The most profitable areas of business. What is the most profitable business: the Internet sphere

  • 23.09.2019

Most profitable business in Russia is in the area to which the soul of the entrepreneur lies. In other words, you need to do only what you love. However, this business must still be profitable and bring a certain income. Therefore, before determining the scope of activity where to organize a profitable business, you need to choose the most popular industries first of all.

Which business is considered profitable

In today's market, the most numerous are representatives of small and medium-sized businesses. After all, it is in them that any entity can begin to function quickly, independently and without significant investments.

The main criteria for the “profitability level” of a business are as follows:

  • The rate of return on investment in the business. In this case, we are talking about the operating cycle. For example, from the acquisition of goods to the receipt of money (in fact) from its sale, a minimum period of time should be spent.
  • Demand. A profitable business can only be carried out in an accessible target audience, potentially interested in certain services.
  • The cost of materials and raw materials. Both profit and profit depend on it.
  • Profitability. This indicator is closely related to the previous two. Thus, the profit will increase simultaneously with the volume of sales.
  • Capital productivity. This indicator characterizes the efficiency of investments and their proportionality with the profit received.

Starting a profitable business is easy

When organizing their own business, it is advisable for a novice entrepreneur to be interested in the political and economic situation in the country. This is the only way to determine the most profitable business in Russia today. It is necessary for oneself to designate the main indicators for each desired type of activity, to monitor the expected results for them.

As the simplest example, the article considers the trade in basic necessities. This activity can be classified as a profitable small business. The analysis of its effectiveness was carried out according to the five criteria given above.

  • The turnover rate is quite high. For example, a purchase was made in the store of bread and milk, which will be sold out within the next few days.
  • Demand for the same bread, matches and soap will always be, regardless of whether there is an economic boom or crisis or war.
  • Low cost of goods with a huge choice of suppliers, while the margin is set independently by the seller.
  • A direct relationship, expressed as follows: large leads to high profits.
  • High business efficiency due to good sales and demand inelasticity.

The following activities can be classified as a profitable business: beauty and entertainment industry, catering, wholesale, repair services, tourism and advertising business, installation with subsequent maintenance of equipment, Internet commerce, logistics, transport and educational services.

Making a decision on a specific area of ​​activity

It is necessary to take into account the fact that, given some instability and the transitional state of the economic environment, it is not enough to identify the most profitable business in Russia, based only on standard economic parameters. It is also necessary to remember about bureaucratic and political obstacles, high competition and peculiarities of the mentality in some areas, as well as the low development of certain types of activities. Therefore, every aspiring entrepreneur needs to decide what he is ready to face in order to achieve effective work. There is no need to abandon those niches that may at first glance seem unpromising and clogged, but using special tools to organize the most profitable business in Russia.

The main types of successful business

  • Advertising business. Many trade and understand that advertising is the engine of their activity. Despite the competition, there will always be demand. Advertising agencies make up a fairly large segment of the service delivery industry. At the same time, they continue to develop actively in the future. Therefore, advertising activities can be considered as a profitable business.
  • Trade. Today it is quite difficult to break into the market with goods of daily consumption. However, there is an alternative to it - online stores. This is a very profitable business in Moscow, gradually gaining momentum.

Opening a business in Moscow

The capital is a city of great opportunities, in which every citizen is trying to take his place. Businessmen are no exception. Consider the main activities that make up the category of "profitable business" in Moscow.

Providing small loans

In the first place is the implementation of activities in the field of small credit. Today, many offices have opened, in which small amounts of money are issued at high interest rates. Thanks to such a high percentage, businessmen receive income. This type of activity is profitable, despite insignificant investments in initial stage.

Grocery stores and food outlets

The sale of food products can be put in second place. In spite of a large number of such outlets in the capital, they are often located close to residential buildings and therefore are in high demand. At the initial stage, small financial resources are needed to pay for the rent of premises, the purchase of goods, the payment of salaries to employees and the costs associated with obtaining various trade permits.

Placing fast food tents can be considered as a profitable business when such tents are located, for example, on the forecourt. This is due to significant costs of renting or purchasing premises, which can be repaid due to the high turnover of the cost of services, due to the large number of arrivals (departures).

Sale of medicines, perfumes and personal care products

This type of business is in third place in terms of profit. The opening of at least one pharmacy in one of the central regions will give its organizer a significant income, which can be compared with the profit of several similar institutions, but in a residential area.

The profitability of the business of selling personal care products and perfumes is associated with the constant need for hygiene products for every person. The payback of this type of activity in Moscow is much higher than in other cities. positive moment are relatively small costs associated with the purchase of products and the payment of rental premises.

Public ground transport services

Payback this business guaranteed by the annual increase in fare rates. At the same time, the costs of paying taxes, paying salaries to employees, gasoline and servicing rolling stock often remain at the same level.

The medicine

And finally, last on the list advantageous species business is providing medical services. Among the advantages of this type of activity, the following can be distinguished: a small staff, a small rented premises and

Given the unstable economic situation, businesses that require not the largest investments and are able to quickly pay for themselves are becoming relevant. The top of successful projects, the income of which is several times higher than the initial investment and the peak of demand for which will occur in 2017, was prepared by Ekaterina Soyak, CEO EMTG company.

1. Fixed Price Stores

In a crisis, such a business is beneficial, first of all, for entrepreneurs - with a fixed price for a product in a purchase store, it usually costs no more than 10 rubles. Therefore, from one unit of goods, you can get at least 500% revenue. An excellent example in this direction is the domestic chain of stores of the same price Fix-Price. Now the company operates more than 2,000 retail outlets throughout Russia, of which about 250 are franchised and are actively entering neighboring markets. Over the past 5 years, the number of fixed price stores in our country has increased by 1000%.

The direction is actively developing in the domestic passenger transportation market and is in the greatest demand in Moscow, which accounts for up to 65% of all orders. These companies traditionally do not advertise reports, however, informed sources indicate that in the capital region the turnover of taxi aggregators is 20 billion rubles. per month, while in Western countries they are losing billions. Over the next two or three years in Russia, this business will remain promising, especially in the Russian regions, where such concepts do not yet occupy a leading position, but have a huge potential for development.

Also, a very relevant direction today is the business of delivering ready-made food to your home - food designers that allow you not only to eat a ready-made dish, but to cook it yourself from the provided ingredients. This is a global trend. According to some estimates, by 2020 the turnover of this market will grow to $10 billion a year. Again, while this service is gaining popularity in the capital, but over the next 2-3 years it will bring huge profits to those who start developing this business in Russian cities with a population of over a million.

4. Catering franchises

Today, this is the only segment in the catering industry that is demonstrating stable growth against the backdrop of an anemic state of the domestic economy. When located in points with a large concentration of potential customers, the payback of a business with a properly organized process can be as little as 3-4 months. In 2017, not only restaurants will benefit, but also casual coffee shops, cafes offering coffee to go, and, of course, sports bars. This is due, among other things, to the upcoming 2018 FIFA World Cup.

Opening a catering point under a franchise will bring income to the owner even after the end of the World Cup. Fast foods remain the most profitable, they are always in trend, since such enterprises do not require large investments, their products are available to the average consumer, who is now focused on an average check of 500 rubles. All this guarantees a stable profit to the owners.

5. Self-service car washes

Self-service car washes are becoming popular with car owners. About three dozen such car washes have already been opened in Moscow. Since 2014, this service has been in increasing demand, and equipment manufacturers for such points can make good money. For example, to open a touchless car wash, you need to invest 13-15 million rubles, while the investment will pay off on average in 1.5-2 years, and the profit will be more than 10 million per year. That is, the profitability of the business area is 70%, which is very good.

6. Hotel business and consumer services enterprises

On the eve of the World Cup-18 in the regions where it is held, economy-class hotels of 2-3 stars, small motels and various consumer services enterprises - dry cleaners, mini-ateliers and so on will be in demand. Also, against the backdrop of sporting events, fitness clubs, children's sections and other undertakings to maintain athletic form will be in demand there. The fastest and most convenient way to organize this business in 1.5 years is to open a franchise. The request for such objects is now observed in every Russian region without exception, including Moscow. Russia has set a course for the development of mass domestic tourism, so investments in hotels and dry cleaners will pay off quickly.

Over the past two years, they have received explosive development in Russian market entertainment. The idea itself came from Asia, but the Russians have already overtaken the founders and occupy a leading position in this area. Russian businessmen have been selling the franchises of their quests abroad for several years now, where they are incredibly popular. Now only in Moscow there are about 170 companies in the quest industry, offering about 500 scenarios. There are 60 firms and almost 200 outlets in St. Petersburg.

The turnover of Russian companies is estimated at 20 billion rubles. in year. Despite the apparent dominance of quests, this industry is very dynamic - only in Moscow dozens of new objects are opened every month, designed for an average of 2000-3000 visits. Investments in the opening of one room, depending on the exactingness of the public, can reach 50 million rubles, but the average price is 10 million rubles (in Moscow) and 2–3 million in the regions. In the next two or three years, this business as a whole in Russia and the CIS will only gain momentum.

Starting your own business means not only starting to work for yourself, but also taking the opportunity to discover personal entrepreneurial opportunities, take financial control, and control over the use of your own time. In this case, the most difficult is the period of business planning, since the success of the chosen path will depend on it. Not many entrepreneurs at the start of opening a business have a strong confidence in the choice. Most of the novice businessmen are at a loss trying to decide, studying different areas of activity.

It should be noted right away that the profitability of a business depends on the field of activity. And they, in turn, are divided into several main types:

  • sphere of production;
  • sphere of trade;
  • services sector.

Areas of business activity and risk levels for each area

If we consider business areas in terms of risk, then the production area is the most dangerous, as it requires large investments in the idea, the creation of a large enterprise, the establishment of the production of quality products, and its sale at prices acceptable to the buyer. In addition, there are cases when the produced goods, at first, do not receive due demand, which means that normal profit appears after a certain period of time. And the expectation of success for an entrepreneur is often very painful.

High risks of loss of profit arise in the production of perishable goods (food, cosmetics, flowers), when finished products, without having time to sell, become unusable.

In the manufacturing sector, a businessman must always be aware of all the trends in the market, follow the latest trends, customer preferences, study new types of raw materials and processing technologies, know and use profitable advertising techniques.

Giving preference to the production sector, a businessman must understand that the income from capital investment will become tangible only in a few years, and the profitability of the enterprise will become guaranteed after hard work and continued competition.

Without a doubt, it is much more profitable to give preference to the sphere of trade, and to take an intermediate link between the manufacturer and the buyer. There is no need to invest in technology and planning, and the product range can be made up of market-demanded elements. In the trade sector, the main expense item falls on the rent of retail premises and the wages of qualified personnel. Therefore, the main profit from the products is received by sellers, and not by its producers.

Today in Russia, the spheres of entrepreneurial activity in the field of services are in the most dynamic development. According to Western experts, the level of development of the country's economy depends on the share of GDP that came from the service sector. This area combines different areas of the market - it can be the Internet, cellular, a hairdresser on the corner of the house, or a shoe repair near the bus stop.

Only the service sector can generate a solid income with minimal investment. Whatever the service is, it is not a material product that needs to be stored, which can deteriorate or become obsolete. The advantage of a service is that it bides its time when someone needs it. And to satisfy the need, you need a place, tools and materials.

For the service sector to become a profitable business, the entrepreneur needs to make sure that his offer is at the right time and convenient time was in demand.

Profitable areas of business and analysis of their profitability

Today it is impossible to single out any specific business and say that it is the most profitable.

The profit of any enterprise depends on many factors:

  • business locations:
  • categories of the local population (village, city) and its financial capabilities;
  • national characteristics of the inhabitants;
  • density of competition in a given region;
  • accessibility to the raw material base;
  • the impact of policy and climate on the operation of the service.

Of course, the leading place in business areas is occupied by activities related to the Internet and its maintenance. The demand for these business projects is growing, and, accordingly, prices. And if you look into the future, then the prospects for Internet business are quite tempting, as there is a constant expansion of this area and an increase in its demand. An example of this is ordinary online stores, online dating, online casinos, web design companies and others.

Modern reality captures that profitable business areas rely on people's attachment to entertainment and are guided by a person's desire to get quick money. These include catering organizations, gaming clubs (casinos).

After the entertainment industry, the highest profitability rates are provided by the service sector for customers who are having fun on vacation. Since it is they who are able to spend large sums on obtaining various services and purchasing expensive goods. The service sector for vacationers can include seasonal rental of sports equipment (bicycles, boats, catamarans), the sale of food products and souvenirs, rental housing and transportation of tourists.

At the next level of profitability is the sphere of trade. Here, in order to obtain high profits, it is important to choose a profitable place for trading, that is, work on gathering a large number of people, and organize a catchy advertising sign. The option of a small basement in the yards, away from the bus stop, will cut the number of customers in half.

In last place in terms of profitability are the manufacturing sectors. However, even here it is possible to create an enterprise with a high and stable level of income.

To do this, you will need to fulfill at least one of several important conditions:

  • Offer your client something unique that he cannot refuse;
  • Find a production that will have minimal or no competition.

An example of a unique production: the production of hand-carved piece wooden furniture.

An example of filling an empty niche: to create an enterprise for the production of PVC windows and doors, the only one in this locality.

Whatever the direction of the enterprise, its creation should begin with the development of a business plan. How to correctly compose such an important document - this material will be able to tell:.

Thus, based on the stated conclusions and conditions, it is impossible to single out one business and say that it is the most cost-effective and profitable. This indicator is influenced by many internal and external factors, as well as the personal characteristics of the leader.

Sphere of financial business

The most expensive and profitable type of entrepreneurship is the financial business. Its essence is reduced to the operations of buying and selling financial resources moving at the state and international level.

Such operations are carried out by such financial institutions as:

  • government agencies;
  • Central bank;
  • investment structures;
  • commercial banks;
  • exchanges (stock and currency);
  • electronic computer network;
  • credit institutions;
  • financial institutions;
  • investment-oriented funds;
  • pension and insurance funds;
  • trading companies;
  • individuals and legal entities, the population.

The activity of the financial market is carried out on the basis of its two components:

  • Publishing of securities and production of banknotes;
  • Provision of financial services.

Today, the modern financial industry is in deep fusion with the centers of commerce and currency, thanks to Internet programming. The introduction of new banking programs and methods have made a breakthrough in this area. Money transfers, contracts and various banking activities began to be carried out in a matter of seconds.

Today, the gold reserve in the Central Bank of the Russian Federation constitutes the country's insurance fund and is a means of capital accumulation for the population. However, an increasing role in financial transactions began to fall on convertible currency and various means borrowing. The role of gold as world money has significantly decreased today, and there is a significant minus in this - a growing problem with international debts has arisen, the second wave of the international crisis is gaining momentum.

Financial experts, emphasizing the growing interest in financial business, emphasize that more than 1,000 banking structures have already been created in Russia, and more than 2,000 persons own securities.

Commercial banks

Commercial banks are in the forefront of the most popular financial institutions. To start such a structure, 180 million rubles will be required with confirmation of the source of their receipt.

To obtain a license to open a bank, a complex stage of its approval, collection of a package of documents, as well as information about the participants involved (bank director, firms, companies, shareholders) will be required.

What operations can a commercial bank carry out:

  • conclude trade agreements with foreign currency;
  • act as an intermediary in investment projects;
  • carry out non-cash transactions;
  • issue loans;
  • carry out an examination;
  • provide leasing and factoring services;
  • provide deposit services.

All banking activities are reduced to passive, active and commission transactions, regulated by special legislative acts of the Russian Federation. The financial sphere of activity is carried out according to clear regulations and is accountable to the Central Bank of the Russian Federation.

Stock exchange activities

To open a stock exchange, you will need to obtain a license, fulfill a number of conditions and collect a package of documents.
The essence of the stock exchange is the intermediary activity between persons selling and buying securities. Securities confirm the relationship that arose on a loan and developed between the person who bought the security and the person who issued it (the issuer).
The financial business ensures the legal circulation of securities. Securities, before being listed on the stock exchange, undergo a rigorous analysis in the listing system and only then get into the list of stock values.
The work of the stock exchange will be successful only if there is a clear accounting of supply and demand for the products offered. Exchange employees strictly monitor trading and control all actions of intermediary companies on the exchange. By adjusting the value of securities on the part of sellers and buyers, the administration of the exchange conducts transactions for the purchase and sale of securities.

Sphere of trade

The sphere of trade has led the profitable business areas for centuries. It is based on acts of sale aimed at the implementation of the exchange process.
Today, 20% of Russia's GDP is trade, so it is singled out as an independent direction of the economy.

Where to get money to start own business? This is the problem faced by 95% of new entrepreneurs! In the article, we have revealed the most relevant ways of obtaining start-up capital for an entrepreneur. We also recommend that you carefully study the results of our experiment in exchange earnings:

The main tasks solved by trading activities:

  • there is a sale of the produced goods at consumer value, which contributes to the production of a social product according to the needs of the buyer;
  • the supply of consumable goods to the consumer is carried out;
  • a balance is maintained between the product offered and the demand for it, that is, trade regulates the volume of reproduction and affects the assortment of goods;
  • helps to reduce the costs of consumers through the introduction of new technologies in the sales process, the use of information methods, etc.;
  • market analysis is carried out, the price of the goods is established, questions of the organization of after-sales services are raised, and the product is being developed.

The sphere of trade can be divided into two types:

  • Wholesale trade (involves the purchase of goods in large quantities for further processing, tailoring or resale).
  • Retail trade (provides for the delivery of goods to the final buyer and is the final act in the exchange process).

Considering the level of supply and demand in developed countries, it can be noted that in the United States there are 125 people per shopping store, in Japan the level of supply is higher by 70 people. In Russia for one store retail accounts for 420 people.

A similar situation is observed with the presence of retail space in relation to the number of buyers. Therefore, the current circumstances give entrepreneurs ample opportunities for the development of trading activities, increasing the capacity of wholesale and retail trade.

Sphere of production: its features and negative points

The economic level of any state depends on the scale of its industrial activity. It is production that creates material goods, with the presence of which a person's life becomes more comfortable and safe.

In the past, productive activity was the basis of all countries, but the processes of globalization have imposed a division of labor. Now one can observe how states that do not produce anything, but only print money, can live richly and prosperously. Example - USA, UK.
Russia is among the countries that urgently need to open their production facilities. And dependence on a foreign manufacturer only confirms that our country is a "raw material colony".
Therefore, it is worth noting that today Russia needs ambitious and courageous entrepreneurs who are ready to raise domestic production.
The sphere of production of a Russian businessman today often frightens with negative aspects. It is this fact that is a deterrent that hinders the development of large-scale diverse industrial activities in the country.

The negative aspects of the manufacturing sector include:

  1. Difficult to get a loan. Since the opening of production is a high-risk investment, and banks do not like to take risks, obtaining a loan will involve long visits to banks or real estate pledges.
  2. Any production, starting its first steps, first of all faces competition. Competition stimulates any enterprise to produce products cheaper and improve the existing level of quality. Therefore, considering the competition, one can see the advantages for the consumer, which turn into a problem for the owner of the manufacturing enterprise.
  3. Not all enterprises can afford financial costs in competition. Indeed, as a rule, when entering the market, a newcomer offers products whose analogues have already won their “place in the sun”, so young manufacturers need time and a lot of money to strengthen their positions.
  4. When opening their production, business owners often face a shortage of working class specialists. Today, there are rarely workers who will agree to bear great responsibility even for high wages.
  5. Production costs. Today, producers face a difficult problem when prices for electricity, water and other resources rise every year. In order to survive in such conditions, production owners increase the cost of their product, which, in turn, can negatively affect the profitability of the enterprise.
  6. Corruption and various state inspections are also a serious problem for production organizations.
  7. Products low quality. The high quality of products has always been ensured by additional costs and high qualifications of employees, which for a Russian manufacturer will increase the cost of goods. Consequently, it will reduce the competitiveness of the goods against the backdrop of a large selection of high-quality and inexpensive imported goods.
  8. Production often has low profitability. After the collapse of the USSR, the Russian economy lined up in such a way that the extraction process natural resources began to bring big dividends, in comparison with their processing. In addition, all subsequent stages of processing raw materials reduce the profitability of production due to the costs and problems described above.

Service industries

Considering the service sector, it can be noted that it belongs to profitable areas and is divided into several types:

  1. Business in the service sector of a material nature. It requires a substantial investment of initial capital (example: opening a pub).
  2. A business based on intangible services that does not require capital investment (example: opening a psychological counseling office).

The list of services that commercial companies can use is quite diverse - these can be photo services or construction works, services to help set up a kindergarten. Therefore, for any entrepreneur there is a niche here, taking into account his interests and financial capabilities.

Today, there are hundreds of lines of business whose projects can be implemented quickly, while developing them in such a way that expenditure items are minimal.

  1. Communication services can be presented in the following form:
  • trade in mobile communications;
  • delivery of correspondence through courier services;
  • services for the organization of high-quality cable and satellite television broadcasting.
  1. Transport services to the population can be expressed as follows:
  • In the provision of services for motorists (service stations, gas stations, car washes, tire installation, car repair, examination and evaluation of cars, organization of garage cooperatives; organization of parking lots; trade in auto parts and fuels and lubricants).
  • In the provision of urban passenger transport services to a wide range of the population (service of taxi cars and fixed-route taxis);
  • In the provision of truck services to the population;
  • In the sale of tickets for any type of transport in the order service (sale, booking, as well as timely delivery);
  • In providing cars for rent (both accompanied by a professional driver and without him).
  1. The sphere of culture and leisure can be expressed in this way:
  • In the field of entertainment - this is bowling, golf, equestrian club; it is also a flying club, parachute jumps; archery and firearms; playing tennis, skating rink; Internet cafe; halls for ceremonial events; casino; saunas; business on event services and show organization;
  • Travel services (travel agencies, city tours, holiday camps for children, motels and campsites, hotel reservations).
  1. The sphere of upbringing of children and their education can be represented as:
  • Babysitting, tutoring and governess services; private educational institutions and kindergartens;
  • Organization of study abroad, distance learning using the Internet;
  • Trainings and courses: driving school, foreign languages, business, advertising, marketing, legal training, memory training courses, typing training courses, dance training, fashion models courses, hairdressing, yoga, culinary arts.
  1. Services related to the provision of information:
  • news agencies providing reports on specific topics;
  • agencies with a literary direction: execution theses, translations of texts, writing texts on certain topics;
  • software services, study of programs and work with them;
  • magazine, newspaper publishing house;
  • services for various kinds of consultations: in the field of family, business, consumer rights;
  • services of registration of unique copyrights and consultation on these issues;
  • market analysis services;
  • notarial and legal services;
  • reference and information services by telephone numbers;
  • agencies for the production and provision of advertising.

  1. Services in the field of beauty, health and sports:
  • IN medical industry: anonymous medical examinations and analyses, treatment with non-traditional methods, treatment of vision, teeth, prosthetics, home treatment, massage, etc.
  • Pet care: grooming, dog walking, training, temporary accommodation for animals (so-called hotel); animal treatment.
  • Beauty services: beauty salons, various solariums, professional tattoo, massage, hairdresser's rooms; making hairpieces; fitness clubs, contemporary art and fashion houses; sports halls of different directions.
  1. The catering sector is:
  • bars different type, restaurants, cafes;
  • catering establishments with fast service;
  • catering establishments with food delivery on call;
  • mini-enterprises for street food: bakeries, pizzerias, barbecues.
  1. Services in demand at home and in everyday life:
  • Real estate services, construction services, repairs, design: development of construction projects, creation of interior designs; repairs of various kinds; construction of facilities; execution of building elements under the order; work with furniture (restoration); installation of various electronic systems(alarm, surveillance); land improvement works; implementation of fences and stairs; real estate appraisal services.
  • The sphere of household services provides for repair work to eliminate problems of household appliances, repairing various devices; issuance of equipment, various professional and non-professional equipment, clothes for a wedding, bicycles for rent, cleaning and general cleaning of diverse premises, organization of outdoor toilet rooms, organization of mini laundries and dry cleaners.
  • Provision of services in the field of human security: detective agencies, ensuring the protection of people, objects and cargo.
  1. Scope of services related to financing:
  • loans, currency exchange services for the population, services of mini-pawnshops;
  • advisory activities aimed at solving financial issues of various levels of complexity;
  • drawing up business projects of varying degrees of complexity, investor search services.

Scope of business in the social field

More recently, a new type of activity has appeared - social business. If earlier any business had only one key goal - to make a profit, then the social business pursues two goals - to make a profit by solving social issues in society. He takes on complex tasks and solves them, combining a business approach with a desire to improve people's living standards, focusing not on himself, but on society.

There are two main business models in the world:

  • commercial model;
  • non-commercial model.

In the commercial option, commercial structures sell their products and services to generate income.
In the non-commercial version, the activities of state bodies and non-profit enterprises are carried out, solving social issues that are not of interest to commercial business areas.
At first glance, everything seems to be in its place. But, unfortunately, this system does not work well today, and we still have poor, sick and hungry people in our country.
Non-profit organizations cannot exercise the acumen that is characteristic of commercial business. As soon as this problem got a clear outline, the Nobel laureate Muhammad Yunus published serious material for reflection, which will be of interest to entrepreneurs planning to work in the field of business in the social field. In his progressive work, he outlined a unique, radically new business model that solves the social problematic moments of society through business methods.

Professor and talented scientist Yunus identified seven positions of business in the sphere of society:
1. The goal of business is not to increase capital, but to solve social problems that threaten people's lives (improving the low standard of living, protecting the environment, healthcare).
2. Investors in such a business return the invested funds without profit.
3. Profits from the business are invested in the development of the company and the improvement of the characteristics of its products.
4. The task of the activity is to strengthen economic and financial stability.
5. A businessman is responsible for preserving the environment.
6. Workers should be provided with decent wages and create optimal working conditions for them.
7. Social business must bring satisfaction to its leaders.

If we consider the most profitable areas of business activity, then it is worth noting the hotel enterprises. Nature hotel business heterogeneous, there is a combination of interdependent and interconnected functions, pronounced individual and collective work, the presence different types property. And at the same time, it solves the key socio-economic tasks of the country in the field of services.

The main difference between the hotel business and other areas of human practice lies in the close interweaving of the process of creating services and the simultaneous implementation of a range of services, that is, there are no intermediaries in the sale of goods, and it reaches the consumer privately.
The process of the hotel industry consists of two parts that are dependent on each other: serving a person occurs with the simultaneous organization and provision of material services.
So, given that the service of a person is faced with his individual requests, we obtain the condition when material production must have a direct connection with the customer. Such conditions push the business leader to study customer demand, advertise services, collect orders and study the wishes of customers using various forms service.
In order for the hotel business to bring a large income, it must provide maximum comfort, high level etiquette and culture, taking into account many organizational issues.

For the hotel business to be successful, you should:

  • take into account the psychology of customers;
  • take into account the climate of the region;
  • focus on the material level of customers;
  • take into account the national character and traditions of people;
  • know the needs of customers;
  • take into account the impact of competition;
  • know traffic conditions.

It is the service in the management of the hotel enterprise that is the main indicator of the work of this service.
The head of the hotel company must constantly monitor the improvement of service processes, that is, in solving customer requests, it is rational to organize the system of orders, using progressive methods in the provision of their services.

Thus, there are a number of features in the organization of the hotel business, the knowledge of which will allow the manager to get the maximum profit from the business:

  • the organization must be highly competitive;
  • enterprises in this area should work seven days a week, 24 hours a day;
  • prices and offers should be fixed, but they may fluctuate slightly during periods of the season;
  • in the enterprise, production and service should be combined;
  • you need to be prepared for the fact that customers set different requirements for the enterprise;
  • in a short time it is necessary to show a high degree of coordination;
  • managers must quickly navigate the management of the business;
  • unqualified personnel should not work at the enterprise, even if we take into account that their work is profitable, since it is poorly paid;
  • staff must be ready to work after hours;
  • There is a lot of turnover in this industry.

Restaurant activity refers to a specific service sector in which the success of the enterprise will be achieved against the background of the adoption of timely management actions, using extraordinary creative solutions.

Increase the profitability and competitiveness of restaurant activities:

  • availability of changing exotic dishes;
  • the possibility of taking out purchased dishes;
  • strict quality and safety control of products;
  • analysis and taking into account the comments of demanding customers.

Placement of restaurants is permissible in educational institutions, customer service in this situation can be carried out according to a simplified scheme. With high competition, there is a division of restaurants according to price characteristics.

When opening a restaurant business, an entrepreneur must remember that:

  • the restaurant market tends to grow restaurant chains;
  • in shops it is favorable to open restaurants with fast service;
  • Considering that one of the key problems of the restaurant business is the search for qualified employees, this issue should be given special attention.

When opening a restaurant business, its owner must remember that the operation of any restaurant is based on the desire to improve product quality. That is, a strategy is chosen to meet the needs of the client. On this occasion, restaurant marketing has special methodologies and methods for researching the work of restaurants.

Distinctive features of chain and independent restaurants:

  1. Chain restaurants have a wide range of customers.
  2. Chain restaurants use a unified technology, have their own brand, management.
  3. In chain restaurants, many methods are used to simplify and reduce the cost of the enterprise's activities: quality control is simplified, ways are being developed to save on the purchase of products, wages and service.

Therefore, chain restaurants have a built-in specialized marketing policy, while independent restaurants are characterized by full-fledged service and uniqueness, which are formed against the backdrop of competition.

Construction industry

Today in Russia, the construction business is one of the most profitable, as its profitability exceeds 50 percent. For this reason, many Russian entrepreneurs are ready to invest large amounts of initial capital in construction in order to return investments in the next two years and start making a profit.
However, before plunging into the construction business, it is necessary to study the poles and minuses in the organization of this industry.

Obvious advantages of the construction business

Main positive sides in the organization of the construction industry:

The construction industry has negative sides. Namely:

1. In recent years, there has been a decline in production building materials against the backdrop of a decline in construction production.
2. Construction products are of poor quality due to the use of inefficient, outdated technologies.
3. The unreasonable territorial location of the construction industry increases the cost of delivery of building materials, and, accordingly, increases their cost.
4. Difficult to get a loan. Banks often refuse credit, citing doubts about the stability of the company and the prospects for its life.
5. A common problem for construction companies is the difficulty of strengthening their positions in the construction market due to high competition, which is created by existing companies and the work of guest workers, whose labor is estimated cheaply.
6. The realities of Russian life state the facts of inflation processes in the country's economy, which has a significant impact on the volume of construction.
7. Negative factors for the development of the construction sector are tax increases and fluctuations in exchange rates.

Positive and negative trends in the development of the construction sector indicate that today it is a profitable industry, but against the backdrop of the financial crisis, it is experiencing a decline in development. Align the growth trajectory of the industry can construction organizations, directing its strategy and tactics to smooth out price fluctuations.

Summing up

Analyzing different areas of business, we can say with confidence that in Russia there are ample opportunities to start profitable business activities in different directions. But this requires courageous, persistent, intelligent and hardworking leaders. Having studied the factors described in the article that affect the profitability of a business, an entrepreneur will be able to build his entrepreneurial activity correctly, reducing risk factors.

There are a lot of profitability indicators (more than twenty), so it is important to decide what kind of profitability you should talk about when assessing the effectiveness of a small business. Most often, in the case of small businesses, they talk about the profitability of production. This is the ratio of profit to the sum of the cost of fixed assets and working capital. It is about such profitability (unless it is separately indicated about the use of another concept) that we will talk about in this article.

We know from classical literature and crime chronicles that the most cost-effective view modern business is a simple robbery on the street. Even an income of ten rubles fully pays for zero costs. Profitability is infinity! But seriously, it is impossible to answer exactly the question of what type of business is now the most profitable. This follows from the very nature of entrepreneurship - a novice businessman strives to engage in the most profitable type of small business, and this increases competition and, as a result, reduces profitability.

The main advice on how to choose a promising business can be formulated as follows - come up with a new human need and satisfy it.

The greatest profitability gives only a completely new type of business. However, few can make such a discovery. If you are not a genius, then you still do not need to despair. You can analyze the current market situation, local conditions, your capabilities and conduct successful business activities. This article is devoted to the question of what types of business with minimal investment today give the best return. Now everything is in order.

Forms and types of business

From the school curriculum it is known what types of business and its forms exist. A lot of them. However, for small businesses, it is necessary to distinguish between production activities, the provision of services and trade. 90% are engaged in such activities individual entrepreneurs. As for the forms of doing small business, it is an individual entrepreneurship or a limited liability company. The advantages and disadvantages of these forms of entrepreneurship in relation to small businesses are described in special articles, so we will not dwell on this. We only note that if you want to work with industry, it is better to be a VAT payer.

Over time, the main types of profitable business in Russia were determined. These areas of activity for novice entrepreneurs should be considered first of all, especially if there is a high level of knowledge in a particular area.

The following small business areas allow you to get the maximum income with a limited staff. For most entrepreneurs, this approach is the most preferable.

Individual auditors

The services of such specialists will be in demand at any time, so even the financial crisis does not greatly affect their income. In addition, many clients try to cooperate with the same person or company.

For successful management businesses will need:

  • good economic knowledge;
  • ability to correctly prepare financial documents;
  • skills in working with popular computer programs;
  • proficiency in English.

Attention: offered . The institution has developed quite profitable programs and services for doing business.

Accounting services

No less in demand are accountants. Almost all services of these specialists are highly valued. However, it is worth noting that the competition in this area is very high. Customers are necessary for the successful prosperity of a business, so advertising plays an important role.

The following services can be provided:

  • payroll for workers;
  • advising on various issues;
  • accounting policy;
  • preparation of primary documents and reports.

Competent will give the opportunity to compete in this field of activity. You can cooperate not only with small companies, but also with large organizations. Everything will depend on the quality of the services offered and the level of promotion of their own activities.

Advertising business

With the development of entrepreneurial activity in general, the number of competitors increases. Advertising is starting to play an increasingly important role. Any kind of profitable business in Russia today is impossible without it. Even to promote a small business, an elementary advertising campaign is needed.

Often one specialization is chosen:

  • promotion of goods and services directly on the Internet;
  • creation and placement of printed products;
  • holding special promotions at various events.

Attention: they are especially popular, because in many cases the organization of such activities does not require large initial investments.


Quite an attractive direction can be considered Agriculture. On the territory of Russia, a variety of food products are grown for sale, as well as raw materials intended for production workshops. Huge prospects are opening up in the field of crop production and animal husbandry.

You can engage not only in traditional areas. Non-standard solution, for example, is . For this, special pools are purchased and fry are purchased. If necessary, containers can be made independently.

Another good option is . Can be cultivated different kinds, but it is better to start with unpretentious varieties - mushrooms or mushrooms. For their cultivation, no special conditions are required, so problems rarely arise.

Realization of essential goods

Inexpensive products, which belong to the category of essentials, are quickly sold. The main focus is on small shops in the sleeping areas of cities. You do not need to invest a lot of money to open them. Such outlets pay off very quickly and feel good in the competition.

Toys, stationery and clothing are sold well. There is always a need for personal hygiene products. It also sells well various food and household items.

Rental Property

One of the types of profitable business in Russia is the rental of residential and non-residential premises. It is quite profitable to rent apartments, garages and plots. No negative changes are expected in this area in the near future.

Money can be invested in hostels, small hotels or hostels. They are in demand among tourists, students and people on a business trip. Expensive hotels are gradually fading into the background in terms of profitability and payback.

Specialized clinics

Clinics that specialize in minor surgeries, examinations and cosmetic procedures are becoming widespread. It is quite expensive to maintain such establishments, but the prices for the services offered fully cover all the costs incurred.

The location of the institution plays an important role. Perfect option involves opening a clinic in a busy place at the same distance from residential areas. The premises are selected taking into account the number of services provided. You will have to spend quite a lot on equipment, but with a competent approach, it quickly pays off.

Small lending

Many citizens apply to microfinance organizations for receiving a sum of money for a certain period. The activity of such companies is considered the most profitable, unlike banking institutions. This is one of the profitable types of small business.

Profits will depend directly on the volume of loans and funds raised to issue loans. To create your own microfinance organization, you need to clearly navigate the legislative framework. The main advantage over banks is a simplified scheme for issuing loans.

Investment advice

Often the business is based on investment advice. Specialists conduct an analysis of financial assets, on the basis of which certain characteristics are determined and specific recommendations are given. They develop a management strategy.

Consultants must do the following:

  • assess the market situation;
  • calculate the economic effect;
  • prepare supporting documents;
  • carry out comparative analysis.

On a note: worth paying attention to. Some of them involve getting a sufficiently high income for start-up entrepreneurs.

law office

Another type of profitable business in Russia involves maintaining your own law office. Theoretically, even a person who is far from jurisprudence can open it. However, it is best to engage in this type of activity with a professional education.

Small business in the form of a law firm is profitable. Many people need legal help. At the initial stage, you can rent a room and purchase only the necessary equipment for the office. Advertising plays an important role, so you will have to spend money on posting information about the office.

Place of catering

Eateries, cafes, coffee shops and hot food outlets bring good profits. When organizing such institutions, you can do without large investments. Such catering outlets pay off very quickly. The main difficulty lies in choosing a place to open.

For a food outlet, you should purchase only high-quality products. Then there will be no problems with customers. It must be understood that the conditions in which food will be cooked must comply with the standards. Otherwise, there may be difficulties with the SES.

Property valuation

To determine the price of real estate, many people turn to a specialized organization. After studying the object, specialists give a professional assessment, made taking into account all the main factors. Methods largely depend on the type of property.

You can only specialize in one area:

  • land;
  • Residential Properties;
  • commercial facilities;
  • Construction in progress.

For your information: can become a source of stable income. More and more people are starting to trade. There are many benefits to this type of income.

Construction and repair

You can get a good profit when carrying out construction and repair work. To provide services at the individual level, there is no need to obtain a license or join self-regulatory organizations. You just need to decide on the scope of activity.

There are many things you can do:

  • finishing of buildings;
  • roofing device;
  • pouring foundations;
  • renovation of residential premises;
  • assembly of frame houses;
  • installation of fences and barriers;
  • the construction of baths.

insurance agency

The insurance business is quite profitable, despite the high level of competition. Customers can be offered a wide range of services. People can insure not only property, but also life, bank deposits, as well as liability in case of an accident.

For an insurance agency, it matters how potential customers will be attracted. Advertising campaigns should contain not only information about the organization, but also information about the services offered.

vending business

Recently, the business of vending machines has been actively developing. They are installed in various places with high traffic. With their help, completely different products are sold, and it is not necessary to hire a seller, since the machine does all the work.

The success of a business will depend on the correctness of marketing research. It must be understood that the products that are supposed to be sold must be in demand in the place where the device is installed.

Summing up

The above types of profitable business in Russia will help determine the direction of business development. To increase the likelihood of success, it is necessary to choose profitable areas. In this case, the initial costs will pay off very soon.

In a small business, the main focus should be on the quality of goods and services provided to end users. The competitive environment is of particular importance, so detailed marketing research should be carried out before starting.