranteed to play.

Many argue that finishing concrete and metal stairs with wood is better than making wood, as it is cheaper, does not creak and is more reliable. “How many people, so many opinions”, so you should not argue with supporters of concrete or metal structures, you need to deal with these issues on your own.

The high price of making wooden stairs: fact or myth?

When choosing concrete or metal structures do not forget about the need for their subsequent finishing. You can do this in several ways:

  • Install only wooden steps - in this case, you will have to think appearance risers and choose material for sheathing. The base itself will cost less, but taking into account financial costs for finishing materials and work, the total cost will be approximately the same compared to the manufacture of a similar wooden structure in terms of parameters.
  • Sheathe with wood completely (from below and from all sides) - regardless of the base material, the price of such a ladder will be much higher than just a wooden one.

It is also important to take into account the complexity of the work - when self finishing wood of a metal or concrete base, the workpieces will have to be adjusted in place under existing dimensions designs.

The problem of squeaks

The metal stairs creak too. This may be due to such reasons:

  • poor-quality assembly and welding of structures;
  • insufficiently rigid fastening to the walls or floor.

As a result, the friction of metal parts among themselves (under the influence of loads when walking on stairs) leads to a creak. Such flaws are quite common, and their elimination is a laborious process. Repair will be even more difficult if the attachment points metal parts hidden under wood trim.

Concrete stairs do not creak, but the situation is different with their finishes. It is not always possible to make the steps perfectly even in height, therefore, for leveling, as well as fencing wooden steps from concrete, it is necessary to use plywood or OSB linings. But the more structural elements in the node, the higher the risk of squeaks. Also the quality of the finish concrete foundations and the absence of backlash largely depends on the skill level of the performer.

A question of reliability

The reliability and durability of wooden stairs depends on the type of wood used for their manufacture. Structures made of oak, beech and ash, which are characterized by high hardness, will last at least 50 years. And with proper care and observance of operating conditions, their service life will be much longer.

Another feature - the manufacture of wooden stairs is carried out in the workshop according to pre-designed drawings. This allows you to take into account all the nuances at the stage of project development, guarantees the exact correspondence of the dimensions of all identical structural elements in relation to each other.

You should not worry that the wooden stairs will creak. Structures manufactured under production conditions in compliance with the technology of fastening and gluing are completely devoid of this drawback. Backlash may appear after decades of operation. But this is not a problem either, since experienced specialists know many ways that allow, if not completely getting rid of squeaks, then significantly minimizing them.

Wood is warm, durable and natural material, therefore, in terms of external and operational qualities, wooden stairs have no analogues.

The combination of metal and wood in one product is not a novelty or some kind of discovery. These two materials perfectly complement each other, and people have long learned to combine the strength of one and the operational attractiveness of the other. Designers seemed to automatically use the experience gained over many decades, until they realized that this alliance was not at all accidental. This is how the idea of ​​a purposeful combination of metal and wood appeared and began to develop successfully, which consists in the ability of these materials to emphasize each other's features. This trend was an accomplice to the popularization of metal stairs, which are given logical completeness by elements of wood.

What is the secret of the popularity of metal stairs in modern interiors?

The interfloor staircase, which is the link in the house, in addition to its main constructive function, also plays the role of an expressive accent of the stylistic orientation of the spatial design. In a modern interior country house the staircase design is the central object, which invariably attracts the attention of guests and evokes a sense of pride in the owners of the house.
The key role is always easily given to the metal staircase due to its variability and the possibility of manufacturing a model that fits into the interior as much as possible, conceived by the author of the interior design project.

Bearing elements of metal stairs can be made of bronze, cast iron, aluminum, carbon or high-alloy stainless steel. Structural steel is the most advantageous material in the manufacture of metal stairs, since such a design is able to remain functional almost forever and retain all its original performance characteristics.
Stairs on metal frame easy to assemble, have high strength, rigidity and stability. They are not expensive compared to models made of other materials, such as those made entirely of wood.

The high manufacturability of the metal contributes to the creation of reliable lightweight standard designs and exclusive top models, distinguished by the originality of the execution of the elements and the complexity of the form. Latest Methods allow you to create not only intricate designs, but also endow them with respectability and the ability to decorate the interior. Metal stairs can be decorated with almost any finishing materials: ceramic tiles, porcelain stoneware, metal, tempered glass, MDF and GKL sheets, glued wooden boards, natural stone and natural wood.

A big advantage of frame metal stairs is that they are easy to restore and modernize. When carried out at home overhaul, if desired, this design can be completely transformed by changing the finish.

Types of stairs on metal frames

The classification of all metal stairs occurs according to whether the structure belongs to the marching or screw type. Marching, depending on the type of load-bearing elements, can be made on stringers, cables, bolts or steel bowstrings.

Models on steel stringers (bearing beams) are very versatile and can be installed in any type of premises. If there is sufficient space and there are no restrictions on the layout, it is recommended to install a mid-flight ladder on stringers. This model is suitable for classic interiors premises and will satisfy the tastes of fans of respectability and adherents of traditional design positions. The presence of fundamental, clearly visible supports creates a feeling of solidity and reliability. The visual effect reflects the actual state of affairs. The metal frame, depending on the type of finish, can be hidden, and the model will be perceived as completely wooden, concrete, etc.

Modular stairs basically have one central steel stringer, consisting of modules that are attached to each other. Models of this type are easy to install and a wide variety of shapes. Spiral and circular staircases can be located in various places of the room, they are chosen when decorating the interior in modern and techno style.

Bolt-on design can be mounted against a wall and look airy, creating a weightless effect due to the absence of risers. The steps of such a model are attached to the wall, and on the other hand are pulled together with the help of special steel rods, which are called bolts.

Stairs on steel bowstrings differ from the construction on stringers in that the steps are installed on the stringers from above and the steps can hang over the beams, the steps of the stairs on the bowstrings are always located between the beams and are fixed to them. The model looks like a straight inclined profile, since the ends of the steps turn out to be hidden bowstrings.

The type of supporting structure determines whether the product belongs to one or another type, in addition, it is customary to distinguish metal stairs according to other indicators:

  • layout;
  • functionality;
  • step material.

The current regulations set limits on the number of degrees for one march, their number should not exceed 18; by the angle of inclination; height and width of steps. The width of the stairs is chosen for reasons of space availability, convenience and safety of its operation and can vary from 60 centimeters to several meters.

In order to ensure the safety of movement on the stairs, it is planned to install fences - handrails with vertical posts. Fences are decorated with glass screens, balusters, forging, inclined and horizontal strings, etc. Railing posts (fences) can be fixed to the end of the stringer, step or over the step.

Wood in the decoration of the stairs on a metal frame: the advantages of choosing

Wooden staircase on a metal frame unites best qualities two materials: it is reliable and can withstand significant operating loads. The metal base provides the structure with increased strength and wear resistance, wooden elements give it elegance and increase the comfort of use. Compared to staircases made entirely of wood, such structures are more durable and have an unlimited lifespan.

All-metal, concrete, reinforced concrete models lose wooden stairs on a metal frame according to weight indicators. They are very heavy and their installation is associated with certain difficulties.

Wood, compared to other materials, is a very relevant option. It is the tree chosen for finishing the stairs that determines what the finished product will be like. When using elite varieties of wood, a respectable design that claims to be especially graceful will appear in the house. If you choose ordinary, inexpensive varieties, then you can make a cozy, pleasant-looking staircase.

Compared to many other materials, natural wood also wins in terms of ensuring the safety of people: when moving on wooden steps, there is less chance of slipping. But even if you slip, you can get off with less tangible injuries. It is especially important to consider safety in families with children. After all, they are very mobile and often, carried away by the game, act unconsciously.

Undoubted external attractiveness of natural wood, its impeccable performance characteristics endow this natural material with the ability to bring harmony, comfort, soft warmth and special freshness into the surrounding space.

What types of wood are suitable for finishing stairs?

For the decoration of stairs, it is recommended to choose cast wood, which belongs to the first class. Solid, resistant to mechanical stress, especially abrasion, are oak, bamboo, ash, maple. Despite the high price, exotic wood species are very popular: merbau, teak. Also popular in the decoration of stairs, walnut, beech, mahogany, ash, cherry and pear wood.
You can significantly reduce costs by combining expensive varieties with less expensive ones (pine, spruce), which can be used to finish less exploited staircase elements: risers, skirting boards, moldings and other vertical parts.

Solid oak products are high-strength, their service life is not limited. Choosing oak, you can be sure of its reliability, wood is attractive for its colors, starting with light yellow tones and ending with red-brown saturated shades. Over time, the material darkens, acquiring age-related nobility and special sophistication.

The main components of the popularity of bamboo in its high strength, ease of processing and beauty. It is not afraid of moisture and is resistant to mechanical stress, perfectly copes with increased operational loads: bamboo does not fade and does not change color at all over time, it does not scratch. Bamboo trim is known for its rich decor, so a staircase trimmed with bamboo will certainly attract attention and catch the eye.

Ash attracts with the contrast of the wood pattern, it is considered even stronger than oak and is able to serve 50 years or more. Looks great stairs, trimmed with ash in a room with a floor of planks of the same material. The situation acquires an extraordinary color, sophistication and testifies to the good taste of the owner of the house. Ash wood has a noble grayish hue, on which the pattern of coarse fibers clearly appears.

Maple is valued not only for its aesthetic appeal and durability; all over the world, manufacturers of maple products note the impeccability of its texture. For the production of stairs, maple is an ideal raw material, since the wood has virtually no waste due to its exceptional natural qualities. Its light-colored wood can be slightly tinted with a brown or reddish tint. Over time, the steps may darken slightly, but at the same time they do not lose their aesthetic appeal. Maple wood is malleable and hard at the same time, so intricate details are made from it, including carved ones.

Merbau comes from the tropical jungles of Southeast Asia, and under this name two types of wood of similar characteristics are supplied. Merbau is highly valued due to its rarity and enchanting natural beauty. Some experts attribute merbau to the mahogany breed. The material is very resistant to moisture and mechanical stress, does not rot.

Teak or teak wood is a source of valuable wood, which is positioned as one of the best exported from Asia. Teak has long been very popular in Europe and other continents. He possesses unique property, which consists in the ability to be an antiseptic not only for itself, but also for the materials with which it comes into contact. It is noted that the metal, next to which teak wood is located, does not corrode. Along with pliability, teak wood is very durable and resistant to any kind of impact. Solid teak wood is extremely expensive, so teak veneer is mainly used. But veneered products are not cheap.

When choosing a staircase model for a house, it is necessary to focus on the existing spatial conditions, the compatibility of the future building with the chosen style design, your own financial capabilities, preferences, and keep in mind the main points:

  • The recommended angle of inclination of the structure is 30 - 400, 450 is acceptable, but not desirable. If the angle of ascent / descent is more than 500, then using such a ladder will be extremely inconvenient, not only for the elderly, but also for young people. A steep design will pose a danger to all family members.
  • A staircase that connects floors directly without isolating the spatial volume can provoke a thermal imbalance. In such rooms it is always cold on the 1st floor and very hot on the upper floors. The single-volume type of arrangement of internal spaces is more suitable for houses located in a warm climate. Due to the lack of isolation of the stairwell, the room is better ventilated. For the Russian climate, it is recommended to choose this type of arrangement when the stairs are in a separate volume, isolated from residential premises.
  • When choosing a contractor, it is best to entrust the work of manufacturing the product, finishing and installation to one contractor. It is desirable that the company has a choice of materials and also provides a guarantee for them. It is very doubtful to benefit from savings by dividing the work into several stages and entrusting it to different people, while also purchasing materials independently from a little-known supplier. In this case, the entire responsibility for the final result lies with the customer. If it is not possible to hire a contractor, then it is better to do all the work yourself.
  • When choosing wood on your own for the purpose of manufacturing elements for stairs, you need to have knowledge of the behavioral characteristics of the selected material and strictly observe the technology of its processing. Only products made from properly dried and processed material can please with their predictability and impeccable behavior.
  • Any large elements made from solid wood are at risk of cracking and deformation, so when making them, you need to be extremely careful and strictly follow the rules for working with natural wood.
  • Responsible construction and installation work should never be entrusted to random teams that do not have the appropriate permits.
  • If you have chosen a model of a complex configuration, then in the future it will be extremely problematic to bring in dimensional furniture and other voluminous interior items along it.
  • Compliance with the recommended parameters of the structure (the length of the risers, the width of the steps) guarantees comfortable and safe movement up the stairs.
  • The distances between the elements enclosing the stairs must also be observed, too rare an arrangement of vertical and horizontal elements can lead to children and pets falling down the stairs.
  • A fully enclosed staircase (with risers) is the safest to use; even psychologically, a person moving along such a structure will feel much safer than along a light, too open staircase.
  • The staircase should be well lit, therefore, at its location, it is necessary to provide for the wiring of the electrical network and the installation of lamps.
  • Remember that even wooden steps can be slippery, especially if they are wet. In the presence of large spans, it is best to cover the steps with a carpet, fixing it on all steps.

Finishing a metal staircase requires skill and a lot of patience. In the absence of proper locksmith skills, it is better to entrust the finishing to professionals. If you have a very great desire to make the finish yourself, then, first of all, you need to keep in mind:

  • The most affordable of all designs for self assembly a staircase model from ready-made prefabricated modules is suitable. The product is assembled from individual elements, fixed with fasteners. Such models are manufactured in the factory, as a rule, they are accompanied by detailed instructions installation and assembly diagram.
  • It is better to buy materials for stairs from a reliable supplier, it is advisable to purchase all the components in one place and be able, in the future, to consult the seller about the intricacies of installation. It is necessary to immediately purchase the right amount of goods, even with a small margin, than to buy additional parts later, which may differ in structure and shades. Keep in mind that no manufacturer can guarantee the exact color matching of different batches of goods. This is especially true for natural materials.
  • Each reputable manufacturer accompanies its products with recommendations for the installation and operation of products made from it, and must indicate information about itself. Before buying a product, it is better to ask about this manufacturer on different resources and explore the possibility of contacting the company.
  • When choosing various impregnations, varnishes, paints for protecting and decorating surfaces, make sure that the compositions are designed specifically for internal works, since a lot of products are intended strictly for outdoor use. They are toxic and should not be used indoors. It is best to choose alkyd-urethane compounds that are used to cover furniture and parquet.
  • When choosing very expensive breeds for finishing stairs, it is necessary to study in detail the characteristics of the material. You may need to constantly heat the house in order for natural wood to retain its characteristics. If you are planning to live in country house only in summer, it is desirable that the house has a heating system with automatic maintenance desired temperature. Humidification of the air in a house with expensive furniture and decoration is also a very important issue, living materials require maintaining a certain humidity in the house.
  • Resin-containing wood species may, during use, suddenly begin to release resins to the surface, even if it is covered with several layers of varnish. You need to be prepared for this and it is advisable to use materials from such wood only for finishing vertical surfaces, but not steps.

Wooden stairs on a metal frame are good because they allow you to combine sophistication, beauty and safety of use. It is only necessary to carefully approach all issues related to the future construction, even at the design stage of the house. Safety of operation must be ensured throughout the entire period of use of the structure. Periodic inspections and timely repairs are the key to the integrity of the structure and your well-being.

Owners country houses know that the site can not do without stairs. The design is needed not only from the functional side, but also from the aesthetic side. For example, the creation of a beautiful veranda, gazebos. Stair structures made of wood look best, but many consider the choice of such a product to be wrong, because the material cannot boast of durability. Modern technologies wood processing allows you not to be afraid to use it for exterior decoration.

WPC - reliable protection of street stairs

Wood - beautiful and durable construction material but has some drawbacks. Subject to:

Modern wood processing technologies make it possible to forget about such troubles once and for all. Impregnation with a wood-polymer composite has proven itself perfectly. The tool is made from sawdust and a polymer composite. In addition to protecting against the rapid natural destruction of wood, impregnation prevents Negative influence direct sunlight, sudden changes in temperature.

Stairs made of metal with wooden cladding - the right choice

In recent years, the interest of homeowners in metal frame structures in particular stairs. This is due not only to fashion trends, but also to the advantages of metal in operation. A bunch of design solutions, high wear resistance and affordable price are the main reasons why many people order stairs with metal railings.

The product can take into account the architectural features of the building and fit well into the overall exterior. A metal staircase can play not only a functional role, but become a full-fledged element of decor. Artistic forging, used in the manufacture, will make a standard product an author's creation.

Compared to concrete stairs, a metal product has significant advantages:

  • compactness;
  • attractive appearance;
  • ease;
  • ease of installation;
  • limitless design possibilities.
  • Stairs made of metal with WPC are characterized by high wear resistance. Thanks to special processing, products are not subject to corrosion, cracks. The concrete staircase begins to crumble over time, crack under the influence of moisture, sun and load, while hardware devoid of this property. The cost of a staircase with forged handrails is no more than a stone one, and the service life is much longer.

    The metal staircase will become a real highlight of your site. The product will serve you faithfully for decades. Metal does not require special care, wooden components are treated with protective solutions during the production process, so the buyer can only use such a ladder without worrying about maintenance.