The distance of the TV from the floor. Calculating the optimal height for mounting a TV on a wall

  • 15.06.2019

There are no dogmatic rules that determine how high to hang a TV on the wall. There is useful advice experts that every user should consider. This is the only way to choose the right position for installing the TV.

Everyone can independently correctly calculate the height and determine the place to install the TV. There is nothing difficult in this. Consider the specifics of the room, the diagonal of the TV screen, as well as other important factors, which will be discussed next.

The square of the room and the diagonal of the screen largely determine the location of the TV on the wall. Experts believe that the distance from the viewing area to the TV should be approximately 3 diagonals.

Before calculating the height, you need to choose a place to install the TV. In many ways, this aspect has an impact on viewing comfort. To calculate the optimal point, you need to position yourself at the viewing location. Take a comfortable position. When you are at the viewing point, it will automatically become clear on which of the walls the TV should be installed.

Experts constantly emphasize that best location– straight line (from the center of the viewing area to the wall). As for the height of the TV fixing, it is calculated a little later. If you install the LCD TV in this way, then all people in the viewing point can enjoy the movie, series or TV show, there will be no convenience.

The size of the apartment, the house directly affects the choice of a place to install a TV. For example, if you have studio apartment, then the screen should be diagonally from the center of the sofa, armchair or bed. This position allows you to avoid discomfort while viewing. The screen will be visible from anywhere in the room.

Certain adjustments to the calculation process are made by the arrangement of furniture and interior items. It is possible that you will have to slightly change the position of the sofa or bed. When the best point for installing the TV is determined, you can proceed to the calculation of the height.

There are two ways in which you can determine the height for the location of the TV screen. The first is based on the experience of ordinary users. It was the maximum comfort that was taken into account. The second approach to the calculation was created on the basis of the recommendations of doctors and equipment manufacturers.

First method

First you need to determine the height at which the elements of the bracket mounting system will be fixed. Take a comfortable position at the viewing point. Just close your eyes for a few moments. Now open them, take a look at the wall in front of you. The area you are looking at is the center of the TV screen. At this point, the main bracket is fixed.

If you have given preference to this option, you need to understand that such indicators as the distance from the viewing area to the TV device, the diagonal of the monitor are completely ignored. With a high degree of probability, we can say that while watching, your eyes will get tired. Despite the simplicity this method, it is wiser to choose the second option.

Second way

This approach involves mathematical calculations. Doctors' recommendations were taken into account. First, there should be a screen at eye level. If it is higher or lower, then the image is distorted. Secondly, the optimal distance from the point of view of the LCD TV is the diagonal multiplied by 3. If we are talking about plasma, then the display size is multiplied by 4.

When installing LED or 3D TV equipment, consider not only the diagonal, but also the screen resolution. 720p or 1080p? These settings affect the quality of the image, and with it the viewing experience. The calculation of the mounting height of such devices is carried out according to the following principle:

  1. For devices with a resolution of 720p, the mounting height will be equal to the diagonal multiplied by 2.3.
  2. For 1080p models, the mounting height is calculated by multiplying the diagonal by a factor of 1.6.

When determining the height, take into account the distance from the viewing point to the screen, as well as from the eyes to the device.

Optimal Distance

Almost all ophthalmologists are unanimous in their opinion that the minimum distance from the eyes to the point where the TV device is located should be no less than the diagonal of the monitor multiplied by 2. This recommendation is more than justified, but the display type and resolution are not taken into account. Therefore, according to this principle, the distance to old TV models is calculated.

The optimal values ​​​​for plasma and LCD TVs were mentioned earlier. By following the recommendations, you can successfully place the TV on the wall.

Watching TV can be made comfortable and safe at the same time. Take on board the following tips:

  1. The largest angle of deviation from the TV should not exceed 30 °.
  2. What is the distance from the floor to the TV? The minimum height is 1 meter. Otherwise, there is a risk that the user will accidentally hit the device, causing it to fall.
  3. The sockets should be located at a distance of 45 cm from the central bracket (this is the maximum value, a smaller gap can be made).
  4. Consider the height of interior items, furniture. Because the screen may be above them. In this case, the minimum distance from the cabinet or the edge of the sofa should be 25 cm.
  5. It is advisable to use a bracket whose position can be adjusted. This allows you to adjust the angle of the TV while watching.
  6. When buying a bracket, make sure it will support your TV. The preferred option is a bracket designed specifically for your TV model.
  7. Over time, the bracket mounts may loosen. Therefore, at regular intervals, check whether the device is securely fixed.

Now you know what points to consider when hanging a TV on the wall.

Here is a table that clearly demonstrates how the distance changes depending on the diagonal of the screen.

If the large screen TV is too close to the viewing point, then the viewer will not be able to capture the entire image. Pixels will be visible. This will lead to eye strain, which negatively affects human health. Headaches are excluded.

Types of fasteners

Don't know how to do it right? Start by looking at the available fasteners. Mostly users buy brackets of three types:

  • with rigid fixation;

  • with a vertical slope;

  • multifunctional.

The easiest way to properly hang the TV is with a universal bracket. This is the most convenient and expensive type. Rigid and inclined fasteners are mounted only by those users who are sure that in the near future there will be no rearrangement of decor items and furniture. Consider each type of bracket, highlight the strengths and weaknesses.

Rigid mounts require little clearance for the TV vents. We are talking about a gap of only a few centimeters. The device will be fixed "tightly". The user does not have the opportunity to change the viewing angle in the future.

Tilt mounts are purchased to install the TV on the wall in the bedroom. After installation, you can adjust the vertical position of the screen. This is very convenient when viewing from different vantage points. For example, during the day from a sofa or chair, and in the evening from the bed. Between the wall on which the device will hang and the back panel, you need to leave a distance of 10 centimeters.

Universal movable brackets - expensive, but practical solution. The name speaks for itself. You can hang a TV in the living room or bedroom. The user will be able to set the angle of inclination, as well as adjust it if such a need arises. The screen can be rotated left and right to increase viewing comfort.

If the TV is mounted using a universal bracket, you should not save money: the presence of an impressive number of movable modules requires the appropriate quality of bolts and metal. The weight of the device exerts constant pressure on the structure. Therefore, saving in this case is an inappropriate solution.

Which mount is better to choose to hang the TV in the corner? For such a task, any bracket is suitable, but the universal one will be the priority choice.

TV height in different rooms

To relax comfortably while watching movies or TV shows, you need to consider the height of the room. The value will vary depending on which part of the house or apartment is in question.

The installation height of the TV in the kitchen has smallest value, because in the process of cooking it is rather listened to than watched. Mostly TV in such rooms is located above the optimal level. This is done for convenience. Reduces the likelihood that the user will hit the TV, causing it to fall. This measure will not provide Negative influence for convenience while watching.

When installing TV in other rooms, there is also its own specifics. It is about her now and will be discussed.

In the living room

Here you receive your guests, as well as organize festive feasts. Mostly everyone spends most of their free time in the gym. It is important to choose the right height correctly. This allows you to watch your favorite shows from different angles.

There are no exact rules for determining the most successful location and height of the TV. We talked about this at the very beginning. However, there are generally accepted recommendations that must be followed. The ideal point in the middle of the TV screen is the distance from the floor - 70-175 centimeters. Mostly the height at which the TV is located is 1.2-1.4 meters.

What factors should be taken into account to calculate the most suitable height for placing the device? The most important points:

  • from what point will most often be viewed;
  • screen diagonal of TV equipment;
  • average height of family members.

Will you watch TV directly from the sofa? Then you can hang the device a little lower than the recommended level. Users who prefer viewing from a desk should hang the device higher.

  1. Do not tilt your head while watching TV. This situation creates an additional burden on cervical vertebrae.
  2. The distance from the screen to the eyes is calculated according to the diagonal of the TV device. For example, if the TV screen is 100 centimeters, then the viewer should take a seat in the range of 200-400 centimeters. This takes into account the type of TV screen, the quadrature of the room.

Remember, the center of the TV display in the optimal scenario will be in front of the eyes.

Don't overlook the negative impact of TV on vision. This applies not only to children, but also to adults. The viewing process involves the cervical vertebrae. You can't overload them. Therefore, take into account the recommendations of doctors.

Many users place TV in special niches that are equipped with furniture. This is not quite the right approach, since the height may be higher or lower than necessary. It's very hard to find a balance. Not all sofas have standard height. As a result, additional difficulties arise. You also need to take your height into account.

Check your comfort level for yourself. If during the viewing process you feel uncomfortable or notice image distortions, then it is better to change the location of the TV device according to the tips discussed earlier.

In the bedroom

How high should the TV be placed in the bedroom? Only a few can answer such a difficult question. As in the previously described situation, the location of the TV is affected by the arrangement and dimensions of the furniture. The best solution is to hang the equipment on the wall, placing it perpendicular to the viewing area. This will make watching TV in the bedroom as comfortable as possible. You can lie or sit on the bed. Your location will not play a key role.

However, some users also hang a TV at a height parallel to the bed. The center of the screen should be in front of your eyes. When it comes to viewing in a sitting position.

Keep in mind that the LCD screen will have to be bent about 30 degrees. This is the only way to achieve maximum convenience. Monitors created using this technology differ from analogues in that if you look at the screen at an angle, the contrast will be lost, the picture will become too dark. All this together will make viewing very uncomfortable. Tilt for a liquid crystal TV - the ability to create a direct view in different positions: lying, sitting and half-sitting.

Opt for adjustable brackets if you intend to hang your LCD TV. Such mounts will allow in the future to change the angle of the TV screen, turn the TV to the left or right. The presence of a universal bracket allows you to adjust the position of the screen, change the angle of inclination according to the position of the viewer.

TFT LCD screens have a wide viewing angle, but they are too sensitive to vertical deviations. Too low a position to noticeably increase the contrast, the picture will become unnecessarily dark. If you place the TV too high, the picture will be very light.

In the kitchen

Partially, the features of the placement have already been discussed earlier. Now we will consider specific recommendations, after studying which, it will become clear at what height to hang the device. The optimal TV placement point is determined in accordance with the location of the working area and the quadrature of the kitchen.

For example, small kitchens are designed to accommodate only 1-2 people. In such rooms, TV equipment is turned on for the "background". Medium-sized kitchens feature a free dining area where you can place comfortable chairs, a sofa, a table. Therefore, you can fully delve into the movie, TV show, series.

There are three optimal points for the location of the TV device:

  • on a nightstand;
  • above the refrigerator
  • on the wall.

If you choose last option, keep in mind that the TV screen should be one and a half meters from the floor. Some users put the TV directly on the refrigerator. Is this a valid option? Yes, but there are certain subtleties. First of all, there may be problems with signal reception.

  • in no case should you hang the TV next to the kitchen household appliances or sink;
  • the center of the TV screen should be located opposite the eyes if you are standing (applies to small kitchens when the owners turn on the TV to listen to music channels);
  • if the kitchen is large and it is equipped with a dining area, then the TV should be opposite the eyes, provided that you are sitting;
  • the rays of the sun become a catalyst for glare, they light up the screen. Such nuances must be taken into account, so buy textile curtains of maximum density.

Be sure to take your opinion into account. You can not choose the location of the TV, relying solely on useful recommendations. Adjust the height to match the main viewpoint. In addition, there are individual characteristics as growth having a significant impact on viewing experience.

In the nursery

How to put a TV in the children's room? Consider the age and height of the child. It is recommended to install the TV so that during active games the child does not accidentally touch the device. If the equipment is placed too low, it can cause injury to the child.

Hanging a TV on the wall is the best idea, allowing you to free up significant space in the room, as well as exclude children from access to such a bright and interesting object. In order for the installation to proceed correctly and most importantly, there was no discomfort during viewing, it is worth fixing the product at a certain height.

Many parents prefer to equip the children's room with a TV, and it will be much more practical to hang the structure than to put it within the reach of the baby. It is best to carry out the location of such a product perpendicular to the bed. Thus, it is much easier to watch your favorite TV shows, however, parallel placement of equipment is acceptable.

How exactly the TV panel will be installed depends on:

  • Interior;
  • furniture parameter;
  • Room size.

The central part of the screen should be directly opposite the eyes and oblique observation is strictly prohibited. To simplify the viewing process, it is required to maintain a certain angle of inclination of the monitor, and only 30ᵒ is acceptable.

Important! To place the TV on the wall surface with maximum viewing comfort, it is better to give preference to adjustable brackets, due to which it is possible to choose a certain level of inclination not only forward, but also sideways. This option is more convenient for those who often rearrange furniture.

Now on sale a large number of TV models with a wide viewing angle, but sensitive to vertical deviation, and therefore should be placed as low as possible to increase contrast and avoid dimming or brightening the screen. Perfect option- this is the placement of the product in the middle of the wall.

When calculating at what distance from the floor the TV should be placed in the children's room, it is worth relying on the height of the baby, and placing the panel so that it is impossible to reach it and viewing is as convenient as possible. It is enough to raise the panel to a height of 1.5 m, and adjust the level of the screen direction.

Tips: how to properly hang the TV on the wall

If the layout of the room allows you to install the TV exactly on the wall, then initially you need to prepare everything you need to carry out such a procedure, and also check the reliability of the wall. For example, if a wall is built from GKL, then plasma cannot hang on the wall if it has too big weight, in particular more than 30-35 kg.

TV on the wall is:

  • Stylish;
  • Beautiful;
  • creative;
  • Safely;
  • Space saving.

If the wall is brick, then you can place the TV panel on a bracket, which is sold as related products in any TV store. Before direct installation, make sure that there are no voids at the installation sites of the dowels and that no wiring cables are laid. Naturally, when installing a TV on a wall surface, the question arises of where the wires will be hidden. It is worth noting that if the apartment is at the stage of repair, then it is enough to make changes to the project in advance in order to correctly prepare the location of the TV and the necessary cables.

To connect a TV, you will need to place 3 sockets on the wall behind the monitor and 1 TV.

They will connect a monitor, tuner, possibly a router or adapter. Absolutely all outputs can be masked by the TV screen if you place the outlet at a distance of 10 cm below the level of the top edge of the device. If you plan to install a TV cabinet under a device for watching movies, on which, as a rule, there are others technical devices, then sockets can be placed behind it. In the event that the repair has already been done, installation will be required special device called a cable channel, which is mounted directly on the surface of the wall and allows you to hide all the necessary communications. When placing the TV in front of a window opening, you should pay attention to the advice on masking the wires behind the curtains on the surface of the eaves. In such a place, you will need to make an additional outlet under the ceiling, and the wires must be run along the ceiling again using a cable channel.

We calculate at what height to hang the TV in the bedroom

At what level should the TV be installed in the bedroom? You need to hang the TV in such a way that it is possible to view from the bed in the prone and half-sitting position without discomfort, and the angle of deviation from the central part of the screen is no more than 30ᵒ.

Before you find the optimal distance from the floor to the intended location of the TV, you need to consider factors such as:

Mounts in the form of a bracket are suitable for suspension, which allows you to tilt the panel in the right direction, not only forward, but also sideways. The best option would be the height of the product from the floor by 1.5 m, and the block, which includes 4 sockets, is installed behind the product at a distance of 25 cm from the mounts. In order for the screen not to cause harm to the eyes and discomfort when viewing, it is necessary that the element be installed relative to the human eye at a distance that exceeds the diagonal of the device by 4 times.

If a digital model is to be installed, then two times the value is acceptable.

If a liquid crystal panel is suspended, then it is necessary to take into account its feature in the form of a viewing angle. In other words, when set in the horizontal plane, there is no change in contrast, but the vertical plane can be variable. For example, if you place the device very low, then the display will be darker than it should be, and if it is too high, then it will be lighter. Each person has his own specific position, thanks to which TV viewing is more comfortable and, starting from it, you need to choose the installation point of the equipment and its angle of inclination.

Installation nuances or how to install a TV on the wall

Hanging a TV in the kitchen or in any other room, above the table or just on the wall is carried out according to preliminary calculations, marking, certain rules.


  1. So that the TV is not installed in front of the window.
  2. This will cause constant glare on the screen.
  3. You will not be able to watch programs without image problems.
  4. There is a way out of this situation, and this is hanging blackout curtains when you turn on the TV, but you will have to spend almost all the time in dark room, which is unlikely to look cozy and comfortable.

In addition, the height of the TV must be chosen so that, if necessary, it is possible to remove the case in order to identify problems, as well as for repair. In addition, you need to take into account the fact that if a flash drive or wire from a computer is connected, then the TV should be installed as conveniently as possible.

You should know: at what height to hang the TV in the living room

The process of installing a TV in the living room must be correct, competent, so that the panel looks great in the interior. It is better to choose a hanging method when the TV is located in the hall than it will stand on the table. This will require additional purchase of furniture, it will take up extra squares, which are sometimes so small, and it may also not be safe for the operation of the device.

The recommended height at which you need to put the TV on the brackets depends on the parameters of the room. If the living room has small size, then it is best to choose a TV of the appropriate diagonal in order to eliminate discomfort when viewing and harm to eye health. The optimal height at which the TV is suspended varies from 0.7-1.4 m, and the height of the sofa must be taken into account.

Parameters: at what height to hang the TV (video)

Choosing the optimal height for installing a TV is quite simple, because you just need to take into account your personal preferences and the recommendations of a specialist. Thus, you can get an excellent result in the form of a comfortable TV viewing.

The TV is hung at a height that matches the position of the eyes of the seated users. This is approximately 1.2-1.4 meters from the floor to the middle of the screen. But with a large, more than 2-3 meters, the distance of the device from the audience, the height can reach 1.8 meters or even more. It all depends on the comfortable position of the user's head when viewing.

The system of GOSTs and SNiPs regulates almost all spheres of our life. TVs are no exception. But the requirements set out in the current standards stipulate only some points:

  • Safety regulations;
  • Maximum allowable levels of radiation and other harmful effects;
  • Terms of compatibility and functionality;
  • Manufacturers' warranties;
  • Connection rules, etc.

There is not a single standard that would regulate the exact norms and dimensions in the field of installing household appliances.

When choosing the location of the TV, you should adhere to the following rules:

  • The device does not interfere with free movement around the room.
  • The level of humidity in the room does not exceed the norms established by the manufacturer.
  • The screen and body are not exposed to direct sunlight.
  • To connect to a network alternating current there is a separate outlet (the use of adapters and extension cords is acceptable, but not desirable).
  • There are no powerful electrical appliances or moving surfaces nearby.
  • The distance to the TV and its diagonal fit into the comfort standards, which are related as 1 to 3 or 1 to 4. The diagonal and the distance must be brought into one measurement system. According to this formula, for a diagonal of 32 inches, a distance of 250 cm will be comfortable.

How to calculate comfort height

It is best to start from your own preferences and feelings. If you feel that watching TV at this height causes discomfort, you need to change it.

To position the screen comfortably at eye level, a number of simple measurements can be made. You will need a tape measure or a long ruler. The algorithm is the following:

  • The user takes a seated position where you plan to watch TV. It can be a sofa, armchair or other furniture.
  • The ruler measures the distance from the floor to the eyes.
  • If there are several users, then several measurements are taken. The final indicator is averaged - summed up and divided by the number of users.
  • The result is the distance to the middle of the screen.
  • It remains to correlate the middle of the screen with the mounting points if the TV is hung on the wall, or with the height of the support if it is installed on a horizontal surface.

Depending on the position of the user, the calculation procedure and typical dimensions may vary.


Unlike the living room, in the bedroom, TV is watched mainly lying down. But this does not mean that there should be only 40-60 cm to the middle of the screen, because the user's eyes are approximately at that height.

It's all about the direction of the eye. It is much more convenient for a viewer in a lying position to watch TV at an angle. The angle depends on the usual position - someone watches TV on their side, someone leans their back on the headboard, and someone wants to watch a movie without changing their head position. In the latter case, the screen can even be placed on the ceiling.

To find a comfortable location for the TV, you can use the following algorithm:

  • A model of a TV (a box from it or any flat surface comparable to its dimensions) is placed on a wall or stand.
  • The user takes a familiar position on the bed and looks in the direction of the layout. In the case when there are several poses accepted for viewing, all of them should be checked.
  • If there are several permanent spectators, the procedure is carried out for them as well.
  • The optimal position of the TV will be one in which viewing causes the least discomfort even during a long session.

If the deviation of the screen surface exceeds 30 degrees from the direction of view (normally, the surface should be perpendicular), then you should use special brackets that allow you to change the angle of the TV.


In the kitchen, TV is usually watched in two positions:

  • Sitting at the table);
  • Standing (during cooking).

If you do not watch TV while cooking, then measurements should be made based only on a sitting position.

  • The distance from the floor to the eyes in a standing position;
  • The distance from the floor to the eyes in a sitting position.

Make sure that the angle of deviation of the screen surface from the direction of view does not exceed 30 degrees. Otherwise, viewing will be uncomfortable. Then the position of the TV should be shifted in favor of the most preferred option - the position in which you often watch TV in the kitchen.

An alternative solution could be a movable bracket, which will allow you to change the position of the screen to a comfortable one in a couple of simple movements.

Do not forget about compliance with the conditions for placing the device in accordance with the manufacturer's recommendations, because the kitchen has the most powerful household appliances that interfere and high level humidity, as well as unfavorable temperature conditions.

Children's room

The height of the TV in a room where there are children is determined not only by the comfort of viewing, but also by the task of making the device safe for kids.

If the device is low, the child may knock or damage it during games.

If you place the TV above the height of the baby, then children can drop it on themselves.

Conditions for choosing the optimal location:

  • The angle of deviation of the screen surface from the direction of view should not exceed 30 degrees.
  • Viewing should not cause discomfort due to a strong tilting of the head.

The most logical solution would be to equip a separate viewing area where you can accurately calculate the height of the user and correlate it with the height of the TV.

But often this is not possible due to the extreme limited space. Then you should already proceed from the age of the child and his characteristics of behavior.

For example, in rooms with children aged 3 to 6 years, it is best to mount the TV on a support or use sturdy brackets.

Hall and living room

This is where the TV is placed most often. Viewing occurs predominantly in a sitting or semi-recumbent position. Several people can watch TV at the same time.

The calculation algorithm completely coincides with the given beginning:

  • We measure the height of the users' eyes in a sitting position;
  • We average the value depending on the measurements for all households.
  • We get the optimal distance to the middle of the screen.

In most cases, a distance of 1.2-1.4 m will be optimal. But it can be revised in favor of increasing or decreasing based on the availability of available surfaces for installing the device and individual user preferences.

Opinion of doctors - video

TV is in every family. Often he is not alone in a house or apartment, but two, three or more.

In the children's room, in the living room, in the bedroom and even in the kitchen there is a TV. To enjoy watching your favorite programs and not harm your health, it is important to properly position the TVs in each room.

Why is TV placement so important?

Watching TV takes people on average at least 3-4 hours a day, not counting those cases when the TV plays the role of background noise. At the weekend, the time spent in front of the screen increases several times in adults and children.

When the TV in the room is not installed correctly, health problems can occur when watching it:

  • When the screen is too high, you have to strain your neck muscles while watching, keeping your head in an unnatural position. This gives rise to muscle spasms, pinched nerves of the cervico-shoulder spine, headaches and rapid onset of fatigue.
  • When the screen is too close or in small room a huge TV is installed, vision problems may appear. Overstrain of the eyes in this position of the device causes fatigue, tearing, inflammation of the eyes and the development of myopia.
  • The correct placement of the TV in children's rooms is especially important, because all the organs of the child are in the process of formation, the slightest intervention in which can be reflected in the future with extremely negative consequences.

To comfortably enjoy TV viewing, you just need to properly install the TV on the wall.

Simple rules for mounting a TV on the wall

First of all, when choosing the height of the TV installation, it is worth considering the following criteria:

  1. Who will watch it (children, adults, the elderly);
  2. In what position will the viewing take place (sitting, lying, standing, reclining);
  3. In which room will the TV be located (living room, hall, kitchen, bedroom, nursery).

Let us consider in more detail the optimal height for installing a TV on a wall for different conditions.

The living room is a place to relax with friends, receive guests, and hold parties. If the hosts prefer buffets, discos and dance parties, then watching TV will most likely take place while standing. The height of the TV installation in this case is not so important, 1.5-1.7 meters from the floor is quite suitable.

If the owners and guests prefer to gather on sofas to watch interesting films or sports together, then the installation of the TV should be taken more meticulously. The role in determining the point of attachment of the screen to the wall is played by such indicators as the height of sofas and armchairs, the height of the audience in a sitting position, the angle of the back of the sofas. Best of all, when choosing the height of the mount, focus on eye level, which is about 110 centimeters.

To adjust the screen tilt and create comfortable conditions viewing, it is worth using special brackets, adjustable in two directions.

A hall in a house or apartment is a place for evening gatherings of all family members. Installing a TV on the wall in the living room should be in such a way that it is convenient to watch not only adults, but also children. To calculate the screen installation height, you should find the average eye level of an adult and a child sitting on the sofa. A good option would be to mount the TV high, but with the screen tilted down. This option will allow you to comfortably watch TV while standing, lying down, and even sitting on the floor.

For mounting the TV on the wall in the living room, the front-to-back screen tilt brackets or tilt brackets are ideal.

Many housewives, doing cooking or washing dishes, like to watch their favorite programs in the kitchen.

Install the TV in the kitchen area, first of all, away from the sink and stove, in order to avoid damage due to liquid ingress and exposure to high temperatures. The ideal place to install the TV would be the wall opposite the working area of ​​the kitchen. So the hostess will be able to cut food, knead the dough and watch programs at the same time. Depending on whether these works are performed standing or sitting, the screen installation height is also determined. For comfortable viewing while standing, this is 1.5, and for viewing while sitting - 110 cm from the floor. For each hostess, the height and angle of the TV are selected individually, in this the best assistant becomes a swing arm. It is also suitable for a kitchen with an island.

Often people cannot fall asleep without watching their favorite TV series or interesting films right in bed at night. With the advent of thin and light plasma and LCD TVs, installing a TV in the bedroom has become much more convenient. With a variety of brackets for wall or even ceiling mounting, you can choose optimal position screen to watch movies without lifting your head from the pillow.

Swivel, tilt and tilt arms should be adjusted so that you do not have to lie down, keep your head in an uncomfortable position, and the plane of the screen is perpendicular to the line of sight. To adjust the height and angle of the TV to the wall, you should lie in a comfortable position, on your back or on your side, put your head on the pillow and determine which point on the wall is most comfortable to look at. That's where the screen should be.

Children spend watching cartoons and TV shows all their free time from lessons. For children, the correct height of the TV on the wall is as important as the quality of the image on the screen.

When choosing at what level the device will be installed, one should take into account not only the convenience of viewing, but also the safety of the child. While playing in the children's room, children can easily knock over or smash a low-hanging TV, resulting in injury and fright.

Therefore, when mounting the screen on a wall, a higher screen position should be preferred, which can be combined with a tilt bracket for easy viewing.

But it is better to refuse swivel brackets in the children's room, because the child may well mistake him for a horizontal bar or a basketball basket. Even if the parents forbid it, they will not be able to control the baby, and even more so the student, around the clock.

How to properly mount your TV on the wall

Summing up, it is worth noting that all the figures given on the Internet, as the optimal height for installing a TV on a wall, are indicative and averaged. The location of the screen in each particular family should be selected individually so that it is comfortable for specific people to watch TV.

Using LCD and Plasma TVs in modern apartment is a fashion trend. But if we exclude the installation of this technique on a bedside table or embedding it in the wall, then the option remains to hang it on the wall. In this regard, the following problem arises, how to correctly calculate the required height from the floor to the TV and what kind of mount is needed for this. It is not required to use mathematical calculations here, but the tips of specialists will come in handy.

A TV is purchased for spending leisure time with your family, watching various films and TV shows, all these indicators are the same, but the location and height will be completely different for each room. For example, watching TV in the kitchen turns more into listening, so the height at which the TV should be located will be much higher than in other rooms. The TV is hung so that it does not interfere with the process of cooking and eating it.

In order to determine the height, you need to start from the distance that will be comfortable for all the inhabitants of the room. Experts in the field of medicine advise to mount the TV at a distance of up to one meter.

In addition, experts give advice on how to determine the required height at the level of intuition.

You should do the following:

  • You should sit opposite the place where the TV will hang;
  • Close eyes;
  • Open and look at the proposed placement;
  • Wherever the first glance falls, there is an ideal place.

It should be taken into account that work zone in the hall should not be exposed to the TV, not best idea place the TV on computer desk, all the more impossible for it to interfere with the operation of the computer. The best option for placing the TV in this case is to install it in the opposite corner. You can also place appliances above the living room table, if this does not interfere with household members, shelves on which television accessories can be placed will be an excellent addition.

Choosing the location of the TV in the living room

To determine at what height the TV will be located in the living room, the first step is to calculate the maximum number of people who can view it. If it is supposed to watch TV from several places, for example, from a sofa and an armchair, then the height at which you need to hang the equipment should not exceed 1.5 meters. The calculation of parameters is done from the arithmetic average of all households.

If the TV has not yet been purchased, then you can experiment using a poster. Thus, you can find the right location that is suitable for the whole family.

If the hall has big size, then the installation of the TV should be at a low height, this will contribute to a comfortable viewing of television programs. The height can be calculated based on the size of upholstered furniture. The higher it is, the higher the technique should be located.

What is the difference between a kitchen and a living room with a TV

It is very difficult to comfortably position the TV in the kitchen, this is due to the fact that, to a greater extent, the kitchen has a small area. The middle part of the TV screen should be at least eye level, this will not distract you from watching while cooking.

Increasingly, LCD TVs are being used, this is a great option for viewing programs at a set horizontal angle, but the vertical viewing angle will be darkened, which brings discomfort. In this case, experts recommend mounting the TV on a bracket, which will allow you to adjust the viewing angle and tilt at any time.

What height from the floor to the TV is needed for the bedroom

As for the bedroom, it needs a slightly higher location than in the living room or kitchen. You can determine the placement point of the equipment using one of the previous methods, but the main condition for placing the TV is comfort when viewing.

Modern technologies are designed for safe viewing, they do not flicker and do not emit electromagnetic waves that do not affect vision, so the distance can be any convenient for viewing, and, therefore, its attachment to the wall remains the best option. However, distance standards still exist.

In any case, the placement of equipment depends on the height of the furniture on which the viewing will be carried out. Just like in the living room version, you need to lie on the bed, take a comfortable position and close your eyes, opening your eyes you can roughly understand the required location of the center of the TV.

Since the placement of the TV in the bedroom should be higher than in other rooms, you need to use another important rule, the angle from the eyes to the center of the TV should be less than 30 degrees. This rule plays a major role in the health of the spinal system.

How to properly and at what height to hang the TV can be found out from specialists who will provide photos and detailed instructions by installation.

The optimal height of the TV from the floor in the living room (video)

In order to adjust the position, special brackets are perfect. They will help you to correctly position the desired corner of the screen. In order to prevent the wall from crumbling after installation, experts recommend installing those brackets that use adjustment in several cavities. Following the recommendations described above, you can choose the right height from the floor to the TV in absolutely any room and enjoy watching your favorite programs without harm to your health.

Details: TV area in the living room (photo examples)