Optimal body position for sleeping. What position should you sleep in

  • 02.07.2020

Masha Mukhanova, after a couple of sleepless nights, decided to figure out which position is better to sleep in and how exactly the positions in which she sleeps affect the quality of her sleep. The result of this micro-study is before you.

Indeed, the quality of sleep largely depends on the position of the body. The tension of the muscles, the blood supply to the organs and the depth of breathing depend on the position of sleep.

It is best to sleep on your back or side. People with a short neck may want to sleep on their side as they are at higher risk of sleep apnea. For those who have problems with posture, it is better to sleep on your back - this helps to relax the muscles of the spine. However, there are no universal tips here: the best sleeping position is the one in which you sleep better.

There is one more important point: There should be enough free space on your bed. People do not sleep still and toss and turn from side to side several times a night. If the bed is too cramped, when changing the position of the body, the person will wake up from discomfort. It does not affect the quality of sleep. in the best way. In order to sleep, we need from 7 to 9 hours - depending on the intensity of the load and the personal characteristics of each. No matter how much one would like to follow the advice of doctors in this matter, not everyone will have time for a good sleep. And yet, you can learn to get the most out of these hours of rest by choosing the right sleeping position. Photo: shutterstock.com Very often where greater value it's not how much we sleep, but how we do it. Each sleep position has its own effect on the body and nervous system, on the basis of which doctors give the following recommendations.

Sleep on your back

The unequivocal leader, according to everyone's belief - a pose on the back. Sleeping on your back is good not only for the muscles of the back (and with arms along the body - also for the neck), but also for the spine - your mattress honestly does its job. Cosmetologists also advise sleeping on your back - unlike other positions, this one does not contribute to the appearance of wrinkles. Photo: shutterstock.com negative side such a position is snoring. When you sleep on your back, your tongue gets into your airways, making it difficult to breathe, which causes the characteristic sounds. As a preventive measure, many doctors even advise sleeping on your side for a while, just to save patients from this result of sleeping on their backs. Although sleeping on your back and without pillows is considered ideal for health, one study found that most people with bad dream spend the night in this position.

Sleep on your side

The side sleeping position is one of the most common; among its variations are the fetal position, and falling asleep, straightened up on either side. Most people sleep in one of these positions, and for good reason: it doesn't cause back or neck pain, and it doesn't encourage snoring. Moreover, when sleeping on the left side, blood circulation improves, which has a positive effect on the work of the heart. Photo: shutterstock.com And yet this pose has significant drawbacks compared to the first. For example, sleeping on your side makes deep breathing difficult and can put pressure on your liver, stomach, and lungs. After spending the night in this position, your arms and shoulders may hurt, especially if you lean your head on one arm, and sleeping on your right side causes heartburn. Sleeping on your side is not only the most popular position, but also the most beneficial for pregnant women; if you are not expecting a baby, it is better to roll over on your back.

Sleep on your stomach

This position causes the most concern among doctors. The only positive sides sleep on the stomach is the absence of snoring and apnea (stopping pulmonary ventilation for more than 10 seconds). There are a huge number of unpleasant consequences, which is why experts do not advise sleeping on your stomach. When sleeping on your stomach, the spine is unsupported, and turning the neck to one side or the other (which is inevitable if you have not yet learned to breathe through the pillow) often causes pain in the neck and back. This position also has a negative effect on the skin and accelerates the formation of wrinkles and swelling on one side of the face.

Dream - unique ability living beings, including humans, allowing you to restore energy, physical and mental strength. It is necessary for the normal functioning of the whole organism.

For sleep to be beneficial, it must be strong, calm, healthy. To do this, it is necessary to comply with a number of conditions, one of which is the position chosen for sleep.

Sleep positions and their impact on human health

Often, after sleeping a sufficient amount of time, a person wakes up not rested, but even more tired. The reason for such discomfort is simple - he was lying incorrectly, and his body could not recover and recharge with energy.

Today, scientists have proven that sleeping position is very important. It depends on how effective it will be:

  • blood circulation;
  • supply of oxygen to the brain;
  • air permeability;
  • the degree of muscle relaxation;
  • work of the gastrointestinal tract.

By choosing a comfortable position for yourself, you can achieve maximum relaxation. After a night spent in a comfortable position, awakening will be vigorous, mood - positive, performance - huge.

You can sleep on your back, on your side or on your stomach. Given the options, there are six poses. Each of them has its own advantages and disadvantages.

On the back

Sleeping on your back, according to doctors, is considered the most beneficial. Muscles and the musculoskeletal system in this position are completely relaxed. In the supine position, there is no pressure on everything. internal organs which is also helpful. This position is recommended for people:

  • with scoliosis,
  • spinal injuries,
  • hypertension.

During sleep, facial muscles are smoothed on the back, which prevents the formation of wrinkles.

Prefer to sleep on your back - do not use a high pillow. There are two reasons for this selectivity. The first is that the cervical spine in this position bends strongly, and discomfort will be felt by morning. The second - breathing and blood supply to the brain is difficult.


Pose "Starfish" - a variant of the position on the back. It differs from the traditional arms and legs spread apart. Moreover, the hands are above the head. It is especially comfortable to sleep in this position in the summer, in the heat. At high air temperatures, each contact of body parts causes increased sweating.

The advantages of this position are similar to normal sleeping on your back:

  • relaxation of the spine and muscles;
  • no pressure on internal organs;
  • face wrinkle protection.

Of the minuses of the “Starfish” pose, in addition to snoring and apnea, there is one more thing - clamped shoulder muscles. In the morning in these places there may be pain.

on the side

The position on the side is also considered useful by doctors, but women should be aware that it contributes to the appearance of wrinkles on the face and neck. In addition, the posture has a number of features related to the location of the internal organs and the choice of side.

On the left side is the heart and other vital organs. During sleep in this position, pressure increases on them, but it is insignificant and does not harm the body. On the contrary, many systems in the body are arranged in such a way that the position on the left side improves their work.

  1. The lymphatic system is better at removing toxins.
  2. The heart moves blood around the body more easily because the aorta, the main artery, curves to the left.
  3. From the spleen, which is on the left, harmful waste is removed faster.

An obstacle to sleeping on the left side can be diseases of the organs located on the left, in which even slight pressure on them is excluded.

On the right side

When choosing a position on the right side, it should be borne in mind that there may be problems with heartburn. The exit from the stomach is located with right side, and its contents can enter the esophagus and cause a burning sensation in it. In addition, the pancreas is located on the right side. During sleep in this position, the stomach presses on her, which is harmful to health, especially for people who have problems with this organ.

Why doctors do not advise sleeping on the right side is analyzed in detail in the video.


The “Fetal” or “Embryo” pose is one of the varieties of sleeping on your side. The peculiarity of this position: a rounded back and legs bent at the knees pulled up to the chest. The only advantage of the pose is the ability to retain heat. Otherwise, it can be harmful.

  1. In this position, air circulation is disturbed, which negatively affects the functioning of brain cells.
  2. The muscles of the back and shoulder girdle are in tension. As a result, they will feel pain in the morning.
  3. The spine in this position is not relaxed, which does not allow you to have a good rest, recuperate.

On the stomach

From the sleeper's point of view, this position is considered one of the most comfortable. Doctors do not share it and talk about its harm to the body.

  1. All internal organs are under stress.
  2. There is a violation of blood circulation.
  3. The area of ​​the neck and shoulders becomes numb.
  4. The spine is in a curved position.

For those who prefer to fall asleep on their stomach, doctors recommend using special rollers to help give the back the correct position.

Do not forget about the increase in the number of wrinkles that will inevitably appear during sleep on the stomach.

What is the best position to sleep in

Everyone has their own concept of the best sleeping position. If one is comfortable in the “Fetal” position, then the other prefers to relax in the form of “Starfish”. Experts approach the choice of the best posture objectively, based on the results of the research. The most useful position is on the back. For some diseases, it is the only acceptable.

Another comfortable position is on the left side. In this position, the maximum functionality of all organs is ensured.

  1. Neck hurts - make a roller and put it on a pillow. It will support the cervical spine and relieve discomfort upon awakening.
  2. Pain in the shoulder area - lie on the side opposite to the patient.
  3. During sleep, the head turns uncomfortably, which causes headache- fix her position with a few small pillows.
  4. With a runny nose, it is recommended to choose a high pillow.
  5. Pain in abdominal cavity become smaller if you choose a pose on your stomach.

There are no perfect positions. Each of them has its own advantages and disadvantages.

Pregnancy is a special period in a woman's life when she is responsible not only for herself, but also for her unborn child. From the point of view of medicine, the position on the left side is considered the ideal position, which provides full blood supply to the uterus. But it is not mandatory. A woman can sleep in any position convenient for her. The exception is the posture on the stomach. In the second half of pregnancy, it will be problematic to sleep on your back. The position on the side is as comfortable as possible and allows you to provide protection to the unborn child.

Correct postures for sleeping

The correct sleeping position, according to doctors, should not cause discomfort and contribute to full-fledged work all vital organs.

The best option can be safely recognized as the position on the back and the “Starfish” pose. In both cases, the body is as relaxed as possible, there is no load on the internal organs. In these postures there is a quick recovery. It should be borne in mind that the "Starfish" is characterized by widely outstretched arms. As a result, a feeling of discomfort arises in the shoulder girdle, which turns into unpleasant pain in the morning. A limitation to the choice of these postures is the tendency to snore and sleep apnea.

Another position that doctors consider correct is on the left side. In this position, the blood supply to the body and the removal of harmful toxins are best.

Worst Sleep Positions

Incorrect sleeping positions are those that create a feeling of discomfort. It could be muscle and joint pain. It appears after sleeping in the Fetus position or on the stomach. Settling down to sleep on your right side, you should be prepared for the occurrence of heartburn. This is due to the location of the entrance to the esophagus. Given these features of the body, it is recommended to select a pose in which Negative influence health will be minimal.

To ensure a calm, healthy sleep, it is recommended to choose a position in which the main feeling of comfort will be not only during sleep, but also after waking up. It will be possible to find the ideal position - every morning will be vigorous, filled with vital energy.

Many people probably know that a person spends almost a third of his life in a dream. Therefore, choosing the right sleeping position should be approached with all seriousness. Of course, you can somehow sleep on the armchair, but the spine and other organs will definitely not thank you for this. You will end up waking up broken and with back and neck pain.

Nevertheless, many are surprised that the question: how to sleep properly, generally deserves attention. People mistakenly believe that the main thing here is to level off, and everything else will work out by itself. But actually it is not.

We will try to figure out how to sleep properly so as not to harm your body and wake up fully rested and full of energy. Consider the main postures, contraindications in one case or another, the importance of bedding and other critical points regarding this enterprise. We take into account the advice for proper sleep from experts in this field.


Posture is very important and directly affects the quality of sleep. If you fall asleep, as you have to in uncomfortable positions, then you risk seriously undermining your health. Here is an incomplete list of what the correct sleeping position reflects:

  • arterial pressure;
  • blood supply to the brain;
  • cellular metabolism;
  • spine;
  • work of muscle tissue;
  • joints and ligaments;
  • lung function;
  • hormone production.

One of the most important points in this matter is the maintenance of the spine. Literally all chiropractors agree that the work of the main human organs directly depends on the spinal cord. And if the spine is deformed during rest, then this can cause the development of chronic diseases and other unpleasant consequences. If, for example, you choose the right sleeping position for osteochondrosis, then the accompanying manifestations of the disease will have a minimal effect.

The same applies to other diseases that, at first glance, cannot even be closely attributed to sleeping positions. So sleeping properly is not only convenient, but also beneficial for your body. Next, we will analyze the most popular poses.

On the back

There are many positions for proper sleep here: “soldier”, “parachutist”, “starfish”, etc. Despite such a variety, we are used to choosing one or maximum two favorites in which we are really comfortable to sleep.

The branch of medicine that studies sleep - somnology and somnologists appeared not so long ago, but they have already managed to achieve tangible results and have helped many in need. Through full-scale research, scientists in this field have found that the most beneficial sleeping position is on the back. And many factors point to this.

For the spine, this is the ideal position where it feels most comfortable. In addition, if you sleep on your back correctly, then you will not be tormented by belching, which for some is a real problem.

There is also a tangible benefit from this pose for the beautiful half of humanity: lying on your back, you allow the skin of the face to breathe “full breasts”, minimizing the likelihood of developing early wrinkles and other dermatological problems. If you suffer from snoring or sleep apnea, then this indicates a lack of this pose.

Almost all somnologists agree that it is better to sleep on your back, even if for some this is not the most comfortable position. It is ideal for the spine, and this is one of the most important factors for quality sleep. But even here there are some nuances that need to be paid special attention.


The right pillow for sleeping is the key to a good night and a cheerful morning. We need to talk about extremes here. For some, the bed is more like a pillow factory. Yes, such solutions are very good for decorating the interior. But this does not mean at all that you need to sleep on all these pillows.

Too large options do not have the best effect on the spine. In this case, it is subject to deformation, because a disproportionate pillow distorts its natural curve. Here, the correct sleeping position will not help either children or adults, and as a result, the next morning you will have a headache, neck, and other serious disorders may appear.

The fact is that a large pillow raises your head and the blood begins to flow uphill, as it were, and this may result in a lack of blood supply. The natural order of things is that the head should be low enough not to impede blood flow to the brain. So it is better to sleep on a moderately thin pillow, and use large specimens for other purposes.


If your mattress is worn out, then you should not sleep on it. It's better to get on the floor than to kill your spine with such a bed. A mattress is a great back support. It does not need to sink in, like in downy feather beds, and it does not have to be hard, like concrete.

It is not necessary to buy any fancy options. The main thing here is that you feel comfortable and the mattress supports your spine. We will talk more about this accessory a little later.

On the stomach

They always said about such people - he sleeps like a baby. There is still a heated debate in scientific circles about this, and with about every new decade, the idea of ​​\u200b\u200bthis pose changes. It is worth mentioning the research of the well-known neurologist in this field, Vaclav Vojt, who was closely involved in child development.

The doctor believed that the posture on the stomach in infancy is critical for further development baby. Voight has been researching for more than half a century and found that there are specific points on the human body, the stimulation of which during sleep commands the uneven system to calm down and grow. These areas are activated when the baby involuntarily moves on his stomach.

The same can be said about adults. Many in this position feel much more comfortable and calm. So to the question: is it possible to sleep on the stomach for men and women, doctors answer that it is possible, but it is necessary to do it again correctly. In addition, many studies show that the prone position can eliminate some of the symptoms of sleep apnea and light snoring.

If you rest your face on the pillow, keep your arms strictly at your sides, and straighten your legs, then this sleep format will endanger the spine and cheerful morning. So there are instructions here as well.

Correct posture

To take the correct posture, it is necessary to bend one knee in such a way as to remove the load from the spine, which is created in the position with straightened legs. Many experts advise getting rid of the pillow altogether if you prefer to sleep on your stomach. From her neck the next morning will be stretched.

A pillow in this position is like walking the streets, constantly looking at the sky. And it looks strange, and causes the same problems. In extreme cases, you can stop at some ultra-thin version.

The most correct use of the pillow in this case is if it lies under the stomach and goes a little into the hips. Thus, you will noticeably reduce the load on the spine and neck. Just enough to find a pillow comfortable place on the side where the bent knee is deployed. This posture will not bring any harm to your body, and in the morning you will feel cheerful and rested.

on the side

A good half of the entire population of our planet prefers to sleep on the left side or on the right side. We got used to this position even in the womb, when we rested there in the fetal position. The side position is a natural imitation of this stage.

Sleeping in this position is noticeably more likely to ease your breathing and help you stop troubling snoring. It is also worth noting that, according to the results of studies by the same somnologists and neurologists, sleeping on the right side is less useful activity than on the left. Because in the latter case, unpleasant moments associated with the gastrointestinal tract are facilitated.

But such a pose also has its drawbacks, which not everyone is ready to put up with. Many probably experienced severe discomfort from the fact that after a couple of hours in this position, their fingers or the whole arm went numb. The fact is that this posture causes a violation of blood circulation, and also destabilizes the work of the nerves in a certain area. Experts offer some tricks that minimize discomfort.

Shoulder unloading

If you sleep, leaning on your shoulder, then numbness of the fingers or the whole arm is guaranteed. To minimize this effect, you need to push it forward a little. This position will not interfere with normal blood circulation in the muscles. The maximum that you will feel in the morning is a slight tingling in your fingers, and you will not get the “novocaine effect”.


As mentioned above, the pillow should not be thick and strongly raise your head. It should support your neck without disturbing the actual curve of your spine. In this case, blood circulation will be kept normal, excluding hand numbness.

For those who experience problems with the spine, experts recommend laying a pillow between the legs. This solution allows you to stabilize your back and unload it from the waist and hips. In particular difficult cases a specific recommendation from the attending physician is required.


It all depends on your timing. In the first trimester, you can sleep in any position that you consider comfortable for yourself and not worry about anything. After about 11 weeks, experts recommend avoiding the position on the stomach, because normal blood circulation may be disturbed. In the case of multiple pregnancy, it is better to refuse such a position altogether.

In the second trimester, the tummy is already making itself felt and it is unlikely that it will be possible to comfortably sit on it. During this period, you can sleep on your back and on any side up to 25 weeks. Then give preference to only one pose.

Starting from the third trimester, the correct sleeping position during pregnancy is on the left side. The fact is that the mirror position can compress the ureter and the right kidney. In addition to a feeling of discomfort, it is also fraught with pyelonephritis. Do not sleep on your back during this period.

It will also be useful to purchase a special pillow for pregnant women. They are the most different types: in the form of a boomerang, a banana, a horseshoe and in the form of Latin letters. Such devices significantly facilitate the night pastime. In addition, such pillows can be useful after childbirth. They are very comfortable to feed and sleep with the baby. Some even buy pregnancy pillows for themselves precisely for a comfortable sleep, although they themselves go without a tummy.

About mattresses

Just like the pillow, the mattress is extremely important in such an undertaking. Never underestimate the importance of this accessory. A mattress can be both a useful gift for your body and a source of serious problems. So his choice must be approached with great care. Otherwise, you will not see a normal dream.

Eminent brands that produce such products, along with doctors, recommend changing mattresses every seven years. Naturally, few people listen to such advice and continue to sleep on products that are no longer suitable for this.

The fact is that even the best mattress in the first couple of years sags by about 25%, while changing its anatomical parameters not in better side. And year by year the situation is only getting worse. Many experts have confirmed the fact that a bad mattress is the most common cause of neck, joint and back pain.

In the place where the hips are located, and this is the heaviest part of our body, foam rubber products sag, losing elasticity. And the mattress no longer actively restores its original shape in this place. From this effect, the correct distribution of the load on the spine is disturbed and related problems appear.

On old mattresses, a deceptive impression of calmness is created. Indeed, some muscles rest here, while others have to work all night long. So sleeping on a worn out mattress is fraught with pain in the morning and problems with internal organs.

Be sure to note another clear threat posed by low-quality mattresses. Many are horrified to learn that earlier (until 2004) they were made from synthetic fabrics using toxic materials, plus they were treated with flame retardants to protect them from burning. This "vinaigrette" of polybrominated diphenyl ethers (PBDEs) is gassy and can cause serious health problems.

Today, products containing PBDEs are banned all over the world, including Russia. It has been proven that toxic substances most adversely affect the liver, thyroid gland and nervous system. So consumer-respecting brands have abandoned their use. But some manufacturers are still guilty of PBDEs, so you need to look both eyes and study the accompanying documentation with due meticulousness, as well as ask direct questions to the seller.

How to keep the correct posture?

If you have firmly decided to sleep correctly, but you can’t keep the desired position, then you don’t need to be upset. The sleeping position is a habit, and exactly the same as everyone else. When you fall asleep, lie down in the right position, and if during the night you find yourself rolling over, then just correct it.

Some who do not particularly suffer from problems with insomnia, but for whom it is important to keep their posture under control (diseases of the spine, gastrointestinal tract, etc.), do set an alarm every three hours to check their position. This is, of course, a cardinal method, but nevertheless it helps.

You also need to tell your partner about your preferences regarding position in bed. If you prefer one position, and the “neighbor” is completely different, which is in no way compatible with yours, then it may make sense to sleep separately or get a bigger bed. Attempts to overpower oneself in such an intimate part for the sake of another is severe irritation. And the latter is not conducive to healthy sleep.


Eating before bed largely determines the posture. Not only the number of extra pounds, but also the presence of sleepless nights depends on it. Science has long pointed to the fact that a serious meatball dinner guarantees at least a restless night, and in the worst case, nightmares with insomnia.

It is important to understand that it is impossible to take the correct position on a full stomach. You will constantly toss and turn from side to side until your stomach gives the go-ahead to sleep. And this will happen no earlier than three hours after a hearty dinner.

Here you need to either push back the time of sleep, or snack on the right foods that will in no way affect your posture in bed. Experts recommend eating bananas, cheese and nuts before bed. The composition of these products includes a considerable amount of useful amino acids, among which is tryptophan, which causes drowsiness.

A glass of warm milk also helps. And all this must be done no later than an hour before bedtime. Caffeine will have to be completely eliminated. After it, it is very difficult to fall asleep, no matter what comfortable position you choose. As for alcohol, it is also better to exclude it. Yes, small portions contribute to falling asleep quickly, but this is only a temporary effect, getting used to which, you will only harm yourself.

Experts also advise to give up gatherings before going to bed at the monitor or your favorite series. Scientists have found that those who abused this case, most often suffered from sleep disorders and depression. Most the best way- this is a book, and it is a paper folio, not an electronic one. It will put you to sleep better than any sleeping pill.

As a rule, healthy and young people rarely care about the best position to sleep in. It is enough for them to touch the pillow with their head in order to plunge into the sweet space of dreams in a few moments.

At the same time, their torso automatically assumes the most physiological position. Those who have problems falling asleep can turn over half the night from one side to the other, twisting their bodies into the most incredible shapes.

They do their best to nestle comfortably in the bed, but a deep healthy sleep stubbornly flees from them, finally giving way to some kind of superficial heavy oblivion. And in the morning, instead of a feeling of cheerfulness - a feeling of irritation, aches all over the body and other troubles. For this category of people, the topic is about best pose very important for sleep. So…

What is the best position to sleep in

V ancient China it was believed that the process of sleep should occur only on the side: on the right - for relaxation nervous system, on the left - to facilitate the process of digestion. Other positions were considered unhealthy. Modern doctors do not agree with outdated postulates, and it is difficult to drive today's people into the old rigid framework.

Representatives of the current generation sleep freely: on their stomach, with their face buried in a pillow; on the back, hands behind the head; on its side, curled up in a touching ball, etc. There is no limit to the variety. All of these sleeping postures are normal, but not all of them are equally healthy. Below we will analyze in more detail the pros and cons of different poses.

Pose - lying on the back

Many doctors agree that it is best to sleep on your back. This position of the body during a night's rest most contributes to the relaxation of all muscles and organs and helps to relieve spasms of the gastrointestinal tract.

This pose is also favorable for those who take care of their appearance. The fact is that when the face and neck are constantly in contact with the pillow, this leads to the appearance of additional wrinkles on them. But if a person is used to sleeping on his back face up, then this does not happen. Also, this pose is good for unloading the spine, but there are a number of nuances here, which will be discussed below.

The disadvantages of resting on your back include the occurrence of snoring in many people. This is due to the fact that when relaxing, the mouth opens slightly and the lower jaw sinks somewhat, which makes it difficult to breathe. The sleeping person in this case begins to snore.

  • pregnant women on later dates pregnancy. In this position of the body, the uterus, under the influence of gravity, strongly compresses the vena cava, which can cause hypoxia in the fetus.
  • Persons suffering from obesity. Due to the strong pressure of excess body weight on the spinal column.
  • People suffering from sleep apnea, a condition in which there is a short pause in breathing during sleep.
  • People with diseases of the spine (osteochondrosis, herniated disc, etc.). This contraindication is relative - why, and in what position it is better for such people to sleep, will be described later.

If your back hurts

On the one hand, with a sick spine, it seems to be most convenient to sleep on your back, on the other hand, after such a rest, the pain may intensify. It turns out some kind of contradictory situation. So all the same, in what position is it better to sleep for the spine?

If there are problems with the back, then it is first of all necessary to properly prepare a place to sleep, since if you lie on an ordinary soft mattress for a long time, then an unnatural deflection occurs in the lumbar region, which leads to a deterioration in the condition. It is best to get a special orthopedic mattress, which is able to take the form of bends of the spinal column. The spine during sleep will be securely supported by a special design, which guarantees him complete peace and rest.

If it is not possible to equip an orthopedic bed, then it is better to forget about resting on your back, and turn on your side and take a comfortable position with a slight bend. This contributes to a slight stretching of the spine and should not cause discomfort.

Pose - lying on the side

Used to be in kindergartens, putting the kids to bed on the " quiet time", the teachers taught them to lie down on their left side and by all means put both hands under their cheeks. We all come from childhood. Perhaps that is why most of the current adult population loves to sleep on their side.

By the way, this pose is not as simple as it might seem, it has several subspecies:

  • log posture;
  • fetal position;
  • pose "on the side with arms outstretched forward."

To rest in these positions was complete, you need to listen to the following tips:

  • If not orthopedic mattress, then under the waist and neck areas (where there are bends) it is recommended to put small soft cylinders rolled up from towels.
  • The pillow should be not only soft, but also elastic and not too high. Then it will support the head well and not deform the natural curve of the neck. The head during sleep should not be higher or lower than the body - this can only be ensured by a properly selected pillow.
  • For a person sleeping on their side, it is very important that the mattress is soft enough, especially in those places where the shoulders and hips come into contact with it, since these points account for the maximum load.
  • It is good to take an extra thin pillow with you to bed and put it between your knees. It will serve as an additional support for the leg, which is located on top. Legs with a pillow sandwiched between them should be kept slightly bent.

Doctors say that heart patients should not sleep on their left side (on this side a person has a heart). But on the right side it is not recommended to fit those who have an enlarged liver, as well as with stones in the gallbladder.

If a person prefers to sleep exclusively in the fetal position (curled up), then, sooner or later, this can lead to back pain, because it is unnatural for the spine to stay in a strongly curved state for a long time.

The disadvantage of sleeping on your side is also the fact that in this position the arm can become very numb, which is pressed by the weight of the body.

Pose - lying on the stomach

Many people also like to sleep on their stomach, but this position is not the most beneficial for health. The head during such a dream happens long time turned to the side and literally pressed into the pillow with her cheek. In this position, the neck becomes numb, headaches and even pathological changes in cervical region spine.

Those people who cannot deny themselves the pleasure of relaxing while lying on their stomachs are advised to sleep with a very thin pillow under their heads, or without it at all.

What is the best sleeping position for pregnant women?

Expectant mothers can sleep on their stomach only in the very early stages of pregnancy. Starting from the second trimester, the best sleep for a woman will be on her left side. This reduces pressure on the liver and improves blood circulation. To further improve blood circulation, you can slightly bend your knees and put a pillow between them.

In the event that sleeping on the left side brings some kind of discomfort, you can try placing additional pillows under different parts of the body. Experimentally, you can find a suitable position and provide your body with peace and comfort.

Healthy sleep

In order for a night's rest to bring maximum benefit, the correct position of the body is not enough. It would be nice to follow the following guidelines:

  1. All intense physical exercise should be completed a few hours before bedtime. The body needs time to turn on the braking of all its systems before nightfall.
  2. Try not to engage in solving some difficult problems before going to bed, watching news on TV that cause strong emotions, etc.
  3. In order for a night's rest to be complete, it is necessary to maintain a comfortable temperature for sleeping in the sleeping room. This indicator is individual for everyone, but still the room should be a little cool (the temperature is not higher than 18 degrees).
  4. Ventilate the bedroom before going to bed.
  5. Don't eat at night. Eat dinner 2-3 hours before bed.
  6. Do not drink invigorating caffeinated drinks (coffee, strong tea) in the evening.

The implementation of these rules will help to make sleep healthy and sound. And one more note: it is very difficult to sleep all night without moving, never turning from one side to the other, from back to side and vice versa. After all, being in deep sleep, a person cannot control his body. A strong desire to control oneself at all costs can cause a breakdown in sleep function, and this in itself is very unhealthy.


We talked with you about the best position to sleep in. Once again, we remind you that these recommendations are intended primarily for people with various health problems.

The rest does not have to be specially selected comfortable posture for sleep, because our bodies are able to quite independently take the most suitable position.

Is it bad to sleep on your back or stomach? Is it better to sleep on the right or left side? What do doctors and science say about this?

One thing is certain about sleep: Babies should sleep on their backs to reduce the risk of Sudden Infant Death Syndrome (SIDS). In various countries, there were 5-10 cases of SIDS per 10,000 infants.

However, sleeping on your stomach is the main risk factor. When changing the official recommendation from "laying on the stomach" to "laying on the back" in countries Western Europe since 1992, mortality has decreased by 2-3 times, similar results have been obtained in the USA and other countries. The only country in Western Europe where the death rate from SIDS increased in the early 1990s was the territory of the former GDR, where they switched from the Soviet medical tradition to the Western European one and mothers began to put their children on their stomachs more often (links to studies,).

However, if you are reading this article, it means that you have grown up and these recommendations are irrelevant to you.

Sleep positions for various diagnoses

There are some cases for which your position in a dream matters. For people who have problems with back or hip pain, some sleeping positions are much more comfortable. For example, sleeping on your side with a pillow between your legs can reduce pressure on your hips. Please note: sleeping on your stomach can put pressure on your lower back.

People who suffer from acid reflux (involuntary leakage of stomach contents into the esophagus) notice that stomach acid is more likely to enter the esophagus when they sleep completely flat. But when they sleep on a high pillow, they relieve their symptoms with the help of gravity.

If your legs are swollen, then try making a slight elevation for the legs.

People with chronic heart failure often report that their breathing becomes worse when their head is lowered and vice versa - they feel better if they sleep in a semi-sitting position. This phenomenon is called orthopnea- when there is shortness of breath in the supine position. This is one of the signs of heart failure.

There is exactly the opposite - platypnea- when shortness of breath appears when sitting or standing, and it is easier to breathe lying down. This is a much rarer occurrence and is usually the result of a congenital heart defect, such as when blood is shunted between the right and left sides of the heart.

Why is apnea dangerous?

According to the somnologist Pavel Kudinov, 90% of sleep disorders are associated precisely with pauses in breathing during sleep, that is, apnea.

Normally, breathing stops in a dream up to 5 per hour is normal, we can fall asleep very soundly, get tired, drink. By the way, alcohol greatly increases the number of respiratory arrests. But it happens that breathing stops in a dream is very a large number of: more than 20-30 per hour.

“At the moment of stopping breathing, the pulse and pressure decrease, as soon as a person begins to breathe again, the pulse and pressure rise sharply. This leads to high blood pressure, heart rhythm disturbances, heart attacks, strokes, and even sudden death in sleep. Most often, heart attacks and strokes occur at night from 4 to 6 in the morning. This is just the result of pauses in breathing during sleep: the risk of heart attacks and strokes increases by 20% ”- the somnologist Pavel Kudinov told Zozhnik.

How to know if you have sleep apnea

To understand whether a person has pauses in breathing during sleep, you can use a respiratory monitor. If the device shows sleep apnea, we need to understand what causes them. They are associated with the work of the brain, then it is called central apnea. But most often this is due to the fact that a person's airways collapse on inhalation: he cannot inhale. From the outside, it looks like this: a person snores, falls silent for a long time, and then snores loudly. This is a sign of respiratory arrest.

Is it true that sleeping on the left side (where the heart is) is more harmful?

There are several situations where one sleeping position will be preferable to another. And the most frequently asked question, which is asked to doctors: is it true that sleeping on the left side (where the heart is) is more harmful than on the right?

According to cardiologist Christopher Labos, the only disease in which this matters is aortocaval compression syndrome. It occurs in pregnant women due to compression of the inferior vena cava and the lower part of the aorta by the uterus and manifests itself mainly in the position of a woman on her back. Compression of the inferior vena cava reduces venous return to the heart and, consequently, the performance of the heart. In general, this can cause a decrease in pressure. This syndrome is quite rare.

Usually the official recommendation is to sleep on your left side, thus reducing pressure on the uterus and improving blood flow. Doctors also informally recommend that pregnant women sleep on different sides and switch positions several times a night.

If you are not pregnant (and do not suffer from aortocaval compression syndrome), then sleeping on your left or right side will not have any special effect - sleep as you like.

Many people say that when they sleep on their left side, they have a more unstable heartbeat. When a person lies on the left side, the heart is pressed closer to the chest and we simply hear any features of the heart beat better. For the same reason, doctors sometimes ask patients to lie on their left side when listening to the heart - because the heart beats are heard better.

Despite all this, an unstable or rapid heartbeat is usually not dangerous. Usually, the heart can beat unstable during the day, but in most cases we do not notice this, because we are immersed in the cacophony of the cycle of being. And only when we calm down and calm down, we can notice how the heart beats.

As for sleep problems, the most common is its lack. Therefore, the best position for sleeping is to turn off the phone early ( read on Zozhnik - practical tips on how to improve sleep) and go to bed early.

Sleep on your back : worsens snoring, minimizes the formation of wrinkles, reduces acid reflux (needs a little more slope).

Sleep on your side : reduces snoring, can cause pain in the shoulder girdle and lower back, contributes more to the formation of wrinkles, improves blood circulation (especially important for pregnant women).

Sleep on your stomach : reduces snoring, can provoke pain in the neck and lower back.

Pulling the arm up sharply or impingement syndrome

In the training materials of the Association of Fitness Professionals, special attention is also paid to impingement syndrome of the shoulder joint.

Impingement syndrome is a condition in which, during the extension of the shoulder as far as possible upward, the tendons of the rotator cuff and biceps are pinched between the head of the shoulder and the acromion (oblong process in the upper part of the scapula).

The head of the humerus, with each raise of the arm, hits the acromion as high as possible, while clamping the tendons between them.

When the shoulder is lifted up, the subacromial bursa and tendons are pinched between the humerus and the acromion of the scapula, which can cause inflammation and further result in impingement syndrome.

The most common symptom of shoulder impingement is shoulder pain. Usually, this pain is permanent and increases with raising the arm above the head, and later with any movement in the shoulder joint. It is often found in swimmers (they have to constantly stretch their arm vertically upwards) and when playing tennis.

Therefore, we assume that sleeping with the arm extended as far as possible can be potentially dangerous for those who already overload the shoulder ligaments when swimming or playing tennis.

Therefore, if you experience pain in your shoulder, avoid raising your shoulder as much as possible, including during sleep (as, for example, in the pose in this picture):

Most popular sleeping positions

As a bonus, we present data from a study by Professor Chris Idzikowski, in which about 1000 people took part. The study revealed the six most popular sleeping positions.

1. “Fetal Pose”

Most people sleep in this position - about 41%.

2. "Log"

About 15% of people sleep in the “log” position: on their side with straightened legs and arms. Such people are sociable and good-natured, they trust others, but sometimes they are too gullible.

3. “The pose of the supplicant / Yearner”

About 13% prefer the “begging position” - on the side with arms folded on one side or stretched forward.

4. "Soldier"

About 8% sleep in the soldier's position: on their backs with their arms stretched down.

5. "Free Fall Pose"

About 7% like a position called freefall (free fall) - on the stomach, head turned to the side, hands hugging the pillow.

6. "Star"

Spread arms and legs on the back - about 5% of people sleep in this position.

Sources: , naturalsleep.ie , huffpost.com , Zozhnik, Wikipedia, educational materials FPA.

Translation for Zozhnik: Maxim Kuderov