DIY wooden ladder. We build a wooden staircase to the second floor of the house with our own hands

  • 14.06.2019

The material from which the stairs are made can be different - wood, iron, concrete, or a combination of these materials. But most often, wood is used to build stairs.

Any structure must be safe to move on it. To do this, before building a staircase, it is necessary to perform its calculations, based on what type of staircase construction is supposed to be.

To calculate a wooden staircase, you should do the following:

  1. Determine the height of the interfloor space, from floor to ceiling, taking into account the interfloor overlap, and determine the area that will be allocated for the stairs.
  2. Determine the number of steps in the staircase, based on their tread depth, riser height, and the angle of inclination of the staircase. Typically, the riser height is 150-200 mm, and the optimal riser width is usually 250-320 mm.
  3. The height of the gap between the horizontal plane of the steps and the lowest part should also be taken into account. ceiling structure, this is necessary so that a person, going up or down the stairs, does not touch the ceiling structures with his head.

General examples of drawings for a wooden staircase

Before doing any drawings in dwg format, you must select the type of stairs.

It is necessary to perform certain measurements and calculations, and determine the general parameters of the stairs:

  1. The angle of elevation of the stairs, this parameter is usually in the range of 23 - 37 degrees.
  2. The minimum height between the ceiling and the steps must be at least 2 m.
  3. The width of the staircase itself must be at least 1 meter.

After determining all the parameters, you need to draw a floor plan, on which it is necessary to mark the location of the staircase and all its dimensions with reference to the floor plan. Separately, it is worth making a general drawing of the entire staircase for a better understanding of all the necessary parameters.

All drawings can be done manually, but in order to avoid mistakes, it is best to make all drawings online using a special calculator.

If a person finds it difficult to independently create a drawing of a staircase, you can use ready-made drawings and staircase diagrams, print them out, and choose the most optimal option. But, this must be done even at the stage of building a house, since it will be difficult to choose a drawing for a finished structure.

Detailed and general description of the online calculation of wooden stairs

To calculate all the necessary parameters for creating with your own hands, you need to remove all dimensions, such as the height between the floors, the area that will be allocated for the stairs, the angle of its inclination, the length of the opening, the number of steps.

To calculate a ladder made of wood, it is best to use special online calculators or with special utilities:

  1. Various utilities also allow you to calculate, view, including in 3D format, and, if necessary, edit everything and redo all diagrams and drawings. You can even create a diagram of the whole house in such utilities, as well as draw a staircase and see how everything will look on a virtual model.
  2. When, it is necessary to decide on the type of staircase, it can be one-flight, two-flight, spiral, staircase with a 180-degree turning platform, etc. and for each type of ladder its own calculation is required.

That is why you should use special online calculators or special utilities, which is much more profitable and easier even for novice builders.

Drawing base for a staircase made of wood

The main advantage of a wooden staircase is its relative lightness, environmental friendliness, besides, wood is easy to process, and a wooden staircase will look optimal in a country wooden house.

But, before making a staircase to the second floor of the house, you need to make a drawing of the staircase, on which all parameters will be taken into account:

  1. Based on the drawings, markup is made wooden blanks, from which the staircase will subsequently be assembled. All dimensions that will be on paper are transferred to the blanks, and they are sawn according to the markings applied.
  2. But, before making drawings and cutting the material and the subsequent assembly of the stairs, you should evaluate your strengths, since not everyone can correctly draw up a drawing and correctly cut all the material.

Before making a drawing, it is necessary to measure the place in the room where the staircase will be located. This is the height from floor to ceiling, the width of the overlap, you should also take into account the type of staircase, its angle of inclination, the fastening system, etc.

Without these data, it will be almost impossible to make a drawing of a staircase, and even more so, to make it.

The principle of drawing up a drawing of a wooden staircase to the second floor

Houses are built two-story, three-story, and, to move between floors, it is necessary to equip a staircase.

The manufacture of any staircase begins with determining its type, it can be:

  • Spiral or spiral staircase, one-flight classical staircase, two-flight staircase with a turn, etc .;
  • Also, a staircase, in addition to its main function of ascending or descending, can be practically invisible in the room, or, on the contrary, stand out in the interior, and even serve as a decorative decoration.

Therefore, before you start, you need to choose its type, after that you should schematically draw a plan of the house, the staircase itself and see how this or that type of staircase will look on the diagram. If the person is satisfied with everything, you can start creating detailed drawings of the stairs.

When creating a drawing, one should take into account all previously made measurements, the angle of inclination, the width and height of the steps, the width of the staircase itself, if it is supposed to make a fence, then it should also be depicted in the drawing.

Diagrams and drawings for making wooden stairs with your own hands

A staircase is an indispensable element of houses, it provides a connection between floors, and a staircase must also ensure comfortable movement along it, be safe and fit into the interior of the room. Planning and building a staircase should be based on building codes, and also requires an accurate calculation and drawings, since if this is not done, then later, during manufacture, errors may be detected.

Nuances that will prevent reworking the entire structure, unnecessary consumption of materials and time:

  1. Before creating drawings, you need to decide on the type of stairs, look different examples, and choose the one that most fully meets all the requirements. After that, you can start creating drawings, and plan the arrangement of the stairs in one place or another in the house.
  2. Before creating a drawing, you must first measure it, this is the height from floor to ceiling, taking into account the interfloor partition. And also calculate the number of steps, their width, height and angle of inclination of the stairs, etc.
  3. In the drawing, you should not only display all the dimensions of the stairs, but also indicate the railings, their height.

Also worth drawing general scheme house, which will display the location of the stairs with an indication of the occupied area.

Such a scheme will allow you to better understand how the finished staircase will look like, and will allow you to double-check all the calculations before making the staircase.

Based on the drawings, it is best for a novice builder to start making the simplest staircase using a load-bearing beam - a kosour. Their number in the stairs can range from 1 to 3.

Diy ladder made of wood: calculations (video)

When building a multi-storey building, it is necessary to arrange stairs so that you can get from floor to floor comfortably and safely for the health of residents.

If you have already built two-storey house or you are the owner of a two-level apartment, then the topic of building a staircase on the second floor will be of interest to you.

In order to acquire a comfortable and high-quality staircase system, you have only three ways: buy a ready-made structure in a specialized store, order the necessary model for a carpentry master, make a staircase with your own hands.

For those who have chosen the third option, this article is devoted to. In it you will recognize the mass useful information about the staircase, and also get acquainted with the step by step detailed instructions for making stairs in photos and videos.

For owners of a two-level dwelling, a staircase on the second floor is a necessary attribute of the interior.

What are the stairs - a little theory

Before you start building a staircase with your own hands, you need to decide on the type of construction that will be most suitable for your home.

Types of stairs by design type

We will choose a system of three types:

  • Marching.
  • Screw.
  • Combined.

Let's figure it out a little with each of them.


This type is the easiest to manufacture and therefore, if you decide to make a ladder with your own hands, then this option will be the most suitable for you.

Single-march designs, despite their apparent simplicity, can be beautiful and effective

Marching stairs, in turn, are divided into types:

  • one-march;
  • two-flight;
  • multi-march.

Both the first and the second type are considered not difficult to manufacture and are in greatest demand.


Such stairs are a spiral that goes up to the second floor. This type saves a lot of room space, but it is laborious to manufacture.

The spiral staircase is original and beautiful, but it is better to entrust its production to professionals


These systems combine the two previous types. Their manufacture is the most difficult and therefore for self-erection does not fit.

Combined systems are more complex in production and it will be quite difficult for a beginner to mount them.

We make a ladder with our own hands - instructions for making

First, we will decide on the material of manufacture and prepare the tool necessary for work.

Material selection

For the production of a staircase, you can choose:

  • tree;
  • a rock;
  • concrete;
  • metal;
  • plastic.

For the manufacture of stairs, you can use the most various materials

The most suitable material for self-made stairs is definitely natural wood... Its advantages are obvious:

  • environmental friendliness and safety;
  • non-toxicity;
  • ease of processing;
  • relatively economical price;
  • long service life.

Therefore, we will choose natural wood for the construction of our staircase. Best of all, if it is pine wood - spruce, pine. You can also use ash, beech, maple, oak, birch and other species.

Natural wood is the most the best choice for making stairs with your own hands

So, we have decided on the type of structure to be erected - this is a flight staircase. We also chose the easiest to process and eco-friendly material- natural wood. The next point is to prepare the necessary tool.

Cooking the tool

To make a wooden staircase with our own hands, we need:

  • Measuring devices - tape measure, ruler, level.
  • Hand-held electric drill.
  • A hacksaw for woodworking.
  • Screwdriver.
  • Hammer.
  • Electric planer.
  • Sandpaper.

The optimal set of necessary tools

Cooking basic elements

Before installing the ladder system, the following parts must be prepared:

  • Processed boards of the required dimensions (in accordance with the drawing).
  • Bars for the production of steps.
  • Boards for steps.
  • Bowstrings or stringers (depending on the type of construction).
  • Railings, balusters, handrails - these parts can be bought ready-made.
  • Fasteners - screws, screws, bolts.

This figure shows in detail all the constituent parts of the structure.

The main stages of installation

In order to make a high-quality staircase with your own hands, use the following manufacturing instructions in photos and videos.

Stage 1. Schematic drawing

Let's draw a drawing in which we will designate the main elements of the future structure.

Stage 2. We carry out the necessary calculations

Performing design calculations is probably the most exhausting process, but it still needs to be done. This can be done in a few steps:

  • we determine the height of the structure - to calculate it, measure the distance from the plane of the floor of the first level to the floor of the second floor. This will be the length of the march;
  • we determine the height of the steps - usually the most optimal height for a person of average height 17 centimeters;
  • we will calculate how many steps and risers are needed - for this, the height of the stairs, which we have already measured, is divided by the height of the steps (17 cm);

Before making a ladder, it must be calculated.
  • step width - for ease of walking smallest value this parameter should be 22 cm, and the largest should be 40 cm.

Stage 3. Making a kosour

We cut the beam prepared for this part to the desired size and cut out the notches the right size to install steps.

Stage 4. Checking the stringer

To do this, we attach it to the place where the staircase will be located, if necessary, we make adjustments to the part.

This diagram shows detailed calculations of the kosour

Stage 5. We fasten the stringers

We attach the stringers and fasten them together to the upper beam using anchor bolts.

We fasten the stringers securely with anchor bolts

Stage 6. Installation of risers

The risers are attached to the stringer using self-tapping screws.

If you are planning a wooden staircase with your own hands - step-by-step instruction with photos, videos and installation projects posted on this portal will be an excellent guide in this matter. To prepare for the process, you need to stock up necessary tool and materials.

Materials and parameters

Lumber: boards 40 and 25 cm wide, 4 to 2.5 cm thick, beams 5x5 cm, joiner's glue, paints and varnishes, rods for galvanized screed, self-tapping screws and corners. Among the equipment used is a manual circular, a screwdriver, brushes, abrasive paper, clamp, chisel, grinder.

For correct placement, the slope is determined to be 25 - 40 degrees. The gap between the steps is 19 cm. The tread width is 25 cm or more. The height of the handrails is 90 cm. The bowstring of the structure is made on the basis of pine edged boards with parameters 40 cm wide and 4 cm thick.

Installation of a conventional straight ladder

  • Here you can find out the best way to create a wooden staircase with your own hands, a video with step-by-step instructions will allow you to build the structure as quickly and correctly as possible:

  • The marking of areas for the installation of treads is provided by means of a circular using a template. For this, cuts are created with a depth of 1 cm. Using a chisel, the mass of wood is removed between the cuts. The finished bowstring is mounted on the workplace.
  • The bowstrings are fixed with self-tapping screws to the floor surface. To do this, stock up on a screwdriver and galvanized metal corners.

  • Steps are cut from boards 25 cm wide using a circular. The thickness of the steps is trimmed to the width of the span, not less than 2.5 cm. The end parts for a more reliable fixation with the bowstring are processed with a grinder.
  • The assembly of steps and bowstrings is carried out with wood glue. The end parts of the steps and the grooves in the bowstring are smeared. Galvanized rods with threads at the ends are used for the screed. Nuts with wide gaskets are screwed onto them.
  • Two boards are fixed to the installed rack at a level of 90 cm. They will provide the function of handrails.
  • Rack made of 3.5 '' steel.
  • Wood mass 1 × 8.
  • Wooden elements 1 × 12.
  • Post connectors.
  • Supports for handrails.
  • Handrails with specified parameters.
  • Metal base for steps.
  • Welding machine.

Spiral Staircase: Materials for Crafting

Step-by-step installation

In the structure under consideration, the distance between the floors is 3 m. Then the total height is divided by the selected size of the steps and their number is obtained: 300 cm ÷ 18 cm = 16.6 pcs.

The top position will end with a 17 rung (rounded result). The width of the steps along the inner edge is 10 cm. The calculation of the outer edge begins with determining the outer diameter of the staircase without handrails.

The middle pillar and 2 steps form a section of 172 cm. To determine the circumference, multiply the staircase diameter by 3.14. Then 172 cm x 3.14 = 540 cm.Since 17 steps are to be installed, 210 ÷ 17 = 32 cm.To create an overlap of 2.5 cm, the width of the steps outside is 35 cm.

Support part

The screw device is created using a center support made of metal and bases for the steps. For the central post with a diameter of 20 cm, 400 cm are cut off. Of these, 300 are reserved for 17 steps, 90 cm for the fence at the top and 10 cm are for the reserve.

The pillar is marked at the points where it is planned to erect the steps, that is, every 17.64 cm. The upper part is crowned with a thick round plate welded to the pillar. At the bottom, a square platform with a height of 1 cm and parameters of 30 by 30 cm is created. Gaps are made for each corner of the platform for anchors and fixation is made to the base.

Placement of steps

The steps are attached to the central support in the marked areas. Each subsequent step overlaps the previous one by 2.5 cm so that the supports for the connection can be fixed. They attach one step to another. This is served by metal or wood. Then all the bases of the steps are fixed to the central support. Wooden steps are superimposed on the bases. Gaps are made in the places connecting the supports.

Then you can screw 3 railing posts per step so that there is a gap of no more than 10 cm between them. After installing the posts, you can fix the handrails. When buying material, it is important to observe the ability to form bends in the direction of the stairs.

When implementing decorative processing, you can paste over the metal support with wood materials. Lacquer coatings are used for finishing the steps. They are applied over a primed surface.

Attention! Wooden steps are widely used in combination with glass, metal and plastic handrails.

For the installation of structures, adhesives are used with different types fastenings. However, their design may place too much stress on the product.

When building a house with at least 2 floors, you definitely need to think about the stairs in it. And if the house will be built with your own hands, it is logical to make the stairs as well.

Various photos of stairs help you make a preliminary selection and clearly understand what type of climb you need. But before taking on the work, carefully calculate the future structure for strength and dimensions, this will save time and money, because incorrect calculations (or their absence) will lead to numerous alterations of the original project.

Types of stairs

Exists a large number of different options flights of stairs. They differ in the material of manufacture (wood, concrete or metal), the type of rise (gentle staircase, spiral, with a turn by a certain degree).

The most common is a wooden staircase. Also, a staircase with a 90-degree turn is often built. It is not uncommon for these two types of lifting devices to be combined into one.

When limited space make a spiral staircase out of metal. Helical view lifting allows you to save space, and the manufacture of metal - increases the strength of the structure. Concrete is used for stairs in massive buildings (for example, mansions).

What to look for

In a low-rise building, having no construction experience, it is better to order modular ladder, a kind of constructor, where all the parts are cut out and numbered, and you just have to assemble them using the instructions. These are usually wooden stairs.

When building a staircase made of concrete, in addition to pouring the frame, you will need to perform exterior decoration(beautiful stone or wood materials). This is a double waste of time and money. However, for cottages of 3 or more floors, they are mandatory for fire safety requirements.

When making a ladder for the first time, you do not need to swing immediately at complex structure... The simpler the model, the more likely you will be able to successfully build this lifting device on the first attempt.

Pay attention to the angle of inclination of the ladder: if it is more than 45 degrees, the ladder will be considered an attached ladder, and you can go down it only with your back forward. The optimal ascent angle is considered to be 37 degrees.

Wood as a material for construction is preferable, since it allows, thanks to its properties, to correct minor construction flaws that have arisen due to inaccurate calculations and inexperience of the contractor.

Also, after construction, the building may settle due to loose soil, as a result, the staircase can become higher or lower than the floor by a few centimeters, and it is easier to fix this in a wooden structure.

When constructing a lift with a turn towards the opposite, the distance between the spans must be at least 100 mm.

Construction stages

Answering the question of how to make a staircase to the second floor with your own hands, there are several stages of construction.

The first stage of any construction, be it a staircase to a house, or an interfloor staircase, is the creation of a project. Particular attention should be paid to the safety of the building and its ease of use.

The structure must be able to withstand the average weight an ordinary person with a fair amount. The use of handrails is mandatory!

If they are not there, another fence must be designed to ensure the safety of the descent and ascent.

Consider creating a wooden staircase with stringers

After you have designed your building, you need to prepare the materials. In our case, choose boards of suitable thickness and length, prepare balusters with railings and prepare stringers. This will be the second phase of construction.

A pine board 4 cm thick is suitable as a material for kosour.On it, we mark the steps according to the pattern and cut it out with an electric jigsaw.


We use the resulting product as a sample for the second (and if the width of the stairs is more than a meter, then the third) kosour. We will cut the required number of steps to size.

The third step is to assemble all the parts together. First of all, stringers are installed in their places of permanent placement. Then, using self-tapping screws, the steps are attached to the stringers.

Then, using pins, balusters are placed on the steps, and handrails are attached to them. The ladder is ready!

DIY ladder photo


When building a house, it is often necessary to build a staircase. After all, most projects involve a second floor. Stairs between floors can be built from different materials... However, wood is one of the simplest, most environmentally friendly and convenient. A beginner can also handle this material.

Of course, the work will take some time. However, the work will quickly pay off, because the design, made with a soul, will serve for many years to the delight of the owners. In addition, building a staircase with your own hands is a significant cost saving.

Types of wooden stairs

In total, there are two main types of wooden stairs:

  • screw;
  • marching.

Marching stairs are the simplest, so it is precisely for the construction of such a structure that it is best to start a beginner in construction. Spiral staircases are very complex, they require careful calculations and measurements. One mistake - and the design may not work.

Marching ladders are divided, in turn, into two types: single-marching and two-marching. Both varieties are not difficult to make on your own.

Direct flight staircase

Before you do wooden stairs do it yourself, you need to purchase materials and prepare tools.

From the materials you need to take:

  • thick boards (they will go up the steps);
  • bars of a sufficiently large section (about 40 mm);
  • screws.

Before making a wooden staircase, it is imperative to think over its design on paper.

It would be very unreasonable to build without a drawing, therefore, before erecting the stairs, it is necessary to take measurements and make an approximate plan.

When measuring, it is necessary to take into account:

  • the height of the stairs;
  • the angle of inclination of the structure;
  • number of steps;
  • width.

You can draw up a similar scheme in in electronic format... There are special computer applications that allow you to create such models. Professional construction software may even have a 3D function. However, this is not at all necessary - to create so much illustrative example when calculating a simple staircase.

Bowstring or stringer?

A simple flight ladder can be installed on stringers or bowstrings. The difference is that the bowstrings are on the side of the steps, while the stringers are under the steps.

A simple flight ladder, as a rule, has two side bowstrings. The steps are attached on both sides. The construction described here will be arranged in exactly this way.


Painting stairs

The entire staircase painting process can be divided into three parts:

  • preparation;
  • painting;
  • protection (varnish layer).

First, you need to prepare each element of the staircase for painting. This implies two types of work: puttying and sanding. The putty is made with special mixtures that are intended exclusively for wood. It is forbidden to use compounds that do not fit under the tree.

When the putty layer is dry, you can start sanding the surfaces. Grinding is carried out in two stages. The first stage is rough and superficial. After that you have to wait a couple of days. Very soon, it will become noticeable that villi are rising on the surface of the wood. Air should be blown before the second sanding.

After sanding, the board becomes perfectly flat and smooth. The coating can now be started.

When the surface of the staircase is ready for coating, you need to decide what it will be like. Before you paint a wooden staircase with paint, you need to apply a layer of primer. It is better to choose a primer to match the coloring composition.

The choice of paint is best done among alkyd and urethane coatings. They are ideal for painting a flight of stairs. From flowers it is preferable to take something light.

If you wish, you can use wood stain instead of paint. The advantage of the stain is that it perfectly emphasizes the unique pattern of the wood. The staircase will look great. Natural drawing is always preferable. Why hide it with coloring compounds, when it can serve as a decoration by itself.

The stain can be selected together with the varnish. When buying, it is advisable not to save. Indeed, the better the composition, the longer the structure itself will last. Stain - not only decorative trim... This composition perfectly protects against various factors.

When the paint has dried, it is applied to the surface finishing layer varnish. It is better to choose a matte varnish, a semi-matt variety is also suitable. In the case of a staircase, varnishing is carried out in three stages. The composition is applied three times, and before each new application, the previous layer must dry well. If bubbles form on the varnish, then they must be sanded.

If you still want to make a spiral staircase in the house, then you can try the simplest installation option. The advantage of this design is that it significantly saves space.

During construction, it is important to take into account that the staircase does not turn out to be too steep. If there are elderly people and small children in the house, then it is wiser to abandon such a design, because it can be dangerous.

The easiest way to install a spiral staircase is to buy a ready-made, already measured kit, and simply mount it. Savings on installation will also bring significant benefits.

The construction of a spiral staircase consists of three main elements: posts, railings and steps. It is better to choose oak steps. They are not only one of the most durable, but also have high aesthetic characteristics. Bog oak and thermo oak look very good too.

Before buying, you need to measure the dimensions of the future staircase in order to choose the structure exactly for your house. A more expensive option is to hire a specialist who will measure everything himself, and then place an order for the design. If you have the skills to work in construction, you can make the steps yourself by ordering only a rack and railings. Most often, racks with railings are metal, but there are also wooden varieties.

Ladder device

  1. Steps on one side have space for fastening to the rack. On the other side there is an opening for the handrail.
  2. The rack is most often metal. It has a flange to which the steps are attached.
  3. The simplest design of a spiral staircase is "duck step". A special form of steps is assumed here.
  4. The rack is mounted between floors. It is fastened to the floor with anchor bolts.
  5. When the rack is installed, you can start installing the steps. The distance between them should not exceed 20 cm. This is necessary for safety reasons.

The spiral staircase also has many decorative details. Moreover, each set may have its own decorations and various fastening elements. When installing a regular flight staircase, the calculation is carried out differently, the geometry of the opening here is rectangular. At the spiral staircase, the staircase is a circle.


You can learn more about the process of building stairs made of wood in the following videos:

If you nevertheless decide to order the manufacture of wooden stairs to the second floor, contact a trusted company, with good reviews, compare prices for wooden stairs. Buy ready-made staircases or do it yourself, it's up to you.