Good mood club - funny greetings, songs, jokes, anecdotes. Video jokes and comic congratulations for a mobile phone

  • 16.12.2020

Toast to Love for Valentine's Day

My toast to love:
She turns poison into honey.
And from iron creates gold.
She is given to heal the sick.
She makes wine from vinegar.

I want the world to not know screams
So that the mournful groan was not heard,
I want people to forget
Screams born of the horror of wars.
My toast: to always be distributed
The loud cries of newborns.
My toast: to sound in the world
Only songs of happy, songs of lovers

You are like spring, bright and good.
Everything is perfect - body and soul.
You gave me the radiance of the day and light in the night.
Let me give you my love and drink for you.

My toast is to wives - not only at this hour.
For them, lovely, sweet, dear!
For them to appreciate us
And raised us in the eyes of others!

On Valentine's Day, the holiday of all lovers,
I wish you happy victories
Be happy, healthy and cheerful
Forgetting the hardships of all past years.
Stay kind, gentle and sweet,
May your dreams come true.
And always be so unique
And in dishes, and in habits, and in love!

"An intelligent person can be in love like a madman, but not like a fool," wrote La Rochefoucauld. So let's drink to crazy love!

As Goethe said: A fool who has fallen in love is much more stupid: And he will give the sun, and the moon, and the stars For fireworks, beauty for fun! So let's drink to loving men!

The happiness of love is in action, love is tested by the willingness to do something for others. Let's be ready!

The chicken runs away from the rooster and thinks: "Catch up - I won't give up." The rooster runs and thinks: "I won't catch up, but I'll get warm." Let's drink to the fact that among us there are no roosters and hens with such conservative thinking!

Let's drink to a phenomenon that, shortening the life of each person individually, prolongs it for all of humanity as a whole. Let's drink to love!

The love of a young woman is like new wine - tart, unseasoned, intoxicating. The love of an aged woman is like old wine - aged, with a bouquet, intoxicating. All women are beautiful. For your love!

They say that first a person must study the theory, and then gain practice. In love, the opposite is true: they become theorists when all the practice has already ended. So let's drink to the fact that theory never breaks away from practice!

They threw the dog into the lion's cage. He wanted to eat it, but decided to play first. Played and fell in love. And the dog began to live with the lion drunk. So let's drink to love at first sight, capable of working miracles!

They say that a giant who does not know love will not even reach the waist of an ordinary man in love. Love is uplifting. Let's raise a glass to the sublime love that raises us to heaven!

Let's drink, friends, to the women who adorn our lives like flowers. Let's drink to the men who, like gardeners, take care of these flowers!

A journalist comes to one of the collective farms and sees that three old men are sitting at the collective farm board in deep thought. - What are you thinking about, grandfathers? the journalist asks. They answer him: - When a baby is born. God descends to earth, and if he kisses the baby on the forehead, then a scientist will come out of it, if on the lips - a singer, if on the hands - an artist, if on the feet - a dancer. And here we are sitting and thinking, well, where did he kiss our collective farm chairman? So let's drink to men and women whose divine kisses give birth to love!

For those who love once - and for life, for us to learn to love like this, and so that the first - only love does not have the bitterness of late autumn. "We all loved a little: someone and somehow ..." There is no greater joy in a successful marriage than remembering the first unsuccessful love. For the first failures that lead to future victories!

Love leads through deserts And through mountain ranges, And it does not get cold in the wind, And it is not afraid of heights. For the fact that we care about blood, My toast, of course, is for love!

When a man and a woman meet, then it comes to the law of universal gravitation. When a man and a woman diverge, it comes to the laws of opposition. So let's drink to the laws of love, thanks to which people meet who discover other laws!

Life with love is always Welded together by unbreakable threads. They are one without the other Not a second to bloom, not a moment. Life is interrupted - And then the end of love comes, Here is the eternal law, Destined for all generations. I propose to raise glasses and drink For the unity of life and love!

Night, moon... He and She. He said yes, she said no. Years passed. Night, moon... He and She. She said yes, he said yes. But the possibilities were not the same. So let's drink for timeliness in everything!

A good fellow rides on a Zhiguli. He sees a toad sitting by the road. She raises her paw and says in a human voice: "Have pity on me, good fellow, take me away from here." The young man had a good heart, he took the toad in the car. Stopped at his house: "Get out!" And the toad asks again: "Let me live in your garden!" - "Live!" The guy waved his hand. He entered the house and made the bed. The toad jumped onto the windowsill and again asks: "Let me into the room!" - "Okay, jump!" the young man agreed. The toad jumped onto the bed and turned into a beautiful naked girl. Our young man lost his tongue, and at that time his wife entered the room ... So let's drink to the tales that we inspire to tell our wives !!!

Three people argued about what love is. One said: - Love is a flower that grows from a seed accidentally dropped by the wind into fertile soil, blossoms beautifully, but fades very quickly and is not resistant to the vicissitudes of the climate ... The second said: - Love is a drink that you pour yourself into a glass and you can drink for a long time in small sips, savoring it, or you can drink it greedily in large sips, but still you will inevitably see the bottom at some point ... And the third said: - Love is love: it is random and regular, momentary and eternal. .. And everyone was amazed at the beauty and wisdom of his words. Let's raise our glasses to love!

No pretense and tricks can neither hide love where it is, nor show it where it is not ... So let's drink to true feelings!

Toasts for love on Valentine's Day 2019

M Oh, a toast, of course, to love!

Who loves how?
Cook - hot; firefighter - fiery; photographer - instantly; confectioner - sweet; lawyer - eloquently; attendant - hot; accountant - prudently; student - platonically; sprinter - swiftly; doctor - deadly; a madman loves madly, but a fool like me loves faithfully and deeply.
For foolish love!

L love is everywhere through the desert
And through the mountain ranges,
And in the wind she does not get cold,
And not afraid of heights.
For the fact that we care about blood,
My toast, of course, is to love!

V let's drink to make the tables burst with abundance, and the beds - with love!

O once a lecturer was asked: "What is love?"
“If a young man asks,” the lecturer answered him, “I tell him:
"Wait, you'll find out."
If an old man asks this question, I will answer him: "Remember!"
If a middle-aged man is interested in this, I can only feel sorry for him.
Friends, pity humiliates a person!
Let's not ask this stupid question.
Love and be loved!

R flower of love - Here is our reward.
I drink my full rog for her.
In love, the mountain is a barrier,
Like a small stone at the feet.
And a pearl tablecloth!
After all, if the shark grinned at him,
In the sea underwater kingdom
He wouldn't find anything.
The shepherd, being afraid of wolves, cannot
Let's grow your...
Love multiplies our courage.
That's why I drink!

G They say that first love kills boredom, and then boredom kills love. Let's drink so that boring love does not meet on our way!

V Let's drink for wanting to love, and there was money!

Let only love rule the world

Inspired by a high feeling,
Sometime in the old days
Someone came up with Valentine's Day
Without knowing then
What will be your favorite day?
The desired holiday of the year,
What a Happy Valentine's Day
He will be named with respect.
Smiles and flowers everywhere
In love, confessions again and again ...
So let a miracle happen for everyone -
Let only love rule the world!

V let's drink to the greatest and only
and a kind of phenomenon that shortens life
to each person individually and extends
to all mankind as a whole...
It seems to me that everyone has already guessed! For love!

L Love is one, but there are thousands of fakes for it.
So let's drink to true love!

What is love?

This is such a sweet, bitter, exciting, eternal, bastard, bright, high, exhausting, funny, stupid, tragic and beautiful thing that one day is not enough for, even if it is St. Valentine. If you're lucky, it takes your whole life. So let us be lucky!!!

W and us, for our union! To our family feast!

You tell me: winter. And I'll say love
And joy, and flowers, and Valentine's Day.
What happiness gives us, let it happen again,
And I give you a verse, where, as if in a picture,
All fates and dreams, where are our two souls,
Visible from afar, where the sun shines brightly.
We have one love, but life-long,
Like a bird in the blue, light and serene.
We will not call to ourselves either the wind or sadness,
And we invite peace, comfort and silence.
Luck will never let go from home,
And keep the dream as one song
About the fact that we are together, today, tomorrow - everywhere!
About the fact that you and I are not afraid of this world,
As long as the fire burns, as long as we love each other!
For us, for our union! To our family feast!

TO As the German philosopher Gottfried Leibniz said:
"To love is to find in the happiness of another one's own happiness."
Let's make each other happy!

L love of all ages is submissive,
As the wise classic said.
So let Cupid be nimble between us
Flutters, sparing no wings.

So let's undress him
Hearts, beautifully speaking, -
Let them cripple them with arrows.
Maybe not in vain, maybe not in vain.

W three people argued about what love is.
One said:
- Love is a flower that grows from a seed accidentally dropped by the wind into fertile soil, blooming beautifully, but very quickly fading and unstable to the vicissitudes of the climate ...
The second one said:
- Love is a drink that you pour yourself into a glass and you can drink it in small sips for a long time, savoring it, or you can drink it greedily in big sips, but still inevitably at some point you will see the bottom ...
And the third one said:
- Love is love: it is random and regular, it is momentary and eternal...
And everyone was amazed at the beauty and wisdom of his words.
Let's raise our glasses to love!

I love everyone in the world

I found out that I have
There is a huge bug!
I walk with her around the world
And I love this and that
Olya, Tanya, Ksyusha, Luda,
I'll be with Vasilis tomorrow.
And Oksana and Svetlana
And I'm making plans for Yulia
And Lariska and Angela
And Katyusha in between times
Veronica, Anya, Zhenya,
Even though she's in position
And Polina and Barbara
And boss Tamara,
Baba Klava, Baba Zina
And Danila and Georgian
And my dog ​​Glashka
And a cat and a turtle
And the path and the forest,
In the field, every spikelet
All living, non-living -
This is all mine, dear!
I love everyone in the world -
Here is my concept!

R I'll tell you a beautiful love story:
On one side stands a girl, on the other a horseman.
So let's drink to the future!

For my necessary!

Be calm, my delicate,
Timidly loving and beloved,
You are my fragrant autumn,
Gently sad, necessary...
Only in you I find healing.
For my necessary!

R the Lord divided us in half,
So we are looking for each other around the world.
Maybe we'll meet here, maybe there
We can go around the whole planet.
'Cause love is a gift, it's a passion
This is the flash of a flying comet,
With her involuntarily fall into the abyss,
With adoration in the eyes to look blindly.
It's hard for us to live without her
Yes, in fact we are all selfish,
We can't love anyone
Fill your life with meaning.
So we roam and back and forth,
Closing your eyes in despair
When will love find us
We are already tired of wandering.
I raise a tall glass
For the love that we all deserve
As Saint Valentine would say:

L there is no cure for love! So let's drink for us, terminally ill with love!

B the sun came out without a veil,
February became weak at heart, -
exchanged his chervonets
on medals and almonds.

On honey details,
on crazy verses...
You wouldn't give a copper
for such nonsense.

Gave away - enough for everyone
lollipops and bells.
I, my dear, have not forgotten
what love rhymes with.

I don't know rhymes better
what's up for february
just the same, just the same...
So like "I love you!"

P mouth everything passes by, okromya intimacy! For love!

W and love! And who can not, then for friendship!

Toast about love

They say love is not verbose,
Suffer, think, understand.
It's all conditional, I think.
We are people, we are not carp.
And if you really want
So that the head is spinning with happiness,
Speak, speak, speak
The best words!

T Ost beautiful And all-powerful, He, of course, for love, Passionately exciting Our souls, our blood.

WITH What begins the love of a man and a woman? A woman is ready to love at first sight, and a man at the first opportunity.
So let's drink to your views giving us more opportunities.

F I wish you lots and lots of happiness
A piece of blue sky
And in it - the desired star:
Your love, your dream!

At It's awful to die at sea from thirst, and among many beautiful girls - from unrequited love.
So let's drink to quench our thirst with love in a timely manner!

W I eat all day today
aspens, pines, maples.
How merry my love is!
I'm happy to be in love!
I am happy to know that you are in the world,
beautiful, dear!
Another such a dream
I don't hear and I don't know.
I wish you joy
wish you all wishes
fulfillment in destiny.
Love big, boundless.
Let sadness not come to the house,
let the sun beam laugh
you know joy by heart:
she won't turn away!
And the world is not enough for two
and eternity is so short!
For us! For the holiday and for the verse
Let's raise our glasses again!

I AM I drink to the health of the gates, where I and all the people come from!
I drink to the health of the key that rashly opens the lock of the cherished gates, where I and all the people come from!

O playing with feelings,
We are both very strange
Already reached the end
And not crazy.
And I will not hide my desire,
I just don't know what are we waiting for? -
When in the end with you
We're still going crazy!

TO as Stendhal said:
"Love is the only passion that pays with the same coin that it mints itself."
So let's drink to our mints working at full capacity and producing only full-weight gold ducats!


F silt in the world dragon. He ate only virgins
So let's drink to the fact that he flew to us and died of hunger!


H so that there is no war and snoring towards the wall!

Toast to the beloved

You are charming like a seagull, Graceful like a gazelle, Appetizing like a cod, Fragrant like Chanel. You intoxicate like Amaretto, Like cognac Napoleon, Like a flaming summer, Like rock and roll... For you I drink a glass of wine to the bottom!

The flowering of love - Here is our reward.
I drink my full rog for her.
In love, the mountain is a barrier,
Like a small stone at the feet.
And a pearl tablecloth!
After all, if the shark grinned at him,
In the sea underwater kingdom
He wouldn't find anything.
The shepherd, being afraid of wolves, cannot
Let's grow your...
Love multiplies our courage.
That's why I drink!

Toast to love on Valentine's Day

Inspired by a high feeling,
Sometime in the old days
Someone came up with Valentine's Day
Without knowing then
What will be your favorite day?
The desired holiday of the year,
What a Happy Valentine's Day
He will be named with respect.
Smiles and flowers everywhere
In love, confessions again and again ...
So let a miracle happen for everyone -
Let only love rule the world!

Darling! Everything is shameful without you:
Moon and stars, midnight and dawn...
And even the sun shines on me sadly,
When you are not by my side.
So let only happiness accompany you
Good luck will overshadow you with a wing.
And may my love, hope and participation
Protect and protect your home.

Toast for Valentine's Day

For you, my love!

Be calm, my delicate,
Timidly loving and beloved,
You are my fragrant autumn,
Gently sad, necessary...
Only in you I find healing.
For my necessary!

Happy Valentine's Day Toast

They say love is not verbose,
Suffer, think, understand.
It's all conditional, I think.
We are people, we are not carp.
And if you really want
So that the head is spinning with happiness,
Speak, speak, speak
The best words!

Valentine's Day

You sing - and the stars melt
Like kisses on the lips.
Look - heaven is playing
In your divine eyes
You go - and all your movements,
Actions all and all traits
So full of feelings and expressions
So full of wondrous simplicity!
Fate handed you to me, dear,
And I don't know a better gift!

For our love!

Let the bad weather rustle separation
There is no stronger bond in the world -
In the palace of love, nature itself
Blessed our eternal union.

Valentine's Day Toast

On Valentine's Day
you came home drunk
all gloomy, with a sour mine,
I was waiting for you with a salary.
You said that I am a cow
that the apartment smells of dog
and left with friends again
on Valentine's Day!
You made a face like a rat
dispersed the mud with his hands
and peed in the aquarium
on Valentine's Day.
And let the West not tease us,
making critters out of us.
No, this is not a Russian holiday -
Valentine's Day!

Valentine's Day Toast

Kind and gentle
Smart and pretty...
You were created
Nature is amazing
Like a fairy tale, like a song
Like a mountain stream
fast, clean,
Free, nobody.
So be healthy
And full of happiness!
In my heart
You are the only one!

You tell me: winter. And I'll say love
And joy, and flowers, and Valentine's Day.
What happiness gives us, let it happen again,
And I give you a verse, where, as if in a picture,
All fates and dreams, where are our two souls,
Visible from afar, where the sun shines brightly.
We have one love, but life-long,
Like a bird in the blue, light and serene.
We will not call to ourselves either the wind or sadness,
And we invite peace, comfort and silence.
Luck will never let go from home,
And keep the dream as one song
About the fact that we are together, today, tomorrow - everywhere!
About the fact that you and I are not afraid of this world,
As long as the fire burns, as long as we love each other!
For us, for our union! To our family feast!

What is love?
This is such a sweet, bitter, exciting, eternal, bastard, bright, high, exhausting, funny, stupid, tragic and beautiful thing that one day is not enough for, even if it is St. Valentine. If you're lucky, it takes your whole life. So let us be lucky!!!

I found out that I have
There is a huge bug!
I walk with her around the world
And I love this and that
Olya, Tanya, Ksyusha, Luda,
I'll be with Vasilis tomorrow.
And Oksana and Svetlana
And I'm making plans for Yulia
And Lariska and Angela
And Katyusha in between times
Veronica, Anya, Zhenya,
Even though she's in position
And Polina and Barbara
And boss Tamara,
Baba Klava, Baba Zina
And Danila and Georgian
And my dog ​​Glashka
And a cat and a turtle
And the path and the forest,
In the field, every spikelet
All living, non-living -
This is all mine, dear!
I love everyone in the world -
Here is my concept!

Valentine's Day Toast

I whisper all day today
aspens, pines, maples.
How merry my love is!
I'm happy to be in love!
I am happy to know that you are in the world,
beautiful, dear!
Another such a dream
I don't hear and I don't know.
I wish you joy
wish you all wishes
fulfillment in destiny.
Love big, boundless.
Let sadness not come to the house,
let the sun beam laugh
you know joy by heart:
she won't turn away!
And the world is not enough for two
and eternity is so short!
For us! For the holiday and for the verse
Let's raise our glasses again!

Toast to love on Valentine's Day

Love is everywhere through the desert
And through the mountain ranges,
And in the wind she does not get cold,
And not afraid of heights.
For the fact that we care about blood,
My toast, of course, is to love!

Quite a bit is left before Valentine's Day (Valentine's Day), so it's time to think about how you will congratulate your beloved husband, wife, boyfriend, girlfriend, classmates, classmates, friends, acquaintances, colleagues and all Valentines and Valentines on this holiday .

To do this, I have selected for you the best congratulations on Valentine's Day (Valentine's Day) in poetry and prose, many of which are even suitable for sending SMS, as well as beautiful and humorous toasts.

Congratulations on Valentine's Day:

Fate commanded me to be yours,
And you can't say "no" to her.
I am yours as long as you love me
One year or a thousand years.
I'm yours while you wait for me
As long as you mourn me.
I want to give you so much of myself
As many as there can be!

I can wait for you for a long time
Long, long, and true.
I can't even sleep at night
Day and two and the whole year, probably
Let the leaves of the calendar
Will fly around like foliage from the garden
Just to know that everything is not in vain,
What do you really need...

Years will pass. And the waves will crash.
In the darkness, like birds, love will hide,
And I'll say: "What happiness is,
That I am with you on the same planet.

The old legend lives on
And I believe that it is undeniable.
We need a story like this
So that once a year, on Valentine's Day
I could confess my love to you:
You are not better on earth

Inspired by a high feeling,
Sometime in the old days
Someone came up with Valentine's Day
Without knowing then
What will be your favorite day?
The desired holiday of the year,
What a Happy Valentine's Day
He will be named with respect.
Smiles and flowers everywhere
In love, confessions again and again ...
So let a miracle happen for everyone -
Let only love rule the world!

I send a valentine
In the form of my heart.
But take a closer look at the picture -
There you will find yours.
After all, there are miracles:
There was a heart, there were two.

My beloved,
Happy Valentine's Day, I congratulate
You: you are the most dear to me,
There is no favorite, never will be.
Saint Valentine is honored by the Earth,
The planet has gone crazy with love
And I go, wanting only you.
My love, save me soon!

There are many wishes in the world
Do not count them all.
I just congratulate you
I love it the way it is.
Be beautiful all the time
Both soul and self.
Be loved all the time
Both winter and spring.
Do not bow rowan,
If there is trouble.
Be happy all the time
On this day and always.

Today there is a special reason
So that every person lives with love:
'Cause Valentine's Day has come
So you deserve recognition.

I wish you hot love
And so that all your dreams come true.
To live this day without knowing worries,
And flowers bloomed in my soul

Love is like magic
And passion is an incredible fairy tale.
On Valentine's Day I want
Wishing you love and affection

So that tenderness enters your life
And settled in it forever
So that joy, sincerity come,
Love itself fell in love with you!

May this day be beautiful
Pleasantly exciting the blood
Wonderful light breeze
Love will live forever

valentine's hour
Today on the ground struck.
Let our love bloom
To love each neighbor.

On Valentine's Day
To all who love and are loved,
Who knew insults, tears,
For those who believe in fairy tales, dreams,
Who is warmed by the light of love,
To you, sung by poets,
Gentle, thin and vulnerable,
The best, the sweetest -
My delight and admiration.
Accept congratulations!

Valentine's Day gave
We once Valentine.

Although many years have passed
There are no barriers to love.

Regularly, once a year
On a clear day, or in bad weather,

All loving planets
Mark this date.

Happiness and mutual love -
To all who love and are loved!

Be forever desired and loved by all,
Always charming, irresistible,
Let your eyes shine with happiness forever,
And in life only friends surround.

I don't like to write much
And I won't write words
And I'll write only two words
"I love" and "I won't forget"!

May the winged god of love not bypass your threshold!

Happy Valentine's Day, I congratulate you, and I want that on your road, there is no end, no edge for happy and joyful days.

Perhaps in this world you are just a person, but for someone you are the whole world.

I asked God for leaves, he gave me money, I asked God for a drop of water, he gave me an ocean, I asked God for an angel, he gave me you!

Today is a holiday dear. I want to confess, I'm in love: I love you so dear! Can I sacrifice: myself, the things I love, my life, everything that is around me and I don’t feel sorry, because I know that the main thing is not to lose you.

Quietly snow is falling on the stairs, it is melting, now I miss you far away, how I would like to turn into this snow and quietly descend into your palm.

Happy Valentine's Day, I hasten to congratulate you, smile more, I ask you on this day.

Valentine's Day is a special holiday. I hope my congratulations will also be special for you. On this day, everyone wishes each other love, and I want to wish you to experience a magical feeling of all-consuming passion, from which they lose their heads. It is about passion that poets compose poems, dedicate odes and ballads to it, it is about it that both young maidens and gray-haired men dream. Let it overwhelm you like a typhoon, make your heart beat faster and your eyes burn with a special light. And the most important thing is that passion with a loved one lasts for many years, because only the lucky ones manage to carry it through their whole lives. So be one of the happiest, loving faithfully and passionately!

Valentine's Day is a great occasion to tell You that I love You. Yes, I often repeat these words, but today is special - words of love are spoken today by hundreds, thousands, millions of hearts in love, the air itself seems to be saturated with a fabulous love aura. I love you. I know it, I feel it with every cell of my body, with all my soul. I love you. I pronounce these words constantly, like a mantra, sincerely believing that they protect you from everything unkind and evil, protect and help you. I love you. All the power of my feelings, desires, aspirations - in three simple words. On Valentine's Day, I say three very important words in the life of every word - I love you, and I believe that my love will be your life amulet.

Valentine's Day has become a holiday tradition for us not so long ago. And not so long ago we met. But it's good that there is such a reason - to tell you once again that I love you! I love both the holiday and the sad day. And when you laugh, and when you frown. May you have fewer reasons to frown! And I can tell you often, often that I love you, without any reason - all my life!

My dear half, my beloved little man, I have been looking for you for so long and I am very glad that we met each other! I am sure that our love will withstand any test, and even after many years we will remain just as gentle and affectionate with each other!

Beloved, this wonderful holiday came into my life with you. I could list for a long time how smart, beautiful, kind and wonderful you are. I don't know what I like about you more, and what's the difference. Only one thing matters: I love you.

I do not know if there is a number in arithmetic that would be greater than my love for you!
I do not know if there are such constants in physics that would be more constant than my love for you!
I don't know if there is a figure in geometry whose lines are more perfect than yours!
I don't know if there's a substance in chemistry that smells like your body!
I do not know if astronomy knows such a star, the brilliance of which could outshine the brilliance of your eyes!
But I know for sure that there are no words in any language to fully express my love for you!

Toast for Valentine's Day:

One person fell into that world. He walked and walked and sees: the people are crowding, the stairs to paradise are hanging.
He asks: "What's the matter, guys, that you don't press for heaven?"
“Yes,” they answer, “there is a ladder for everyone, and there are as many steps on it as there are women who loved each of us. Well, the people got stuck - some on the first, some on the second, and some didn’t budge” ...
This toast is for those who love you!

There is student love: when there is with someone, there is something, but no where.
There is a lonely love: when there is where, there is something, but there is no one with whom.
There is unhappy love: when there is where, there is with whom, but there is nothing.
There is philosophical love: when there is where, there is something, there is with whom, but why?
So let's drink to the love that each of us deserves!

The needs of the soul give birth to friendship,
needs of the mind - respect,
body needs - desire.
All three needs together give rise to true love.
Let us drink to the fact that all these needs always live in us.

Love leads through the desert
And through the mountain ranges,
And in the wind it does not get cold,
And not afraid of heights.
For the fact that we care about blood,
My toast, of course, is to love!

And for those who have read to the end - a cool poem about love :)

I found out that I have a huge bullshit! I walk with her around the world And I love this and that Olya, Tanya, Ksyusha, Lyuda, I will be Vasilisa tomorrow. And Oksana and Svetlana And I make plans for Yulia And Lariska and Angela And Katyusha in the meantime Veronika, Anya, Zhenya, Even though she is in position, And Polina and Varvara And the boss Tamara, Baba Klava, Baba Zina And Danila and the Georgian And my dog ​​Glashka And the cat and the turtle And the path and the woods, In the field every spikelet, All living, inanimate - This is all mine, dear! I love everyone in the world - Here is my concept!

Romance is good, especially today, on Valentine's Day! But there is one “but” - pouring “snot in sugar” all evening is very boring and the evening may not go in a very positive way, but this should not be allowed.

You can cheer up the lady of the heart by saying some cool toast on the topic of February 14th. Why not?

Humor and fun are almost always appropriate, but even more so here! Show yourself as the soul of the company, even though there are two of you.

It may happen that you are celebrating this holiday in the company of “bachelors” and “bachelors”, and then an excess of romance will not work. And before draining the glasses, the topic will be just funny and comic toasts about February 14 and Valentine's Day. You look and having struck someone with your eloquence, you will ensure yourself a meeting of Valentine's Day next year in a different company.

On Valentine's Day
You came home drunk
All gloomy, with a sour mine,
I was waiting for you with a salary.
You said that I am a cow
What smells like dog in the apartment
And left with friends again
On Valentine's Day!
You made a face like a rat
I dispersed the mud with my hands
And peed in the aquarium
On Valentine's Day.
And let the West not tease us,
Making critters out of us.
No, this is not a Russian holiday -
Valentine's Day!

A toast about how people of different professions love:

Who loves???
Cook - hot; fireman - fiery; photographer - instantly; confectioner - sweet; lawyer - eloquently; bath attendant - hot; accountant - prudently; student - platonically; sprinter - rapidly; doctor - deadly; a madman loves madly, but a fool like me loves faithfully and deeply.
For stupid love!

It is known that the Lord, when he made women, put a piece of sugar in each, and put two pieces in one. Since then, all men are looking for that woman in whom there are two pieces of sugar.
Let's drink to those who found it!

A toast to the love everyone deserves:

There is student love: when there is with someone, there is something, but no where.
There is a lonely love: when there is where, there is something, but there is no one with whom.
There is unhappy love: when there is where, there is with whom, but there is nothing.
There is philosophical love: when there is where, there is something, there is with whom, but why?
So let's drink to the love that each of us deserves!

Love opens the way to heaven. Don't believe? Then we read and remember the following toast:

One person fell into that world. He walked and walked and sees: the people are crowding, the stairs to paradise are hanging.
He asks: "What's the matter, men, that you don't press for heaven?"
“Yes,” they answer, “there is a ladder for everyone, and there are as many steps on it as there are women who loved each of us. Well, the people got stuck - some on the first, some on the second, and some did not budge "...
This toast is for those who love you!