Where can I pay the transport tax without a commission? Transport tax for individuals: rate, calculation, payment, terms of payment.

  • 20.10.2019

Paying taxes is the direct responsibility of every adult citizen of the Russian Federation, burdened with real estate and work. The modern rhythm of life forces people to correctly prioritize how to spend their free time. For example, to pay taxes quickly.

Previously, you had to go to the nearest branch tax office, clarify information in it regarding the amount and procedure for paying taxes, or make a request using a registered letter. It took away a large number of time and, in particular, that is why many taxpayers did not repay their debts on time. But today, thanks to the emergence of the online service "Payment for Public Services", you can pay taxes online using the TIN in just a few minutes.

How convenient is this service?

How convenient is this service?

It should be noted that pay transport tax via the Internet, however, like any other, with the help of our resource you can very quickly. Having tried once, you will no longer want to return to the "old-fashioned methods", waste time traveling to the tax office, standing in lines at the bank or directly at the department itself.

In order to get all the necessary information on how to pay tax via the Internet using our resource, just go to the required section. We developed our site, focusing primarily on visitors, therefore, in the ranking of priorities, the convenience of the navigation system and a clear interface were in the first place. This was done so that everyone could easily understand how, for example, to pay car tax online using the document index.

Pay taxes by TIN or document index

To pay a fee or a fine, you just need to fill out the form on the website, indicating the necessary information regarding the type of payment, its amount, your personal data (full name), as well as the method of transfer Money.

You can not wait for a notification to come to you, but independently check for debts by the TIN number or, if the receipt is already in hand, find the payment details by the document index.

Paying tax online in the service "" is possible both using bank card, and from your mobile phone account.

In the event that you still have questions about how to pay taxes using our resource, then you can always send a request to the support service and quickly get all the necessary information.

No receipt. What will be required for this? How realistic is the task? Understanding these issues is not as difficult as it might seem. Every taxpayer can find answers to them.

Real chances to check and pay taxes

Can I pay transport tax without a receipt? This question is asked sooner or later by every taxpayer. Especially considering the latest innovations in Russian legislation.

In fact, every citizen has many ways to pay taxes. And this does not always require a receipt. IN real life all people are able to do without the corresponding payment. How to do this will be discussed next.

Information for verification and payment

It is important to remember that people must have certain data in order to find the appropriate payment and pay for it. What is this about? How to pay transport tax without a receipt?

The following information may be useful to bring your idea to life:

  • TIN of a citizen;
  • passport data;
  • SNILS taxpayer;
  • information about the vehicle (state or VIN number).

All this information is necessary to find the appropriate payment in a particular case. Directly to pay the tax, you must take the details of the organization to which the funds are transferred. We are talking about the regional FTS. Do not forget to indicate the amount of tax due to be paid.

Solutions to the problem

It's not a secret for anyone - recently the population of the Russian Federation has problems with obtaining receipts for paying any taxes. Therefore, we have to think about how to do without them. In some cases (if you have a profile on "State Services"), receipts are not sent to the citizen at all. This is normal.

How to pay transport tax without a receipt? To date, there are the following methods:

  • request a receipt from the tax office and make a payment at the cash desk of any bank;
  • deposit money through payment terminals (bank, tax) or ATMs;
  • use the service "Payment of public services";
  • close the debt using the website "Gosuslugi";
  • deposit funds through Internet banking;
  • pay car tax through electronic payments.

Nothing difficult or incomprehensible. More details about paying taxes on a car will be discussed later. Before that, one more question needs to be clarified.

How to find out the payment amount

Namely - how to find out the amount of transport tax? If a citizen has a payment receipt, then it indicates the exact amount of payment. The absence of an appropriate document forces one to reflect on the question asked.

Fortunately, the answer is not too difficult. How to find out the amount of transport tax? You can call the Federal Tax Service (or apply in person) to provide relevant information. Or use any method of payment / verification of transport tax. Some options involve searching for the amount of the payment. For example, if you work with "Gosuslugi".

Usually, all methods of checking the transport tax provide for an indication of the amount of payment. This must be remembered by every citizen. But in practice, one usually encounters either work with the State Services portal, or an appeal to the tax service at the place of registration of a citizen.

Working with public services

And now a little more about how to pay transport tax without a receipt and find out the exact amount of payment. In Russia, many users have a profile on "Gosuslugah". Such citizens do not receive payment receipts by default. They will have to pay the state without this paper.

How to bring the task to life? To use the Portal "Gosuslugi", you need:

  1. Go to the gosuslugi.ru website. Get authorized on it. If previously a citizen did not have a profile on the service, he will have to register. Further actions are allowed after account activation. The process takes about 14-15 days.
  2. Go to the section "Services" - "FTS".
  3. Find the item "Free information". Click on the appropriate line and click on "Get service".
  4. View search results. The transport tax will be signed. Click on "Pay" next to the required payment.
  5. Select the type of deposit. Today, payment by credit card is popular.
  6. Click on the image of the bank that serves the plastic.
  7. Enter the card number and expiration date to confirm the payment.

This concludes the work with the portal "Gosuslugi". The transport tax by TIN is searched for without any problems in this way. If there is no individual taxpayer number in the user profile, the citizen will not be informed free of charge.


It should be noted that the bulk of services for checking and paying any taxes work with TIN. Without it, it is now very problematic to bring the task to life. To convince the reliability of this fact, you should consider a few more options for paying and checking taxes.

When working with electronic wallets, you will need:

  1. Pass authorization in a particular electronic wallet. There must be cash on the balance sheet, otherwise it will not be possible to pay the tax.
  2. Go to "Services". Select "Check your taxes" or "Check your taxes". Internet banking has similar services.
  3. The transport tax by TIN is searched for without much difficulty. It is enough to check the box "search method - by TIN", then dial the appropriate number.
  4. Click on the "Find" button.
  5. Select vehicle tax. He will be signed.
  6. Click on "Pay".

It is proposed to act in a similar way when working with Internet banking. For example, when paying and searching for tax through Sberbank Online or Tinkoff Online.

Will work with the service without a receipt be slightly different? For this it is enough:

  1. Open home page site www.oplatagosuslug.ru.
  2. Select "Tax Debts" at the top of the page.
  3. Check the box "By TIN".
  4. Enter the individual taxpayer number in the designated field.
  5. Click on "Find", then - on "Pay".
  6. Select the type of deposit - by card or e-wallet.
  7. Specify data from bank plastic or wallet.
  8. Confirm payment.

In reality, everything is not as difficult as it might seem. The main thing is that you can act in the same way when working with most Internet services that offer verification of tax debts.

Check without payment

From now on, it is clear how the transport tax is paid by individuals if they do not have a receipt. In some cases, a citizen simply wants to make sure that there are no debts. This can be done using the official page of the Federal Tax Service of the Russian Federation.

To find out about the presence of any tax debt, it is recommended:

  1. Go to tax.ru
  2. Pass authorization in the "Personal Account". You must first register.
  3. Find the "Tax Checker" or "Check Your Taxes" service.
  4. Check out the results.

To date, the page of the Federal Tax Service of the Russian Federation provides for the possibility of paying off any tax debt online. Previously, there was no such function.

You can pay various administrative or taxes on the Public Services Portal. You can also pay the transport tax online quickly.

First you need to register on this portal. It is almost indistinguishable from its counterparts on other sites. You only need to confirm the registration using the code that will be sent to your phone in the form of SMS.

The advantage of this portal is that you can get a lot of additional information about the car. To pay transport tax on this service, you need to follow these instructions:

  • log in (enter username and password)
  • in the sub-item "Authorities" you need to select "FTS"
  • by going to this section, you need to read the topmost item - "Free information"
  • in the section with a description of the function, you need to select the "Get a service" button
  • after that, the system will start searching for the transport tax (if it is overdue, it will issue an amount that will include a percentage of the penalty)
  • after the found data is displayed on the screen, you can start paying the transport tax

An indisputable advantage of the State Services Portal is that there you can find a lot of useful and up-to-date information that may be useful to the taxpayer. Also, this service provides an opportunity to pay the transport tax online very quickly (up to 15 minutes).

How to pay tax without a receipt

The tax service is not always able to send a notification to the taxpayer in time. In the case of moving to another place and registering a car there, time must pass before the tax office sends a receipt to the owner of the car.

And everything would be fine, but there are cases when it is very necessary to pay transport tax. For example, if you urgently need to go abroad. Then you can take the following actions:

  • make tax calculations yourself and send the required amount through Sberbank
  • go to the website of the tax office and find out the amount of tax there
  • pay through the Public Services Portal
  • there is a document function on the website of the Federal Tax Service - with its help you can download and print a receipt yourself
  • if it is not possible to use the Internet, then you need to personally come to the tax office and get the necessary document there

If the receipt has not arrived, and the owner of the car has not done anything, then he will face fines in the amount of 20 percent of the total amount of the debt. If the taxpayer resists paying the fee, the court will begin to collect it. In any case, the state will withdraw this amount from the salary.

Other payment methods

The Tax Inspectorate is constantly developing and has already reached the level that it is possible to pay tax bills on its website.

This service allows its customers to create a document with payment data that can be printed out. It can also be used to pay online. And with the help of a paper receipt, the tax can be paid at any bank branch.

If the client of the tax office decides to pay the transport tax directly on the site, then he will first need to create his own . Only after that it will be possible to authorize on the site and make a payment.

In the office on the website of the tax service, you can independently monitor your debts. To find out the amount of payment of transport and other taxes, you will not need to wait for a notification.

If you can’t register in the office or there is another reason, you can always contact the local tax office. The specialist will help you write an application so that, with the permission of the taxpayer, the tax service will calculate those payments that he must make to the budget.

You can pay transport tax in several ways. But how would the taxpayer not pay for his main thing is to do it on time and in full.

Write your question in the form below

As a client of Sberbank, it is more familiar and convenient for me to use not a terminal, but SBOL. I went to the Personal Account, selected the desired section, entered the amount, confirmed the operation by SMS - and you're done.

To answer

It's good that now they have come up with such convenient payment systems for taxpayers - no queues, no hassle. Now you can easily pay at any time, without even leaving your home.

To answer

Payment through the website of the State Services the best way. All information on the owner and the car can be viewed. Smart site and easy to understand. I have used it many times for various services. Even driver's license restored with it. I really like his work.

To answer

Right! Like many in the comments, I also pay through public services, which is convenient and everything is immediately visible there, the tax itself, what it was issued for, and the terms of payment. I think it's better than going to the terminal or Sberbank.

To answer

When purchasing a car, a modern car owner often thinks about its usefulness and comfort, forgetting that after registering a vehicle, it is necessary to pay tax. The regional tax office to which the registered vehicle belongs will calculate the transport tax for it for a specific individual. Completed tax documents - notifications - are sent by mail once a year. The two payments indicate the amount of tax and the timing of its payment. Since 2014, you can pay the tax at the place of residence of the owner of the car.

Check your personal data (TIN, last name, first name, patronymic, etc.) in the notification and payment received. Check the correctness of filling in all the details of the regional tax service, its address. Recalculate the final vehicle tax amount. If everything is filled out correctly and the final tax amount is correct, cut out both pay stubs along the cut lines. You can pay a tax receipt at any nearest bank that can provide the service of paying a tax receipt for a motor vehicle. After completing the payment at the bank's cash desks, do not forget to take a second copy of the payment for yourself. Do not throw away the tax receipt, if the bank fails to complete the payment operation, you will have proof in your hands - a payment receipt.

You can pay the transport tax through the self-service terminal. Payment is made in cash or debited from a bank card. Enter the ATM menu and select the line "Payments" ("Regional payments"), then go to the item "Taxes" ("Regional taxes"). The payment account number is indicated in the payment - enter it in the appropriate field. Using an ATM equipped with a barcode reader, you can pay the tax in another way - just swipe the barcode of the receipt on the reading field of the terminal. After completing the tax payment operation, receive and save the printout of the payment document issued by the ATM.

You can pay the tax using a computer through Internet banking. To do this, you must already be a user of your personal account on the Sberbank website or register. Sign in to Sberbank Online and enter your username and password. Find the "Payments" menu on the page, then the "Taxes" sub-item. Make a payment with a bank card and save the received payment document. The payment must be stamped by the bank. If you have a printer, print the receipt and save it.

If within a year you have not received a notice of payment of vehicle tax, then you need to contact your tax office. Here you write an application, you must attach documents confirming that you are the owner of the registered vehicle. Please note that the absence of a vehicle tax notice in mailbox is not a valid reason for non-payment of tax. Every conscientious car owner is interested in his timely payment.

When calculating the amount of tax on a vehicle, the brand of car, its age, engine size, toxicity level and other indicators are taken into account. When replacing the engine in a car service, transfer the new data to your tax office to adjust the tax base and recalculate the amount of tax. Remember that late payment of transport tax will result in penalties. Transport tax is not charged if the car is stolen, for the entire period of its absence from the car owner. To do this, pass the certificate received from the traffic police to the tax office.

It is no secret that in addition to the cost of operating a car, a heavy burden on the shoulders of a Russian motorist is the payment of taxes to the state treasury in the form of a transport fee. The amount of this tax is calculated by the regional authorities (by status this fee is regional), and the deductions collected from each vehicle owner should be used to improve the transport infrastructure (repair the region's road networks). Today we will talk about the features of this tax and how to pay it.

First of all, let's deal with who is obliged to pay transport tax and to what extent. According to the law, all owners of vehicles officially registered with the traffic police are persons who are required to annually donate their hard-earned money to the treasury accounts of regional structures responsible for collecting the transport tax. Moreover, drivers whose cars are not used, for example, due to a serious breakdown or old age, are not exempted from paying the transport fee - since the car is not deregistered, you need to pay tax on it. The car enthusiast who sold his car according to the law is not exempt from this tax burden: according to the law, he still remains the owner of the vehicle, therefore, the one to whom the car is registered will have to pay for the “iron horse”. The exception is stolen vehicles, and this circumstance must be confirmed by the relevant documents of law enforcement agencies.

The Transport Tax Act assumes that the rates for it are calculated depending on the engine power of the car. In addition, in accordance with the order of the Ministry of Industry and Trade of March 5, 2014, owners of cars of prestigious brands (from Aston Martin DB 9 to Volkswagen Touareg), which include 187 models, will pay an increased transport fee - the so-called luxury tax .

Since this tax is regional, some regions Russian Federation set their own tax rates. Thus, the transport fee of a resident of Moscow will differ in size from that of a driver whose vehicle is registered in St. Petersburg or Nizhny Novgorod. For example, on average in Russia, the rate of transport tax for a car with an engine with a power of up to 100 horsepower is 2 rubles 50 kopecks per 1 "horse". In Moscow, for a car with an engine of the same power, its owner will pay 12 rubles per horsepower, in St. Petersburg - 24 rubles, and in the Nizhny Novgorod region - 13 rubles 50 kopecks.

The transport tax must be paid by the direct owner of the car and, importantly, at the location of the vehicle. That is, if you bought and registered a car in Tambov, and now you live in Apatity, then you do not need to go to Tambov to pay tax - this can be done at a new place of registration. Of course, if you, as required by the rules for registering the vehicle, deregistered in Tambov and registered with the MREO Apatit. If for some reason you didn’t do this and evaded paying the transport tax, then when passing a technical inspection or when checking documents by a traffic police officer, you may be fined (20% of the unpaid amount of the fee, and in especially serious cases - 40% of the unpaid tax amount).

Let's say that you are a law-abiding citizen, and your car is registered at the place of your current residence. Then you should receive an email registered letter from the tax office, which will contain a tax notice on the payment of the transport fee. Please note that you do not need to sign any notification of receipt of this letter, as it will automatically be considered received six days after it was sent. We received, unpacked, read and calculated how much we would have to pay to the treasury of the region for our “iron horse”. Also in the tax notice there is a deadline for paying the fee, which is undesirable to miss. Along with the notice, the envelope must contain a tax receipt with the amount already to be paid.

You can check the correctness of the amount set using the LxSxM / G formula. In this formula, "L" is the horsepower of your car's engine, "C" is the tax rate in your area, "M" is the number of full months in a year that you owned the car, and "G" is the number of months in a calendar year (12). For example, the engine power of the car is 100 hp, the rate is 12 rubles, and you owned the car for 5 months out of 12. We get the following equation: 100x12x5/12=500 rubles. If you do not agree with the specified amount (for example, it includes a debt for the past year, which is actually not there, or is not counted tax credit), then you can write a formal objection (the tax authorities also put its form in an envelope), where you indicate all the circumstances for which, in your opinion, the amount of the fee should be less than the amount set. Then put this form in an envelope and send it to the appropriate tax authority. If your objections are justified, then the tax office is obliged to recalculate the amount of the transport fee and send you a new notice of payment, which you can pay at any bank branch or by mail.

Note that for each region a different list of benefits for transport tax can be established. For example, according to the law adopted in 2008 by the Moscow City Duma, Heroes are exempt from paying this fee. Soviet Union and Russia, veterans of the Great patriotic war, disabled people of the first and second groups, as well as other categories of citizens. A list of all categories that may be exempt from paying this tax can be found on the website of the Federal Tax Service.

Let us clarify that from 2015 it will become mandatory to independently notify the owner of the vehicle about the presence of a car, the place of its registration, engine power, and so on - if in due date a citizen of the Russian Federation will not receive a tax notice by mail. This norm is introduced by the law “On Amendments to Parts One and Two tax code of the Russian Federation and certain legislative acts of the Russian Federation”, which was adopted by the State Duma on April 2, 2014. That is, this year, vehicle owners can still expect to receive a receipt from the fiscal authority by mail before deadline(December 31 of the year following the expired tax period). But in the next, if the notification is not sent, and the car owners themselves do not submit the above information to the tax office, they will face a fine in the amount of 20% of the transport tax due.

Now - directly about how you can pay the transport tax in Russia. There are several payment methods.

  1. At any branch of the Russian Post. It's simple: come to the post office with a completed tax notice, fill out a receipt in which you need to indicate the amount and purpose of payment, then deposit money into the cashier. Make a copy of the received receipt stub, keep it for yourself, and put the original in an envelope and send it along with the tax notice to your tax office. If you do not trust Russian Post, you can take the receipt to the tax office yourself.
  2. In a branch of the Savings Bank of the Russian Federation or any other bank that has entered into an agreement on the collection of tax payments with the Federal Tax Service. The list of banks can be found on the website of the tax service. You can make a payment both at the bank's cash desk by filling out a receipt, and through the terminal. In addition, you can pay the transport tax through the Internet service of your bank (for example, Alfa-Click).
  3. Through the website of the Federal Tax Service (https://service.nalog.ru). You need to register on this site to gain access to Personal Area, through which the owner of the vehicle will always be notified about what taxes and in what time frame he should pay. After registering and entering your personal account, we will see the amount that needs to be paid. We put a “tick” in front of the amount, select the payment option “cashless payment”. We will see a line in which there are banners of banks with which the tax service has concluded a cooperation agreement. Choose the bank whose card you have. Next, a page with a payment form will open, in which all the necessary data will be automatically entered. Click "pay", enter the card details (CVV2/CVC2/CID number and code), submit the form. A notification about the successful payment of the transport tax will appear on the website, and on your mobile phone You will receive an SMS with payment notification. You can also print a receipt from the site and keep it as proof of the transaction. If you do not have a card of banks with which the tax office cooperates, payment can be made through a qiwi wallet (if you do not have one, you should get it). You can find out how to do this on the resource website https://qiwi.com.