A brisk step into the morning. Happy morning! Eight steps to a cheerful morning

  • 02.07.2020

How to force yourself to wake up early in the morning, when it is still dark outside, the last episodes of a dream about the gentle sea and yellow sand are rushing through your head, and the alarm clock is already calling you to leave such a warm and cozy bed and get ready for work?

Without really opening your eyes, you go to the kitchen to somehow cheer yourself up with a cup of coffee. Still resisting sleep, wake up your husband and children, rush around the house in a panic with thoughts “What should they wear?”, And then “What should I wear myself?”. The working day is chaotic, you get involved in the process for a long time, the fruits of which at the end of the day are still disappointing. After work, it’s like a whirlpool with your head: grocery shopping, dinner, children’s homework, cleaning. As a relaxation, you sit down in front of the computer, disappearing into social networks until midnight. And in the morning you can't wake up again.

In the winter-spring period, the symptoms of impotence and chronic fatigue are especially aggravated. The body needs more time to recover due to constant lack of sleep and seasonal lack of vitamins. As soon as you wake up in the morning, you already feel overwhelmed. There is no strength, no time, no desire left to maintain one's own youth and beauty. It's time to wake up from hibernation and add energy to life. We have come up with five steps for you to help you make every morning the key to a successful day.

Step number one

An effective day starts on the evening of the previous day. Mentally or on a piece of paper, create a plan for your morning actions and tasks for the day. Prepare clothes for yourself, so as not to spend the morning in an empty bustle. Children who love to imitate adults so much will follow your example. This will teach them discipline and order. Try to go to bed and get up at the same time. Your body will gladly respond to the regimen, the work of the immune and hormonal systems, which are most actively involved in maintaining youth, will improve. A couple of hours before bedtime, exclude factors that have an exciting effect on nervous system: movies, computer, noisy games with children and even books. Skip the late dinner, air out the bedroom before you go to bed, listen to soothing music - all this will help you get the best quality sleep.

Step number two

So, you hardly tear your head from the pillow at 7 in the morning, experiencing an inexorable desire to sleep for at least 10 more minutes. How about waking up at 5 am? You must have heard of the science of Ayurveda. Ancient Indian scientists knew everything about the laws of nature and shared their knowledge with us. Their books say that there are currents of active (male) and passive (female) energies that change each other every four hours. The beginning of the next women's stream falls just at 6 in the morning, which is why our day does not work out as soon as it starts. A Russian proverb echoes Ayurveda: “He who gets up early, God gives him.” Having shifted the time of rise, we will harmoniously join the day. IN morning hours, filled with freshness and special productive energy, you can finally afford to take care of yourself. This time is great for exercising, facial gymnastics, for a little cleaning of the apartment, of course, without a vacuum cleaner, and some even manage to cook dinner! The most important thing is that in the morning it all happens much easier and faster. You will also have to go to bed early, which, however, is only for the best for women. It has long been known that every hour of sleep before midnight counts as two. Your body and your skin will thank you. And my husband appreciates it.

Step number three

Come up with some kind of action, a kind of ritual that will mark the beginning of a new day. For me, such a ritual is watching the awakening nature on the balcony or from the window. The rising sun, the singing of birds fill with admiration and harmonize with the world. At this moment, try to pray and give thanks for everything you have: a family, a new day, new opportunity begin with clean slate. The body, like the soul, needs morning cleansing. A glass of water with lemon and honey, according to doctors and the experience of Hollywood beauties, will perfectly cope with this task.

Step number four

In the list of morning procedures, be sure to add a contrast shower, a beautiful hairstyle and makeup for a great mood and self-esteem. Then you will not have to repeat to yourself in front of the mirror, like the heroine of the film, that you are “the most charming and attractive”, and not believe it. Lymphatic drainage massage and exercises for facial muscles in just 15 minutes will strengthen the meaning of affirmations and prolong your youth. Nasolabial folds and bags under the eyes will go away, the skin will again acquire an even, healthy tone. This effect will not give any masking agent.

step number five

Spend the morning hours or minutes, as you can, with your loved ones. Minutes of family unity and care during a joint breakfast will give you a feeling of security for the whole day. Stress and negativity bounce off a person who loves and is loved by themselves. Psychological surveys married women from 25 to 50 years confirm this fact. Most of them were of the opinion that the secret good morning and a successful day lies in the smile of their loved ones, husband and children, the realization that they are there. And also those husbands whose wives kiss them before going out are more successful in life and earn 25% more than "not kissed".

Walk through life joyfully, starting your day with our tips, and be effective, cheerful and young!

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1. Take care of comfort

Do you want to wake up with a wonderful mood? Create an atmosphere of harmony in your home. It is very important that you feel comfortable waking up in your room. Let, opening your eyes, first of all, you will see beautiful and funny little things that are close to your heart, which will give you a pleasant mood. Choose curtains of your favorite color, add stylish accessories - in a word, place an accent to please the eye.

By the way, exactly bedroom Feng Shui specialists pay great attention. Here you restore your energy balance, filling the body with vital energy.

So: your bed should adjoin the wall, but only if this wall does not border the toilet, otherwise the result will be just the opposite.

Feng Shui categorically does not recommend placing the bed opposite the door, as well as the headboard to the window: this place can hardly be called a comfort zone, because it will be more difficult for you to relax here and, accordingly, it is unlikely that you will be able to have a good rest during sleep. The thing is that this zone is exposed to direct energy flows, which interferes with full relaxation.

And yet there is a way out. If in the near future the rearrangement of furniture is not included in your plans - hang the crystal on a long string near the window or put it on the windowsill. It will pass energy flows through itself and, accordingly, dissipate them. By the way, keep in mind that the abstract design, according to ancient teachings, is not suitable for the bedroom, as it refers to Yang - the opposite element. The taboo extends to water paintings, decorative fountains, and even an aquarium. Let the bedroom become for you an oasis of calm harmony. And you will wake up in it with joy!

2. Wake up and shine

To wake up with a smile, set your favorite alarm melody - the one with which you would like to start your day. And change it often! You don't want to start every morning with "the same song" do you? Variety is the spice of life, right?! Let the melody set the tone for your morning and charge you with a great mood!

When asked about how she manages to look so cheerful and well rested in the morning, one of my friends admitted that she loves to wake up to incendiary Latin tracks. And even if she has an important meeting ahead of her, and there is not enough time for a good sleep, her favorite melodies charge her with energy, like the Mediterranean sun. After such music, you definitely won’t want to sleep! But on weekends, she prefers the calm sounds of nature, which set her in a harmonious way.

3. Start your morning with a smile

Our consciousness is interesting thing! Sometimes you can scroll through such images in your head that not only get up, but you don’t want to do anything at all. By the way, what do you usually think about when the "long-awaited" morning rise comes? Let's try to guess: "Get up again ... crawl out from under a warm cozy blanket ... then again haste, fuss, traffic jams"?

Replace the hackneyed picture with something bright and very pretty! Remember that a beautiful morning is the beginning have a nice day. For example, this technique helps me: I imagine how, falling, scarlet rose petals fill the room. It's nice to imagine how, getting out of bed, it would be wonderful to walk on the most delicate carpet of petals, catching them with your hands?! Come up with your own joyful meditation or just remember what you are grateful for: for your successes, for love and friendship, or the sun that shines through your window. You are smart, and everything will be fine with you!

4. Create an incentive

Today you can make your day special and unforgettable. Admit it, what would you like to do the most: go to Latino in the evening, meet your girlfriends in a cozy cafe or do yoga? Or maybe today you decide on a happy change: go on a date or send your resume to get your dream job?

Think about what brings you joy and pleasure. This will certainly energize with half a turn. Think about the words of the famous psychologist and writer Louise Hay“Everyone, including me, bears full responsibility for all events in their lives, both the best and the worst. Every thought we have literally creates our future.”
Indeed, success breeds success. Get yourself in a positive mood. Life is beautiful, and you are the mistress of your life. It is today that boldly implement dreams into your life!

5. Awaken the tone of the body

Wake up with love! With love for yourself, for a new day and your new wonderful life, because a new day is a new you. In no case should you abruptly get out of bed. It is better to soak up a couple of minutes, stretch sweetly. Let every cell of your body be filled with oxygen and the energy of a new day. These simple tricks can really charge you with vigor, and what could be better than getting up “on the wrong foot”?

By the way, numerous studies prove that breathing largely affects both our well-being and the state in general. Deep inhalation, for example, is aimed at stimulating vigorous activity, while exhalation is aimed at relaxation. Haven't woken up yet? Try focusing solely on your breaths for a few minutes. Breathe with pleasure. Feel how nice it really is.

Actively massage your earlobes. Even in ancient times, healers knew perfectly well that the auricle is a concentration, the impact on which not only mobilizes work internal organs but even helps to heal from various diseases. Massage the upper edge of the ear. This morning procedure will be especially useful for those who have sore or swollen legs in the evening. To finally wake up from sleep, lightly knead your ear with your fingertips.

6. Take care of your health

According to Ayurveda, it is useful to start your day with a healing drink. It is prepared very simply, and you need to drink it in small sips an hour - half an hour before meals. Add to warm water a spoonful of honey and lemon juice - your drink is ready. With regular use, it has a beneficial effect on the tone of the body.

If time is running out or you prefer only tea in the morning, give preference to green. Be sure to put a slice of lemon in it, and then it will cheer you up like coffee. Vitamin C will drive away fatigue, which will positively affect your mood. And, of course, don't forget the honey! Try eating a spoonful every morning. Everyone has heard about its benefits for a long time, so why not develop the habit of contributing to your health every day? Moreover, it perfectly strengthens the nervous system.

7. Energize

To be in good shape, put your feelings and thoughts in order. Your own mini-ritual, which is a joy, can help you with this. For some, this is the process of preparing morning coffee, over a cup of which it is so pleasant to relax for a moment and consider the prospects. Someone loves to start their day with a morning jog in the park. After airing the room, for example, I really like to light an aroma lamp with an invigorating citrus aroma or spray it with an aroma spray. The rooms are filled with an amazing smell - you feel like a real sorceress, and you immediately want to create!

8. Get in shape

No more “next Mondays” and no more “new year”. You live here and now, right? Then act now. Right now you are laying a brick in the foundation of the future of your beauty. Do you remember positive attitudes? And about the fact that you are beautiful, and you need to take care of yourself? Now clearly imagine yourself just incredibly sexy.

Something not entirely satisfactory appearance? Then clearly imagine the forms that you would like to correct, even more seductive. Imagine and squat, imagine and strain the muscles of the abdomen, buttocks. The process is addictive - you won't even have time to blink or wink. A couple of minutes is enough to get in shape and feel ready to start.

And one little tip:

Every time before you leave the house, be sure to smile at your reflection in the mirror and say something warm, for example, just one magic phrase: "I am confident and happy! Today is my day!". As psychologists have long noticed, the respect and love of others is the result of self-respect and self-love. Appreciate yourself, fill your life and the lives of loved ones with comfort. Then positive changes will not keep you waiting.

Have a good and beautiful start to your day!

Our expert: Ekaterina Demidova, master trainer of the direction of group programs of the federal network of fitness clubs X-Fit.

Exercise 1

Starting position of the feet together, arms apart parallel to the floor.

With a jump, we change position - the feet are wider than shoulders and parallel to each other, palms together.

We perform the exercise at a comfortable pace for a minute, control breathing. The main task is to warm up slightly and gradually increase the pulse.

Exercise 2

We take a step-lunge back, while raising our hands up. Angle at the knees 90 degrees, the supporting knee is clearly above the heel. We hold the stomach tense, we reach for the top of the head clearly up. Let's take a short break.

From the lunge position, with a sharp movement, raise the thigh so that the knee touches the palms. Creating a slight pressure with the palms on the thigh, we linger in this position for a few seconds. We keep the balance.

This exercise actively works the muscles of the legs and abdomen. Repeat 12-15 times on each leg.

Exercise 3

Starting position - feet hip-width apart, arms straight in front of you, palms lightly press each other.

We squat, at the same time taking the palms to the right thigh. Slightly rotate the thoracic region, keeping the position of the pelvis and hips unchanged. Hold the static position for a couple of seconds.

We go up. Hands are directed clearly up, palms continue to put pressure on each other. We feel a pleasant tension in the abdominal muscles.

By adding rotation, we improve the mobility of the thoracic spine and include more muscle groups in the work. Repeat 12-15 times on each leg.

Exercise 4

Starting position - feet at the width of the pelvis, one leg is supporting, the second is on the toe. The abdominal muscles are in good shape, the back is even.

We tilt the body with a simultaneous step back and spread our arms to the sides. From heel to crown - one straight line. The shoulder blades are brought to the center of the back. We keep the weight of the body on the supporting leg.

We return to a vertical position, pulling the knee of the free leg towards us with both hands. We keep balance.

Repeat 12-15 times on each leg. In this exercise, you will feel the work of the buttocks and back muscles well.

Exercise 5

Starting position - bar on straight arms. The palms are clearly under the shoulders, the feet are at the width of the pelvis. Buttocks and stomach in good shape. Maintaining the natural curves of the spine.

We perform a wide step forward, and put the foot in line with the hands. We shift the weight of the body to the front leg, with the back heel we stretch back. We strain the abdominal muscles.

Gently raise our hands and stretch them forward. Keep your back straight. We linger in this position for 2-3 seconds, then slowly lower our hands and step by step we change legs.

Repeat 10-12 times, alternating legs. By doing this exercise, you will feel how the whole body works, and it will be a great end to a workout to start a great day.