Auto pawnshop documents. Registration and taxation

  • 23.09.2019

* Calculations use average data for Russia

Starting investments:


Net profit:

Payback period (excluding working capital):

Auto pawnshop is a promising business idea in a stagnating economy. This business can bring high profits, but is under close control of the authorities and requires large investments in turnover.

In the context of the current economic crisis, the auto pawnshop business is becoming more and more popular among the population, which needs to quickly attract financial resources at an acceptable rate. To create such a business does not require special education or work experience, but requires significant investment in working capital issued as loans. You also need a complete understanding of the legal aspects of the functioning of this business, control over which by the state has become much tougher in recent years.

Car pawnshop: concept and operation schemes

The protracted financial and economic crisis of 2008, which continued with a new round in 2014, causes an increasing demand among the population for the rapid attraction of the necessary financial resources.

According to the Association for the Development of Pawnshops, in recent years there has been a gradual decrease in the number of pawnshops, which is associated with the tightening of control over their activities by the main inspectorate of the Bank of Russia and Rosfinmonitoring. The number of officially registered pawnshop organizations continues to decrease in Russia. Currently, the Register of the Central Bank contains entries on 5040 pawnshops, although at the beginning of 2018 there were approximately 5440 of them. According to experts, some of the pawnshops did not leave the market, but began to work according to the “gray” scheme.

In general, although the growth of pawnshops' revenue has decreased in recent years, it remains quite high. According to available data, at the end of 2016, the assets of pawnshops grew by 2%, amounting to about 50 billion rubles. In the first half of 2017, assets grew by another 6.3% to RUB 53 billion. The net profit of pawnshops in 2016 increased from 4.3 billion to 5 billion rubles - an increase of 14.2 percent.

The growing popularity of car pawnshops is associated with better conditions for obtaining a loan than the closest competitors, that is, banks and microfinance organizations. Banks offer lower interest rates, but the procedure for approving and issuing loans is quite complicated and takes a lot of time. Microfinance organizations reduce the terms of loan approval and the conditions for obtaining it to the utmost, however, they significantly limit the loan amount and set huge interest rates.

Auto pawnshops occupy an intermediate position between banks and microfinance organizations. On the one hand, they impose fewer requirements on the documentation provided by the borrower, since they take a highly liquid asset as collateral, on the other hand, they can provide a significant loan amount, since the asset, as a rule, has a high market value.

Currently, about five thousand car pawnshops are registered in Russia. The data on the car pawnshop market is rather conditional, since the market as a whole is not transparent enough. The turnover of car pawnshops is about 5-15% of the total turnover of the pawnshop market.

The essence of the activities of car pawnshops is simple: the client is issued a loan secured by vehicles. In some cases, this can be not only a passenger car, but also motorcycles, boats, construction equipment or snowmobiles. In this case, the pledge can be either placed for storage at the site of the lender, or remain in the use of the borrower. For the use of the loan, the client pays the pawnshop a certain percentage of the amount of the loan itself, in case of default on the obligations to the car pawnshop to return the loan amount and interest on it, the pledge object becomes the property of the lender and is sold by him at market value.

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The growth of the car pawnshop market is also due to the attraction of small corporate clients, which is associated with a significant tightening of the credit policy on the part of banks in relation to organizations and a significant reduction in the number of banks themselves.

Thus, the negative trends in the Russian economy, on the one hand, increase the profits of pawnshops, on the other hand, tighten competition in the market and lead to the gradual displacement of small players, which is confirmed by the data of the Central Bank at the end of 2017, which indicates that 286 pawnshops formed 80% total portfolio of all loans in this industry.

Standard conditions for the operation of a car pawnshop

In any business area, especially those operating in the B2C segment, we see a lot of offers for clients that vary significantly in terms of conditions. The auto pawnshop business is particularly challenging in this regard. On the one hand, the growth of competition often forces car pawnshops to declare on their website more favorable terms than those they offer in the final contract. On the other hand, this business itself is rather opaque. But it is possible to single out the average conditions for issuing loans that car pawnshops offer their customers. We will list these averaged conditions in this section. The conditions for issuing a loan secured by a car mainly depend on the competition in each particular region. The more organizations providing car pawnshop services, the more Better conditions provided to the client.

As a rule, a car pawnshop provides two schemes for issuing a loan:

    According to the first scheme, the car is parked in a guarded parking lot of a car pawnshop, and the loan amount can be up to 70% of the market value of the car;

    According to the second scheme, the car remains with the client, and he can operate it at his own discretion, but the loan amount in this case will be lower and will be about 50% of the market value of the vehicle.

Consider the standard offered interest rates on loans. As in the case of determining the loan amount, the rates largely depend on the existing competitive environment in this area of ​​business in a particular region. In Moscow, where the number of pawnshops is quite large, the interest on loans is much lower than in small towns, where one or two car pawnshops operate.

AT major cities car loan rates are declared at the level starting from 2.5% per month. The average percentage is from 4% per month. Some pawnshops to attract customers offer the first loan without interest at all. In fact, it is hard to believe in such low interest loan. With such interest, you need to have a sufficiently large capital in circulation in order not only to recoup the costs of the pawnshop, but also to make a profit.

Often, many car pawnshop owners set additional payments that increase the interest on the loan. We will not list them, there can be quite a lot of such payments: from paying the cost of parking a car to paying a one-time commission for granting a loan. To be precise, in this case, the consumer is being deceived, and such a business may face both a complete loss of customers and legal troubles. We will not consider such cases, we will accept that the car pawnshop works with the buyer almost honestly. We leave “almost” for all sorts of little things, since exaggeration in advertising in our time is practically no longer considered a deception.

Consider a document that regulates car loan rates. These are the maximum average market values ​​of TIC for the III quarter of 2018 "Average market values ​​of the total cost of consumer loans (loans) for the period from January 01 to March 31, 2018", established by the Central Bank of the Russian Federation. The document states that consumer loans secured in the form of a vehicle pledge, that the average market values ​​of the full cost of consumer loans are 67.925%, and the maximum values ​​of the full cost of consumer loans (loans) are 90.567% per annum. The average market values ​​of the total cost of consumer loans (Loans) (TCP) were calculated by the Bank of Russia in accordance with the Bank of Russia Ordinance dated April 29, 2014 No. the value of the full cost of consumer credit (loan)”.

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There are severe penalties for non-compliance with these requirements. So, according to the Central Bank of the Russian Federation, the average rate in car pawnshops is 5.7% per month, and the maximum is 7.5%. We understand that the conversion of the annual interest rate into a monthly one is carried out according to a different formula, but for monthly repayment of interest, the numbers indicated by us can be accepted.

Thus, taking into account the factual data we have provided and the maximum rates indicated by the Central Bank, we will accept the average market rate for a loan in a car pawnshop at the level of 6% per month, based on which we will make the appropriate calculations.

Taxation and legal aspects of opening a car pawnshop

So, according to the laws of the Russian Federation, pawnshop activity is lending to citizens on the security of their belongings and their storage (paragraph 1 of Article 1 of the Federal Law of July 19, 2007 N 196-ФЗ "On Pawnshops". Pawnshop activity, by virtue of the direct indication of the Law, is exclusive , since a pawnshop is prohibited from engaging in any other business activity, except for providing short-term loans to citizens, storing things, as well as providing consulting and information services (clause 4, article 2). face on new activity codes, but rather create a new one.

Please note that only a legal entity can provide car pawnshop services. An individual entrepreneur is not entitled to carry out this activity. In practice, this means that in order to open a car pawnshop, you need to register a company with limited liability(OOO).

It is indicated that pawnshops are payers within the framework of common system taxation, since, on the basis of subparagraph 7 of paragraph 3 of article 346.12 of the Tax Code of the Russian Federation, it is not entitled to apply the simplified taxation system, as well as the single tax on imputed income (UTII).

Additionally, it should be noted that the sale of unclaimed property owned by borrowers is not subject to UTII, since the pawnshop is not the owner of this property (Article 346.27 of the Tax Code of the Russian Federation).

If the pawnshop charges a fee for the storage of collateral, for example, in case of delay in repaying a loan, then these amounts are subject to VAT (value added tax). In this case, it is necessary to keep separate records of tax amounts for taxable and non-taxable transactions (paragraph 4 of Article 170 of the Tax Code of the Russian Federation).

property tax and transport tax are calculated and paid by pawnshops in the presence of such objects of taxation in the general manner.

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The main tax paid by car pawnshops is income tax, the most difficult in terms of accounting is VAT.

From an accounting point of view, the activity of pawnshops is a rather complex accounting system. If in some, simpler types of activities, you can keep accounting on your own, then in the case of opening a car pawnshop, we strongly recommend either hiring a qualified accountant or using the services of an outsourced accounting company.

In order to document loans, accept, and also record the return of collateral, the car pawnshop must use a strict reporting form (SFR), called the “Pledge Ticket”. Its form was approved by order of the Ministry of Finance of Russia dated 14.01.2008 No. 3n, the order was registered with the Ministry of Justice of Russia. Please note that deviations from the specified form of the pledge ticket are not allowed. Checking mortgage tickets is one of the most frequent reasons for checking the activities of car pawnshops.

The pledge ticket must be issued in two copies: one is issued to the client, the other remains in the pawnshop and serves as the basis for making entries (both on the issuance of a loan and on its repayment) in the cash book. So, the pledge ticket is the main primary accounting document in the activities of pawnshops.

For the activities of a car pawnshop, it is necessary to use the following OKVED code: 64.92.6 "Activities for the provision of short-term loans by pawnshops secured by movable property."

A license to operate a car pawnshop is not issued.

In addition to registering a legal entity, in order to operate a car pawnshop, it is necessary to register with the Federal Financial Monitoring Service (Rosfinmonitoring). As indicated on the Rosfinmonitoring website, for registration, an organization submits a registration card to the territorial body of Rosfinmonitoring in the form approved by order of Rosfinmonitoring dated 06.08.2014 No. 207. The registration card can be sent to the relevant territorial body of Rosfinmonitoring in electronic form using Personal account organizations in the federal state information system"Single portal of state and municipal services (functions)". When changing the information contained in the registration card, the organization or individual entrepreneur within 5 working days submits (including in electronic form) to the MRA of Rosfinmonitoring a map containing new information.

Please note that from time to time the car pawnshop must submit reports to the Central Bank of the Russian Federation in accordance with the instruction of December 30, 2015 “On the forms, terms and procedure for compiling and submitting to the Bank of Russia documents containing a report on the activities of the pawnshop and a report on the personal composition of the governing bodies of the pawnshop”. Plenty of reporting. Failure to submit or violation of the procedure or deadlines for submitting reports to the Bank of Russia minimally entails the imposition of administrative fines:

    for citizens - in the amount of 2,000 to 4,000 rubles;

    for officials - from 20,000 to 30,000 rubles or disqualification for up to one year;

    for legal entities - from 500,000 to 700,000 rubles.

Notice of the opening of the activities of the pawnshop is provided to the Central Bank of the Russian Federation. We recommend that you check the terms for providing such a notice at the regional division of this organization at the place of registration of the car pawnshop.

To obtain a loan, clients provide the following documents: a general passport of the owner of the vehicle; passport technical means(PTS of the car); vehicle registration certificate; car insurance.

When lending, the borrower is issued the following documents: a loan agreement or a pledge ticket; the act of acceptance and transfer of the vehicle, with detailed description subject of pledge; receipt.

And, one more important legal moment. The name of the pawnshop must contain the word "pawnshop". It should be only in Russian, so that it is understandable to all residents of the Russian Federation.

Registration of all documents for opening a car pawnshop can be entrusted to a specialized law firm that will prepare all the necessary documents. The cost of the service, depending on its content, is from 5,000 rubles.

Financial performance of the car pawnshop

To calculate the financial indicators of the economic efficiency of a pawnshop, we will take the average interest on loans issued by a car pawnshop in the amount of 6% per month. The profit of a car pawnshop directly depends on the amount of working capital attracted, which are issued as loans. In our opinion, the amount of working capital should be about 10 million rubles. In this case, if they are fully spent during the year, the marginal profit (direct profit excluding operating expenses, that is, the costs of maintaining current activities) of the car pawnshop will be about 7.2 million rubles a year.

In practice, in small towns, with a small number of car pawnshops, the interest rate, due to little competition, may be higher, but even there, entering the market, a new company needs to attract the first customers to offer especially favorable conditions for customers. Therefore, we believe that the rate of 6% per month on the issued loan is economically justified.

In practice, it is rather difficult to ensure the full use of working capital issued as a loan, since financial resources must always be available, and the borrower needs money, as a rule, immediately, that is, he cannot wait for the required amount to be released. Therefore, we will take the average load on issuing loans at the level of 90%. In this case, the marginal profit of the car pawnshop will be about 6.48 million rubles a year, or 540 thousand rubles a month.

We will not take into account the amount of profit from the sale of unredeemed cars, since with a loan in the amount of 80% of the cost of the car, taking into account the costs of its subsequent sale and withdrawal from circulation for the period of sale of working capital, as well as taking into account the discount for a quick sale of the car, will not bring any significant additional profit for the auto pawnshop.

Operating or current costs of a car pawnshop

Significant expenses will be the cost of maintaining the office and parking of mortgaged cars. It is undesirable to locate the parking of the mortgaged cars in "deaf" places. Since the risk of theft or damage to cars in them is much higher. Do not forget that the pawnshop is fully responsible for the property transferred to it for storage. It is desirable that the car pawnshop be in close proximity to the notary's office, since transactions for the transfer of property as collateral must be notarized.

Ideally, the car park should be located directly next to the office, as the office will store documents and funds that also need increased security. You can rent part of the paid parking lot owned by another organization, however, in this case, security is also carried out by a third-party company, which is not always safe.

The total cost of renting an office space located on the territory of a guarded parking lot will be about 60-100 thousand rubles per month, depending on the region and location. Once again, we remind you that parking is a very important part of ensuring the safety of your business. It should be equipped with video surveillance systems, an alarm button and a security post that provides year-round protection of the facility.

Car pawnshop staff (we indicate salaries for the regions):

    Security, at least two people, with a salary of 25 thousand rubles a month.

    Appraiser manager, at least two people, with payment of 40 thousand rubles per month. We need two people to ensure the work of the car pawnshop with a ten-hour schedule (daily, seven days a week).

    Accountant-cashier, with payment of 30 thousand rubles a month.

    Secretary, with administrator functions, to answer telephone calls and perform office maintenance functions, with payment of 20 thousand rubles per month.

    Payment for the services of the involved notary and lawyer. Only large car pawnshops can afford to have their own such specialists, but their involvement, at least partial, is necessary for the functioning of such a business. The cost of paying for their services will be about 30 thousand rubles a month.

Total payroll costs will amount to about 210 thousand rubles or 270 thousand rubles per month, taking into account payroll charges.

As you can see, we do not take the minimum wages of staff that are available in this segment, since there are significant requirements for the staff of a car pawnshop. For example, a manager-appraiser must have certain professional skills: a high degree of communication skills, good computer skills for legal verification of the quality and purity of collateral, valuation skills technical condition car and other skills.

Additionally, the structure of operating expenses should take into account the costs of utility bills, an alarm button to call private security, office maintenance costs, advertising, taxes and other expenses. In total, such expenses will amount to about 90 thousand rubles per month.

Thus, the total costs of maintaining the current activities of the car pawnshop will amount to about 440 thousand rubles per month.

The profit of a car pawnshop under the above conditions will be about 100 thousand rubles a month, or 1.2 million rubles a year.

The initial investment in this business, with the exception of current investment in a fund for issuing loans, is relatively small. These are, first of all, the costs of starting a business, purchasing office equipment and the necessary software. In some cases, it will be necessary to provide the car park with visual control and signaling equipment. In general, if we rent a high-quality ready-made site with a parking lot and office space, then investments in fixed assets can amount to about 300-400 thousand rubles.

The payback period of investments in the project, not directed to working capital for issuing loans, will be about 3-4 months.

In the structure of expenses, it is desirable to provide for the creation of a reserve fund to cover losses that may arise when the car pawnshop incurs losses due to unscrupulous borrowers or staff errors.

Car pawnshop risks

The main risk of a car pawnshop is associated with checking the car for cleanliness, that is, for the absence of encumbrances on it or for its possible criminal origin. A particular risk of having encumbrances on a car is not only the possibility of losing money that was issued as a loan, but also falling under an unpleasant procedure with the police on suspicion of harboring property of criminal origin.

The most common type of encumbrance on a car is the purchase of it for credit money. According to some reports, the number of cars purchased on credit in Russia reaches 40-45%.

So, the other most common types of encumbrances in practice include:

    the car is under arrest by bailiffs for various reasons (debt on alimony, utility bills, non-payment of tax fees, and so on;

    the car is leased without the right to sell or pledge.

The main ways to check the car for encumbrances include:

    Checking through credit bureaus.

    Checking with the Federal Bailiff Service for property seizure.

    Checking in the traffic police for the presence of encumbrances.

    Verification through the register of pledged property.

There are a number of Internet services that allow you to quickly check the car by the state registration number of the car or its VIN number.

It is not always possible to check the availability of credit encumbrances on a car. Suppose the car was purchased for cash, and the buyer received the money from a bank loan. If the buyer does not pay the loan, then by a court decision, the bailiffs can obtain the rights to sell the car to pay off the debt. In this case, you will have to solve the problem through the court, which will not necessarily be on the side of the pawnshop.

Another risk of a car pawnshop, arising from the first one, is the acceptance of a car on bail during its operation under a general power of attorney. If the power of attorney does not explicitly state the possibility of bailing the car, then it is better to contact the owner of the car directly and confirm this possibility. In practice, this is not always possible, as scammers use various schemes to circumvent the rules of the pawnshop. We do not recommend car pawnshops to accept cars transferred by proxy as collateral, since the risks of this option are quite high.

Some risk is the quality of the appraisal of a car by a pawnshop appraiser. Of course, the appraiser can be very skilled, but an unscrupulous borrower can use fraudulent schemes that are difficult to trace on a superficial examination, such as twisting a mileage or even broken car numbers.

According to experts, the number of problematic loans for car pawnshops is 5-10%. Be sure to consider the risks of opening a car pawnshop when entering this business. Be aware that the cost of making a mistake can be quite high, losing even one mortgaged car can wipe out all the profits you've been working hard to earn for a year or more.

With a well-established procedure for evaluating a car, all these risks can be minimized, but there is always a human factor on which scammers or unscrupulous borrowers can skillfully play.

Marketing and promotion of the car pawnshop

Attracting customers is the basis of the success of the car pawnshop business. It is necessary to develop a full cycle of advertising activities, which would provide a fairly wide flow of customers.

A car pawnshop is a type of business that can be effectively promoted through online advertising. In this regard, the creation of a quality website is a very important task. The site must necessarily provide the option of online calculation of the main parameters of the loan, as this increases the flow of customers by 10-15 percent, of course, when setting competitive working conditions.

Gives the greatest efficiency contextual advertising through the advertising networks Yandex and Google. Moreover, in our conditions, it is advisable to give priority to the Yandex. But the rates per click in this search engine will be slightly higher than in Google.

It is also effective to use banners and promotional products near transport routes and junctions.

Personal promotional tools such as social media, leaflets and advertising booklets work in this area with much less efficiency.

Pawn shop franchises

In the Russian segment of the Internet, many types of car pawnshop franchises are offered with fairly attractive terms of cooperation. Franchisors offer any range of services, which includes both services of assistance in creating a business, and full provision of a business with all the necessary components: from providing clients to providing the entire range of necessary software products and submitting auto pawnshop reports.

If you choose to work as a franchisee, then carefully consider the choice of a company that provides a franchise, as the competition in this segment of franchises is quite high and the profitability declared by such a company may be far from reality. We recommend that you fully understand the business plan for creating an auto pawnshop, especially its financial part.

Summing up, we conclude that the creation of a car pawnshop is a promising business idea and such a line of business, in a stagnating economy, can be in great demand. While providing a low payback period for investments, at the same time, a car pawnshop requires significant investments in working capital, which are used to issue loans. Attention should also be paid to the high degree of control over the activities of car pawnshops by supervisory authorities, which has intensified in recent years.

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Pawnshops are quite successful in their activities in the lending market. For example, in the capital of Russia, their number reaches 500 or more. But still, this business, which has become familiar to Russian citizens, surprises them by creating the latest trends in this area and diversifying its activities. Many businessmen are interested in how to open a car pawnshop in a large metropolis. And today, step-by-step instructions for 2017 can help you in this matter. It is certainly worth reading with great care.

What is a car pawnshop

Before we talk about the features of the opening of this institution, we will talk about what is a car dealership and how does it work. So, in the past 10 years, loans secured by property have been able to enter the middle class quite well. Those people who are completely confident in their income, as a rule, may experience some shortage of funds, which, as a rule, occurs instantly. Either a last-minute trip has appeared, or an opportunity has arisen to purchase real estate at a bargain price, but, unfortunately, a person does not have several thousand dollars with him. And these options are many. But the Americans, in turn, at the beginning of the last century were able to find a way out of this situation. And in this they were able to help a loan secured by a car. And by the end of the last century, this type of lending was able to completely conquer all of Europe and many developed Asian states.

Currently, it is developing very rapidly in the domestic lending market. Thanks to this, car owners in Russia can easily issue a short-term loan in the amount of 10 to 70 thousand dollars on the day of contacting a car pawnshop.

Are you ready to start a car pawnshop?

Car pawnshop as a type of entrepreneurial activity, has its own particularity. In this case, the main thing is not only qualifications, but also the decency and conscientiousness of the employees themselves, as well as excellent service discipline and competent document management, and deep knowledge. There is no place in this business for random people who do not know how to properly conduct business and do not have responsible qualities. A businessman who invests his own funds in this type of activity must have an appraiser's certificate, as well as his own experience in practical work. Based on this, an entrepreneur who decides to open such a business must necessarily understand the specifics of the work of a cashier and an appraiser, and have a high responsibility. Since it is he who is obliged not only to organize the work process, but also to control it: conduct regular unannounced checks of the safety of all collateral, monitor the implementation of existing tariffs by employees, monitor the level of their knowledge and fulfillment of all official duties. For his subordinates, it is he who must be a model in the performance of the necessary work duties and personal attitude to business. In the event that an entrepreneur does not have the above qualities, then we advise him to find another type of activity for him.

What is the interest in creating a car pawnshop business? For example, if you invest 190 thousand dollars in it, then the payback can occur in a year, and if you invest 260 thousand dollars in the business, you will get a payback in 1.5 years, 280 - in two.

Step-by-step instruction

As we wrote above, before you start opening a business that is based on lending, you must have some experience in this area. And all because such a business is an extremely serious occupation. Therefore, it is important to know how to open a pawnshop. Particularly valuable in this work is excellent orientation in problem situations, which help a businessman to avoid losing options and mistakes. So how should you open a car pawnshop? We give below step by step instructions.

After you decide to engage in car loans, you must register as a legal entity. Having given the name of your credit organization, which must necessarily contain the word pawnshop, you should deal with various administrative formalities. According to Russian law, you have the right to choose among the possible organizational forms - CJSC, OJSC or LLC.

What to choose? It is necessary to pay attention to the experience of previous generations, and choose an LLC. Registration of this form of entrepreneurial activity is carried out with the smallest package of documentation. Based on this, your business will be valued not by the presence and stock quotes, but by the actual price. The same will be advised to you by employees of law firms. They provide services for processing the necessary documents and obtaining the necessary licenses for a small monetary reward (from 8 to 10 thousand), thereby saving you time and nerves. At this stage (during the registration of a legal entity), it is best for a qualified economist-appraiser to work with the businessman himself, since it is the latter, after the opening of the enterprise, according to the Law of the Russian Federation On pawnshops of July 19, 2007, that is obliged to carry out a lot of paper work. This is the preparation of job descriptions, and staffing, and working hours, etc.

Details matter.

In order to know how to open a car pawnshop. It is necessary to draw up the right business plan, which should be followed throughout its activities.

As a rule, in order to be able to correctly register, it is not enough just to have information about what documents are needed to create a pawnshop. It is also necessary to have professionalism in design, while taking into account various little things that, in the event of any conflict, can play a decisive role. You should also correctly draw up all the constituent documents. For example, the charter should contain the following types of business related to the provision of a car loan:

  • providing short-term loans secured by a car,
  • provision of advisory services, services for the storage of valuables, and services for the purchase of a car.

All this is of great importance in the event of various legal conflicts. If there is a completed package of constituent documents, as well as a completed application for state registration and a decision to open a legal entity, the businessman will need to register with the tax office.

Choosing an office and secure parking What do you need to open a car pawnshop?

Affordable rental! This is the main thing in this type of activity. Also, one more point should be taken into account. preparatory work: registration of contracts for the lease of office space, and also the opportunity to use the services of a paid parking lot. To the great joy of many entrepreneurs, the area of ​​the rented office will not be critical for the future profitability of this business. In this case, the savings will be obvious, since the total area of ​​the office may not be very large - about 100 sq.m. In addition, not a prerequisite is the rental of premises located in the city center. This, in turn, can significantly reduce the cost of rent. An office can also be rented in a residential area of ​​the city. The most important thing in this business is the busy streets, or parking lots located near the office. But still, one rented office for a car pawnshop will not be enough.

What else needs to be provided for opening a car pawnshop?

Of course, the place where the collateral will be stored. The high cost of collateral must necessarily be due to the very safe arrangement of the place where the collateral vehicles will be placed in order to avoid various risks. According to federal law about pawnshops, it is the pawnshop that is responsible for the safety of the collateral. All storage rules must be spelled out in the documents of the pawnshop. It is possible to equip the storage room with round-the-clock security or an alarm system. There is another cheapest option - the conclusion of an agreement with a guarded parking lot.

Office equipment.

The Federal Financial Monitoring Service of Russia charmingly regulates the fact that it is necessary to open a car pawnshop. This is an office space, which is equipped in accordance with the established security requirements, having an equipped place for a cashier - a reliable financial vault and a cash cabin. The design of the latter, as a rule, is chosen by the businessman himself from three options that correspond to certain features that this pawnshop has. The cabin must be equipped according to the established requirements of the Order of the Fed. Financial monitoring services under number 203 of August 3, 2010. It should provide 1-3 bullet resistance class. The reinforced design of these booths with a panic button is needed to ensure the neutralization of possible risks. It is equipped with technical characteristics that help to protect the cashier from fired PM shots and AKM modifications. The car pawnshop should be equipped with special cash equipment, various office equipment, software. The state must have certified vehicle appraisers, as well as cashier-controllers who have undergone special training in this profession.

Staff and communications.

When organizing work, it is imperative to complete formal events. According to many Americans, excessive requirements for working personnel are the basis for creating a car pawnshop. It should also be noted that this applies not only to the pawnshop, but to any other type of activity. As for the conditions Russian market lending, this goal will be achieved after the execution of employment contracts with the staff, their training and certification. As for the location of the office and warehouse, in this case, it should be said that these premises must be located close to certain companies.

First of all, after opening a car pawnshop, it is necessary to establish business relations with a notary. It is in the notary's office that your clients will be involved in the execution of a general power of attorney for implementation. In addition, cooperation should be established with the car service that determines the market price of mortgaged vehicles.

Work specifics

The provision of car pawnshop services must necessarily be accompanied by an active advertising campaign in the local media, friendly service, and, of course, word of mouth. For this reason, any well-served customer can be called an auto pawnshop agent. Statistically, positive reviews this client will be able to increase the demand for the services of this credit institution. An important factor in the success of a car pawnshop is also the creation of a branded Internet site. When dreaming of obtaining a loan secured by their car, many potential customers can calculate the market value of a personal vehicle in advance using a car pawnshop calculator and familiarize themselves with the terms of the loan. On this site, the client can also apply for a loan online. This makes it easier to get a car loan.

Also of great importance is the liquidity of the pledged car, and its market attractiveness. The vehicle must be in working order. In this case, the amount of a possible loan can be 80-90% of its value. Thanks to this, the client can maximize the finances received on the security of his car. According to practice, before visiting a car pawnshop, the client must contact the employee of this organization by the phone number indicated on the website and agree on the time of his service. Employees of this organization, having made a quick assessment of the price of a car, will issue a car loan. The conditions of this loan are standard (interest for using a car loan ranges from three to four percent). Car pawnshop services, as a rule, are aimed at making a profit on a car loan, at the expense of interest rates, for the sale of unredeemed vehicles.

Honest business is the basis of long-term commercial success, unfortunately, having created a standard and useful type of entrepreneurial activity for the middle class, most businessmen are installing raider approaches into it.

How can you distinguish a pirate car pawnshop? The terms of the loan of this organization are inflated interest rates and huge penalties. Employees of such a car pawnshop begin to underestimate the estimated value of the car, setting a price below the market price. The founders of this business are sure that the client will not be able to pay such high interest, and then they increase their debt, and subsequently buy the car at a lower cost. Of course, this black business will not be able to seriously develop.


Auto pawnshop as a type of activity must work according to the established plan at all stages of development and formation. Its main guidelines must necessarily be profitability and the absence of surplus on collateral. The planning of this credit institution must necessarily include a certain number of positions. The first, of course, is the business plan. First, it is necessary to take into account economic efficiency and the possibility of attracting borrowed funds. In this case, all expenses and the average level of profitability for the reporting period should be calculated. A business project should include a phased plan for the development and creation of this enterprise. It is usually based on the cornerstone indicator of its profitability - the average interest rate. In addition, the main thing is the careful legal development of contracts and agreements drawn up with clients. These documents should not contain such loopholes that can bring various costs to the pawnshop. In case of late payment by the client, it is necessary to provide for fines or penalties. A business project for a car pawnshop must necessarily take into account the throughput: the expected number of customers per working day, the stages of increasing the dynamics in work, the average amount of collateral.

See also video

The market for the provision of loans, which is very relevant at the present time, has a fairly profitable and reliable niche - car pawnshops. Based on this, we will try in this article to answer the question of how to open a car pawnshop. Also here will be given step-by-step instructions for its opening for 2017.

Benefits of a car business

First you need to find out what a car pawnshop is and how it works. But first of all, it should be said that such a type of activity as contains a lot of advantages, the main of which are a very high demand for these services, lack of licensing and rather quick payback(1.5-2 years).

In addition, when creating car pawnshops, there is no single regulator of activity, for the reason that this type of business does not have any restrictions and difficulties that other credit companies usually have.

It should also be noted that one of positive sides car pawnshops is a lack various kinds reporting related to customer control. There is also no need to collect a huge amount of documents.

The entire auto pawnshop business, as a rule, is based on the Law - On Pawnshops. This is a specific system, different from other types of lending. But still, for many auto pawnshops, there are restrictions associated with entrepreneurial functioning. They are generally authorized to provide short-term loans, and to provide information or consulting services and store property.

For a car pawnshop, there is no need to collect a huge package of documents for registration, you also do not need to have an excellent credit history, provide additional information and search for guarantors. Based on this, for an ordinary person who has a personal vehicle, this is exactly what will be a more suitable option for obtaining a loan that has a low interest rate and the maximum amount of money provided, which can reach 85-90% of the real price of the car.

Businessmen who decide to create a personal car pawnshop must take into account the fact that the initial start-up capital will approximately be at least 2.5 million rubles. These expenses are distributed as follows:

  • Rent. It is necessary to deal with the arrangement of parking for mortgage vehicles of customers.
  • Purchase or lease of premises.
  • Payment wages employees.
  • Payment of initial payments.

Step-by-step instructions for opening a car pawnshop

Would you like to know about how to open a car pawnshop, then you should consider that this business is costly. But if you have good capital available, then you should not worry. Now we will give you step-by-step instructions for opening such an institution. You should definitely pay attention to it.

The main condition in the name of such companies, as a rule, is the presence of the word - Lombard and the legal form, for example, LLC or. Therefore, you should register: select LLC or IP. Keep in mind that identifying and choosing the right legal form will help you keep your records and agreements with clients as simple as possible. In addition, certain financial savings can be achieved. A more suitable option when creating a car pawnshop is to open an LLC, since this type of legal form consists in quick registration and a minimum amount of costs associated with paperwork.

Registration documentation:

a) Registration of an application of the established form for state registration.

b) A package of documents on the decision to open an organization.

c) Originals and photocopies of the initial package of legal documents.

d) Documents confirming the payment of the state fee.

e) Creation of the charter of LLC.

Resolving personnel issues and internal document management.

a) Creation and approval internal regulations companies.

b) Creation and approval of all job responsibilities for employees of the organization.

c) Registration of employment contracts with employees, employment.

d) Definition of the tax regime.

Major final moments

In this publication, we are talking about how to open a car pawnshop. Of course, in this case it is worth drawing up a business plan. Even before you start opening a car pawnshop, you should perform some mandatory actions:

  1. It is necessary to establish business contacts with notary offices located in the vicinity in advance, since close cooperation with these organizations is a prerequisite.
  2. It is necessary to adjust the work schedule, the hours of receiving future clients, inspecting vehicles and determining the time for processing loan agreements.
  3. It should be done in advance to install additional equipment for the work of a car pawnshop (scanners, copiers, computer equipment).
  4. Select appraisers and merchandisers very carefully.
  5. Draw up contracts with insurance companies.
  6. Provide security in advance.
  7. Establish cooperation with repair organizations.
  8. Engage in the creation of a website for a car pawnshop, which will contain contact information.
  9. Engage in an advertising campaign.

Pay attention to the video

Nowadays, such a type of business as a car pawnshop is the most promising and attractive for owners of free capital. So far, the level of popularity of this kind of service is not too high because the population still prefers to apply for bank loans.

Today, almost every second person is burdened with credit obligations. But unlike a bank, in a car pawnshop it is possible to quickly get a fairly large loan without providing a package with documents and without confirming the borrower's solvency.

As you already understood, a car pawnshop is a fairly profitable business. But, before you plunge into this matter with your head, you should clearly understand for yourself what you need to , profitable.

First of all, of course, certain financial investments will be required, but if there are any, you should take care of recruiting highly qualified personnel, and of a package of documents in order to open your own enterprise.

Well, in order to understand how to open a car pawnshop - let's look at 7 main questions-stages of creation.

Stage number 1 - What will we be called?

The name of the future enterprise, and in our case a car pawnshop, is chosen by the future owner himself. The only rule that is imposed on the choice of name in accordance with the law is that the word “pawnshop” must be present in the name.

Stage 2 - What form?

Also, the owner needs to choose which particular organization his pawnshop will be. You have to choose from three forms of LLC, CJSC and OJSC.

Think carefully, because the choice of a CJSC or OJSC involves the registration of share issues, reports on this issue with the relevant authorities and many other operations that require your time and, of course, funds.

For this reason, choosing an LLC will help you no longer initial stage save both your money and time. But this is just an opinion, you are free to choose the form of organization that suits you best. In defense of the LLC, we can say that this form has its own bright advantage, such as quick registration.

Stage 3 - What package of documents is needed?

In order to proceed with registration, a legal entity needs to collect documents for. According to the legislation, the following list of documents is required for the registration of an organization and a legal entity:

  • Application filled in the form and signed by the applicant;
  • Documentary evidence of the decision to create a legal entity. person (protocol, contract, etc.);
  • Constituent documents;
  • Receipt for payment of duty.

The charter of the future enterprise should act as the constituent document, which should indicate the types of activities that the enterprise will be engaged in. And in the case of a car pawnshop, such numbers as OKVED 65.22.6, OKVED 67.13.5, OKVED 74.14 should be indicated there.

After the registration process is completed, it is necessary for the enterprise to order a seal from any of the banks. And, of course, for work you will need an office, which should be rented or bought.

Stage 4 - What's next?

Opening a pawnshop is not only about registering it. The next step should be the preparation of internal documents of the organization, which include:

  • Employment contracts with future employees;
  • Job descriptions for personnel;
  • The rules by which the working day will be organized;
  • Forms for contracts with clients on registration and provision of loans secured by a vehicle.

Stage 5 - What about financial activities?

The activity of an organization such as a car pawnshop or any other pawnshop falls under the scope of the law, and more specifically, under the law on combating money laundering or financial terrorism.

It is for this reason that the organization, in order to prevent such activities, must develop rules for internal control over its own activities and appoint special employees who will be responsible for compliance with these very rules and implement specialized programs or take other measures for these purposes.

Stage number 6 - And what about the tax?

Before starting the activity, it must have its own taxation regime. In the case of a car pawnshop, there can be two such modes: general and special, and you are free to choose which one your car pawnshop will have in accordance with the letter of the Ministry of Finance No. 03-11-04 / 3/75 published on 02/18/08.

Stage 7 - Well, for starters

In order to set the first working day, take care of the following points:

  • Find a notary who works as close to your office as possible.
  • Determine a work schedule that delimits the time of reception and the time of assessment of mortgage cars.
  • Buy the necessary software for the organization.
  • Get a good quality safe.
  • Get an experienced appraiser on your staff.
  • Sign an agreement with insurers.

Increasingly, ads like “sale of cars of a car pawnshop”, “car pawnshop on bail” come across on the net - but not everyone knows exactly what the essence of the work of a car pawnshop is. This article is addressed to those who are going to sell or in a car pawnshop. You will learn how to choose the right car pawnshop so as not to get into trouble and not lose your car. What are the stages of checking a vehicle and its owner by a car pawnshop; learn about the history of car pawnshops.

So, an automobile pawnshop is an organization that issues short-term loans secured by various vehicles. Most often, of course, cars are accepted on bail - but recently, many car pawnshops lend money on the security of motorcycles, special equipment, and, in some cases, even boats, ATVs and snowmobiles.

If you decide to use the services of a car pawnshop, the first thing to do is to make sure it is reliable. To do this, you need to understand what exactly the purpose of the car pawnshop is, or rather, how it receives the main profit from transactions with its customers. And the methods can be different, and they will also be discussed in this article.

The emergence of a car pawnshop

Lombard as a structure first appeared in France a long time ago - back in the 15th century. Traders from the region of Lombardy for the first time began to offer people loans secured by property - movable and immovable. At that time, horse-drawn carts were also considered movable property - that is, we can say that such transactions can be conditionally called the first car loans.

In the early 50s of the twentieth century, the first specialized car pawnshop was opened in the United States, which still exists today. At that time, unlike the Land of the Soviets, every third American with an average income could afford to buy a car - so this business quickly flourished. Very soon, the system of car pawnshops was appreciated in Europe. But on the territory of Russia, such organizations appeared relatively recently - 10-12 years ago - and for the first time they were located exclusively on the territory of Moscow and St. Petersburg. In recent years, car pawnshops have been popping up all over the place, and now exist in almost every city, helping car owners get out of difficult financial situations with the help of their four-wheeled friends.

Choosing a car pawnshop

In some cases, the main source of profit is the interest that the client pays for the amount received on the security of the car. Sometimes these are fines that the car pawnshop imposes on its customers for late payments - such organizations issue 60-70%.

Or maybe this is the profit received by the auto pawnshop from the sale of an unredeemed vehicle. In this case, the car pawnshop gives out a small amount (no more than 50% of the market value) and sets the maximum percentage of payments, hoping that the borrower will not be able to pay off the loan and the car can be sold (naturally for one hundred percent value). car pawnshop - the main "bread" of these institutions.

Please note that it will be safest to trust a car pawnshop, the main profit of which consists of interest paid by borrowers. Such pawnshops give out the maximum amount of the value of your car at low interest rates, hoping that the client will cope with the payments. Their activity is aimed at attracting a large number of customers, from which the profit is formed. The annual interest rate does not exceed 4-7%, and occasionally it can even reach 3% of annual payments from the amount issued on security.

At the same time, it is worth noting that car pawnshops of this kind conduct the most detailed check of the borrower, unlike the others.

After the borrower - he gets back his car. Although for those motorists who cannot imagine life “without wheels”, there is an option for auto pledge, in which the car remains with the borrower for the entire loan repayment period. Of course, in this case, the interest on the loan becomes much higher, which you should also remember and correctly calculate your financial capabilities.

Mandatory check of the car and the borrower

In order for a vehicle to be accepted by a pawnshop as collateral, there are a number of conditions. The first of them is the liquidity of the car - in case of a trouble-free sale of it by a pawnshop, if the borrower is unable to repay the loan. You will be given a loan for a domestically produced car only if the car was produced no earlier than 2004. Foreign cars win in this sense - car pawnshops accept foreign cars with a service life of 8-10 years. Very expensive cars are reluctant to lend - this is due to the fact that they are more difficult to sell in case of non-payment of the loan.

Then - the legal "purity" of the car. Cars purchased on credit, not issued according to all the rules, stolen, or pledged in other places are not accepted as collateral. Also, cars whose VIN and other numbers do not match the provided documents are not accepted for commission.

The borrower himself, in turn, is also checked by the pawnshop for income and a permanent place of work (at the same time, phone numbers and the address of the company are specified - this information is needed by the pawnshop to call or visit the place of work of the borrower). In addition, the client's credit history is checked to determine the presence or absence of car loans and other loans taken earlier. This procedure is necessary for a correct assessment of the borrower's solvency.

If, after making all the inquiries, the client is recognized as trustworthy, the car pawnshop on the security of the car gives him the agreed amount of money.

Realization of a car by a pawnshop

When the term of the loan agreement expires, and the borrower failed to fulfill his obligations, the pawnshop satisfies its contractual requirements at the expense of the car. They don’t sell cars right away - most often it takes several months from the client’s termination of payments to the sale of the pledged vehicle.

Cars are sold through intermediaries or at special auctions (public auctions). The sale of a car at an auction is carried out at a price that includes all the costs of a car pawnshop, and usually amounts to about 60% of the market value. , the car leaves at the market price, and the seller receives interest from the transaction.

Video - car pawnshop in St. Petersburg


In conclusion, we can wish all potential customers of car pawnshops to choose the most reliable organizations with a minimum interest rate and extensive work experience. Do not rush to contact the first car pawnshop that comes across - and everything will turn out well. I wish you success!

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