How quiet is the apartment. When you can make noise in the apartment and carry out repairs according to the law

  • 19.10.2019

As far as how much noise can be in an apartment, as a rule, respectable citizens are concerned, who turned out to be either the perpetrators of unplanned noise or victims of noise from neighboring apartments. How much noise you can make in an apartment, what laws establish night time, what punishment is provided for noise at odd hours, you will learn from this article.

Residence Rules (hostels) in an apartment building

For many years our country has been striving to increase the birth rate. In this regard, so that the notorious housing issue does not prevent citizens from having children, housing is being actively built. More and more citizens live in apartment buildings, which means that they are forced to reckon with the opinions, wishes and moods of other people - neighbors.

From a domestic point of view, the rules of living (hostel) in an apartment building should boil down to one thing - remember that you do not live alone and not in an open field, but are surrounded on all sides by people who also have the right to rest in their apartment.

Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation of 21.01.2006 No. 25 approved the Rules for the use of residential premises. From them one can deduce key points. Residents apartment buildings are obliged:

  • use your property for its intended purpose;
  • maintain in good condition not only your apartment, but also common house property;
  • pay for the maintenance of their apartment, as well as participate in the payment for repairs and other maintenance of the common property of the house in proportion to the share in the property that belongs to the tenant;
  • use housing, taking into account the rights and legitimate interests of neighbors, fire safety standards, and other legal requirements.

Maintaining silence in apartment buildings. Federal law on silence in an apartment building

There is Law No. 52-FZ “On the sanitary and epidemiological welfare of the population”, one of the sections of which directly refers to the permissible noise level during the day and night. At the same time, in most regions of our country, regional laws on silence have been adopted, which establish how much and how much noise can be made in an apartment. Since these regulations are local, they differ in name, are somewhat different in content, but are practically the same in essence: they all establish time intervals when the so-called silence law comes into force.

Silence law in Moscow and St. Petersburg

So, in accordance with the law of the city of Moscow "On maintaining the peace of citizens and silence at night in the city of Moscow" dated 12.07.2002 No. 42, night time for the city of Moscow is the period from 23:00 to 07:00.

Similar time limits have been defined in the northern capital: in St. Petersburg, the law on silence is also in effect from 23:00 to 07:00.

But in accordance with the law of the Voronezh region "On ensuring peace and quiet of citizens at night in the territory of the Voronezh region" dated October 27, 2014 No. 124-OZ, the period from 22 to 7 hours is considered night time. That is, in Moscow, you can, for example, sing in an apartment until 11 p.m., and in Voronezh you will need to be silent already at 10 p.m.

Moreover, in Moscow and St. Petersburg there is also a separate law on silence on weekends, allowing noise from 9 and 12 o'clock, respectively, until 19 o'clock. During the same hours, the use of equipment and tools that cause an excess of the normatively permissible level of noise and vibration is prohibited.

You can find out about the existence of such a law in your region, as well as about the period of night time, on the website of the city or region administration or by calling the administration.

Activities that disturb the peace of citizens include:

  • the use of various sound-reproducing devices, including televisions, players, vacuum cleaners, alarms, etc.;
  • game on musical instruments;
  • noise-producing repairs;
  • the use of pyrotechnics;
  • failure to take measures to stop the barking of dogs, other loud sounds of animals;
  • other noisy and loud activity.

As a punishment for violating the peace and tranquility of citizens, administrative responsibility is provided in the form of a warning and a fine.

What to do if the neighbors are noisy?

If the neighbors are noisy (especially when this is not an isolated case, but a regularly repeated action), of course, you should not suffer. Try to start by just talking.

If talking doesn't help, it's time to complain to the police. You can call the outfit directly, so to speak, to the noise, or you can collect evidence of regular brawls and write a statement to the district police officer.

The most serious option is the court. It is better to go to court collectively, having gathered together with those neighbors who are also disturbed by the noise from any apartment. In some circumstances, the most serious consequence of noise in an apartment can be eviction from that apartment.

Living in an apartment building requires respect for the interests of neighbors. In particular, it is forbidden to break the silence at certain hours. Since when is it allowed to make noise in a residential area in 2019 in Russia?

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Everyone can do whatever they want in their home, as long as it's not against the law. However, in an apartment building, the interests of other residents must be taken into account.

You need to understand that some actions cause inconvenience to neighbors due to excessive noise. This does not mean that you can not listen to music or carry out repairs.

You need to choose the right time. How much noise is allowed in an apartment in 2019 in Russia?

Basic moments

In Russia, there is no single law that would determine the time when it is forbidden to break the silence. According to federal regulations, the average indicators of "hours of silence" are determined.

The exact time when it is allowed to make noise is determined by local legislative acts of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation.

Accordingly, if it is required to perform some loud actions or the neighbors are noisy, it is necessary to clarify what is said about this in the regional law.

But, despite the fact that there are no uniform standards, regional laws are quite similar. The following standards converge:

Some regions specify the hours when particularly high-profile activities can be carried out.

As a rule, this period coincides with standard working hours - from 9.00 to 19.00, at which time most citizens are at work.

In addition, “quiet time” during the day may be established by law, which is provided for families with small children.

Required terms

Considering the question of when it is possible to make noise in the morning, it is worthwhile to figure out what exactly is considered loud noise. Most often, apartments in apartment buildings do not have good sound insulation.

Neighbors can hear how a person walks in a neighboring apartment, coughs, opens doors. It is clear that such noise cannot be a violation.

Noise prohibited at night is any sound above 30 dB. So a violation of silence will be considered:

  • loud music;
  • TV too loud
  • dog's bark;
  • family quarrel;
  • repair work;
  • moving furniture;
  • noisy children's games, etc.

Of course, such sounds are part of everyday life, but when carrying out loud actions at the wrong time, it is quite possible to be attracted to.

What is the limitation for?

Legislative restrictions have a completely reasonable explanation, and besides ensuring a comfortable coexistence of people in society.

The main reason is that noise levels can be dangerous and safe.

To determine the level of noise that can harm human health, special measuring instruments are used. Measurement indicators are expressed in decibels.

The impact of noise levels on human health differs according to legal and medical regulations. So from the point of view of medicine, a person can painlessly endure noise of 50 dB.

But maybe does not mean should, and legislators focus more on what kind of noise can be tolerated comfortably and not to the detriment of coexistence in society.

According to the law, a noise level of 40 dB is considered acceptable. daytime. At night, this value decreases.

Permissible night noise in terms of volume should not be more than 30 dB. It is clear that it is impossible to constantly comply with safe noise levels.

People have holidays, children can be too noisy when playing, or the new owner has become an occasion for urgent repairs.

Given such nuances, legislators set the time when all noisy actions can be performed and the hours when silence must be observed.

Current regulations

According to this law, the following noise level is allowed:

From 7.00 to 23.00 Up to 40 dB
From 23.00 to 7.00 Up to 30 dB

If the requirements for silence are not observed, citizens have the right to defend their rights by contacting law enforcement, Rospotrebnadzor, the court and other supervisory authorities.

It should be noted that the federal law establishes only general frameworks. The laws of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation may somewhat change the general standards, shifting the “hours of silence” by an hour or two up or down.

From what time to how many hours can you make noise in an apartment according to the law

The time period when it is allowed to break the silence in the morning and often when it is forbidden to make noise at night is set by the authorities of the region.

The powers of the regional authorities include such moments as the establishment of:

  • night time period;
  • rest mode;
  • the procedure and time for the implementation of repair work;
  • definitions of the terms "peace" and "silence".

That is, the period of silence is determined individually for each individual region. For example, it is forbidden to make noise:

From 21.00 to 8.00 In Moscow and the Moscow region
From 23.00 to 7.00 In St. Petersburg
From 22.00 to 8.00 In Ekaterinburg
From 22.00 to 8.00 In Nizhniy Novgorod
At 20.00 to 8.00 In Novosibirsk
From 22.00 to 7.00 In Krasnoyarsk
From 22.00 to 6.00 In Chelyabinsk
From 23.00 to 6.00 In Tatarstan
From 22.00 to 7.00 In Volgograd
From 20.00 to 8.00 To Kemerovo
From 21.00 to 9.00 In Saratov
From 23.00 to 8.00 In the Sverdlovsk region
From 23.00 to 8.00 In the Samara region
From 22.00 to 7.00 In Arkhangelsk
From 21.00 to 8.00 In Kirov
From 22.00 to 8.00 In Omsk
From 22.00 to 7.00 In Perm
From 23.00 to 7.00 in Tver
From 23.00 to 7 00 In Bashkiria

That is, the hours of silence can vary significantly. If in Chelyabinsk it is possible to break the silence from 6 o'clock in the morning, then in Saratov noise until 9 o'clock in the morning will be considered a violation of the law.

Silence hours can be specified by contacting the local administration. Just call your local authority to find out exactly when noise is allowed.

But in addition, it should be taken into account that the period of silence can increase on weekends. Sometimes the standards may differ depending on the summer or winter period.

On weekends

How much noise can you make on a Sunday? The law does not in vain provide for days off. This is the time when citizens take a break from the working week.

But at the same time, these are days when you need to solve some everyday issues, for example, finally nail a shelf or make a rearrangement.

And someone decides to actively relax on their free day and already in the morning turns on loud music or starts watching interesting movies at high volume.

It is clear that not all neighbors will like the noise. For some, a day off is just a chance to sleep a little longer than usual. As a rule, on weekends, the time from which you can make noise shifts somewhat.

This is usually an extra hour or two to normal meaning. On average, noise on weekends is allowed no earlier than 10 am.

How much noise can you make on a Saturday? For some people, this is a normal work day. According to the law, Saturday and Sunday are considered days off, so the time frame for the quiet period for these days is similar.

Separately, it is worth touching on the repair. On weekends, any repair work above the permissible decibels is strictly prohibited, even during the normally permitted daytime hours.

For example, you can’t use a puncher on a day off or demolish a partition during redevelopment.

Official holidays are also equated to weekends, during which citizens are exempted from labor activity. It doesn't matter if the holiday falls on a weekend or a weekday.

On weekdays

In ordinary weekdays It is allowed to make noise no earlier than from 7 am to 11 pm. These are averages, exact figures vary by region.

However, when the law refers to permission to “make some noise”, it is precisely the permissible noise level that is meant. That is, the sound should not exceed 40 dB.

How can you determine at home without measurements whether the noise regime is being violated? For comparison, several sounds and their value in decibels:

hair dryer 80 dB
Perforator 140 dB
Medium volume conversation 60 dB

It turns out that in order to comply with the law, you can talk a little louder than usual. But almost every person in the apartment has household appliances that make quite loud sounds.

For example, a vacuum cleaner or washing machine old type. Of course, you can use devices, although they are sometimes noisy and louder than 40 dB.

The main thing is that the noise should not be long, but within reasonable limits. It is also important to take into account the "quiet time" in the middle of a weekday, established in the region (approximately from 13.00 to 14.00). During this time, no loud noise is allowed.

But what about the repair work? It turns out that almost any action during the repair exceeds the permissible noise value.

The legislature provided for this moment specifically and established the procedure for the implementation of repairs in residential premises. How to remain a law-abiding citizen?

Making legal repairs

Repair time should be planned in advance, taking into account existing standards. Quiet hours must be observed self-fulfillment jobs and hiring professionals.

According to federal regulations, it is allowed to carry out repairs from 9 a.m. in the morning.

All repairs must be completed before 7 pm, that is, before the time when the bulk of the residents return home after work.

Some regions of the Russian Federation allow more late deadline completion of the repair process, until 22.00 hours. But this is more the exception than the rule.

Video: from what time you can not make noise in the apartments

Repairs can be carried out exclusively on weekdays, completely suspending execution on weekends and holidays. But on ordinary days, construction activities are allowed no more than 6 hours a day.

As for the removal of construction waste, such actions are allowed from 8.00 to 22.00. Of course, if this is not due to excessive noise.

Punishment for violations

Exceeding the permissible noise level, both at night and during the day, threatens to bring to administrative responsibility, expressed by the imposition of a fine.

The exact amounts of penalties are set at the regional level. But the average penalty is:

But to bring to justice, not only grounds are needed, but also evidence. As such, acts of measuring noise, testimonies, protocols of law enforcement agencies can act.

If the neighbors are too noisy at night, then it is necessary to call the district police officer or employees of the territorial police department.

For the first time, the violator will be given a warning. Fixing the violation. But a repeated violation is a reason for punishment.

In case of noise during the day, you can contact the Rospotrebnadzor authorities. Employees will arrive with special equipment, measure the noise level and draw up the relevant documents.

Scientists conducted a study of the psyche of people. According to them, living in major cities, exposes their inhabitants to colossal nervous and mental stress. Because of this, the law on peace and quiet of citizens of the Russian Federation acquires all greater value for residents of such megacities as Moscow, St. Petersburg, etc.

This regulatory act provides answers to such questions: what is the time of silence and peace of citizens at night, how much and how much noise can be made in an apartment according to the law of the Russian Federation, what to do if neighbors from above are constantly making noise, what is fraught with a violation of the peace and quiet of citizens at night and etc.

Law on peace and quiet of citizens of the Russian Federation

The action of the provisions of this legislative norm was launched in 2002, and all subsequent changes made to it were aimed at ensuring the peace of citizens and became more and more stringent. In general, the law contributes to the protection of people's peace. The specified regulatory legal act establishes the period of night time during which silence must be observed: from 11 p.m. to 7 a.m..

During this time period it is forbidden to make noise not only in the adjoining territories, summer playgrounds in houses, but also in:

  • in medical institutions;
  • In hotels and sanatoriums;
  • In boarding schools and nursing homes;
  • In children's institutions, etc.

This means that in the aforementioned places, according to legal requirements, also prohibited:

  • Turn on TVs, musical equipment, etc. at high volume. In this case, it is considered a violation not only to turn on high volume sound sources in non-residential premises, apartments on the streets, but also in premises where trade is carried out (shop, trade pavilion, shopping mall, etc.).
  • Shout, sing loudly, play various musical instruments.
  • Turn on alarms that act by sound notification.
  • Blow up fireworks and other pyrotechnics.
  • Perform various repairs, as well as loading and unloading.

The legislator established that the above actions will be counted as an offense if they significantly disturb the peace of people. This clause is intended to prevent abuse of the law.

It is aimed at determining the circumstances and time when it is possible to make noise in the apartment, and also contributes to the possibility of observing the rights and interests of those people who have unforeseen force majeure situations (flooding, urgent evacuation, security vehicle and housing under alarm, urgent repairs in the event of emergency etc.).

This means that in this case, the offense is intentional, unlawful actions that entail a violation of the peace of citizens.

In order to ensure the operation of the law, types of violations of silence have been established, as well as the conditions under which the actions of people, employees of the organization, and other persons are lawful. Based on the provisions of the law, it is not considered an offense:

  • Actions aimed at eliminating the emergency, as well as its consequences;
  • Actions caused by the need to carry out urgent work aimed at ensuring the public safety of citizens;
  • Carrying out religious rites, customs, etc.

It must be remembered that the noise level that is allowed:

  • at night in housing, should not exceed 30 dB;
  • during the day the noise should not exceed 40 dB.

If we focus on the level of noise understandable to everyone, then 30 decibels approximately corresponds to the sound level during a normal conversation.

Noise level from different sources (for comparison):

  • 30 dBA - human whisper, wall clock ticking;
  • 40 - 45 dBA - calm conversation;
  • 55 dBA - the sound of a car;
  • 75 dBA - the sound of a vacuum cleaner;
  • 78 dBA - crying baby;
  • 90 dBA - the cry of an adult;
  • 95 dBA - perforator operation;
  • 120 dBA - the level of work of the jackhammer.

The law on silence in Moscow, the Moscow region has been changed since January 1, 2016

The norms of the law, aimed at ensuring the peace and normal course of life of citizens, put into effect a provision that prohibits repair work from 19:00 to 9:00 am. The ban also applies to the implementation of repair work. from 13:00 to 15:00 every day, as well as around the clock on Sunday and non-working hours established in accordance with federal law holidays.

These changes do not apply to detached houses. Their action is aimed at regulating relations for residents of apartment buildings.

The requirements specified in the law should not violate the rights of a person who has acquired new housing and is trying to re-plan it and make repairs in it in order to speed up the ability to use the housing for its intended purpose.

Therefore, for new apartment buildings, a grace period is set - 6 months from the date of commissioning apartment building into operation. During this period, the above protected time periods will not operate.

According to legislators, the amendments to the law on silence in Moscow are the most rational and balanced approach to ensuring the rights of citizens, while setting the time when you can make noise in the apartment. Thus, the interests of socially unprotected categories of citizens, the elderly, the disabled and infants will be observed.

Updated: On December 01, 2016, the deputies of the Moscow Regional Duma adopted in the final reading the draft law “On Amending the Law “On Ensuring Peace and Quiet for Citizens on the Territory of the Moscow Region”, according to which it is forbidden to make noise in the apartment buildings of the region until 9 am and after 19 pm.

Responsibility for violating the law on silence

For illegal actions that violate the provisions of the law "On ensuring the peace and quiet of citizens on the territory of the Moscow Region", liability is provided for, which is established by the rules of Article 3.13 of the Code of Administrative Offenses of Moscow. The rules of this legal norm provide for the application of sanctions, which are a warning or a fine:

  • if the peace of citizens is disturbed at night (from 23 to 7 hours);
  • if repairs are carried out at non-permitted times of the day.

The amount of the fine that can be imposed for a violation, defined:

  • For individuals: from 1,000 to 3,000 rubles.
  • For officials - from 4,000 to 8,000 rubles.
  • For legal persons - from 40,000 to 80,000 rubles.

In addition to the circumstances specified in the law, excluding the application of penalties for breaking silence at an unspecified time, the legislation determines the possibility of holding entertainment events in Moscow, which are organized by local authorities, if entertainment and festive events in Moscow are held by decision of the local administration and cover night time, then penalties in this case are not applied to the organizers.

The operation of the law on silence in other regions of the Russian Federation

The legislation on silence, by analogy with this legal norm, is also valid in other cities and regions of Russia. As in Moscow, the provision of silence laws in each region prohibits making noise, singing loudly, playing music, performing repairs and construction works during the night time and during the daytime, if such rules are established by the Regulatory Act.

Almost everywhere, it is customary to consider the time from 11 p.m. to 7 a.m. as night time. But, for example, in the city of Kazan, the time from 11:00 pm to 6:00 am is considered night time, in Yekaterinburg from 10 pm to 8 am, etc. The law on the peace and quiet of citizens in St. Petersburg prohibits making noise on weekends until 12 :00 pm. In case of violation established rule to the physical persons may be subject to a fine of 5,000 rubles. And if such rights are violated by the organization, the fine can be up to one million.

Usually, in the rules that establish the legislation on silence, the periods of time and penalties for violations are almost the same in all regions of Russia. However, there are also interesting points that I would like to draw attention to. For example, the rules of the specified legislation in the Arkhangelsk region prohibit pets howling, barking, and making other loud sounds. Penalties may be applied to their owners for violating these rules. In Stavropol, you cannot dance at night if this leads to a violation of the permissible noise level.

Procedure for violating the rules of the law on silence

Who is too lazy to read useful and interesting article, then here is the general answer - from 9.00 to 19.00 on weekdays, you can make noise. The reconstruction of the apartment associated with vibrations and noise is completely forbidden to do on holidays and weekends (this is an administrative office). If you want to get detailed and truly valuable information, then read the written treatise below.

Did the neighbors set up an underground stone processing workshop? Move furniture every night? A child living on top constantly drops a steel ball and jumps on the floor in wooden sneakers? Music, dancing and other noise from angry neighbors keeps you awake?

Help comes

In Belarus Code of Administrative Offenses of the Republic of Belarus “Article 21.16. Violation of the rules for the use of residential premises.

In Russia, the Code of Administrative Offenses of the Russian Federation of December 30, 2001 N 195-FZ (as amended on November 28, 2018) “Article 7.21. Violation of the rules for the use of residential premises.

Who is going to make repairs, or lives in panel house and is experiencing difficulties with neighbors who have constant repairs, it is useful to know which walls in your house cannot be demolished, for your own safety, weighty arguments in a dispute. Read about it in the article "Illegal repairs".

How long can you make noise, make repairs on weekdays and weekends in the apartment?

1. The law states that work involving noise and vibrations(re-planning of apartments) is allowed to be carried out in a residential building, from 9.00 to 19.00(working days of the week). On holidays, weekends, from 0.00 to 24.00, categorically work on the reconstruction of the apartment is prohibited (i.e. 24 hours a day), these are days of silence (although more recently, repairs were allowed to be done on weekends, the main thing is to stop it at 19.00 and endure until 9.00).

2. Music, dancing, singing, slamming the refrigerator door and other sounds, stop at 23.00 and endure until 7.00, at the indicated time intervals, a curfew is set, it is impossible to make noise in the apartment. You can walk on tiptoe, watch TV quietly, or sleep from 11 p.m. to 7 a.m.

With 23.00 before 7.00 , noise level should not exceed 40 decibels is the sound of work system block a computer that is louder is automatically illegal.

If the neighbors make noise within the law (snoring, creaking, coughing), then only good relations will lead to silence in the disturbing apartment. Valiant militia, extremely negatively perceives calls on similar actions. Even a call for a full-fledged administrative offense (redevelopment of an apartment on the weekend) can bring a lot of unpleasant impressions to the caller, so stock up on extracts from the administrative code.

Neighbor creates noise on weekends, what should I do?

Important news for those who live in Russia and interesting for the people of Belarus. In the Duma of the Russian Federation, the LDPR party, discussed a law prohibiting noise on weekends and holidays, until 11.00 a.m. days, as people these days want to sleep after heavy working days. This refers to all noise over 40 dB, and not just the one that creates a perforator. A serious fine was prepared for violators, they say that it will be equal to 10,000 rubles for ordinary people and 200,000 legal entities. Recall that, according to the law, noise was prohibited until 7.00 in the morning, and the fines were in the region of 3000.

Incidentally, another law was being considered in Russia, with the help of which, will imprison troublemakers for 15 days, read in the article the new law.

It is good not to make enemies and always try to negotiate with noisy neighbors, peaceful ways. An example is below.

How to solve everything quietly so that they don’t know who is outraged?

Of course, if you are awakened at one in the morning by the noise of a moving sofa, the barking of dogs, the mewing of a cat, music, the stomping of feet in tarpaulin boots with a hint of a repair mess, then you need to keep the number of the district police officer on a note, in extreme cases, remember that he is dealing with excessive noise and service 102. But this is just in case, when you try to pacify the violent neighbors on your own, you were sent very far. There are times when a tap broke, well, it happened at 3 a.m., what to do, endure screams and ringing wrenches? No, you need to partially enter into the situation of people, if possible, provide moral assistance and shut off the water supply, let them endure until the morning, this is not a reason to make noise.

How to calm the neighbors illustrative example.

What threatens for noise at night, or what punishment will follow for repairs at a prohibited time of day.

For noise at night, an administrative penalty threatens, a fine of 1 base unit, imprisonment, and in case of resistance and insulting officials, a blow with a rubber stick to the body area will follow. We need to prepare evidence, a recording of noise, testimony, because a cunning neighbor will pretend to be a prudent citizen and you will have to be responsible for a false call. For the first time, employees in uniform, or a district police officer, will arrive on a call, explain to bad neighbors in words, write papers that will be sent to the housing office. If the case repeats, then the troublemakers cannot avoid punishment, they will give a fine in the amount of 1 base, this is regarded as petty hooliganism. In general, if your neighbors have a lot of money, they are evil and love repairs, then you are out of luck. Buy a house outside the city.